The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Page 4, Image 5

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The Greatest Clearance Sale
We have ever held, begins to-morrow, Wednesday. The Values offered
wilT be extraordinary. Our entire winter stock of Women's and Misses'
It is part of this store's policy to open each season with an entirely new
stock. In this Sweeping February Clearance Sale, COST and PROFIT are
both forgotten. Prices will be irresistible.
The Bargains Will Astonish You
31 N. Second Street
*Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers Guest of
Honor at Delightful Affair Given
By Mrs. James Henry Darling
Mts. James Henry Darlington gave a
luncheon a.t her home, 321 North Front
street, to-day in compliment to Miss
Mary • pliaabeth Meyers, a debutante
of the season.
The table appointments were carried
6ut in keeping with the valentine sea
son, with Spencer sweet peas in heart
shaped arrangement, carrying out the
color scheme. The guests included Miss
Dorothea Darlington, of New York;
Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, Miss Dora
W ickershani Coe, Miss Louise Carney,
Miss Constance Ferriday, Miss Alice
Wallis, .Miss Robinson, Miss Moiitonilau
A'orris, Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Miss
Myrvinne Leasoii, Miss Kleanor Darl
ington, Miss Kathryn Schmidt, Miss
Alary Schmidt and Miss Virginia Stair,
of York.
Mrs. Darlington entertained inform
ally last evening in honor of her niece,
Miss Dorothea Darlington, of New
York City.
Sassoii-Witherspoon Concert
Harrisburg music lovers enjoyed a
rare treat last evening when Mile. Adu
Sassoli, harpist, and Herbert Withcr
spoon, famous basso, of the Metropol
itan Opera Company, were heard in the
artists' concert given in Fahnestock
Jiall by the Wednesday Music Club. .
The artists, both of whom are \yell'
known throughout this and foreign
'countries, rendered a program of ex
quisite numbers. Mile. Sassoli is a rare
and gifted artist, with a marvelous
technique. The "Uhacone," by Dutand,
and a group of numbers by Hasscmans,
were especialy pleasing and effective.
Mr. Wi'therspoon is the possessor of
n voice of excellent quality, and despite
the fact that only four of his twelve
«:umbors were sung in the English lan
guage, completely won his audience by
his beautiful voice anil pieasing per
sonality. The German selection of
Schubert and Schumann were well re
ceived, but his most enjoyable work,
and that most appreciated by the audi
fcuoe, were the songs rendered in our
own language. "Plow Gently Sweet
Alton " and "Meet Me By Moonlight,"
the latter with harp accompaniment,
were rendered by request, with much
taste and feeling.
Landis-Bigler Wedding
Marietta, Feb. 16. —iMiss Frances
Bigler, of East Hempfleld township, aud
Frederick S. Landis, of Manheim, were
married yesterday by the Rev. J. F.
Knittle, pastor of the Zion Lutheran
eh it re u, Manheim. The couple was un
attended aud a wedding dinner followed
at the home of the bride.
Aukamp-Groff Wedding
Marietta, Feb. 16.—Miss Frtfnces
Croff, of Qiiarryville, and Jacob H.
Aukamp, of Oxford, Chester county,
were married yesterday by the Rev. A.
J. Reichart. pastor of the Christ Lu
theran church, with the ring ceremony.
The couple was unattended.
Married at Landisville
Rapho, Feb. 16.—.Miss Alma M.
Steir, of this place, and Oliver M. Ker
ry, of East Hempfleld, were married
last evening by the Rev. Harvey G.
Kauffman, at t'he parsonage of the j
Church of God, Landisville.
Linens for Bride-elect
Miss Katherine Philips gave a linen!
Shower at her home, 924 North Third!
street, last night in honor of Miss Sara 1
E. Bowers, whose marriage to William'
Naugle will be an event of the early!
spring. |
For Nervous People
The great nerve tonic—the famous
Wendell's Ambition Pills that will
put vigor, vim and vitality into nerv
ous tired out, all in, despondent people
in a few days.
Anyone can buy a box for only 50
cents, aud H. C. Kennedy is authorized
by the maker to refund the purchase
price if anyone is dissatisfied with the
first box purchased.
Thousands praise them for general
debility, nervous proetratiou, mental
depression and nnstrung nerves caused
by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco,
or overwork of any kind.
A* a brain food or for any affliction
of the nervous system Wendell's Ambi
tion Pills are unsurpassed, while for
bysteria, trembling aud neuralgia they
are simply splendid. Fifty cents at
H. C. Kennedy's and dealers every
where. Mail orders filled, charges pre
paid by Wendell Pharmacal .Co., Inc.,
Syracuse, N. Y. Adv.
• ♦ 2 ' VV •* •, V . ■, ,•' •> * *■".,*• ' 4 '• •; •.• .•
J. G. Cayter Troop Will Tell Interesting
Story in Illustrating His
" '
J. G. Carter Troop, official lecturer i
for the Drama League of America will !
lecture on '' Folk Tales and Fairy j
Stories," in the auditorium of the J
Technical High school, Tuesday even- j
ing, February 23.
nfl ffmpfc
■l f^|
) Mr. Troop, who will lecture under
■ the auspices of the Story Telling Hub,
j has delighted large audiences. tlirotigh
-1 out the country, his lectures making
' their greatest appeal through their in
timate personal tone and high cultural
i merit.
Mr. Troop believes that the story
j should be told, and not read or mem
j orized, and his repertorie contains fairy
tales grown into beautiful consumma
tion of the misty past when people
real I v lielieved in fairies, and sloriea
| by writers of the present dav, who like*
; I'eter Pan persist in the delightful de
lusion that there really arc fairies for
j those who can see them.
!C. E. Society of Penbroolt Lutheran
| Church Arranged Pleasant Social
I The Christian Endeavor Society of
.the Penbrook Lutheran church gave
j a farewell so ial at the | arsonage last
, evening in honor of Sister Eva Whit
moyer, a deafness from the Lutheran
i Mother House at Baltimore, <Md.
A pleasant evening of music and
| games was enjoyed, after which refresh
ments were served. Those present were:
j Mrs. C. Yingst, Mrs. J. Garberirh,
j iMisses Lvdia Garberich, Sarah Gar
| berich, Helen Garberit'h, Clara Gar
| berich, Caroline Forney, Mary Sempht,
I Mary Spees, Ireue Weidman, Hannah
| Shive, Esther Stive, Ida Richards, Ks
| tella Richards, Sister Eva Whitmoyer
I Mrs. S. Ream, Mrs. William Smy'scr,
! Mrs. G. F. Richards, William Garberich,
I 'Herman Wagner, Jesse Garverich,
| Frank Dapp, Paul Henry and the Rev! |
I L. B. Henry and Mrs. Henry.
, Entertained in Honor of Their Grand
son on Sunday
• Mr. am! Mrs. C. Coplinky entertained
i at their home 011 Sunday in honor of
i their grandson, who celebrated his tbir
-1 teenth birthday anniversary. The
j house was beautifully decorated with
flowers and ferns.
The guests included 'Mr. and Mrs. A.
I Coplinky, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cop
: linky, Mr. and Mrs. S. Finklestein, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Adlestein, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Brenner, Esther Brenner, Freida Bren
ner, Sophia Coplinky, Ro>bert Finkle
stein, Theoodre Coplinky, Walter and
Harry Wogenhime, Marcus and Harry
Micliolovitz, Jrfcob Giond, Manuel Lev
in, Benjamin Levi, Bernard Cohen, Ra
chel Adlestein, Samuel Adlestein and
>Morris Kramer.
Hess-Frltz Marriage Solemnized by the
Rev. F. D. Manifold
S>tras»burg, Feb. 16.—A pretty wed
ding was solemnized yesterday in the
First Presbyterian church when 'Miss
Gladys Fritz was married to Hu<ber
Hess, the ceremony being performed
by the pastor, the Rev. F. D. Mani
fold. The couple was attended by Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Hess anif Mr" and
Mrs. Milton Ranek. A reception fol
lowed at the home of the bride.
Miss Van Horn Hostess
Miiss Vera Van Horn entertained the
members of the Cricket Club at her
home, 603 Boa.s street, last evening.
The guests included 'Miss Mary Shaub,
Miss Marian McCormick, Miss Marie
Sheaffer, .Miss Lou Boath and Mrs. D.
A. Dayhoff.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Troup Enter
tained In Their Son's Honor
Last Evening
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Troup gave a
dance at the Colonial Country Club last
night in compliment to their son, John,
who yesterday celebrated his birthday
The ball room was prettily decorated
in keeping with the VaJentine season.
Music for the dancing was furnished by
a Victrola and a buffet supper was
served at intermission.
The guests included: Miss Julia Swil
er, Miss Mary Koous, Miss Margaret
Landis, Miss Helen Cook, Miss Marga
ret Bacon, Miss Anne Bacon, Miss
Edith Troup, Miss Anna Eyster, of
York; Miss Marie Stucker, Miss Be
atrice Bacon, Miss Rexrotih, Ralph
Cook, Clair Miller, Kenneth Rhodes,
Richard Ileagy, William Snyder, Ira
Kindler, George Orendorf, Samuel Niss
ley, Edgar Barnes, J. Loißue Hess, Stew
art Penny, of Upper Mt. Clair, Mew
i ork; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Tronp and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert W. Troup.
George Koll Gave a Delightful Party
in Honor of Miss Sara Keil
j George Keii entertained at his home,
: .>45 Race street, la.-t night in honor of
his daughter, Sara, who yesterday cele
; brated her eleventh birthday annivcr
] sary. Ass:sting in entertaining were
Misses Florence Keil, Gertrude Keil,
: Agues Sparrow, Margaret Tilghman,'
: Helen C. Tilghman and Mrs. Florence
| Sparrow.
j Among the guests were Misses Es
j ther Weiseman, Mary Houser, Esther
j Sue Graham, Margaret Graham, SaTah
O'Brien, Helen Dellart, Thelma Groff,
Blanche Ranie. Marv Pass, Naomi Mi
chael, Bertha Weiseman, Hazel Fisher,
1 Mildred Fisher, Dorothy Stall I, Ruth
1 Haas, Elizabeth Haas and Irma Reich
Entertained at Her Home in Honor of
Her Husband
Mrs. J. W. Ebright gave a birthday
party at her home, 645 Mac lay street,
last evening in compliment to her hus
band. The guests spent a plea suit,
evening with music after
refreshments were served.
Those present wore: Mr. and Mrs.
W. U. Ebright, Frank Hargest, Dr. J.
J W. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Townsen, Karl
Stouffer and Miss C'allien, of Pitts-
I burgh.
Gave a Valentine Party at Her Home
Last Evening
Miss Mary Scott entertained at her
home, 904 North Eighteenth street, last
evening, the following guests:
Misses Annie ,Levan, Mary Bolton,
Evelyn Whitcomb, Irene Long, Mr. and
Mrs. Oleckner, Raymond George, Wil
liam Gibson, Ralph Jacobs, P. J. Stoel
lenberger, Theodore Brown, Mr. aud
Mrs. M. >ll. Scott.
Miss Smith Entertains
Miss May me Smith entertained (he
members of the Olivet Presbyterian
Sewing Club at her home, 35 " North
Nineteenth street, last evening. Those
present were: Mrs. W. O. Yates, Miss
Nettie \\ liite, Miss Ruth Brassplman,
'Miss Gertrude Huber, Miss Sara White,
Miss JJora Cullinery, Miss Katherine
Huber, Miss Bertha Bright-bill, Miss
Maude Mote, "Miss Tillie Keister and
Miss Jane Mac Donald.
Miss Cobler Hostess
Miss Elizabeth Cobler entertained at
her home, 1632 North Third street, Sat
urday afternoon. Dinner was served to
the following guests: Mr* Lila K.
Peav, Mj. and Mrs. Roy Bignall, Mr.
and Mrs. William Mayer, Paul Smith,
D. J. linger, Christian F. Oobler and
Max Wippge. Following t'he dinner H.
J. Finerfrock entertained tibe guests
with music.
Celebrated Wedding Anniversary
Marietta, Feb. 16.—Postmaster and
Mrs. John Orth yesterday celebrated
their twenty-second wedding anniver
sary with a family reunion. They were
busy receiving congratulations.
Visiting Parentß
J. Eflward Shoaff, 210 Kelker street,
the managei of a department store in
Springfield, Mass., is spending some
time in the city with his parents.
Home From Pittsburgh
Mrs. William H. lialtzeil has re
turned from Pittsburgh where she has
been the guest art her father, Colonel
Thomas I'. Roberts.
Guest of «Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mrs. G. A. Stouffer, oif Mercer.-iburg,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Smit'h, 1815 Hildrup street.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and J
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those un
able to pay for them.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mrs. Elmer Sterringer, 1717 Penn
street, has returned from Philadelphia.
Mrs. W. W. Sholl, of Duncannon,
*pent yesterday with Mrs. John H.
Daugherty, 1000 North Sixth street.
Mrs. James Pennell, 1525 North
Sixth street, has returned from a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. 0. E. Huber, in
Mrs. Mary Bomgesser, of Lancaster,
is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wil--
liam Haagt at Lemoyne.
Mrs. M. Sheely and daughter, Miss
Katherine Sheely, 1504 Kegina street,
have returned from H&lifax.
Leßue Drove, of Washington, D. C.,
was a guest of his parents, Mr. acd
Mrs. O. B. Grove, 1247 Ktftatinny
Mrs. William J. Ettinger, 122 Cal-"
der street, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Edward P. Gugh, 215 Broad
street, and MTS. P. A. G-laser, of Steel
ton, have returned from a visit to
J. Strayer Williams, 1846 Derry
street, left for Kansas City, Mo., where
lie will become a partner in an auto
mobile concern. Mr. Williams will re
side with his brother, N. N. Williams,
a former resident of this city.
Mrs. Le-wis Stroud", 1702 Regina
street, has returned from Suntoury.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Capeil, 66
North Seventeenth street, are homo
after a visit to Camden, N. J., and
Mrs. William Traxler and Miss Sara
Carl, 315 Birel)field street, have re
turned from Mechanicsiburg.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gatschall and
daughter, Miss Margaret Gotschall, 52
North Seventeenth street, have return
ed from Boiling Springs.
Emory Lutz, of York, has returned
after a visit with his mother, Mrs.
William H. Cunningham, 310 Hummel
Miss Olive Garmar, of Shamokin, is
the.guest of Miss Carrie Swavely,
1421 Market street.
Russell Mann, 1908 North Third
street, has returned from Carlisle.
Ray Ilcffelfinger, 550 North Seven
teenth street, has gone to Detroit,
Mich., Where he has accepted a position
with the Michigan State Telephone
Miss Marguerite Plank, of York, is
the guest of Miss Sara Sharpe, 30G
North street.
Mrs. W. H. Yocum, 1721 Green
street, has returned from Philadelphia.
Mrs. Charles Hol'linger, of Hunting
don, and Mrs. Nan DeAnnent, of Al
t.oona, are guests o>f their sister, Mrs.
Ilallie McNaight, 2335 Jefferson street.
Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Smith, of Al
to<fiia, were work-end visitors of Mrs.
Ida Dyer, 333 Boyd avenue.
Miss Anna Hart, of Mont Alto, is
registered at the Bolton.
Miss Kathrvn Dingle, of Philadel
phia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Darius Colvle, of Riverside.
Miss Myrta Yarnell, of Reading,
and Miss Martha Miller, of Newport,
were week-end guepts of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Edwin Miller, 636 Harris street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeiders, of Pen
brook, have returned from Philadelphia.
Miss Olive Kiinepeter, 317 Kelker
street, spent the week-end at Williams
Mrs. G. M. Harvey, 1118 Green
street, has returned from a visit in
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. stiller, of Mil
ler.-iljurg, former residents of this place,
spent Saturday with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Williams,
191 i! Fulton street, spent the week
end at Gettysburg.
Fptuik M. Waring, of Tyrone, was
a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Pancake, 109 Boas street, Sat
Karl Brvson, 20.'!5 North Seventh
street, spent the week-end in Philadel
Mr. and Mrs. Oalvin C'larkson Miller,
2340 North Sixth street, spent Satur
day at Tyrone.
J. T. W. McLaughlin, HOG North
Sixth street, has returned from Lan
Fred Nesbit, 1106 North Sixth
street, spent the week-end at Wrights
William Patterson, of White Kock,
returned home' from a visit to his
daughter, Mrs. Albert Andrews, 1531
State street.
Curtis Dnnlap, 214 North Second
street, is spending several days at
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. H'haffner,
107 Bods street, have returned from
Miss Sara Binkley and Miss Cora
Schnadcr, of Ephrata, are guests of
Mrs. Frank Ga.ns, 427 Harris street.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rodmond,
1837 North Fourth street, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Porter, 1502 North street,
motored bo Union Deposit yesterday.
Mrs. Julia Thomas and son, Conrad
Thomas, 535 Priniro*e street, were
called to Kichmond, Virginia, to at
tend the funeral of the former's father.
M. L. Horting, 506 Roily street,
visited at Newport yesterday.
Miss Lillian Stauffer, 2123 Derry
street, is visiting in Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreider, AOO9
Importance of Elimin
ating Acidity and Food
During the past two or three years
reiports have frequently appeared in the
Press concerning the remarkable value
of blsurated magnesia as an antacid:
and Its ability to promote normal,
healthy digestion by preventing food
fermentation and neutralizing danger
ous stomach acid has often been dem
onstrated. Until recently druggists
could supply blsurated magnesia In
powder form only, from one to two
tea»poonfU'ls of which, taken In a little
water after meals, almost Instantly
Btops all fermentation and" neutralizes
acid, but sufferers from stoina?h trou
ble will be glad to le-arn that, after a
long series of experiments, a leading
firm of manufacturing druggists has
now succeeded In produclng'a B-grain
tablet whichvcomblnes all the valuable
antacid properties of the ordinary bl
surated mngnesialn a very convenient
form. This tablet of blsurated
magnesia can now be obtained of drug
gists everywhere and many physicians
are already prescribing them Instead of
the powder form. —Adv.
/ Rheumatism Advice
Here Is a prescription for rheuma
ti*m (to be mixed at home) used all
otfer the U. S. for many years and said
to be the surest known remedy; neu
tralizes acid In the blood and gives re
sults after dose. "One ounce of
Torls compound and one ounce syrup
of sarsaparilla. Put these two Ingre
dients In half pint of whiskey. Use
a tablespoonful before meals and at
bed time. Get any drug
store. Oenulne Torls comes In one
ounce sealed yellow packages put up
by Globe Pharm. Co., Dayton, O.
I i. ■X a ,p> , ( l I i *
Frost-bites, Chilblain*; Burning,
Aching, Tender Feet
Don't endure foot agony. Here is
quickest and surest remedy known.
"Two tablespoonfuls of Calocide
compound in warm foot bath." This
gives Instant relief; corns and cal
louses can be peeled right off; excess
sweating or tenderness is soon over
come and bunions reduced. It acts
through the pores and removes the
cause. Large box pf Calocide twen
ty-five cents at any drug or general
store. Prepared at Medical Form
ula laboratories, Dayton, Ohio.
<i i |*
Green street, spent yesterday in Phila
Williaim H. Kennedy has returned
to Philadelphia, after spending several
days at his store on South Third street.
Miss Florence Snoddy, of Watson
town, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Watts, 1405 Green street.
Mrs. Grace Watson, 1111 Plum ave
nue, is the guest of her parents, Mr.-
and Mrs. Thomas Burns, of Welisville.
Miss Alice Shaffer, 53 North Eight
eenth street, spent the week-end near
Dillsburg. *
Arthur Reeves, of Carlisle, was the
guest of his parents, Mr. ami J.
P. Heeves, 1521 Green street.
Roscoe W. Hoffman, of Millersburg,
spent Saturday in the city.
Mrs. Lucy Heeter, of Saltillo, who
was the guest of her uncle, Charles
Uttley, 321 Walnut street, has return
ed home. t '•
Ex-Senator D. F. Walton, of Waynes
'bitrg, was a visitor to the city last
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Himes, Miss
Ruth Himes and Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Koons, 2041 Penn street, motored to
Sfaippensiburg yesterday.
Miss Marian Stiner, 817 North Sixth
street, accompanied her guest, Miss
Irene Frock, to her home at Millets-
Edward Lawler, of Ulyssus, Potter
county, is visiting Mrs.
North Second street.
Miss Emily Patterson, of the Don
aldson, is spending the week in Phila
delphia. i
One Prepared by Commission on Uni
form Laws Introduced In Leg
islature Last Night
The cold storage bill prepared by the
Commission on Uniform State Laws,
was introduced in the House last night
by Senator Buckman.
The bill makes it unlawful to keep in
cold storago warehouses any article of
food that lias been h€ld in cold storage
either within or without the State for
a larger aggregate period than twelve
months, except with the consent of the
Dairy and Food Commissioner.
The Commissioner upon application
during the tweJfth mouth may extend
the period of storage beyond twelve
months for any particular article of
food, provided it is found to be in
proper condition for further cold stor
The entire extended period shall not
be more than 120 days.
At present e>ggs may be stored for
eight months and butter for nine
months, and this bill Extends t'lie .time
so as to conform with the laws of ofher
States, it is said.
The proposed act provides for licens
ing storage places, for sanitary inspec
tion and requires accurate records kept
for food Bto»ed and withdrawn. Month
ly reports are to be filed showing the
kinds of foods in the warehouses.
Articles fcf food for human consump
tion which are diseased or tainted shall
not be stored, and food for use other
than for human consumption shall not
be placed in storage unless plainly
marked that it is not to be used as hu
man food.
All food must, be plainly marked,
stamped or tagged with the data when
plaiced in storage and must be dated
when withdrawn.
The bill makes it compulsory that
cold storage food kept thirty days or
more shall be marked "Cold storage
goods," and it shall be unlawful to rep
resent or advertise cold storage food as
fresh food.
The penalties for the first, violations
of this act fines not exceeding SSOO
and for the second or any subsequent
offense fines not exceeding SI,OOO or
imprisonment of not more than six
months or both fines and imprisonment.
The bill defines articles of food as
meaning fresh meat and fresfli meat
products and all fresh food, fish, game,
poultry, oggs and butter.
I Cured It Qu ckly So It Never Returned Even
After Beauty Doctors, Electricity and
Numerous Depilatories Failed
ed the ha?^so thai
. T . ,'t has never re
turned. If you have a hair growth
you wish to destroy Quit wasting your
money on worthless powders, pastes
and liquids, or the dangerous electric
needle: learn from me the safe and
painless method I found. Simply send
your name and address (stating wheth
er Mrs. or Miss) and a 2 cent statnp
for reply, addressed to Mrs. Kathryn
Jenkins, Box 452, B. D. Wentworth
Bldg., Boston. Mass.
FREE COUPON This certificate I
entitles any
reader of the Harrlsburg Star-In
dependent to Mrs. Jenkins free con
fidential Instructions for the ban
ishment of Superfluous Hair, If sent
with 2a stamp for postage. Cut out
and pin to your letter. Good for im
mediate use only. Address Mrs.
Kathryn Jenkins, Box t52, B. D.
Wentworth Bldg., Boston, Mass.
SPECIAL, NOTICE: Every lady who
wishes to be rid of the disfigurement of
Superfluous Hair should accept above
offer at once. This remarkable offer is
good-only for a few days: the stand
ing of donor Is unquestioned.
Smart Spring Apparel for Women
Now Ready for Inspection
ABE showing a comprehensive collection of Ladies' Garments for
Spring wear. We want you to become acquainted with our mer
chandise and the fairness of our prices. As an Inducement we offer several
specials for Wednesday, making the day one of advantage to you If you
pay this store a visit.
Smart garments in snappy models and nil the popular fabrics, in
eluding poplins, gabardines, serges and 'Shepherd plaids, satin lined,
and in the new putty, sand and battleship gray shades. Garments l'or
which you'd expect to pay $16.98 to S3O. Our prices,
—— <
They come in serges, poplins, silk poplins, crene do chine, charmeuse,
etc., in all the desirable shades. Ordinarily you'il find them priced else
where at $5 t» $22.50. Our prices are
$3.98 t0 $15.98
We have ar lot of waists in lingerie and silk, and while they are last
season's models,'they are nevertheless desirable for house wear. But
because the styles are not up to the minute you enjoy these prices:
Lingerie waists in a variety of models, worth up to $2.00.
* Special Wednesday, choice, C
Lingerie waists, trimmed in cluny lace and hand embroidery, jf/J
worth $3. Special Wednesday, t)%7 C
Messaline silk waistß, shades, worth $3 to $4. Spc- QQ
cial Wednesday only, 'JOC
Ladies' black lisle and medium weight hose, a standard 15c fk
value everywhere. Special Wednesday only, pair, if C
Don't Forget Bgf- $ (&|k SI Dont For B e*
the Number IU-14 4111 «T. VQ the Number
Proposed in Bill Introduced in the
House Last Night—Planned to In
crease State Police Force —Third
Judgeship Bill Is Delayed
The creation of a board of three com
missioners to take charge of personal
registration in citiea of the third class
in the State is the subject of a bill in
troduced in the House last night by
Assemblyman Jones, of Lackawanna.
The bill is an amendment to the per
sonal registration law.
It will provide for a board of three,
salaried at SSOO a year, appointed for
a period of four years by the Governor,
to make appointments of registrars and
to keep all records in a room to be
furnished in the Court House. The
bill provides for minority registration
on each board of registration.
A provision of the Jones bill is that
the appointments by the Governor shall
be made not later than June 1 of this
year. The board must organize not
later than the fifteenth of the same
month. The board will have the power
of making registrars in the several dis
tricts of the city. This provision will
take from the county commissioners the
power conferred upon them by the per
sonal registration act of appointing
registrars in all municipal sub-divisions
outside of cities of the first and second
For More State Policemen
The measure providing for a third
Judge of the several courts of this
county was on the second reading calen
dar in the House last night, but be
cause of the absence of the sponsor,
John C. Nissley, it was not called up.
The bill remains on the second reading
calendar. A long calendar of second
reading bills was disposed of.
The bill prepared by the State Board
of Public Charities providing for
sterilization of idiots and imbeciles wah
introduced by Mr. Gibson, Lycoming,
by request.
Mr. Baldwin, Delaware, introduced
the bill to increase the State police
fore® by 16 corporals and 100 men, all
enlistments to be for two years. The
<bill provides this salary list: Superin
tendent, $6,000; deputy, $3,000; cap
tains, $2,000; lieutenants, $1,800; first
sergeants, $1,200; sergeants, $1,100;
corporals and blacksmiths, $950; troop
ers, S9OO.
The State Legislative Reference Bu
reau is authorized to continue codifying
the laws of the State by subjects by a
bill introduced into the House last
night by Mr. Roney, Philadelphia. An
appropriation of $35,000 is provided.
Asks SIO,OOO for Home
Other bills presented last night
Mr. Wildman, Dauphin—Appropriat
ing $1,500 to buy for the State Mu
seum the collection of Indian relics of
Harry E. Hoke, of Highapire; appro
priating SIO,OOO for the Sylvan
Heights Home for Orphan Girls.
Mr. Goodyear, Cumberland —Appro-
priating $4,000 for the Church of the
Brethren Home, near Moor's Mills,
Cumberland County; " appropriating
$3,000 to the Todd hospital, Carlisle.
Mr. Walton, Lawrence—Kmpowering
third class cities to tax the real estate
holding of public service corporations.
Mr. Hess, Lancaster —Prohibiting
the sending aloft of Fourth of July bal
loons carrying lire.
Mr. Benninger, Northampton—
Amending the public service act to per
mit members of the Legislature and
State employes to accept railroad
Yellowstone Park
Yellowstone Park has an area of 2,-
142,720 acres. The park is ih Montana,
Wyoming and Idaho and was establish
ed in 1872. The only park on earth
that can' eonrpare with the Yellowstone
in mze is the one in New British Co
lumbia. Jasper Park, taken over by
the authorities of th«j new Northwestern
territory, has an area of 3,200,000
acres—about the size of the State of
[Connecticut —New York American.
Many Vaudeville St.iuits Are Pleasing
ly Combined in One Act—Van and
Schenck Are Applauded as Old Fa
The show whicn began yesterday at
the Orpheum is not only a decided im
provement over last week's—which
may not really be saving very much—
but is certainly one of the best of the
season, which is saying a good deal.
"Home Again," the headliner, is a
production hard to surpass in vaude
ville. The cast consists of fourteen
pleasing entertainers and they work
enough of variety into their act to run
a splendid vaudeville show all by
themselves. Singers, dancers, musi
cians and comedians do their turns io
rapid succession and all are exception
ally good.
Van and Schenck do not need to wait
for applause until the end of their
stunt, for they bring their reputation*
with them and their audience always
knows when they walk onto the stage
that a treat is coming. Their songs
are well selected, mostly new ones in
Harrisburg. They share honors with
Bill Pruett, cal'ed the "Cowboy Ca
ruso," who has two voices, and both
good ones.
Darrell and Corway, with whom must
be included Oscar, a well-trained, dog,
at whose expense numerous jokes are
attempted, aid in making the passing
minutes pleasant ones. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gillmore and Cyril Biddulph are
entertaining in their little play, "Such
Extravagance," and Lalo and Otto
Tate supply a bit of comedy intermixed
with gymnastics.
The Spy and the King
The following story is told of Louis
XVIII, King of France, and Fouohe,
who had been at one time Napoleons
Minister of Police: After the Bourbou
restoration the King asked Fouche
whether he hail set spies over him dur
ing the empire. Fouche admitted that
he had. "Who was the spy!" the
King asked, and he was informed that
it had been the Comte de Blacas.
"How nluch did he get?" continued
the Kifig. "Two hundred thousand
francs a year, Your Majesty." "Ah,
well," said Louis, "he was honest, then,
after all. I had half."
The -
Educator and
Filling a double capacity, a
Victrola in your home is al
most indispensable. For aside
from its entertaining quali
ties—tlio Victrola must be
viewed too, as an educator.
And it educates in all that is
finest and best.
They range from $15.00 to
$200.00. You may have con
venient terms of payment if
you wish.
C. A\. Sitler ,Inc.
Pianos VictroU*
,ffg 30 N. SaiSL