The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 10, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Miss Louise Carney and Miss Dora
Wickcrsham Coe, Guests of Honor
At Charming Affair Given To
Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders gave a lunch
con at her home, 115' North Second
street, Steelton, to-day in compliment
to Miss Louise Carney and Miss Dora
Wickersham Coe, debutantes of the sea
The guests were Miss Alice Wallis,
Miss Robinson, Miss Mary Elizabeth
Meyers. Miss Constance Ferriday, Miss
Elinor Neal Clark, Miss Arta Williams,
Miss Eleanor Darlington, Miss Eliza
beth Bailey, Miss Johnston. Miss Myr
vinue Leason, Miss Virginia Hargest
King. Miss Dora Coe and Miss Louise
Luncheon in Honor of Miss Meyers
Mrs. James Henry Darlington will
give a luncheon at her home, 321 North
Front street, Tuesday complimentary
to Miss Mary Elizabeth Meyers, one of
the season's debutantes.
Benefit Card Party To-day
Mrs. E. Stern, Mrs. Charles Adler,
Mrs. Samuel Friedman, Mrs. Charles
Freund, Mrs. William B.
Mrs. Alfred Seligman, Mrs. Joseph
Nachman, Mrs. Lee Goldsmith, Mrs.
Jacob Miller, Mrs. Henry Claster aud
Mrs. Otto Buxbaum comprise the com
mittee in charge of the card party
given this afternoon aud to-night in
Winterdale hall. The proceeds will be
added to a fund for Palastine sufferers.
Farmers' Dance at Elk's Club
Appropriate decorations transformed
the ball room at the Elk's Club into a
barn for the "farmers' dance" held"
there last evening. More than one hun
dred and fifty guests, costumed as
farmers and country maidens, attend
ed the dance and danced old-fashione'd
dances to music furnished by the Upde
grove orchestra,
A feature of the evening was the
mock wedding with Miss Joanna Reese
as the bride, and Charles Williams, as
the bridegroom. Charles Schmidt, as
the parson, officiated.
A "donkey party" will be the fea
ture of the entertainment of next Tues
day night.
Mrs. Raymond Voorhees, of Lake
ivood, N. J., is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Krall, 2305
iNorth Sixth street.
Announce Birth of Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Oleson, 330
South Sixteenth street, announce the
'birth ol a 'laughter, Helen Kliza'beth
Oleson, Tuesday evening, February 9.
Mrs. Oleson was Miss Margaret Dona
hue prior to her marriage.
Why "No Coffee"
For Children?
Many parents who drink coffee would not allow
their children to touch it.
The 2y 2 grains of the drug, caffeine, in the aver
age cup of coffee, is far more injurious to the sus
ceptible nature of a child than to an adult, but, just
as constant dripping will wear away stone, so will
the repeated doses of caffeine undermine the strong
est constitution.
Parents who would protect their own health as
they do that of their children, will see the reason
for quitting coffee and using
I his pure food-drink contains nothing that is
harmful or injurious, but is, on the contrary, health
ful and invigorating.
Postum is easy to make; has a delightful snappy
flavour, very much like Old Gov't Javas; and is
good for both children and adults.
Postum is sold in two forms—Regular Postum,
which requires boiling, 15c and 135 c packages; In
stant Postum, which is soluble in hot water —made
instantly in the cup, 30c and 50c tins.
Both kinds are equally delicious, and the cost per
cup about the same.
"There's a Reason" for POSTUM
—sold bv Grocers everywhere.
| Many Guests Attended Pleasant Affair
Held I»ast Evening—Music By F.
Marion Sourbeer, Jr.
The following guests attended a
dance in Hanshaw's hall last evening:
| Misses Katherine Burkholder, Marie
| Kreamer, Helen Marshall, Lillian Bern
heisel, Celia Mountz, Ruth Hilton,
| Katherine Hagerman, Marv Flinn, Sara
McLaughlin, Ruth Snider, Agnes
Toomey, Agnes Towsen, Ruth Mentzer,
j Maude Ford, Mary Kelley, Katherine
! Kuhler, Anna Robbius, Mary Carroll,
j Helen Neumjper, Katherine Rea, Ivy
j Jones, Elizabeth Burd, Mabel Coxeter,
Helen Tettermer, Pearl Kratzer, Marie
Wolfarth, Clarabel C'laster, Pauline
Ferriday, Elizabeth McCann, Anna
I Fcljartv, K. M. Sadler, Pauline
I Schmidt, Catherine Quinn, Charles
Hershey, Harry Welsh, John Carey, W.
R. English. E. K. Espenshade, Cy
1 Heckert, Paul Knight, E. L. Loss, Mr.
Whahr, C. C. Stouffer, John Loser,
i James Flinn, Frank Blair, Paul C'ritch
ley, G. E. Diffenbacli, George Ruby,
Karl Ellsworth, Alphonsis Cashinan, F.
1 Bumgardner, Frank Womm, Arthur
1 Loser, Ray Parker, Rav Levan, Clem
ent Kelley, Charles Mutzabach, John
, Kimmel, Joseph Miller, Roy Bgolf,
1 Harry Long, John DaugHerty, William
i McCarroll, Robert Deiseroth and W. J.
I Corish.
i Members of Fourth Reformed Church
Guests of Milton S. Kline
Milton S. Kline entertained the mem
| bers of his Sunday school class of the
i Fourth Reformed church at his home,
23S North Fifteenth street, last eve-n
--j ing. A short business meeting was held
j after which music and games were en
i joyed. Those present were:
j Misses IMaude Stailey, Susan Grouse,
I Pearl 'C'rouse, Eva Wei rick, Bessie *Hoop-
I er, Elsie Fritz, Minnie Humis, Lois Sei
i del, (Marian'Mumma, Lulu Irvings, Mrs.
| Steven L. Bowers, Grace Snow, Carrie
j Swaveiv, Mary Miller, Mrs. George
I Thompson, Ruth Stokes, Beryl Grouse,
! Mrs. Carl Smeigh, Grace Kern, Esther
M. Hoopes, Helen E. Sawyer, Marie
Moretz, (Mrs. W. 11. Maurer, Anne
| Glass, 'Rebecca M'ichener and Sadie M.
| Reige.l.
T. M. T. M. Club Meets
The T. M. T. M. elub met last even
: ing at the Y. W. C. A. The members
| spent an hour sewing for the Visiting
Nurse Association. Those present were:
Misses Viola Bird, Sara Main, Catherine
: Pike, Margaret Tilghman, Mae Grouse,
Ruth Gilbert, Anna Dickey, Dorothy
Morgan, Miss Bird, Helen Tillghman
aud A 7 iolet Bird, of Waterloo, lowa.
Bean Soup Dinner and Supper
The Mid-wav Fire Compuny, of Enola,
will hold a bean soup dinner and sup
per to-morrow evening at the engine
- 'J' f - f'; V . '
Well-Known Politician Nearly Bald
Now Has New Growth of Hair
Tells How He Did It
A western politician, well known on
account of his baldness and ready wit,
surprised his friends by appearing
with a new growth of hair. Many of j
his old friends did not know him and
others thought he had a wig. On be- |
ing asked how he did it, he made the j
following statement: "I attribute the i
remarkable growth of my hair to the j
use of the following simple recipe j,
which any lady or gentleman can mix I
at home: To a half pint of water add \
1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo !
Compound and ',4 oz. of glycerine, j
Apply to the scalp two or three times i
a week with the finger tips. It not |
only promotes the growth of the hair ;
but removes dandruff, scalp humors
and prevents the hair from falling out.
It darkens streaked, faded, gray hair
and makes the hair soft and glossy.
These ingredients can he purchased
at any drug store at verv little cost ,
and mixed nt home." —Adv. j
News <5 Persons
Who Come and Go|
Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Hurshmau, of I
Mechanic.oburg, arc speiuliug several j
ilays as guests of MM. R. Drake, 1614;
Derry Htreet.
P. Bruce Wickerf'hain, Jr., of Get
tysburg College, will spend a few days |
with his parents at Steelton.
M'/s. William Bovles, 2419 Peuu
street, is in Philadelphia.
Miss Mary Stark, 235 Kelker street, J
will attend a fraternity house party at
State "College.
Mrs. Roy 'Moll, of Duucanuon, is j
visiting Mrs. H. Moyer, 632 Peffer I
Miss Fannie Cohen, 913 North Sixth I
street, is visiting a-t State College, |
where she is attending a fraternity |
'house party.
The Misses Kolbens.-ftlag, 208 North
Third street, are in New York.
Mrs. M. Mc'Cormiick. of Philadelphia, |
lvas returned after visiting her mother,
Mrs. Ferry, 348 Hamilton street.
Ira OolMns, 11 North Thirteenth
street, is visiting at Newport.
Robert F. BrowneM, of New York,
is the guest of C. A. Jeffries, 407 Wood
bine street.
Miss Marie Welchaus, of Lancaster,
is the guest of Mrs. Edward Deichler,
27 South Seventeenth street.
Ray Heffclfinger, 48 North Seven
teenth street, and Lawrence Glass, 4 0
North Seventeenth street, are in Phila
delphia on business. #
Miss Blanche Har. -e. of the Derry
blu,-k apartments, has returned from
Mt. Holly.
Mn. Edward Dei.'hler, 27 JS.inth Sev
enteenth street, ha? returned from Lan
caster and Parke >urg.
Miss Carrie Swaveiv, 1421 Market
street, has returned from Heading.
Mrs. M. J. Mulcahy, 2352 Ellerslie '
street, spent to-day in Philadelphia. j
Miss 'Maud Fettcrhoff, 16J 0 Jiarker j
street. and Mi\s Anna Glass, 40 North
Seventeen'tth stree't, are home from Mid- [
Miss Elinor Walter, of West Fair- j
view, has returned from New York.
John Boyer, of Philadelphia, is
spending several days with his mother,'
i.Mirs. David Bover, 1502 Derrv street.!
Miss Sara S'harpe, 303 Nor Hi street,
has returned l'rom Philadelphia, where I
she spent a fortnight with friends.
'.xlrs. George Eberly, 1356 Vernon
street, is the guest of her father, John I
Miller, at 'Fredericksburg.
Miss Margaret Kraft, of New.ort,
has retur/ieil after spending three weeks |
witli Miss Editih Springer, 1345 Ver
non street.
Miss Sara Carrol, ot' Greasoti, is the
guest ot Mrs. William Traxler, 315
Binhlield street.
! Miss Ad'. Me Bowers, 1001 North
J Sixth sltroet, left yesterday for a
month's visit to Jacksonville, .St. Peters
l>urg, Fruitland I'ark and other points
! in Florida.
Mil's. George lleim and Miss Kit
Irene Porter, 1502 North SixTh street,
are spending several days at Union De
'Miss Florence Shreifier, 2140 North
Seventh t'treeit, is convalescing from a
week's illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoner, 1720
'Fulton street, spent vesterdav at New
! port.
John Seebold, North Third street,
land L. P. Noaksr, 117 Cumberland
I street, spent last nijjht at Lebanon.
Miss Violet Bird, of Waterloo, la.,
is the guest of Miss Viola Bird, 2104
North Third street.
i Francis ('. Tomlinson, 1728 Fulton
| street, has returned from a visit to hia
son, George Tomlinson, at Halifax.
I Mrs. >fl. M.i Walker, of Tyrone, en
i route to Waynesboro, was a guest of
JMir. and Mrs. T. M. L/ogan, 1015 North
! Second street.
j Mu - . and IVlrs. William .Small wood
; and daughter, Miss Carolyn Srn all -
wood, have gone to Palm Beach, Ida.,
j for several weeks.
Harry Sites, ol' Philadelphia, spent
'yesterday with his father, A. W. Sites,
1003 North Sixth street.
Miss May Davis, of York, is the guest
1 of Mrs. George Bit Her, 936 North Ber
: ond street.
Harry Beigh, 33 Nortih Eighteenth
j street, is at Newport on business,
j iMrs. H. E. iHess and daughter, Katli
j erine, of (Baltimore, were guests of
j Miss Anna Hess, of the Donaldson.
| Mrs. E. Wog'han, of Carlisle, is visit
| ing 'Mrs. George Fisher, 816 North
I Sixt'h street.
George Fulton, of Da.ature, 111., is
i the gueslt of 'Mrs. Clara Reistline, 25
j North Eighteenth street.
Returned to Loysville
Miss Clara A. Wolf, of Loysville,
! who has been the gijest of Miss Ada
laide l,udk, for,some time, returned to
her home yesterday. Miss busk will
spend the week-end with Miss Wolf and
attend a party given in honor of Miss
Wolf whose marriage to Paul Leese, of
Manchester, Md., will take place next
Celebrated Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kniselv enter
tained last evening in celebration of
their tenth wedding anniversary. The
guests included Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Ruth, Miss Esther Ruth, Edward Ruth,
Mrs. Mary Kniselv, Frank Kniselv, Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Grisginger, Herman H.
Kniseiv and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
This Piano Sale Will Close Quicker
Than Ever Before
( ■ -
Extraordinary Last Minute Values. Read Carefully,
Then Act Quickly. The Time Is Getting Short
By Saturday night we expect to be able to close this
sale. We expect all the "used" pianos and players and most of the new
instruments included at reduced prices, to be sold. So we say—act
quickly—the time is getting short. Dangerously short.
Despite the v large
we^offer^ to-morrow a^fine
be half enough to go round ®
These Pianos at These Prices To-morrow
Action Must Be Immediate. See Them This
Evening or Early in the Morning
Pinnos, shop-worn, at $lB5, $l9O, $2lO up. New
Player-Pianos reduced to $385, $395, $4lO and up. Terms to suit.
Store open this evening: until 9 o'clock.
J. H. Troup Music House
Troup Building 15 S. Market Square
Entertained at His Home Last Night
in Celebration of His Wife's
Birthday Anniversary
VV. Thomas ■Seuseman entertained at
his home, 154 Sylvan Terrace, last
evening, in complimenit to his wife, who
yesterday celebrated her birthday an
niversary. The gues'ta enjoyed musk
ami games, after which supper was
served. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Plack. Mr. ami
Mrs. Jesse Howe, Mr. and Mrs. M-er
' ine Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph For-
For personal comfort, health and
adornment your own hair combings
are best.
Always Rellab!# and SattsFaotory Work.
202 Chestnut Street
'.ward,' Mr. and Mrs. .10-hn Ha? ton, Mrs. I
William Shultz, Mrs. C. Lefonvan, Mr.]
and Mrs. William Serriwt, LMr. and Mrs.
Kran'k I lesser, MTS. Lincoln Holler, Mr. ]
, and Mrs. Bernard (ierdes, Miss Bmma
Fought, 'Mr. and M rs. -Howard Cochran,
John Martin, Mr. and Mi's. John Ober,
Mr. and Mrs. 'D. W. Ober, Wilbert
Ober, David Ober, Jr. John Ober, John
I'\ Senseirtan, W. Thomas Sensenran,
, Jr., and Miss Anna Senseinan.
Choral Society Rehearsal
'More Mian tihree hundred members of
the iHarrisburg Oboral Society met in
i rehearsal last evening in Palmes took
hall when Handel s oratorio was re
hearsed. Dr. J. 'Fred Wolle, the director,
characterized the rehearsal as a great
success and plans for the spring fes
tival to be held April 29 were discussed.
The Russian Symphony orchestra, of
New York, will assist tihe singers.
Exchanging Compliments
Mr. Bntabou't—l like to see one eat
appropriate food. May I offer you some
of this delicious angel food?
Mrs. Donetodoarti—l quite agree
with you. Suppose you try some of tlhe
sponge cake.—New York Globe.
Bride-elect Given Shower of Gifts by
Her Friends
Mrs. John Burtneitt, 1313 Walnut,
street,' gave a linen shower last evening
in 'honor of Miss Helen Plank, Whose
marriage to David Attig, of Sunbury,
will take place on Thursday. The guests
present were Mrs. F. M. Thri'tzman,
Mrs. R. Bumtiaugh, Mrs. Pindar, Misses
Ivat'hryn Kissinger. Rosalie. Ye&kle,
.Sarah Smith, Pearl I'omlron, Ruth
| Richardson, Edith Stewart, Kthel
Franken'berger, Florence Seasf, Mrs. J.
W. Veakle, M>rs. T. M. Yewkle, Lola
May IHertaler, APrs. Russell Hertzler,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Plank, IMlns. A.
W. Plank, David W. Attig.
Miss Schultzenbach to Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schutzenbacih,
Third and 'Reel's (Lane, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Theresia C.,
, to Donahl Melk)nriell Reed. The mar
riage will taike place Thursday, Feb
ruary 11, at St. Lawrence Catholic
ctiurch ait 8.30 a. m.. anil will be per
formed by the Rev. P. H. llucgel, rec
Members of Stevens Memorial Church.
Plan Interesting Program
An interesting program is being prer
pared by <7lass No. t> of the !B. l-*j
Stevens 'Memorial Sunday stfhoofi
taught by James W. ißarker, for thff
nig*lvt of February 11.
Th'is class has a great record, Iu
the past three years it 'has grown in
membership from thirteen to eigh ty
To those who attend the entertain
ment on Thursday night is promised
an hour of fun. The family album will
be shown, a business meeting of the
class will be held, to show the ex
cellent system used in transacting tiheif
aft'airs, anil solos and quartets will lis
A small admission will. be charged",
t'he proceeds going to the buildiug fund
of 'the church.
" Docs t'he baby cry 'lor yout" *
"Its mother says so." replied the!
young father. "Seems it is alwayg
prying for inc when it yells after i.4
!)• m.'' —liouisville Oourief-Journai.