The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 12, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    There Was Never Such an Opportunity to Secure
Warm Flannelette Garments as Offers
! Variet Y* s a Strong Factor Hundreds and Hundreds of Flannelette
JvX/(rfftfl'7Z4 In This Furniture Sale Garments Have Been Carried
Call 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 ; . f!• ___
tAt no other time, and at no other sale, AWciV 1 fllS WCCK
have you possibly met with such a wide ~
and selected assortment of suites and in- And still the assortments remain intact.
• }» the fi-tplace, there were 13,000t0 be sold,
designs, and the 'following list will show vbecause we coulun t think of carrying - that
, of the unusual values that give this, sale number in stock), and a moment's thought
These coats have just been received and are intended for ' will convince ycu that it will take days to
immediate wear, the styles of which will dominate spring SIB.OO Princess Dressers, Chiffoniers and dispose of them. However, we might remind
% Very attractive styles in black ami j Bureaus at $ 12.90; Also $ 13.95 you of the "early bird" story.
navy poplin; in half-belted or plain Toilet Tables at $10.90 rp. - -mj i r
back stvles: also semi-tailored models — 1 „ „ „ , . ___ .. , __ . I R6S6 J\TP Not tfi hf> i .nnrl/QOn
fc&A all lined with flue pcau d'cvenc. (Sizes ' Your <-ho,« of «»y of tta» Quartered Oak Bult.t, , J " eSC V^OH/USeO
k. f J v pieces m mahogany tuna mahog- s29.oo—This is ot our spe- | AT».I 17*1 1
/Am \/#\ 1 ' any, bird's-eye maple, walnut and ' cial buffets in the February Sale. W ttti V 10121161
f I Prices are SIO.OO, $12.98 and tpiartered oak. Its features are three top drawers, .
\ll l\ $15.00. $15.00 Colonial Library Tables, large linen drawer, silver drawer They're made of a COttOU fabric that re
/ \|\ * vQ\ —. , __ $12.75 dull rubbed mahogany j with plush lined removable tray cpmKloo J nnriQ i a. i__l 4.1 r 1
OA : Ik There S Evidence of » ndl i»* rt * red <>* k - I Vi nLy cupboards. sembles flannel, but lacks the fuzzy-wool sur-
Lri 0 T AT Jacobean Dining Room $25.00 Quartered Oak Colonial lace that many folks object to. Come in pink
\J{ I V Opring In New tenpieL-bXt. eCS«- j Buffet - * l9 - 75 - and blue stripes; plain white and other shades.
[F j q , -m m j* tension table, serving table, five SIO.OO Pedestal Extension Table,
fl\ \r &Ult ModelS side chairs and arm chair. ?7.50-solid oak; Colonial pat- Nfttf* thP WftTlrtprflll ValllPC
•« \\ Like the coats, they can .be worn at once, and J 1 ?*; tern; extends to six feet. XIUtCtUC VY UllUCriUi VaiUCS
[I \ \\ will be correct for spring wear. Especially for , U f v ' !,.,«!!!" $15.00 Platform Base Extension Women's and Misses' _JW 1111/ U| |li. M
// \ \ \ young girls are striking models, in black, navy wteJES and : Table, - quartered oak Flannelette Gowns, 49<- JJj ft l —-- 1
\ \J and putty. Poplin and gabardine seem to be m serving table. top; rubbed and polished values 75c to 89c. I Kl//' JP*
c V i i>. • fil . a A COftnn . $22.00 Fumed Oak Living Room 1 _ A Children's Flannelette * ry?
*/ _ J 1 net s are $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 and Suite, sl3.9o—consisting of arm $22.00 Platform Base Extension Gowns 25<*' vnlup "iftc ' iJT/X 1 NC\Tv3K r^:
</ 7 Tl\ Ss3 °- 0() - Chair, arm rocker and library Table, $18.75-plank top; forty- l*o\\ns, %allie ooc.
{•v f f *T Ol • j table. Auto spring scats on chair l' ve inches, full quartered oak top Boys' Night Shirts and
I \ IN OTV bKirtS anil rtH ' ker: covered in Spanish and base. This table is one of the Pajamas, value 50c. A
leatherette. verv best.values we have ever ot- ' T ' 'IW7WO
If Tlle comi "K season promises to be a season « 45 00 ol .„ rtl , ppri n . w Rllffot fcrcd. x Infants' Flannelette Ki- ) ///\\ JJU /]
tiful niatcriaU. I'ririd at' »5.98'w 518.50 t»j>. solid oak tousinutio,, on the Closet. »17.SO—Colonial pattern <lyl (1 r cll's Flannelette U. |£ Pf
cZfln""'™ "° d i " ,p - I afassa vw roo " ,y and ■
_ . _ _ . . ■ . i «A, ' Women's Flannelette Pet-
JUSt Two Prices on the Winter Coats: Int'mts' Flannelette
A Arifl Now Corner More n 1 A , ' , value 39c.
tC ftft nnA 5 A monies More Sacques, value 19c. Misses' Flannelette Petti
%PO.UU alio tfirrK Children's Flannelette coats, value29c.
They'll be good if not worn until next winter. Excellent qualities- MlgH VFIttGG AXUllflSlGl Rompers, value 29c. Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. I
good wlors—the wanted materials and the right styles. All of the wool Tfc T1 J A ;
winter coats arc included in these two prices.
The Last Word of Winter Suits: The product «t the famous Bigeiow Hartford c O . in Dainty White 8.8.8. Specials
$9.98 is the Highest pje others at $5.98, [£*££ B.W. In Linens
OO.yo and $7.50 Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Itl'R "R "R Qoln Linen Sheeting, $1.25 yd.—reg-
This includes suits that sold up to $25.00. Broadcloths poplins "aliar "O* «0* OCIiC ularlv $1.50; 90 inches wide; ex
dines and serges. Most of them are black'or navy—but some other colots Mercerized Voile at 10* yd - ! ra heaV ? qnality - Limit ' 5 yards
arc among them. _ „ , , r, y to a customer.
r i fine , \ l ualitv JIIUIeSWI e:eX " English Breakfast.Cloths, $1.50
~— ———^ ___ __________ * w " J —regularly $2.49; 2 yards square,
TL. _JJ > /T T T T i P r ? an die, yd.— in blue, green and yellow; mercer-
Ihe Unexpected Has Happened Shoe Bargains
More Plush Coats Women's Button and Lace Shoes
\ at pr.—regularly $2.50 to
Just came in this morning, and, all go on sale to-morrow at BW fTO , 1i53.50 —in black and tan leathers, f C t J *11 9 y
$9.98 "SLi pr | :uli b , , e a s t 1 v the v T^ and sa,in Mos,ly dale of Orilliant
"Melba" ! American Cut Glass
amiss to look forward to next winter when they will again no doubt ATLvJxUd. and patent colt; all sizes in the V*\A> W> V
be in \ogue. Sizes lo to 46. A beautiful complexion is pqssi- ' ot - Q-fot*fc> Tn ... r.... • a. n a nr
SECONJ Floor BOWMAX'S. ble to all under the "Melba" ays- Boys' Shoes at 81 59 nr —r *•' wt3,rtS XO-mOrrOW jVLOming BLt 9 A. Ill*
~—_________ _____ tem. We have direct from New . . . .v • P • *r.-
Lowered Prices on Men's Fixing j ™« <««**»»otm b b.b,s^
J Ti • §jo strate all articles contained in this rhird FIoor— BOWMA^ T, S. ! Composed of an 8/Ssortment of choice pieces, beautifully
In Ihis B. B. B. Sale wonderful line of "Meiba" prepa- j j cut and highly finished. All at the same special price:
Men's Dress Shirts, 42^—choice Men's Wool Jersevs . T his , lille is entipel . v complete C n „ n
patterns in percales; coat style ularlv $1.98; oxford CO od « ntl « the result of twenty years' *>Oap Specials A O
with attached cuffs. 25 dozen in sizes"; 18 in the lot. ' T? Wpenlnent,n ?- 10 cakes Swift's Pride soap -_'9c BfiKlMLlljl iS / UX
the lot " Men's Neckwear, 25o—reeular mention a few of their well-. 10 cakes ivory soap .\..»HC %]IJ JKD 9 \J
Men's Pajamas, 98c each—reg- ly 50c ; 4-in-hands, cut. silk and M plh« P fn'fp r = u- r , 10 cakes P. &O. Naptha soap, .. ,88c W^S
ularly $1.50; heavy weight outing knitted. cream skin food, io .-akes Pels Xaptha soap :l«c Valuer KIQRtn KR
flannel; silk frogs; medium and Men's Pad Garters 12. «.i t. , \ perfume, Melba Lilac 6 packs Swift's Pride washing powder, VaiUeS 10
light patterns. -regularly P pooler y W oo ds iace b „
New Prices On Men's Suits . WM
Overcoats Offer Great SavingsJ|j|^
E\er> man will want to secure his share of these substantial savings on any stylish
suit or overcoat. There is plenty of time to wear them until Sprint arrives and a' preat Eveiy piece is perfect, and all have been arranged on a
many are weights suitable for year'round wear ~ ?pe«al table in the Basement. At this splendid value, it
j uuu "ecu. ls hkely the assortment will be disposed of qtuckly. For
$8.50 and $lO Suits $12.50, $13.50 and I $16.50 to $22.50 Choose From Anv y«« eMmmienw. we i»t u» duiexnt «tu«, M uiiow.,
i\T\(\ Ovprrnatc Ara $15.00 Suits and Suit*; fftr ariH #i c x /% \ 8 and 9 inch round bowls; Electroliers;
ana uvercoats Are A T7£ v- / , / . a + r , u ouiis ior ana S2O Overcoat v 9-inch punch bowis; 4 light candeiabras;
lff/tnr ficc aa uvercoaxs JNOW Youtns, Now Sugar and cream sets; 8-inch footed nappies;
now SD.UU $8.50 sl2 50 at $lO 10,12 and 14-inch vases; 3,3y 2 and 4-pint jugs;
For men and voting men. S,,its arti worsteds, serges and Fine tailored suits of serges Among these are fiue bfue and ?n^!^ o " aPPI6S: Mayonnaise sets;
cassnneres, in various shades; 2 worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots and b,ack me l tons . kerseys, cheviots, 8-inch Comports, Ice Cream and celery trays.
A number Ot different st3'les and 3-button models; also English unfinished worsteds, in blues, L ' a,llel hair and chinchillas; in Anv of the above will be m'iced at $2 98 when flip <afnvo
and patterns A^ F ed ra ° deU m ove r- tans, tartan checks and Chesterfield, double-breasted and oueils to-nilurow pilCed dt Vlien the stole
ana pattems. | coats and Balmacaans. overplaids. shawl-collar models opens to-moiTOW.
snamconai moaeis. Basement—BOWMAN'S.
•-'• - , '