The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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of the
Allison Hill Trust Company
of Harrisburg, No. 1301 Market street,
of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at
the close of business January 25, 1915:
Reserve Fund:
Cash, specie and
notes $24,958 20
Due from approv
ed reserve
agents 22,573 90
Nickels and cent? 437 21
Checks and cash items, ... 1,758 51
Securities pledged for bills
payable 10,000 00
Commercial paper purchased:
Upon one name, $11,053 75
Upon two or more
names 184,275 74
Loans upon call with col
lateral 33,575 00
Time loans with collateral, 71.253 93
Loans secured by bonds and
mortgages fi,975 00
Ronds, stocks, etc 33,652 75
Mortgages and judgments
of record 197,205 00
Oftice building and lot, ... 22,933 38
Other real estate 3,318 IP
Furniture and fixtures. ... 4,262 29
Overdrafts 56 10
Other assets not Included In
above 8,516 16
Total $634,805 02
Capital stock paid In, $125,000 00
Surplus fund 30,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid, .. 12,715 22
Individual deposits subject
to check (exclusive of
trust fund* and savings), 90.571 69
Time certllifcateß of deposit
(exclusive of trust funds
and savings), • 24,690 33
Deposits, saving fund (ex
clusive of trust funds and
savings) 171,480 51
Deposits, municipal 15.000 00
Due to banks, trust com
panies, etc., not in re
serve 706 98
Dividends unpaid 83 00
Treasurer's and certified
checks outstanding 651 56
Rills payable on demand, .. 5,000 00
13111s payable on time, mort
gage bonds sold on guar
anteed 155,600 00
Other liabilities not in
cluded in above 3,005 73
Total $634,805 02
Amount of trust funds in
vested $18,045 74
Amount of trust funds un
invested 80 58
Total trust funds $18,126 32
State of Pennsylvania,
County, of Dauphin, ss:
I. Alfred G. Eden, Treasurer of the
above named company, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and be
(Signed) ALFRED G. EDEN,
_ . Treasurer. '
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this Ist day of February, 1915.
(Signed) JOHN E. GIPPLE,
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
E. N. L.EBO,
Of the
Commonwealth Trust Com
?. f „ Ha "J7'isburß, No. 222 Market street, of
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at tlx
close of business January 25, 1915:
Reserve fund:
Cash, specie and
notes $70,391 00
Due from ap
proved reserve
T agents 57.H7 42
Legal securities
»<■ par, 44,100 00
, , $171,608 42
Jsickels and cents 511 52
Checks and cash items. .. 11 337 74
Due from Banks and Trust
companies not reserve,.. 104,094 IS
(securities pledged for bills
payable, 133,964 97 I
Assets held free, viz:
Commercial paper purchas
Upon one name,.. $6,416 58
Upon two or more
names, 402,196 52
, 408,613 10
Loans upon call with col
lateral 468,409 55
lime loans with collateral, 1 11,389 "3
Loans secured by bonds
and mortgages 74 759 «■>
Bonds, stocks, etc 401,'814 20
Jlortgages and judgments
ot record, 30 (!Kft <l4
Oflice building and lot 14«,'jaj 34
other real estate, SI 141 4a
> urniture and fixtures. ... 4a'oi)o 00
Overdrafts ;> ,
Other assets not included in ' *
above, 702 00
r ,U9M7B 14
capital stocK puid in $250.000 oj
SuVplus fund. 450,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penaes and taxes paid. .. 60,645 13
Individual deposits subject
to check (exclusive of
trust funds and savings), 783,574 IS 1
funis certificates of de- !
Posit (exclusive of trust
funds and savings) 288''66 71 '
Deposits, Commonwealth of 1
Pennsylvania 2''3 q.>7 5-
lv,posits, municipal 15',000 00 i
Hue 10 banks, trust com
panies, etc., not in re
t serve 395 - c j
Treasurer's and certified
checks outstanding 8 515 1~»
Hills payable on demand,.. 89!u92 74 1
Other liabilities not includ- 1
ed in above 27 430 7'J i
Book value of reserve se
curities below par, 2,320 97'
lolal $2,198,878 14 j
Amount of trust funds in- ~ i
. vested j4 r., fi
Amount of trust funds un- ' **
invested, 117111 no <
Overdrafts i;"; "
Total trust funds 14,652,Ki1l .'6
Total amount (i. e. face
value; of Trusts undor
deeds ot trust or mort-
Kuges executed by Corpo
rations to tlie Company
as Trustee to secure is
«ue of corporate bonds,
including Equipment
Tota| ,S aniounV oY VecurVtiel"' 4 '" M ° °°
deposited by Corporations
with the Company as
Trustee tc secure issues
of Collateral Trust Bonds 3,382 400 00
St plUn of sa e " nSylVania ' Count y of Dau
l. W. H. Metzger. Treasurer of th#
above named company, do solemnly
*tn i!S r M! e ab ? ve statement is true
my knowledge and belter
(Signed) W. H. METZOER,
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
tills 2nd day of February, 1915
(Signed) R E. STEEVER,
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
A. C. ST A MM,
Nearly too Attend Lancaster County
Organization's Banquet
Lancaster, I'a., Feb. 4.— Nearly 100
persons attended the annual banquet of
Ino Lancaster County Medical -Society
last evening at the Hotel Brunswick.
Br. .Tchn J,. Atiee was toastmastor and
tlio following guests made addresses: !
Ueutenant Governor Frank B. Me- j
('lain. Dr. Edward B. Heckel, I'ittß- '
lutigh, president Pennsylvania •State i
Medical Soeidty; Dr. .1. B. aiMli.ster, !
Harris-burg, presitlent-elect Pennsvlva- !
nia .Medical Society; Dr. 0. J. limit,
Pennsylvania State' Board of Health.
Tenth Anniversary
Oa.pital legion, No.. 1108, of the
National Protective Ijegion, will cele
brate its tenth anniversary with a
musical at the hall, H2l Market street,
February JJ. Members and friends are
cordially invited to be present.—Adv.
Sudden Adjournment of York-Adams
Hearings at Gettysburg Supposed
to Mean Collapse
Gettysburg, Feb. 4.—Congressman
Brodtbeck sprang a surprise here yester
day afternoon, when he had the hear
ing in his election contest against Con
gressman C. William Beales- abruptly
adjourned. Thirty of those subitoenaed ;
as witnesses in his behalf in Gettysburg |
are vet to he heard.
While the Congressman denied that j
this action was preliminary to with- j
drawal of the contest, rumors persist .
that this is about to occur. To some
prominent Adams county Democrats
with whom he conferred yesterday !
Brodbeck said that he had 'been misin- i
formed about conditions there, but he j
stated that his present purpose is to i
hold more hearings both in Gettysburg :
and York.
Charles H. Wilson, the Adams county i
detective, who recently swore out a
warrant for the arrest of Congressman
Brodbeck, charging him with having
given money to a federal employe in
the Hanover postoflice, in violation of
the criminal code, was a witness yes
terday. He admitted under questioning
of counsel for the contestant that he
had no personal knowledge of the crime
he charged, but hail brought the prose
cution on information fiynished him by
counsel for Beales.
Harry Brumbaugh, the Democratic
tax oollector of Gettysburg, testified
that Robert C. Miller, Republican coun
ty chairman, had paid the poll taxes
of 110 votes, both Republicans and
Democrats. Miller was called and ad
mitted that lie jvaid some poll taxes,
but said it was done as an accommoda
tion to the collector as well as the
voters durinl? a rush of men to qualify
to cast ballots. Some of them, Miller
said, had later reimbursed him.
Frank Penn, Republican inspector at I
the Third ward polls, declared he saw I
nothing of the bottled beer said to have |
been brought to the polls in Hour sacks
on election day for the board.
Dave Wilson, a negro witness, gave
the <big crowd assembled in the court
house for the hearing a laugh when he
demanded his pay before testifying. He
was handed the 85 cents and glanced
at it scornfully. "I's a s2*a-day man,
I is," he protested.
He was told that Congress had fixed
that pay for an election contest wit
"Den I yields to Congress," he said
grudgingly, and took the stand.
Cut This Out Now
If you don't want it to-day, you may
next-week. Send this advertisement and
5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clearly.
You receive in return three trial pack
ages—Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for coughs, colds, eroup and grip
pe; Foley Kidney Pills, for weak or
disordered kidneys or bladder; Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, whOle
! some and cleansing purgative, just the
| thing for winter's sluggish bowels juid
| torpid liver. These well known standard
' remedies for sale by George A.
j 16 North Third street, P. R. R. Sta-i
j tion.—Adv.
Conference of Public School Superin-j
tendents to Be Held In Cincinnati
Washington, D. C., Feb. 4.—Reeog- '
1 nizing the importance of the problems 1
lof vocational education in the small
city, the Fuited States Commissioner I
j of Education has called a conference of j
| superintendents of public schools to be
held in Cincinnati in connection with t
I the annual convention of the Depart
ment of Superintendence of the Nation
al Education Association. The invita- j
tion is open to superintendents of pub-1
lie schools in cities having a population 1
; of 10,000 to 25,000, and to represen
tatives of the educational press.
The conference will be held in the
rooms of the Cincinnati Business Men's
' lub at 5.30 p. in., Wednesday, Feb-'
ruary 24; dinner, informal, promptly
| at fi o'clock; tickets $1.50. Application
for copy of program and card of ad
| mission should be addressed, before
j February 15, to W. T. Bawden, U S i
j Bureau of Education, Washington, D.
C., who is in charge of the arrange
! ments.
Man Killed By Freight Train
Mt. Carmel, Feib. 4.—As George
j Pulaska was crossing the Reading rail-
I road at Locust Summit yesterday he :
j was run down by a Reading freight I
| tram and fatally injured. ° j
of the
Peoples Bank
of Steelton, No. 18 S. Front street, ot
i Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, at the
close of business January 2ii 191 V
Reserve fund:
Cash, specie and
notes $14,740 00
Due trom approved
reserve agents,.. 18,615 25
Nickels and cents * ' 'l»<; 01 I
< necks and cash items 2 597 3" I
Due from banks and trust ' " I
companies, not reserve,. .. 303 50 '
Securities pledged to secure
special deposits 5,000 00 '
Assets held free, viz;
Bills discounted:
Upon two or more names,. 40 740 73
rime loans with collateral,.. 1 770 no
1 joans on call with collateral, 73,73:1 G3
Loans on call upon one name, 1,510 00
Loans on call upon two or
more names, 95 916 8S
Loans secured by bonds and'
mortgages 101,716 17
r urniture and fixtures 1,500 00
' LIABILITIES' '^ 3 ° 8,353 62
Capital stock paid In $50,000 00
Surplus fund 35.000 00
Undivided profits, less ex- '
penses and taxes paid 14,043 00 i
Individual depos
its subject to
check $141,103 86
Time certificates
of deposit 106,829 12
Savings fund de
posits 4,174 25
Deposits, U. S. Pos
tal savings 1,620 63
Deposits, inunicl
„ Pal 2,166 66
Certified checks... 451 40
Cashier's checks
outstanding, ... 1,239 23
Due to banks and trust com
panles, etc., not reserve,.. 1.671 47
! Dividends unpaid 54 00
' £)fo ?' ota , l, D ••$358,353 62
•State of Pennsylvania,
County of Dauphin, ss:
! «• W. H. Nell, President of the above
( named hank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
(Sailed) w. H. NELI*
... , President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2nd day of February. 1915.
<Sjgned) M. R. ALLEMAN,
(Notarial Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan. 21, 1917.
(Signed) o. C. BISHOP,
y Tf ¥ T W ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ T V ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ TT ▼▼T V T'*i
I CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. —ojd i„t of o.rdie, ni CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.^
row 'aT j/oo'.'
4r4t w Mnin FIoor—BOWMAN'S. WW mm
t Remarkable Bargains for Friday Only
► Another of Our Of
>• ficial Bees has joined
the first buzzer in buz-
zing about the store —
they are surely up to
► some prank.
! >
► Dress Fabrics
28-inch Plain Crepes, good
shades. Regularly 2oc; now
Cctton Bedford Cords,
j yd.—satin stripe; i
► good shades; regularly 35e.
* Percales, special at yd.
► —also Crepes; yard-wide.
v Lansdowne at yd.— |
► good line of shades to select j
► from: regularly $1.2.">.
? Cream Stcrm Serge, 25c 1
► yd.- -black stripes; regularly '
\ 50e.
Silk and Cotton Poplin,
[39< yd. —in garnet and pink |
—regularly 75c.
Black Mercerized Satine
L Lining, 12y>p yd.—regular- |
lv 20c.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► Draperies
Colored Border Scrim, IS<>
* yd.—for sash ami sill length j
|}► urtains; regularly 25e.
► Curtain Voile, 2(V yd.— j
j ► colored border; regularly 35c j
; Colored Border Marquis-
I ► ette, 381? yd.—in yellow,
i ► pink mid blue; slightly soil- I
| y ed ; regularly 55c.
► Colcred Border Scrim, 15^>
► yd.—regularly 18c.
► Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► Handkerchiefs
15c and ?5c Linen Hand
* kerchiefs, soiled, :j for 25^.
25c Linen Handkerchiefs,
* soiled, 12
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
► China
>■ After Einncr Cups and
► Saucers, 2 for s£—German
► china, decorated; regularly
► 10c.
y Round Dishes, 2# —fluted
, j white porcelain; snuill size;
j regularly sc.
Jardinieres, 25^—made of
crockery; blended colors;
i regularly 50c.
I ► Glass Flower Baskets, 15^
y —regularly 25c.
► Basement—BOWMAN'S.
Kin Beat Him Up When Ho Applies to
See Own Child
'Mifflinburg, Pn., Feb. 4. — In an effort (
to kidnap his young son, Lionel Hall, j
| a druggist, had a battle with 'his es- '
i tranged wife's relatives, which resulted !
I in 'Hall being worsted and retiring from '
j t'lio scene in a battered condition.
Hall, it is said, applied at the hoflie j
of iiis wife's rich uncie, Oliver P. I
; Rockefeller, where she and the two chil
; dren aro staying, and asked to, see the
j boy. It is Mien alleged he picked him
up anil rushed away, but was intercept
ed by iMlrs. Rockefeller and John i, the child's uncle.
New Castle Business Halts for Former
Lieutenant Governor
New Castle, Pa., Feb; 4.—Funeral
services for the late William M. Brown,
former Lieutenant, Governor of Penn
sylvania, and Representative-elect from
the Twenty-fourth Congressional dis
trict, were held in the Brown home
yesterday. Interment was made in
Graceland cemetery, with Masonic
Many political ami business asso
ciates of Mr. Brown attended the serv
ices. Al! business houses here were
closed for two hoiiTs. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Frank R. McClain and State Sen
ators .1. 11. Thompson, W. W. Hand
man, IL A. Tompkins, Marshall Phdpps,
('. D. Sensenich, W. If. Semmens, W. .1.
Burke, C. J. Magee, W. S. 'MeKee, H.
A. Clarke and W. K. Crow attended as
a committee.
liVoc and 25c shell and am
ber Braid Pins, 10< &
25c Warren's Net Guimpes,
black and white, all sizes,
25c extra heavy Ho3e Sup
porters, 19^.
10c elastic Shirt Waist
Belts, s^.
5c all over Hair Nets, 5 for
25c piece Inside Belting,
Odds and ends, Stars and
Anchors, ea.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Savcry Roaster, $1.23 —
made of good quality grey
enamel; self-basting and self
browning; regularly $1.75.
Japanned Tin Sugar Box,
15<S with hinged cover; reg- |
lilarlv 25c. Also at I©£ from
J .15c.
Aluminum Tea Kettles,
$1.98 regularly $2.98,
j $3.26 and $3.50.
Japanned Fcot Tub, 23£ —
| regularly 45c.
Galvanized Tub, 29£—
regularly 39c.
I Women's Suits That .Are
I Suitable for Early Spring
Wear Will Be Sold To
morrow For $3.98
This is a Friday special, remarkable not as "much for
price as for quality. The coats are short and the skirts
are mostly plain and of medium width. The material is
pure wool serge and the colors are black and navy only.
The former prices were $12.50 and $15.00.
New Jap Silk Waists Plain Tailored and Embroidered,
$l.O0 —white only ; four smart styles that arrived yester
day. All sizes from 36 to 46. Friday only.
Children's Rain Capes, Clearing at 500 —only about
twenty-five of them. They are slightly shop-worn, but
otherwise perfect.
Ccats at $5.93, were SIO.O0 —the models arc all this
season's. The materials are boucles, chinchillas and mix
tures. The colors are black, navy, green and brown.
Second Floor—HOW MA N 'S.
Shoe Bargains For To
morrow Taken From
Regular Stock
Women's Satin Evening Slippers— in various colors;
any pair in the store at 5}51.00. Formerly $2.50 an.d $3.
Women's Shoes— button and lace styles; welts arid
turns; all sizes, at $1.39 pair. Formerly $2.50, s:i.oo
and $3.50.
Women's Dress Shoes— tine tan and black leathers;
nearly every size in the lot, at $1.98 pair. Formerly
$3.00 to $4.00.
1 Men's, women's and children's Rubbers a clean-up
lot, nt 250 pair. •Formerly 49c to SI.OO. I
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i
| Fall in Street Hole Gives Her a $lO,-
000 Verdict
IMii In ticl | h in. Fob. 4.—> A verdict
,SIO,OOO damages was returned by a
jury yesterday in favor of Mrs. Nellie)
I C. Johnson, in her personal injury suit I
! against the city. Sh6 fell in a hole
i at Seventeenth anil Jackson streets on!
i tye night of January 7, 1913, sus'tain
! irig injury to her hip.
I It was testified that the hole in the
street had been unguarded for three
! months prior to the accident. When a
| policeman of the Fifteenth street and
Snyder avenue station was placed on
I the stand, Judge Bregy inquired why
! tiie spot was not marked by a red lan
tern. The witness replied that there
! were no such lantewis in the station at I
| the time.
Slayer Says He Aloue Shot and in
Sun-bury, Pa.. Feb. 4.—ln their trial
for murder here yesterday Antonio l*i
crotch took the witness stand and as
sumed all blame for the killing of
Nicholas Uedro, thus relieving his co- i
defendant anil life-long friend, Bruno
Verano, o4' the stain of an alleged mur
Self-defense was the pica. T>aeroteh
said he shot (iedro in front of a ihotel
at 'Mt. Carmel after Godro had lunged
at him with a stiletto.
Denial was, made that Verano and
Lecrotch are members of a Black 'Hand
society and that they had been com
missioned 'to kill Gcdro.
Linens and
White Goods
German Linen Table Dam
ask, 37yd. —5+ inches
Cotton Table Damask, 160
yd- —SB inches wide.
Hemstitched Napkins,
ea.— size 20x20 inches;
extra good quality; regularly
$1.50 doz.
Madras, 12 yd.— 32
inches wide; many patterns
to select from; regularly 25c.
Longcloth, yd. 36
inches wide; chamois finish;
used especially for under
wear; BUO yards in the lot;
regularly 12 1 /^c.
Remnants at 6</_>o yd.— |
ends of white lawns, batistes
and twilled materials; regu
larly and 15c.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Embroidered Voile and
Rice Cloth Flouncings, 290
yd. —45 inches wide; regular- |
ly 50c.
Embroidery Edges, 50 yd.
—excellent value; regularly
Torchon Laces, 30 yd.—
regularly sc.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
U. S. Investigators £ind Nothing to
Justify Prosecution
Washington, Fob. 4.—Although the!
investigation of alleged election frauds j
j last November in the eighteenth Illinois j
j (ex-Speaker Cannon *s) Congressional |
! district has not been completed, of !
j ficiais of the department of justice last |
night saiiil' no evidence bad been discov
ered fo indicate violation of federal I
Court, decisions for years virtually
have limited the federal government to
action against conspiracies to deprive a
citizen of his constitutional rights.
Cases of alleged fraud or bribery must
j bo left to the states.
| \
I THE 12 Bosea 10c 11
36 Doses 35c IT ;
A All Drugglsti
For Headache, Neuralgia
Quick, Sure, Safe
Friday Reductions I :
On Timely Needs
For Men
Men's $4.98 double texture Raincoats at $2.95
Men's $1.98 Traveling Bags of Karatol in
black and brown, at $1.25 '
Men's $1.75, $1.98 and $2.50 fur lined Caps
at .SI.OO
Men's $2.98 blanket Bath Robes at . . .$1.65
Men's Suits and Overcoats marked up to $lO,
broken lots, reduced to $4.95 " y
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ■* I
< I
Boys 1 Clothing
Boys' Mackinaws at
$2.50 —in grey and brown,
and red and black; sizes 10
to 15 years; regularly $4.45
and $4.95.
Boys' Balmacaans at
$1.98 newest models;
sizes 15 to 9 vears; regularly
$2.98 and $3.50. t
Boys' Blue Serge Trousers,
49£ pr ,—sizes 10 to 17 yrs.;
regularly 79c.
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Cheese Cloth at 3Vi>o yd.—
36 inches wide; white only;
regularly Bc.
Outing Flannel at 6'/.io
yd. —light or dark patterns;
remnant lengths; regularly
10c. 4
Bleached Muslin at 6 J /t0
yd— 36 inches wide; cut
from full pieces; regularly
White Flannel at 250 yd.
36 inches wide; perfect ; reg
ularly 50c.
Sheets at 690 —made of I
Mohawk muslin ; slightly soil
ed bv oil spots; size 90x90
inches; regularly 95c.
Pillow Cases -to match
Mohawk sheets; 42x36-inch
at 140, 45x36-inch at
Marked E. 8. <
Gingham at 7'/->0 yd.—%-
yd. wide in light and dark
patterns; striped; remnant
lengths; regularly 12^c.
Bleached Pillow Tubing at
111/ 2 0 yd. —lo inches wide;
! good lengths; regularly 19c.
Bed Ticking at 7'/20 yd.—
I short lengths; regularly
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Ribbon Remnants at 100
1 yd. —values up to 39c yd.
Fancy Ribbons at 250 yd.
—•> and 6 inches wide; regu
larly 45c and 59c.
Mesh Veils at 500— in
black, navy, green and brown
: and white; not. more than a
dozen in the lot; regularly
SI.OO and $1.50.
Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
I" " r
Crushed to Death By Rock
Mr. Carmel Pa., Feb. 4.—George I
' Mrhnie, of this place, was killed at the I
: Alaska shaft yesterday by several tons
I of rock falling on him as he was trying
j to erect timber in a gangway to make
j travel safe for workmen.
Kelley'sßuckwheat for
Steam Heating Systems
The best coal we know of
for such heating systems is
our Nanticoke Buckwheat
at $3.75.
By actual test it (fives more ,
I heat with a less residue of ashes
j than other similar fuel.
Increase the heating ef
ificiency of your steam lieat-
I ing plant with no more cost
by burning Kelley's Nanti
coke Buckwheat. ,
1 N. Third Street
Tenth and State Streets
For Men ]
Men's Union Suits at <
medium and heavy weight
cotton; peeler and silver; .
regularly SI.OO.
Men's Undershirts at \
—natural wool; regularly
! Men's and Boys' Suspend- 4
ers, —lisle webbing, JI
leather ends; regvriarly 25c. 4
. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4
Hartford <
Axminster ;
Rugs, Friday
Only $13.50 <
Patterns slightly mis- *
matched at seams; other- 4
wise perfect in every way. <
Regular price, if perfect, j
| $27. f>o.
Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
New Process <
Linoleum, *
Friday Only
27c. sq. yd.
I Short, but usable lengths 'v
for vestibule pantry or
Fourth Floor —BOWMAN'S. 4
Women's Gloves <
Overseam Kid Gloves at 4
I 79< pr.—2-clasp; in black,
white, tan and grey; regu- 4
larly SI.OO. 4
I Children's Gauntlets,
pr.—fleece lined; regularly ?
50c. 4
Odds and ends in Gloves—
some slightly soiled, pr.
, Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. ]
Leather Goods <
Leather Bags, 39£ —tan i
and blue; regularly SI.OO. 4
Hand Bags, 19£ —moire *
and velvet; regularly 50c. 4
Main Floor —BOWMAN'S.
Son of Walter 0. Hull Rejects Polios
Theory of Suicide
New York, Feb. 4.—Walter Cluett
Hull, 57, legal adviser of Frank Shep
hard & Co., 148 Lafayette street, was
found dead in his bed from gas asphyx
iation yesterday morning at his son a
home, r.68 West 173 d street;
The police believe that Mr. Hull com
: mitted suicide. His son, Robert C.
Hull, said that his father was in good
spirits on Tuesday night and that he
believed the death was accidental.
Kills Friend and Himself
Ueweese, Neb., Feb. 4.—Peter Hed
riclc, farmer, and Joseph Peishok, bank
cashier, are dead as the result of a
shooting in the 'State Bank of Doweese.
Tho men 'had been friends from boy -
'hood. Penhek, before he died, said
Tledrick attorn; ted to ho id up the bank.
Would Trisect Texas
Austin, Tex., Fob. 4. —A joint'resolu
tion for an amendment to the Stats
constitution dividing Texas into thren
.States, was introduced yesterday by
Hon at or W. L. Hal!, of Wharton county.
The States would be North Texas, eai] i
ta.l Palestine; West Texas, capital Abil
ene, anil .South Texas, capital Austin.
Governor Principal Guest
Reading, Feb. 4.—Governor Martin
G-. Brumbaugh will be the principal
guest of honor and the s|H?aker at the
annual banquet of the Reading Cham
ber of OonMnerce, to be held in the
Berkshire hotel on Friday evening, Feb
ruary 26. The attendance will be liin
ibCKl to 400.