The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Page 6, Image 7

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( Established in 1876)
Publish** b*
' * Star-lndopotdont Building.
"IMO"!! South Third Street, Harricburg.
__ _ t'»r» s>—E«oopt Sunday
Officer* i Dirtet»rs:
teMAMnt r. Meters, u uk
WM. W. WailLowek. _ _ „.'
Vice-President. W * *•
Wm. Ii Meters,
Secretary ami Tremurer. W*. W Wallowkb,
Wm H Warner, V. Hummel Bexobaus. Jr.,
Business Manager. Editor,
All communications should be addressed to Star Independent,
Business. Editorial, Job Printing or Circulation Department
according to the subject matter.
Cntered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second-clasa matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company,
/lew fork and Chicago Representative*?
New York Office, Brunswick Building 22:> Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office, People's; Gas Building. Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at 6 cents a week. * Mailed to Subscriber?
t»r Three Dollars a year in advance. ,
The faper with the largest llom-. Circulation in Harrisburg ana
ttarby towns
Circulation Examlneu by
Private Branoh Exohanae, No. 3210
Prlvatoßrenob Exoh»n<a. v . . . No. M 4B-24*
Tuesday, February 10, 1015.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Last Quarter. 7th; New Moon, 13th;
First Quarter, 2let.
f*T'{, jfc&jSfi Harrisburg and vicinity: Partly
C=br£ tDy_T— cloudy aud cooler to-night with lowest
* —temperature about freezing. Wedncs-
Kastern Pennsylvania: Partly cloudy
and cooler to-night. Wednesday fair.
Moderate variable winds.
Highest, 47; lowest, 40; 8 a. m., 44; 8 p. m., 43. .
It is well that President Wilson's grandson, the
"White-Hoyse baby whose entrance into the world
has been considered so very important an event, is
blissfully unaware of the predictions about him
which are being made and the grand possibilities
which are being ascribed to him. If the little fellow
knew what the prophets have in store for him, he
would surely be a worried infant.
That Francis Sayre will at some future date be
the political ruler of the world is the interpretation
which has been made of a Persian savant's reading
of the stars. This astrologer is alleged to have been
in front of his tent gazing heavenward at the time
of the birth of the White House baby, and to have
witnessed a great com motion among the stars,
which showed him not only that a new chieftain
was entering this troubled world, but that the babe
would be the future president of the world, and that
the grandfather of the great personage was the
president of a republic,—evidently an American
It is not unlikely that for the present Master
Francis would rather have the moon than the earth,
if he follows at all the inclinations of normal in
fants upon their first glinifise of the bright heavenly
bodies. Yet he is no doubt contenting himself with,
exercising sovereignty over pretty rattles and satis
fying himself with the present limited extent of
his domains.
This country cannot but feel honored that from
it is to spring a ruler of the whole world, yet the
revelation has come upon it so suddenly that it can
hardly believe that the I'ersian's prophecy properly
applies to the unsuspecting White House baby. The
president of some other of the American republics
may also have become a grandfather recently, in
'an inconspicuous way. If the facts were only
known, there might be an infant in Paraguay or
some such place who, under the conditions of the
astrologer's findings, would be as eligible for world
leadership as President Wilson's descendant.
However that may be, it seems that the Persian
prophet who thinks a world president has been
born, has been laboring under \he delusion that a
ruler must be the offspring of a ruler, a not un
common idea in his corner of the world. A person
with democratic leanings would hardly assume
that a world executive, if he ever got as fai- as pre
suming the existence of such an official, would
have to be the descendant of a ruler, or that the
grandson of an executive would necessarily turn out
to be a ruler himself.
They have established what they cadi "Pay-Up
Week" in Waukon, a little town in Wisconsin. The'
object is for creditors to take particular pains to
make collections and for debtors to endeavor espe
cially to meet their obligations. During the recent
holding of the week thfere were two thousand per
sons in the little town who paid their debts, turning
over a total of $40,000. It is etident that "Pay-Up
Week" paid.
The idea of setting apart one week each year for
the payment of debts may seem strange to persons
who pass through a pay-up period the first of each
month, year in and year out; yet all bills are not
always paid on the first of the month, and thpre
are even some bills, between friends for instance,
• A
that are not submitted periodically like ordinary
It can readily be seen how a generally observed
pay-up week would do much to remedy thoughtless
ness in the matter of meeting obligations. A person
who would not under usual conditions suggest to
a debtor that there is something coming to him,
might have no hesitancy in casually referring to
week when he meets that debtor during such
a period, and the obligations most likely would be
painlessly wiped out.
What a joy a successful pay-up week might be
in Harrisburg if such a thing- were possible, to the
grocers, the bulehers, the bakers, the doctors and
all the other business and professional men who
keep extensive records of pafTons failing to make
return *for goods received or services rendered!
And the joy would Purely be uncontinid, —among
the creditors of course, —if the payment of all
debts were once a year in some strange way to be
made actually obligatory.
The finding of 1,104 indictments in Pike county,
Kentucky, the lurgest county, territorially, in that
state, against men who sold their votes regularly at
every election, in many eases for a mere pittance,
makes a inoat interesting story of political corrup
tion at this particular time when purity of elections
has been the foremost theme in the preachments of
the modern reformer; but most astonishing of all
file phases of this disclosure of rascality at the polls
is the fact that the county where the vote purchas
ing was done is not a county in which there are
any large towns or cities. The entire population is
Had we heard of this wholesale indictment in
New York, or Chicago or Philadelphia we might
not have been so much amazed at the disclosures,
but here was a strictly rural district and it was
shown in court that votes were bought and sold as
a regular traffic, and the man who had the most
money was almost certain to be elected. The county
has a voting population of 5,883; but it is under
stood that only the surface has been skimmed in
the hunt for men who violated their citizenship by
selling their votes. The offices were literally put
up for sale and political skill consisted only in vote
shopping ability. It was largely a question of
"How much?"
It is interesting to note that of the entire voting
population but three women have been found thus
far who have been indicted for selling their votes.
Since 1869 Kentucky women have had the fran
chise to vote for school directors, and the thre.
women indicted are said to have sold their votes
for $1 each to a candidate for school director.
The trials were not without their pathetic inci
dents. One man who had sold his ballot for $3
was lined $125, but so pitifully did he beg to be
permitted to go free to work for his starving family
that the court paroled him to work out the fine.
Occasionally one particularly corrupt scoundrel
came to the front, as in the case of a preacher who
sold his own and the votes of his entire congrega
tion for a lump sum of $25. lie was fined $l5O
which amount the congregation will hardly assist
him to make up. Many were not only disfran
chised, but fined heavily, and but few were ac
From all accounts this is the worst instance of
corruption at the polls that has been made public
since the conviction of 1,200 voters in Adams
county, Ohio, a few years ago for the same offense.
The mere fact that there is being made an honest
effort to put a stop to vote-buying indicates that
the little leaven of the men who have eried out
against this sort of thing is working, and in time it
must have its effect in the larger communities.
A man who would rob a free public librafv must need
the money.
There are rumblings that may grow to the proportions
of a full-sized boom for Ta/t iu 1916.
James J. Hill is starting a campaign to increase the
amount of live stock raised in the Northwest. Here's
hoping it will bring down the price of beef!
A statue of Venus has been stolen from a park in
Hoboken. Perhaps the idea of a goddess living in llo
boken did not appeal to the thief's idea of the fitness of
The Pennsylvania Threshermen's and Farmers' Protec
tive Association is in convention here_ and will ask for
some legislation designed to benefit the agriculturists the
delegates represent. When the farmers go after anything
they generally go after it hard and they generally get it.
The American flag is neither a subterfuge nor a target.
—Baltimore American. s
All wounded feelings over a stolen kis9 oau sometimes bo
healed by giving it back.—Washington Post.
Hokus —"What makes you thiuk he is a vegetarian}"
Pokus —"I have smoked his cigars."—Judge.
Of course we shall soon be rid of wooden railway cars.
They'll all burn after collisions.— Louisville Courier-
Heiny—"Say, I've got a new joke for you, Omar."
Omar—"Where did you dig it up—in a graveyardt"—
Indianapolis Star.
The modern idea decoration is to have nothing
that is not useful. Out go many ornamental wivea.—Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
"I understand your husband lost his suit on a technical
ity, Mrs. Nurich."
"Pardon me, sir; I'll have you understand that my hus
band pays cash for his clothes."—Buffalo Express.
Tongue-End Top ics
McCUin In an Orderly Senate
For years certain slip-shod methods
of transacting business in the Senate''
have been the Bane of the desk clerks,
they finding it impossible to
keep an accurate journal because of the
faet that the regular order of business
was constantly being broken in upon.
It was the habit of Senators to intro
duce bills at any time, neglecting the
regular order when called for, and to
make reports from committees at any
dime, passing the call in ord%r lightly
by. Il kept tQie Journal clerk on the
jump to get things correctly, and when
there was a night session his work of
straightening out the Journal extended
far into the next morning, and then he
was not always certain he was abso
lutely correct; but a change ha». come.
Ijast night Lieutenant Governor Mc-
Clain, in a short but, very serious ad
dress to the Senators served notice on
them t'hat hereafter he will fexpect all
bills to be introduced when that order
of business arrived, an 4 he will expect
bills to be reported from committee in
regular ordei, and he announced that
he will decline to recognize a Senator
who departs from the regular order.
There wasn't a Senator but acknowl
edged the justice of the presiding offi
cer's decision, and things will go
smoother from now until the close of
the session. President Pro Tem. Kline
has decided to adopt t'he same course
while the chair, recognizing how
necessary it is in the prompt dispatch
of business. This tvas the first time
in yesrs that the Senate has been lec
tured, but it took the rebuke good
• • *
Two "Originals" of Charter
It is barely possible that tha. "orig
inal" charter of the land patent
granted by Charles 11, King of Eng
land, to William Penu, first Governor
of Pennsylvania, now on exhibition in
a shop on Fifth avenue, New York, is
one of the "originals" brought to this
country, but it is not possible to say
whether it is "the" first cop that
highly interesting document. That
there were two is certain, for, from
what can bo learned of those who have
studied N tihc history of that old docu
ment, there were evideutly two in pos
session of the Stnte. One of these orig
inals whs many years ago lent to liti
gants in a suit at law in York county
to determine a boundary dispute, and
conditions were so lax at the time that,
so it is alleged, that copy was never
returned, but got n.vay from the State
in sonic mysterious way. The other, in
possession of the State, hung for many
years just over the door in the State
Department, in the present library
building, when it contained the execu
tive offices of the administration. It
was taken down after the lire de
stroyed tho old Capitol, from whieh
fire, however, it was not in danger, and
afterward placed in tho Division of
Public Records, where it is carefully
•. * •
Skillful Pen Copy of Charter
While the old charter hung in the
State Department a clover penman in
that department made a copy of it, and
it is this letter copy, handsomely
framed, that .iangs now in t-he Division
of Public Records in the State Library
building. The document is a splendid
specimen of the ciiirographer's skill in
the days of Penn, if it was made then,
and it could scarcely be improved upon
to-day. There aie sume persons, how
over, who believe that t'hc rough draft,
or original, of the charter was not em
bellished with the splendid chirography
that distinguishes those taken to be
copies, but that it afterwards was em
bellished in making a copy which now
stands for the original. The charter
is on sheepskin parchment and in one
corner contains a fine pen picture of
King Charles. The body of the charter
is. written in old black-letter manu
script, embellished with numerous fancy
scrolls, flourishes and ornaments.
Another Historic Relic Removed
If the ancient I'enn charter has got
ten away from the State Capitol for
good it will not be the first historical
relic that has gotten away from the
seat of government and cannot now be
returned. Up to the beginning of the
Civil war the chair in which John Han
cock sat in Old Independence Hall,
Philadelphia, when he presided over the
Continental Congress, occupied a place
in the House of Representatives at the
Capitol in this city, and it was there
when Lafayette visited Harrisburg, for
he was escorted to the Capitol while
here and sat in the chair, and after
ward made an address expressing hfs
•gratification at being permitted to sit
in the chair. Just when this old chair
got away from the Capitol nobody
knows, but by some it 'has been said
that during the Civil war, when the
Capitol was in danger of being taken
by tho Confederates in 1863 and many
of the State records and valuable docu-
„ Oil
Rub Omega Oil gently over the place
that hurts. Then soak a piece of flan
nel with the Oil, lay it on the painful
S»rt and cover with a piece of dry
annel. This simple treatment usually
gives quick relief. Trial bottle IOC.
Humors in the blood cause internal
derangements that affect the whole sys
tem, as well as pimples, boils and other
eruptions, and are responsible for the
readiness with -which many people con
tract disease.
For forty years Hood's Sarsaparilla
has been more successful than any
other medicine in expelling humors and
removing their inward and outward
effects. Get Hood's. No other medicine
acts like it. ' Adv.
ments were removed to what were con
sidered safe places, the old chair was
taken to Philadelphia and restored to
Independence Hall, where it now is,
carefully guarded and nobody permitted
to occupy it even momentarily.
• • *
Escaped the Capitol Fire
Of course, fifty years' possession
means that Philadelphia will never
again permit the famous chair to be
taken from Independence Hall, and no
body cares to dispute Philadelphia's
ownership at this day ; all agreeing that
the chair is in its proper place. The
wonder is that it was ever brought to
Harrisburg, but it was supposed to fol
low the Capitol, and after many vicissi
tudes it finally landed in the old Cap
itol. Had it been in the old Capitol
when the building was burned, the chair
would'undoubtedly have been part of
the conflagration, for everybody was so
excited that nobody thought of saving
State property, much less the Speaker's
Tor the Harrisburg Beservolr Park
Golf Club
On a bright Tuesday we were up and
To try our hand at a game of golf,
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
I carried the baig and made the tee,
She scarcely deigned a kind look for
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
Betimes she gave me her lovely smile,
My poor heart! X«t was in heav n the
I was the caddy, she was the bogs.
She drove with grace and She drove
with skiU,
She drove riglit through my heart and
I was the c-addy, she was the boss.
But when I ventured her game to
She met my words with a stoney gaze,
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
And when I was slow the ball to find
She minced no words as she spoke her
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
Humbled, yet happy I trudged by her
Doubting, yet homing to make her my
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
The weather changed to a scorching
She scolded me then'in terms not meet
For bringing her out on a day like that.
Her words were sharp and my hope fell
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
The wealth of my love she never knew;
In spite of her temper my heart held
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
She sat her down on a shady bank,
On the soit green grass by her side 1
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
She edged away with an angry frown,
Swept from my touch the fold of her
I was the caddy, sho was the boss.
But my love leaped forth frotn my
hungry eyes
And my hand stretched out to seize the
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
How dare you sir! Was her stern com
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
I dared her wrath and I grasped her
hand r
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
My lady fair you will have to hear
I have loved you well for many a year.
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
My ardent love I plead with power
We plighted out, troth in that same
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
We turned our steps on the homeward
Oh! life was sweet on that bright June
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
At the altar we pledged our Isacred
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
Once wo had entered our little house
I was the caddy, she was the boss.
A few brief months of a lover's life
She was the caddy, I was the boss.
Through the long, lonig years to save
me strife,
I am the caddy, she is the boss.
E. N. Kremer.
Ohaplin's initial appearance in Es
sanay comedies at the Photoplay Sat
urday was received by a record-break
ing crowd and "His New Job" was a
winner. To-morrow he is in "His
Night Out," the second release since
he joined the new company. Chaplin,
or, as he is more favorably called) "The
Guy That Has the World Laughing,"
is a comedian of the first water. Rutto
Roland, in the "Girl Detective" series;
"Tho Apartment House Mystery," two
roel Kalem," and "A Night's Adven
ture," two-reel I/übin drama, complete
the program. To-morrow and Thurs
day is presented "The Perfect Wom
an" and Annette Kellermann in "Nep
tune 's Daughter.'' Adv.*
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
o'elock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice anfl prescriptions to those un
able to pay for tbem.
The February Final Clearaway
Presents a Timely Sale of Custom-Tailored
Ready-to-Wear Serge and Worsted Suits
rThe Serge Suits sll *7 C
Are S2O Values at U
The Worsted Suits $1 £1 (?
Are $22.50 & $25 Values at 10 .JO
The gorge Suits are medium weight "fade
proof" blues—plain or self striped—an all year
t, round dressy garment—every popular model.
\ Neat, conservative Silk Mixed Worsted Suits
—worsteds as pure as can be woven—as true as
steel in wear—and in appearance—always right.
The wide variety of sizes in both these lines
enables us to fit men of every build—regulars,
stouts, slims and shorts.
Hundreds of Shirts
In Our February Clearaway
Shirts for work—for dress—for every practical use—at
exceptional savings. v
SI.OO and $1.50 Shirts at *9 vi (
79£ rp' - Silk Shirts are $1.75
$1.50 Silk Striped Shirts, . -n L. ,, e . OK
$1 OO Shirts are 35£
$2.00 Shirts are $1.29 Or 3 for SI.OO
Funeral of Robert Adams, Who Died in
Pottsville Hospital
Special Correspondence.
Tower City, Feb. 16.—The funeral
of Robert 1. Acfams, a resident of
Clark's Valley, who died in the Potts
ville hospital, was held at this place
on Saturday morning. His body was
brought to the home of his brother,
Lincoln Adams, at this place. A brief
service was held at the home, after
which the cortege proceeded to Green
wood cemetery, where burial took place.
The principal service was held after
burial in the Reformed church at this
place and was conducted by the pastor,
the Rev. C. H. Shinghofl', assisted by
the Rev. E. E. Bender, pastor of the U.
B. church at Williamstown. Mr. Ad
ams was a faithful member of the lat
ter church and also superintendent of
the Greenwood Union Sunday school.
His wife and one sou are at present
confined to the same hospital and on ac
count of their serious condition have
not been told of the death of the hus
band and father.
Knecht. spent a few days
with relatives at Pottsville.
The Rev. O. G. Romig, pastor of
the United Brethren church, spent sev
eral days last week with his family
at Hershey.
Miss Lulu E. Brosius spent several
days at Reading and Pottsville.
Miss Isabelle Itosengrant. of Wilkes-
Barre, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Stephens.
The revival services in the Metho
dist Episcopal church are still in prog
ress. The Rev. O. G. Romig preached
on Saturady evening.
Hiss Marion Sheelev, assistant teach
er of the High school, died 011 Thurs-
If You
are troubled with heartburn, gasoa and
a distressed feeling after eating take a
D Tab|et' a
before and after each meal and you will
obtain prompt relief. Sold only by u5,250
George A. Gorgaa.
P. MnKiro, Owner and Manager
CHAS. K. CNAMPUN *' I=-" "' "
THE LITTLEST REBEL «,T U .V~ J " A ;R' C ; ,R< '"° ,N «
\l K ht>—The Reformer. i A Story of Stifr Uff B Rents
Thnr. Mat.—The Master of the Also High Grade Comedies ■
House. "The Misjudged Mr. Hartley,"
Thur. Eve.—The Heart of Mary- I "Bad Hill and the Walter."
PRICES i Mats., lOe aad 20c | Nights, " H,S LABT DOLLAR"
10c, 20c, 30c, SOc; Sat. Mat , 10c, 20c A Powerfnr dramatic feature, S reela
and HOc. Admission, 10c Children Be
V____ / *■ —^———I—/
and a company of 10, In the Mnalcal
HOME AGAIN *"»»»v.*rtu.i«t-
X W Time at Cheap Prlcea
f " _ . I.augbn For Everybody
Van and Schcnck mli.e.rialto
Monarch! of Sonar "THE ARTIST'S DREAM"
BIG SUPPORTING DILI. Country Store Wednesday Night
Charles Chaplin in Hla Second Eaaanay Rrleane
Another 2 reeler. It'a Got "Hla New Job," (which you now at our thentre
Saturday) beaten to a fraszle.
Girl Detective Scrlea, featuring Ruth Roland, "A NIGHT'S ADVENTI'RE"
—2 Act Lubtn.
Special Wednesday aad Thursday •
In "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER," a wild, weird, startling spectacle.
Special Admlaalon, from 0 n. ni. to « p. mj—Children, Bcj Atlulta, 10c.
From 0 p. in. to 11 p. m—Children, 10c| Adulta, 20c.
i. -
VICTORIA " The Woman ia Black"]
" sp«ciaj To-day An Extraordinary Social Drama
A Biograph Feature in Four Reels
day morning, aged 18 years. She
came from Gettysburg to this place
last August. Her body was taken to
Gettysburg for burial. She is sur
vived by a mother and two brothers.
Afr a medical college a class was be
ing examined in anatomy, and one stu
dent was asked, "What muscles have
tiheir origin in the popliteal space!"
"Well," said the bright student,
"there's that one with the durned long
name, and 1 :!on't remember t>he other
tv\o."—Boston Transcript.
YOU'RE going to
want a new Spring
hat one of these days-
Well, this time, let it
be a hat that will not
need a word of ex
planation—in short a
This exclusive hat store
is headquarters for Stet
sons. Pick yours to-day.