... , . , -v v .• <. ••• •. ■ r - - . ■ r - " «, -*• t---"- - v,. • . ' •*" ;_'V "'- v "•' . 1 "• ' : ; ■■ ■ ' - V HARRISBTTRft STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1915. '- . v The Star lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find oat. If yc(u get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) Waats HELP WANTED—MALE OUTSIDE shoe cutter wanted. Apply DEVINE A YUNGEL SHOE MFG. CO., Harriaburg. Pa. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give * thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 6 N. Cameron; Bell phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG MAN 21, wanta position: six years' clerical experience: one year shipping; furnish reference if required. 1!. S. L. 2352 Derry St. Phone 1459 J. MIDDIiE-AGED married man wishes position of any kind. Inside or out; not afraid of work and can furnish good reference. Address 30". S. River avenue. WANTED — man wishes work of any kind, driving team or shipping clerk preferred. Good reference. G. 8.. K.. 2118 Turner Ave. WANTED—MiddIe-*ged man wishes po sition as bread and cake baker, in town or out Address W. D„ 344 Ham -11 ton St WANTED—Experienced barber; first class young man wishes good steady position. Apply 1018 N. Seventh St EXPERIENCED correspondent male, desires position; best references. Ad dress 718 Capital St. City. A YOUNG MAN would like to have a position of any kind; honest and does not use tobacco in any way. Call or address to 270 Herman Ave., Le moyne. Box 86. MAN, 38 years of age, wishes position in grocery store; can give beat ot reference. Call or addreaa G. N., 324 S. lUver avenue. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WAXTED—A bright girl for marking and sorting. Apply TROY LAUNDRY, 1520 Fulton street. "WANTED—Stenographer and typist to start at $5.00 a week with advance ments; state age, experience and ref erences. Address 3456, care Star-Inde pendent iW ANTED Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, corner Second and North streets. ■WANTED —Young lady for office work; one having previous experience pre ferred; give age. salary expected and place where formerly employed. Ad dress U„ No. 3455, care Star-Independ ent. WANTED Good girl for general housework, must understand cook ing one who desires a good home and fair treaunent. Address with reference. 3450, care Star-Independent DO YOU WANT to be a Stenographer? If you do. buy tuition from an EX PERT IN GREGG SHORTHAND—one who knows what the student needs, and how to give a thorough training in a abort time. Tuition charged for seven months only. Free Trial. Bell 704 R. Call. Harrisburg Shortnand School, 31 N. Second St SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. YOUNG LADY from country desires home that will give privilege to work mornings and evening for board and lodging while attending school. Ad dress 3459, care Star-Independent WANTED—Young lady wishes mater nity nuraing. Apply 1008 Berryhill Street. WAXTED—Position as housekeeper for widower. Apply 811 James Ave. WAXTED—By a settled colored woman, a position as cook in private family or boarding house; slay nights or sleep home; no washing. Address 1327 N. Fourth St, City. WANTED —By an experienced colored woman, cooking or general house work or work of all kinds by w*ek or day; can give first class reference. 1418 N. Fourth St A COLORED WOMAN wants a place as general housework or chambermaid. Call at 1228 North Seventh St LADY wishes day work or office cleaning. Call or address 1417 Ver non street, city. NEAT young colored girl would like general housework: no washing; can furnish good reference t,t last place em ployed in city. Address 548 Cameron St., Middletown, Pa. YOUNG W r HITE WOMAN desires house work three days per week. Inquire 462 South Second St., Steelton. Pa. A GERMAX LAL>Y wants day work. Apply 1014 Berryhill St. WAXTED—Xeat colored girl desires po sition as chambermaid, or general housework; no washing or ironing. Call or address 141 Linden St.. City. Death and Obituary DIED. | BARXHART—On February 4, 1913, H. i Stanley Barnhart, ageil 22 years. I* uneral on Monday afternoon at 2> o'clock, from his late residence, 2147 X. Fourth street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment private in East Har- i risburg cemetery. ' FOR SALE AT PAXTANG 2',3-story brick house with seven j rooms bath and steam heat., (Built in 1911.) j Cemented cellar—gas and elec- i tricity—S ft. front porch—6 ft side | porch and back storm porch. Chicken house—shade and fruit trees. j This house is beautifully located i on Rutherford street, near Kelso— two squares from trolley. I.OT «Oxl2o FT. After a careful Inspection we rec- I ommend this property as a good value at the price *4200 HILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Fire lararurr Surety Roada 1 I l.oeiwt and Court Street* I Rial Estate 1 .. - -J | REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. 18:: BOAS ST—New house; never oc cupied: 7 rooms, bath, open stairway: front, back porch: gas. electric lis its. bay window, cement cellar. Apply MIL.- ; IjER BROS. «• (X). Key at office. AX up-town brick house. S rooms, bath. I (Tag. furnace, porch; drive alley on rear; will be sold at sacrifice. Owner has gone to Florida. BELL. RKALTY 00., Bergner Building. BIARBER BUSINESS TOR SAl..E—Six ohair shop and equipment therewith; 1 thfs shop is centrally located on a prom inent street in Harrisburn. All details At BELL REALTY CO.. Ber filer Build ing:. GROCERY STORE for sale: stock at in ventory and fixtures at reduced price. Corner property, good location, not pre viously offered. Get particulars at once. BELL, REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. BUSINESS PROPERTY on Camenwi street for sa)» a; a.very attractive price: corner property: lot l'.nIOO: sta • ble on rear of lot. BELL. RKALTY CO., Bergner Building. BARGAINS—IS 24 Walnut. J4.200--34 X. 17th. J4.:00r-23l N. lUh. $2,700--2038 Susquehanna. $2S5O—l - - S Bailey, $1600—.40 N. 15th, S3SOO--1350 North, ' S2IOO. IRWIN M. CASWELL Real Es tate and Insurance. 1444 Regina St. FOR SALE —Lots at Penbrook, 30xl»0; prices SIOO each and up to close them out quick. Also for sale, one frame house, centrally located, in the city: si* rooms, bath and attic; hot air fur-. nace. price $2,100. For terms apply to , S. HALDEMAN & CO.. Carpenters and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth street, '.lob work promptly attended to. By calling Bell phone 3622J3. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT SMALL dwelling, centrally located, on! main street; rent cheap. RITCHIE, 120 S. Fourteenth St.. City. v FOR RENT-=t422 Regina St.; ail im provements. front and back porches; electric lights; large yard, including chicken house in rear; rent $22. Apply on premises. FOR REXT—Eight-room frame dwell ing. 103S Herr St.. rent $12.00. Pos session at once. Inquire MBHRING, I 1042 Herr St., or Bell phone 1463 R. FOR RENT—Edna E. Erb, 1924 State i St.. to whom two reserved tickets I were awarded to-day, good for the evening performance. Februaj-y S. 1915, Call for them at Star-Independent of fice before 8 p. m„ February 6, 1915, or they will be forfeited. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent in all parts of city. Reasonable rent and good locations. Inquire of .HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir-j teenth St. Bell phone 14SU FOR RENT—Houses with all improve ments, at moderate rentals. J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market St FOR RENT—AII improve-; ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 i 530 S. Eighteenth, ... $18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third street. ' BOARDESa WANTED WANTED—Boarders, 608 Muench St. all conveniences; steam heat and' bath; home-like place and good grub. FURNISHED BOOMS FOB RENT. FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms facing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running "water; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. APABTMENTS FOB BENT FOR REN^—Apartments at southeast corner Fourth and PefTer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Out side porch. Apply B. F. CMBERGEK, 108 N. Second St. or 427 PeHer St 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping apartments; largs rooms with kitchenettes and baths; ! modern improvements; electrio lights;! gas; city steam; janitor service. Apply at above address. I 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H-story' dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real I Estate Co., 24th and Derry Sts. T ' i FURNISHED APARTMENTS McDANIELS FAMILY APARTMENTS— I Hoor of two or four rooms, furnish- , ed complete for housekeeping; coal or i , gas range; large back porch; bath, i , closet, bells and letter boxes. Refer ences. Call 1417 Market St Bell phone ; i BOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—One story or third story front room: use of phone and 1 bath: very convenient to Capitol; meals > if desired. Apply 259 Briggs St. ' frOR REXT—Two private oomm'inicat- ( ing second story rooms, facing Green ■ street on side; large balcony; heat, gas, etc. Possession at once. Rent reason- 1 able. Apply to A. L. KRIEG, 1800 Green street. i t i • j Lost aod'Fonnd # i FOUND. FOUND—A place without tryins. Care- ' ful cleaning, best of dyeing, where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Jleaning Works 124 i Market St Call II and deliver LOST. LX>ST—lndies' small gold watch, on Wednesday p. m.; open face; initials l A. I-. P., pin set with pearls. Reward i if returned to MRS. PEACH, 419 Fors- ' ter street. , —— —— | LOST—Ladles' gold watch, black fob ' and Knights of Columbus charm. Re- , ward if returned to 23 3. Seventeenth * street. APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup * plied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company. Market Street Harrisbnrj, Pa. ■ I i All Havana Tobacco There are certain smokers who must have all Havana tobacco. M2JA cater to such tastes in such a way that full satisfac tion is given without any harmful ot distressing effects. MOJA 10c QUALITY shows what "know how" can do in the way of eliminating heaviness from all Havana leaf. Made by John C. Herman & Co. Sale and Exchange JOJ^SAEE REO ROADSTER, equipped with new tires, in good shape. Bargain for some one. Bell phone No. 100. FOR SALE—Bought all the Marabou ; and Ostrich (mixed* Muffs and Scarfs | front H. C. Dodge, the Hatter. at a i sacrifice price. Will sell them from J3.9S up; former prices $13.00 to $5.".,00. Also i scarfs at 98c. Come and look them over and be convinced. Open evenings. S. \ MELTZER, 513 Walnut St. I FOR SALE—Two large furniture wag ons. good as new: suitable for mov ing. express or furniture -wagons: to be sold at a bargain at once. GATELY & FITZGERALD SUPPLY CO.. 31 South Second St. FOR SALE—Cheap—One piano, practi cally new. Was bought 6 months ago. Owner is ieaviry? town. Will sell on small monthly payments. Address 3455, care Star-Independent. BIG BARGAINS in unredeemed Dia monds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments, etc. Cash paid for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE. 411 Mar ket street. BOUGHT all the Velour Hats from H. <\ Dodge, the Hatter, at a sacrifice price. Will sell them for 75c apiece; former prices $3. *4 and $5. Come and look them over. S. MELTZER, 513 Wal | nut street. Open evenings. j BAKERY FOR SALE—Good location; good business; if interested apply P. '). Box 137. New Cumberland. Pa. I FOR SALE—Ford dell very car. in good } _ condition; excellent reasons foi* sell j ing. Apply KIXSINGER, Fourth and I Woodbine Stg. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM for a I large shipment of new cars in transit will sell new used trucks on hand at a | sacrifice. Here la an unusual opportu nity to buy a good truck cheap. Oniy | a few left. Harrisburg Automobile Co. ONE horizontal 15-11. I", steam engine; one vertical 12-H. P. steam engine; P. gas engine. These are sec ond hand engines, in good repair. Ad dress or call 315 Seneca St. FOR SALE—Two player-pianos on small monthly payments, by a dealer who is going to retire from business. No reasonable offer refused. Address .1157, care of Star-Independent. FOR SALE—P. C. Brown leghorns— -100 chicks, *10.00; 50 chicks, $5.50; 25 chicks, *3.00; eggs, *I.OO per setting; also one fine S. C. Brown Leghorn cockerel, *2.00. Custom hatching. 5c per ohick or *3.00 per 100 eggs. Orders C. O. D.; ali thorough stock. A. S, FINGER. 2529 S. Third St.. Steelton. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St.; Red Tip. Ring Point, Bliz zard. Rowe Junior. Can't Slip. Ulant "Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, lfl-117 South ■Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo xl 2 I*, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set: Also other sizes. *^ Bisines* Oppcrtaiitiu 1 \ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. - ——_ A GOOD investment for a party with S3OO to S6OO. Full particulars. Ad dress G.. 3«54. care Star-Independent. A LOCAL manufacturing plant doing good business desires to extend its. business.' Offers an exceptional oppor tunity to investors of from SIOO to SSOO. Will bear investigation. Address In- JjestraenU^j^^ioj^^^Harrlsburij^Pa. STAB-INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. BBINQ RESULTS. Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACHING—'A. H. SIIRENK, 1906 North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricalirac. Bell phono »>W. W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— ; Furniture, china and piano packing. I ahipments looked after at both ends, i Alay all kinds of hauling. Bell phone OLD GOLD AND SILVER I OLD GOLD AND SILVER watches, dia monds and jewelry bought for high est cash prices. JOS. D. BKENNER, No. St. Bell phone 1274 L. STOEAGE j HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two ■ new eiglit-story brick warehouses, one absolutely tireproof. divided into . tireproof private rooms of various j Bizes for the storage of household i goods; the other warenouse of the most approved t»'Ptreet. near Faxton, on the tracks of ! Penna. H. It PIANO MOVING PIANO moving by experts. WINTER PfANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. Call j 14ft. Bell phone. WANTED TO BUY WANTED—To buy a blue white dia : mom! between IVi and 2>,2 carats. ] Spot cash. Address 3453, care Star-In- I dependent. ' WANTED—To buy u good breed Scotch collie pup; must not oe over six weeks old; give price, etc. Address 3452, care | .Star-lndependen t. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN upon real estate se curities in any unmounts and upon any terms to suit the borrower. Ad dress I'. O. box 174. i MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical Instruments. Highest cash prices for old gold and silver. Repairing a spe cialty. CITY LOAN OFFICE, 411 Mar ket street. L/3ANB—IS to S2OO for honest working people without bank credit at less than legal rates; payable in install ments to suit borrowers' convenience. CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co., 204 Ctaestnut St. ■ ■— ■ ™ va ALL KINDS OP HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight, In the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE. 1453 Vernon St. Bell phone 3517 J. |For Rent Desirable officesNin the [Jnion Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Go. FIREMEN A T WORK ON THE JUST AFTER WALLS FELL DURING THE 810 BLAZE llu. **>*r &il!*^^OHi REACTIONARY TENDENCY IS AGAINJHOWN TO-DAY By Associated Press, Sew York, Feb. 5. (Wall Street) — The reactionary tendency show* by the stock market in yesterday's late session became more pro noticed at the outset of to-day's operations, some of the important shares fimling llieir low est level for the current movement. Canadian Pacific, stout-hern Pacific and Reading were weakest, declines ranging from material fractions to a point. I r . S. Steel was relatively steady, but Bethlehem Steel yielded a pkiiut of yes terday 's gain. .London once more re flected a heavy undertone for interna tionals, with New York Centra, Union Pacific and Beading the special fea tures. Liquidation proceeded steadily dur ing the morning. Southern Pacific lost 2y s , declining to 81',: a quarter point above its minimum, and Canadian Pa cific fell 2 to 153%. its minimum be ing while New Haven touched its' minimum at 49, with a loss of 1 y s . These stocks with Reading, New York 1 Central and 9ome of the industrials, in cluding American Sugar, constituted the bulk of the early trailing. Steel was conspicuous for its firmness, but some of the specialties fell 1 to 2 points. Weakness was acute at midday. Bonds were heavy, Southern Pacific con vertibles losing a point. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. Feb. s.—Wheat higher; Xo. 2 red export. 163<5r-168: Xo. 1 north ern. Duluth export. 171^176. Corn firmer; Xo. 2 spot, export, 82 © S3. Oats higher: white. 65@68H. Br&n firmer: winter, per ton, 30.00® 30.50; spring, 28.50r«2!t.00. Refined sugars further advanced 13 points; powdered. ."..60: tine granulated. 5.50; Confectioners' A. 5.40. i Butter firm; w*este' - n creamery, ex tra. 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37. Eggs lower: nearby firsts, free case. 8.10; current receipts, free case. 7.80; western extra firstss, free case. S. 10; firsts, free case, 7.80. Live poultry higher; fowls, 15@17; old roosters? 11 ti 12; chickens, 18®, 17; ducks, 16I&17; geese, 15& 17. Dressed poultry steady; turkeys, fan cy. 22c; do., fair to good, 18@20; fowls, heavy, 18H«jil9 average, lMilB - 13) i 14; old roosters, 14; broiling chickens, nearby. IS® 23; western, 14® 22: roasting, 17®19; ducks, 12 (ft 13; geese, 10fc 14. Potatoes steady: Pennsylvania, per bushel, 83'&G">; Xew York, 45@50' Jer sey, per basket. 30%35. Flour strong: winter straight, S.r.O® 6.75; spring straight, C.7s(iifi.'jo; spring patent, 6.f10#7.15. Hay steady; No, 1 large bales. 18.50® 19.00; Xo. 1 medium bales, 15.50@>19 00- Xo. 2 do., 17.00# 18.00; No. 3 do.. 14.50® 15.50. Clover mixed, light, 17.507.05; mixed, 6.50W7.10; heavy. 6.60 <57.10; rough, 6.601&6.75; pigs, "5.50(f» 6.50. Cattle—Receipts, 4,0fl0; weak. Native steers, 5.70® western, 5.20W7.60; cows and heifers, 3,106-5.15; calves, 8.00 011.75. Sheep—Receipts, 9,000: slow. Sheep, 6.25®7.05; yearlings, 7..10ig8.30; lambs, 7.65® 9.20 v FOR RENT In Cameron Building 2-room suite of of fices, facing Walnut St., from March Ist. Two single (inside) rooms. •Store room 103 N. Second St., from April Ist. Lodge hall, third floor. G. L'CULLMERRY " Commonwealth Tfcist Bldg. ' INSURANCE AOJUSTORS AT WORK ON FORD CO. LOSSES Former Senator Fox and Jacob J. Ma gloughlin Among Those Who Lost i Automobiles in Fire—Nuss Broth ers Watch Ruins All Night Insurance adjusters began work to day on fixing the loss in tho fire which destroyed the garage and salesrooms of the Ford Motor Sales Company, 145 I South Cameron street, yesterday after noon. Fire Chief John C. Kindler also made an investigation of the ruins this morning, but will make no estimate of the loss until the Insurance adjusters report on the fire. Chief Kindler 'aid this morning that ■Patrick Drisroll, manager of the busi ness, said the building cost $12,000 to i erect and that forty-two cars had been in the_ building when the fire started. Sight of these, he said, were on the j first floor and were saved.- Individual I iocers on machines stored in the build ing included Mr. Driscol himself, for mer Senator John E. Fox and Jacob J. Magloughlin. Twenty-four of the ■ machines are said to have been new ones for spring ' delivery. Charles Adler held insurance ion eighteen of tltem. !>fo report of the j individual losers was made to the fire chief this morning. I The loss from .broken . windows and | water at. the building, of the Nuss | Manufacturing Company, adjoining the ! burned garage to -the- south, • will- be $200; the loss to .Urick .& Fredfickson, whose blacksmith shop wjjs crushed un ; dor tho falling garage, will be S3OO aud the loss on this building, vfhich was owned by Frank E. Taylor, will run as much more. Members'of the Nuss firm carefully v.atchedthe blaze all of last night to prevent a further outbreak. The Friendship company was called there ! about 9 o'clock last night and flooded : out a blaze in the garage building. ! Four lengthy of hose were'left'at' the I scene of the fire to be used by the Xusses in case .'of a further outbreak. The fire dc|'-artmfnt lost heavily at : the blaze, Several sections of hose I were lost by both the Shamrock and j Washington companies. The top of the Mt. Vernon ladder was charred by the ! lire and part pf the step of the Wash ] ington combination wagon was taken off in a slight collision with a post on the Cameron street approach of the Mulberry street bridge. STOUGH CHORUS LEADS THE SINGING AT TABERNACLE Four Hundred Voices Heard In Meet ings In This City Add Interest to Evangelist Miller's Efforts at Me chanicsburg Last Night (Special to the Star-Independent.) Mechanicsburg, Feib. s.—Last night "I Love Him," was sun|g by 400 voices from the front of the tabernacle, part of the Harrisburg Stough evangel istic chorus, and by 300 "voices.from the rear of the tabernacle, the Mechan icsburg chorus. The Mechanicsburg choir had given up the platform to the visitors and as the two choirs filed into their places at the opposite ends of the building, they gave each other the Chautauqua salute. The visitors were under the leadership of Charles F. Clip pinker, who was introduced to the con gregation and spoke briefly. The open ing prayer was offered by the Rev. E. D. Keen, pastor of the Evangelical church of Lemoyne. An offering was taken for the poor of the town. Evangelist Miller preached on "God's Eternal Record," from the words, "The books were opened," in Rev. 20:1>2. The speaker pointed out the fact that the biograjphis Ood writos, Unlike most biographies written by men 15 do not leave out the sing. Mr. Miller said in part: "Noah got drunk, and God wrote it down; and you got drunk last week, and God's got tlvat written down. All yours sins God has written down. The only hope for you a sinner, is in the fact that God, in writing the BKble, wrote down all the sins of all the men and women mentioned in it, and then told us how all these sins can be blot ted out. But some day the books will be opened, and He who is now your Savior will then be your judge. In God 's books arc recorded all our words. Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment; for all our deeds we must all appear before the judgment seat of CKrist, that every one may re ceive the things done in his body ac cording to that he hath done; all the thinigs we have left undone. Ho that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin; all our secret sins 'shall* be revealed in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men. But, thank God, there is another side—another book was opened, which is the book of life. The greatest joy possible to any human soul is to know that your name is written there, ''Lord, I crfre not for riches, neither silver nor gold, . I would make sure of heaven, I would enter the fold. In the, book of they kingdom, with its pages so fait, Toll me, Jesus, my Savior, is my name written there?" "Is your name there Will let Him write it thereto-night?" ' Among tho twenty-eight persons who responded were two married couples for whom many prayers have been of fered. Three young men, menilbers of the Meehanicaburg choir, came forward together. The Harrisburg choir had to leave a short time before tl*e meetinlg closed. Just before they left, tho entire congre gation sang "The Sweet Byand-By," and the visitors, as they left the plat form, san "When We All Get to Heav n" and "We Shall See the King Some Way," To-day is "Merchants' Day." Tho I stores and business places generally wero closed from 2 to 4.30 this after noon, and the business and professional men attended the tabernacle services in a body. The program for the dav in cluded beginning the day with fasting and nlso live minutes private prayer at 1 2 o clock noon. Many Christian people -throughout the town observed both. legal 1 - i■|" ' V ! ■ * NOTKTHS is hereby given that an appli cation will lje made to tho Governor of the State of Pennsylvania on Mon day, February 22, 19In, by Bessie Ba turln, Myer Baturln, Hy-man Ku*hel and Robert Rosenberg; under tho act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to pro vide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations," approved April 23. 1871. anil the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "Royal Bed ding Company," the'.eharaeter and ob ject of which is the manufacture of, buying and selling mattresses, pillows, bed springs, bedsteads, couches and bedding supplies, and all other matter* incidental to or forming a part of the general business aforesaid, and for these purposes to have, possess and en joy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the, said act of Assembly and Its supplements. ROBERT ROSENBERG, Solicitor. A STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING of the Commonwealth Building and Loan Association will be held on Monday evening, February 15, at the office, 18 N. Third street. Nomination of officer* and other business. Ry order F. R. LEIB, President. J. T. W. MCLAUGHLIN, Secretary. Harrisburg Hospital The Harrisburg Hospital -is open daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical advice and prescriptions to those un able to pf.y fox them.