The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 04, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Program of Enjoyable Features Ren
dered With Viclin Selections by
Miss S.ira Lemer and Ta:k on Trees
by Irviu S. Williams
A very delightful mcoti 11 *i of the j
Vnited State,-- Paughters. 1812, wa> ;
held tli,is afternoon at t!ie residence of|
.Mrs. Frank Hell, 231 North Sson 1
street Among the enjoyable feat are* [
•»f afternoon's program were the violin
!■ >los by Mis* .Nirn Lemer whose repa- j
tation extends far beyond the limits of
her native county, and who lie. or |
j>!ayed with more artistic touch or morel
delicate interpretation Mian to-day. i
The talk oil " Pennsylvania V Trees'" j
liv Irvin S. Williams, of the State For
e-try Department, was a masterly han
dling of a subject with which the
>eaker was perfectly familiar. There
are few people in the .State as well
qualified as Mr. Williams to speak on
tii'is particular theme. There were vari
ous reports given during the business
portion of the program. -Mrs. James
Jin r r Mersereau, chairman of the Pail-'
nuthropic Committee, gave a report on
the charitable work done by the so-[
<:iety since its last meeting. Mrs. Ma
bel ( ionise Jones, Regent, who pre-!
sided at the meeting, re|«orted the Stat,-'
Conference which she and Mrs. Merse
reau attended in Philadelphia last week.!
The National meeting will he held in
New Vork City the last week of April,
and a new President National will then
lie elected.
Mrs. Robert Hall Wiles, of Riverside,'
Illinois, will very probal'oly be the new
President National, as she has a wide
acquaintance, is a woman of remarkable,
ability and has time and means to de-j
vote to the work of the organization.!
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Mersereau and Mrs.;
Solomon Hinev, Jr., of Stee'ton, will be j
the delegates to the National Oonven-1
' ion from the Keystone Chapter. Mrs.;
Finnov gave a recitation in her own!
inimitable style, and Current Events |
were discussed by Mrs. Jones, as usual.,
Considerable business of minor import- i
unee was disposed of and after tbe sing- !
ing of "Star Spangled Banner'' the;
members were entertained at luncheon ]
by the chairman of hostesses, Mrs. j
Frank Bell, an l her assistauts. Mrs. j
Frederick L. Morgan thaler and Mrs.
■Humes Hall.
Lebanon Valley Students Elope
A Lebanon Valley College romance
culminated very happily Saturdav at
IHagerstown, Md., when" Miss Iva Det
■weiler, daughter c.f Mr. and Mrs. John
1 letweiler, of Anuville, and Harold l\.
W rightstone, of Mechaiiiesburg, were
married by the Rev. Allan F. Moore,
pastor of the Washington Square
Methodist church.
Mr. Wrightstone is a Senior and Miss
1 let weiler a Sophomore and both will
finish out their terms at college this
spring. Mr. and Mrs. Wrightstone ill
tended to keep their marriage a secret 1
until June, but when they arrived at
Annville from Hagerstown they found
a host of friends at the train to meet
tin in. They were given an especially
cordial reception by their classmates.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Moore en
tertained the assistant draftsmen of;
the Department of Forestry and their
inends at their home in New Cumbe
land Tuesday evening. This is the
1 fth reception Mr and Mrs. Moore
have given for the employes of the
department and was quite a pleasant ,
affair. Dinner was served at 7 o'clock. I
after which music and five hundred I
were enjoyed.
Those present were Misses Ruth
Klcckner, Rae Knier, of Overview;
Filth Lang, Ruth Kilmore. Iowa; Irene'
*W'agner. Ksther Findlay, Marv Ross,
U arrislmrg; Mr. and Mrs. Miiinma. of
< atn]i Hill, Mary Moore, Irma Moore.
AV. Gard Conklin, Maurice Neestiif, j
- '•s-t'-. .» 11
1\ / ■ ■ - —^.^7/,
. Why Is POSTUM '' j
Replacing Coffee? j
People ;ire waking up to the harmful effects of the powerful drug—caf
feine—-in coffee, which poisons the system, often resulting in nervousness,
heart flutter, headache, biliousness and many other ills and discomforts.
The pure food-drink, Postun?, is absolutely drug-free—made only of the
choicest wheat and a hit of wholesome molasses. It contains no caffeine or
other harmful elements.
If you doubt that coffee hurts you, a sure test is to leave'it off for 10 days
and use Postum. It's an easy change, too, for Postum tastes much like the
mild, high-grade Javas. As the coffee-drug is eliminated from vour svstem
your own feelings will suggest Postum and better health.
Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum—must be boiled, 15c and 25c
packages; Instant Postum—soluble form, made in the cup with hot water in
stantly, 30c and 50c tins.
Hoth kinds are equally delicious, and the cost per cup is about the same.
"There's a Reason"
Sold bv Grocers everywhere.
i James K. McNeal, Edward Smith, J. j
I W. Keller and Maurice. Cleary.
i Recital of Indian Music
A recital of Indian music will be
given iu the chapel of Uraee M. E.
church Monday evening under tiie aus
pices of the (ju"en Esther Circle. An
interesting program has been arranged
for the recital, iu^which traditional
; melodies of the American Indian as
i they appeal to the composer of to-day
I wiii have a large place.
Those who will participate in the
I program are Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee,
Mrs. William K. Bunvbniigh, Mrs. Wil
-1 bur F. Harris. Miss Belle Middaugh,
Mrs. 1,. Bent Weaver. Miss Mary Wor
; ley, Miits Sara Lemer, tieorge Suttou
i and Prof. Henry W. Stratton.
Dinner for Governor Brumbaugh
Deputy Attorney General ami Mrs.
William Milton Hargest, 113 Reily
'street, entertained at dinner last even
] ing complimentary to Governor Mar
i tin G. Brumbaugh.
The guests included Governor Brum- ;
haugli, Attorney General Brown.
Charles 11. Bergner, George Wolte
Reily, Jr., John F. Oiilp, M. D., John
Brady, Senator Edward K. Heidleman,
Jesse E. B. Cunningham, Ex-Sena'or
j John E. Fox, Judge Thomas S. liar
i gest. J. V. W. Revnders, Lesley Mr
, Oreath and Judge George Kuiikcl.
1 Given by Central Democratic Club in i
Board of Trade Auditorium
More than five hundred guests at
tended the entertainment and dance
given in the Board of Trade auditorium
i last evening by the Central Democratic j
i t'lub.
A one-act conie.iy sket.h, entitled A
Rehearsal at Ten," preceded the dance;
ami was [ resented by the Mooienead
Entertainment Company, composed oi
j the following:
| Harry Davis, John Karlev, William
! Miller, Clarence Cuddy, llarrv 'Mark,
' Farle Bare, Guino Fox, Bernard Lloyd,
'Hattie Nelson, l.ucetta Lutz, Fannie I
i Walls, Kathryn Radio, Mrs. Harry Da-,
j vis, Kathryn Schreffler and Lillian
' Goodyear. The production was given j
| under the direction of George W. !
| Deiker.
The committee in charge of the affair
i included Christian Nauss, 'Harry Reel,
] Calvin Koon, Harry Volmer, Samuel
Taylor, Hoivard Jones and Charles Erb.
Ceremony Was Performed at Baltimore,
Yesterday By the Rev. Mr. Rossiter
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wheeler, 2314
Jefferson street, announce the marriage
of their daughter, Mary E. Wheeler, to
Charles A. shadle, 2-140 Jefferson
street, which took place yesterday iu
Baltimore, Md. The Rev. Joel I. Ros
siter, pastor of the First Reformed
church, oflieiating.
The bride wore a traveling suit ot
' lark blue with hat to match and a
corsage of valley lilies and sweet peas. .
After an extended wedding trip Mr.
and Mis. shadel will lie at home to
their friends at 2440 Jefferson street, i
Mrs. Aaron Brown Hostess
Mys. .\aron Brown, 122t> Christian
street, entertaiued the Wednesday Five •
Hundred ( Inb, at her home yesterday
. afternoon. Those present were:
Mrs. Andrew Kiefer, Mrs. Philip l
Hall, Mrs. Carl Wretman, Mrs. Fred |
Loudon, Miss Mabel Morrow, Mrs. Bus- J
sell Balsley, Mrs. Daisy Morrow, Mrs.
William Graham, Mrs. K. Markley, ot j
Steeitou, and Mrs. William H. Drink
Memorial Service Sunday
A memorial service for Miss Grace!
Dodge, who died recently, will be held i
iu the John V. Boyd Memorial Hall of
the \ . W. C. A. on Su:iday afternoon '
at 3.30 o'clock. Mrs. F. Z. Wallower!
will bo in charge of the service ami '
Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones will give the
. memorial address.
I Am One of Many Living Examples |
| That Grey Hair Can fie Restored
to Natural Color and Beauty
Let me send you free full information '
that will enable you to restore your:
Grey Hair to the natural «? >lor and 1
beauty ' " nuth. no matter what your!
ape or tne cause of
your greyness. It is :
friend I found an '
-y actually restored my j
\ / hair to the natural .
>£••. color of girlhood in '
-- v a surprisingly short I
time. And so I have arranged to give
i full instructions absolutely free of!
: charge to any reader of this* paper who !
' wishes to restore the natural shade of j
youth to any jyrey, bleached 01 faded \
. hair without use of any si easy, i
sticky or injurious dyes or stains, ami !
without detection. 1 pledge success no
matter how many thing* have failed. !
Perfect success with both sexes and all;
So cut out the coupon below and I
send me your name and address, (stat
in;; whether Mr.. Mrs. or Mis 0 and on
close two-cent stamp for return post
age and I will .send you full particu
lars that will make it unnecessary f.»r
i you* lo ever have a grey hair again.
I Address Mis. Mary K. Chapman, Suite
] So- X. Urdsveno: Hldg.. Providence. R. I.
I THIS FREE COUPON i 111 ill <8 j
any read
ier of tiie ilarrisluirg %tar-tnd-epend- j
ent to receive free of charge Mrs.
Chapman's complete instructions to
II restore j»rey hair to natural color
i and beauty of youth. Cut this off
, and pin to your letter. Good for in»-
j mediate only; 2-cent stamp for j
:>bstage required. Address Mrs. Mary 1
K. Chapman. Suite 862 X. GrosvenoV j
! i Hldg.. .Providence K. 1.
SPHCITH XOTICK: Hve7y~iTiuier of
this paper, man or woman, who wishes |
to be without grey hair for the rest
of their life is advised to accept above i
liberal olT«*r at once. Mrs. Chapman's
high standing proves the sincerity of
her offer.—Adv.
! "
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mrs. Roxanna Brisbane Robertson,
of Hartford, Conn., after a western
visit is spending the week-end with
Mrs. Harry W. Miller, 217 Emerald
Miss ly»:a Kalon lias returned to
Willies-ilia rre after spending several
( weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
FVank Katun. F'dgemont.
.Mr. and iMtrs.' Charles Maxßeld, ot
Oleria, Ohio, who have been the guests
of t'a;tain S. T. Moore and family,
314 Reno avenue. New Cumberland, for
the past week, have gone to Boston,
Miss Margaret B-.irnliart, 322 Kel
~ker street, is routined at her ho>ine with
.Miss Ediki Weaver, 258 South See- I
ond street, has returned front Ilageis- 1
{own, Mil.
Miss Bessie ickels, 18 .North Tlrir '
i tee nth street, and Miss Esther Areh, j
i 10y 1 Cowden street, spent the week-j
I end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bach, Me
! elianiesburg.
Mrs. F. Kay Croll, 2223 .North Third ;
street, who is visiting at Uocii.'ster, N. j
V., will leave next week for a stay at i
| St. Petersburg, fieri.ln.
A. Fisher Russell, of Washington, U. j
C\, quartermaster's agent of the f'nitc I |
I States army transport .Sumner, at Vera
i Cruz, Mexico, and Galveston, Texas, is I
j the guest of his mother, Mrs. A. L.
j ltussell, of tlie Donaldson apartments. I
Mr. ami Mrs. K. Koons, 2040 Penn ]
street, are guests of relatives at Ship-'
I pensburg.
John Kornev. Si North Seventeenth j
| street, lias returned from West V.r-'
Mrs. Lewis Stroud, 1701 Regina i
, streeit, lias gone to Sun bury tu visit i
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Morntz an.l
children, of Witliisia, Kan., are guests
$75,000 Worth of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Bedding, Crockery, Jewelry, Trunks and Bags, also
Clothing for the entire family, at just ONE-HALF their original price and the privilege of having your bill I
charged if you wish. •}
We must have room for our Spring and Summer Goods that are bought. This is an opportunity of your !
life to get SI.OO worth for 50c. >'
Why wait until April for that Dining-room Suit, that Bedroom Suit or Carpet or anything you need? 1 j
"A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Earned." i|
No February Furniture Sale
This Beautiful Buffet, A Special Quartered Oak
48 Inches long, With Fronch , ! Bllffst, ji
Pia«o Mirror 14x38 Inchon, 42 Inches long, Worth S2B, for j|
plank top, tull quartered oak, mw r ~ ij
'drawers and closet, like picture, fl f 1 W - A Oh
worth $35.00 and a good value at 11 J [q V ■ j|
that. Special Sale Price. , 1 , „ T . __ ;i
/• AO Don t Wait Until April for J'
Jfe | ' "©> Values Like This, Especially ;
When Your Credit is Good. II
! SPECIALS IN FULL DINMG-RGQiI SUSTS—Same Proportion of Reduction j
CM f 'j flFlff* Styles of the Mew Pillar Extension Tables at j
$9.98,512.98,514,515,516, $lB & S2O
j . USt ® ne ~^ Their Original Price.
Specials in Matting, Room-sized Rugs and everything- in these
; Four Great Stores at ONE-HALF their original price.
A 2-Quart Pure Aluminum Coffee Percolator
vit ' l ( ' ,> on.Vn .V handle, sold in nianv a store for $4.75 and as a great special
i W Mm*® for $1.98. OUR PRICE £3§fC !
fcl mIIM Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Separate Trousers at less than cost of cloth, j
' liCSSsii Ladies' Suits, Coats and Furs for the thrifty buyer. No strings or restrictions. You
can have your bill charged at these values.
LIE ■ > Our Location Means a G-reat Saving To You < JBf
mamcmmmmmmmmaemmmm UIWIIJCMIMPMMBU- •»
jof Mrs. James Satterman, 1016 Re-1
g;ina street, ai.-.l Mr. an.l Mrs. Elian!
| Mountz, 1700 Regimi street.
A. P. Frank, of Klizabethville, is i
j the gui st ot' his daughters, Mrs. Kl-!
\ mer I'arks and Kiln a Frank, 1342 |
' North s.xth street.
Mr. and Mrs. llarrv liote, 1520 Wal
lace strt i j, have rt'lu-rued from a visit
to Philadelphia and Lancaster.
MM. .la.-o!I Attiek, 1911 Penn street, 1
has returned from a trip to Philadel-'
t phia. . !
Airs. Peter Mail ien, 307 South Front'
strt i;, has returnt i from Yo:!i.
l.d.viu Uaum. !>22 North Second 1
strecr. is home ficm the Fniversity of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, tor a visit j
with his parents.
11 a ry 1 Tank, of 10'.'./.sbethville, has
returned after a w>,'h his tiisters,
Mrs. Elmer Parks and Miss Kdna j
IT;:!'.!., 1342 North Sixth street.
Mis. John CuHaliaii, of Clifton Forge, i
V*., is tlie guest of Mr. and Mrs. I'M
waid F. Duula;, 1507 Noi'tii Se.«ond •
•;t "ei
-M .. s Mav<jan\ .-ta'kpole has return-'
<-i f 19111 Sharon, Pa., where she was
the fillets." of lior winter, 'Mrs. Waiter
j ttiu'-u
Mifs Ivathc. ine I'Hiter, 20G Pine j
strrtr, left to-day on a visit to New
Voik and Princeton, X. J.
■Mirs. Daniel A. Barr, of Mi' iianics- j
villi*, N. V., has n. turned after a visit j
ivVh her purer.'!*, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1
Hi:Nr. 134 2 State ctreet.
Miss Clarabel Clastp SOl North 1
|j Second street, l'.as ret'.,d from Leb-j
.1. Wilbur Drawbaugh, of State Col
i lego, has resume 1 his studies after a 1
\ isi't with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. |
Eli Drawbaugh. 1813 North street. _ j
Mrs. Annie Douglass, of Phiiadel- I
| ilia, has returned aft*:' a visit with!
Mr. awd iMrs. Robert Douglass, 1620 '
1 Regima striet.
Miss Helen Batumi. 1404 Market I
; street, has returned from Lebanon. j
Mr. and Mrs. Flias Mount/., 1700 j
R gina street, have returned from |
1 Philadelphia. •
Mr. anil Mrs. Samuel Peace and
Mr. aiul Mrs. George Martin, of Pax
, tang, an.! Mrs. Ashton Peace, 2313,
j Derry street, have returned frorni \
I CofltcsviJle, where they attended the,
1 funeral of Harry Umsted.
Mr. and Mrs. Weir Seifert, of Me-1
' rhanicsburg. have returned from 11 visit
with Mrs. Eli C. Drawbaugh, 1813 1
1 North street.
Mr. anil Mrs. C. B. Minefield, of,
Elyria, 0., spent several days with
; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore and fam
ily at. New Cumberland, en route to!
Smith Carolina, where Mr. Maxfield
will build a hosiery mill.
Mrs. Margaret Lewis, of G-oMyboro, j
| is the guest of her son, Edward Lew-'
is, 1838 Derry street.
Mrs. William Me Donegal ami son,'
Archibald, ol' Rrie, have ret 11 rued, aft
er a visit with Mr. and Mrs. James
! Stevens, 1843 street.
Mrs. Mary Bornge»ser, of Lancaster,
, has returned after a visit with Mrs.
' 'William Himjfc. at Leuioyne.
I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Celebrated Event j
at Their Home in Riverside
Tuesday Evening
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas, 32 12'
Green street, entertained at their home I
j Tuesday evening in celebration of their'
t twenty-fifth weuding anniversary. The 1
marriage ceremony performed twenty-j
i five years ago was repeated, with the
Rev. Mr. Harris, o'f Coxestown, and the '
i Rev. Mr. Lowdeu, of Riverside, ofliciat- j
, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were the re- j
I cipients of many beautiful gifts and a 1
I delightful program of'music was ren
dered, participated in by the lie v. Mr.
Harris, the Rov. .Mr. Lowdon, Mix
Lebo, David Thomas, Harman Thonj.i
and Miss Zella Reiiuck. Ai a late 1
j hour refreshments were served to the
i following guests
Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Rebuck, Mr.
and Mrs. William Shriller, Mr. and,
Mrs. Allen Lebo, Mr. and Mrs Frank!
I Heed, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Huberts,,
'Mr. and IMrs. Thomas Vv nite, Mr. and
; Mrs. John Kelver, Mr. and Mr*. 1
Charles Rlionds, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
i Werodau, Mrs. Harry S'.rohin, Miss;
May Strohm, Miss Zella Rebuck, Miss j
! Kva Punch, Miss Mabel Punch, Miss |
! Miriam Punch, Miss Ella 'Punch, Missi
j Sarah Shriner, 'Miss Mary Wevodau, !
j Leo Connerlly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I
i Thomas and their seven sons anil four j
I daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright.
Entertained Their Friends; in a Pleasant •
Manner Last Evening 1
j Mr. and Mrs. F. li. Wert/, entertain
' eil at their home, 1420 Green street, I
j last evening. Music and games were ,
j enjoyed and dainty refreshments were j
served. Those present were: Mr. .ind |
. Mrs. George Hollinger, Mr. and Mrs. I
Charles Gorkes, Mr. and Mrs. Chariest
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William Mel'ger,
1 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wet/., Mr. Audi
| Mrs. F. H. Wertz, Miss Marian Wert/, i
and Miss Mary Wertz. j
| Get a small package of Hamburg;
1 Rreast Ten, or as the German folks j
I call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any
i pharmacy. Take a tublespoonful of the :
' tea, put a cup of boiling water upon !
I it, pour through a sieve and drink a 1
1 teacup full at any time. It is the most i
i effective way to break a cold and cure |
grip, as it opens the pores, relieving I
congestion. Also loosens the .bowels, j
thus breaking a cold at once.
Tt is inexpensive and entirely vege j
table, therefore harmless.— Adv.
Miss Verna Bentzel Becomes Wife of
E. Russell Herr
•;1 T !■ : -- r .
' iM' " '£* 'J# I
; ' , ' . !
'• I
it ' .
. r**d\
I ■ ' * f> I
Mr. and 'Mrs. P. I. Soars, of 1727
i Kill ton street, announce the marriage
i of their daughter, Vorna A. Bemtzel, to
K. Russell Herr, KOI North Kig'hteenth
j street. Tin" ceremony was performed
1 ibis morning at the parsonage of the
i /it'tli street !.VI. K. church, the Rev. H. \
11. Hart, oflvciaiting. The bride wore
I n prrttby traveling suit of blue with hat
, to mati ii and a t-OTtage of sweet peas.
; Mr. and Mrs, l\ I. Sears attended the
i couple. Immediately after the eere
| moiiy Mr. and Mrs. Herr left for a
. wedding trip to New York and Boston
! and on their return will reside at SOL
Nor Mi Kighteerobh street. 9
Wolf-Witmer Wedding
Marietta, Feb. 4. Miss Mary E.
j Witmer and Joseph Wolf, of Lancaster,
1 were married yesterday at the parson
, age of the Faith Reformed chureh,
j Lancaster, the Rev. 1). (i. Glass olh
i-if;ting with the ring ceremony. They
j were unattended.
Returned to Salida, Col.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hupp, who
I have been visiting the former's moth
er, Mrs. Minnie U. Rupp, 58"> South
I Front street, since Christmas, returned
| yesterday to their home in Salida, Col.
Announce Birth of a Soil
Mr. and Mrr. John Blessing, i2S
| Knee street, announce the birth af a
i son, Tuesday, February \l\s. Bles*-
j ing was Miss Lillian Hubor prior 'to
lair marriage.
i [■mi ■■ wi urn i in n WI „ n 1,,,,,
WUI Render An Interesting Program In
the Christ Lutheran Church
This Evening
A recital will he given in Christ
Lutheran churth this eveuinl,' at S
o clock by Miss \ ilia K. llouck, elocu
tionist, assisted by liwilym Watkins,
I baritone and Miss Margaret Welsh,
i pianist. The recital will 'be given under
| the auspices of class 13, tmight by -I.
j l'\ Ferguson. The following program
• will be rendered:
"Tarantelle," Heller, Miss Margaret
Welsh- "The Port of Missing Ships,"
Petric. Mr. Watkins; ''The Wind and
j the Moon," Mad Donald, Miss Houek;
| "Genevieve," Adams, Mr. Watkins;
j "The Hill From the Milliner," Anon,
Miss Hour!;; (a) "To Spring,'' Grieg;
(•}>) "Crescendo,'' Lassou, Miss Marga
ret Welsh; '• linger," Nicholson, Miss
llouck; "The Kosary," Nevin, Mr.
Watkins; (a) "' ' Rrown Babv,"
I Dunbar; (b) "p a Strit Pjnnna,"
Irwin; (c) "A Day With the Photo
grapher." Anon. Miss llouck; "Polly
i and I, Wakefield, Mr. Watkins.
! Don't Stay Gray! Nobody Can Toll
When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair
With Sage Tea and Sulphur
(■randn other kept her Imir beautiful
ly darkened, gin sy and abundant with
a brew of Sage Tea and Sulpluit. When
. ever her hair fell out or took on tluit
dull, fa.led or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Huge and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bottle
of this old-tiiue recipe, ready to use,
for about 50 cents. This simple mixture
can be depended upon to restore natural
color ulid beauty to the hair and is
splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp
I and falling hair
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur, be.'Bjße it darkens so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it*has
been applied —it's so easy to use, too.
You simply dampen a comb or soft
brush and draw it through your hair,
taking one strain; at a time. Hy morn
ing the gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two, it is restored
to its natural color and looks jjlosay,
soft and abundant.—Adv.