The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 08, 1915, Image 14
The Lowest Prices Ever Quoted 16,000 Volumes Are Included in For Books of Equal Value This Great Sale .1 Books 30 to 60% Off Present Bargain Prices ' Goes On Sale Tomorrow, Fourth Street Aisle Every reader of newspapers remembers the awful 4~Hl\ book -event of such magnitude has never before crash of the H. B. Claflin Co. last summer, but it was ' ° f tm are far and away below the lowest prices for which such not given to everybody to know that the Claflin Co. '//| rri T * /J ft''! ri books have ever been sold, ror instance: the Lvery were leaders in the wholesale book business for eighteen /Ml ' ariU Should Know" series which, in the original years, and that they frequently published entire special l|jra ®edition, was 90c and $1.20, and the special edition 50c, editions of popular books at about half the price of the is now 35c a volume; "Beautiful Children by the Great 0 —and so on original editions. m j The Claflin receivers ordeicd the discontinuance of then book _ Every item in the great Claflin stock is represented in this sale, department, and in consequence an immedate sale of the stock was < llj ! some hooks there are not many,—so for those books it will be begun, with the result that we were able to buy moree than 16,000 111 more to your interest to be on hand tomorrow rather than on Wed volumes, all brand new books, at 30 to 60 per cent, below the Claflin || il nesday. But come when you can—you'll enjoy the enthusiasm that bargain prices. is bound to dominate the sale. •*!H!flWW , i<t Li v I Pocket Translating ir n <!\| Dirvf Jrmari*»c 5 MASTFRPIFCES mm S ORIENTAL CARPETS Dictionaues E M ? masterweces l-zziz-iz ißg Mm 8 RUNNERS ffRUGS Originally 40c a vol,,me; | i " !| Jt 1 J Mill "" ' || I popular edition heretofore 25c I | j I i? '• £ HlwSj s j Two sections for each vol- I kj „ _ j; J,. m _ Miniature Series of f,li»tP° flos & AND SOME I ume, one from English into the U J rv of Writprc * JACQUARD, ! other language, the other from P| LI ureat vv riters , TV, jei i i REPRODUCTIONS the foreign language into ours. J Little Classics 16m0., dainty cloth covers, HiVery oilOUlCl , Translations of shopping Popular Library of Art (~) np Miinrlrorl Edited ii> ho««h« john»on illustrations in each volume. Know J and every-day phrases. Rules 20 volumcs 16mo cloth . . *p f 10 v ° h i™s, 16mo cloth. Published at 40c each; hereto- Rd«t.,. *>i«je m...*.. Oriental Carpets, Run- for pronunciation. Good type oris , in ally 75c a volume; popu- pieces ot 1 ainting Originally published at $1 a fore 25c; no*. 15*. , This . Child Stfould ners and R ugs , and j cditio " 35c a volume; now », - no w2s% Know' series forms a library t Jf, ' i 1 cove,s - JB* a volume. The one hundred illustra- to , sue a volume, now aoq Hor k a e v n e S of Books of Knowledge—not Some JatCJUaid 4 . Stories of the hearts and tions are all full page. Crown g J r ° f Milton .lohns»n ,n dry dictionary form, but KeprodUCtlOllS jl m i,,cls behind great master- 4t0., gilt top, cloth. Published stSrill of Exile chancer .Shakespeare real live books written and edit- H>- Sydney HimiphrirM pieces, told by lovers and «U $5; heretofore sold for $2; IJoHps o' Goldsmith sp°naw ne ed b y 'overs of children who Twenty-four colored plates. ™ critics' of art. Beautifully il- now $1.25. iiSJiSS SJ ~ De Quincey . thoroughly know the subjects Medium 4to„ buckram Pub- ffiS lustrated i stories of intHiect This is a charming and ar- and how young folks can be lished at $10.50: heretofore Rembrandt Hoibetn ? UtiAtiUau stories of childhood • 1-4.4.1 ;n lll:tr , interested 111 them. Sold for $4; now }|»2.00. Velazquez Ilossettl ,JSSi, Stories of Tragedy tlStlC little series—the illustra- 20 volumes. 12m0., cloth. Orig- Raphael Pre-Raphaelite Thprp is nn nthpr rollprtion 11 ka ~11 inally published at 90c and $1.20 1 Botticelli Brotherhood there IS HO Otner collection tlOllS WOUld De well wortil IIIC eacii; this popular edition hereto- Gainsborough Perußino | short t<lles SO ITOOcI as IS i A « ,1, URXR*L> a volume; now 3Sc a Cruikshank The French Im- ssri&s.-vrE , . t ' *> . price asked for each book. volume. 5r ftOG> v Frederick Walker pressionists • ' comprised in these ten volumes ymim ■ «» aSky . & . TheThackerayCountry «|u w.«. MM 111 || ffi IBOKyfeg Trees t-'alry Tales !- lly I.dulh Melville ,i„ » T T 1 1 £1 CHILDREN I "' |F 0 H Wild Flowers Famous Stories |) Leonardo de Vlncl W hlsler HOUSe and * | | S 1 * rMM Wild Animals Water Wonders \ JffiW Fortv-eiidit full na,>e illus- ¥ -l 5 I I SI nrak'' Legends Folk Tales , ;{? 1 Url -> e, S nl 11111 P a » C " lUS , —LlbrarV i 1 I I I 9)1 Myths Heroes UJ /fsM) trations, mostly from original y f 1 rA| I I JBv Hvrnia * \y/i 4. i, • q On the making of a hohie and Its ) I |f- \\ I X. - • s / photographs. Crown Bvo., gilt garden. 16m0., Cloth. Originally I ~v! 1 LI his series of Every Child \ tnn \v:,i, mnn n f Th-irk-erav's 50 cents a volume; popular edition \ ICHStt&IdSJ I StoUd Know" •»«*. mw« Y oun ff Folks Library ' Zll' SS? *" * H | I* also be called Every Child .. I m Own these for your own pleasure | j Will Enjoy" books. They have OT History aiHl 4 Tim Rnrnc Tnnntrv and PfoW or give the I I ■> J , I -I . i lie 1)U1 ns friends In the country with whom . . t->- ij. j I;,een written and edited by 'JLiterature y° u s P end y° ur week-ends. JS b American tights and able and popular writers who. 12mo lotl heretofore 50c »> s - MA - ka H.' n^yio r ßose Gardon ' by Henry R 0,,+,-fnl PKiW™ T7 1 ' know what IS good for cllll- _ ..r,],,,,,-. ok a „ J.'iftv full naw nliotno-raiilis ' Making a Garden to Bloom This neailtlTUl fighters , , , . • a volume now a volume. 1 Uty lull page I )hOtOgrai)llS Year, by Grace Tabor. , mnl „rlall/..,l l» .he - by Thomas Ferguson. Crown - _ w tif Tabor By c. Haidune McPaii ,y ,ru» «« e. . i e m m y e "^ )e ture, the kind that is read and Bvo. ,gilt top. With map of The Guide Series Making a Garden 1 of Perennials, by Illustrated by fifty master -6 volumes. large 1-mo., ■ Pinnrlinn Tulia rc " re ad by boys, girls and by R urns Countrv i7 mn rlntli Orirrin-illv Making a Poultry House, by M. pieces ill child-painting, repro cloth. Originally published at men and women, because writ- . Sl^a'volume ' t i on 1 her e tof ore °7c °a "vol 11 me" bie thc °' ther ditors of this tion neretotorc a volume, . , real lue s .anu wno had some- ... Making Built-in Furniture, by Ab- top. Published at s.t ; hereto now a volume. SudreS? readhi^ Z- 1 ? B c 3t t0 sa - v l r , R obert "> «• «'"»» now a volume Maying f'oarden of small Fruits, fore sold for $2.50; now *1.50 Entrancing books for boys. ( , er good aid are a Roosevelt Pvle Fifty fuU illuStrationS ' unde'rsTand and " appreciate MaYmf" R °«h,n K Outdoor The Rocket Book rhese are the titles: guarantee to the children that Ernest Thompson Seton aid f«om photographs by mHsic ; art , Hterature, travel. » 8 ,„ and Porches ' by ..y Peter Newen • Border Fights Northwestern they Will be kept interested. others V- "• 1 yrrell. etc Well printed on good These books are profusely 111 us- Small 4to. cloth. Une ot Co S'SI*S" RevliuVioLry V' Ul are sure that every one of Kr and Johnny Bear, by Ernest Kach of the above books paper, Strongly bound in cloth. fl ai^ lt Siag a rams one 'winded Peter Newell's amusing books sou"h Ami ri'an U these books is good for them, seton. published at $2; heretofore Alf but one nicely illustrated. on good paper, stiff hoard backs for children Published at ?!lt;^rs an<i Indian te F?gh ts ""f. aI " C SU , rC , that and Fighters will enjoy every book. many X,s. ( y Uu, ' er) ' each. and mythology. 6% inches. now 4.»<-. f Trimmer! Hate 1 R emna nt Sale of Silks Tomorrow With Prices Halved Women's Misses' Winter I vl/ W 1 1 lIIIIIIC'CJ. lld I o Here is the accumulation of short pieces from two silk sales, and an excep- _ . TT . . . j < -| tionally attractive lo,t of remnants there is ready, including crepes, messalirtes, foul- OUItS, l~lfl.ll"! fICO 111 lh.o Ql ards, broches and tub silks. The remnant prices are just half the former prices. jpn J T7 CI /-p - | C't TSIIJO* $1.25 crepe de chine, 38 and 40 inches, ma- $2.00 cascade suiting ,blue and maroon, 41 JVllll flflCl i fIOTOrV wfllG 1 urbans, 08-Ilors, IvOllGCl Driins hogany, light blue and brown. Eebruary Silk inches. February Silk Sale price .yard ...79<! . . . Co],. nr ;r,. „.,r,i <i\* __ , , - 1- ic •„ ,u $2d.00 winter suits for wojnen of medium build and in Dlvos, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front price, )ai(.l 71$ 7oC black inessalllie, 36 inches. I CDFliar} , 110 . • t n ■ , 1 * $2.00 floral crepe. 40 inches wide, mahogany. Silk Sale price, yard misses sizes, 14, 16 and 18; materials aie of high grade, in navy, rj • 1 q 4- D February Silk Sale price, yard .«{)> 50 c messaline stripes 24 inches ,blue, brown ?reen, brown Copenhagen and plum; short coat with velvet col raiamas ana owearers Ke ■ I $1.75 floral crepe,'wistaria, brown, green and grey, pin stripes. February Silk Sale price, ! lar trimming. Mill and Factory Sale price $12.50 J _ J i-U _ \ J vorrl C»rtA nn ~ 1 1 * ,(A .1 velvet, In belted models; circular onal suits, ."ith short flaring jacket ltT. rne lVllll and yard >«)„ $3.00 I'rench moire, new blue, 40 inches, skirt. Mill and Factory Sale Price and apron tunic skirt. Mill and , $1.50 floral foulards, old rose and maho rr anv, February Silk Sale price, yard 98 (ft Factory Sale Price *16.50 QoIq 40 inches. February Silk Sale price, yd.,' 39> Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front racrory oaie wr 1 10c Sheer White Goods, Men's SI.OO muslin pajamas and .18 only. Mill and Fac- vV/ 1 flI AQtc r~*\/%/ onH t r t *" in tan and heliotrope. Mill and cory Sale price 500 V V 111101 Men's SI.OO flannelete pa- ardi 'nn jackets; sizes 34, 36 HyYPPr)tlQtl/l| 28-inch white weaves in a sheer, lacy design, regular 10c jamas. Mill and Factory Sale and 38. Mill and Factory Sale ' L O value. Specially priced, yard price f rnt price ? :«)<• $14.50 Full Length Coats, $7-50 - $15.00 Serge Coats, $7-50 D ' v " 1 omcroy & stuwart - btm>t Hoor Sweaters Specially Priced Women's $1.98 sweaters; Sixty coats from our winter stock have been given prices that will send them T*-» TTciV^lo. Men's, women's and girls' sizes 34 to 40. Mill and Fac- ou t G f the store tomorrow: 1 J\t?vJ.U.v/llLlllo 111 OlU.lvJ.J' 1 CLUikZ ''ind " Sa ' c P r ' ce $14.50 dark blue plain tailored full length | $18.50 brown diagonal coats. Mill and Fac- T"„ __ _ T j 1 _ n r»rl riftJ Infants'sl.oo sweaters; sizes coats; lined throughout with satin; sizes 14, tory Sale price sl2.fK) L/inenS In the JVjllll anCl Ito 5 years. Mill and L-actory 16, 18, 34, 36. Mill and Factory Sale price, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50 corduroy coats. „ / __ Women's $1.50 grey and red a ' e price 2!i<o $7.50 Mill and Factory Sale price $9.50 i-Tr*tnfV I OfYIOf"TO\A/ fancy weave sweaters; sizes Dlv<!B ' P^roy^ft^Stewart. Men's $ 12 . 50 black and white hairline stripe bal- $20.00 silk caracul coats, belted ,and finished 1 aUIU V 1 WiIAWAA WVV macaan coats. Mill and Factory Sale price, with plush collar and cuffs. Mill and Factory Regular 25c bleached table 75c heavy mercerized table Xhia Wnmpn'c An ' $7.50 Sale price $14.50 damask, 58 inches wide, yard, 'amask, 2 yards wide, 5 good ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. 190 patterns, yard 59f a en J^p rs Save Close to a Third on Furniture of Quality tablt . vide - h^ d : of $1.50 to $2 Kid Gloves a t 69c $25.00 Bed Room Pieces Reduced to $17.95 good heavy quality for generai S °^ e c an"",'en bk-ached table $1.50 to $2.00 Centcmeri two-clasp kid gloves in $25.00 mahogany bureaus. Reduced to ~517.95 $39.00 golden oak buffets. Reduced to ..$20.50 Use, y tailiask, 70 inches wide, yard, hlnrk white 'lllrl rnlnrs nien<-lm' snprinl <»<>#/• $25.00 golden oak bureaus. Reduced to. . .$17.95 $29.00 golden oak buffets. Reduced to ... $25.00 50c fine grade mercerized 790 LllclLK, Y\IIIIC aim colors), Ilicnuers, special It,ftp $25.00 bird's-eye maple bureaus. Reduced to $10.95 golden oak extension tables. Reduced to «._ki» J nm „ c |, . ;j <CI no 1 1 $4 16-button lene-th kid e-loves in black and colors *»•»* » 7 - 95 table damask, 64 inches wide, SI.OO handsome snow white « ' . . . " h m Chiffoniers and princess dressers to match the $15.00 golden oak extension tables. Reduced to large range of patterns to Se- table damask, 70 inches Willi?, Size sy±\ special pieces given above $17.95 $18.50 . t f rnm varf | * •W,/. var ,l MOa Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. $29.50 golden oak, mahogany bureaus, chiffoniers $22.50 golden oak extension tables. Reduced to. ' Dives' Pomerovi Stewart Street'Flo'o'r and princess dressers. Reduced to $25.00 $19.50 Luves, pomeroy & Htieet i ioor