The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Dailfl The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING —A. H. 9HRENK. 190« North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricabrau. Bell phone 199 W. W. J. WEN RICH, 339 Hamilton street— Furniture, china and ptAno packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone MISCELLANEOUS WANTS TO OBTAIN REST at night use Lung Saver, The Good Cougli Syrup. Good for old as well as young; also good tor croup. Ask your grocer. OLD GOLD AND SILVER OLD GOLD AND SILVER watches, dia monds and jewelry bought for high est cash prices. JOS. D. BRENNER, No. IN. Third St. Bell phone 1274 L. STORAGE STORAGE In 1-story brick building, rear 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER. Jeweler, 408 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely tircproof, divided into fireproof private rooms of various sixes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of tire retardant con struction for general merchandise. They are equipped with two large electric freight elevators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of house hold goods and all kinds of merchan dise. Low storage rates. South Second street, near Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R PIANO MOVING PIANO moving by experts. WINTER PIANO CO.. 33 N. Fourth St. Call 14t. Bell phone. MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY LOANED —On Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Htghest cash prices for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY; LOAN OFFICE. 411 Mar ket street. ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to S6O holding: a salaried po sition, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third St. LOANS—SS to 1200 for honest working people without bank credit at less than legal rates; payable in install ments to suit borrowers' conveniences 00-OPERATIVE Loan and Invtbcment Co., 204 Cheitnut St. ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight, In the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon St. Bell phone 3517 J. Basics** Qpprtunitiu BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CORNER BUSINESS PROPERTY" for sale; uptown section: improved dwell ing with store room; stable on prop erty. Price reasonable. Grocery stock at inventory. BELL REALTY" CO., Berg ner Building. Death and Obituary DIED. LUPFER—On February 15. 1915. Henry J. Lupfer died suddenly at his home, 1319 Marion street, aged 72 years. Funeral services Wednesday evening al 7.30 o'clock, at the above address. Remains will be taken to New Bloom tleld by Undertaker G. H. Sourbier. where interment will be made. Train leaves P. R. R. station at S a. m. t -. ■ - . i . , Houses For Rent 36 S. Honey Ave.. 3 r. & b„ SIO 922 Ash Ave., 2>fc s. f., 6 r„ *lO 1500 Boas St., 2 s. b., 6 r„ fit) 1908 Greenwood St. 3 s. f„ 8 r., fit 110 Linden St.. 3 s. f.. 8 r (13 2148 N. 7th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r. b (13 1515 S. Cameron St., 2*4 s. b., 8 r.. (13 1130 S. Cameron St., 2»4 s. f. (13 , 1512 Allison St (14 •527 Briggs St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r (14 1501 Allison St., s. b, I r. b.. (15 2206 Logan St., 3 s. b., 8 r... (15 1317 Williams St.. 2 s. f.. 7 r. b. (15 1538 a 13th St.. 3 3. b.. 8 r (in 660 Emerald St., 3 s. b.. 8 t (17 1218 Mulberry St.. 3 s. f- 7 r. b,..(1S 400 Broad St.. 3 s. b„ 10 r., (35 2202 N. 15th St.. 3 s. b.. 7 r b.,...(32 192'.* Market St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r (40 209 S. Front St.. 3 a b., 10 r. 2 b., (75 23 S. Front St., furnished. 4 s. b. 343 Muench St.—apartments, ....(12 St Bl RBA\ Horses West Fairview. Main St.. i s. f (7 steelton, 941 S. Front St. (in Penbrook. 2Sth and Dauphin Sts., (10 Enola, Adams St.. 2 a* f„ 6 r„ ....(13 Penn Twp,, near Duncannon (20 North Lemoyne, 294 Market St., . (20 Luck now. Forge Lane, (25 Newport Marshall property (do FROM APRIL IST I 133 N. 13th St- 3 a b., (25 Derry St. (Paxtang). 2\i s. f (3U 1109 N. Second St.. 3 s. b (30 Store room. 1007 & 1009 N. Third St. (from March 15th) *.lO Miller Brothers & Co. REAL ESTATE Fire laisraan Sanrty Bends Locast ud Colli Street. HARRIBBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 16, 1915. Rial Estate u REAL ESTATE FOB SENT FOR KENT—Three-atory brick house, 8 rooms and bath. 180S N. Fourth St.; possession at once. Apply H. A. KELJU 1216 N. Front St. NICE HOUSE FOR RENT at 1206 Penn St.: all conveniences; rent reasonable. Inquire of H. COHKN. 20: Market St. FOR RENT —New 9-room brick house wttt steam heat. In nicest and health iest part of city, near Reservoir Park. Rent $22. Apply al 1914 I'ark street. FOR RENT —Modern, up-to-date houses. Just finished, Lewis St., near Fourth, Riverside, rent $15.00. Apply 1731 Fifth St., or at store, corner Fourth and Lewis. FOR RENT— 131a Market—apts S3O and $35 1330 Derry—apts 135.00 13th and Derry—apts. *27.50 1216 Market—Apts $22.50 | 1146 Derry—house $22.50, 1447 Berryhiil—house $22.50 ; 745 S. l»th—house, new $20.60 2336 Ellersly—house, new $18.50 415 Hummel—house . .$18.50 | 2116 Derry—house SIB.OO i 1438 Vernon —house $12.00 IS 17A Compass—house $ll.OO . HARVEY T. SMITH, Real Estate and Insurance, 204 S. 13th. Bell phone 243 M. , FOR RENT—No. 2215 Atlas street, all \ improvements, in good condition; i rent, $16.00. Call FRANK a WICKER SHAXI. 410 Bergner I HOUSES FOR RENT—S23. 635. 639 Schuvlkill St. Possession at once. ! Apply j. C. MEHRING. 2433 Sixth St. FOR RENT—Houses with all improve- , meiits. at moderate rentals. J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market St. FOR RENT—AII improve ments — ; 1614 Catherine, $16.00 530 S. Eighteenth, ... $18.501 Apply Kuhn & Hershey,; 18 South Third street. • FOE SALE, OR EXCHANGE DESIRABLE home in suburban town; lot 35x150 ft; lawns, garden, grano lithic walks and cemented cellar. Easy payments, part cash, balance at low rate of Interest. Will exchange on city property. Address 2464. care Star-ln ityendent. SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOR SALE—Two building lots, in city limits. Sold at a bargain if sold at once. Call 205 Bergner building, or Bell phone 1572 J. EVERGREEN STREET property for sale: Improved brick house, near Market street. Also corner property, at No. 10 S. Eighteenth St. Full Infor mation at BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. VERY DESIRABLE brick house for sale: 530 Camp St.; 11 rooms; bath, gas. steam heat: porch; two stairways; lot 24x130: stable. Price reasonable. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE —Homes at Riverside, at prices $2250, $2500 and S2BOO. Electric lights, steam heat and all improve ments: also building lots at Tenbrook, ; Pa.vtang and Riverside for sale. For terms apply to S. HALDEMAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth St. Carpenter repair work promptly at tended to. Estimates cheerfully fur i nished by calling Bell phone 3622J3. FOR SALE —New 9-room brick houses on Chestnut St.; combination lights, steam hoat, hardwood tlnish; side en trance; price $3200. H. G. PEDLOW, IIP S. 13th St. JI'ST a couple of those Vernon street houses left that can be bought with a small CASH payment, balance as rent. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. 13th St. FOR Sl\LE —Spring is coming. See the beautiful suburban homes at River side before you buy elsewhere. Large lots. Fine porches. Low prices and easy terms. LEWIS M. NEIFFER, 223 Market street; E. MOESLEIN, 424 State s tr e e REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2%-story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash EtanUsi hot and cold running water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large ba'.h. Apply 410 North street. . v ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT | FOR RENT —Three modern new apart -1 ments; 7 rooms, bath, electric lights, steam heat, telephone, gas range, laun dry trays; hard wood tloors: No. 239 S. Thirteenth St. Can be seen 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Apply, on premises or call Bell 2283U FOR REN*—Apartments at southeast corner Fourth and Pefter streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Out side porch. Apply a F. UMBERGEK. 108 N. Second St., or 427 Pefter St. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Rooms for rent; also boarding; two very nicely furnished rooms with all conveniences; rent rea sonable. Call 1217 Market St. FOR RENT—Three rooms on second tloor for light housekeeping. Apply 35 N. Sixteenth street. DESIRABLE ROOMS—Single and en suite—all outside rooms—running water—elevator service—city steam heat—in the Franklin Building. 112 Lo cust St. MILLER BROTHERS & CO.. Locust and Court Sts. Poor Egg! '"Here's a Swiss named Egg who lives in New York petitioning to have his name changed." "Sort of an egg shake, ob! Wfcat's the troubief" '"He and has family have four chil dren. and his family is constantly re- I ferred to as * the half dozen Eggs.' 'He ; claims his yolk is toO heavy to be borne.'' "Why doesn't he lay for his tormen tors !'' "It ap|>ears that be did once nnd got beaten. Whipped to a froth. Poor Kgg ; could barely scramble home.''—'Boston \ Transcript. Wants 1 ten HELP WANTED—-MAIB U'ANTKl)—Several salesmen to demon strate and sell newly patented article i that is needed In every house, school room, store and business office In this country. Experience unnecessary. For particulars, write or cull on StR. IJKM- IjBY, third tioor, front. 202 Locust St. Office hours, li to ! p. m. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN I WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried i men between age of 18 and 35; cltixena of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writu the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d & Market sts.. Harrisbura. 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster. 353 Pine St., Wllllamsport, 37 W. Mar kit St.. York, or 113 Independence SC. ghami'Kln. I'a. | YOUNG MAN to collect accounts for large city firm: prefer one having ha*l | previous •experience; must not be afraid , of hard work, state age. salary expect ed and place where formerly employed. Give reference as to character, so- I brlety, honesty, etc.. etc. Tell lis some . thing about yourself. Address 3496, ! care Star-Independent. " I - WANTED —Men to learn barber trade; I new method, wages a'ter tirst month. Steady position guaranteed; write for i catalogue. Moler's Barter College I Dept. R. 20" Bowery. New York City. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give » thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. a N. Cameron; j Bell phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—HALE. j BOOKKEEPER, cashier (28). desires ' position; ten years' experience; sin i gle and double entry; excellent pen man; Al references: capable of taking | full charge. Address B. ENGEL. 304 Chestnut St. WHITE BOY. 16 years of age. would i like to learn barber trade. Apply j 1111 N. Cameron SL. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTBD—Ky a voung colored man,] work of any kind. Apply 209 N. Sec- i j ond St., Steelton. Pa. j WANTED—Married man wishes posi- ' tlon as clerk In factory or store, or in shipping or receiving department; can | give good reference and bond. Address j •T. 1825 Briggs street. Bell phone 2155W, | ; City. » I COLORED MAN would like liome with' l a family In the country or suburbs; ! honest and a good worker. Write or j call at 903 Sarah avenue. J. WARN. ! YOUNG MAN, 29 years of age. desires I employment. Is familiar with elec- j trical work and auto mechanical work. Best of reference. Apply li. H, FKOMM, | 1411 S. Twelfth St. ■ j WANTED —Position as cook, private or ; commercial; can furnish references. | J Apply 638 Briggs street. PAINTED woodwork and windows ! cleaned; automobiles washed. Call ! , Bell phone 1766 J. j ! WANTED—A young married man would I like to have a position as stationary ' engineer: has had eight years experi- I ence; can do most of his own' repairs; ■ i or will accept a job tiring boilers if job I iis steady year around. Cal| R. M„ i United phone 7T3Y, City. YOUNG MARRIED MAN with fair edu cation ,and good recommendation, wants position as shipping or receiving clerk. Address G. R. SLEIGHTER, En haut. Pa. A YOUNG, well experienced window cleaner wants work; three years' ex perience in New York City.. Call or ad dress 1114 Christiana St. (.for Steve). YOUNG MAN wants position as cook or j counter-man In hotel or restaurant. I | Address or call 1114 Christiana St. WANTED—Colored man wishes general housework or watchman of big build ing. or waiter in private tainily; can 1 furnish good references. Apply 405 j Bailey street, Steelton. [ YOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes work! of any kind, liring boiler preferred; experienced. Apply 41 S. Court St., 1 City. | YOUNG colored man desires position as tirst class cook, butler, in or out of town. Best of references. Address NEWTON BROWN. Middletown, Pa. Last and Found i | FOUND. • FOUND—A pair of nose glasses, in case I of R. D. Pratt. SOT N*. Third St. Found I in Keystone Cycle Co.. *U4 N. Third St. Owner may have same by Identifying propej-ty and paying for this ad. POUND—On Market Square, Monday p. in., a gold ring set with five blue stones. Owner may have ring by iden tifying same and paying for this ad. Call at Star-Independent office. FOUND—The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries by calling either phone for Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. We call and deliver. LOST. LOST—A meah bag. In the vicinity of | Fulton. Third and Broad streets; Sun | day night. Reward if returned to 1311 Fulton street. LOST—On New Cumberland car arriv ing at Market Square at 7.45 p. m„ Friday, a handkerchief containing |9. Liberal reward will be paid to tinder if returned to MISS ANNA COOKERLY. Geary Ave., New Cumberland. LOST—During recent Ice flood a flat broke looae at Northumberland and went adrift, had machinery on belong ing to a coal digger. Any person lo cating same please notify J. W. Snyder, Shamokln Dam, Pa., or Chas. Miles, 51a Muench St.. Harrlaburg. Pa. An Awful Shock Once upon a time a man remember ed tiiat the day wag the tenth anni versary of his wedding, and he brought home some flowers and candy to his wife and gave her a kiss. And H took eight doctors nine days to restore the poor woman from the effect of the shock. —Cincinnati Enquirer. I Waits HELP W. WANTED—An experienced middle-aged lady to keep house for a widower and three children. Address 3465W, care Star-Independ ent. WANTED Good woman for housework. Must un derstand cooking and gen eral housework. Address 3495, care Star-Independent. WANTED Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, comer Second and North streets. J =» SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WHITE GIRL wants work of any kind: sleep at home; would like Saturday and Suudav afternoons off. Call or ad dress MISS REED. 1527 Wallace St. WANTBD—By a colored ladv, day's work, dish washing: or child's nurse. Call 517 Shaffer avenue. WANTED—By young colored girl, dish washing In hotel. AppVj- 519 Shaffer A ve. RELIABLE and experienced worker wants ironing or cleaning by the day. Address MISS S. U. 610 N. Second St. EXPERIENCED LADY would like to have a situation for upstairs work or plain cooking; not out of city llinlta Address 123 N. Front St.. Columbia. Pa. YOUNG colored lady wants work as sec ond girl, child's nurse or assist with housework. Call 28 Linden St. WANTED —General housework or dish washing. by a young colored girl. Call or address 1324H James St. WASHING and Ironing to do at home. Call at 1529 Logan Ave. WANTED—Position as housekeeper, in respectable family. City preferred. Address 2210 Atlas Ave. WANTED—A young married woman wishes work to do at home during spare time; factory work preferred. Call at 562 Forrest St.. Harrlsburg. WANTED —Washing and ironing to do at home, or office cleanin.g Call at No. 625 Mahuntongo St. WANTED—Young lady wishes position us bookkeeper or clerical work; can furnish references. Apply 530 Maclay street. WANTED—Young lady would like work of any kind, cooking, housework, tak ing care of children, etc. Apply 348 S. Cameron St. WANTED—Washing or general house work. Apply MARGRET BOLLINGER. 1313 Cowden street. WANTED—A respectable white woman wishes position as good plain cook or as housekeeper, in or out of the city. Address MARIE WEINER. Gen eral Delivery. Harrisburg, Pa. WASTED—General housework or posi tion as waitress or child's nurse by a young girl. Apjily 219 Walnut St. YOUNG GIRL desires position as child's nurse or help with housework. Ad dress or call 945 N. Seventh St. A YOUNG white sirl wants general housework. Call United Phone 441Y, or House address 502 Strawberry St. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Reliable men and women agents, who van hustle for an up-to-date LIVE PROPO SITION. Apply Room 27, Spooner Building, Harrisburg, Pa., 10 a. m. to 3 p. in. BILLY SUN DAY'S MIESS AG E— Liberal terms tj live men or women. Apply Wholesale Depot. 25 North Third, top floor. * 1 1 \ Sale and Exchangs FOR SALE TOR SALE—Cigar, tobacco and confec tionary store doing a good cash bus iness and also an ice cream manufac turing plant; will sell at a reasonable figure. Apply L. A. Smith, Fourth and | Kelker streets. C. W. H. LASULETZ. Lumber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to sue us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. RESTAURANT at 25 S Second SL Har risburg; good trade, in good order; for particulars Inquire on premises. FOR SALE—At a bargain, an upright Klmba.ll piano; good as new. Apply at 185 South Front St.. Steelton, Pa. FIVE-PASSENGER FORD auto body with top; one auto body suitable for painter or plumber, one market wagon, one laundry wagon, one platform wag on. GROCE'S WAGON SHOP, 1541 Wal nut St. TOR SALE—Not. Helen F. Ellis. 1327 N. Sixth St. to whom two reserved tickets were awarded to-day, good for the evening performance at the Or pheum, February 18, 1915. Call for them at Star-Independent office, before 8 p. m., February 17, 1915, or they will be forfeßed. FOR SALE —Closing out all Incubators aa half price. Capacity 50 to 350 eggs. Also 25 White Leghorns and Barred Rock pullets. Bell 587-R3. A. a DAVIS, Penbrook. FOR BALE—One mirror and stand com bined (old fashioned); mirror. Includ ing frame, It 28 Inches wide btr seven feet high. Call or address 10 a 19th SU Harrisburg. FOR SALE—At GABLE S, 111-117 South Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point, Bll*- zard. Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St., MOO seta new Sash, SxlO xls L, primed and glased, at $1.15 per set. Also other alxea. SEVEN POSITIVE MONEY MAKERS The profit making possibilities presented by the issues in our latest bulletin should com mand your immediate attention Ask for Letter 3S CLARENCE CONE 4 CO. 48 Broadway, Jim York For Rent Desirable offices in the [Jnion Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. L wmJ FOR SALE) A knitting factory; all improve ments; electric power; two-story frame; steam heat, well lighted: equipped with the latest knitting and sawing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent If party would be interested In the manu facturing of ladles' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone <4. Steelton. fa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 14S N. FRONT STREET ■TKBLTON, PA. V i FINANCE Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. FM>. IS.— iVheat higher; No. 2 red spot, export. 161®166; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 169 174. Corn hlg-her: No. 2 spot, export. Sl@ 82; No. 2 yellow, local, 84® , 54V4- Oats firm: No. 2 white. 85©66 H. Bran steady; winter, per ton. $30.50® 31.00; spring, $38.000>28.50. Retlned sugars Arm; powdered, 5.85; fine granulated, 6.75; Confectioners' A, 5,55. Butter lower; western creamery, ex tra. 31; nearby prints, fancy, 34. Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, 7.80; current receipts, free case, 7.G5; western extras, firsts, free case, 7.80; firsts, free case, 7.65. Live poultry weak; fowle, 1516: old roosters. Utility: chickens, 13® 16; turkeys. 14® 17; ducks, 16® 17; geese, 15 ©l7. Dressed poultry firmer; fowls, heavy, 18®20: average, 16ty®18'4; small, 14® 16; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby, 18®23: western. 14®22; roast ing chickens. 17® 18; turkeys, fancy, 22; fair to good, 18®20; ducks, 12®18; ;eese, 10® 14. Potatoes weaker; Pennsylvania, per bushel. 60f0'63; Maine, 45@50: New York, 40®45; Jersey, per basket. 30®35. Flour nominal; winter straight, 7.25 ®7.50; spring straight, 7.00@,.25; do,, patent, 7.35®8.50. Hay Arm; No. 1 large bales, 18.50® 19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50® 19.00; No. 2 do.. 17.00(6 18."0; No. 3 iln.. 14.50® 15.50. Clover mixed, light, 17..">0® 18.00; No. 1 do., 16.50® 17.00; No. 2. 15.00® 16.00. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, Feb. 16.—Hogs—Receipts, 23,000; strong. Bulk, 6.70®6.55; light, 6.65®6.90; mixed. 5.80®6.85; heavy. 6.15 @6.80: rough, 6.45®6.55; pigs, 5.66®>8.50. Cattle—Receipts, 3,000; weak. Native steers, 5.25®8.40; western, 4.65®>7.15; cows and heifers, 3.20®7.60; calves. 7.00 ® 1».50. Sheep—Receipts, 5,000: strong. Sheep, 6.35®7.10; yearlings, 7.60®8.00; lambs, 7.25@8.75. REGENT In making the statement some timo ago in regaril to the quality of film plays shown upon the screen in this theatre that the p'.ays then Hhown were above criticism but that "Better ones were to follow," is surely illustrated in "Behind the Scenes," featuring '"Lit tle Mary Pickford," shown here yester day and repeated to-day. Never has a play been better presented, never has a "Purity of Heart and Conscience" been 'better illustrated so that those who will may understand than as por trayed by Mary Puller iu ".Behind the Scenes." To say the least it is one of rhe most beautiful portrayals of char acter ever thrown upon tihe screen. Wednesday and Thursday another Paramount program will be sliown, fea turing David Higgins in "His Last Dollar," will be exhibited. This play is absorbing from start to finish and appeals to all the emotions to whii;h the human mind is subject, giving the play a variety of appeal that is certain to insure a wide and remarkaible fol lowing. Adv." Funeral of S. W. Morrow at Marietta Marietta, Feib. 16. —The funeral of Samuel W. Morrow was held yesterday afternoon from his late home and very largely attended. The Rev. E. Elmer Sensenig, of the Reformed church, of ficiated. Burial was made in tihe Mari etta cemetery. The "pallbearers were members of the Lancaster Cigarmnkcru' Union, of wthich the deceased was a member. Relatives and friends from York, Harrisburg and other places at tended. t "A FooV Poet" One afternoon Browning went to call on Irtdy ICinloch and mined his way. A lady was standing on her doorstep, and he asked her to direct him to the house. She could' not tell hiip, but of fered to look it up for him iu tbe di rectory and took him into the house, produced a directory, and together they found out what he wanted to know, anki then she came out to the doorstep again so that she could point out to him the direction he bad to take. He thanked her, went diown the steps, hesitated and then turned and came back to her, saying: you may like ,to know to whom you have been so kind. I am a poor poet and my name is Robert Browning,"—Westmin ster Gazette. FUNDS NEEDED TO KEEP UP WORK OF HOME RELIEF Aid Given Poor Families of City Must Be Discontinued by End of Month Unless More Donations Are Re ceived Her husband out of work since fall, aud with five children to care for, one of whom is blind, a needy woman ask ed for work at the Home and War Be lief committee headquarters. Of course she got it, and will be able to keep the little family together for a while longer —possibly until work opens up for the 'husband and father. All yesterday they caime, these wom en wifh dependent families, asking only for work. And all day long women of the various divisions of the big emer gency aid committee have been giving it to bhe>m. "It's tihe only thing between us aud the poorhouse," ono woman said, as she started home with enough work to earn her )2. That is true with a majority of the 325 families now re ceiving aid in the form of pay for sew ing work done on garmqpits that are given to the needy at homo or shioned tibroad to the European war sufferers. Last Friday there was paid out more than $l6O in wages and about tihe same amount yesterday. About 150 women received more than S3OO. The commit tee dead res to continue the work until April, or at least until the middle of IMarch, but there is on hand less than $1,200, which will last only until the end of this month. More money is nest ed, and at once. If tflie collector has not callod upon you, send your money to John F. Sweeuey, at the Mechanics' Trust Company. Product of some of the skilled work ers sewing for tihe reliof committee was sold to the Harrisburg hospital, aw well as individuals. Orders of any kind will be tilled at cost price. A request for information about the making and shipping of supplies lias been received from IHollidaysburg. Samples of all the materials used have been sent. From Coudera(M>rt has come a shipment of supplies, all tihe work of vo'hinteers. They will be sent away this week. The Red Cross department Shipped to Poland on Saturday, four large boxes being required to carry the goods. Ev ery article, excepting the knitted ma terials and bandages, wus made by women of this city who were paid from twenty to twenty-live cents for each garment. In the shipment, were: Four'hundred and sixty-eia'ht surgical shirt*, 48 tri angular bandages, 132 rolled bandages, 17 abdominal bandages, 12 "T" band ages, 24 linen compresses, 4 surgical towels, 4 pain wristlets, 9 pair of knit socks, 10 knit scarfs 1 knit abdominal band, 1 knit combination cap scarf, 72 women's nigtot gowns, 9G children's night, gowns, 18 children's caps, 4 chil dren's petticoats 12 children s dresses, 24 baby blankets, 7 baby wrappers, 6 baby aaeques, 5 pair baby socks,' 2 pair baby mittens, 6 scarfs. Of the shipment 636 garments were made by needy women who received about $l5O for their work. W. C. T. V. PROGRAM Meeting Will Be Held To-night At Stevens Memorial Church The following program will be given to-night «t Stevens Memorial Methodist nliureh by the Meade W. C. T. U: Devotional song, "Pa Shall Be Free;" address, "Our Union and What It ( Means to Us," Mrs. Violet Hollar Bolan; song and drill, Temperance l-rfght (Bearers; reading, Mrs. F. P. Steese; duet, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Pickell; "Drunkard's Lone Child," Gladys Bolan, Lillian Spcak man, Joe and Robert Fisliel, Ellis Bolan and chorus of children; vocal solo, Mrs. E. Edward Clark: address, Mrs. M. M. Steese; instrumental duet, Mrs. Pickell and Mrs. Brenner. AT CHRIST CHURCH Two Speakers Provided for To-morrow Night's Meeting At Christ Lutheran church, Thir teenth and Thompson streets, to-morrow evening at the prayer meeting hour, 7.45, the Rev. Dr. J. M. Francis, of Sun bury, will give an address and the Rev. Charles Brosius, returned mis sionary from Africa, will speak on the work in the dark continent. The meet ing will be under the auspices of the Men's Missionary iiociety of Christ church. Paddled Away in a Coffin Several men have succeeded in es caping from Devil's island, where Cap tain Dreyfus was confined. One bold prisoner escaped from his cell during a dark nipi'it aud forced his way into a shed where coffins were made. Select ing a large shell, he nailed the lid down in such a way that a hole was left big enough for him to crawl into. Then he raided a storehouse and stole a supply of food, which he placed inside the coffin. His next proceeding was to drag the coffin and its contents down to the water's edge. Reaching it in safe ty, he launched his sepulchral vessel, crawled into it and paddled away by means of his hands. Devil's island never saw him again. The Art of Flattery Madam —With this goose I have been awfully cheated. It is old and tough and still it looks so young and tender! Cook (who likes to flatter her mis tress) —Yes, madam. One can never tell by appearances. You, too, look much younger than you really are.—'Flie gende Blatter. 11 LAWYERS DIFFER ASTOTHE NEED OF TBIRD JUDGE Coatlaued frmm First P««a claarly shown when I had the third judge bill passed in 1903 and such farts were presented as led to the pas sage of the bill without virtually any opposition. Governor T'ennyptwker ve toed the bill oa» tho ground that there ■was no necessity for a third judge •here, but there may haw been other reasons. This court is overworked and cases argued a year ago are not yet de cided, for the reason that the court hat i too much business. "Four weeks erf tho year ar« takes up by both judges at Quarter Sessions court, when 0110 of tho judges ought tfl be devoting that time to writing opin ions. The work of the Dauphia county < ourt is constantly being interrupted by Btate business. Every year now depart ments are added to the Stato adminis tration and in some way additioaal business is added to the Ttauphin coun ty court. The latest is the taking o1 appeals from the Public Service Com ■mission to the local court. We already had state tax cases, election and nomi nation cases, and a hundred and on« other matters from the c&pitol to en gage the attention of our court. It certainly is time to have a third judge, for there is need foT him." John Fox Weiss, former distract at torney, favors a third judge for the Dauphin county bench. "Ym, I am in favor of R third judge," .* Mr. Weiss, "because I believe he is needed. I think our two judge* have more work to do than any two judges in the Com monwealth, and there should be a third judge here." • "Too Much Work for Two Judges" Charles C. St rah, of the Board oi Law Examiners, said a third judge is necessary for quicker dispatch of busi ness in this court and to relieve the present judges. "We have needed a third judge here for some time," said Mr. Strofo. "Out two judges have too muc.h to do with all of the state work in addition to the eountv work. There should be a third judge." W. ft. 6nyder said: "I think a third judge is badly needed. The cowrt here has been overcrowded with work and yet in face of the faot that they da work hard they are behind. To my mind it is a grand opportunity to re i lieve them.'' Colonel Fred M. Ott, Solicitor of Dauphin county, said: "There can be but one opinion aod that is brierf. The judges here are overburdened with work. The necessity for a third judge never before was so apparent aa at the present time." ' 'I always have felt the necessity for a third judge in Dauphin county," said Assistant District Attorney Frank B. Wickersham. "There is much need fot another jurist here especially in view of the fact that Judges Kun-kel and Mc- Carroll now are overwwi-ked and should have relief. To my mind the fact that cases now are piling in on our judge; faster than they or any other two judges can dispose of th»m, speaks for itself.'' 4 MURDERERS SEEK PARDONS Fleas Will Be Made for Them To-mor row at First Meeting of New Board The first business meeting of the Board of Pardons as at present consti -1 tuted will be held to-morrow in the Su preme Court room, when Lieutenant Governor McClain will preside. There are twenty-nine cases on the list for *.r --i gument, the first four being murder cases, the men being under sentence oi death and petitioning to have the death sentence commuted to imprisonment for I-life. The murderers aro Gregurio Biz zatto, Philadelphia; Andrew Malinow siki, Allegheny; Arthur Simon, Tioga, ami Nicollo Mondollo, Fayette. The case of Luka Zarcovic, Daxiphin. murder second degree, will be heard early in the day. Zareovic was sen tenced in 1909 to twenty years. His pardon will be opposed by District At torney Stroup. The case of David Kaufman, of New York, who flim-flammed Harrisburg mer chants by shortchanging them in a pur chase, and who is serving two years and six months in the pen, also will be heard, as will that of Milton Weaver, Dauphin, serving from ono to two years in the pen for sodomy. Senator Hoke, of Oh ambers-burg, will ; appear for Thomas E. Patterson, con ! victed in Cumberland county of bur glary, larceny and felonious assault, and serving a term of from 15 to 60 years. Entertains For Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schelhas, 1442 Thompson street, entertained last even ing at their home in honor of the fourth birthday anniv-ersary of their daughter, Charlotte Grace. Aboot a dozen of her little friends enjoyed game* and re freshments. To Celebrate 150 th Anniversary Marietta, Feb. 16.—Preparations are in vogue by St. John 'a Lutheran congregation of Maytown for the cele bration of the 150 th anniversary of Hie founding of the congregation, to be celebrated (hiring Canter week. A new pipe organ is being installed and cler gymen from various sections will take part in the services. The Rev. Joseph D. Krout is the p«»tor. A Personal Statement There are so-called "honey and tar" preparations that eost the dealer half as much but sell at the same price as the original and genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. We never offer these imitatioas and substitutes. We know you will buy Foley's whenever you need a cough syrup if you once use it. People come long distances for the true FOLEY'S——over thirty years the leading remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bronchial and lagrippe coughs.—George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street, P. B. B. Station.— Adv.