The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 12, 1915, Page 9, Image 10

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    FAR be It from us to sound any falss alarm, or urge any man
to buy something he doesn't need, but with wool already up 30% and the
dyestuff situation getting more serious every day, our candid opinion is that
heavyweight clothing is going to be somewhat higher in price another
season. But that fact is not allowed to interfere in the least with our long-established
policy of carrying nothing over from one season to another. ' - v
You Can Come to This Half-Yearly, Complete Clearance - A
And Take Your Unrestricted Choice of Anything in Our f
Entire Stock at Extreme Reductions From Former Low Prices 'isSsir
You'll find the so-called "staples" You can always find plenty of ffliL
—blue serge and dark silk mixture Suits, cheap clothes cheap, but here's your 1
and black and oxford Overcoats in con- chance tQ get the neweßt styles choic .
servative Chesterfield models—styles AO «
that are correct and in demand at all f s * ' ,5. j. . *
times and consequently seldom marked | ca *:„ e , a P - , . e indications are that
down elsewhere—selling here at the it will be a long time before you again v
same big price reductions as the fanciest see such high-grade thoroughly desir- WapISiSMHBI
"fancy." able clothes at such low prices. .
Kuppenheimer Suits and Overcoats Marked
Down the Same As Everything Else I
$15.00 $20.00 . $25.00. f Ip^W
Suits and Suits and Suits and f
Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats I -
$10.75 $14.75 $18.75 IHI
Mraw. May I Oil E.fiJJtSSS CIiIDTC u I iff
Marked Down vHLL and Other Good onilllu| Marked Down J fpgj v v
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Penna.
Last of Pre-Lenten Social Functions
Will Be Held by the German Quar
tet Club for Benefit of Its Members
Next Monday and Tuesday
The annual carnival 'held in the bor
lUgh each year at tihe close of the so
ial season, prioT to the opening of the
■KMiten season, will be observed by the
iermans of the borough and vicinity
londay and Tuesday, "February 15 and
A feature of the Monday celebration
[ill consist of a masquerade ball in the
all of the German Quartet Cluib, Front
pd Washington streets, commencing in
io evening at 8 o'clock. Music for
lie affair will be furnished by the Im
erial band under the direction of
undmaster Zala.
Color will run riot in the make-up
f the masqueraders when scenes and
n'idents iu the fatherland will be de
leted for the benefit of the guests,
here wi'll be one or more burlesques
1 the present European war.
Those who desire to participate iu
e masquerade are requested to assem
e on the first floor of the ihia.ll. When
I preparations are completed, the mas
leraders, led by Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar
lach, will march to tihe ball room on
e second floor Where the grand march
II be held, with Mr. and MTS. Wlach
tting the f*ep.
The celebration Tuesday will be con
ed to a general jollification meeting
the same 'hall in t'he afternoon at
o 'clock when a dance will be held by
JKO who attend.
The following committee is in charge
the affair: John Jjanig, chairman;
k»m Bohbecher, Karl Dedeo, (Steve
xler, Christ Ti'ttiger, Anton Weiss,
itfhias Feigl, Frank Sanda; master of
'emonies, Joseph Wlach.
i Miss Amy Walker, Miss Hazel Wilt and
Miss Bdythe Suell Entertained
i With a Valentine Party at 18
South Second Street
Miss Amy Walker, Miss Hazel Wilt
and Miss Edythe Snell entertained a
. I cumber of friends at the latter'a home
IS South Second street last evening with
' I a valentine party. The decorations con
: s'isted of an attractive arrangement of
1 'hearts and ferns. Music and games
I furnished entertainment for the even
\ ing. Refreshments were served to the
, | following guests:
i Misses Flossie Patterson, of Harnis
• burg; Margaret 'Haines, Mary Gardner,
1 Eltihel Kiem, Esther Kiein, Marie
• Sheadler, Margaret Pope, Azalea Wig
. field, Amy Walker, Hazel Wilt, Edytihe
, Snell, Marie Snell, Messrs. Neat Bow
man, Kenneth Steele, Earle (Fishiburn of
Middletown; Charles 'Henderson, James
1 'Clancy, Harry Finley, Roy IBru-baker,
' Charles Barker, Robert Thomas, Ray
■ mond Keever, Charles of iHar
■ rislburg; Paul Kir!by, Jasper Turano,
1 Mrs. C, L. Walker, 'Mrs. Folkers, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer I. George ami daugiitefr,
1 Henrietta; Mr. and M:rs. WiMiam H.
Snell and Helen, Myrtle, Evelyn and
i William Snell.
Announced Services Changed From
House to United Brethren Church
Funeral services for Carlton Sher
: wood Cover will be held at t'he (High
. spire United Brethren church Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, instead of
' the house, tihe change being announced
1 last evening. The following program
will be observed at the church:
i "'Does Jesus Caret" by the Rev.
, H. F. Hoover, Middletown; lesson and
prayeT, t'b« Rev. R. L. C. Baer, pastor
of the Highspire Church «f God; ser
mon, the Rev. H. F. Rhuad, pastor of
the U. B. church; remarks and hymn,
the Rev. Frank Edward Mover, patftor
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Inter
ment will be made in the 'Highspire
cemetery. '
Took Place in St. James' Catholic
Church Yesterday Morning
John J. Husic, Jr., and Miss Amy
Lorefta Flanagan were married yester
day iu St. James' Catholic churc'h.
The Rev. J. C. Thompson performed
the ceremony.
The brlide was attended by Miss
Kabhryn Jackson. Miss IMary Lynch
played the wedding march and Mrs.
Julia Eckinger sang "0, Promise Me."
Thv groom was attended by Joseph
Mr. and IM.TS. Husic left for a honey
moon trip to Philadelphia, New York
and Boston, and upon their return will
make their residence on 'North Second
The Christian Endeavor social held
last evening at the parsohng* of the
First Reformed church, 306 Walnut
street, was largely attended. The pro
gram consisted of games, music and
several addresses made by the Rev.
Charles A. Huyette, pastor, and William
F. Yoder. .
The Paxtang Hook and Lolllder Com
pany has placed a new eleven-inch gong
on its truck in place of a nine-inch one
Which was broken a short time ago.
Lincoln's 'birthday wan observed in
A Full Feature Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
Jane Eyre in four parts, by Charlotte
Tracked by the Hounds, featuring
Gladys Hulette. Edison, 2 reels.
Wanted—A Nurse. Featuring Sydney
Drew. Vitagraph.
FOR RENT—Houses with all tnmprove
• ments, on S. Fourth St., Steelton. No.
318. $12.00; No. 322, *11.00; Not. 858 and
365, $9.00 per month. Apply 316 8.
Fourth St_ Steelton.
■the borough to-d«y by the banks clos
i iug. All other business preceded the
same as usual.
Dusan Djorich and wife have sold
to Atza Abrashoft' the single frame
dwelling house located at 451 Main
Professor and Mrs. Herman Poltl
wild entertain their music scholars with
a Vaientine social at their home, 129
South Fourth street, Saturday evening.
Both the hosts will render a number of !
special selections on the violin and pi- ;
ano and at the conclusion of the enter
tainment a Dutch lunch will be served. :
Mrs. Catherine E. Bretz, aged 51 j
years, a former resident of the bor
ough, died at her home, in Hairrisburg,
yester'iiay of paralysis. Funeral serv- 1
ices will be held Sunday afternoon at 2
o 'clock and interment will be made in
Baldwin cemetery.
Funeral of George H. Boyer
The funeral of George H. Boyer
was held yesterday afternoon ai 2
i o'clock from the home of his son,
■ George A\ Boyer, 164 Lineoln street.
The Rev. W. 8. Sturgen, a former pas
tor at the Main Street Church of God,
■ and the Rev. G. W. Getz, the present
1 pastor, had charge of- the services at
the house. The body was interred with
the G. A. R. ritual held by Sergeant
' Lascomb Post, of which Mr. Boyer was
» commander. The pallbearers were Coun
cilman Fred Wagenlbach, Harry Leh
-1 man, John Ulrich, G. W. Walley, John
R. Rider and Justice of the Peace J.
L. Dickinson.
'i Mr. and Mrs. Wei dm an Entertained
i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weidman enter
tained a number of friends at five hun
! dred at their home, Second and Frank- ,
Harrlabars'a OMeat EiKbllaM Spe
cially !■ Diseases af in
lien's disease and weakness, ca- i
I tarrh, nervous, kidney, bladder,
blood and skin disease.
lin streets, Wednesday evening. At a
late hour a buffet luncheon was served
and prizes awarded the winners. The
following persons attended:
Mr. and Mrs. Wallick Ferler, Miss
Mary Campbell, Miss Mary Weidman,
Mr. * and Mrs. Howard Ewing, John
liinane, Howard Mulligan, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Weidman, Sr., and Mr, and Mrs.
Michael Linane.
Tracked by the Hounds
The brightest of men make mistakes,
especially in their domestic affairs, but
it seems that their guardian spirits, that |
look after them, always bring about a
state of circumstances that remedies
their errors to a groat extent. Such was
the case of Robert Stuart, millionaire,
and man of repute. The brilliant work j
of the hounds and the battle at the old
hut are graphically portrayed in motion
pictures at the Standard Theatre to
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.3 0
p. m.
Returned From New York
Charles J. Watson and Moe L. Coop
er haive returned from a business trip to
New York, where thwy selected a eho'ce
line of merchandise for their now j
clothing store to be opened at 14 North !
Third street about the first of March.
Philadelphia Division —ll3 crew to
go first after 3.30 p. m.: 106, 119,
120, 112, 104, 109, 124, 101, 128,
10*, 114.
Engineers for 113, 122, 128.
Firemen for 108, 114, 128.
Conductors for 122, 124, 128.
Flagman for 133.
Brakemen for 104, 109.
Engineers up: Long, Suipplee, Mc-
Guire, Wambaugh, Grass, Reis
inger, Brummer, Foster, Woilfe, Ear
(hart. Smelt zer, Hennecke. Hmbler,
\ ( « ■ '
•Smith, ftissinger, Newcomer, Sober,
Buck, First, I/avman, McCauley.
Firemen up: Miller, Sees, Myers,l
Pemwell, Lantz, Bleicli, Everhart, Ooov-;
or, IXivall, Grove, Busihey, Manning,
Yentzer, Gclsinger, Copelaud, Herman,
Behmiui, Eibliart, Kegleman, Collier.
Conductors up: looker, Houdesihel,
Flagman up: Harvey.
Brakemen up: Brown, Moore, Mum
ma, Shultzberger, Busser, Jackson, Cole
man, Knu]>p.
Middle Division —22 crew to go
first after 2 .p. m.: 16, 15,
5 Altoona crews to come in.
5 laid off at Altoona.
Preference: 2, 3i
Engineers for Ifi, 3.
I Conductors for 17, 2.
•Flagman for 3.
/ Brakeman for 16.
Engineers -«p: Garman, Knislev,
illertzler, Moore, Kugler,'We'bster, Wiss
ler, Ha.vens.
Firemen u>p: Seagrist, Fletcher, Liie-
Ibau, Simmons, Fritz, Drewett, Cox, Ar
nold, Stouffcr, Karstctter, Sheesley,
Bonvniian, Schreffler Davis, ' Wright,
Boss, Reeder.
Conductors up: Eberle, iluber, Keys,
Gant, Patrick, Has kins.
Fli'.gmen up: Miller, Mumma.
Brakemen up: Bell, Wen rick, Fritz,
Kolili, li Her, Myers, Kane, Kioffer,
| Pipp, Kerwin, Kilgor, Schoffstall, Stahl,
S|*ahr, Heck, Peters, Baker, Heese, Bo
tan, Plack, McHenry, Putt, Fl^ck.
Philadelphia Division —2lo crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 240, 236,
241, 223, 218, 206, 238.
Engineer for 233.
Fireman for 218.
Conductors for 217, 228.
Flagmen for 207, 217, 223.
i Brakemen for 202, 222.
Conductors up: Penned, Forney.
Flagman up: Camp.
Brakemen up: Campbell, Vandling,
Knight, Arment, Werfs, Waltman,
Deets, Keller, Twigg, Felker, Shuler,
Goudy, Wiest, iMumma, Kone, Kimes,
Lutz, Musscr, Taylor.
Middle Division —239 crew to go
first after 12.30 p. m.: 222, 233, 236,
228, 101, 103, 111, 102, 104.
Five Altoona crews to come in: 5
laid off at Altoona.
Brakemen for 103, 104.
Yard Crews —Engineers up: Hovler
J Back, Bievcr, Blosser, Breneman, Thorn*
! SB, Rudy, Hoaiser, Meals, Stahl, Swab,
I Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton, Sha
! ver, Eaudis.
Firemen up: Schieffer, Rauch, Wei
! gle, lackey, Cookerly, Maeyer. Sneil
! Bartolet, Getty, Barkey, Sheets, Bail",
j Eyde, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley
i Crow, Revie, Ulsli.
[ Engineers for 1869, 2260, 14.
Firemen for 1886, 2260, 1816, 14
; 90, 1820. *
P., H. & P. —After 1 p. m.: 12, 9
3, 18, 8, 24, 14, 1, 20.
Eastbound—After 2.15 p. m.: , 64,
63, 53, 52, 62, 51, 58, 59, 54. 68, 56.
Conductors up: Sipes, Greager,
Engineers up: Wyrc, 1-iape, Martin,
Morne, Fetrow, Massimore, Tipton,
Fortney, Bonawitz, I'letz, Richwine,
V\ r oland. ' »
Firemen up: Boycr, Fulton, Lex,
' Rumbaugh, Dowhowcr, King, Carl, Ans
\ pach, Kelly, Sellers, Zukoswiski, Bow
ers, Eongenecker, Nye, Beecher, Sulli
Brakemen up: Miller, Carlin, Vo
der, Mnxton, Epley, Machmer, Painter
Ely, Stephens, Kohl, Grimes, Miles-
Hinkle, Kapp, Mumma.
Harrisburg Maennerchor Masquerade
The Harrisburg Maennorvhor wi&
observo t;he closing of the present so
cial season wit'h a masquerade'ball in
its hail, North street, Monday eveuing
Many costumes such as are worn in
the Gennan fatherland, will be very
much in evidence and there will be
good music.
Olive Oil—Flesh Builder
One of the beat known and moat reliable
tissue builders,
containing Hvpophosphttes
is both a flesh builder and nerve tonic.
Pleasant to take. Easy to digest.
George A. Gorgaa.