8 REMARKABLE HITS FROM NEW REMEDY Amolox, the new scientific prescrip tion. will positively cure eczema, acne, pimples and all skin eruptions. It stops all itch and burning instantly. Simply apply or wash the diseased skin with this penal rating, mild, soothing solution and all agonizing itch will stop, and restless, sleepless nights will be a thing of the past. Sufferers from eczema and •ther disfiguring skin diseases, go to flay and get a bottle of Amdlox. Re member, Geo. A. Gorgas and H. C. Ken nedy and dealers everywhere will re fund vour money if Amolox doesn't do all we claim for it. Trial size 50 cents. Chronic cases that have suffered for years should use both ointment and liquid.—Adv. C. V. N MAD DUG BIT CHILD. SROT * —— Aniir.id Sunk Teeth Into Pigs and Snapped at People Before Be ing Exterminated Gettysburg, Feb. 16.—Snapping ait ev ery object in sight and biting several pigs, a white hound belonging to George Btroup, East Middle street, Shvwen signs of having rabies yesterday ind was killed soon afterward by its owner. It is known that the dog bit at least one child and that he was fighting with eight or nine dogs during the last few days. Little "Bud '' LMvCuHough, son of Dir. and Mrs. Maurice MoCuliough, East (Middle street, was bitten by the dog. JJvery precaution will be taken with the wound. IMiss McKeehan Dies at 84 Newville, Pa., Feb. 16.—Miss Nancy (McKeehan, a life-long resident of this community, died at her home on Par sonage street Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock after a lingering illness. IM'iss McKeehan was 85 years old. She was B consistent Christian and member of the United Presbyterian church. Miss [McKeehan was the last of her imme diate family. IMiss McKeehan was -a granddaugh ter of John MvKeehan, one of four brothers that came to the Cumberland "Valley at an early date. She lived in the old homestead in West Pennsboro until about forty years ago she re moved to Newville. IFire Guts Restaurant IHagerstown, Feb. 16.—The five and ten-cent lunch room of Percy Myers, in the building owned toy Fred D. Her man, Salem avenue, was gutted by fire which broke out about 1.20 o : clock yesterday morning. Miller Ruth, tele graph operator at North Junction, who "was returning to his home on Salem avenue, discovered the fire. '-'Tin Cup" Dies in Jail Carlisle, Feb. 16.—With the death yesterday at the county home of Peter Smith, an Englishman, another of the ■well-known characters who have made the vagrants' quarters at the local jail their haven for many years is miss ing. Smith was 75 years old and was a frequent visitor in all parts of the county during twenty years. Smith, sometimes known as "Tin Cup," worked for many residents of the county during the summer and stayed at the jail in winter. Aged Minister Dies Waynesboro, Feb. 16.—The Ret. IDaniel Mack Benedict, one of the most prominent ministers of the German Baptist church, died at his home in Quincv township, near Altenwald, at (.30 o'clock Sunday morning, aged 60 years. He had been in ill health for several years and was operated upon some time ago. MUST LABEL BREAD Altoona Bakers Ordered to Stamp Weight on Wrapper Altoona, Pa., Feb. 16.—Blair Dunn, scaler of weights and measures of Al toona, yesterday notified all bakers they must mark the bread they sell. Where the loaf is wrapped the weight must be stamped plainly on the outside. Dunn can find no law which requires a pound loaf to be sold at 5 cents, but liis ruling will show many consumers ."just what they are getting for their money. Some bakers here %ave been selling 12 and 13-ounce loaves for a pound, and few purchasers knew the V. difference. HATS MADE AT NIGHT Sunshine Makes the Straw for Panamas Too Brittle to Work Genuine Panama hats are made in Ecuador to a larger extent than in any other country, and the process of manu facture is still not generally known. The chief centers of the hat industry in the order of their importance are Monticristi and Jipijapa, in the prov ince of Manavi; Santa Rosa and to a limited extent in Guayaquil and Cuen ca. Thousands of natives of both sexes are employed at weaving these hats. The work is carried on from, a little after midnight to 7 o'clock in the morning, while the atmosphere. is humid, for the strfcw becomes brittle during the day an 4 cannot then be handled. After much preliminary preparation the straw is very finely divided into the required -widths bv the nail of the little finger or thumb. A hunch of ptraw is bound in the middle and placed in the center of a wooden mold, the Htraws arranged radially and equally distant from each other in pairs. The ■plaiting begins at the apex of the crown ami continues round and round until the hat is finished, care being ta ken that 110 straws are added while tfhe crown is being made. Other straws, however, are added while the brim and border are being formed. On the de cree of nicety -with which the straws are lengthened depends the beauty and durability of the hat. Should a strand be broken it can be replaced and so plaited as not to be noticed. The finishing touches are put on by trimming the brim, edging the border and neatly fastening all projecting ends of the straws so as to be invisible. The hat is washed in clean, cold water, coated with a thin solution of gum and polished with dry sulphur.—Argonaut. PANAMA RIOTS QUELLED American Soldiers Patrol Bad Light District and All la Quirt Panama, Feb. 16.—There has been 110 renewal of the rioting at Sunday in the red light district of Panama, in ■which one man was killed' and more than 40 wounded. As a precautionary measure a patrol of 50 American sol diers was maintained in the district yes terday. American soldiers coming to the city are being seat back to their camp. An autopsy on the body of the man who was killed early Sf tho music that the patient liked best. The effect was such that the girl spoke a few words. She was placed at the piano l and her hands made to strike a few notes and when in this semi-conscious condition she played a number of pieces of music. The physicians of the town have been watching her improvement and say that they are unable to fathom how the girl in her condition can plav the piano. WOMAN 98 IS MOTORIST Mrs. Mary C. Hill, of Elizabeth, Oper ates Son's Car Elizabeth, X. J., Feb. 16.—Within t.wo years of rounding ooit a century of life, Mrs. Maty C. Hill, an enthusi astic motorist and prominent among lo cal suffragists, yesterday received birth day congratulations. Mrs. Hill, who is in possession of mental and physical faculties, attributes her good health to motoring. She takes a spin every day in her son's car, which she can operate. STATE SHOE MEN MEET D. P. Jerauld, of This City, Beads Trade Paper Lancaster, Feb. 16. —The Pennsylva nia Shoe Retailers' Association opened a two days' convention here yesterday, 50 delegates being present. A. A. Laza rus. of Pittsburgh, president, presided. City Solicitor B. J. Myers made the ad dress of welcome, and A. C. McGowin, president of the National Shoe Retail ers ' Association, replied. The afternoon session was devoted to the reading of trade papers by C. H. Geuting, secretary of the national asso ciation; M. G. Harper, president of the Philadelphia association; Frank D. Lacy; D. P. Jerauld, Harrisbupg, and F. H. Ellsworth, Fihe'hburg, Mass. GETS 81,000 BXNG BACK Advertisement Soon Brings Gem to Scranton Woman Scranton, Pa., Feb. 16. —Through an advertisement of a New York newspa per an engagement ring, valued at sl, 000, lost last week on a New Haven train from Boston to New York, was re turned to the owner, Mrs. Worthington Si-ranton, daughterHu-law of W. W. Scranton. She left the ring on a wash basin in a Pullman car. The young woman who found the ring sent for Mrs. Scranton. She was liberally rewarded. FOUR VISITS BY STOBK Three Sisters and a Brother Are All Happy Parts Scranton, Pa., Fed). 16. —The stork picked out the Kearfng family, at Arch bald. for special dispensation yesterday. Three daughters and the wife of a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keating were visited. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Auvie, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. John Keating re ceived sons, and the contribution to the family of Mr. and Mrs. James Manley was a girl. CATHOLIC DAILY PLANNED Chicago Paper to Appear Evenings and Sundays Chicago, Feb. 16.—A Catholic news paper, to be issued every evening and on Sunday, is to make its firet appear ance in Chicago in 60 days, according to Daniel McAllister, secretary of the Nuncio Publishing Company, which is to publish the new paper. Capital amountimg to $400,000 has been piedged. Over Night Gets Chest Colds and Siri Thriat Just Rub on Begy's Mustarine. Better Than All the Pills, Powders, Syrups on Earth and Quicker. It Will Not Blister Get a big 25-cent box of BEGY'S FELLOW MUSTARINE in the yellow box and get rid of cold in chest, coughs, sore throat, pleurisy, bronchitis and tonsilitis in a few hours. Keep it on hand at all times, for with it you can end the misery to tooth ache, headache, earache, backache and neuralgia in just a few minutes when nothing else seems to do anv good. BEGY'B MUSTARINE is better than any liniment, plaster, poultice, hot water bottle or substitute. It promptly reduces the swelling and draws out agony from rheumatic joints and muscles. It relieves neuritis and in cases of sprains, strains, bruises, sore ness, lameness, stiff neck and joints, cramps in leg and pain anywhere, its action is little less than magical. Get a box at any druggist's to-day— use it to draw the agony from sore, painful feet, corns, bunions, callouses, chilblains and frosted feet. It's the greatest household remedy in America to-.lav. But get the original BKOY'S MUSTARINE in the yellow box. —Adv. Digestive Disorders Yield When the right help is sought at the right time. Indigestion is a torment. Biliousness causes suffering. Either is likely to lead to worse and weak ening sickness. The right help, the best corrective for disordered conditions of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels isnow known to be Beecfyams Pills and the right time to take this fa mous family remedy is at the first sign of coming trouble. Beechain's Pills have so immediate an effect for good, by cleansing the system and purifying the blood, that you will know after a few doses they Are the Remedial Resort Lai£««t Sal* of Any Mtdkine tn tS« World. Sold everywhere. Ja boiw, 10c., 25c. * _ HONORED BY I. O. O. P. Usher A. Hall, Philadelphia. Guest of Williamsport Lodge Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 16.—A re ception in honor of Judge Paul A. Ben son, of Erie county, grand master, ami Usher A. Hall, of Philadelphia, grand secretary of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F„ was given by the Odd Fellows of in Association Hall last evening. Representatives of twenty one lodges of the county were present. An address on "Odd Fellowship" was made by Grand Master Benson, and short taiks were given by \V. 11. Spencer, A. M. Hoagland and others. Judge Harvey W. Whitehead presided. The past commander's degree was con ferred on a large class in Odd Fel lows ' Temple. Winter Doubles Work In summer the work of eliminating poisons and acids from the blood is helped by perspiration. In cold weather, with little out door work or exercise to cause sweating, the kidneys have to do double worK. Foley Kiduey Pills help overworked, weak and diseased kidneys to filter and cast out of the blood the waste matter that causes pains in sides or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness of joints, sore muscles and other ills re sulting from improper elimination.— George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third Street, P. R. K. Station.—Adv. WILLIAM BOWLY WILTON Confederate Veteran and Financier Ex pires in Baltimore Baltimore, Md., Feb. 16.—William Bowly Wilson, who was a leader among the old school Confederate soldier busi ness men of Baltimore, died Sunday night at the home ot his daughter, Mrs. Watson B. Randall. Mr. 'Wilson was a member of the old banking firm of Wilton, Colston & Co. from 1867 to 1908, since niien lie has been leading a retired life. He was born in Baltimore 75 years ago, a s 'on of the Wilson family, which was estab lished here shortly after the Revolution. Mr. Wilson in 1862, when a very young man, went to Virginia and volun teered in the Maryland company of the First Virginia cavalry. He passed through the Oettyr lyirg campaign under General J. E. B. Stuart. LITITZ PHYSICIAN DIES ®r- James C. Brobst. 71, Expires in Lancaster County Town Feb. 16.—Dr. James C. Brtvbst, 71 years old, of Lititz, died yesterday from a complication of dis eases. He graduated from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania in 1864 ami Belle vue Hospital Medical College, New York, in 1866. Dr. Brobst served a year and a half as a surgeon in the Union army during his course at the University of Penn sylvania. For five years Dr. Brobst practiced in Berks county. He was the second Chief Burgess of Lititz bor ough and was largely interested in nu merous business enterprises. For the last twenty years Dr. Brobst had been prominent on the stump as a Repub lican orator. GETS $1 OF WIFE'S ESTATE Judge Upholds Will When He Learns of Desertion Reading, iPa., Feb. 16.—A husband may not desert and fail to support his wife for several years and then conic back and claim a share of her estate after she dies, at least not in Berks county, according to an opinion ren dered by Judge Bushong in the Or phans' Court here yesterday in the es tate of Mrs. Clare J. Auman, late of this city.- In her will Mrs. Auman cut off her husband with sl, and he contended for his share agair.st the will. The Court finds from the tostimonv that for more than a year before 'her 'death the wom an 's husband had failed to support her, even ignoring a court order to do so! In the distribution ordered the husband receives his sl, and the remainder of the estate is distributed among tlie children. First Call for Doctor in (10 Years Altoona, Pa., Feb. 16.—For the first time in 60 years, Adam Beam, aged 65, foreman of laborers in the Pennsv shop here,' was obliged to call a doctor yes terday, when seized with a severe at tack of grip. Red Cross Money to Draw Interest The money subscribed during the hol iday season through the sale of the Red Cross Christmas Beats will be do posited in banks and placed on inter est, so County Controller Gough, the treasurer, announced this morning. Mr. Gough adopted this plan a year ago, when he was given $1,917, and he ob tained interest amounting to $26.20. Harrisfcurgex Heads Gas Company Marietta. Feb. 16. —The Lititz, Map heim and Rphrata Gaj Company reor ganized last week anil George C. Goch enauer, of Harrisburg, was elected su perintendent. The plant is in excellent working condition and it is the pur pose of the new board to extend its facilities. 10 LECTURE OjTHELLO CIRL' Illustration! Moving Working of Ex change to Be Explained by B. B. Watts, Local Bell Manager ' The lecture on Thursday evening of this week under the auspices. of the IMen's Organized Bible class, J. Henry Spicer, teacher, will be held in the lec ture room of the Market Square Pres byterian church at 8 o'clock. Shirley B. Watte, local manager of the Bell Telephone Company, will de/liver it on the subject, "Tho Telephone Girl." It •will be interesting, instructive and bene ficial as to the difficulties aud how they are handled that ariee in telephony. Mr. Watte will explain on canvas the intricate duties of a telephone operator, how the board is operated, the way your call comes in and how you can talk to your party whether next door or 2,000 miles away. Very few per sons have any knowledge of telephony beyond the telephone itself and this lecture will enlighteu you if you will attend. Mr. Watts'lias given several lectures in this city, and is well known, as the press awl public bath speak very highly of his past addresses on this subject. An invitation is extended to the public in general, and those who have never heard Mr. Watts will miss a rare treat if they let this chance go by. After the lecture Mr. Watts wiM show moving pictures of an exchange in actual operation, also a reel showing the course of a message from a ranch in Colorado to a metropolitan hotel in New York City. These pictures have never been rhown before in Harrisburg, ami Mr. Watts guarantees that they «;ll be both entertaining and instruc tive. All seats are free and no collec tion will be lifted. DEATH REVEALS MARRIAGE Bride Boarded With the Parents of Her Husband Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 16. —The death of Herman Xofz, of Columbia, on his twenty-first birthday, has brought to i light the fact that he and Miss Mary Foss, formerly of Lancaster, were mar rie.l two years ago in Wilmington, Del. The bride has boarded with her hus band 's parents ever since the wedding without it being suspected. For several months Nofz, a Lancas ter business college graduate, held a clerical position in Tennessee, coining home recently because of illness. ALFRED NOYES MAKES HIT Princeton Students Like English Poet as Literature Teaiher Princeton, X. J., Feb. 16. —As pro fessor of English in Princeton, Alfred Noyes, t'fce English poet, delivered yes terday his first lecture before the Seu ior class. Professor Xoycs was intro duced bv President Hibben and spoke on t'he modern tendencies in English literature. His course. will deal with English literature of the latter part of the nine teenth century, lie will give two lec tures each week, and he will also con duct preceptorial groups. The students were enthusiastic over his lecture. BOXING BOUT KILLS SEAMAN Navy Pugilist Sla'n by Blow, Oppon ent Held Guiltless Seattle, Feb. 16. \. V. Brown, a seaman on the cruiser Nortn I>akota, at the Puget Sound navy yard, died yes terday from injaries received Sunday whiic boxing on the cruiser West Vir ginia with Clarence Salmon, another seaman. A blow behind the left ear rendered Brown unconscious. Ris home was in Dallas, Tex. Naval authorities held that Salmon was blameless. WOMAN KILLED BY AUTO Dies in Car That Hit Her on Way to Hospital Philadelphia, Feb. 16. —Mrs. Abbio W. Hoff, 63 years old, 421 Budd street, was fatally injured yesterday afternoon by an automobile owne.d and driven by Wilmer M. Webb; n mechan ical engineer, 120 West Penn street. The accident occurred on Market street near Fortieth, a short distance from the Presbyterian hospital, to which Webb took the, injured woman in his car. She died before reaching the hos pital. Webb then reported the aecident to the police of t'he Sixteenth district po lice station, wihere he was held without bail by Magistrate Boyle. WROTE HIS CRY TOR HELP Mute Unable to Make Plight Known During Robbery Mamheim, Pa., Feb. 16. —Because he was a mute and unable to sound a cry of alarm. Harvey Uemibiing was rotbbel of S2OO. When lie wrote on a slate what, ha I happened the thief had made good his escape. Later l>aniel Troop was arrested on suspicion and a large amount of money, corresponding to that stolen, was found on him. OUCH! PAIN. PALT RUB nunc. ACHING MINIS Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial Bot tle of Old "St. Jacob's Oil" Kheumatism is "pain only." Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Btop drugging. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscles, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" Las cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half ecntury, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains.—Adv. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM! Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints—Drives Out Pain You'll know why thousands use MUS TEROLE once you experience the glad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It is a clean, white oint ment made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on! MUSTEROLE is J recommended by doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for Bronchitis, Croup, StifrNeck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Bore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 26e and 50c jars, and' a special large hospital size for 12.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations—pet what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. PLUMBERS' VOW TERRIBLE Witness Describes Alleged Oath of Al legiance to National Body Dos Moines, la., Feb. 16.—Au oat'h of allegiance to the National Associa tion of .Master Plumbers containing the sentence, "(May all the horrors of the damned be my portion when I retire at night," was declared by Joeeph Ha gen, of ©ity,.in his testimony at the trial of the thirty-six master plumbers charged with violation of the S'herman law 'here yesterday, to 'have received his signature. He was to suf fer such "horrors" in case he violated the rules of the organization, t'he wit ness saiid. Each member, he testified, was sworn to the utmost secrecy, C. L. Piper, of iMorningside, fa., for the government, testified that he had been put out of the association because lie refused to go into "certain pools." He admitted on cross-examination thalS t'he protection of t'he association did not amount to a snap .of the tinkers. SHARES $1,000,000 ESTATE Wife of Williamsport Clergyman Is Daughter of General McKenney Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 16.—Through the division of the estate of her faf'ner, the late General William .VLcKennev, of Centreville, Md., Mrs. Rohert F. Gibson, wife of the rector ofJPrinity Episcopal church, Williamsport, acquires a one sixth interest on the estate, the value of which is estimated at $1,000,000. Mrs. Gibson was wedded to the Rev. Robert F. Gibson while the clergyman was Mayor of York, Pa. AUDIENCE LEAVES CHURCH Anti-liquor Sermon Too Strong for Methodist Congregation Berwick, Pa., Feb. 16. —The Rev. Hugh S-train, Beach Haven's "fighting parson." who last winter bested Dan Johnson, a Beach Haven hotel proprie tor, in a fistic encounter, was Hie centre of an even bigger sensation yesterday as the result of the relbuke his audience administered Sunday night when it walked out of the church' in a body. Waging a bitter fight against the sa loons, he declared that some otf his con gregation were hypocrites, and "dirty scaliawaig-s'' was one of the terhis he used in referring to them. When the congregation started to leave, he re ferred to them as "the rum bunch." Strain is pastor of a Methodist church. DISEASE MENACES JERSEY HERD Discovered Within Mile of Importer of Valuable Animals Allentown, Pa., Feb. 16. —Five na tional and State inspectors arrived last evening in consequence of the discovery of foot and moubh disease among the herds of SoJ Stephens, the biggest dro ver in the Lehigh Valley, who owns eight farms at Cooipersburg, on which are hundreds of cattle. ( One of the farms is only a mile from Linden Grove farm, owned by T. H. Coopej', the fore most importer and' breeder o'f .Jersev cattle in America, whose herd is val ued at $250,000. Several dozen of Stephen's cattle were shot yesterday and buried in quicklime. Utmost efforts are being made to protect the Cooper herd. License Readvertislng Denied Wellsboro. Pa., Feb. 16.—The tem perance people yon the last round of the fight against any license in Tioga county this year, as far as tJie local court is concerned Judge Cameron denied yesterday the motion to allow applicants for licenses who were bowled out by defective advertising permission to readvertise. Nothing now remains 'but the appeal to the Superior Court. Uses Boots Made 38 Years Ago Feb. 16.—Jacob K. Miller has a pair of 'boots made thirty-eig'ht years ago by Henry Johnson, when he was in business in this place. The shoes are in the best of condition. Mr. Mil ler uses them hard this kind of weath er, being the stage driver between iMari etta and Maytown. NO HEADACHE 0f NEURALGIA PAIN Get a 10 Cent Package of Dr. James' Head • ache Powders and Don't Suffer • ————— When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's needless to suffer when you can take 8 remedy like Dr. James' Head ache Powders and reliev# the pain and neuralgia at once. Send someone to the drug store now for a dime package of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Don't suffer. In a few moments you will feel fine—headache gone—no more neuralgia pain.—Adv. SAYS BOIRB WAS INTENDED FOR IDE ROCKEFELLERS Victims of New York Explosion Planned Deaths of John D. and Son, De clares Alexander Berkman, Who At tempted to Kill H. C. Frick Denver, Feb. 16.—The bomb that destroyed a Lexington avenue rooming house in New York last summer, killing three men, was intended for the assassi nation of John D. Rockefeller and his son. This was the statement made here yesterday by Alexander Berkman, an archist and 1. W. W. leader, who served a term in prison for his attempt to kill H, €. Frick. Berkman has been in Denver several weeks, being here to found a Ferrer school. Wheu Matthew A. Schmidt was arretted a few days ago in New York, charged with complicity in the destruc tion of the Los Angeles "Times" build ing and other dynamite outrages, the 'Bums detectives and Schmidt was one of the leaders in the plot to blow up the Rockefellers. Berkman yesterday declared lie would not say that Schmidt was one of the plotters, but he did give the naunes of four men who, lie said, were making the bombs, throe of them having lost their lives at the timo.of the explosion. The fourth man, an Irishman, whom Berkman knew only as Murphy, w»» Mown through the front of the building ami landed in a network of telegraph wires, liually reaching the ground un hurt. Plotted in Spirit of Vengeance "The plot against the lives of the Riockefelllers,'' said Berkman, "was originated in a spirit of vengeance for th» brutality visited upon the 1. W. W. worker- at Tarrytown last summer, when we went up there to protest against the outrages that brought on the battle of Ludlow. It was hatched by the conspirators after free speech had been virtually cut off bv the ac tivity of the Rockefeller guards and shortly before Rockefeller took perma nent refuge in his Forest Hill home at Cleveland. "Prior to the elder Rockefeller's flight to Cleveland there had been sev eral big demonstrations in front of his office at 26 Broadway, which Rockefel ler had finally sought to avoid by re maining behind the walls of liis estate at Tarrytown, N. V. "'About twenty-five or thirty anarch ists, among them the man named Mur phy, Arthur Caron, iMivtthew Kahn. Charles Berg and myself all of whom had participated in the demonstration in New York City, followed him there. As is well known now. we literally laid a siege to the Rockefeller place," with the result that both the father and the son employed an army of guards to protest them. They had about 250 spe cial officers to perform this duty, arc.l old John D. even had another wail built around his property. "With all approaches to the Rocke feller plaice cut off. we then commenced to make public speeches against the Rockefellers on the street corners, at the gates of his guarded estate and wherever we got a chance. This method of procedure led to a campaign of re pression and finally to a brutal attack upon the meimoers'of our organization. Several of them were terribly beaten, among them Caron and Kalin, both ardent young men. It was this attack evidently that determined those men upon seeking personal vengeance upon the Rockefellers. But thev took no one into their confidence except Murphv and Berg, as far as I know. I did not know anything of their plans until after the bomb had exploded. Wanted to Kill Both at Once "When they were driven out of Tar rytown, Murphy. Berg. Caron and Kahn went back to New York. "They rented an apartment there, at Lexington avenue and One Hundred and Thirty-third street, and there be gan the manufacture of the bomb that was meant for the Rockefellers. ''They had no definite idea when they would use it, but it was their plan to wait for an op;ortunity ami hurl it into the carriage or automobile of the Rockefellers whenever they should at tempt to leave the grounds' of the Tar rytown estate. They wanted to get both of them together, if possible, but would have taken the life of either one. I do not know what their bomb was made of, but the damage it did when it burst prematurely won I, I seem to indicate that they made it as deadly as they could. According to the state ments since made to me by Murphy, they had the bomb almost finished when it exploded, killing Kahn. Caron and Berg, .the three who were nearest to it at the time.'' Iron Broker Ends Life Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 16. — Despond 'ent, it is believed, because *f ill health, Homer P. Goff, 55 years old, a Grafton iron broker, emled his life by shooting himself in the temple in the* offices of Goff, Horner & Co., iron brokers, on the eighteenth floor of the Oliver Building, some time Sunday. Heat, Humidity and Working Power What constitutes a vitiated atmo sphere, and wherein are the depressing effects of "bad" aid' to be found? Of late, temperature an,l humidity rather than abnormal quantities of "the re spired gases, carbon dioxid and oxygen, or the presence of harmful expired or ganic products of respiration, have been held responsible for the untoward consequences of living under conditions of poor ventilation. Drs. Lee ati'l Scott, of the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, have recently reported definite cbjective signs erf physical inefficiency in individ uals subjected to an atmosphere of high humidity and high temperature. Measurements were made on the work ing capacity, that is, the .total amount of work which excised muscles of ani mals are capable of doing before ex haustion sets in. The subjects were kept, to cite a specific illustration, at 21 C. (69.8 F.), with an approximate humidity of 54 per cent., in one case, and at 33 C. (91.4 F.), with a humidity of 89 per cent., in the other. The con trasts here quoted represent the dis tinctions beitween comfortable atmo spheric conditions and the air of a hot, humid summer day. As an outcome there was a marked diminution in both the amount of work performed and the period of working power under the in fluence of high temperature and itv. Under these conditions, further more, the body temperature also rose someiwlia't. The facts thus cited in the opinion otf "The Journal of the Ameri can Medical AJsociation" confirm by the unbiased testimony of direct ex periment whait • the sensations and psychic responses of man h^velong since intimated. EVEN CROSS, SICK > CHILDREN LOVE SVROPOF FIGS If Feverish, Bilious, CoDstipated, Give Fruit Laxative At Once Don't scold your fretful, peevish tshil