The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 05, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Special For Saturday
A lot of Ladies' Shoes in patent leather, high and
low heel with leather or cloth tops, regu- <£l OK
lar $1.75 value. Special at
Little Boys' High-cut Shoes, sizes 9 to <£"|
121/ a, regular $1.98 grade, for tJJX* I **/
Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, blucher cut, AQkr*
heavy soles, sell everywhere for 75c.pur price,
A complete line of Men's and Women's Shoes,
Goodyear welts, sell elsewhere for $3 and QQ
$3.50." Our price, «J5-L.iJO
Biggest assortment of Ladies' Cloth and 1 QQ
Fancy-top Shoes in town, a pair,
G. R. Kinney & Co.
19-21 North Fourth Street
A. H. McOall, County Financial Secre
tary of the Order, Officiated at
Services Tuesday Evening
A. H. McC'all, county financial sec
retary of the Ancient Order of Hibern
ians, installed the following officers of
Division No. 1, of Steelton, in the hall
on North Front street Tuesday eveu
James J. Coleman, president; Wil
liam P. Is'orris, vice president; M. M.
tJusack, treasurer; A. ii. McCall, liuun
cial secretary; Joiin J. Cusack, record
ing secretary; Richard iMurpby, senti
nel; Joseph Murphy, Sr., sergeant-at
arms; Patrick Norris, Thomas L. Dai
ley, Joseph Devlin, William Norris,
Charles A. Lynch, standing committee;
(Joseph ilurphy, assistant financial sec
The Rev. J. C. Thompson made a
ehort address following the installation
V-eremonies. The division is making ar
rangements for a card tournament to be
splayed in the near future to decide the
■championship of the oigauization.
To Banquet on Lincoln Day
Lincoln Day will be observed by the
colored residents of the borough, Feb
ruaj-y 12, with a banquet which will ho
of a semi-political character. Some of
the speakers announced are Dr. Stephen
Lewis, Harry ißusroce, P. S. IBlaokw-ell
and R. J. Nelson. The first named
speaker will delinoalte the professional
colored man, while 'Buenos will outline
the political situation as it affects the
colored ra.ce.
Oldest Clerks Retired
Evan G. Anderson, Hairrisburg, and
Joihm W. Davis, of the borough, two of
the oMest cierks in the employ of the
Pennsylvania Steel Company, will he
retired after to-morrow. Bot:h of these
men were employed by the company for
nearly forty years and both were pro
duction clerk's under Works Accountant
Framk A. Hill.
A Pull Feature Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
Lena Rivers, by Mary J. Holmes. Five
reels. Extra special.
Dear Old Girl. Featuring Francis X.
Bushman, Frank 'Dayton, Beverly
Paine and Helen Dunbar. Two reels.
Admission, 5 and 10 Cents
/ ° \
It's dollars in your pockets. ,
It s values in shoes below their real worth.
It s our Semi-Annual Sale with shoe values you can
not afford to miss, if you are buying shoes this
Buy in this sale, and be fixed for early Spring with a
big discount made on your investment.
Red Tag Reduced Prices
Men's "Herman" Shoes, $5.00 values $2.85
Men s Heavy Working Shoes 51.69'
Men's Extra Heavy Dull Rubbers 98^
Little Gents' and Boys' Hi-cut Shoes 81.49, $1.69
Little Gents' Tan Calf Button Shoes 81.39
Ladies' $2.98 Gun Metal Shoes s2il9
Ladies' $2.48 and $3.48 Tan Shoes, $1.50 to $2.59
All single pairs and small lots are reduced to the limit
Look for the reduced prices on the Red Tags
20th Century ShdeCo.
"Shoes That Wear"
1 I
Veteran Steel Company Employe Sue
cumbs to Apoplexy at His
Home Last Evening
George H. Donnelly, an old employe
of the Pennsylvania Steel Company,
died last evening at his home, 19 Swa't
ara street, of apoplexy. He is survived
by the following:
Three daughters, Mrs. C. E. Baker,
1 Reading; Mrs. H. I. Keim and Mrs. J.
j 10. Keim, Steelton; two sons, J. ill. Don
. nelly, Pittsburgh, and G. K. Donnelly,
I Xewberrytown; two sisters, Miss Jda
| M. Donnelly, Mt. Holly, and Miss Jen-
I liie E. Donnelly, Ardmore; two broth
j ers, William R. Donnelly, Boiling
Springs, and James A. Donnelly, Steel
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
Lena Rivers, by Mary J. Holmes
Harry Rivers Graham, returning to
his home from college, stops off at a
little New England town, where he de
cides to spend a few weeks. To satisfy
a whim, he assumes the name of Harry
Rivers. This is easily done, as no one in
the village knows him. He soon be
comes acquainted, through a flirtation
with a pretty young }>irl who is stop
ping in the town, to learn millinery.
The girl, whose name is Lena Nichols,
falls in love with him, and when he
suggests a secret marriage she accepts
him. The continuation of this beauti
ful story is beautifully told in motion
pictures at the Standard Theatre to
Used New Baptismal Pool
The new baptismal pool, recently in
stalled in Mt. Zion Baptist church, was
used for the firsrt time last everoing when
thirty-nine persons were immersed un
der the usages of this denomination.
Eighty-five dollars were collected,
which covered the cost of the poo*d at
the meeting, and the Rev. P. H. Hughes,
pastor, was assisted by the 'Rev. E. L.
Cunningham, Harrisburg; the 'Rev. O.
P. Goodwin, of the First Baptist church,
and the Rev. Charles Henderson, Har
Funeral of Miko Kivinich
Miko Kivinich, aged 21 years, died
in the Harrisburg hospital yesterday.
Funeral services will be held in St.
Mary's Croatian Catholic church to
morrow morning, the Rev. Anthony Zu
yich officiating. Burial will take "place
in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
ATLANTA. 2H la. fciffc
WHITBY, IK iau Ugh
Mladen Kojcsicsh was arrested by
Constable yesterday on a charge
of assault and battery preferred by his
wife. In defaulr of oaM he was eom
mitted for a hearing before Squire
The Croatian Sokol will hold a busi
ness meeting to-morrow evening at 8
o 'clock.
Rudolph Haide. Mohn street, was
arrested by Constable Gibb last even
ing on a charge of assault and battery
preferred by his wife. In default of
bail he ivaa committed for a hearing
before Squire Gardner.
, The St. James' Tennis Club will give
a benefit dance and card party to-night
in the hall of the Benton Club. The
proceeds of the evening's entertain-
I ment will be turned over to the St.
Vincent de Paul Society.
The Steelton Canoe Club will meet
Sunday afternoon at the home of
Ralph R. Seiders, 325 Locust
C. N. Mumma is confined to his home
on North Fourth street by a severe
cold. «
New Officer at First Reformed
At the annual meeting of the con
sistory of ttie First Reformed church
held last evening the following officers
were elected: President, the Rev.
■C harles A. Hnyette, bv virtue oi his of
fice; Edward H. iMengle, recording sec
retary; Uariison Harclerode, financial
secretary; Charles W. IMvCoy; treas
urer; George W. Neff, choir manager;
' Vliss Clara Harclerode, organist; Miss
| Adossa Killer, assistant organist.
Mrs. Harry Demmy Entertained
'Mrs. 'Marry Demmy entertained the
jF. F. Embroidery Club at her home, 34
South Second street, Wednesday after-
I noon. The following persons attended:
i Mrs. Jennie Snyder, Mrs. Ella Walk
■ man, Mrs. Alice Greenour, Mrs. Laura
Miles, Mrs. Dinger, of Ilanisburg; (Mrs.
; Anna Bowers, of Oberlin; Mrs. Anna
j Wilson, of 'Dressier; Mrs. Anna 'Schroll,
I of Steelton.
i Valentine Social by Local Y. M. C. A.
The local Y. M. C. A. will meet at
| the home of Miss Kdith G. Steos, 115
j South Second street, Saturday evening,
| February 6, at S o'clock. The social
| committee has completed arrangements
j for a valentine social to be held the
I following Saturday evening, February
\ 13, at the home of .Mrs. John Bethel,
| North Second street.
Died at Ebenezer
Aaron Keim, aged 90 years, died
yesterday at noon in the home of his
daughter, Mrs. A. Sheet/., at Ebenezer.
The body was taken to the home of his
son, William Keim, in Enhaut, where
funeral services will be held on Sunday.
Death of Young Daughter
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Andreas Greenwaldt, 681 Molin street,
died last night. took place this
afternoon in Bald vin cemetery.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Clu'b, will be in her offices from S a. in.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.3U
p. m.
Fatty and Mable at the Victoria To-day
Without doubt one of the most laugh
able Keystone complies ever produced !
is the big special two-reel feature a' '
the Victoria theatre, 223 Market street. I
to-day. A laugh from start to finish 1
the photo-comic is full of thrills an I '
exceptionally amusing scenes and fun
jny plots. The film embodies many new ;
I features in which Fatty and Mab Q t
j plav the title roles. They are well sup- j
ported by Roscoe Arbuckle who also
is well known to movie fans ns a comic '
genius. The program includes other l
features of which the Pathe Daily |
News stands out foremost in depicting j
current events.
Don't forget "Runaway June," the j
second installment of which will be'
shown at the Victoria Monday. Don'tj
forget to see Colonial Jack at Victoria
Theatre to-night, the man who pushed!
a wheelbarrow 9,000 miles around the!
border of the United States.—Adv. *
Halifax Man Succumbs at His Home on
Fourth Street
'Halifax, Feb. s.—lsaac H. Bowman,'
64 years of age, a resident of this town ;
for many years, died at his home on >
Fourth street this morning. He had
been ill for some time, but retired last |
night in good spirits. He leaves a
widow and the following children: |
William S., of Portsmouth, Ohio; Mrs. |
Harry S. Noblot, Mrs. Homer Bailey, I
Harry and Chambers, of this place. lie !
was a member of Washington Camp
No. 576, P. O. S. of A. Funeral ar
rangements will be made later.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lease
The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Lease, 175 Christian street, died
last night of pneumonia. Funeral
services were held this afternoon and
burial was made in Baldwin cemetery.
Ushers' and Epworth Leaguers Will Be
Hosts at Church To-night
A reception to new members received
into Ridge Avenue Methodist church
during the past year, will be given to
night at the church by the Epworth
League and the Ushers' League.
A program of interest will bo given
at 8 o'clock in the main auditorium
and refreshments will then be served
in the social hall. All members of the
church are invited to be present to meet
the new mem'bers, one hundred and
twenty-five in number.
Her State of Mind
Attorney—You can sue him for
breach of promise, madam, but it seems
to me that it's preposterous to claim
$250,000 damagos.
Fair Client—l want to get so heavy
a judgment against him that he'll just
have to marry me—the scoundrel! —
Ohicago Tribuno.
Official Report toTokio
Says All Officers and
Crew of the Asama
Were Saved
Resque Measures for Stranded Steamer
011 Lower California Coast Are
Cloaked tn Secrecy to Protect Neu
trality of United States
Tokio, Fe<b. s.—An official report re
ceived in Tokio on the loss of the Jap
anese cruiser Asaeia oft' the western
coast of L»ower California, says that all
the officers and members of the crew
of the warship have been saved.
The Asama struck an uncharted rock
off the northwestern coasrt of the Mexi
can republic. The extent of the dam
age to the steamer is not known, nor
can anything be said as to the probabil
ities of saving her.
The disaster to the Japanese cruiser
Asama was reported to Washington yes
terday by Rear Admiral Howard, com
mander of the American Pacific fleet.
In this report the number of men on
board the Japanese vessel was placed
at five hundred.
Washington, Feb. s.—Rescue meas
ures for the Japanese cruiser Asama,
ashore and breaking up on the lower
California coast, were cloaked in secre
cy here to-day to protect the neutrality
of the United States.
On the theory that information of
the disabled Japanese ship might be
come of value to German men of war
in the Pacific, the Navy Department
kept secret its latest dispatches from
Hear Admiral Howard, commander of
the Pacific, fleet sent from his flagship,
the cruiser San Diego, in the neigh
'borliood of Ensenada, and refused in
| formation of the movement of American
| men-of-war going to the Asania's aid.
It was here, however, that
j first aid would be given by the cruiser
Raleigh. The San Diego, crippled by a
! recent boiler explosion, would be un
able to make fast time to the wreck
near Turtle bay.
Correspondence of the Associated Press.
Paris, Jan. 21. —The "Temps" pub
lishes the following story of the death
of General Bridoux, taken from the note
book of an army surgeon just returned
from captivity in Germany:
"I passed yesterday through one of
the most touching experiences of my
life," the surgeon writes. "General
Bridoux. in command of our cavaJry
corps, died in my arms. 1 have seen
i many denths in twenty years and 1
I have read of the deaths of Plutarch and
I of the generals of the empire, but I aju
! convinced that so noble a soul as that
; of General Bridoux has rarely animated
a mortal.
"The battle was raging in a fog so
' thick that one could see no farther than
200 yards. In order to better watch
the operations the general and his staff
| were approaching the lines in their
i automobiles. Coming into a clearing,
j the party sustained a heavy musketry
I fire from a party of Germans concealed
i fifty yards away in a thicket. Two
| chauffers and two ordnance ofliccrs were
1 killed outright before the cavalry escort
I could intervene and could drive the
j Germans away. General Bridoux fell
back in his scat with his had to his
| breast. A bullet had shattered his
shoulder, penetrated the body and pierc
ed a lung.
"We carried him into a log hut in
the thicket. 'J suffer!' he exclaimed,
i 'I feel very ill!' Then he talked of his
You Need This
Great Nerve Tonic
; For Over-Eating, Drinking, Smoking or
1 Overwork of Any Kind Causing
H. <J. Kennedy is having a lively
sale of Wendell's Ambition Pills these
days because the people of Ilarrisburg
who have tried them know that thev
tone up the entire system and impart
vigor aud energy into run down people
in a few days and because they are
guaranteed to do exactly as advertised,
and H. C. Kennedy is authorized by
the maker to refund the purchase price
if anyone is dissatisfied with the first
box purchased.
If you feel blue, have lost confidence
in yourself, are despondent, weak and
tired out, a 50-cent box of Wendell's
Ambition Pills is all you need.
Finest prescription for headaches,
nervous troubles, poor blood, kidney
and liver complaints, malaria, neu
ralgia, trembling and loss of appetite.
They never fail to end constipation.
Get them at H. C. Kennedy's and
dealers everywhere for 50 cents. Mail
orders filled, charges prepaid, by* Wen
dell PharmMal Co., Syracuse, li. Y.
Harrlaburn'a Oldest KKtHbllahrd Spe
rlallat ID Dlaeaaea of Men
Men's disease and weakness, ca
tarrh, nervous. kidney. bladder,
blood and skin disease.
When the bronchial tabes are af
fected with that weakening, tickling
cough, they need immediate and sen
sible treatment The breath seems
shorter because of mucous obstruc
tions; usually fever is present and
your head jars with every cough.
Your chest aches and the inflamma
tion often spreads to the lungs.
The food-tonic that has proven its
worth for forty years—is Scott's Emul
sion. It drives out the cold, which
is the root of the trouble, and checks
the cough by aiding the healing
process of the enfeebled membranes.
If you are troubled with bronchitis
or know an afflicted friend, always re
member that Scott's Bmulmon builds
strength while relieving the trouble.
14-61 Scott & Bowse, HoomficM, N. J.
wife and children to the chaplain, but
to us he spoke only of the army, of his
soldiers, of his 'corps of cavalry that
marches without horses and of "which
all the men are heroes.'
"General Buisson, who commanded
a division under Bridoux, arrived. 'My
dear Buisson,' said the dying general,
'I am about to die for my country and
I am almost happy since that will give
you a command of which you are
worthy. Don't forget that our role is to
advance, always advance, and that we
should do all "the harm possible to the
invaders who seek to annihilate our
beautiful France. I have confidence in
the final victory and I regret to have
contributed so little to it.
"I die joyfully for my country,' he
resumed after a paroxysm. 'Tell the
cavalry corps that the sacrifice of my
life should serve as an example.'
"Another paroxysm, another lucid
interval and the general expired with
these words on his lips: '1 die—l am
happy—my country will triumph.' "
Coßtlnurd From Flrat Page.
at the Ca:binet meeting to-day, in the
latter's absence.
Neither the State Department nor
the German embassy had received the
latest Berlin admiralty statement to
day and it was said at the German em
bassy that the Berlin Foreign Office
probably would deliver copies to diplo
matic representatives in Berlin and re
gard that notice as sufficient. IYester
day's proclamation is an extension of
a former one delivered by Ambassador
Gerard, applying to the north and west
coasts of France.
There is no precedent in dealing with
the question, because heretofore sub
marines have played no important part
in warfare and all of the rules of inter
national law are framed with special
reference to ordinary ships. The ordi
nary practices in taking prizes and
dealing with the merchantships of an
enemy which it is not feasible to take
as prizes are clearly set out and estab
lished by long usage. The merchantmen
must be halted; boarded and either
made a prize or sunk. But in the latter,
crew and passengers must be taiken off.
While it was noted that the procla
mation was directed against "enemy
ships" and applies to neutral ships only
when the attache "were meant for
enemy ships" through suspicion of
misuse of neutral flags, officials express
ed grave concern over the implied
threat to sink merchant vessels probab
ly without warning or taking off non
combatant passengers and crews.
During consideration of the subject
by the State Department American
marines probably will be expected to
heed the German warning and enter
forbidden waters only at their own
risk, precisely what they have been do
ing in the North Sea since notices sev
eral month ago from both the British
and German governments, that owing
to the planting of mines, it would be
regarded as within the war zone.
The notice from the British govern
ment that it, is contemplating retalia
tion against German trade, though not
formally, before the State Department
to-day, has given rise to much expecta
tion on the part of oflicials as to what
the British have in mind. Although it
has been denied that any official decla
ration that food supplies are contraband
has been issued, it is believed that the
British notice forecasts the speedy is
sue of some such declaration. And in
addition to thus trying to cut off Ger
many's food supply by water, it is be
lieved to be possible that the British
nvav make the blow more severe bv
prohibiting the transportation of cot
ton to Germany. Cotton is a base of
some forms of smokeless powder as well
as the high explosive gun cotton used
in the war heads of torpedoes and sub
marine mines:
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys
If Bladder Bothers You—Drink
Lots of Water
Eating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a well-known authority, be
cause the uric acid in meat excites the
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis
ery in the kidney region; rheumatic
twinges, severe headaches, acid stom
ach, constipation, torpid liver, sleep
lessness, bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jud Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapee and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for genera
tions to flush clogged kidneys and stim
ulate them to normal activity; also to
neutralize the acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending bladder
.lad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.—Adv.
Hundreds Have Procured Tickets for
Business Talks at Tech Au
Four hundred tickets to the "Mak
ing Good in Business" talks of Prank
Jewel Raymond to be given by the
Harrisfrurg Chamber of Commerce on
February 19, 23 and 25 were taken at
a meeting of the committee in charge
of the matter yeeterdiay afternoon. As
this represented about seven per cent,
of the membership of the Chamber of
Commerce, Chairman A. W. Moul felt
confident that the seating capacity of
any auditorium in Harrisiburg would be
taxed. The Harrisiburg Chamber of
Commerce is requesting the entire mem
bership to make known at once the
number otf tickets that can be taken bv
each member or firm. The many live
firms, members of the Chamber of Com
merce, are endeavoring to have every
one of their employes who either sails
his or the firm's services or its com
modities present at all the talks.
The committee announced that the
price of the coupon ticket for the three
talks would be seventy-five cents to
members of the Chamuber of Commerce,
their employes and families. The price
to non-members of the Chamber of
Commerce, etc,, will be fifty cents per
night gr $1.50 for the series.
Pile (talks will be given in the au
ditorium of the Techniael High school,
as they are of an educational nature
and since no other au<fTT&»ium in the
city provides enough seating space.
Every branch of business and indus
try of the city was represented at the
meeting on the 28th which was ad
dressed by Mr. Raymond and all of
them stated that he would benefit them
and their people. For instance, the
Moorhead Knitting Company has en
gaged Mr. Raymond at their e.xipeuse,
to give a special talk to suit their line
of business. Other industries are also
considering engaging Mr. Raymond for
that purpose while he is in Harrisburg.
But the genetrall membership 0 f the
Chamber anid others w'ho cannot afford
to spend several hundred dollars for
these nationally famous talks are giv
eu the opportunity to hear Mr. Ray
mond by payment of a charge that is
merely designed to be enough to guar
antee that those who come have a
genuine interest in the matter.
Bogy's Mustariae
Ends Sara Throat,
Lumbago, Nouralgia
Will Not Blister and Is Always Ready.
Nothing So Good for Rheumatic
Pains and Neuritis
For only 25 cents you can get a big
yellow box of yellow MUSTARINE and
sincere druggists will tell yon that if
it isn't better than any plaster, lini
ment or poultice you ever used, money
stantly, is very penetrating and that's
why it only takes a few minutes to get
rid of earache, headache, toothache,
backache and neuralgia.
Rub it on to-night and in the morn
ing that sore, raw throat will be better.
It acts the same way with tonsilitis,
bronchitis and pleurisy.
It's America's household remedy for
sprains, bruises, soreness, lameness,
stiff neck, cramps in legs or sore
Ask for BEGY'S MUBTARINE in the
yellow box, the original yellow mustard
Philadelphia Division —ll4 crew to
go first after 3.40 p. m.: 104, 126,
123, 118, 105, 127, 115, 121.
Fireman for 114.
Conductor for 126.
Flagmen for 110, 114, 118.
Brakemen for 110, 118, 123.
Engineers up: Smeltzer, Sparver.
Firemen up: Collier, McCurdy,
Grove, Bushey, Gelsinger, Herman,
Manning, Copeland, Yentzer, Libhart,
Davidson, Lehman, Brenner, Sees, Kes
treves, Reno, Madenford, Whichello,
Houser, Kreider, Jjantz, Swank, L. C.
Wagner, I. L. Wagner, Gilberg, Farm
er, 'Mulholm, Rhoails, Chronister.
Conductors up: Houdeshel, Mehaffie.
Flagmen up: Clark, First, Wit
Brakemen up: Garrett, Coleman,
Brownewell, Shultiberger, Hubbard,
Griftie, Baltozer, Riley, File, Stelnnan,
Moore, C. Mumma, Dengler, McGinnis,
Allen, Fergucson.
Middle Division —24 crew to go first
after 2.20 p. m.: 247.
Preference: 2.
Laid off: 20. 16, 26, 22.
Engineer for 25.
Conductor for 2.
Engineers up: Webste'r, Simonton,
Kugler, Knisley, Wissler, Mumma.
Firemen up: Kuntz, Liebau, Sim
mons, Seagrist, Fritz, Cox, Drewett,
Arnold, Karstetter, Sheesly, StouS'er,
Reeder, Bornman, Ross.
Conductors up: Eberle, Huber, Paul,
Gant, S. K. Fralick.
Brakemen up: Fleek, Kipp, Bell,
Wenrick, Fritz, Kolili, Roller, Myers,
Kane, Kieffer, Schoffst.all, Pipp, Heck,
Strouser, Spain, Kerwin, Bickert, Kil
gor, Bolan, Baker.
Philadelphia Division —2 I 9 crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 214, 237,
230, 235, 233, 207, 203, 215, 202.
Engineers for 215, 230, 235.
Firemen for 203, 207, 230, 233,
237, 242. •
Conductors for 205, 215, 230, 233.
Flagmen for 205, 207, 242.
Brakemen for 205. 207, 214, 229.
Conductors up: Logan, Gundle, Flick
inger, Pewees, Nallen, Forney, Lingle,
Shirk, Pennell.
Flagmen up: Reitzcl, Kroln.
Brakemen up: FeJker, Goudy, Walt
man, Shuler, Wiest, Jacobs, Vandling,
Fair, McPheanson, Summv, Taylor,
Mumma, Lutz, Morrison, James, Wolfe,
Kone, I)e<'kert.
Middle Division —ll7 crew to go
first after 2.45 p. m.: 11 4, 241, 224,
,216, 232, 237.
Laid off: 109, 111, 118, 107, 115,
Yard Crews— Engineers up: Kuhu,
Had To Be Carried At Night. Could
Not Let Clothes Near It, Applied
i Cuticura Ointment Then Washed
[. With Cuticura Soap, Eczema
Gone In Few Months.
3702 Knorr St.. Tacony, Philadelphia,
Pa—"My baby had eczema. It was like'
deop cracks and then It WQUM weep and
get a hard surface on It. She was awful to
t look at. Every place where there was a
crease, like the back of her ear and In her
neck, it was awfully bad. Tho child had to
bo carrlod at night. We could not let hor
clothes be near it. She was fretful.
"She was a year old before I tried Cuti
cura Boap and Ointment. 1 applied the
Ointment and left it on Ave minutes, then
washed with the Soap. The eczema was
gone in a few months." (Signed) Mrs. M.
Fagan, November 7, 1914.
Do you realize that to go through Ufa
tortured and disfigured by itching, burning,
scaly and crusted eczemas, rashes, and other
skin and scalp humors is, in the majority
or cases, unnecessary? Cuticura Soap and
Ointment afford immediate relief and prove
successful in the most distressing cases,
when t.he usual methods fail.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Bos
ton." Sold throughout the world.
Snyder, Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hovler,
Beck, Harter, Biever, Blosser, Brene
man, Rudy, Houser, Meals, Stahl,
Swab, Crist, iHlarvey, Saltsman.
Firemen up: Sliolter, Snell, Barto
let, Getty, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Kyde,
Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow,
Rieve, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schiefer, Raueh,
Weigle, Gookerly, Maeyer.
Kngineers for 1886, 2260, 1831.
1270, 14, 1820.
Firemen for 306, 2260, 1820.
P., H. & P. —After 2.45 p. m.: 1,
20, 19. 4, 2, 16, 23, 10, 17, 11.
Eastbound —After 2.15 p. m. : 61
70, 68, 64, 57, 69, 52, 51, a 9, 71, 62*
53. ' '
Conductors up: Beaver, German, Hil
ton, Philaibaium.
.Engineers up: Sassman, Lape, Morne,
Fetrow, Barnhart-, Glass, Richwine, Mar
tin, Massimore, Wood.
Firemen up: Bower*, Beecher, Dow
hower, Carl, King, Rum ban gh, Zukoswi
ski, Miller, Liex, Ijoogenecker, Ohron
ister, Nye, Fulton.
Brake-men up: Page, Warren, Paint
er, Miles, HeiJman, Taylor, Za.wski,
Wynn, Hinklo, Miller, Grimes, Rittle.
Yoder. '
She Aims at Pigeon and Ball Hits Farm
Dillsrtxurg, Pa., Feb. 5.—M. G. Shef
feT, one of the employes on the Clark:
fanrm near town, suffered a painful ac
cident Wednesday evening. While he
was in the corn crib getting some corn
'Miiss Gertrude Frederick, another em
ploye, secured a small rifle and took
a shot at a pigeon that was loitering
around the premises. The pigeon es
caped, but Sheffer emerged from the
corncrib with a cry of pain, eayiog he
was shot, and as evidence there was a
small, round hole in his rubber and
stocking, through which the ball
pierced his foot.
Dr. Crawford made an examination
but failed to locate the buillet. The
corncrib was at an angle from the
pigeon and it cannot bo explained how
the bullet reached the mjui's foot a«
there are no marks on the crib where
the bullet, passed through. It is thought
the bulled Struck the ground and was
deflected in some mysterious way to
tho corncrib. Sheffer's vendition ie myfc
serious but he will 'be unable "bo attend
his duties as farm hand for a few
Mining Engineer Dies Five Minutes
After Stricken With Hemorrhage
Scranton, Feb. 5. —Reese A. Davis,
40 years old, a mining engineer, was
stricken with a hemorrhage of the lungs
yesterday morning as ho entered a drug
store on Washington avenue and died
in five minutes.
He was a native of Mount Oarmel,
coming here in 1895 with his brother,
Morgan Davis, and engaging in mining
engineering. Tlie body was sent to the
home of his father, Morgan Davis, of
Mount Carmel.
The new Troup piano at the Calder
school building will be formally install
ed tonight at a meeting of the Day-
Caliler-Wickersham Parent-Teacher As
sociation, Mrs. Anna Davis president.
A brief program will precede a social.
Ico cream will be served. The public is
—— gg
Endorsed by Leading Druggist
Amolox, the new remedy for eczema
and all diseases of the skin, is curing
thousands of eczema sufferers that have
been unable to find relief after trying
everything else. A well-known physi
cian, who had a patient with a bad
case of eczema of the scalp,—head al
most entirely covered with scaly sores
—rapidly becoming bald, reported after
one week's treatment that hair stopped
falling out, scalp was rapidly healing
and a new growth of healthy hair just
starting. Quoting the exact words of
the doctor, "That Amolox is great
Amolox when applied to the skin stops
all itch and burning instantly. Will cure
eczema and all skin troubles and will
clear up a muddy complexion, or pim
ples on face in 24 hours. ,
All sufferers from eczema, salt rheum,
tetter, acne, barber's itch and pimples
on the face should go to their druggists
at once and get a bottle of Amolox
and box of ointment. If you are not
satisfied, it will not cost you a cent.
Geo. A. Gorgas and H. ('. Kennedy wili ,
return your money if not satisfactory.
Trial size 50«. —Adv.