The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    Read every item carefully if you will benefit by the rare /0 /t y r f aif
IT%mJLfI4r MM values that are offered for the one day—
Call 1991—Any Phpne Founded 1871 To-morrow Call 1991 _ Any Phone Founded 1871
' _
Women's and Dress Goods Thrtee Special
I Children's ,r^ ed JfT2"A e_ 23c Items in the I
Gloves .... 23 c Flannelette Sale
I Chamoisette Qloves all Dobbie Silk silk and cot- Women's 50c Flannelette
■ ■ sizes, but in black only; reg- ton ; yard wide; m lilac, grey Skirts—in plain white, dark I W
B I • ularly 50c; OQ*» a ", K re - V ant * pretty, dainty I . I
raw I pair, value; yard, LdOXs stripes of blue and pink; 36 I
EMM ■ Children's Fleeced Gaunt- Colored Dress Linens—tfi to 42 inches in length; with # I
MW lets; regularly 50c; i) 0/» inches wide; 3 good shades; hems, or buttonhole OQ n I
MM p a ir ( LoC 8 ()od quality; 75c rtO/» scallops at bottom, at LdOL W m
JET Children's Golf Gloves; all value; yard, ......£Ol/ Children's 25c Flannelette
■ shades. Special, OOn Sdk and W ° ol Tussah — Skirts —with and without I
™ nair LiO C brocaded; 42 inches wide, in bodies; scalloped and em- ' W
~ brown and tan; OQ/» broidered ruffles ; sizes 2to I——————————————————.
» ) t X i- i TIT Main Floor BOWMAN'S. $1.30 value; yard,.. mIUv 14 years; in white, pink and _,
JXLeil S InlantS wear ~Striped Storm Serge—36 blue, and pink and 00*» Children S I
Furnishings to'" 118 ' L »»s Skirts - 23c for a Room inche. wide;»« 00. bl^ s ' rip^a '.! t ° r ~r TTn<forwai«t« lYiclll
A **A lllolilllgo made of nainsook; body T + -f H A value; yard, 4IOL Children s 25c Flannelette UnQ©rWa.ISXS
Men's 50c Dress Shirts— bound at neck and sleeves; XrfOt Ot JSOIT&CIT White Bengaline Silk—2o Rompers plain grey; and Made of nainsook; sizes 2 YotlT CIIOiCQ
good patterns in percales; well made; regularly ()Q *Pj)T>PT* inches wide; 50c f? re y> pink and blue stripes; to 12 years; reinforced under _ _
coat style with attached 39c; each, mOv value, yard, ....... ZiO v collar, yoke, pocket and belt arm; two rows of buttons at at 2OC
cuffs. CM OO Infants' Silk Capes—em- Includes 20 yards of 5c cut Satin Messaline—plain col- piped in plain color; sizes 1 waists. Special *IOO blaok stiff hut*
3 for sl.£o broidered silks and silk pop- ?ut border in pretty color- on; 39c value; 09/» to 6 years; 90 at £££ sl-00 black stiff hats.
Men's SI.OO Underwear— lin; tucks, turn backs, em- , UI K S - Regular price is SI.OO. yard, -lor *Jtlv Corset Dept.—Second Floor. *• men s cloth hats.
shirts, drawers and union broidered and ribbon trim- Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Roman Benealine: OO ~ Second iloor BOW MANS. . ;xftc men's and boys' golf
suits; natural wool, medium med; regularly 39c 9Q 1 39c value• vard UO C Oil +VIA Tampf CapS '
and heavy weight cotton; 2 to 50c. Each, LoC Striped Worsted Suiting- ClearillfifOut 11, t f C men ' s and boys ' knit "
garments d»"| 90 Infants' Long Kimonos— RIDDOHS 32 inches wide 86c OO » ..* «« FlOOr ted caps.
for made of white flannelette- .1 u- ' 1 Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
, __ TT ' 39c Roman Strine OO .worth, or 4 1 /. yards, wuv ±j\J LolH LiICOHUC
Men s 25c Half Hose—me- flat collars• tront embroider- , , S-\P t« • n 1 " j « ~ Cottage Carpet, 36 inches
23c Department In the Men's
soles; black and col- 90 ' Children's Short' Skirts- TkAitiac+iro worth, or 2 yards,. Yard Clothing
ors; 2 pairs, LaO C made of white muslin; with DOmeStlCS Main FIoor—BOWMANs. Ingrain Stair Carpet, 22 t\
Boys'soc Night Shirts and . bodies; tucked ruffle at bot- Wool Flannel, suitable for e , inches wide; regu- 90 _ JJcparXmeHX
Pajamas—heavy weight out- torn; sizes Ito 6 years; regu- men's shirts • j-egu- O O KitchfillWareS Men's Slippers, larly 30c. Yard,... ttOt PllfiirP a\
ing flannel, t)Q n larly 25c to 39c, at OO' larlv 30c to 45c• yd. UfJC " Women's Slippers, Fiber Mattings, 36 inches VIIUIV/C at
each, 2 for Pillow Cases—bleached and Galvanized Wash Tub Women s Spats, wide; tan, blue and green; Tan duck coats.
House Dresses that were SI.OO and \ ,in Egg Basket-made of white
+! ">() indhes wide; regularlj 12VoC, willow • round; regu-OO _ Children s Rubbers, vestibule bath room or nan- $1.50.
Wrappers that were SLOO,' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.l f vards"" lty ' 23c la 'l y 4!, " : at TikL i r ° men s Vl ' h 'et Slip- try; regularly 39c. 90 $1.98 heavy Duck Coats
Wfli<s+<s tlvit ifnvo 4:1 OO 4jl '>l ..iwl I - - \I, ' ''' '-.J' ',i' , Tin Foot Tub—painted; via „ Square yard, Mut with blanket lining—small
W SS. that . :: ere sl -. 00 :. 51 : 25 . :' ud 7 <■rrjrv r " s '" 23c &- " c - =»" sr™ - - r °" ly - Spe " i " 23c
Sweaters ,hat were SI.OO to $2.00, .. i lv " P "
Bain Capes that were sl.oo \ J >ardls, ... •• • , with galvanized cover; 10-qt. Yard, ZoC only small sizes—cassimeres
Petticoats that were $1.50, I Outing Flannel, light ami size; regularly 39c; Women's patent colt, Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. and worsteds, OQ „
Kimonos that were SI.OO and $1.50,/ dark patterns; regu- 9Qp at ut)v kid, gun metal and tan ' 2 for «OC
(lannents of qualitv. Some are shop- lal ii I( u''J o\! m i s " -V Mexican Lunch Baskets— calf Button and Lace - t)Q „
worn: othora are soiled from display; others are 90 inches' 3 inch hems 6 reif with cover-can also be used lormei,, y s2.o ( )and 1w sh elingßags
- Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S,
bllgntn aaniagta. but. tliat a tlip to tile ularly 40c;OO n remilnrlv 4*) cat LitjQ <pX able Dress Shields, sizes 2, 3 —_
wash till) or sewmg room will not correct. at.. £OL "' ; Cream Whin—or Women's fine $3.50 811(1 4 ; regularly 19c, 22c - -
F,„„^BOWMAN- 8 . Pillow 45x36 c °S tcr f» t Zhed7»irt Oaifr ,vith black. 9Q<» DrapeneS
———J inches; embroidered with j ar . re g U i av iy 4;i e; grey and fawn cloth tops. 3 pairs, Chintz—for cushions, cur
y . ij * . scalloped edge. OQ/» at T .... hd&C Special (1»9 9Q J. and P. Coat's Spool Cot- tains and overdrapery; reg-
Art lumens Special at American Girl Cedar Oil at ton—limit 6 spools to a cus- ularly 35c;
Mercerized Table Damask Linen Crash Cushion Tops Muslin. Mop—for cleaning and pol- lhird I,oor BO^M AN'S. tomer. J'."
—6O inches wide; many as- —oblong: stamped for em- yards, "Ov ishing hardwood floors; reg- 1 spoo s, Ecru Lace—4s inches wide,
sorted patterns to select i broidering ; regular- OO Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ularlv 49c, QO/» T ftn +l, AW 39c American hard rubber regularly 20c; OQ^
fit) 111 ; regularly 35c OOp ly 39e, at C ——. CjOOuS Dressing " yards, uOC
Yard » Drawn Work Squares -18- LdCCS and Galvanized Foot Tubs- SI.OO Hand Bags, C °!" b \ Colored Border Scrims-
Linen Finish Table Damask inch size; regularly t)Q regularly 39c, 8 mi' Rao HpA'Rpo-V cxc\ ih ' ' ' regularly 18c and 9Qtf»
-54 inches wide; 6>Q.. 39c ;• each, ZoC EmbrOldeneS at 6OL 39c Beaded Bags, Pins,.. 19c; 2 yards, ...... &OL
rcgiilarlv 29c. Yanl.^e3 , L Onpct Tn«/»ic 1 if Swss Flouncino - —''7 inches Auto Sweeping Compound d mli'i Y !">'W -7? T- 10c piece white and» color- Silkoline—36 inches wide;
„ !•...« v; Guest Towels—stamped fur u . —regu larlv 50c can OO Children s Bags, with chain ( >d Embroidery OQ „ for comforts, cushions and
Hemstrtched Napkins-size em broidery. regu- HO wide, regularly 39c, at . . 23C handl ? ; in red ' tau 9Qr» Edges, 3 for ZoC curtains; regularly
_ \_o. \ ery prt 1> pa^ 1 • lll > • ,t * : - to >* ••• £0 C ■' • ■ •• Creoe Toilet PaDer C\ rfc and bla( ' k > at UOC Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 10c and 12y 2 c; 9Q
nfcto»™ m ... $1.23 p 23c —— 'jrw, f^
Huck Guest Towels--regit- | R 23C —"*-*««»*** White GOOdS T °7 B edge™ StaheTwide""""
2 r flir lfe , 23C Bla,k. Swiss Plouncinf-lS i„oh<. s ChlEa - Mercerized Voito-40 iXII LSnO I '' »%*!'. 23C
Turkßit Towels- aod bine'wS; sTogle Jed 23C Fruit Bowls - decorated leriaTf" DoUs ' White Corona Cloth^for
size; regularly-loc. O') , s size ; regularly 69c; OO 1 porcelain in assorted decora- dresses ■ rctrnHilv rt a 50c Printing and 00/, curtains or bed sets; QQ^
2 for ZOC .air, 23C * luster finish; 90,, .. 23C sets, at... I6C regularly 29,,; yard, Z6C
Unbleached Turkish Towels Wool Nap Blankets— erev Vard /.) C regularly 50c; at... ttOt WVI -. Mo . 25c Printing Sets, <)Q/» Curtain Strips—2i/ 2 and
3 vards 23c WMANS ' 1 Ma,u '' loor f'o\\ MAX'S. Decorated German China— . Plain White Lawn —27 98c China Dishes OO ———
s ——— ———— —_ salad dishes, cake plates, nut inches wide; regu- 9Q/» a t ' 23C OnnHc
Main Floor BOWMAN'S. T _ . _ bowls, spoon travs, sugar and larly 8c; 6 yards,.. /uOC _ OtUlltttlJf \7OOQS
j=- 23c Is in the New Prices *"23c
Underwear on Women's Garments £y 1 .23 c 2 x y r ardt' e quahty . ; . 23c sets, cToy . 23c or sii P - o ver. speSoo p
_ J TJabJaw s . (m . Milk Pitchers assorted 'Main'Floor—BOWMAN'S. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. at £dO\s
ana XlOSiery ~ rtß rr pure wo °' worste <ls, Bedford .or<is. decorations; regularlv 35c. Sanitary Aprons—made of
Women's 50c Underwear- T! " ' " S 3 - 23 39c an,l 45e, ()Q. extra > light weight rubber
vests and oants- bleached- n P i >o f* SiUt Petticoats — all colors; excellent quality of at ZoC 4- L. JT* T\ J. coated material; upper part'
JS ooi' $1:23 Colonial Gtas Sugar and of net. Special «q„
buttons- seconds .. LiOC S«.oo to Sio.ou Dresses—a few pretty silk and wool dresses. Cream Sets; regu- OO _ at £Ov
• 11. f r1 0 „hlo soles Tnd Slt" l no° f ! ,^H Ur sYfi n -T . coats amou g them that were Basement—BOWMAN'S. $25.00 Satin WalllUt Chiffonier $18.23 . . ""
high spiiced heels; pL"! .~i« 5 ,?u"3 'tS,Kj'' $18.75 sutiu walnut Dressing Table, ...$12.23 . AutO Supplies
black, «J1 OO i:™" 1 ™ 1 "52.23, $3.23, $4.23, $5.23 and BOVS ClOthiUg s2l.ooquartered ( oak Dresser $15.23 59c Horn Bulb. 23<*
3 pail's, Bovs'soc Wash Suits—<Mi- $20.00 quartered oak Chiffonier, $15.23 50c Patches, 23<
Infants' 25c Cashmere tt t was $37.50, at $10.23 ver Twists and Rus- OO * SIB.OO mahogany Chiffonier, $12.23 75c Auto Pliers, .. 23^
Stockings - silk heels and One Evening Coat that was $50.00, at $11.23 sian Sailors, each,.. LtO C SIB.OO mallOganv Bureau, $12.23 39c n »els, 23<*
toes; black and col- one Evening coat that was $35.00, at $10.23 Boys' 50c Knick- OO sls-00. quartered oak China Closet $12.23 \T me ?o ld f r u' 00l
""m 2 "Z; : 23c Fifth FIoor— HOWMAN'S. ? !! S{
Main xloor i*(_)W.M AN S. i mm MmHmmM^—^mL . j nu n/>nrmr > **•«
———— 4 Third iloor BOW MAN S. ————Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
enate Adopts Resolution Asking Con
gress to Take Action
By a vote of 35 veas to 10 nays
the Senate last night adopted a resolu
tion calling upon Congress to repeal the
present Democratic tariff as the cause
of the present industrial distress. The
resolution was offered by 'Mr. Varc and
was almost through before the Demo
crats in the Senate woke up and de-
/nanile,l a ;ea and nay vote through
Senator Washers. The resolution is as
' follows:
' • Whereas, The great industrial Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania has suffer
ed more than any other State in the
Union because of the present tariff, and
" Whereas, Under its operation vour
important steel plants, our textile mills
and other industries have been operat
ing only aibout one-half capacity; and
"Whereas, The army of unemployed
in our cities and towns has brought
continued distress through inability to
obtain proper food, raiment and shel
ter; and
'"Whereas, We believe present condi
tions will become worse instead of bet
ter at the close of the war; it is there
"Resolved, That the Legislature of
Pennsylvania now in session do request
the Congress of the United States to
repeal the present tariff law and re
place it with a law giving adequate pro
tection to our labor and mdust'les, and,
under normal conditions, sufficient rev
enue to warrant the repeal of the pres
ent unjust aud uncalled for special
methods of taxation now in operation."
The resolution was adopted by a
strict party vote, the Republicans vot
ing aye aud the Democrats, reinforced
by Smith, of Crawford, Bull Moose,
voting no.
A Knock-down Blow
A friend of mine, an old missionary
in China, gave a Bible to a cultivated
Chinese gentleman—a Confucianist —
asking him to read it and then to tell
•him what he thought .about it. After
a few months ho returned to the mis
sionary and said, "I have read this
book with great interest—it is a great
book, and I am inclined to try these
teachings; but," he added, "according
to this book you are not a (Christian!"
The oJd missionary, startle*! at this
sweeping assertion, re>plied, "What do
you meant-*'
The Confucianist answered, "I read
that a Christian is a man who is not
handicapped by anxiety and worry, and
is' usually a happy man. He is one who
knows th'.t his God, who cares for the
falling iyt the smallest l>ir<l? will surely
care ,for him. This'book commands him
to cast his care upon God, and it as
sures him that he will receive the gift
of peace. I read that Jesus saiid to his
disciples that he gave them his joy,
and he furthermore said, 'Let not your
heart be troubled.' 1 find that a Chris
tion is an unworried man. But vou are
the most worried man I know. Vou im
press me as having a thousand cares.
Vou are anxious about details concern
ing which, as these Gospels teach, you
should trust, God. You are not an "no
worried man. You arc not a Christian.
—The Christian World.
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and '2
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those ua\
able to pay for them.
• ,
, I