2 ■ ■ ■j Will Be Open Every Evening Until ■ ■j February 18th till 9 O'clock 5 . 23 North Fou 9 tm H. M. ELDRIDGE, Manager H ■BBiHiißiimmiii AMUSEMENTS] i< /" : MAJESTIC To-night, Harrisburg Operatic So ciety iu "The Mikado." To-iuorrow afternoon and evening, returu of the European War Pic- | < tures. 0 Beginning Monday and continuing i all week, the Charles K. Champlin Stock Company, iu a repertoire of l successful plays. * Monday afternoon "The Reform- j er." evening, "The Man from Home." OKPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high dug* vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening, vaude ville and pictures. VICTORIA Motion Pictures. PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. REGENT Motion Pictures *■ European War Pictures No need of any venturesome spirit to make tracks across the sea to get a glimpse at the great war now raging. It is to be brought right to the Majestic for a return engagement, Saturday aft ernoon and evening, where it will be shown on the screen and with accurate and reliable sceues taken on the spot. '"The Movie Man" worked to secure these wonderful views of a real war. The greater portion of the first section of the entertainment shows what awful havoc wa< wrought by the German army 011 Belgian towns and fortresses. The ruined forts at ly a lot of actuis. — Adv.* Charles Champlin Ambition is a small word, but it cer tainly does mean much. Many people , think they have the ambition to lo ; certain things, but when it comes to the point they seem to fall by the way side. Xo« >0 with 1 barley Champlin. He always has had the ambition to be a shining light in the theatrical firma ment, and by diut of hard study and work he had gradually mounted the ladder of fame, step by step, until he , has reached the topmost ranks, ami has su - ceded in grasping the goal of his ambition, and that was. to l>e the fore most star in his profession to-day. He is now making his fourteenth tour of the east, where he hus met with re nowned success, 011 each visit Mr. Champlin aud his company will open an engagement at the Majestic, Monday afternoon, presenting "The Reformer" and in the evening "The Man From Home." Such Broadway successes as "The Reformer," "The Littlest Reb el." "The Stranger,"' "The.Heart of Maryland," "He Fell in Love With His Wife," "The Ghost Breiker" and' "The Master of the House" will be presented. Mr. Champlin's motto is "the best plays at popular prices for the approval of persons of retirement and good taste."—Adv.* At the Orpiieum One of the good Keith hits sujlall are present ing at the Orpheum this week is prov ing just as popular in Harrisburg as it did on Broadway, and those who follow ed her success while in New York, will admit that is some. Bert Fitzgibbons is 1 unloading his knapsack of "nutty "| talk to the unadulterated delight of | everybody. Bert you could stick around at the Orpheum more weeks than one and still keep them laughing. Then there is the Welling Levering troupe of comedy cyclists that just keeps the ; house iu a constant uproar of laughter and four or five other clever turns, round out a bill that is both meritor ious aud diverting.—Adv.* At the Colonial Billv Van, the popular minstrel man, who tor years has been a favorite here in his black cork specialty, is one of the very interesting artists appearing 011 the Colonial s bill that was uncov ered at the Busy Corner yesterday.: Billy has a knapsack of gags that are as fresh as the eggs laid by the faiuijv ! hen and he proved a big hit at both o'f 1 yesterday's performances. Another laughing hit of this bill is a rattling comedy called "Easy Money," played' by lieorge Richards 'and company. The talent in this sketch is above the aver age and the screeching situations of 1 their farce is ma.le t.he most of by this' cast. Ma Ilia Bart and company in 1 grotesque comedy and the Jewell' Sis ters in son;s and dances complete the! vaudeville roster.—Adv.* MOUNTAIN CLIMBING It Is a Great To«>ic After a Life of Physical Inactivity 111 several respects mountain climb-, iiig is a peculiarly wholesome form of athletic sport for the large number of persons wliose vocations are sedentarv. fht isn]iior life - which these persons commonly lead and the protection from even the slightest rigors of cli mate which their mode of housing and places of work afford them are more than likely to render them oversensi tive to the extremes of weather. It is tor precisely such unexposed persons that an occasional trip to the highlands and an Alpine excursion has most re freshings recuperation and stimulus in store, according to physicians. The heart is called 011 to exert itself to a degree which, in an otherwise healthy subject, will be followed only by the invigoration characteristic of most exercise. The advantage is not confined to a single organ, for the respiratory mechanism, the entire mus culature of the body, as well as the cardiac and circulatory apparatus, and the general metabolic processes appar ently benefit in ways not readily de finable in scientific terms. In addition to an indefinable feeling of well being, considerable skill is acquired in certain of the performances of mountain climb ing or other feats of alpine sport. The combination has shown its .vhoiesouie and invigorating influence on many an individual suffering from the "fag" of a life of physical inactivity. —Journal of the American Medical As sociation. Rosemary The home of the rosemary was orig inally in the south of Europe, more es pecially in Italy, where it grows to the height of six >r eight feet, either being trained upward from the ground or embedding its roots in an old wall. It grows in three varieties—gold, sil ver and green.—London Maik / " - 1 - ' s ' *"' ' ' ' HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1915, OF INTEREST | TO WOMEN) PARIS STILL CLINGING TO TBE FULL LONG TUNIC Colors and Fabrics Show the Influence of the Military—Boots for Walk ing Costumes New York, Feb. 12.—Full skirts ! have undoubtedly come to stay for a j while at least. For all that, there is ' no reason why the woman with'several long tunic skirts in her wardrobe j ! should be discouraged, for they have ; I not been discarded by any manner of | , means. A number of the large French j j dressmakers are using them this year I j with great success and in such a way i { that the ingenious woman may follow 1 j their examples with her old skirts. For instance, the new tunic skirts j are very long, much longer than those I !of last year, showing scarcely more j 1 than 011 c or two inches of the lower : skirt beneath but' to offset this, which looks rather dilllcult when your last ' season's long tunic showed at least six! | inches of a lower skirt, yokes are very j i much Wie rage, and by attaching a i tunic to a yoke it will be long enough to suit this season's requirements. A Conservative Frock Developed in Belgian Blue Rep If the dress you wish to remodel is of silk, or a summer fabric, a very sim ple way of modernising it is to add a lower section of two or more rufiles, acocriling to the width of the ruffles I and the depth of the lower skirt which j shows. I saw a very pretty taffeta ! dress the other day which had been | made with a rtariiig- tunic and a very — ! Musiarins CoitqutrsSort Throat and Chsit Colds Just Rub It On and Away Goes Lum bago, Neuralgia, Larueback or Soreuesf. Will Not Blister Go to any live druggist to-day, lay down 25 cents; sav: "I want a box of BEGY'S MCSTARINE," and stop wor , rying about aches and pains. Rub it 011 to-night and yon won't | have any chest cold in the morning. | It stops coughs the same way, and sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy and ton silitis. It relieves croup speedily and | draws out inflammation anywhere. It drives away rheumatic pains, re- I lieves neuritis, stops lumbago almost instantly and quickly reduces swollen j joints and muscles. ! Money back if BEGY'S MI'STAR- J IN'E isn't the best remedy you ever ! used to immediately banish headache, | earache, toothache and neuralgia. Splendid for lame back, sprains, 1 bruises, sore muscles, chilblains, eal i louses, bunions, frosted feet and to turn : cold feet into warm ones. Be sure it's BEGY'S MUSTARIXE in the yellow | box. It's the original mustard prepara j tion and a box is equal to fifty mustard poultices.—Adv. GREATEST MILLINERY BARGAINS OF THE SEASON in Our Trimmed Hat Department, Second Floor Ul Choice of Stock of All Ladies' Irl 111 A OUt TRIMMED WINTER HATS All These Hats Left In Our Stock Go On Sale SPECIAL FOR TO-MORROW LOT No. I—Displayed on two large tables CA« I LOT No. 2—Displayed on Wall Cases in C»1 A A about 40 Hats. Choice,.. wvC | Millinery Dept. Choice, n>±«UU THIS IS THE FINAL CUT DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY AQTDTPWC Fourth and * O Market Streets tight lower skirt. The owner of the dress made the lower skirt wide by in serting a triangular piece of the mate rial into the back seam. Two ruffles she made of the same taffeta, with nar row henii machine hemstitched. These were placed outo the foundation skirt and, of course, the piecing was hidden, and joined below the long i tunic. The dress was very smart and looked as though it might have been designed this season instead of last. With a little forethought and a care ful studying of new designs to be seen in the fashion magazines or fashion sec tions of the newspapers many an old dress whose style is heirless can be made into an up-to-date garment which will give a great deal of pleasure. In my first illustration 1 have shown a dress whose lines ate simple enough to suit the most conservative of tastes and yet are so smart that wherever tho gowu is seen the wearer would pass as a well-dressed member of society. Tho model is developed in Belgian blue ribbed material, light of weight and suited to the skirt, whose wide tucks give an effect of dejp hems in a llounced skirt. News from Paris says that gabardine continues to be very smart. It has the qualities which should endear it to the American mind, for it is serviceable and practical and comes in all the known shades, from navy blue, black, white, to all the shades of tan and gray. Checks large and checks small are being shown for the spring suits. In my illustration I have shown a trigl little suit with a diagonal black-and white check. The coat is made some- j what 011 Norfolk lines, with a six-gored Norfolk Suit in Biack and White Check skirt cut the short ankle length, to \ which length all skirts should be cut !to have the proper style this year. In | stead of shoes, to be distiuctlv up to ! Paris styles, boots should be worn with | a walking dress of this character. Rus sian boots they are called, they button or lace up the sides and wrinkle in a mousquetaire fashion. Umpire lines are shown in everv ! thing. Suits are made short waisted, | with full peplums hanging from the | belt. Tailored frocks are made short waisted, with a wide or narrow belt, | which i 9 attached on its upper line only I and hangs free on its lower edge, giv- I ing a boxed effect. The evening | dresses are made distinctly after the gowns of the Empress Josephines pe ! riod, the waists j'ist coming below the j bust, and the skirts longer and fuller j than those of her time, but clinging I gracefully to the figure. Striped taffeta skirts have jackets of satin matching some color in the stripe. Voile is used extensively, and usually trimmed with bands of taffeta. Saud-colored voile skirts have brown taffeta jackets. Lunette is un American-made fabric which takes the 'place of the Georgette crepe, which is made abroad and has become very scarce since the war. Whole dresses are made ot' it, e»pe<'iallv for evening wear, and it is most at tractive and more durable than chiffon. There is an indestructible voile which is very much like chiffon that is also used a great deal It comes in all the beautiful old-fashioned designs, in 2EZ APHONY AND CLEOPATRA l»A I llff Ol LUInL Shewn la aome of the largeat theatres at 50e to 91.50 See It to-day at the Victoria—the houae of feature*—for lOe. shown for thla ft rat time In Harrlabarg. Feature To-day Acts— -7,500 People— -2 Years Required to Make Production Dolly Varden and Dresden designs, as well as in the large figured effects. Plaid fabrics- are having a renewed vogue in Paris, although tney are con sidered a novelty rather than a staple fabric. Black is naturally very stylish, as would be expected when one thinks that all France is in mourning. Whjte evening coats are considered very fash ionable; also coats of white serge and gabardine for tho separate coat. Black and white combined is also very good and largely featured, and in its train purple and gray —in fact, all the mourn ing and semi-mourning colors —are having a vogue which they will prob ably not have until another war. New uniforms have beeu made for' the French soldiers of a new shade of blue; naturally that means it is iin- , mediately copied for costumes for wom en. Tliis color, together with the k'haki-eolored field cloth, are used ex tensively for tailored costumes, espe cially if they follow ever so slightly the tendency toward the military. Red, also a military color, but in a j new brick shade, is being used a great deal, while the national colors of Bel gium—red, yellow and black —are be ing combined again and again into frocks and suits. Small hats nre the vogue in Paris. They are loved too well by the Pa risians to be quickly discarded. Trig little hats of oilcloth to match cuffs and belt arc worn extensively with tailored suits. Tho small hats entirely covered wit>h flowers are used for more elaborate occasions. Tailored hats are being trimmed with ribbons of large plaid, as well as .in black and white faille ribbons, and give them a distinct ly new look. Large hats are slowly creeping iuto view, and will, no doubt, bold the peo ple for summer, especially tho old-time shape trimmed with flowers and velvet ribbon streamers. SWEARING BINET JY FIREMEN Continued From Flrtt cussion of the Bible lesson of the pro- | vious Sunday. "Are the Shamrock boys better nre-1 men for having hit the trail 1 ? was ask ed to-day of Harry G. Dyblie, president of the company, himself a "trail hit ter. '' "Well," replied the modest leader.j "I don't like to boast about the work i of our bovs when they are called to J duty. As to whether they are better j fire fighters I would not like to say. 1 can say anil most emphatically, that they are better men, and the better a man is in a religious way the better he is for any kind of useful service." Heroes at the Big Ford Fire It is recalled, in this connection, that it was a squad of live Shamrock firemen who did conspicuously heroic j work at the bilg tire in the Ford Sales j Company warehouse, Cameron and Mul-• berry streets, a few days ago. These j with a line of hose, took a peril ous position on the roof of a black-, smith shop adjoining the burning build- j ing. They stuck here, in the intense heat of the burning gasoline and ex posed to constant danger of a collapse of the Ford building anil quit their posts ouly when the walls beigan to topple. An instant after hundreds of tons of i bricks fell and crushed in the roof of the blacksmith at the exact place from I which they had been directing their j hose stream. The five men had escaped I death by a few seconds. Two of these five men, John Moore I and William Low, are officers of the I Shamrock Bible class, and two more, Urvin Wenrick and Newton \letzgar, are | regular attendants at the class meet ] ings. They have themselves ascribed 1 their deliverance from death when the i walls fell to no particular cause, but some of their fellows have pointed out I significantly that they are among the | most active of the religious workers j in the Shamrock company. 24 "Hit Trail" in a Body That the life led by firemen is a hazardous one is generally recognized, and especially is it realized by the fire imeut themselves. When an alarm sounds it may mean only an oil stove explosion W'Mt damage to some lace curtains, or it may mean the stubborn burning o'f large building and the sacrifice of human Hvcs —perhaps firemen's lives. When Dr. Stongh, during the serv ices at the tabernacle reiferred repeat edly to the firemen as among t>he big gest heroes in tlhe city / his audiences agreed with him, and special efforts were made to lead the firefighters up tho sawdust trail. 'Many of the men whose business it is to face death, whenever occasion demand's, began to think dur ing tlhe campaign of what tljey would meet after death, and as a consequence professed conversion. From the Shamrock .Fire Company No. ■ll, which had the largest «.tt-eiui anee at the tabernacle on firemen's night of all the local companies, there were twenty-four trail hitters drawn. Twenty-two of these men have joined Bethany "Presbyterian church, whose pastor, the Rev. John M. Warden, is chaplain of the company. Active in Revival Work ! Since the Sitough campaign the mem tiers of the company have been Showing ' unusual interest in t'he sessions of the | Shamrock 'Bible class at Bethany | i church, have been very active in the revival meetings going on during the j last few weeks a't. the church, during which two more members of the com pany have professed conversion. "The men who hit the trail," said j President Dyblie, "are most active in I the Shamrock Bible class, 'which always has a good attendance, and there has been no more cursing about the engine house. A few members belonged to the church lK*fore the cam.paign, but inter est in church work has grown steadily ! among the men siuce the tabernacle i meetings.'' The Shamrock Bible class is said to i be the only church organization of fire- I men in the city. The enrollment is Ijm- I ited to members of the company, but I •now includes thirty-six men. This IBible i class of firemen is taught by the Rev. ' John M. Warden, the Shamrock's chap- | lain. 'Business meetings and social ! events are frequently held. The officers ! of the class are: John Aloore, pre *i - | 'lent; Charles liasscn, secretary, and j William Low, treasurer. Often March to Church At the Shamrock company's recent j I election the officers chosen included | J among others the following men who I hit. the trail during t'he Stough cam- ; paign: Harry '(jr. Dvblie, president; ! j Samuel Weaver and Walter N. Punk, i trustees; Robinson, foreman; Edward Metzger, driver; Lewis 1,, j j Straining, member horse committee, and Jacob \\ caver, delegate to Cumber land Valley convention. Tho Shamrock engine hoarse, Fif teenth and 11 err streets, as not far from, Bethany church. Eleventh and Cumber land streets, and trips of t'he men be- ' fcween the two places are now frequent, j The members of the company often march in a body to church services* It Got Them Out The "Kent street ejectment," com-| mon in England in days gone by, con sisted in taking off the front door. It ' was originated by landlords in the I Kent street (Sonthwark, London,) dis- j trict, where many tenants were in ar rears for rent.—London Mail. Palms Sillieus—"Palms are symbols of vic tory." Cynicus—"ls that the reason a girl uses them as decorations at her wed ding?"— Town Topics. To liva is to change, and to be per- ' feet is to have changed often. AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC THEATRE KHIDAY, FF.B. 12, (■llbert auil Nulllvan'a Ever Tuneful "MIKADO" For Rrlitlaa Relief. I'reaeateri b> the llarrl»tiiir K Operatic Society. C n»l and * horua of \ oliea. Prtcea, 25c, .".(Ic, 7»p anil fI.OII. llox arata, 9 1 liMli MAJESTIC THEATRE ig,» * PPiU To-Morrow—Return Engagement ALL NEXT WEEK—Matinees Daily Matinee, iJOi Evnlnf, K. 30 'TIIK MAN" WHO \VI\S I'll KM V 1,1," German War Films Chas. K, Champlin See the ricrman Mde of th.a (.real ropolitan (oinptin.v Tno new reela, allowing luilian Moil. Mat.. "The Reformer." troop* and British armored train* In Mon. Eve.. "The Man From lloine." action. I.udlea' Tlcketa Mon. Msbt, l.lr PRICES, Orehea.r», 2.-.C, Balcony, I.V *£ Mc. """ ■ ' I ' ' ORPHEUM COLONIAL EMMA CARUS a||_|_Y VAN Aaalated by Carl Randall I V alll Bert Fltxgibbona The Volunteera Tfc . »• . ,_ a \EXT WEEK *>" Songta HOME AGAIN 3 OTHER O Mimical Comedy with 15 I'eople tin<| ACTS Van and Schenck Q (~v ]\J T p - MAGARO, Owner and Manager. J\C U Jui> I HOURS: 12 Noon to 11 P. M. TO-DAY'S FBATI HE "Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" With BKATRISB !HICHKI-SM:K l>ur lit'utilnr l-'ri«la> Itnilmml Sfrinl TIIK I.ITTI.K K\<.i\i:i;it SAT! KI)AY -Ills MJW JOB"— -2 Act* I Chan. I hiiplin in (he ICIMI. It'n Im i