16 The Dives. Pomeroy 6 Stewart Mill god Factory Sale The Quality and the Styles of the Silks In The Most Complete Clearance of Coats In Sizes for This Sale Make the Values So Attractive Women & Misses That Has Been Held This Winter Every sale held bv our Silk Section is noted for its beautiful fabrics at lowered prices, and Values of a Remarkable Character for Tomorrow this event is no exception, as attested by tbese ehoiee offerings One hundred and flftv coats at half priee and less than half price is ' $1.19 the news from the Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Coat Section to-morrow. M i>rice, vard 'VC si.o« shantung Pongee, natural shade, 33 mehea wide. CQ f The materials are all of very tine quality and size range is complete for 7dps $1.7*5 floral Crepe de Chine in navy, Copenhagen, brown, green. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard, . ..... ...... , ,„,«««« V wistaria and white with pretty floral designs, 40 inches wide. Mill and Factory Sale price, vard VOC price, yard ; • • . i i j n i /» \ $2.00 stripe Crepe'de thine, floral designs, all good street $3.00 French Moire, two shades of blno, 40 inches. | r|Q $1;>.00 novelty mixed Cloth coats ; velvet green, brown, plum and Copenhagen ; sizes /J v \ shades. 40 inches. Mill and Factory Sale price, | /\o Mill and Factory Sale price, yard «P 1 •vr" inlaid collar. Mill and Factory Sale price, 14, 16 and 18 years; short coats with velvet I A r\ \ yard I .I/O 89c satin stripe Tub Silks, 36 inches. Mill and Fac-.#yQ * $7.50 collar. Mill and Factory Sale price, / I XnTNv/V $2.00 Crepe Cascade, a heavy silk weave that washes W>rv J4ale price, yard •••••• ' *1 S <*l n»vv nnrl orov full l»,ii»tli oliin 812 50 /// \ like linen 40 inches. Mill and Factorv Sale tirice, vard. . /VC $4.00 black English Gabardine, 42 inches. Mill FA navyana grej tllll length Cllin ... . ~, , . . /// \ $1.59 satin Broches in pink and "light blues for kimonos and and Factory Sale price, yard «P 1 •"V chllla coats. Mill and tai'tory Sale price, S3O.(K suits 111 navy and black velvet, 111. dresses and navy, brown, mahogany, tan and gold for fancy $4.00 black Crepe Charmeuse, 40 inches. Mill and Q& $7.50 belted models; circular skirt. ill and V" petticoats and dresses, 40 inches. Mill and Factory Sale PQ ( , Factory Sale price, yard $15.00 brown and Copenhagen coats of Factory Sale price, $16.50 ««•> \ \ price, yard, w Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Street Floor. * fu jj j enKt )j. p l us h collar and cuffs. Mill $39.50 dark blue imported diagonal \ * « r- i cv *aa r*l tr> r-p. ir\lU£ and Factory Sale price, $7.50 suits, with short flaring jacket and apron \ * \\ With Each «pI.UU lUrChflSo of (jrocencs 1 O-morrow IU IDS. Of $15.00 navy blue and black diagonal tunic skirt. Mill and Factory Sale price, \ # \ \ Sugar Will Be Sold For 52c ° lo,h co ""' Miu » ud F ""° r >' j,16 5 ° A * \ Fancy cold packed toma- "Stork" fancy table peas. Pearl barley, lb.. 7c Country cured dried beef. % $20.00 navy, brOWll and plum cloth coats. rnu. . . pomn l e t e showine of silk 1 J toes large cans 10c extra quality, can 12c la cases Helen graiie lb Hie 7 , f lnc niosi complete snow nig ui sua A - „ y noien »t.oo Dozen. »t.3» fruit... sc. # tor Suaar-cured bacon, lb.. »e .Mill and !• actory Sale price, S7.oU shirtwaists in lace and crepe de chine to | Old Harford shoe peg corn. Rolled oats, lb.. k* 20 cases largre juicy Horicla Boiled ham. lb .UK* rted green peas, lb He oranges, dozen 20c Frankfurters, lb 10c $25.00 SUItS lOT WOIII6II SIIICI IVLISSGS be foiUld 111 llaiTlsburg IS HOW Oil View Doxen *«•<>« Broken macaroni, lb Se 10 cases fancy Florida or- Full cream cheese, 1b.,..23c CIO Krt in nup «lillr Wnist tinn eni'nn.l flnnr I / C\ Choice early June peas. Blue rose rice, 3 lbs.. .. 2.V anges. medium slue, do*- Pimento cheese, lb 27c $1.6.5U in OUT SIIK W tllSl oCCllOll, SCCOnu HOOr. 13 verv tender, can tOc Florida finest grape fruit en Vfe Imported Roquefort, lb.. Mo Wi DO anili nf nnvpltv wphvm innnvv Wf D ore n, SI.OO and oranges. Minced ham. lb 20c Sweltaer cheese, 1b......33c iT-0.1.'U SUIIS OI noveilj nta\es, in navy, Men's and Women's Hosiery Reductions cut M GiM S pt«3, $2.98 ,The Best of-Wash Weaves From Our ' n t ' ie a ' e or To-morrow Winter Stock Are Reduced to New Men's 12Vjc cotton hose in with white feet. Mill and Fac- wonderfully complete and comprises. I y • f /| % J+Zsfcs black and colors. Mill and Fac- tory Sale price, pair, 18Rose Bowls Comports Punch Bowls I HrOnOrrtOnS lOf I O-ITIOTTO^W tory Sale price 9* Roys' 12U.C heavy ribbed 1 \ Men's 25e silk lisle hose in black cotton hose. Mill and Fac- Mayonnaise Sets water pitchers The Mill a lid Factory Sale offers savings that thrifty "women will be glad to jm \\\ °" v t,' ec ;°°ieo' Av„ take advantage of. Staple fabrics are reduced as follows: /W\ Vjvjsp. \ an jori black and white; seconds. Mill tional values, choose early at sa.9B 69 c ere p e t ] e chine in silk and cotton; 36 20c silk and cotton novelties. Mill 1 -I//,- P air ' and Factory Sale price, pair, 700 Japanese Baskets inches wide; light and dark patterns in rosebud and Factory Sale price, V/ Women'Sl2V2C heavy - Mill and Factory Sale Clear- 25c 25c ginghams; 32 inches wide. IC c e /iml ll lined hose; fast black. Mill and W omen s 2oc black cotton Fresh from the Orient and of the ance at, yard, Mill and factory Sale price, Factory Sale price, pair, .. .9< an a lisle hose; seconds. Mill 700 bkskets there are not two alike. 69c to 89c dress linens, 40 inches wide, in 25(5 madras shirting. Mill and Fac- |C f .Tvi ll Men's 25c cotton and lisle and Factory Sale price, pair, There are baskets for every woman's irood shades Mill and Factory Sale in. Tory Sale price, * half hOSe: P lahl black SUd blaCk 18 < "tap stand,, . . .$1.50 to $2.30 price, 4VC 32 j m ' hes wiJe " MiU S'/ZC Mens and Women's Underwear Miscellaneous baskets, 5c and 10c _ of cotton and sUk. Mill 35c 15c dress ginghams, 32 inches wide. 1 A r M«-. soe M., n«e, lined t.ry S.le price, ,uit, .*1.96 fieeee lu,ed „»ior. suits ; E„p. ™ ' Vmen', shiris'. 12V^drcw^n^*am8" Mill and Fac * 0,, shirts and drawers, seconds. s oOc oxford mixed i tian and grey. Mill and I- ac- Sandwich baskets, . .89c to $1.35 MJII nn ,i TiWm-v S«l« nrice ZDC i-Y 2 c areas gmgliams. x\Ull and l vi.izj And Better Values, Too A P luWm SIOO Repp Cord Shirts, 69c 5c red border cotton |sc bleached cotton W : \V\\ \\M -guest towels, bird's-eye twill toweling, 16 inches Ajll { \\\\\m Men who wear Eclipse shirts do not need to be weave. Spe- wide. Special, Q/» y' A \ H ■ told of the quality that is foimd in an Eclipse at pjol Li C V ard m , » , 1 A \ IWW W SI.SO—SO even- Eclipse man will want to get in on ' '* " ' J ''* ' ' ** ' , Taken from re ? ular stock ls thls lot of women s -jr WW lLw this sale to-morrow at Laundered or French " e unusually iai'fre quantities of towels gun metal calf and patent colt vamp button shoes cuffs, in Spring patterns. Just 200 shirts to go at and toweling for the Mill and F'actory Sale because with tops of mat kid and black cloth. Every pair f|l this very special price. we found the market in a most favorable condition a r ®^ ar $3.50 value with oak leather Goodyear /.7 \ //wjllj| |u Men's SI.OO Repp cord shirts, sizes 14 to 17. Mill to furnish US worthy values for the sale, with the Factor^Sale"at" S ' bP< S2 45 mm and Factory Sale price, 69* result that we are breaking all records for such sales. ' I, ™ VvL' UW IH wjjl 3|i(j Fsctorv IbTlll 4 p_. W OID6Q S S11068) SpltOO f $1.50 negligee mushroom bosom shirts, Black satine and cheviot shirts. Sale Price I "salePriw Patent colt and gun metal calf button shoes \ sizes 13/ 2 to 17. Mill and t actory Sale and Factory Sale price, ........ .35£ HUCK TOWELS | ig c hemmed Turkish bath with mat kid and black cloth tops, heavy stitched P nce 79f 3 for f 1.00 els n 1 c ££ tOW .'ouc ! towels ' each soles with Cuban heels sl.9B short bosom shirts of imported Garters and Handkerchiefs 12% C red border huck tow- !• T l ' rk ' 3h Women's $1.75 patent colt and gtm metal MISSES' SHOES REDUCED fabrics. Mill and factory Sale price, . e!s, 18x36 inches, 3 for 25c , y q u ual ' ty calf button shoes, full toe lasts with solid Mi*™.* 1 n 7r. ~,if out button ¥l.lO 25e P«n S p,d garter,. M,U .nd F.e- l Sf p., t h«k ..tt ..to . m , e „ h „ ~u hed „ d S SI.OO flaouel shirts, iu grey, blue and teyMlepr.ee, ••••••••*«* TartM SHOUEBDVCED T'S VT"? $1 19 brown; sizes 14 to 19. Mill and Fac- 2oc Brighton Silk arm bands. Mill 19c red figured border huck yellow borders, extra ®HILOBENIJS H °ESE]GDI»CED 2. M,U and Factory bale pnee 1.1 V torv Sale Drice and Factory Sale price towels, 16x32 inches, with heavy quality, subject to mill Children's *l.oo tan calf high cut button Mines $1.60 gun metal calf ami patent t°rj Oa pit........... f 1 » hemstitched ends each . 15c imperfections, each 10c shoes, full toe lasts with heavy stitched soles, colt button shoes, wide toe lasts with heavy dc dark grey and blue flannel shirty 12y 2 c all linen hemstitched handker- TOWELS " !0c brown part linen tow- 9 P""K " izes 6to »■ Mill and QC pitched soles, sizes 11% to 2. | | q Mill and Factory Sale price, chiefs. Mill and Factory Sale price, Uc guest Turkish towels, eling, good heavy quality, Factory Sale price Mill and factory Sale price, .. . 1•1 ZT Blue chambray shirts with two col- 3 for blue and pink borders, each', 10c vard,' ! 8c BOYS' SHOES REDUCED MEN'S SHOES BEDUCED lars. Mill and Factory Sale price, White hemstitched handkerchiefs, **" Dives. Pomeroy k Stewart, Street Moor, Bear. Boys' $2.50 gun metal calf button shoes. Men's $3,00 tau olkskin shoes, blucher 3 for SI.OO 4 for 10< > 4 .. . . » T , 0 full toe lasts, Goodyear welted soles, sizes style, heavy oak leather stitched soles, sizes «r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. Additional NeWS of Sale Oil Page 6 g . 1 ®!. $2.39 % . - ? - • •; * . • . - - • v . - ... « r '■ , • ' "--V'. >* v ': ' ' ' ' * - ' S ■ " ' ><* • *' " , I HARRTSBT7IW STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1915.