4 11 44 THE QUALITY STORE " Unusual Isi'gafcs 11 For Friday's Shoppers Ladies' Astrakhan Coats —?i length and lined throughout—~o3tly small sizes—an exceptional value at SIO.OO. Special fcr Friday at §5. <3O Misses' Mixed Coats in a variety . of Tan colore —pleated back with belt style—were SIO.ON. Special ; for Friday at 55.00 Ladies' Silk Petticoats in .fancy • shades—mostly green and cerise— regularly SI.OB. Special for Fridav at • • .50 Ladies' Lingerie Waists in new, up-to-the-minute styles—of voile and India linen—nicely trimmed with lace—worth $1.30. Special for Fri day at §I.OO * Ladies' Work Waists in Shepherds plaid and gray striped ginghams, also light colors in pefcale—long or short sleeves, high or low necks. Special for Friday at . . 59^ 9x12 Wool and Fibre Rnsrs in blue, green, brown and gray—all beautiful desijmr—very serviceable rugf—regularly $lO. Snecial for at §6.98 Rubber Door Mr.ts, t is27—slight ly imperfect—worth 75c. Special for Friday at *3s^ Figured Silkoline for comforts, screen fillings, etc.—variety of beau tiful patterns and colors, regularly 13»iic. Special for Friday at, per | yard, :W-ir.ch double thread Net for curtains—with linen Cluny • ed-ie— excfelleit style and very serviceable ' —regular!*,' 50c. Special for Friday at - l ,er I ,Md 30r| . v ;! - >!*#s■■:■ ■■: f ' .. «}■ 4 *; - v'-ft'W"'- ' ?jff| *" #jf * ' • JL v ' - %. .. V* j Re Outing Flannels in a % sp!endid variety oi' styles and colorings—all perfect. Special for Friday at, per yard, . Ql/^ Ufl-inch soft finish Bleached Mus lin, "cc '. for all around u:a—worth Kc. Special for Friday at, per yard, 7& -40 c Cream 'vVhi'e All wool Flan nel—a splendid, swrft, cloth suitable for all purposes. Special for Friday ; at, per yard | * Men's heavyweight Union Suits— jj closed crotch style—all sizes—regit- » !ar and stent lengtlis. Special for 5 Sl.(to grades at . . TO 1 I $1.50 grades at $1.19 Men's short lenrth and gauntlet J V'.tbcr work Glove:—ro pilarly roc. | Special for Friday at 1 Ladies' Crepe 3Nfi r ht Gowr.s—fine J Quality crepe and trimmed v.-it'i ( torclion lace and ribbon—low neck (i and snort sleeves—a regular 75c j value. Special for Friday at V> \ Ladies* Muslin Night Gowns—-Math ! v necl; and long sleeves—yoke oi |, tucks and insertion—-wcH made and ; good size. Special for Friday at * i-Sc | Children's Sweater Suits in red, r t cud white. Spacial for rriday— i RVOO suits at }; :';?.50 suits at $2.25 ! ; F.ilm Olive Soap Special for F;i- H day at, per cake " ' 5 | with the distance. Were there no i sights on the rifle and you wanted to 'lit a mark at 2\>o yards you would have to aim two feci' above it. i would 1)" awkward, forxyou ■ would lose sight of the mark aimed at, to fcay nothing of the difficulty of I correctly estimating a distance of two feet at 200 yards The sights of a rifle enable you to ; keep your eve on the mark, although i the jiiuzzle of the rifle is actually ; pointing above it. The movable slide I of the backsight enables you automat ically to point the muzzle just so many | feet above the mark aimed at as is | necessary to counteract; the known drop ] of the bullet at various ranges.—Lon don Answers. HARRISBUftfi vSTAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EYKKTNCI. FEBRUARY 4, J915. EPILEPSY SW® ™ I The Koslne Treat- BL. pa mont relieves all fear gSH El 9 of the -dreadful at tacks which are so Hj M H frequent to the suf- H H ■ ferers of 15pllet»sy. Kosinc lias been used with remarkable suc cess for fifteen years. Buy a bottle of Koslne for $1.50. If. after using, you are not entirely satisfied, your morfey will be refunded. Ask us for booklet. Geo. A. (SoiKas. 10 N. Third street, and l'ennn. ltailroad Station. I SUBURBAN MIDDLETOWN Man Wheeling Barrow Across U. S, Ar-, riifcas in the Borough , j Special Correspondence. Middletown Fob. 4. J. A. Krohn, I I who is traveling over the country with ; a wheelbarrow, arrived in town Wed j nesday afternoon and stopped ut the , Washington House for several hours. I He was at the He ilty theatre last even ing, where he showed several illus trated pietuios. lie started out this morning on his trip across the United i States. ■ Kobert Qottshall left last evening for Virginia, where lie will spend some time visiting friends. John Sunders spent yesterday at I Harrisburg oi- business. X. J. Antrim spent Wednesday at Harrisburg. Mrs. (1. E. Bowers entertained the Social Circle at her home on Swatara ; street this afternoon. Mrs. Harrv Fenieal, of Royalton, re ceived word yesterday that her brother, l)r. Allen Kutherfoid, was ill with an attack of appendicitis at the hospital at Pottsville, She left yesterday aft ernoon in her automobile for that place. .She stopped at Annville, where she was joined by her brother, Joseph, who is a student at Lebanon Valley College. Mrs. John Stotz, who has been ill at her home, Catherine and Stale streets, for the past several weeks, is convalescing. Harry White wi!t move from his property on Wilson s.reet to the hotel property on Ann street, formerly occu i'ie l by John Haas. The latter moved ! iiis goods to Steelton. Mrs. -Jacob Hingeiy of Willianisport, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Samuel Klnwanskv, Kniaus street. The M. E. Sunday school and the Riverside chapel Sunday school are pre i paring plans for a big rally day to be held the last Sunday vii March. Spe cial efforts will be made to make it a ; banker day for Methodism in Middle- I town. A line program will be arranged tor the occasion. Both schools have a membership of between eight and nine hundred. Mrs. Harry Rudy, who fell down a ! l!i:;!n of steps at her home at Lititz ! ami brokt hei arm, is somewhat im proved and her mother, Mrs. I*'. W. My ' ers, is spending some time with her. Mrs. Beujami 11 Fisliburn is ill at her I home on Spring street. The car company is hauling the dirt : frftm Ihe ph.:. of ground where the old I'ennsylvauia railroad station stood to the old |"pe null ground. Since the double house has been moved away by llarrv Haunbach several teams have b ii put to hauling. The house pur chased b\ Mr. Baumbach from the car co ". any will be moved shortly to Pine street, where a foundation has been built for it. WEST FAIRVIEW Charity and Evangelistic Worlt of the | Metliodist and U. S. Churches s'i M'.l ( or, espotnlence. West Fairview, Fib. 4.—The Metho dist and United Brethren churches arc not only co-operating in evangelistic v.ork, but have also united in tle<|ue. ; was granted by Ihe of- 1 f; .a! buar.l of the church at their recent ' ir cling. V:-s. K 'ward stair visited her sister,! Mrs. Aniavd-: Krb, at II irrisbarg. .Mi-s Margaret Krb, 6# Hiruniini,! : s guest or her aunt, Mrs. H. B. Me-! A nuriber of per-ons met at the j home : i Mrs. Tolbert, on Front street yesrc : ;i v al'tcnoou to pray with her on "lier birthday and nc< ompanied their pra' . , s with useful gifts. Mrs. McConley, of Shiremanstown" is snendin.• a few weeks with Mrs. Israel; Smith, Front street. MEGHAITIOSBURG Harold Wrisli': stone and Miss Iva Det wiler Married at Hagerstown C r-< si>. nde.lve. Mechaiiir:■bun:, Feb. 4.—Everybody | hailed wil-h delight the change in the v. eat her. Coa: ting is again being ex tensively indii.ged in by our young pco- ; pie. \ few sleighs are out. On Saturday, January "ISO. Harold i Wnghtstone, a son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 William Wrightstorie, West Mftin street! and Miss Iva ('. Detwiler, of Annville, were united in marriage. The ceremonv took place in Hagerstown. Md. They are DULL SPIIIIING, * SICK HEADACHE Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve At Once — 10 Cents a Package Vou take a Dr. James' Headache Powder and in just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and pain lades away. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve-racking. Send someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. Quit suffer ing—it's so needless. Be sure you get Dr. James' Headache Powders—then there will be no disappointment.—Adv. students in Lebanon Yallev College, members of the class of 1917. Much regret is felt that the time is drawing near for the closing of the evangelistic campaign. Each day the interest grows deeper and more general. A large delegation is expected from Ilarrisburg this evening. Much pleasure is anticipated in the hearing of the Ringing of a large number of the Stough evangelistic choir, who will come-from Harrisburg this evening. To morrow will be business and professional men's day. All stores, offices . and business houses wiil be closed in the afternoon. The men will meet in Franklin hall and march to the tabernacle in a body. Several persons from this place at tended the McCormack recital in liar- I risburg last evening. During the past several' dajrs there ' were numerous falls and taany persons I received slight bruises, but few receiv i ed serious injuries. Miss Katharine Hess : is suffering with an injured arm, the fUgaments of which wore torn in a fall ion the icy sidewajk and yesterday I George Fitzgerald fell and sprained his ' arm. An interesting W. C. T. IJ. confer ence was held yesterday afternoon at the home of the county president, Mrs. Alice S. llauck, youth Market street. Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Miller Bpent Tues day with Carlisle relatives. Henry Morrison is very ill at his home 011 East Green street. NEW CUMBERLAND Woolen Company Ships Ho Cases of Blankets to New York Special Correspondence. Now Cumberland, Feb. 4. —Children are enjoying the good sledding and skating on the sidewalks. I llarry Snyder, Market street, has purchased one of (he tiew brick houses erected by Contractor John Brinton, on Fifth street, and is moving into it. The Susquehanna Woolen .Mill ship ped twenty cases of blankets to New i'ork yesterday. Miss Dorothy Davis, of Ilarrisburg, is a guest of Miss Nellie Taylor. John Whye and Miss Emma Walton, of Middletown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sunday. Miss Lillian Beach, 407 South Thir-1 teenth street, Ilarrisburg, was a guest of Miss Miriam Lenhart, Geary street, several days. Miss Alary Sutton, of Hogestown, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mollie Harlack er, Water street. Miss Ivy Klinck, who has beeu vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Jesse Sipe, several days, has returned to her home in Me chanicsburg. Hoy Met arty, Mrs. E. D. Kinitlr'aud sons, Merl and Clyde, of Ilarrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Atland, of Reno street, Sunday. Mi«s .Margaret Ksnuger,'Miss Janet Kasson and .Miss Esther Kirk, of liar lisburg, were guests of Miss Esther Fisher, of Be!lavista,/on Sunday. ■ NEWVILLE j Members of Church of C-od Surprise Pr.stor and Wife Special Correspondence. Newville, Feb. 4. —The Uev. 1". N. Parson, pastor of the Church of God, and wife were the recit .cuts of a dona- ' tion on Saturday evening when sev-1 enty-live members and friends of the i church gathered at their home, laden with provisions. Among other gifts j they received two rocking chairs -»nd , a number of the men members of the j ! church presented the Uev. Mr. Parson | j with a sum of money. The lie v. (4. M. Heed, D. D., the i*ev. ' j P. T. Wheeler, Mrs. Edward Hays, Mrs. j-lolm \\oodburn and Misses Emma I Lra-cey and Surah Myers are spending J;i few days tins week in Philadelphia j attending the ''Soul Winning Confer-*"! j once" being held by the United Pros | i byterian hnroil. Miss Elizabeth Miller, of Elizabeth town, visited at her home in this place | over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Heffleflnger, of Vineland, N. J., httve been visiting iat the home of t!:oir daughter, Mrs. i David Martin, in the South ward. DAUPHIN Revival Services Ccntinue in United Evangelical Church .Special Correspondence. 1 Dauphin, Feb. 4.—The Uev. 11. C. j Lais. ju>'.or of the I'r.ted Evangelical i i hiirch, is continuing his revival serv- j I ices tliis week. | Mi.-s Lottie Conrad, of Ue.rsiiey, was | the guest of 'Miss Oneida Fertig, on I I Tuesday. I. 1.. Lang attended the funeral of i | Ins cousin, Mrs. Catherine Fry, at j i Ksvliol, on Friday. M. Maud Kennedy spent Sundav , I iv it li Misi Ruth Kidler, Millersburg." Mrs. Sarah Kennedy litis returned I from a visit to her son," McCleltan Ken | uedy, Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Unite- Spee.'e, of Speeceville, ! ;o u t Wednesday vi.th her mother, 'Mrs. ! Mary ( ofrode. . HALIFAX Word Received of Death of Martin Ash baugh at Duquosne t Sp»,'.al Cnri espoiiiionii-. - 1 ; Halifax, Feb. 4. W. Eisen ! liower, of near Matamoras, was a visit or t > town on Wednesday. Word lias been received here of the death of Martin Ashbr.ugli at Diiquense ..Tuesday night. Mr. Aslibangh was mar- I ried to Miss lva Bailey, a Halifax girl, j who survives. Mrs. Ashbaugh's sister, ! Miss Esther Bailey, has gene to Du HUensi to attend the funeral. Andrew B-udd, of Wil!iamstown, was in town on business Wednesday. The Halifax jostortiie has been re papered by Philip,Etzweiler. Mrs. Annie Keiter, of Jacksonville, I is visiting at the home of her daugh-1 ter, Mrs. Isaiah Potteiger. MILLERSTOWN Special Correspondence. Millerstown, Feb. 1. —Foster Bol linger, a student at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., is home on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Crane are visit ing their daughter, Mrs. George Lent, in Parkersburg, W. Va Raymond Wagner, of Lemoyne, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. "and Mrs. L. F. Wagner. Eighteen persons were received as members in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. Miss Sarah Noll was a visitor in Newport on Monday. Watch Your Children Often children db not let parents know they are constipated. Thev fear some thing distasteful. They will like Kexall Orderlies—a mild laxative that tastes like sugar. Sold only by us, 10 cents. George A. Gorges. \ WHAT WEAKyCYES NEED A FREE PRESCRIPTION Tired, weak, work-strained' eyes need care and a chance to regain their health and strtength. People carelessly neglect eyes. SoXow know what to do for them. Think now many home remedies' you know for your other troubles and how few for your eyes. Here is a pre scription,—a simple, harmless home remedy that has been used successfully by thousands. The next time your eyes trouble you try It: Get from H. C. Ken nedy or any druggist a tube of grain optona tablets, drop one tnblet Into two ounces of water and use from 2 to 4 times a day to bathe the eyes. Optona and water make a soothing, healing, cooling lotion that brings quick relief and makes (lie eyes and lids feel smooth and comfortable. This prescription can be used without fear and it gives sur prising ro3ii 11 s iii many cases. It sharp ens th.' vision. Invigorates, strengthens and tones up the eyes. Many reports show that some who use it have laid aside glasses they have K worn for a long time. —'Adv. EVANGELISTI EXCUSES Mechanicsburg Tabernacle Visited by Delegations From Neighboring Towns Last Night" Meclinniosiburg, Feb. 4.—The taber nacle service begun last evening as usual with a service of\song. Visiting delegations from Elierly's Mi>Ms and Middlesex were present. Tlw> choir sang "Why Not Now," for tme Eber ly.'s Mills people, and "All, Hail Inf manuel" for Middlesex. After a sea son of song, the Rev. Ge >rge M. Fulton let in prayer- The Scripture lesion, the latter part of the tenth chapter of Mark, was read by the Rev. L. M. Dice. Then Miss Cree sung a solo, with feeling. Eva-ngeiist Miller's sermon was on the subject of excuses. The text, which was from Psalm XXXIX., verse 7, "And Now, Ijord, What Wait 1 For? My Hope is in Thee.'' Mr. Miller said: "Every Christian has had some trouble to be one. It is easy to be bad, but not 'easy to be good. All great leaders in j every department of life have fought great batties. All achievements are hard. Blind Bartimeus had one oppor tunity to find Jesus and have his eyes opened. Every one of us has hail at least one opportunity to have Jesus open our spiritual eyes. The preacher now compared the person in spiritual blindness with Bartimeus. First, the sinner must realize that he is blind, and he must believe that Jesus can open his eyes. The blind man's belief led to his receiving his sight. The sin ner's faith will save him, also. God's promises are sure. When you accept his promises von are saved. 'Time to consider' is one of the excuses, 'Fear of acting under excitement,' 'Not quite ready,' 'Belief in predestination,' 'Too low down to be saved,' 'Don't un derstand how walking forward in a meeting can bring salvation,' 'Afraid of not holding out,' 'Don't feel like be coming a Christian,' are the most gen erally offered excuses." Mr. Miller answered each excuse with very convincing arguments and illustra , tions. lie left no shred of excuse for, ! the unsaved. I The building was well filled, and the I hearers listened with interest. At the conclusion of the service, during tho j hinging of invitation hymns, thirty-sov jen accepted salvation." Among 'them j wero young and old, in some instances | parents with sons and daughters. ■ This evening, about 400 members of | I the Cvtough choir are expected. The j 1 regular choir will occupy seats in the rear of the tabernacle, thus vacating the choir loft for the visiting choir. I AUTO VICTIM A3KS $125,000 Mrs. Smith Sues Town for Husband's! Death and Her -Injuries New York, Feb. 4.—Suit for $125,-! 000 damages was brought in the !Su- | preine Court at White Plains yesterday by Mrs Jennie Smith, of Pclham,! against tlio town of White Plains for j the death of her husband, Dominick ! Smith, a wealthy contractor, and in juries to herself. Mrs. Smith asks $25,000 damages i ! for personal injuries suffered when tile | automobile in which she was riding! | with her husband was wrecked on the I | Old Mameroneck road, Augtist 30. She ! demands SIOO,OOO foi the death of Mr. j j Smith. She alleges that :i culvert was! J in .■{ condition that caused the wreck, j BABY SAYRE AIDS BELGIANS | Grandaunt Gives .sl<> to Fund in White House Infant's Name Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 4.—The "New j Era}." the local recipient of Belgian j I relief funds, received a check of S3O for the sufferers yesterday from Miss ! Blanche Nevin, sculptress. Art accom- j panying letter credits $lO each to ! Miss Nevin and sister. Miss Alice Nov- ! in. also of Lancaster, the other $lO be- j i ing credited to Master Francis Say re, | | grandson of President Wilson. • | The baby's father, Francis I>. Sayre, jis a nephew of the Misses Nevin. It j i was from the Nevin home that the first I ! intimation came of his engagement to | I President Wilson 's daughter. • A Personal Statement There are so-called "honey and tar" j | preparations that cost the dealer half an much but sell at the same price as the original and genuine Foley's Honey | i and T.ir Compound. We never offer' 1 these imitations and substitutes. Wo j know you will buy Foley's whenever you need a cough syrup if you once use it. People come long distances for j the true FOLEY'S—over thirty years j the leading remedy for coughs, colds,, croup, whooping cough, bronchial and | lagrippe coughs,—George A. Gorgas, 16 j North Third street, P. R. R. Station.— i Adv. Fugitive Settles on Arrest Jenkinfown, Pa., Feb. 4.—Detective (MarcateUi, of Tamaqua, yesterday ar rested D-ominico Michael, a fugitive, here, on larceny charges preferred by a woman of that city, and involving goods worth about SIOO. The charges were later withdrawn when some of tho stolen articles were returned and compensation for the others, and the costs paid. Lancaster Fanners Busy With Tobacco' Marietta, Feb. 4. —The farmers in this section of Lancaster county the past few days have been hard at work finishing stripping and packing their to bacco and removing it. Many have sold at ten for leaf and two and a-half cents for fillers, which is a good figure. Aged Miilersville Woman Dies Millersville, Feb. 4. —Mrs. Abraham Shopf, 79 years old, died yesterday from infirmities of age. She' was a member Of the Me-nuonite church. Be sides her husband there survive seven children, thirteon grandchildren, two i brothers and two sisters. C. V. NE VKS JUDGE CARRIES OUT THREAT BK SENDING THIEF TO PEN Ctmberland County Court Is Not In clined to Deal Lightly With Fellows Who Bob Chicken Coops—Warns Iron Thief . Carlisle, Feb. 4. —Pursuant to the T leal IIP made » week or more ago that he will impose penitentiary sen tences in all chicken thieving cases, Judge Sadler yesterday sent Branard Gieason to the pen lor a term of from one j ear to fifteen months. Greason had been convicted by a jury of steal ing chickens from the hennery of R 10 Shearer. ■^.1 0-year-old 1 lad who confessed to stealing railroad iron and selling it to local junk dealers, Judge Sadler said he also felt should lie sent tjo the pen, al though he finally decided to give the boy a chance to reform by paroling him for sixty days. TWO OLD PEOPLE DIED Hagerstown Man Expires While Visit ing His Daughter Waynesboro, Feb. 4.—Mrs. Susan E. Cammaek died at 11.45 o'clock Tues day night at her home, 20 4 West Sec ond street, aged 86 years, 9 months and 4 days. Death was due to the infirmities of age. She had been in failing health for the last year, but was confined to her bed only two days before her death. Daniel O. (3rum, Hagerstown, died at 1 o clock yesterday morning at the home of his (laughter, Mrs. E. W. Ma tliias, 222 West Sixth street, from a complication of diseases, aged 78 years, 8 months and 21 days. Mr. and Mrs. Crum came to Waynes boro several weeks ago to visit their daughter, Mrs. Mathias. Mr. Crum had been in failing health since March last. Bankers Plrfn Meeting Chambersburg, Feb. 4.—At a meet ing of the executive committee of Group 5 of the Pennsylvania Bankers' Association held at the Washington Tuesday evening arrangements were made {'or the entertainment of the bankers here on Washington's Birth day, February 22. There are 175 banks belonging to Group 5, situated in Ad ams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lancaster, York, Leba non, Mifflin and Perry counties. George ill. Stewart, president of the Valley National bank, is chairman of Grcftip 5 and Andrew S. Patterson, of Harrisburg, is secretary. F. A. Zim merman, of the Chambersburg Trust Company, is chairman of the executive committee, which is composed of Trust. Officer Kiester, of the Harrisburg Trust Company; Walter Stewart, vice presi dent of the Farmers' bank, Carlisle; H. 11. Ulrich, of the Farmers' Trust • Company, Lebanon, and S. J. Sholl, cashier of the Second National bank, Mechanicsburg. *■ Mrs. Abigail Miller Dead Gettysburg, Feb. 4. — > r rs. Abigail ! Miller, one of tlie oldest residents of I Huntington township, died on Tuesday morning at G. 30 o'eolck at the home !of her son, John Miller, near York I Springs. She was 90 years old. Mis. Miller had been in her usual health until ..bout a week ago, when she contracted a severe cold. Compli cations set in and her condition grew gradually more serious, her "death finally ! resulting on Tuesday. Falls From Hospital Window Hagerstown, Md., Feb. 4. —Lewis D. Svester, Hagerstown lawyer and for ! mer member of the Maryland Legisla j ture, fell from a window in the Wash ington County hospital yesterday. His ' back was broken. He was being treat ed for injuries sustained several months j j ago when lie fell from a thiid-story I porch. Iron Works Fail Waynesboro, Feb. 4.—The West - I minster Metal & Foundry Co., located j j in Westminster, Md., Tuesday made up- J I plication for receivers to the Carroll county courts anil George H. Arraaeost, of the Waynesboro Metal & Foundry j Co., was made receiver, with Attorney i ! Weant, Westminster, as co-receiver. , ! PASSES EASY DIVORCE LAW Nevada Assembly Responds to Demand With Big Majority Carson Citv, Nov., Feb. 4.—The As- ; ! sembly passed the easy divorce bill by [ I a big majority yesterday in response j jto the State-Wid" demand for the ] ''good old days" at Reno. Special train* from Reno and other j ! parts of the State were run to this 1 | city'by business *• men's organizations! and the Capitol was crowded with I '•boosters" for the return to the six i months' residence requirement. The action of the Senate is eagerly • awaited. Wholesale Liquor Dealer Dies Marietta, Feb. 4. J. Wayne Tlol j linger, 40 years old, one of the best; known men in the county, diod at his; ! homo in Lancaster yesterday from a | complication of diseases, lie curriel. ion the tailoring businessjnanv years j I and at the time of his death was a j j wholesale liquor dealer. He was a mem j I ber of several secret societies and of j tho Episcopal church. His widow ami j one brother survive. Royal Arcanum Holds Social Marietta, Feb. 4. —Chiques. Council, No. 1825, Royal Arcanum, yesterday held a social in their hall which was attended by a number of prominent members of the order. Refreshments were served and games of all kinds were indulged in. Chiques Council is one of the lafgest councils in the State for the size of the town and recently won a State prize for gain iu member j ship. '"ONESPOONFUL ENOUGH" SAYS DRUGGIST Geo. A. Gorgas, druggist, 16 North Third street and Pennsylvania Railroad Station, states that the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as Adler-i-ka, is causing great surprise because just ONE SPOONFUL relieves constipation, sour or gassy stomach almost IMMEDIATELY. It is so thorough a bowel cleanser that it is used successfully in appendicitis. Ad ler-i-Ua acts on BOTH lower and upper j bowel and the INSTANT effect is as- j tonishing. It never gripes and is per fectly safe to use.—Adv. HOW TO GET RID OF DYSPEPSIA Don't Rely on Medicine; Don't Go on Freak Diet; Co.nmon Sense and an Antacid Usually All That Are Needed "If you have dyspepsia, incngestion, stun* stomach, belching, distress after eating, heartburn or any other stomach trouble due to hyperacidity (the usual cause of stomach troubles), you should take no medicine to act upon tho stom ach itself. That is positively not tin* way to cure the trouble. .• .train, you should ri*ot half starve yourself by v,n iny: without the luitritious food that you need to rebuild waste tissues. Some foods are not' «;ood foe people even when in perfect health—very rich, swtet, highly seasoned dishes. Avoid these, but eat fairly substantial meals of phnn foods. Eat slowly. Kven if you drink nothing but water, you should not drink with meals. Drink before and after eating. Do not take pepsin or other artificial digestants, if you follow the foregoing simple in structions it is probable that you will not need any medicine at all except, if you want to call it medicine, a little antacid after meals. The best antacid is ordinary bism uteri magnesia, which be purchased at any drug store. I his is not to act upon the stomach out on the contents of the stomach, i he antacid, a£ you can learn by con suiting your dictionary or encyclope (lia, is merely to neutralize or counter* act the excess acid so tlie stomach can digest the food normally. Take a tea spoonful of bisurated magnesia in a lit tle cold or hot water after each meal. You should get immediate relief, even ir your case is severe. Careful, mod erate eating and the use of bisurated magnesia shohld put your stomach iu normal condition in a short time; if you have not allowed dyspepsia to advance to the extreme stage of developing stomach ulcers.—Adv. CONFERENCE TO FiX 1915 EUROPEAN R.R. SCHEDULES Munich, Bavaria, Feb. 4, Via Lon don, 10.5S A. M.—Tlie European rail way schedule conference, to fix sched ules for the summer of 1915, is at present holding its regular annual meeting here The first session took place yesterday. Representatives of all the German and Austro-Hungarian state railroads, as well as the larger privately owned railroads in these countries, are present, as is also a representative of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Other countries represented are Den mark. Italy, Luxembourg, Norwav, Sweden, Switzerland and Holland. The delegates in all total 120 men. The session of yesterday was opened by a speech from the Bavarian Min ister of Railroads, who declared that the freight traffic of Germany was at present only slightly below the normal, and that passenger traflic was over 75 per gent, of what it has been for tho corresponding period of last year. There was a steady demand for in creased schedules, the Minister de clared, and a further betterment iu the summer should be expected. THE RED CROSS Its Real Origin Dates to Napoleon's Italian Campaign of 1850 The Red Cross owes, its real origin to the great and terrible campaign of 1859, when Napoleon made it his boast that he would free Italy "from the Alps to the Adriatic." At the great / battle of Magenta 10.000 Austrian* and some 5,000 French soldiers were left dead and dying on the fields. A Swiss gentleman, named M. Henri Dun ant, made a pilgrimage to that battlefield and was an involuntary eyewitness of the awful carnage of the battle of Solferino, a battle which last ed some sixteen hours and left some 30,000 dead and wounded, llonri Du nant realized that the medical service of what was probably the greatest army in the world was absolutely in adequate to cope with the casualties. and ho was at once compelled to takd* | dome action to rectify the matter. The result was that he wrote a small book for private circulation, en- I titled "I'll Souvenir de Solferino," and this, with his private appeal, resulte! j in Napoieon 111. commanding Dunant ; to his presence, where, with the groat : Mar.-ohai MaeMaihon, they seriously I talked matters over. The result of this was a conference j of the powers, called together by the | Swiss federal government, ✓at which i Henri Dunant placed his proposals, j Out of this Geneva conference of ISR4 ' resulted the Geneva convention, under i which nil metiical supplies and person ' nel in war time are protected. Falls With Lantern; Barn Burns Quakertown, Pa., Feb. 4. Working j in the hay loft, of his large bank barn j Tuesday night, Adam Claar, of near j l'aletcwn, fell to the first floor with a j lighted lantern, which exploded. Flames destroyed tho structure and cro[>s. The i livestock was saved. The loss is $3,000, partly insured. Exchange Pold for Notes j Leipzig, Germany, Feib. 4, via Lon ! don, 10.5!* M.—ln response to an | appeal made by the Leipzig "Tnge | blatt" a total of 19,197 persons have j brought 1,023,011 marks in gold to i this newspaper to be exchanged for ] bank notes. The gold has been turned over to the Reichs bank. /'"■ " ' * « ' ■ '■*« j! Directory of Leading Hotels of Harrisburg THEPLAZA J2J-423 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. At the Entrance to the I'. K. R. s«.aiio» EUROPEAN PLAN r. B. ALDINGER, .PropriatjOi The Metropolitan Strictly European For something good to eat. Every thing iu season. Servit? the best. Prices the lowest. HOTEL VICTOR No. 25 3outh Fourth Street Direi'tlj oppoMite tulou Sc.yioo, r quipped with till Modern Improve. OICUIM; runuiu K \witer iu every rooii| 1 Hue l>n(li t perfectly nnnilar> ; nicely ilurutuhed throughout. Hnt-* moderate. European Plan. JOSEPH aiUSTi, Proprietor.