10 A HOME MADE COUGH SYRUP CHEAP Easily Made and Quaranteed j The difference in buying one of the Iwill be sufficient to probably last the /must efficient. latest and up-to-date whole family the entire winter. It pos coush and cold remedies (which can be jK^ine o'fhe" 0 made at home), and buying the old. pleasant that children like to take it.* ordinary, ready-made kinds, is that with It is altogether different from «ll the the new one you get all pure medicine, other medicines. Arrangements have i- jtead of buying a large proportion of been made with George A. Gorgas to re iSMgar and water, besides paying for fund the money to any person who finds bottles, corks and labels; and it usu- it does not give perfect satisfaction, or ally requires 2to bottles of the old- kf it is not found the very beat remedy fashioned, ready-made remedies to ever used for coughs, colds, bronchitis, break up a cough or cold, while 2 j croup, whopping oough and hoarseness, ounces (50c worth) of Sehiffnvann's new ;In fact, anv druggist of this city will Concentrated Expectorant, which is so jsell it under the sajne guarantee.* You strongly conventrated that 2 ounces. • will be the sole Judge, and under the ■when mixed at home with simply one 'positive guarantee bjf these druggists, pint of granulated sugar and one-'half absolutely no risk is run in buying this pint of water, makes a full pint >y spats on them and a general air of prosperity ana good nature. "Is that I'rank O'Connell?" cried the little man "It is," said O'Connell. trying in vain to see the man's features disilnctlv in the dim light. The little man came into the loom, took off his heavy silk hat and looked tip at O'Connell with a quizzing look in his laughing eyes. "McOlnnis!" "That's who It is: •Talkative Mc- Gionis,' come all the way from ould Ireland to take ye by the baud.' The two men shook hnnds warmly. "An' what in the wurrld brings ye here, docthor?" asked O'Connell. "Didn't vp hear of me old crranrt ancle McNnmnra ot county sugo ay ln'—after a useless life—and doin' the only thing that made me proud of hlqi now that he's gone—may he slape in peace—lavin' the money he'd kept such a close flst on all his life to his Ood fearin' nephew so that he can spind the rest of his days iu comfort? Didn't ye hear that?" "I did not. And who was the neph ew that came Into it?" "Meself, Frank O'Counell!" "Tou! Is It the truth ye're tellin' me?" "May 1 nivver spake nnother wurrd If I'm not." O'Connell took the little man's hand and shook it until the doctor screamed out to him te let it go. "It's sorry I am if I hurt ye. So It's a wealthy man ye are now, docthor, eh?" "Middlin' wealthy." "And what are ye doin' In New York?" "Sure, this Is the counthry to take money to. It doubles itself out here overnight, they tell me." He paused, then continued: "I hope ye've not lost the gift o' the gab. Hev ye got it with ye still, Frank O'Connell?" "Faith an' while I'm talkin' of the one thing In the wurrld that's near our hearts-the future of Ireland—l want to prophesy"— "An' what's It ye'd afther prophesy ing?" "This—that ten years from now. with her own government, with her own language back again-Gaellc-an' what language In the wurrld yields greater music than the old Uaellc?-witii Ire land united and Ireland's land in the care of Irishmen, with Ireland's peo ple self respectln' an' sober an' healthy an' educated, with Irishmen employed on Irish Industries"— "Go on, Frank O'Connell. I lore to listen to ye. Don't stop." "I'll tell ye what will happen! Back will go the Irishmen in tens o' thou sands from all the other counthries they were dhriren to in the days o' famine an - oppression an' coercion an' buckshot-back they will go to their mother connthry. An' can ye see far enough into the future to realize what they will do? Ye can't? Well, I'll tell ye that too. The exiled Irish, who have lived their lives abroad—takln' their wives, like as not, from the peo ple o' the connthry they lived in an' not from their own stock—when they go back to Ireland with different out looks, with different manners an' with different tastes, so long as they're kept the hearts o' them thrue an' loyal— Just so long as they're done that—an' kept the faith o* their forefathers, they'll form a new nation an' a nation with all the best o' the old—the great big faith an' hope o' the old—added to the prosperity an' education an' business bit* nrincisles an' sUUuiajiablD & toe new." "Sure it's the big position they should give you on College green when they get their own government again. Frank O'Counell," the little doctor said, shaking his head knowingly. "An' where is the little blue eyed maiden. Peg o' your heart? Where is she at all?" "It's in London she is." "la It English ye're goln' to bring her up?" cried the doctor in horror and disgust. ! "No. it's not. Docthor McGlnnls, an' ! ye ought to know me bettber than to sit there an' ask me such a question." When they parted for the night with many promises to meet again ere long, O'Connell sat down and wrote Peg a long letter, leaving the choice in her bands, but telling her how much he would like to hare her back with him. He wrote the letter again and again and each time destroyed It. it seemed so clumsy. ••••••• The morning after the incident fol lowing Teg's disobedience In going to the dnnee and her subsequent rebellion and declaration of independence found a" the inmates of Regal Villa in a most unsettled condition. Mrs. Chichester and Alrnlc opened a discussion ns to the latter's business career. "Ob. Aiarlc! There is a way—one way that would save us." said the mother after Aiarlc suggested going to Canada. And she trembled ns she paused, as if afraid to tell him what tbe alternative was. "Is there, water? What Is It?" "It rests with you. dear." ! "Does It? Ver.v good. I'll do It to save yon nnd Ktiiel and the roof: course I will I.et me hear It." "AlnrlcV" she asked in a tone that suggested their fate Imng on bis an swer. "Aiarlc. do yon like herY" "IJke whom?" "Margaret! Do you?" "Here and there. She amuses me like anything at times. She drew a map of Europe once that I think WHS tbe most fearful nnd wonderful thing I have ever seen. She said It was the way her father would like to see Eu rope She had England. Scotland and Wales in (Jerninny. and the rest of the map was Ireland. Made me langb like anything." 'Oh. If you only could!" she sobbed "Could? What?" "Take that little wayward child into four life and mold her." "Here, one moment, mater; let me jret the full forr-e of your idea. You want me to mold Margaret?" "Yes. dear." "Ha:" he laughed uneasily, then said ty>cldt*dly: "No. tnater. no. I can do niost things, hut ns a molder—oh, no: t,et Ethel do It—if she'll stay, that is." "Alaric. my dear. I mean to take her really into your life—'to have and to hold.' " And slip looked pleadingly at him through her tear dimmed eyes. "But I don't want to hold her, ma ter!" reasoned her son "It would be the saving of us all!" ihe Insisted siguiflcautly. But Alaric was still obtuse. "Now. how would my holding and molding Margaret save us?" The old lady placed her cards delib erately on the table ns she said senten tiously: "She would stay with us here—if you were—engaged to her!" The Rhock had come. His mother's terrible alternative was now before him in all its nuked horror. A shiver ran through him. The thought of a man with a future as brilliant as his being blighted at the outset by such a misalliance! He felt the color leave his face. "Engaged! Don't, mother, please." He trembled again. "Heavens—engag ed to that tomboy!" There was no escape. Mrs. Chiches ter held him firmly. "She will have ffi.ooo a year when she is twenty-one—£3,ooo a year-£5,000 of the very best!" She took him in her arms and press ed bis reluctant and shrinking body to her breast. "Think what it would mean, dear—your family preserved and a brand snatched from the burning!" "That's Just It. It's all right saving the family. Any cove'll do that at a pinch. But I do not see myself as a 'brand snalcher.' • Besides, I am njt altogether at liberty." "What?" cried his mother. "Ob. I've not committed myself to anything. But I've been three times to hear that wonderful woman speak once on the platform: And people are beginning to talk. She thinks no end of me. Sent me a whole lot of stuff last week—"advanced literature' she calls it I've got 'era all upstairs. Wrote every word of 'em herself. Nev er saw a woman who can talk and write as she can. And outside of all that I'm afraid I've more or less en couraged her. And there you are—the whole thing in a nutshell." Alarlc thought for a few moments. The result of this mental activity took form and substance as follows: "She is not half bad looking—at times —when she's properly dressed." "I're seen her look almost beauti ful!" cried Mrs. Chichester. Alarlc suddenly grew depressed. "Shocking temper, mater!" and he shook bis head despondently. To Be Continued. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent. MERCHANT WTT.TJI MIMIBT.Y Lock Haven Man Dies Three Hours I After 'lnflicting Bullet Wound Lock Haven, Pa., Feb. 16.—Oscar G. Munroe, a prominent shoe dealer of this city, was taken to the' local hospital last night with a bullet wound, self inflicted in the Elks' club home yester day afternoon. He died. When aslfed why toe had shot him self he replied he did not mean to do it. Business reverses probably teni|>orarily unbalanced his mind. He died three hours after being admitted to the hos pital. Show Him I You can clothe your children in silks and satins, bedeck them with French ribbons until they outrival a French millinery store, and yet thoy are or phans, though you srtill live. Show me your children, show me the company you keep, show me the nature of the books you read, ami' though I have never been in your home, I will write you a perfect history of it. ami it will tell you how it came out. And T he liove the ideal mother is the product, of a civilization that rose from the man ger of Bethlehem.—Billy Sunday in the Christian Herald. Extremes The man making money in a small town up the State mot a friend not making money in New York—there are a few here in that class—and they were talking of their respective places j of residence. "I tell you what it is,'' said the' rural visitor in a woeful tone, "it's' terrible to have a lot of money and i live where you can't spend it." . "Oh, I don't know," responded the * impecunious city man, "I guess it J isn't any more terrible than not to have a lot of money and live where | you can spend it."—New York Sun. : It Worked ! "And have you tried the plan of 1 greeting your husband with kind words when he comes home late, as I sug- ; gested?" asked the eldfevly friend. "I have," said the youngish wom an, "and it works like a charm. He! stays home all the time now trying to ■ figure out what is the matter." j ;; Ends Dry, Hoarse or f ;; Painful Coughs $ Quickly | «» Inexpensive bat Unequaled *f 4 ♦ i't' ♦ rUp Jl" 8 caUß ed it to he used in ! i more hom<>s than anv other remedv It fives almost instant relief and will u aua P- ! lionr'a erconje *' ,e average cough in 2# j f-i™ 4 ? unoeß P'nex (50 cents worth I I from any drug store, pour it into a pini ! bottle and till the bottle with plain granu- I latcd Bupar syrup. This makes a full I FJ?AZ a fa ®''.v supply—of the most ef fective cough remedy at a cost of onlv 154 rw lvmJr 8 ' J 1 coul s l . n ' t •>«>' as much ! readvmade cough medicine for $2.50 ' r.asilv prepared arid never spoils. Full I directions with Pinex. | ■?,! le iP r ? m P, t . neß *: certainty and ease ! with which this t mex Syrup overcomes 1 a bad eojiffh, chest or throat cold is truly remarkable. It quickly loosens a dry hoarse or tight cough' and heals and L soothes a painful cough in a liurrv. With 1 * a persistent loose cough it stops the for- I * mation of phlegm in the throat and bron- i ? hacking 1 ' ending the annoying 'ij Pinex is a highly concentrated com- * Ppuna of genuine Norway pine extract I rich in guaiacol and is famous the world S over for its splendid effect in bronchitis, £ whooping cough, bronchial asthma and > A winter coughs. ; | To avoid disappointment in making 1 * of p;n S iV »° Hr for " 21 6 °" nces • of Pinex. and don t accept anything Y else. A guarantee of absolute sa'tisfac- 5 tion, or money promptly refunded, goes « with this preparation. The Pinex Co., * ft. Wayne, Ind. ——i^——! * Cumberland Valley Railroad * In Effect May 24. 1114. V Train* Leave HarrUburic— For Winchester and Alartlnsbur* at .i 5.03, *7.50 a. m. *3.40 p. m. V For Hagerstown. Chambersburg and r! Intermediate stations, at *5.03. *7 60, •11.i3 a. n>.. *3.40. 6.32. "7.40. jj 04 ~ p. m. . Additional trains for Carlisle and // Uechanlcsburg at #.48 a. m., 2.18. 3.27 'i.3o, 9.3U p. m. For Dillsburg at 8.03. *7.50 and •ll.il au m.. 2.18. *3.40. 5.32. 6.30 p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally exceD* Sunday. J H. TONGJ, H. A. RIDDLE. G. P. A. SaBL BUSINESS COLLEGES GET IN THE GAME Success is won by preparing in DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL of COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg, Pa. H.BG,. BUSINESS COLl^viE 32!) Market Street Fall Term September First DAY AND NIGHT STAR=INDEPENDENT CALENDAR FOR 1915 May be had at the business office of the for or will be sent to any address in the United States, by mail, for 5 cents extra to cover cost of package and postage. The Star-Independent Calendar for 1915 is another of the handsome series, featuring important local views, issued by this paper for many years. It is 11x14 inches in size and shows a picture, extraordinary for clearness and detail, of the "Old Capitol," built 1818 and destroyed by lire in 1897. It is in fine half-tone effect and will be appreciated for its historic %alue as well as for its beauty. Mail orders given prompt attention. Remit 15 cents in stamps, and ad dress all letters to the STAR-INDEPENDENT 18-20-22 South Third Street Harrisburg, Pa. Jefferson Old Storage I Corn Whiskey Finest Virginia Made Corn Whiskey The Drink of the Souths Gentleman. It Has the Tang That Delights. To Your Home, Express Prepaid. JEFFERSON L PETERSBURG, VA. VIRGINIA'S BEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE THE BLAKE REMOVAL SALE DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WALL PAPER Will Be ncQ/ Less Than Sold at /O Usual Prices This includes all stock papers of carefully selected deco rative patterns in foreign and domestic makes. Numerous other articles will be closed out at inviting reductions, such as odd lots of Swisses, Cretonnes, Lace, yard goods and Curtains. Sofa cushions in tapestry, cretonnes and silk; also number of silk and cretonne lamp shades. We will move into our new store room at 225 North Second street, April 1, where double the afriount of space will be utilized to care for our rapidly growing business. THE BLAKE SHOP . 103 NORTH SECOND STREET * . —— mi ■ ■mm r DOEHNE BEER A Brewery construction which admits of perfect * cleanliness of floors, walls and ceilings. Perfect ven- * tilation and equipment. Best and purest Malt, Hops * and Ingredients. £ Skilled Brewmaster—Proper Management | RESULT } BE H E i hgradeprodu AL E | DOEHNE BREWERY Bell 826 Order It Independent 318 * ■> •> •> *** <• •> •> <• * v •> •> ••• •> •> •> •> •> ** •> •> •*• ..." What Have You to Sell? Why not convert into cash articles for which you have no use. You may have just the thing that someone else is seeking and anxious to purchase. You ask, "HOW CAN I DO THIS?" The ques tion is easily answered. Place a "For Sale or Ex change" ad in the classified columns of THE STAR INDEPENDENT—Then watch the RESULTS. Again and again we are told that ads in our classi fied columns are effective. TRY YHEM Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246