The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 11, 1915, Image 1

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(totalled Report. !'•«• I
stwrr" voi,. 77—xo. 59
Evacuation of City by-
Raiser's Troops Re
ported in Dispatch
From Petrograd
Soren Million Dollars a Day Is Estimat
ed Amount Required By Csar's
Government to Carry On War
Against Germany
By Jswoeiotrtl Prcts.
Paris, Fob. 11, 6.50 A. M.—The
evacuation of Lodz by the Germans has
been confirmed, according to a Petro
grad dispatch to the Havas Agency
which states that stores, offices and
transports are being removed hastily to
A refugee who escaped to Caenstock
owa. the dispatch credits with the
statement that the Germans have re
sumed with redoubled vigor the con
struction of heavily fortified lines
which was suspended six weeks ago.
Lodr, the second city of Poland, was
captured by the Germans on December
6. when Field Marshal Von Hinden
burg began his dash for Wsrsaw, 7 5
miles to the northwest. The Russians
were driven out of the city only after
a desperate resistance according to Ger
man reports although Petrograd con
tended it was evacuated for strategic
reasons. The Russians wore reported
yes tarda v to have assumed the offensive
on the Warsaw front in an effort to
push back the Germans who are said
to have transferred many troops from
that region to East Prussia.
Russian Radical Methods
Petrograd. via London, Feb. 11, 4.54
A. M.—Russia's daily war bill was
estimated at 14,000,000 rubles ($7,-
000,000) in the discussion which pre
ceded the adoption of the budget.
Ia the debate upon the best means
of stimulating industries and business
generally. M. Msrkoff, one of the depu
tes of the Right, proposed the expul
sion from the country of all Teutons
and the donation of their proper!v to
relieve the families of war victims. If
the government had not tolerated Ger
man colonization on the Vistula, he
argued, thousands of Russian lives
wouid hive been saved.
A similar recommendation was made
by the council of empire, which suggest
ed that all Austnans and Germans ex
cept those of Slav origin, be deprived
of their lands and that all wa r pris
oners be compelled to work on farms
and estates w;th Special consideration
for Siavs.
Carpathian Battle Rages Furiously
Geneva, via Paris. Feb. 11, 6.40 A.
The battle which began in the
Carpathians on February 7 still is rag-
ing fnriDu&fy aiong a front of sixtv
miles from -uount Polonina Run a to
Mourn Mako, according to the latest
information received here. In the
Mezolaboror region General Dankl is
stud to have been obliged to send re
inA)it4neßte to extricate a Hungarian
corps which was almost cut off.
The Russians are repotted to have
gained, several miles iu the valley of
whieh borders tie northern
slopes of Poionina Runa and also ad
vancftd a half mile in tie valley of
Laboroz where the railroad passes. In a
Kirgle charge by rbe Russians upon
Austro Hungarian trenches 1,800 men
>rt 55 >id to have been killed and wound
■ee hours' bayonet Sighting.
Goes to Work on Huckster Wagon
Bather Than Face Stonepile
"Alcohol Jack" Dillon took one look
at the s;one crusher at the almshouse
yesterday and he never stopped running
until he was safely within the limits of
H&rrisbuig. Dillon, being an habitual
tjender of the winter months at the
almshouse, induced S. F. Barber, the
f-teward to take him out for an after
noon walk. The steward took him "over
the hi!ls from the poorhouse"
and pointed to a s;«ot where work was
in sight.
It was too sudden for Jack. He
waiked to the top of the bill, gated at
the men at work and started on the
run, whereupon Steward Barber laughed
long and heartily. He wanted to' be
rid of "Alcohol Jack."
"Alcohol Jack" was on his huckster
wagon this morning as usual doing a bit
of work OR Allison Hill, according to a
report received at police headquarters.
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®K Star- 4SB&&b Jttkpetiktii
Washington. Feb. 11.—The I'nited
States has warned Groat Britain and
Germany that use of the Amer
ican flag by British vessels would be
viewed with grave concern here, ami
that the destruction by Germany of
any American vessel in the newly pre-
scribed war 7-ono would lead to serious
It became known to-day that the text
of the two notes sent last night to
Great Britain and Germany expressed
much more emphatically than had been
generally knowu the displeasure of the
I'nitod States at the use of neutral
flags by British merchantmen and its
solicitude over the implication that
r.eutral vessels were liable to destruc
tion by German submarines in Mie wa
ters around Great Britain and Ireland.
The United States has taken a firm
stand concerning the rights of American
shipping in unblockaded waters. In its
note to Great Britain yesterday it
pointed ont that general use of the
American flag by British vessels would
be highly dangerous to neutral vessels
and would be viewed by this govern
ment with anxiety. It informed Ger
many that the destruction of an Amer
ican vessel might lead to a change in
the hitherto friendly relations between
the two countries.
Great Britain meanwhile is preparing
to take still more stringent measures
to cut off German overseas trade. In
the House of Commons Premier Asquith
was asked whether the government
would place all foodstuffs and raw ma
terials used in German industries on the
list of absolute contraband. He replied
that the government was considering
taking measures against German trade
"in vifw of the violation by the enemy
of the rules of war."
The cargo of the American steamer
Wilhelmina was seized at Falmouth
to be thrown into a prize court.
The British Foreign Secretary. Sir
Edward Grey, said that it would be
useless for tile,allies to outline terms
on which they would discuss peace on
CMtlßifd on Fourth Ptye.
Cargo of American Ves
sel Taken by British
Authorities in Ac
cordance With Threat
Notwithstanding Threat of Great Brit
ain Latter Steamer Sails To-day
For Rotterdam With Cargo of Cot
ton—Developments Awaited
By Atsoriatcd Prat,
Falmouth, Feb. 11, via London, 1.5S
P. M. —The cargo of the American
steamer Wilhelmina was seized by the
British authorities here to-day in ac
cordance with the decision of the for
e'. jfi office. The cargo is to go to a prize
Prize Court to Decide
Washington. Fob. 11. —The State
Department has concluded that the Wil
helmina ease must be allowed to take a
normal course, which involves going to
a prize court because of the iwue raise»l
by the British contention that Germany
has justified the seizue of the Wil
helmina's cargo, by its decree appro
priating the home grain supply.
The St. Louis commission house,
owning the cargo, and perha<* the Wil
helmina 's owners, will be represented
by counsel before the court but the
State Department, though deeply in
terested in the outcome will content it
self at present by instructing the Amer
ican Ambassador at London to observe
the progress of the ease carefuJy. The
decision of the prize court is not neces
sarily binding upon the United States
and it may be made the subject of a
protest and diplomatic negotiations at
the discretion of the State Department.
Dacia Sails Under Threats
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 11.—The Ameri
can steamer Dacia sailed to-day with
her cargo of cotton for Germany, which
goes via Rotterdam. Great Britain has
threatened to seize the ship, question
ing her transfer from German to Ameri
can register and she hag already been
the subject of diplomatic eorrespond-
CoitUatd oa Foarlh Pace
Men Accused of Rob
bing Friend of Former
Senator Baldwin Ar
rested in Ohio
Prisoners Are Declared by the Police to j
Be John E. Gibb and Albert Heagy. i
Both of Steelton—Latter Is Said to!
Be Member of Berwick Ball Team
Two men charged with the assault
and robbery committed against J. P.
lliggins, of Austin. Pa., friend of for
mer Senator Baldwin, of I'otter county,
an-1 of Assemblyman AK.iee, of Potter,
which occurred on the night of January
19. after Higgius came to Harrisburg
to witness th,» inauguration cereaiouies,
are under arres* in Youngstowiu Ohio. i
Chief of Police Hutchison received this |
information this morning.
According to the police these men 1
are John E. Gibb. of Steeltou, and Al- 1
bert Hengy, also of Steelton, a baseball}
player, who is said to have been a mem-1
• her of tiie Berwick club last -euson. j
Mains, of Steelton, loft for!
\ oungstown th.s afternoon to bring thei
persons back. The warrants for their
arrest wore issued from Alderman Mur- j
ray's office in this city.
Higgius story to tiie police was that!
on the night of January 19 he met two;
men in a Market street hotel and thev |
offered hj take him to a mythical Elks''j
; clubhouse, near Highspire. having ob-!
served that he wore an Klks' charm ou j
his watch chain, lliggins said the!
trio left here on a Miidletown ear, get
ting off at the Whitehouse iano below
. Highspire.
When the car went on anil they were !
in darkness the men struck Higg ns
and knocked him down. He told the po-j
j lice he was relieved of a diamond riug
Continued on Fourth P«(tr
They Share in $1,100,000 Estate Left
by Grandfather. Alexander Camerqn
(Special to tile I
Richmond, Va.. Keb. 11. —The will I
of Alexander Cameron, tobacco manu- j
! facturer, filod for p»obate here this
i week, leaves an estate appraised at
■ $1,100,000 to be divided among eight •
children. Four daughters each re
ceived 2' £ per cent, more than the four
sons. Colonel Cameron left a home j
and $5,000 a year to his widow. To i
Alexander Cameron, 3d, and James
; Blackwood Cameron, Jr.. twin sons of 1
James Blackwood Cameron, of Reading, ;
Pa., is bequeathed SIO,OOO each. Ot'i-j
or grandchildren the children of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Heron Crosman, of 'Haver* \
ford, Pa., will receive similar amotknts. i !
Mrs. James Blackwood Cameron.'
whose twit, sons receive bequests of;
SIO,OOO from the estate of Alexander
Cameron, was Miss Dorothv Angell, for
merly of this city. Mr.'and Mrs. J. j
Heron Crosman, whoso children also are
beneficiaries under the will, also are
former Harrisburgers.
Trust Co. Asks to Be Made Defendant
to Decide Title to Fleming Property
The suit to establish ownership of the i
Fleming property, at North and Front j
streets, instituted by the Harrisburg'
! Li vie club, assumed a now i>nase to-i
Mrs. \\ illiam Fleming loft the prop-1
erty to the Civic Club, but there was
some doubt as to whether tiie club could
I inherit the bequest, owin:: to teehni- '
• aliries in the law, and Frank Payne,
the tenant, declined to pay rent until 1
: >'e ownership was establishes). The •
Civic brought suit against Payne
in order to open up the entire question, j
and Payne tiled a demurrer to his be- :
ng made the defendant, claiming that
the Central Trust Company, of New
\ork. executor of Mrs. Fleming's es
tate. should be the defendant.
To-day the Central Trust Conrpanv I
j tiled a request that it be permitted to
assume the place of defendant iusioaa
of Payne, thus hoping to bring the
question to a quicker conclusion.
210 of 250 Stockholders Beady to Re
sume Schaefferstown Institution
fij Associated Press,
Lebanon. Pa.. Feb. 11.—A stochhold
ers" meeting was held in S-haeffers-j
town last evening, when holders of 210
shares of the capital stock of the First
National bank whose cashier, Alvin
Binner, committed suicide, publicly ex-1
pressed their willingness to make up
the $164 assessment which is
to cover the $41,000 shortage of the
bank. \\ ith only 40 shares to be heard !
from prospect# for the immediate re
opening of the institution are bright.
A committee was appointed to inter- 1
view the owners of the 40 shares and 1
ascertain their views on the subject.
$30,000 Baking Company Chartered
The Mulgrew Baking Company, of '
Carlisle, was chartered in the State De
partment to-day with a capital stock
of $20,000. The company will do all i
kinds of baking and will seek business i
in various points of the Cumberland
Valley. The incorporators are Bernard :
Schmidt and Joseph McNeal, Harris
burg, and J. B. Gould, of Sunbury.
Bii Attociatni Press,
New York. Feb. 11. —Frederick Mors,
whu sai»l he caused the deaths of eight
ailed in mutes of the German Odd Fel
lows Hor..e at Youkers, where ho was
employe*! as nurse, was de. larevl to oe
"mentally unwell" by alienists who
examiued him to-day a; Bellovue hos
Mrs. Sarah A. McClune Stricken With
Paralysis While Standing at Front
Door—Survived by Six Children
and Eight Grandchildren
Mrs. Sarah A. McClune. in her 73d
year, died yesterday shortly before
noon, a few minutes after she was
stricken with paralysis at the front door
of her home, 220 Harris street. Her
death came less tliau six months after
that of her husband, Thomas R. Mc-
Clune. whose death occurred on August
26 last, after tihe couple had liven! a
most happy married life for a period oi
more than fifty-five years. It was on
iMay 10. last, that they and tiheir chil
dren met at their house and celebrated
their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary.
Mrs. MvClune felt most keenly the
loss of her husband, and her friends
say her death may have been hastened
on this account, although she maintain
ed her characteristic cheerfulness after
his death.
Prior to her death Mrs. McClune had
i-onij-lained but little. Although for the
last three years she had suffered from
rheumatism, yet she was able to get
about and do much of her own house
hold work.
Mrs. McClune was bom April 20,
1542. At an early age she and her
parents moved to Lancaster county, liv
ing in Washington borough and Colum
bia. About thirty-five years ago she
and her husband moved to this city.
Ten years later Mr. McClune opened
an art store at 1322 North Third street.
Airs. 'McClune was a well-known res
ident of the West End, having lived in
the vicinity of Green and Harris streets
for the last twenty-five years.
Surviving her are the following chil
dren: Mrs. C. S. S'buster, Mrs. S. I*
Duncan, Mrs. J. P. Given, Mrs. H. M.
Grove. Edward H. and John S. Mc-
Clune. Eight grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren also survive.
funeral services will be held Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
house. The Rev. Jo>hn Henry Daugh
erty, pastor of the Ridge Avenue 'Meth
odist Episcopal church, of which Mrs.
McClune was a member, will conduct
the services. The Rev. Mr. Daughertv
will be assisted by the Bev. Dr. Silas C.
Boy Places One in His Mouth Tem
porarily and Lands in Hospital
An X-ray examination was made at
the Harrisburg hospital this afternoon
to discover the location of a gramo
phone needle swallowed by John
Schmidt, 12 veors old, 473 Christian
street, Steelton, last night.
The boy was changing needles of the
talking machine and placed one in his
mouth, accidentally swallowing it. He
applied for treatment at the Harris
burg hospital at 10.50 o'clook last
night. The needle had disappeared and
he was ordered back this afternoon for
an X-ray examination.
| Mors voluntarily told an as
j sistant District Attorney that he
| methodically killed eight aged rtien and
women residents of the home where he
; was employed. Mors was sent to the
j psvchopatic ward of Bcllevue Hospital
I for observation and an investigation
j of his story was begun in this city, in
j Bronx county, where the home "was
Croatian Rector of a
Steelton Flock. Ex
plains He Meant No
Disrespect to Banner
Croatians Then Decide to Abandon
Service to Which They Had Invit
ed Men of Nation With Which They
Are At War
Fearing that a few excitable persons
might make a disturbance if the Ser
\ ian tlag were carried into St. Mary's
Soman Catholic church, Steelton, the
congregation of which is composed of
Croatians whose sympathies are opposed
to those of the Servians in the Euro
pean war, the Rev. Anthony Zuvic, rec
tor of the church, refused to permit a
Servian banner to be carried into the
edifice yesterday when it was planned
to hold a special service in connection
with the big Croatian celebration in
that borough.
The rector made it very clear that
no disrespect to the Servian flag was
intended. Thereupon, the Croatians
who had invited the Servians to attend
the service, decided that rather than be
Continued on Fourth Pave
Both Branches Will Take Nice Long
Holiday, Beginning Next Week
After the Legislature adjourns next
week it will not meet again until March
1, the object being to honor Washing
ton's Birthday, which comes during
the proposed recess, and to give legisla
tors opportunity to visit institutions
asking State aid and to inquire into
legislation that is about to be taken
up for consideration, which includes
the platform bills.
This will be the longest recess taken
by any Legislature in recent years, and
it is hinted that underneath the propo
sition is some plan that has not yet be
come public property. There are all
sorts of conjectures as to why there
should be so inhch solicitude regarding
the honoring of Washington's memory
just at a time when legislation has been
fairly started and when committees are
loaded down with bills that have been
introduced, and action on which is be
ing awaited by those who introduced
The Senate will adjourn on Tuesday
for the long recese, but the House will
not get away before Thursday. The
recess will be for about ten days.
formerly located and in West Chester
county, the present location.
Opinion in the District Attorney's
oflice in West Chester and the Bronx
was that Mors' story that he "hasten
ed the deaths" of eight home inmates
might be true. It was ;<aij positively,
however, that investigation has shown
Mors could have had uo accomplices.
Parents of Child With Grain of Corn
In Its Eight Lung Will Speed to
Pittsburgh To-night to Obtain
Treatment From Specialist
Byrod Baxter, 2 1-"2-year-old son of
John Baxter, a Pennsylvania railroad
man at Marysville, will undergo an
operation by the famous throat social
ist, I>r. Chevalliere Jackson, at the lat
ter 's sanatorium in Pittsburgh, for the
removal of a grain of corn from the
child's right lung.
The child's life is in grave danger
and the removal of the particle of corn
is a very ticklish operation. Arrange
ments have been made for the operation
and the parents will take the baby on
its 500-mile trip to-night.
While the baby was playing at his
hi nie he picked up the grain of corn
and placed it in his mouth, inhaling it
into his lungs. The parents took the
civile! to the llarrisburg hospital this
afternoon, where an X-ray examination
located the grain of coru in the child's
right lung.
When the foreign particle was dis
covered to be in the lung the parents
were advised to take the child to Dr.
Jackson, and the throat specialists at
the hospital engaged the Pittsburgh
surgeon by long distance telephone this
afternoon. The parents will begin
their 250-mile chase to save the baby's
life this evening.
Police Find Alleged Drunk Interested
in Another's Machine
When I)r. C. >l. Rhoads, 236 Xorth
Second street, wanted to take a ride in
his automobile which was standing in
front of his heme ait 10 o'clock this
morning, lie found a man apparently
under the influence of liquor tinkering
with the machine. The physician went
back to his office and notified the po
Policeman Sc-helhas, on duty at head
quarters, was dispatched to the scene
and found the man still gazing at the
auto, probably wondering why the ma
chine wouldn't go. He gave his name
as Harvey Bubb when arraigned at po
lice headquarters but would volunteer
no other information. He was locked
up on a disorderly practice charge. It
was the first arrecjt in llarrisburg in
forty-eight hours.
Chocolate Plant Ruined By Flames
Philadelphia, Feb. II. —Three build
ings of the American Chocolate Com
pany, at Hatboro, near here, were de
stroyed by fire early to-day. The loss
is estimated at ssfr,ooo. The fire is sup
posed to have started from an overheat
ed stove. The owner of the plant, Elmer
E. Brode, lives in this citj.
m nun
Refuses to Put His Sig
nature to Resolution
Which Calls His At
titude "Buncombe"
Royal Asserts, However, That He WIU
Endeavor to Carry Out Republican
Commissioners • Instructions to Pro-
duce Plan For Unemployed
Although lie steadfastly refuses to
attach his signature to a resolution—
adopted late yesterday by votes of the
three hcpublicnii City Commissioners
• Mnyor Royal declared this afternoon
he will make an earnest effort to forinu
late n plan to carry out the terms of
the measure which calls on him and \V.
I*. Gorgas, the other Democratic mem
ber of the City Commission, to devise
a way to provide work for the uucm'
rhe Mayor's refusal* to sign the reso
lution, which, among otiher things,
characterizes as ''political buncombe"
his proposal to put the unemployed at
work on city improvements, is based
on lii< contention that the measure is
a reflection on him and Commissioner
< iorgas. The Republicans who (massed
the resolution are Commissioners Lynch,
Taylor ami Bowman.
If possible, the Mayor will submit
his ideas on how to relieve local condi
tions ot unemployment at the Commia
s'oncrs meeting next Tuesday. His
failure to submit a feasible plan, tihe
resolution says in effect, will indicate
to the remaining members of the Com
mission that the Mayor "is making a
play for political buncombe only."
Considers It a Reflection
"I aic. not going to sign that reso
lution because it is a reflection upon
myself and my Democratic colleague,"
said the Mayor, "and, while I know
my refusal to sign it will not prevent
its becoming effective, I hold that, even
tho „ii 1 fail to provide work for the
unemployed, that will not release the
Republican beads of Mie departments
from abiding by the provisions of my
resolution, which directs them to start
the improvement work at once."
The resolution which the Mayor con
cedes was an attack upon himself was
introduced by Commissioner Lynch and
passed by the Republicans after the
Mayor had ruled it out of order and
and after his decision was appealed
from and defeated. City officials to
day declared that such action never be
fore yesterday had been resorted to in
the deliberations of the City Commis
sioners. The Mayor says tihat a city
official has not in all of the twenty
live years of his public experience, been
attacked before in such a way.
The debate at yesterday's meeting
was a lively one, in which stinging re
marks were made both by the Repub
t'onttnuril nu Fourth I'nffr
She Stays at Switchboard While Ex
change Is Threatened With Flames
By Associated Press.
Independence, Mo., Feb. 11.—Fire,
starting in a cafe in the downtown dis
trict early to-day, burned more than
two blocks of buildings and threatened
the entire business section of the town.
Fire companies from Kansas City as
sisted the local firemen.
A telephone operator who discovered
the tire notified firemen and owners of
the burning buildings, staying at her
switchboard until the building in which
she was working was practically de
Pennsy Directs Men Not to Talk or
Blow Whistles Near Sleepers
The Pennsylvania railroad direetod
the attention of its employes to-day to
what the company calls '' the necessity
for reducing noises around sleeping
cars during the night." The com
pany's notice to employes says:
•' We wish the co-operation of all
employes in order to avoid complaints.
Employes at passenger stations and on
trains on freight tracks should endeavor
to avoid all loud talking ami unnec
essary noise by engines blowing off
steam while passing or shifting cars
opposite passenger stations."
Overcome While Attending "Billy"
Sunday Services in Philadelphia
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, Feb. 11.—Twenty-sev
en women were overcome in the crowits
which attended the services o<f the Rev,
William A. Sunday, ihe evangelist, here
to-day. Because of the crowds the
evangelist was compelled to hold throo
services instead of the customary two
Many thousands were unable to gain
admission to the building in which the
revival is being held. All of those
overcome were revived by physicians.
New York, Feb. 11.—The high level
of prices was reached in the last hour,
with fractional recessions in the final
dealings. The closing was strong. Stocks
moved steadily upward to-day undet
lead of U. S. Steel and the mora rep-
I resentative issues.