The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Image 2

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Detailed Heport. P«(t •
R'J^ L £& BD ® VOL. 77—NO. 63.
Their Reoccupation of
Czernowitz.the Cap
ital, Is Reported From
Petrograd Official Report Says Aus
trlans Are Making Progress in
Bukowina and That Desperate
Fighting Is on in the Carpathians
London, Feb. 16, 12 Noon. —The
gci.eral offensive of the Teutonic allies
along the extended eastern irout is con
tinuing successfully on both flanks,
judging from reports reaching London,
but without any visible forward move
ment on tfhe front toward Warsaw or in
the Carpathians.
The Bucharest report that the Aus
trians have reoccupied Czernowitz, the
capital of Bukowiua, has not been re
ported from any other sources, but Pe
trograd admits officially that the Aus
trians are still advancing in Bukowina
in large force, and that desperate
lighting marks the operations in the
passes of the Carpathians, where the
Russians are claiming minor successes
resulting in the capture of men and mu
nitions of war.
In East Prussia the Russians have
not yet regained their fortified lines and
the German advance, while not checked,
teems to British observers to be pro
ceeding with less speed.
Paris reports from the western front
that the sole activity consists in artil
lery engagements, in which the guns
of the allies have been successful in
silencing batteries northeast of Ypres
and destroying German trenches at
In diplomatic circles the replies of
Germany IO notes from neutral powers
concerning Germany's proposed marine
war zone are awaited with interest;
tlreat Britain's reply concerning the
use of neutral flags is given secondary
importance. The German press is
hinting that satisfactory assurance by
Great Britain on the question of neutral
flags would constitute the best safe
guard to American shipping.
Madrid, via Paris, Feb. 16, 6.20 A.
CM.—The Spanish government has
adopted an attitude of extreme reserve
regarding its position on Germany's
note announcing its intention to include
the waters around Great Britain in the
war zone.
While Spain will try to avoid action
which would give any belligerent au
excuse to accuse it of departing from
its attitude of neutrality, it is under
stood the government will join the
United States if the latter proposes
joint measures on the part of all neu
1./ondon, Feb. lb, 4.36 P. M.—The
prophecy that Italy would mobilize her
army within a fortnight was made here j
to-day by Ricciotti Garibaldi, the Ital- !
ian patriot.
He said that unless Hie Italian gov- |
eminent decided to participate in the
war there would be a revolution.
Recall ol Greek Minister From Turkey
Berlin, via London, Feb. ,16, 11.08
A. M. —The recall of Greek Minister
Panas from Turkey is not clearly un- j
ilerstood in high political circles here.
It is felt that the condition Grecian
and Turkish affairs is not sueh as to
justify the minister's recall and the in
clination is to belie<ve that lie asked to
be relieved when ho found his personal
position difficult.
Exchange of Prisoners Begun
Amsterdam, via London, Fob. 16, j
9.55 A. M. — The actual exchange of
wounded British and German prisoners
of war who have been incapacitated
ior future service is under way.
' SO* Star- - fulfil, ■ Snkpcnkut
Mrs. Mary Catherine Meetch, Wife of
Local Republican Leader, Succumbs
After Long Suffering From a Com
plication of Diseases
Following a hurried rush in a special
oar from Florida, where she had gone
for the benefit of her health and where
nhe a week as*o was informed that she
could not survive her illness, Mrs. Mary
Catherine (Shaffer) Meetch, wife of
William B. Meetch, former prison
warden and a leader in the Republican
party, died at her Harrisburg home,
at 2.40 o'clock, this morning. She had
long been a sufferer from a complication
of diseases.
The husband and two of the three
children, two daughters, were at the
bedside when Mrs. Meetch died. Harry
W. Meetch, a son, who also was form
erly a prison warden of Dauphin coun
ty, and who has been spending the
winter in Florida, having a cottage at
Kiasimmee, that State, has been wired
concerning the death of his mother and
is on his way to Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. William Meetch, their
daughter, Mrs. Anna Frain and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry \V. Meetch went to Florida
on December 15, last. A week
Mrs. Meetch's physician Mid she could
not live and that death would bca mat
ter of only a few days. A special car
at once was chartered to make the trip
home. Dr. E. K. Darlington, the family
physician, of this city, then was sum
moned to Florida, and accompanied his
patient home.
The party arrived here on Saturday,
two days after the death of Mrs.
Meeteh's brother-in-law, Emanuel R.
Miller, of this city. Yesterday morning
Mrs. was taken dangerously ill
and she could not rally.
Mrs. Meetch was a .laughter of Peter
and Sarah Shaffer, of Halifax township,
and was bom November 23, 1850. Since
her marriage to William B. Meet-ch,
forty-eight years ago, the family lived
in Millersburg, Williamstown and Har
Besides her husband, Mrs. Meetch
leaves two daughters, Mrsi Anna Frain,
at home; Mrs. J. Harry Stroup, 1617
Xort.h Second street, and Harry W.
Meetch, 251 Forster street. Also one
sister, Mrs. R. H. Miller, of this city,
and one brother, .John X. Shaffer, of
Halifax. She was for a number of years
a member of the Urace M. E. church,
of this city.
Funeral services will be held at her
late home on Thursday afternoon, the
Rev. Dr. John D. FVJX, pastor of Grace
church, officiating. Interment will be
in the East Harrisburg eemetery.
German forces have captured the
important Polish town of Plock, the
Berlin war office announced to-day.
Plock lies on the Vistula northwest of
Warsaw and the Russians pushed their
advance far beyond it In their move
ment against the west Prussian border,
which apparently has now been ended.
Not only Plock but the town of Bielsk
Is said to have been lost by the Rus
sians. In east Prussia, the Berlin com
munication states the advance of the
German force continues, the Russians
having been pursued across the border.
It is expected in Londan that to
night or to-morrow England will pro
claim the cutting off of all food stuffs
from Germany in retaliation for Ger
many's declaration that the waters sur
rounding the British Isles constituted a
war zone.
A note from the German chancellor,
as transmitted to the Rotterdam Cham
ber of Commerce, says that "In most
cases'' German submarines will be un
able to distinguish between neutral and
British vessels encountered In the war
! zone, and that all merchantmen there
-1 fore run the risk of destruction. In
! Berlin an official statement was issued
| suggesting that British submarines
might purposely sink neutral vessels, In
order to precipitate a conflict between
Germany and neutral nations. French
newspapers commend the attitude of the
United States, which la said to be the
first step toward "the inevitable par
ticipation of neutrals in the great
events which are dividing the world."
The departure of the Green Minister
from Turkey is not regarded in Berlin
as implying a reputure in diplomatic
relations. It is thought there that the
minister, for personal reasons, asked to
be relieved.
The Albanian force which invaded
Servia has been driven back across the
border, says a Nlsh dispatch. The raid
is believed to have been incited by
Mohammedans preaching a holy war.
It is reported from Milan that Italy
has asked Vienna and Berlin for assur
ances that Austria will not make an at
tack on Rumania, whose military pre
parations have been interpreted as fore
shadowing her entrance into the war.
Berlin, Via Amsterdam, to Londan,
Feb. 16, 8.01 A. M.—Lieutenant Com
mander Von Muocke, commander of the
detail from the cruiser Em len which
landed at Cocos Island, has been award- i
ed the iron cross, first class, while every!
member of the landing party has re
ceived the iron cross, second class.
When the Emden was run down by
the Australian cruiser Sydney in the
Indian Ocean on November 10, Von
Muecke and forty members of tho crew
were on Cooos Island. They escaped
by commandeering the schooner Aysha.
A later dispatch from Manila said they
had captured a collier on which they
had mounted two maximum guns. The '
French ministry of marine announced ,
on December 18 that the British au-j
xiliary cruiser Empress of Japan hadi
captured the collier. Announcement j
came from Berlin on February 5, how-1
ever, that the schooner Aysha had ar-'
rived at Hodcida, on the southwest i
coast of Arabia, with Von Muecke anJ>|
his men.
Charles H. Bergner De
clares Plan If Adopt
ed Would Be An Im
position on the People
Former District Attorney Weiss In
dorses Proposal to Provide an Addi
tional Jurist—Benjamin M. Ncad
Opposes the Nissley Bill
A wide difference of opinion exists
among the lawyers of the Dauphin coun
ty bar as to the need of a third judge
for this county, us provided by the bill
introduced by Assemblyman John C<
Xissley which is now before the House
of Representatives. To ascertain the
sentiment of representative lawyers the
Star-Independent has obtained the opin
ions of about a dozen of them which
are published herewith.
Charles H. Bergner, when asked for
his opinion as to the ueed of a third
judge, expressed himself as very em
phatically against the plan. Mr. Berg
ner said:
"It is absolutely unnecessary, and
if the bill becomes a la>w it will be an
imposition on the people.'' Mr. Berg
ner said he could not express himself
more explicitly.
"I am not sure that I have a fixed
opinion on the question of a third judge
for Dauphin county," said' B. F. Um
berger. '' I think it is up to the Dau
phin county court to say whether an ad
ditional judge is necessary."
E. W. Jackson had this to say: "It
is my best judgment that the Dauphin
county court has sufficient judges at
■present, without an increase."
Benjamin M. Nead said: "I do not
think there is any need for au addi
tional judge in Dauphin county at pres>
ent. As a ruU I am opposed to the
increase of judges.*'
John E. Patterson said he had no
comment to make other than that "it
is up to the present judges to say
■whether there is a necessity for an ad
ditional judge."
Senator Fox for Third Judge
"I certainly do favor the bill giving
a third judge to Dauphin county,
said former Senator John E. Fox, "for
I believe the volume of business in this
court retjuires a third judge. That was
Continued on Klrvrnth Pun.
Robin Shown to Be the Most Numerous
With the English Sparrow
Close Second
Ity Asuociatcd Prcxt.
Washington, Feb. 16.—A census of
birds of the United States announced
by the Deipartment of Agriculture to
day, shows an average of sixty pairs of
English sparrows to the square mile or
seven to every 100 native bir<fls
throughout the country.
The robin is shown to be the most
numerous bird with tht» English sparrow
a close second. In the northeast rob
ins averaged six pairs to each farm of
58 acres, while English sparrows aver
aged five pairs per farm. Taking 100
robins as a unit other birds wore not
ed in the following proportions:
Cat birds, 49; Brown thrashers, 37;
house wrens, 28; king birds, 27, and
bluebirds, 26.
As for density of population on each
acre oif farm land there was an average
of one pair of birds. Chevy Cha-ie,
Md., holds the record for density,
where 161 pairs nested on 23 acres.
Thirty-four species of birds were repre
The bird population is much less
than it ought to be, according to depart
ment experts, who claim that if bird*
were given more protection there would
l>e an increase in numbers.
Special Panel to Try .Thaw
By Associated frets.
New York, Feb. 16.—A special
panel of 200 talesmen from which is to
be selected a jury to try Harry K.
Thaw for conspiracy in escaping from
the Matt<?a>wan asylum, w«s ordered
drawn to-day by Supreme Court Justice
Thaw's trial was set for March 12.
It had been previously set for February
Tuberculosis Sanitarium Dedicated
By Aa«o<-iatcrf Press.
Chicago, Feb. 16.—The Chicago tu
berculosis sanitarium, termed by experts
the largest and beet equipped in the
world, was dedicted to-day. Accommo
dations for 650 persons will be ready
within a month and eventually 950
beds will be installed.
Acquitted of Alleged Malfeasance
By Associated Press.
East St. Louis, 111., Feb. 16.—Six
former officials of East St. Louis were
acquitted by a jury to-.lay of charges
involving the misappropriation of
SIOO,OOO in city funds.
Halbert. Bandaged and
Just Out of Bed, Di
rects Men Battling
$5,000 Fii e
Large Amount of Stock of Walkover
Shoe Company Damaged by Flames
and Water—Market Street Traffic
Fire starting at 10.30 o'clock this
morning in the ceiling of the Walkover
shoe store, which occupies the ground
floor of 226 Market street, in the
Bergner Building, (lid damage estimated
at $5,000. Most of the damage was to
the contents oif the shoe store but the
flames spread through a flue in the hall
way of the building which contained
electric wirew. This caused many occu
pants to flee from the upper floors of
the building. Many carried books and
papers with them fearing the fire would
spread to the* upper floors.
There was a stock of SIB,OOO in the
shoe store, much, of which is declared
to have been damaged by smoke au<l
water. The $5,000 loss is covered by
insurance. The loss on the building,
which is of semi-fire proof construction,
will reach S2OO. The building is
owned by Charles H. Bergner, whose
law offices and those of many other law
yers and other professional men are lo
cated in the upper floors oif the struc
Assistant Fire Chief Edward Ilatbert,
who left his bed this morning for the
first time since he was injured at the
blaze at Black's stoneyard on Saturday
morning, when he tumbled from the
robf and landed on his face, started to
dirwet the- w«r« of the-firemen at tie
Continued tin Mnth Pave
Chief Hutchison Recomaiends It in An
nual Beport to Council
Chief of Police Hutchison, in his
annual report to Council this afternoon
recommends civil service in the police
department, asks for two traffic police
men at Fourth and < hestnut streets and
the Cameron street approach to the Mul
berry street viaduct, asks for an ad
ditional clerk for the department and
wants Council to build a sanitary de
tention cell at headquarters.
He recommends that Council abolish
free trips of the ambulance, saying that
private hospitals should maintain their
own anvbulaiu'e. During the fiscal year,
which included December, 1913, sd2,-
742.19 in stolen property was recov
ered and 2,175 arrests were made. Pa
trolman McCann led in the number of
arrests with 74, Detective I'baeh was
secoml with 69 and Chief Hutchison
made 41.
Warm Weather Will Bring Susquehanna
Up to 13-Foot Mark
The Susquehanna river is again ris
ing rapidly, due to the long period of
warm weather and flight precipitation
in the upper valleys. The crest of the
flood will be well within the flood
sta'ge, however, but the water here is
expected to go higher than it has at
| any time since the off. E. K.
Demain, local weather observer, fore
oasts a 13-foot stage here by to-morrow
The stage at 8 o'clock this morning
was 9.5 feet, having risen nearly four
feet in the twenty-four hours previous.
The miiin river is expected to begin
falling tomorrow. There will be a drop
in temperature here to-night to freez
ing j>oint. The temperature has been
above normal for several days, only
falling to 36 degrees last night.
Dorsey Charged With Helping in HiU
Charles Dorsty, colored, was arrested
in the Eighth' ward last night by City
Detective White and Policemen {'arsons
and Murphy.
The police say that he was an ac
complice of Richard Williams, who ad
mitted burglarizing three Hill stores,
ami charge Dorsey with those crimes.
Williams is being held under S3OO bail
for court. Dorsey was given a hearing
late this afternoon.
Man Jumps Overboard and Is Lost
New York, Feb. 16. —The new An
chor Liner Tuscan ia arrived here to
day on her maiden trip from Glasgow
and Liverpool. She brought 383 pas
sengers and more than 3|uoo sacks of
mail. Thomas Williams, a native of
Wales on his way to Canada, jumped
overboard during the voyage and was
Hop® for the Totally Deaf
Bombay, India, Feb. 16.—1t was an
nounced in Lahore th*t a Professor
Afrbe, of that city, has invented a
"phonoscope" the use of which e>nablos
the totally deaf to perceive sounds,
such as speech and music, by means of
the eye.
Kffl H
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Harrv J. Mueller, a former Harris
burger and graduate of the Central
High school, now living in Bellefonte,
Pa., this afternoon was named for City
Forester by Park Commissioner M. Har
vey Taylor, and the appointment was
confirmed by the City Commissioners.
Mueller was one of nine applicants for
the position. He will be notified at
once of his appointment and, Mr. Tay
lor said, will be asked to begin work
here on 'March 1.
The appointee is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Mueller, 621* Briggs street,
this city. He is 35 years old, mar
ried and has had eight years practical
ejfcjittimuc as a fontster. leaving
State College, from which institution he
was graduated, Mr. Mueller went into
the employ of thr- Stato forestry Com
mission, remaining wirn that organiza
tion for five years. Subsequently he
spent a year as manager of the South
ern oflice of the l)avey Tree Expert
Police Send Description
of Conte to Neighbor
ing Cities in the Hope
of Capturing Him
Mrs. Lauda, However, Will Recover
From Injuries Suffered During Cher
ry Street Quarrel in Which John
Folmuch Is Shot to Death
The police early this afternoon had
not succeeded in locating J. Carlo
Conte, who is accused of having mur
dered John Polmuch at 9 o'clock last
night during a dispute about a board
bill in a boarding house at 228 Cherry
Mrs. Vincen/.a Lauda, who runs the
boarding house, received sevoro lacera
tions of the head during the struggle,
but ber injuries will not prove fatal.
t>ho was sent to the Harrisburg hos
pital to have her wounds dressed, but
was able to return to her home last
night. The police to-day sent descrip
tions of Conte to various cities of the
Htate with the request that he be ar
rested on a charge of murder.
The fight started when Mrs. Lauda
demanded of Conte .that lie pay his
week's board bill. On his refusal to
do so, the police say, Polmuch tried to
compel Conte to pay the money to the
Lauda woman and an argument started.
Conte, it iB charged, then rushed up
stairs, obtained a revolver and re-en
tered the dining room, where the hoard
ers were gathered, and opened fire on
Polmuch. Two shots were fired, the
first entering Polmuch's temple and the
other, his breast. The police say the
Becond shot was fired after Polmuch fell
to the floor unconscious.
About that time Mrs. Lauda went to
the assistance of I'olmueh, when, the
police say, Conte struck her a blow on
the' hoad with the butt end of the re
volver. The other boarders rushed to
Coatlaned on Ninth Pare,
Company, and since then has been in
the forestry business for himself in
The forester is to receive an an
nual salary of SI,OOO. Upon taking the
office he will have SIOO available for
the puri'lhase of equipment and Mr. Tay
lor to-day said that arrnngonients for
providing Mueller with the necessary
assistants will be made "after the
Forester is on the job."
As Forester, Mueller will have charge
of tree trimming, planting and the re
moval of trees. The Park Commissioner
said it is his plan to have the For
ester in complete control of the work
just as J. K. Staples is in charge of the
City's playgrounds.
The appointment of Mueller was ap
proved by a vote of 4 to 0, all Com
missioners. save Mr. Gorgas, casting
their ballots for liini. Mr. Gorgas said
he refrained from voting because he
favored the selection of T. A. Woods
for the post.
on win fi
Specifies Improvement
Contracts Which He
Says Can Be Under
taken at Once
Plan to Avoid Disputes With Contractor
As to Cost of "Extras" in Elver
Front Work Is Approved To-day—
Job to Be Completed By July 1
At the niectiwg of the City Commis
sioners this afternoon. Mayor John K.
Royal offered to the Republican mem
bers what he considers is a feasible
plan for providing work for the city's
unemployed. The suggestion came as
a result of a resolution adopted a week
ago, and while the Republicans to-day
officially made no answer to the chief
executive's plan, they declared that
they will make a proper reply at the
meeting one week from to-day.
The Mayor pointed out that he is
not a mindreader and not capable of
knowing just what bis Republican col
leagues propose to do along the im
provement line during the coming sea
son but he suggested that there are
nvanv jobs which could be started at
once to give work to the unemployed.
He referred to the Park Department
having acquired sufficient ground for
the extension of the Cameron park
way from the almshouse to Reservoir
Park and raid that woTk had not yet
been started. He suggested that the
contractor could start work on the pro
posed bridge over Spring Creek, at
Cameron street, a job which now is un
der contract.
H« further set out that twenty-one
of the thirty-one sewers authorized by
city ordinance a year ago have not yet
been laid; that a number of street grad
ing jobs can be worked and that he is
advised that most of the frost is out
of the ground and there is nothing now
to hinder starting the work at once.
The Mayor ended by saying that if
Continued om Mnth rage.
Authorities, However,
More Eager to Learn
Whereabouts of Mel
lish Family
Authorities Make Little Progress in
Trying to Solve the Mystery of the
Murdered Girl Whose Bones Were
Found Buried in Cellar
Bessie Guver, the Mechnnicsburg
girl who was employed as a child's
nurse by Dr. Charles E. Ay res, dentist,
when he resided at 133 South Four
tenth street, in the cellar of Which
house the bones of a murdered girl were
found buried last Friday, has not been
established as "missing," according to
Coroner Ecki tiger to day. The authori
ties, with the aid of Dr. Avres, still
are trying to tind her.
County Detective Walters, who is in
vestigating the ease for District At
torney Stroup, inclines to the theory
that the girl thas married and her
identity as "Bessie Guyer" has beeu
ost since 1901, when she resided in
the fourteenth street house. Coroner
he lunger says he is in possession of
fac s which lead him to believe she is
still living at or n.-ar Mechanicsburg.
Since his trip to York to interview
Dr. Ayres, Detective Walters has been
engaged on a second and what seems to
bjie officials a more important phase of
the case. He is trying to find the fam
ily ot foreigners who occupied the
house before Dr. Ayres moved in. Fol
lowing a lead that, may result in locat
ing the one family that lived in this
house that the authorities have not yet
communicated with, County Detective
\ altera went to Miildietowii this morn
UP name of this family, according
to information given to the authorities,
was Mellish, but so is known nr
remembered of them that the authori
them afe haV ' ng ,lifficult y >n locating
Coroner Eckinger, who i 8 keeping in
close touch with the county authorities
in this case, attaches more importance
to the possibility of finding the missing
family than running down the cine fur
nished bv Dr. Ay res concerning Bessie
Guyer. hckinger said this morning:
Statement by Coroner
"There is still one missing family
we are seeking to make the chain of
residents complete—a German family,
we have been told There is nothing
to indicate that Bessie tiiiver was the
victim of the murder. We learn that
she returned to her home and was mar
ried. We will, however, bend every ef
fort to locate her."
There was nothing more of value to
aid in solving the mystery discovered
by the washing out jf the'earth taken
from the grave. In all, seven barrow
loads were carefully washed over under
the direction of C. It. Cashman, 206
South Thirteenth street. This work
was finished late yesterday afternoon.
This careful examination included ev
ery bit of earth taken from the hole.
This work furnished 110 new clue as
to the identity of the victim, according
to Mr. ('ashman. It produced more
small bones, parts of larger bones, a
small white button here and there, but
no comb or trinket that would give the
authorities a clue on whivh to work.
The bones were delivered to Dr. R. L.
Perkins, Coroner's physician, last even
ing by Mr. Cadhman.
After a further examination of the
bones uncovered after the first day, Dr.
Perking said he is not inclined to
change his mind as to the probable
length of time the body was buried,
which he said was from ten to fifteen
Part of Jaw Bone Missing
Most of the b'.nes of the skeleton
have been recovered, with the excep
tion of a part of the jaw bone. The
other bones of the skull were broken
up and the jawbone, Dr. Perkins said,
may have entirely disappeared, al
though it may have becu buried with
the rest of the body. The part of the
skull recovered lias four teeth which
never have been filled, and these are of
little use to the authorities, they say.
When Coroner Eckinger gives his
permission to close the "grave" in the
cellar at 133 South Fourteenth street
it will be walled up permanently, ac
cording to VV. E. Jones, agent for the
Jack Johnson to Be Extradited?
By Associated Press.
Chicago, Feb. 16.—.lack Johnson,
the nego pugilist, who fled to Europe
after being sentenced to a year in the
federal penitentiary for violation of the
Mann act, will be extradited and re
turned to Chicago on a charge of con
spiracy, according to a statement to-day
by Charles F. Cline, United States Dis
trict Attorney.
New York, Feb. 16.—Selling of cop
pers affected the active group in the
late dealings. The closing was heavy.
Foreign influences were again upper
most in to-day's dull and Irregular
stock markets. Standard stocks wer«
under pressure.