12 Staple White Weaves Are Attractively Priced Actual 19c Values, Actual 15c Crepes, 10c The Mill and Factory Sale brings savings in white weaves that will be of great advantage to women who do their own plain sewing. There are ratines, nainsooks, batistes, longcloths and organdies at far less than usual prices. 19c white ratine, 40 inches wide. Special, yard, $1.39 English longcloth, to yards to a piece, fine 13Hc grade, piece / 98c dn\n3l P ££ Wh^t}naoo^ ,lnd WWte UWD: 36 SISO extra English longcloth, 10 yards to a wlde ' Sl** lll ' y srd »0c pie ce , 86 inche6 wide, piec »1.15 19c white ratine, 28 inches wide. Special, yard, 10c __ „ . .. . ' fine English longcloth. 10 yards to & Diece. 13c white nainsook, 86 inches wide. Special, yard, 3U inches wide, piece, $1.19 15c white Plisse crepe, SO inches wide; used for $1.95 extra quality longcloth, 12 yards to a piece, underwear and needs no ironing. Special, yard, . .10c 38 inches wide, piece, $1.49 y£d white r.ar. Enghsh Nainsook Reduced 83c plain white organdie, 38 inches wide. Special. * l - 25 English nainsook, 36 inches wide, 10 yards to irard 19c 4 piece, piece 89c $1 .00 English longcloth, 10 yards to a piece, 86 i sl-65 English nainsook, 40 inches wide, for fine Inches wide, piece, 75c underwear, 10 yards to a piece $1.19 $1.25 English longcloth, 10 yards to a piece, 36 $2.25 extra fine nainsook, 36 inches wide, 12 yards inches wide, piece, 89c to a piece, merceVized finish, piece $1.95 t®" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. _ An Exceptional Occasion in f Wash Dress Goods Brings 39c jtpjrt Russian Cords Down to 19c ill [l® # Russian Cords are as much in demand for men's shirts as women's morning // !•» dresses, and it is seldom indeed that a desirable fabric of this character can be // n\® i bought under 30c to 40c. / I\ W These Russian Cords are identical with those offered at 39c, except that the 11 I\»\ ' l en £ ths range from 3to 9 yards. There are raised cords, in white and colored \\ i grounds, with colored stripes. Specially priced in the Mill and Factory lQ r ii \\ % Sale, yard, IVC I l\ \IV« 1 \ 69c crepe de chine in cotton 25c shirting madras, in 3 to W\ i\ and silk; 36 inches wide. Mill 10-vard lengths. Special,.. 15^ \\\J\V> and Factory Sale price,.. .45c 20c vacation cloth for chil -25c wash suiting, in white dren's suits. Special. ...15£ f e r - r grounds. Mill and Factory Sale 12V a c dress ginghams. Spe- P P riee . cial, B^.^ 20c linen finish suiting in solid 25c imported madras. Spe colors. Special, 12 cial, 19^ tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Colonial Bedroom Furniture rv^L- Bureaus Chiffoniers Princess Dressers We show these pieces in golden oak and mahogany in dull D 1 'T* ■» finish and polished bird's-eye maple. -DOO.K.S 1 PflQjl Price 817.95. vuvu This is one of our leaders, and we have distributed several T" 1 » hundred of this particular pattern into homes hereabouts. JtjCOflOmV lfl The pieces are well made and finished and there are no stains ** or marks on the interior work. Colonial bed room furniture at 825.00 f OOlCinCf 1 Golden oak, mahogany and walnut bureaus, chiffoniers and V/UUIVIIig princess dressers. Made with dust-proof partitions. All long drawers have A special' sale of cook centre guides so that drawers will work smoothly. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor—Three Elevators. books, by tile best author- T / - T^l ities on cooking in Anier- OOOQ Uuallty Laces I hat ica, occurs in the Book De- Cost Little In the Sale parfmctto-monw. «)K ,h " """ y " o,nen . u ™*'' ™ oii c °" ,ain - Torchon Laces— '"g 1450 pages of palatable re -1 to Hi inches wide, yard, I C receipts. Special, 25* 1 to 2 inches wide, yard 1 to 4 inches wide, yard, ..!!!!!! 5c Oriental Lace Flouncing— Marion Harland's Complete :«S.l Sfc SSS: £&::::::::::::::::::: :!£ c °° k •> ww «■*« »t All over Lace in Oriental and shadow styles, 18 inches wide; the hook. Special, 50£ white and butter. Yard, 39^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. The Modern Cook Book and 1» y. -jy-r - . T / _ Household Receipts, Special, rine Linen Napkins—A Off You can buy them at a fourth off because the patterns are odd. The napkins were imported direct from Dunfermline, How to Co iu Casserole Scotland, and are fine in quality and perfect in weave. It is an Dishes, by Marion H. Neil - reg accumulation of odd patterns. Included are: , ... lin Linen Napkins, 18 xl8 mote., 100 utor * lU ° ed ' t,on - *<»<*• Linen Napkins, 19x19 inches, 12 1 .* 25£ Linen Napkins, 20x20 inches, 15^" Linen Napkins, 20x20 inches, round patterns, ...25* The Practical Cook Book, and Linen Napkins, 22x22 inches 25c u * 1 w*u « Linen Napkins, 24x24 inches, '. 25* ' " Linen Napkins, 27x27 inches, .25* and 39* cia1 ' 10^ Double Damask Napkins, 22, 23 and 25-inch sizes, 39* and 50* M Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, j i Dives > Pomeroy k Stewart, Street Floor. Book Section. J "The Woman in Black" at the Victoria theatre, 223 Market street, iis without doubt one of the most re toria To-day This special attraction is one of a num- j markable photo-dramas of the day ''The Woman in Black" is the title ' )er P re P recently by the manage- j bearing on the great social question of of a highly thrilling Klaw & Erlanger me " t for P atr °ns and is aLnounced ! the age. It is intensely interesting feature which will hp ni-nHu-oH »i.„ to " fia . v so they may be perpared in ad-I throughout and combines pathos and ~ b t 6 P roduce d by the vance for this exceptional production, tragedy in the portrayal of its wonder-1 B ograph Company to-day at the Vic- The play, which is in four big reels,' fill theme. Adv.* ASK FOR>, Lancaster's Favorite Brew RIEKER'S BEER JNO. G. WALL, Agt. Harrisburg. Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 16, 1915. Th« next time you skin down to the comer in search of J some blended uplift, ask the K alchemist to dig out a bottle of V Moroney'sArmyandNavyWhiskey V ■ for you. You don't have to hold a H H diploma to "get" the difference H between this poem of rye and the common herd. It's use is rapidly growing among the high balling public who are fussy about x quality. and N»*y Whiskey is on tale at all first-class bar* and cafes IHANLEN BROTHERS I TRIBUTORS FOR HARRISBURGmmmmmmm^mM NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD I PLAN TO PERPETUATE THE TRI-STATE LEACUETO PLAY Club Representatives Gathered in Hotel Majestic in Philadelphia For the Annual Confab—To Fix Circuit and the Salary Limit The sentiment of the Tri-State own ers having been expressed at a commit tee meeting in New \ork some time ago that the league should continue this year, the jmncipal thing for the repre sentatives assembled for the annual session in t'he Hotel Majestic, Philadel phia, this afternoon was laying plans to perpetuate the dear old game in this circuit. Every local plan throughout the cir cuit depends on the outcome of to-daj s meeting. No contracts have been sent to the hold over players as yet and in many instances, like Harrisburg, no managers have been hired. All of the cluibs are depending on a new salary maximum which will no doubt be fixe The entire baseball world is facing a slim season and the minor leagues axe going to be the worst sufferers and there must be economy. That seems to be the chief work these days and the Tri-State will economize along with the rest of the baseball world. Some of the important things that the magnates will do this afternoon arc: Name the cities in the circuit. Pix the club and individual salary limit. Decide when to mail contracts to re serve players. Fix schedule limits. Hundreds of details other than those important measures will be attended to. The sense of the league is that six teams be the make up this season, to include Easton and one other outside' city, but with the Trenton franchise in Phillipsburg there will be a hitch in the plans so as to make necessary other changes. Beside Trenton, ilmington, York and are on the ragged edge and may not go back in the game. The prevailing opinion is that the new club salary limit should be $1,200 with an individual limit of SIOO. This would mean very few old faces hack i on the diamond, as most of the players could get other jobs at better salaries than the Tri-State could pay under that salarv appropriation. Mercer B. Tate and William S. Tunis represented Ha-rrisburg in the league councils. This evening they will attend the Philadelphia Sporting Writers' din ner in the Hotel Majestic in Philadel phia. President George M. Graham, of the Tri-State, will hold the stop watch on the speakers at the dinner this even ing. GRAYBTOCK FIVE RETURNS Philadelphia Eastern Leagues to Play Harrisburg Independents The Graystock Eastern League team ! will return to Harrisburg for its second game with the Harrisburg Independents on Saturday night; Dave MeConnell will be in his position in this game. Captain McCord will have his men at practice every night this week. On account of numerous requests that Manager Hammond has had from business men who are unable to attend Saturday night games, he has arranged for the Reading Eastern League team to appear in Harrisburg Tuesday night, February 23. AIKNCLIFFE A. A. Harry U. Barr to Manage Fast Baseball Nine The Airneliffe Athletic Association will organize a baseball team for the coming season under the leadership of Harry U. Barr, 31 Balm street. He is at present at work arranging a sched ule. The following men are requested to report Thursday evening to lay plans for the season: Lynch, Andrews, Clark, Gudes, Shaf fer, Rhinehart, Marks, Harle, Berrier, Gougler, B. Kline, Murphy, Gardner, Garvericfti, Challenger, I. Kline, Win ters, Brown, Keister, or any player in- I terested. Central Scrubs Down Oberlin The Central High scrubs won from the Lutheran Club of Oberlin at that place last night, score 47 to 23. The line-up: Central. Oberlin Wallower F J.Young Smith P M. Young Saunders C Kolhaus Hall G Jtnson Rapp . v G Sheaffer Field goals, Wallower, 7; Smith, 5; Saunders, 4; Rapp, 2; G. Young, 2; M. Youni?, 3; Janson, 4. Foul goals, Smith, 11; G. Young, 4; Janson, 1. Time, 20- minute halves. IREMEDVPQW MENI PARK GOLF CLUB MEETING Annual Report Shows Money in the Treasury—W. F. Darby Re elected President Thirty members of tfhe Harrisburg Park Golf Club attended the annual meeting in the office of Park Commis sioner Taylor in the Calder building last evening. \V. F. Darby was re elected president. The treasurer's report for the last year showed the financial condition of the club to be good. The members ex pect to occupy the proposed new locker house near the old one by April 1. Work on this structure will be started as soon as the warm weather makes working conditions possible. The following officers were elected- Vice president, M. A. Seely; secretary treasurer, George Carl, also re-elected: professional, Stewart MclJwan; locker house maA, Frank Zimmerman, re-elect ed. The following are the names of the newly-elected executive committee: George W. Vint, Howard Perry, Wil liam Pavord, C. H. Hunter, E. Keister >V. F. Darby and George Carl. BOWLING RESULTS CASINO LEAGUE Alphas defeat Colonials— COLONIALS Jacoby 181 159 146 486 ! Kruger ... 149 170 166 485 1 "eber 144 190 179 513 1 Trace .... 181 189 165 535 ! Black 161 158 i 6o 479 Totals .. 81 6 .866 816—2498 i ALPHAS Ennis 180 174 149 503 £ roff 146 172 155 473 1 Burger 194 148 172 514 1 Buttorff ... 185 201 179 565 : Morrison .. 188 181 201— 570 Totals .. 893 876 856—2625 ELKS' LEAGUE ] W aps take close match— WAPS Jeff 127 127 158— 412 , Robinson .. 174 157 146 — 477 1 Sliker • 130 130 150— 410 ! Reese 143 146 133 422 1 Lu t* 139 159 137 435 1 Totals .. 713 719 724—2156 1 ARTISANS Reed 143 179 125 447 < Palmer ... 141 119 123 383 1 F a'k 147 138 145 430 < Jack 156 155 174 481 f Hoffman .. 11l 154 123 388 1 Totals .. 698 745 686—2129 1 HOLTZMAN LEAGUE Americans defeat Tri-Staters— AMERICANS Chrismer .. 101 99 110— 310 Mcran .... 76 71 68— 215 I Peffer .... 106 100 111— 317 < Claster ... 91 138 89— 318 ' O'Leary .. 129 109 139 377 Totals .. 503 517 517—1537 TRI-STATERS Winn 131 84 122 337 Hauck .... 130 70 123 323 J.Branca.. 110 107 88— 305 Grimes ... 72 100 84— 256 Warton ... 88 75 100— 263 1 Totals .. 531 436 517—1484 ENOLA P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. The Leopards win easily— LEOPARDS Beck 152 171 180—503 Knaby 120 136 131—387 Totals ... 272 307 311—890 WOLVES > Hoyer 154 173 144—471 , Gruber 104 110 124—338 | Totals ... 258 283 268—809 P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE . Athletics defeat Eagles— ATHLETICS Mathias ... 160 199 161 — 520 • Mumma ... 169 182 186— 537 . Gregory ... 181 190 145 516 Felker .... 127 162 160— 449 Green 179 149 213 541 1 Totals .. 816 882 865—2563 t EAGLES ) Diller .... 193 173 173 539 Hartzel ... 130 164 164 468 1 Pauh 151 141 206 498 r Askin 172 129 155 456 7 Bitner 194 157 158— 509 Totals .. 840 765 856—2461 Three For York York, Feb. 16.—For the third time this season York defeated Harrisburg last night, 29 to 13. The line-up: Harrisburg York Baumbaugh F. Ways Krout ...F Seasholtz Seltzer C Bredbenner Boyles G Shetter Atticks G Barnes Field goals, Baumbaugih, 3; Krout, 2; Ways, 7; Seasholtz, 4; Barnes. Foul goals, Baumbaugh, 3; Seasholtz, 5. Ref eree, Baker. rCORSIICK WILL REFEREE Former Yale Athlete to Kan Academy Indoor Meet on Friday Evening The following officials for tho Har risburg Academy indoor meot, to be held Friday evening in t>he Chestnut street auditorium, was announced late yesterday: Referee and starter—Vance C. Mc- Cormick, Yale; H. Elmore Smith, Dick inson. Judges of race and dumb bell drills Ross A. Hickok, Yale; John Fox Weiss, Princeton; Wilbur Morse, Sr., Harvard; A. Boyd Hamilton, University of Pennsylvania; Roy G. Cos, Prince ton ; P. B. Price, Gettysburg. Judges of jumps, shotput and tug of-war—John 12. Fox, Lafayette; Fran cis J. Hall, Princeton; John C. John son, Bucknell; Raymond D. Kennedy, Bowdoin. Timers —Ross A. Hickok, Yale; I Thomas D. Macmillan, Yale; Floyd Ap- 1 pleton, Columbia; W. Harry Musser, i Princeton; M. Harvey Taylor, Snperin- j tendent of Parks. Inspector—Richard E. Robinson, | Princeton Olerk of course—Roger W. Tatem, I Randolph Mason. Scorers— W. Phipps, Yale; Sherman A. Allen, Brown; Rnymond D. Kennedy. Announcer—Mercer B. Tate, Lchig"h. STUDENTHpISSIONS Princeton President Wants Fee to Sporting Events Made a Nominal One Princeton, N. J., Fetb. 16.—Parko H. Davis, Princeton member of the inter collegiate football rules committee, has taken up the subject of the exorbitant prices charged for admission to the various sports. According to his figures i a student at Princeton would have had ; to pay $31.75 to have attended all of ; the contests that were held in Prince- j ton last year. He further cites the ex- i amples of the western colleges where a j special price for students is charged, in j many cases the stu lents payi*g a flat rate for admission to all athletic con-. tests. President Hil»ben's report has turn-, ed attention to this subject, for ho ex pressed the hope that the day would soon come when the students would be admitted to witness their own sports at a merely nominal charge or without ad mission at all. After discussing the various metthods of financing the sports at other insti tutions, Mr. Davis points out that at Princeton there are twelve different branches of sport, only three of which aro self-supporting, the surplus from baseball and football rnakimg the other athletics possible. Mr. Davis concludes: " Competition for membership upon the representative teams of Princeton in these twelve sports invited the partici pation last year, directly and indirect ly, of half tihe total number of under graduates. Only three of these were self-supporting. The surplus receipts from football and baseball alone made it possible for these sports to exist in an organized form for the great num ber of men involved to participate therein. Therefore, the proposition to abolish all admission fees cannot be seriously considered until it comes with a suggestion of adequately financing in tercollegiate sport in some other way." CLOSE BASKETBALL LEAGUE Hershey Bull Dogs and Hershey Cres cents Win Closing Games The Hershey Bull Dogs defeated the Humnielstown five last night by the score of 21 to 15 and the Palmyra Oli vets defeated the Hershey Crescents by the score of 23 to 21 in the closing games in the Triple Town League. The lineups: Bull Dogs. Hummelstown. Clark F ...... Morchner Wirth F Brinser C. Zimmerman ... C Goo hnan Smith G Baer W. Zimmerman . . G Winrich Goals, Clark, 2; Wirth, 2; W. Zim merman; Morchner, 3; Brinser, 3; foul goals, Clark; C. Zimmerman, 10; Morchner and Brinser, 2. Second Game Crescents. Olivets. R. Ginrich F Heisey C. Ginrich F Miller Miller C Kennedy Kbopp G Ranch Bishop G Brady Goals, R. Ginrich, 2; Bishop, Heisey, 2; Kennedy, 4; Rauch, 5. Foul goals, Klopp, 4; Heisey, 4. Juniors Win Class Game In an inter-class game in the Toch gymnasium yesterday afternoon the Juniors defeated the Sophomores by the score of 59 to 24. The lineup: Juniors. Sophomores. Weidenmyer F Challenger Killinger F Polleck Beck C Gregory Y'offe G McFarland Miller % G Reynolds | Substitutions: Juniors, Evans for Weidenmyer; Sophomores, Wolfe for Reynolds, Stark for Wolfe. Field goals, Challenger, 1; Gregory, 5; Mc- FarUu'd, 2; Stark; Killinger, 9; Berk, 3; Yoffe; Miller, 7; Evans, 2. Foul goals, Polleck, 4; Killinger; Miller, 6. I CIG JOHN 5 RUSKINS satisfy the nun 5c H I JOHN RUSKINS are delightfully mild JM ■ and fragrant and the HAVANA TOBACCO g| ■ used is the choicest grown on the Island of Cuba. I ■ L LEWIS CIGAR MFG. CO., NEWARK, N. J. H TIM Lar|«t Cigar Factory in t!» World bLMMMI 1 I I and EgyjXianGgarrtteimthtVMd If r \ One I*2 Doses tOo I Trial Will "Convince U ;s« Doses ssnc At All Druggists For Headaches, Neuralgia Quick —Safe—Sure Referee, Steward; scorer, Philips; time of periods, 20 minutes. Steelton Defeats Enhaut The Central grammar school bash et ball team of Steelton defeated the En ] haut High school live yesterday at Fel i ton hall, 52 to 17. The line-up: Steelton Enhaut Snell F Jansou | Ford F Bartol Krout .v. C Yontz Behman G Kline Jones G Albright | Goals, Snell, 3;' Ford, 5; Krout, 4; j Behman, S; Jones, 5; Janson, 2; Bar- I tel. 3; Youtz, Kline, 2; Albright. Foul goals, Snell, 2; Bartel. Lenten Organ Recitals The usual Lenten organ recitals will be given in St. Stephen's Episcopal church, the first taking place next Sat urday afternoon at 5 o '(dock. Ther* will be a serios of six, at which differ ent organists will play, llenrv W. Strat ton, organist at Grace Methodist church, will play, and Earl Rhoads, tenor, wia sing on Saturday. STAR WHOJfIY COACH • pun - C. E. &ISICKLE.V According to a rumor emanating from Baltimore, the football advisers of Johns Hopkins University are negotiat ing with Charles E. Brickley, the fa mous Harvard back, whose kicking abil ity figured largely In the victories of the Crimson team until he was forced out of the game through illness, with a view of signing the Harvard star to coach the Black and Blue foot ball squad next fall. The university au thorities realize that if their efforts to secure Brickley are successful they will have acquired the services of a capable coach, and they are also well aware of the fact that the Harvard drop kicker's connection with the university will probably result in gaining for the varsity considerable prestige in ath letic circles. 7 Delicate Children usually only need a food tonic to make i them strong and healthy HIL *?NveOil y\S22s55S Emulsion containing liypophoaphitei is not only the best food tonio but ia pleasant to take. Sold only by us. lieorge A. uorya*.