The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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Don't Suffer! Regulate
Your Upset Stomach
in Five Minutes
Do some foods you ent hit back —
taste good, but work badly, ferment
into stubborn lumps and cause a sick,
sour, gassv stomach f Now, Mr. and
Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Tape's
Diapepsin digests everything, leaving
nothing to sour and upset you. No dif
ference how badly your stomach is dis
ordered, you get hnppy relief in five
minutes, but what pleases you most is
that it strengthens and regij]ates your
Highspire Defeated Middletown Marks
men Before a Crowd of 300 on For
mer's Grounds by Score of 03 to
74 Saturday Afternoon
The first dual shoot between the
High spire Rod and Gun 01 lib and t'he
Middletoiwn Gun clulb of the year was
held 011 the Highspire grounds, Satur
day afternoon, and was witnessed t>y
three hundred spectators and was won
toy the Highspire aggregation with the
score of 93 to "4.
Twenty-two men took part in the
contest and more than 2,000 blue rocks
■were used in all the events which was
the largest number of targets ever
Used on a field in Highspire in one con
test. •
Ed. Hoffman, Highspire, and How
ell, Mi.lvlletown, were high guns, scoring
the greatest number of hits. The fol
lowing is a list of the contestant? with
their scores, the five highest scores pif
each club qualifying:
Highspire—Ed. Hoffman, 22; G.
Martin, 20; Slmmbaugh, 18; F. Martin,
17; A. Huflv 18: Bamberger. 13; A.
Fink, 15; Kline, 14; Cover, 12; Peffer,
15; X. Green, 11: Tillatson, 16; Brash
en r<. 9.
Middletown—Howell, 23; Ru<ssp] 1,
15; Mntheson, 14; Detweiler, 14; Brad
ley, 13; Moore, 12; Yost, 12; Kreider,
9; Blecker, 11. Each man shooting at
25 targets.
A return *hoot will be held at Mid
dletown in the near future.
Francis E. Willard Memorial Meeting
in Highspire
The Highspire W. C. T. U. announces
an interesting program to be rendereJ
at the annual Francis E. Willard me
morial meeting to be held this year in
St. Peter's Lutheran church of that
town, Friday evening, February 19,
when the following program will be
rendered at 7.45 o'clock:
Hymn, '' Onward Christian Sol
diers;" reading of lesson, Mrs. Mary
>lountz; prayer, the Rev. B. L. C. Baiir;
*ong, "Thev Will Thank Us By and
By," Church of God Male Octet; reci
tation, "Selected," Florence Ort; solo,
vocal, Mrs. Mumma: address, the Rev.
F. E. Mover; song, "The Brewers' Big
Horses," Booster Chorus; remarks, tfau
Rev. H. F. Rhoad; song, Highspire
High school; presentation of book,
'•The Works and Life" of Francis E.
Willard to High School Library, Mrs.
•Mary Mountz; song, "The Walls of
.lericho," Male Chorus of the U. B.
church; closing prayer, the Rev. H. F.
Persons wishing to join the W. C.
T. U. can do so at close of meeting.
Succumbs to Pneumonia After a Short
John Wesley Brinton. aged 45 years,
died of pneumonia at his home, 26 Ad
ams street, this morning at 8 o'clock,
after an illness of ten days. Funeral
services will be held Saturday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at his late home. The Rev.
W. S. Sturgen, Goldsboro, assisted by
the Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor of the Main
Street Church of God, will officiate and
interment will be made in Baldwin
He is survived by his wife, Sarah;
two sons, Merle and James; two daugh
ters, Vernie and Ruth; one sister, Mrs.
Samuel Boyer, Harrisburg, and four
brothers, Robert, New Cumberland; 1
George, Steelton; Edward, Bridgeport,
and William, Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mts. D. A. Robinson and
family have arrived in the borough
from Lewistown and will make their
residence at 180 North Front street.
Miss Esther McNear, Bressler, has re
turned from a visit to friends at Phila
Mr. and Mrs. Mehrl Snell, of Gary,
Jpd., are in the borough for a short
visit and will leave in a few weeks for
Australia, where Mr. Sneil has accepted
a position.
Miss Roxie Mingle and Miss Helen
Mingle, of Bellefonte, are guests of
their sister, Mrs. William Housm&n,
Harrisburg and VValnuit streets.
A Great Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
First Episode of RUNAWAY TONE.
Two reels.
»File 113. Two-reel special.^
Grizzly Gulch's Chariot Race.
The Barrel Organ.
No. 28 Diplomat. Comedy.
FOR RENT—'Nicely furnished second
story front or back room, suitable for
man and wife or two gentlemen. Light,
heat and bath. Apply 36 S. Harrisburir
St., Steelton, Pa.
FOR RENT—Hotises with all inmprove
ments, on S. Fourth St., Steelton. No
SlB. $12.00; No. 322, 111.00; Nos. 353 and
155, $9.00 per month. Apply 316 s.
Fourth St.. Steelton.
- .. " \ ,
\ ' ' ' ' - V ' v' " ' > - V V ' • '
stomach so you can eat your favorite
foods without fear. Most remedies give
you relief sometimes —they are slow,
but not sure. Diapepsin is quick, posi
tive and pii(s your stomach in a healthy
condition so the misery won't come
You feel different as soon as Pape's
Diapepsin conies in contact with the
stomach —distress just vanishes—your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clears and you feel fine.
Put an end to stomach trouble by
getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin from any drug store. You
realize in five minutes how needless it is
Ito suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or
| nny stomach disorder.—Adv.
Eastern League Croatian Sokols Honor
Steelton Man at Annual Meeting
Held Sunday Afternoon in Phila
I Michael J. Horvatli and Stanko Ser
bie, of the borough, have returned from
1 Philadelphia, where they attended a
j meeting of the Eastern League of the
Croatian Sokol Union Sunday afttr
, noon. At this gathering it was decided
! to have t'his organization attend the
; Sokol meet in Cleveland, 0., September
| 19, at which time the National Croa
tian Sokol will hold its annual conven
tion. At the time of this convention
; the National Croatian Union, represent
ing 50,000 of this nationality in the
i United States, will also hold a conven
| tion in the Ohio city. The next meet
ing of t-ho Eastern League of Sokols
| will be held in New York City in 1916.
j> The following officers were elected
; bv the Eastern League Sunday arter
| noon: A. Pfuhl, Philadelphia, presi
dent; John Kresic, Philadelphia, vice
| president; Charles Gasparoski, Hobok
t'n, N. J., recording secretary; M. J.
I Horvath, Steelton, secretary and treas
; urer; boar dof trustees, T. Tauaskovic,
' New York City; N'ckolas Karaca,
, South Bethlehem; M. Banek, Philadel
i phia; instructor of gymnastics, Victor
i Gasparoski, Philadelphia; assistant,
j Stephen Rosenberg, 'Pittsburgh. Stanko
Serbic, of the borough, who had been
' vice president last year, declined the re
nomination. M. Matusevic represented
I the local Croatian Sokol at this meeting
j as delegate.
: Baldwin Commaudery Announces Activ
ities for Week
Several applications for membership
were received at a largely attended
■meeting of Baldwin Cominandery No.
10$. Knights of Malta, last evening.
The "following names were placed in
nomination for officers to serve for the
term beginning March 1:
S. K. C., H. E. Eisner; G. L., W. S.
Hughes; C. G., iM. B. Caton; prelate,
Ray Shaffner; recorder, R. B. Proud;
assistant recorder, E. W. Suvdam;
treasurer, J. A. Finley; trustee, C. H.
Beidel; S. W., E. M. Rowland.
The election will be held next Mon
day evening. The Apron Gren degree
will be conferred on a class of candi
dates next Monday evening. Rendition
of the work will be by an efficient team.
The floor work will be in charge of A.
H. Roberts, P. C.
Tisbit Eiesta No. 77, iPrinces of Bag
dad, met after the regular session of
Baldwin Commandery last night. The
'hall was cleaned up and the degree con
ferred on 18 princes.
Enjoyable Evening Is Spent at German
Quartet Club Hall
The hall of the German Quartet
club was crowded last evening with
Germans and Americans when tie an
nual Fasnacht masquerade was held to
celebrate the close of the social season
and the advent of Lent. The grand
marcli was led by Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Wlach and the costumes on display
depicted life and scenes in the German
and Austrian provinces.
Th Fasnaeht season will be observed
this evening by the following organiza
tions with dances and masquerades: St.
Celia Club of St. Peter's Catholic
church, will hold a masquerade in
Kreiner hall, South Second street. The
Ideal clu4> will hold a dance in one of
the South Second street halls. The St.
Mary's Athletic club will hold a mas
querade in Croatian hall, Second and
Waahinlgton streets.
Funds Are Needed to Prosecute Its Ac
tivities This Year
big street carnival to assist in
raising funds for the local Civic Club
will be held in May, if plans formed
at a meeting of the club yesterday aft
ernoon prove successful. An effort will
be made to secure the steel company
lawn at Becond street and Angle alley
for the carnival.
An interesting address was delivered
before the Civic Club yesterday after
noon by C. W. Webbert, of the State
Health Deaprtment, on "Women's
Clubs and Their Relation to Public
Health." At the March meeting of the
club an address will be delivered by
Mrs. Roessirrg, president of the State
Suffrage Association.
Standard Theatre's Offerings
Manager Sellers announced this morn
ing the beginning of a new series of
motion pictures this evening called
"Runaway June," in the course of
which a bride has some wonderful ex
periences and many thrilling escapes.
The entire program is one of excellent
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civie
Clu>b, will be in heT offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical 1
advice and prescriptions to those un
able to pay for them.
sramHiES i
The I Mien's 'Bible class of the First
Reformed church will hold an interest
ing meeting this evening at 8 o'clock
when an illustrated lecture on "Turkey,
Its Poople and Modes of Living" will
be delivered by the Rev. Charles A.
Huyette, pastor. One hundred views
will be shown, followed by serving of
At a meeting of Class 23 of the Cen
tenary Unite J Brethren Sunday school
to night in room 10 of the cihurcth ar
rangements will be completed for a
penny social to be held on February
-2 at 8 o'clock in Red IMen's hall.
An entertainment will be given and
supper will be served.
The Si!. James' Tennis vlu'b enter
tained in honor of the Ladies' Xux
ilisry to the A. O. H. at a big pre-
I.<enten affair la&t night in the rooms
of the Benton Catholic club. Dancing
and cards were Mie entertaining fea
turekNuid a luncheon was served.
The Kev. W. F. Baer, a former pas
tor here, will preach in St.* Mark'»
Lutheran church Thursday night at 8
oVlock. His subject will , bw-" Four
Recommendations.'' The Kev. Mr. Baer
is now located at York. '
A doirble illustrated lecture will toe
given in St. Murk's Lutherau church
to-morrow night at 8 o Vlock. Profes
sor N. A. Yeand will talk on "Solo
mon," J. R. Plank's subject
will be "'fhe Prodigal Son.''
A record for attendance at a regular
session of fhe Sunday school of Cen
tenary United Brethren church was
made Sunday w'hen 710 persons were
in attendance. v -
"One Man's Question" will be the
subject of the Rev. G. X. Lauffer's ad
dress before the men "9 mass meeting in
St. John's Lutheran cfaurcth next Sun
day afternoon. The meeting will open
at 3.30 o'clock.
I'nder the direction of Professor
Gwilvm Walking the male chorus which
will ting the Easter mass in St. James'
church will rehearse in the Benton club
hall to-night.
Mrs. Harry Bothweil Is Host to High
spire Young Folks
Mrs. Harry Bothweil entertained at
her home, Second street, Highspire, Sat
urday pveming in honor of the birthday
of liec children, Kenneth and
After pending a pleasant social even
ing, refreshments were served to the
following guests: Helen Garvsr, Bessie
Kresge, Mildred Kresge, Miriam Hous
man, Edith Cross, Minnie Wonderlich,
Blanche Gore, Edna Grimes, Helen
Wiliburn, Helen I/enner, Maud Bothweil,
Robert Kresge, Daniel Gipple, Charles
Kresge, John Baker, Harold Daniels,
Francis Bothweil, Kenneth Bothweil.
Mrs. Malcolm Kresge, Mrs. Frank Kay
Will Meet at Home of the Misses Hill
This Evening
The Fortnightly Club of the borough,
announces the following program to be
observed at its meeting at the home of
t'he Misses Hill, Pine street, this even
ing at 7.45 o'clock:
"American Citizenship," chapter
14, the service rendered by the federal
government. Mrs. Atticks; "The Fed
eral Pure Pood Lsw," Mrs. Reed;
"Exports and Imports, •rl3-14," Miss
Hess; "The Growth of Big Corpora
tions and Trusts," Mrs. Moore.
Second Attraction in tli e Y. M. O. A.
Star Course Friday Evening
The second attraction in the Y. M.
C. -A. Star Course will be Ambrose JeT
fries, of New York, who is magician,
ventriloquist and monologist, Friu&v
evening in Fnhnestock \Hall, at 8.15
Mr. 'Jeffries is known as the "ver
satile entertainer and as a magician
ranks with the best. Th e pr>gr*m will
consist of magic, mirth and mystery.
He is one of the clevereat men on the
Lyceum platform. All who are fond of
mystery, and most everybody is, should
be present Friday evening. " Single ad
mission tickets may be purchased at
the box office. will open at 7.30
o'clock.—Adv. *
Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back
Hurts or Bladder Bothers—Meat
Forms Uric Acid
If*you must have your meat every
day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with
salts occasionally, says a noted author
ity who tells us that meat forms urie
acid which almost paralyzes ihe kid
ueys in their efforts to expel it from
the blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you sifffer with a dull
misery in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the back or sick headache, dizziness,
your stomach sours, tongue is coated'
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges The nr'ine gets
cloudy, full of sediment, the channels
often get sore and irritated, obliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids,
to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
.Tad Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast fer a few .days and
your kidneys will then fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for genera
tions to flush and stimulate sluggish
kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in
urine, so it no longer irritates, thus
ending bladder weakness.
f Jad Salts is inexpensive; eannot in
jure, and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink.—Adv.
tr have made a spe
cial study of Dr. Ehr
,llch's great discoveries,
lialvarsan and neosal
varsan. I administer
■ither safely'and prop
erly. It will pay you
to have an experienced
specialist treat you.
Hundreds of treat
ments given without
-any bad effects. Men's
diseases and weakness,
:atarrh, kidney, blad
der and skin diseases.
V^.Over the Busy Be*
I was badly ruptured white lifting a
trunk- several rears ago. Doctors said
my only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally 1 got
hold of something that quickly and
completely eipred me. Tear* have pass
ed and the rupture has never returned,
although I am doing hard wock as a
carpenter. There was no operation, no
lost time, no trouble. I have nqthlng
to sell, but will give full Information
about how you may And a complete
cure without operation. If you write to
me, Eugene M. Pullen. Carpenter, 813 A
Marcel his Avenue, Man&squan, N. J.
Better cut out this notice and show It
to any others who are ruptured—you
may save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worry and
danger of an operation.—Adv.
Officers of Blough Manufacturing Com
pany Acted-as Honorary Pallbearers
The funeral of Charles E. Yountz,
who diod Friday morning at the H&rt
nian hospital, was held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from his home, 1502 Green
street. The funeral was iu charge of
•Pilgrim Commandery No. 11, Free and
Accepted Masons, the Rev. Harry Nel
son Bussler, pastor cf the Second Re
formed ehurih, officiating at tfhe serv
ices. Interment was made in the Pax
tang cemetery.
The honorury pallbearers were offi
cers of the Blough Manufacturing Com
pany, of which Mr. Yountz was secre
tary for a number of years. The active
pallbearers were intimate friends of
Mr. Yountz, chosen from the command
ery. They were W. R. Blough, B. F.
Blough, David H. Wise, Charles H.
Kelir, K. S. Herman, Charles C. Schriv
er, Rufus Hartman, John W. Dennis,
Frank G. Mock, Harvey C. Koons, An
thofiy Freuie and M. A. Floyd.
Death of H. W. Bacon
Harry W. Bacon died at his home,
225 Norfh Fifteenth street, this morn
ing trom an illness of a complication
of diseases. He .is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Mary A. Bacon; one son,
George A. Bacon: a daughter, Sara M.,
a sister, Mrs. F. B. Crull, and ihis moth
er, Mrs. Maria A. Bacon.
Funeral services will be held Thurs
day afternoon at 2.30 o'cieck at his
late residence, with the Rev. Dr. C. A.
Sm ucker -officiating. Interment at Har
risburg cemetery.
Henry J. Lupfer
Funeral services of Henry J. Lupfer,
who died Sunday night at his home,
1319 Marion street, will be held to
morrow evening nt 7.30 o'clock at his
home, the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassl&r,
| pastor of the Second Reformed church,
I officiating. The body will be taken to
I New Bloomfield Thursday morning* by
| Undertaker Sourbier, where interment
wiH be made.
Henry S. Writer
Funeral services for Henry S. Writer,
aged 27 years, who died' Sunday at his
home, 2550 Lexington street, will be
| held at his home Thursday afternoon
jat 2 o 'clock, the Rev. Peter H. Bals
| baugh, pastor of the Sixth Street Unit
ed Brethren church, officiating. Inter
ment will be in the Enola cemetery.
i Church Organization at Swatara Sta
tion Now Has 52 Mombera
Swatara Station, Feb. 16. —A mixed
Bible Class has been organized here,
with 3 1 membors. On February 7, 10
members were admitted and on Fob-
I ruarv 14, 11 tnore, making a total of
!52 members. The officers are: Presi
j dent. John Yorty; vice president, Harv
i cy I), whoever; secretary, Jacob B. Nye;
i treasurer, Jacob 11. Balsbaugh; teacher,
George H. Seiler and assistant teacher,
the Hw. Irviu Currv.
The class was organized by the Rev.
G. S. Rentz, superintendent of the Biblo
Class of this district of Sunday
I School Association. Committeemen are:
) Membership committee, Conrad Curry,
I chairman; devotional committee, Amos
Curry, chairman; H. M. Witman; social
| committee, Paul Miller, chairman; Dan
iel Ensminger, Harry Hess, Artman
j Hover, Miss Sara Balsbaugh, Miss 13.
Maud Seiler; sick committee, Mrs. C. O.
! Gish, t-haiiman; Mrs. John Yorty, Mrs.
Jo?iah Foreman, Mrs. H. J. Dowhower;
absentee committee, Harry Miller, chair
man; John Hoover, John Seltzer, Olvde
Seiler, Miss Mary Snavely, Miss Sua
Curry, Mrs. Martin Hoover; committee
on constitution and by-laws, .T. H.
Balsbaugh, chairman; Harry Mililer,
George H. Seiler; ushers, Herman Hoov
er, Clyde Boyer and chair committee,
Paul MilleT and Harry P. Boyer.
The object of the Bible Class is the
building of a Union Chapel.
Bishop Darlington Will Preach To-mor
rtfw, Ash
Asii Wednesday will be observed to
morrow at St. Stephen's Protectant
Episcopal church, with services as fol
lows: Holy Communion, 7.30 a. m.;
morning prayer, penitential office and
sermon, 11 o'clock, and evening prayer
and address at 5 o'clock. Bisihop Dar
lington will be in charge.
The Lenten program announced for
other Wednesdays are as follows: Feb
ruary 24, 8 p. m., Bisihop Talbot;
March 3, 5 p. m., the Rev. O. H. Bridg
man; (March 10, 5 p. m., the Rev. S.
H. Raiiiey; March 17, 5 p. m., the Rev.
J. P. Bullitt; 'March 24, 5 p. m., (quiet
day) the Rev. 11. B. Pulsifer, and
March 31, 5 p. m., the Rev, G. I.
At the Friday services the preachers
will be: February 19, o p. m., the Rev.
A. R. Taylor; February 26, 5 p. m., the
Rev. Floyd Appletou; March 5, 5 p.
m., the Rev. A. A. V. BinningtonjiMarch
12, 5 p. m., the Rev. C. G. Twombly;
March 19, 5 p. m., Archdeacon McMil
lan; March 26, 5 p. m., the Rev. E. L.
Henderson; April 25, lz to 3, the Rev.
W. C. Claj'p.
Lutheran Ministers of City Meet At
Zion Lutheran Church
At tho pre-lemten, confe ince yester
day in Zion Lutheran church of Luth
eran ministers of this city and vicinity,
scriptural accounts of the temptations
of Christ duriag the forty days in the
wilderness, were read ami papers were
given by the Rev. Thomas Reisch, the
Rev. L. E. Mangos, the Rev. M. S.
Sharp, am} the Rev. George Lauffer,
Tess —Why are you weeping in the
picture show"?
Jess—lt was a moving pietnre.—
Judl?e. -
"This won't (jo!" exclaimed Mrs.
Box excitedlv* " There 'sthirteen at
the table." V
" Never mind, ma!" shouted little
Johnnie. "I can eat ror two."—Ex
Proposed in Third Class
City Bill Introduced
by Senator ClarkLast
Mayor's Bight to Suspend Delinquent
Policemen Is Clearly Defined in
Measure —City Solicitor's Tenure of
Office Extended to Pour Years
Radical changes are made in the bill
relating to cities of the third class in
troduced in the -Senate last night by
Senator Clark, of Erie, the fatheT of
the commission form of government
bill now governing Harrisburg and
other cities. The changes proposed to
be made in his bill by Senator
Clark embrace almost every thing from
permitting the Mayor to succeed him
self to lengthening the terms of >eity
commissioners to four years, and many
other matters at present engrossing the
attention of cities of the third class.
The following is a synopsis of the new
Clark bill which is very lengthy:
"When a c-ity is enlarged by taking
in territory from a town, township, or
borough the law is changed so that in
debtedness of the annexed territory
and the city contracted prior to an
nexation shall be paid by the enlarged
city and the 'taxes shall be uniform
throughout the territorial limits of the
whole city' and the levying of separate
rate* of taxation prohibited."
-■ An amendment is offered providing
that "Council shall, by ordinance, pro
vide for and regulate the award of all
contracts, the manner of hiring and
discharge of employes and laborers, and
for the fixing of their salaries or com
pensation when not already fixed by
ordinance, the purchase of all necessary
materials and supplies, and the sale ot
personal property."
The present law provides that print
ing, advertising and work to be done,
shall be performed under contract to the
lowest responsible bidder. This is
stricken out.
The law relating to bribery is limit
ed to members of council and the pro
posed change enlarges it so as to in
clude city officer <jr employe."
As to License Pees
The article authorizing cities to levy
and collect a license tax is enlarged and
includes "pawnbrokers, trading stamp
or premium companies or dealers, ware
houses or storage houses or places,
wholesale meat dealers, garages ami
provision made that the tax assessed
'shall be in addition to all other taxes
levied or collected by the city, county
or commonwealth.'^'
Under the law as it now is, council
must provide for an equitaible reduction
in the amount to be assessed for an im
provement against a lot, that is pecu
liar or pointed in shape an amendment
is provided to make this discretionary
with councils.
It is proposed to enlarge the cor
porate powers of a municipality by
authorizing, in addition to what is al
ready provided, the arrest and commit
ment "of suspicious persons found in
any part of the city who can give no
pe»sonal account of themselves."
It is also proposed that councils shall
elect or appoint a "sealer or inspector
of weights and measures and prescribe
his term, compensation ami duties."
It is further proposed to add to the
corporate powers the authority to "pro
vide anil enforce general market regu
lations and to contract, maintain and
manage municipal boat houses and bath
houses, to purchase playgrounds, to
regulate and control the production and
emission of smoke from any chimney,
locomotive, smoke stack or other
One noticeable proposed amendment
is the giving to a city "the exeTclse
of full and complete powers of local
self-government." It is provided too,
that the Mayor and members of the
council shall serve for a term of four
years from the first Monday in^Janu
ary next succeeding their respective
elections and shall each be eligible to
re-election and all Majors elected in
1911 to serve until the first Monday
of January, 1916, and all other Mayors
and councilmen now in office to serve
for the terms for which they were
At the municipal election held after
the passage of the amendment the
A Few Applications of Sage Tea and
Sulphur Brings Back Its Vigor,
Color, Gloss and Thickness
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux
uriant, remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp itching and falling hair. Just
a few applications will prove a revela
tion if your hair is fading, gray or dry,
scraggly and thin. Mixing the Sage
Tea and Sulphur recipe at home,
though, is troublesome. An easier way
is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing
about 50 cents a "'large bottle at drug
stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot
of muss.
While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage
and' Sulphur, no one can tell, because it
does so naturally, so evenly. You just
dampen a spoitge or soft Ij'nush with it
and draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
all grajt hairs have disappeared, and,
after another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant.—Adv.
Nothing to do but rest all the
afternoon when you
r do the hard part
of your work.
It gets right at the dirt and
makes it disappear. Be sure to
use cool or lukewarm water.
Fete fc Co., Philadelphia.
"What's Wrong
With My Coal?"
"It takes so long to come up in the morning and
the ashes seem to contain too much unburned coal."
The trouble is that you are trying to bum coal
that is too fos. your furnace.
You must have the draft on, otherwise it won't
burn briskly around the fire box.
It is too slow coming up in the morning and some
times goes out entirely without any apparent reason
and you are raking through the grate pieces of un
burned coal.
All this proves that the coal is too large or too
If you are using Egg Size—try Stove next time
and if Stove is too large try Nut or Pea or Buck
We shall be glad to advise you.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster and Cowden Third and BOM
Fifteenth and Chestnut Hummel and Mulberry
qualified electors of each city of the
third class shall elect four members "
the city council, the two receiving the
highest number of votes to serve for
four years and the other two for the
term of two years anil the two coun
cilmen elected at large biennially.
Changes in Terms of Office
An amendment would extend the
rate of commitment now thirty days
for a dissolute or disorderly person to
ninety days. A provision of existing
law which has caused some controversy
with reference to the control of the
police force by the Mayor or by coun
cil has been amended to read as fol
lows: t
'"The Mayor shaJl exercise a constant
supervision and control over their con
duct and hear and determine all coin
plaints against them in the discharge
their duties" and there is added the
following: "And upon finding any such
complaint well founded shall siAiniit his
report of all to couneiimen for its ac
tion and in the meantime, pending ac
tion of the council, ttae Mayor shall
have the power to suspend such police
men from duty without pay."
The controller's report to council in
stead of being made in January, is
fixed at March and a detailed state
ment of receipts, expenditures and li
abilities, instead of being presented in
January shall be presented in Deeem
ber, and to the present power of super
intendent of finance there is proposed
to add the following:
"The superintendents of accounts
and finance shall have authority to ad
minister oaths, or aftirmations, in re
lation to any matter touching the
authentication of every account with,
or claim or demand against the city,
bu.t shall not be entitled to receive any
fee therefor. He shall also have power
to appoint a deputy who shall also have
power to administer oaths or aftirma
tions in all matters relating to the af
fairs of eaid office, but the said super
intendent shall, in all cases be respon
sible and liable for the actions and
conduct of the said deputy."
It is proposed to extend the term of
the city solicitor to four instead of two
years, and likewise of the city engineer
and also the city clerks.
Philadelphia Division—llo crew to
go first after 5.30 p. m.: 129, 115,
130, 131, 132, 111, 112, 133, 134,
117, 106, 103, 122, 113, 120, 119.
Engineers for 129, 130, 131 111,
133, 122.
'Firemen for 111 133.
Conductors for 114, 115, 122, 127,
Flagman for .110.
Brakemen for 130, 131, 132, 133.
Engineers up: Streeper, Reisinger,
Layman, Foster. Smeltzer, Ear'hart,
Smith, ifhiibler, Hennecke, Smith, iFirst,
Sober, Newcomer, 'Buck, Gilliums, Bis
ginger, LYk"Cauley, (ribbons, Sellers,
i Long.
Firemen up: Shive, Arneberger Dun
levy, Martin, 'Spring, Barton, Miller,
'Myers, Sees, Everhart, Laatz, (lover,
Penwell, Wagner, Manning, Bu&hey,
Grove, Yentzer, Gelsinger, Herman,
Behman, Libhart, Kegleman, Shive.
Conductors up: Houdeshcl, Ford
Flagmen up: Sullivan, Harvey.
Brakemen up:' Shultzberger( Busser,
Coleman, Gouse, Knu'fp, Collins, IMUIII
ma, I'ague, Allen, Wiland, Garrett, Mc-
Naughton, Desch, Sweigart, Baltozer.
Middle Division —2ls crew to go
first after 1.30 p. m.: 243, 247, .235,
237, 25, 24. 17, 22.
Engineer for 22.
Conductor for 17.
Flagman for 17.
(Engineers up: Mummia, Oarman,
Kugler, Knisley, Moore, Free.
Firemen up: Stouffer, Karstetter,
Siheesley, Bornman, Scforeffler, Davis.
Wright, Boss, Beeder, Zcidera, KuntZ.
Uieiban, Simmons, "Fletcher.
Conductors u>p: Baskins, Fralick,
Taut, Bberle, Huber, Keys, Gant.
(Brakemen up: Putt, Fleck, 'Hender
son, LMatlhias, "Prank, Bell, Wenrk-k,
Roller, Myers, (Fritz, KohH, Kane, Kietf
fer, Peters, Kilgor, Baker.
Philadelphia Division —2l2 crew to
go after 4.15 p. m.: 222, 231, 204,
210, .2'40, 236, 214, 241, 202, 206,
234, 227.
Engineers for 212. 232, 240, 238.
Firemen for 2'04, 212.
Conductors for 20<4, 2*27.
Flagmen for 204, 207.
lirakemen foT 202, 203, 208, 214,
222, 231.
Conductor up: Eaton.
Flagmen up: Harris, Camp.
Brakemen up: Suinmy, Rice, MalseeJ,
Crosby, Stimeling, Myers, Campbell,
Vaudling, Knight, Werts, Armont.
Middle Division—2l9 crew to go
after 1.3'0 p. m.: 115, 114, 109, 118,
107, 103.
Engineers for 109, 118.
Firemen for 115, 114.
Conductor for 107.
Flagmen for 11*5, 114, 107.
Yard Crews —Engineers up: Salts
man, Ku'hn, Snyder, Pclton, Shaver,
l>andis, 'Hoyler, ißeck, llarter, Biever,
Wlosseir, ftrenenrtui, Thomas, Kudy,
(Houser, Meals, Staihl, Swab, Crist,
i- Piremen up: Revie, Bostdorf, Schief
fer, Raunch, Weigle, lackey, Cookerly,
i.Maeyer, Shelter, Bartolet, Getty, Snell,
Sheets, Jsyde, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shep
Engineers for 1869, 213, 2260, 14,
1820, 432.
Firemen for 2260, 14, 1820, 1368.
P., H. and P.—After 2.1-5 p. m.: 9,
8, 18, 2<4, 14, 1, 20, 4, 2, 16, 17, 19,
7, 11, 23.
Eastbound—After 11.4.5 a. m.: 52,
62, 61, 64, 56, 69, 60, 54, 58.
Conductors up: Sipes, German, Ging
her, Philabaum, Hilton, Oris.
Engineers up: Fort ney, Woland, Tip
ton, Martin, Wireman, Wyre, Morne,
Morrison, Pletz, Crawford. *
Fire men-up: Sellers, Dowhower, Lex,
Bowers, Longenecfcer, Anders, Zukos-
Boyer, Kuntz, Nye, Bingaman,
Rumba ugh.
Brakermen up: Gardener, Ay res,
Mumma, Fleagle, Machine?, Miller,
Taylor, Duncan, Hinkle, Warren, Shear
er, Painter, Pago, Kohl.
Hundred Addition to Chorus
A hundred new members were last
night admitted to the Harrisburg evan
gelistic chorus, and plans were made
for a trip to the fitough tabernacle at
Lancaster, March 23. The devotional
exercises were led by the Bev. Dr. Wil
liam N. Yates.
Yes—We Have It
And w« honestly believe that
518225£ i
fs the best hair tonic on the marlrrt
600 a bottle. Sold only by us.
George A. Gorgas.