The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 04, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Has eclipsed all former sales of this kind. We were 3
s compelled to have another carload of pianos rushed 9
;; from the Factory to meet the demand. The $
< buyers of the present day know when to
[ buy the best goods at the*least price. -
We are taking pianos in exchange for Lester Pianos |
and Player Pianos which people paid SIOO.OO to >.
$200.00 mere elsewhere than they could have \|
purchased a Lester for in the first place.
Consequently the total amount they pay t
in order to own an artistic piano is
nearly twice as they
! would have paid
HaJ They Purchased a Lester in the First Place |
On Friday morning at 9 a. m., we will put on sale |
the following bargains: |
One Mahogany Upright, used 6 weeks, $175.00; 1
was $350.00.
One Mahogany Upright, used 8 weeks. $185.00; 1
was $375.00.
One Mahogany Upright, used 1 year, $190.00; |f
was $425.00.
Many people have been disappointed by calling too |
late for bargains which we had advertised. Note the If
time stated above and do not fail to call for one of jjjj
those. I!
I !I. G. DAY j
'. Factory Representative of Lester Pianos
I 1319 Derry Street Harrisburg, Pa. |
*rr. o^»—
1..VM1 Wagons Collecting Bundles of
Clothing in All Parts of City
. Si Aswci.if •<! IV •>«.
Now York. Fob. 4.—Fifteen hundred
wagons are to-day t >; lee t ing bundles <>:'
clothing in every s , • >n of the oitv
for distribution among tlio needy unem
ployed men and women and for chil
dren of the poor. Thousands of ban
dies were received yesterday at the
headquarters of tie Bur lie Day Cc ni
mittee and it was believed that the
day's collections would be more than a
million bundles.
Every public school and police sta
tion is "a receiving station. Additional
stations have been established at all
railroad terminals and at every subway
express station in Manhattan.
T: , Bundle Bay Committee is head
ed I v Mrs. .lames and the mem
bers are Mrs. Cornelius Vanderb If, Mrs.
Vincent Astor. Mrs. Cabot Ward. Mrs.
WiHard Str: grit, Mrs. Pete " t'ooper
Hewitt and Mis- Frances A. Keller.
Unbalanced Woman Fell When Wander
ing. Her Husband Says
*" Los Angeles. Feb. 4. Mrs. Anna
TJ. H. Grey. n • er of Mis- Marion K.
tirev. of New fork City, ami wifo of
W. H. Grey, a wealthy retired merchant;
of S.tuta Moni a. wa- dashed to death
yesterday when she fell from a sixty
foot cliff of the Palisades, near her
Mrs. Grey had been ill. Early vester-i
day morning sh • elu ed her nurse an i
went to the Palisades. Search was made!
for her at once, but it was hours be-[
fore her body wn- foun-1. Mr. Grey
savs hi- v. lae-.- had unbalanced I
I'er mind and that she tell from the
cliff'- i-i_T when wandering aimlessly. l
tii" wa- •. \ty •i.'iit years oil.
_— i
Four Homes Go Up in Smoke J
Norristo-vn. Pa.. Feb. 4. —-A disas I
trons tire oe -.'.rrei Tuesday night at
Ilarmcmvilie, t-.o m' - from here, when
four houses owne i by John L. Albright
were destroyed, : sing a ' -s of $lO.-
000. The I'uiliV'nsf- were occupied by|
Kdwar'. Burns. ■>< n McCullouglr. Ash-)
ton Tabold and Mrs. Alan Hiltner. The*
flames. which are believed to ha"e,
been ■ ; .is>l y an overheated stove.)
started in the Burn- residence. * Fire
men front C :.-hoho ;cr. responded an i
b.!U-.l adjoining i 1 er; es. Burns and
I.■ s family es. aped .n their night
ciotli. -. I
o®®S© 3®® 353)®®®®®®®®®
| Quickest, Surest Cough j|
I Rertiedij is Home• $
Made |
Easily Prepared In a FCTT MIB- (•)
ate*. I hnp hut I nrnitnled
Some people nre eon'tantlv annoved
f: m ' :ie vear's end to the other with a
persistent hr<■ 1 i • •iigii, which is whol
ly nn:i: n --.try. I!: re is a home-made
rciu- • that _<t< i _'lit at tlie cause and
will make you wonder what became of it.
(Jet -auoo s Pines (60 cent- worth)
frcini any druggist, poor into a pint bottle
» ! til! tlie bottle witi: plain granulated
Fi:_:ir -vrnp. >.i : taking it at once,
t aiiui' lv but - m l \ -u will notice the
jtMqnn thin out and then disappear al
together. ' is end ujt ; cough that you
never ; bought ..'ouM end. It also loosens
i ■ dry. ' 1 r-e or tight cough anil heals
the ii!'ir»ir.:;tti -i in a painful cough with
re:m:liable rapidity. Ordinary coughs
nr. . .rcred by it in lours or ie-s.
Jvi'thii _ l«-tter ;"or bronchitis, winter
cough* and bronchial asthma.
; i I'ii x and Sujtar Syruo mixture
makes a full ;■:nt —enough to last a
f. iv.ily nhi'j ti\:' —at a cost of onlv 54
cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas
a:i*. >a~il\- prepared. Full directions
witii Pinex.
Pinex is a special and biclilv concen
trated comiM'iind of -jenuine Xorwav pine
extract, rich in gu.iiacol. and is famous
the world over for it- ea- n . certainty and
promptness in overcoming bad coughs,
chest and throat colds.
<J(f tlie genuine. Ask vour drttreist
for '"2'4 ounces l'hiex," and do not accent
anvthinir else. A guarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or nmnev promptly refunded,
goes with thi< preparation. The Pincx
Co. ; it. Wayne, led.
Man Scheduled as "Personal Ward-;
robe" Entire Stock of His Shop
Chicago. Fell. 4. —That Israel sin !
dock was a remarkable dresser wa-'
justified from his petition iu bank-1
■ ruptcy, tiled yesterday iu the Federal |
Court, lie scheduled his personal «ar :
role as hi- only asset.
The list included 57 suits of el thes. j
175 fancy waistcoats. 132 |airs of
trousers. 30 extra coats and waLt
c.ats. 79 overcoats. 27 evening suit-. I
30 Tuxedo coats, 10 frockcoats, 14
raincoats, 144 hats. 74 caps. '.>7 pai -j
of socks. 75 suits of underclothing. 110
shirt- and 50 dozen collars.
"This beats Solomon in all his
glory." commented Judge Landis. Sm
dock's ad ire.-- was No. ~>4 West Har
rison street, aud thither the court sent
an investigator.
The latter came back with the news
j that Sandoek was in the doting bus.-j
, ness. and had seho.iuled his whole stock
as his personal wardrobe.
Winter Doubles Work
In summer the work of eliminating
poisons and acids from the blood is
helped by perspiration. In cold weartter. :
with little out door work or exereise to i
' cau?. sweating, the kidneys have to do
double work. Foley Kidney Pills help i
overworked, weak and diseased kidnev- [
to filter an 1 cast out of the blood the j
waste matter that causes pains in sides
or ha k. rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness
of joints, sore muscles and other ills re
sulting from improper elimination.—
• icorge A. Gorgas. 16 North Third
Street. P. R. K. Station.—Adv.
Applications for Pennsylvania Issue?
Cut to 18 Per Cent.
New York. Feb. 4.—The $4!>.000,-
<>oo Pennsylvania consolidated 4i„ per
i cent, bond issue was subscribed* five '
i times over. Those who applied for j
the bonds got only about IS per cent,
of the amounts they subscribed. All '
subscribers for one or two bonds, how ,
over, got them. The number of small
subscribers was large.
The bonds were traded in on the
Stock Exchange for the first time yes
terday. Transactions were large, to
taling $282,000 at 104r s a nd 104 : 4 .
To Cure .% Cold in One tlnr
Tablets. Druggists refund money if i:
fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S tigna- I
ture is on each box. ;sc.
Cigar Factories on Reduced Time
Pt nu-mrg, Pa.. Feb. 4.—Alter work
ing on full rime for several weeks, the
E senlohr .-igar factories in PenosbuTg
and East Greenville were given orders
to work from T a. m. to 3 p. m„ limit
ing each cigannaker to 250 ycigars.
Eight hundred persons are af/ected, :
many losing $8 to $lO a week.
Sfi.OOO for Church and Charity
Norri-rowh. Pa.. Feb. 4.—By * the
will of Ellen M. White, the following
public bequests were made: First Bap
t i.-t church. Xorristown. $600; Hdh)
for Incurable?. West Philadelphia,;
$1,000; < haritv H'spitnl. Norristown,
$1,000; Baptist Orphanage. Philadel
phia. SI.000: Baptist* Home. Pliiladei-j
1 hia. $1,000: Baptist Educational So
ciety. Philadelphia. $1,000: Pennsylva
nia State Baptist Missionary Society.,
SI,OOO. The residue of the estate got > j
to relatives of decedent.
Government to Take Appeal
Washington, D. C., Ftb. 4.—Al j
though Department of Justice official* i
' had no formal notification yesterday of
the dismissal of anti-trust suits against
steamship companies operating to South
\meriea and Asiatic ports it was -aid
that an appeal probably would l>e taken
to the Supreme Court.
Movement to Enforce Blue Laws
York. Feb. 4.—The action of Mayor
| John K. Lafean in preventing the hold-
I ing of a concert in the Yprk opera
house last Sunday night by the Spring
Garden band has brought on an agita
| tion to close all ciyar stores, shoe shine
j places and barber shops on Sunday. A
, committee has waited upon the Mayor.
A movement is also on foot to brins
; about the closing of all social clubs on
1 the Sabbath.
Plotter In the Million-dollar Merchan
dise Swindle Becomes Witness for
the Government—The Plans Were
Mode at Carlisle
St. 1-ouis, Feb 4.—Tho origin of the !
alleged conspirst-v by which a chain of
1 stores was established in various cities
tor the purpose of profiting by going
into bankruptcy was told in the Fed
oral District Court here yesterday by
Charles L. Gseenjicld. one of 12 men
j indicted in the so-called " Miliiou-dol
j lar Swindle" and who has turned wit
ness for tho government. Three more
defendants pleaded guilty in the Dis
trict Court last night of using the mails
ui a conspiracy to defraud. They
were Samuel Brown, of Philadelphia,
and Jacob 1., and M. M. l.iobuvitz,
brothWs, of East St. l.ouis, 111. Their
bonds were raised from SI,OOO to
| $3,000 each and the men went to jail
i for the nigh!.
All day the men had listened to
Greenfield. confessed ringleader of the
defendants. as he told ho*v Brown
and others had helped lain to establish
stores and within eight months lend
these stores into prsiitablc bank
| ruptcies. Greenfield and two other de
fendants at the outset of the trial
! agreed to testify for the government
; ami later to plead guilty. Federal otli
| eers charge that the 12 defendants
; wituin the last few years obtained ap
proximately $1,000,000 worth of mer
chandise on credit and by secret ship
ments disposed of most of it before
j their strings of department Stores
i tailed.
The plan was organized in Carlisle,
I Pa., accrifing to Greenfield. on the
j eve of his failure in business there.
lln the-"conference were Greenfield,
j Sam Brown, Adolph Muscovite and
; Meyer Rot man. Brown and Hotmail
| had been associated with Greenfield in
I'.iiladeiphia. he said, and when they
failed they concealed $40,000 worth of
j merchandise from the bankruptcy trus
; tee and moved tins merchandise to Car-
I lisle, where they opened another store.
I The Carlisle store failed. Greenfield
; stated, and then they started in St.
; I nis. Muscovite wanted to run the
j business honestly, an I when his part
i tiers refus« d to incorporate to make
t.iis possible he withdrew from the
firm. Greenfield said that within eight
months the alleged conspirators set up
j seven More* six cities and that all
of them failed, as had been intended.
: A store at Kansas t'itv went into bank
! roptey within three weeks after it
1 opened.
Kotinan, he said, opened a store in
Louisville and Isiter Julius Steinhardt I
opened another store there, to which !
tin stock • 1 ' Hotmail's store was trans-j
'erred secretly. Rotman then went into
: bankruptcy. Greenfield -aid that Stein
hardt's Ijoitisville store then went into
bankruptcy :l nd that Steinhnrdt opened ]
; a store in Baltimore.
Greenfield testified that before he i
decided that his St. Louis store should |
I fail he shipped more than 20 . :IS<M of'
merchandise to Alfred Goldberg and I
I Harry A. Cohan, owners of the Penn-j
svlvania Commission Company, in Phil .
adeip'aia. then went to Philadelphia and ;
opened the Pennsylvania Salvage Cm- j
pany, in which Cohan was a partner.:
They went to Bait TO re to buy goods .
. fropi Steinhnrdt. While the men were;
I operating stores in Philadelphia and
Baltimore the alleged members of the i
conspiracy were arrested on evidence j
presented l\<- the St. Louis Association i
of Credit Men.
Veteran Portrait Painter and Author
Dt?.d at !);{
New York. Fc >. 1. — Jasper
Conaut, distinguished as portrait aiut
er, j-oet. ant in • and le-Hirer, died here
yesterday at rhe age of 93. lie tainted
tile portrait of Abraham Li a coin dur-,
ing the i ivi! w:-. which is kaowu as
''The Smiling Lincoln." He was fori
! ei'_rht years curator of the I'oiversity
jof Missouri and was founder ot its :
j School of Mines and Metallurgy. Mr. 1
'Want was b. rn at Chelsea. Vt., and
' was graduated from (Souvernear Wes- -
I levan .- miliary in IMI. In
.mi Ciuvt- sitv, Hamilton-, N. V., and
j tiie I'nive-rsity of Mis-ouri conferred
I on him the honorary degree of A. M.
Mr. < onant na-1 painted [or traits of j
| Lincoln, Sherman, \nder.-ou at Sumter,
! Henry Ward B«r. iscr. I>r. James Mr
| Cosii and tlie R:.'at Rev. 11. C. Potter.-
j A:, i.g publication* are: "The
I A: y of lie Missouri Valley."
whivh as published in many Furoptan
; translation. ; ••Footp.-ints of Yanishc I
iiaes .lie Missouri \ alley," and
'"•My Acquaintance with A
i Lincoln."
University President Weds
Selinsyrove, Pa.. Feb. 4.—Mrs. Car
rie E. Smith, of Beaver Springs, and
Dr. C- arles T. Aikeus, president of
Susquehanna I'niversity. were married
in llagerstown. Md., yesterday. The
ceremony \.as performed by Dr. s. W.
Owen, president of the board of di- 1
rectors of the university.
Arm Cut Off by Trolley Car
Xirristown, Pa., Feb. 4.—Slip ir 'A
on the .- :ow while running to board n
bij;h Valley tram-it car at (1 wyncd I 1
Square yesterday, A. P. Smith, of Nowii
Wales, was hit and knocked under
neath the trolley <;ir. ilis right arm
was amputated near the shoulder and
h • left ar:u was orokcu. lie is in the
. hospital here.
For Dandruff, we recomir.erd
"93" HalrTonio
George A. Gorgss.
PL M. F. WOBDEN, Proprietor.
Slag, Slate and Tile Roofs,
Damp and Water Proof
ing, Paints and Roofers'
i Genuine Pen Argyl Inlaid
Slate for Flat Roofs.
■— -
The Home Doctor
(Clip Out and Save)
i I !
Htw Tm Cirf Rhewmatliini
Here is a prescription for rlieuma
i tism (to be mixed at home) used all
over the IT. S. for many years and said
to be th<» surest known remedy; neu
tral ixes a*ld in the blood and glvoa
results after first dose. "One ounce »f
• Tori* compound and one oune.e syrup
lof Sarsaparilla. Put these two ingre
dients In half pint of whiskey. Use a
tablespoonful before each meal and at
| bedtime." Get ingredients ut any druf
store. Genuine Toris coiros in one ounce
sealed yellow packages.
Surest for ( oimh* nnd i olds
Don't experiment on a ba# cough or
cold, it is very riskv. The following
formula easily mixed at home makes
one of the surest and quickest cough
and cold remedies obtainable, often
curing the worst cough or cold in a
day. Pine as medicine is as old as the
Hible, but here i.-* best form: "Two
ounces of Glycerine and half an ounce
of Globe Pine Compound
Pine); add these to half pint of whis
key. Use a teaspoonful frequently as
required. (Smaller doses to children.)
He sure to get the genuine Globe Pino
Compond (Concentrated Pine). It is
put up only in half ounce bottles, each
enclosed in a screw-top can.
Fr*»* t Mfe*. i'nk'iiM nud Sore Feet
Don't endure foot agony. Here is a
remedy for quick results. it works
through the por%& removing the cause.
Two tablespytfnfills of Oalocide com
pound in wrtrm foot bath." Gives In
stant relief for aching and sweaty feet;
corns ami callouses can be peeled right
off. Sj»ecla!l\ effective for sore bunions,
chilblains and frost bites. A large box
or' Calocide tweniy-tlve cents at any
drug store.
The above recipes published by the
Medical Formula Laboratories, Dayton,
". \d\.
Report on Rich Gold Field in Nevada
by U. S. Geographical Survey
Wa hisigton. D. t'.. Feb. 4. —The)
mining public will he interested in a
report by "Frank C. Schrader on the
now famous gold camp of Hoehester,
Nevada, recently issued by the I'uit
ed States Oeologicnl Survey as Hullo
tiu .">SO-M. T!te Koche-fer district,
named by early prospectors from Ko
chester. New York, iia< been known for
half a ceiitun to contain mineral de
posits, both lodes and pincers, which j
have been worked intermittently; but j
not until late in 1!'12, when large |
bodies of ore yielding SSO to sf>o a ton i
were discovered, did the district at
tract widespread attention. Then fol ]
loweil a typical Xeva Iti boom. In less
than a month the hitherto desolate
canyon had a population of over -.0it0.,
and more than a ?<ore of properties 1
were producing. The total >liipments i
to September, 1!»14. exceeded $1,200,-1
000j and from the nature of the de-:
|>o.-it-< Hochesfer promises to be an iui !
portaut preducing district for some;
years to come.
Bulletin SSO-M contains a concise I
account of the local geology and de i
.-criptions ot' the ore deposits in dit'-j
' tereiit parts of the iK-trict. The lode
'ile|»isits are it placement veins, mostly
lin rhvolite, and resemble those in the
Mother Ijide region of California, both |
in mineral character and in mode an I !
Mime of origin, ('auditions influencing |
: the persistence of the vein> with de;»th '
I are eonsidernl. and the conclusion is ;
reached that whereas a few of the
I veins are likely to become lean at com- !
arntivety shallow depths, others pn.m-•
| i-e to maintain or evert ineiv.ise th.i -j
lvalues for a considerable distance be- j
i law the - -.irfa e.
The placers also resemble pbcers in |
| the Sierra Neva in of California, as .
j they include both surface grav«»'.s and
jgrnveis buried beneath lava flows, p,-.
jscri; tions cf tiio placers in the differ
ent canyons are given.
Principal Season for Stay of Murphy's
Trenton. Feb. 4. —Because of ir.suf- j
fi.-ient time to into the testimony.
! Chanceiijr Walker vc-terday deferred '
until to-morrow tae hearing of the ap
plication for a writ of error to review :
the conviction of Ivi gar ('. Murphy of i
' the murder of Herman Fisher in Bur- !
■ linuton county. Counsel for t.e con- I
j'l- :une\l mtui. however, informed the I
lAhan.-ellor 'hat. among several rea-|
for t-'.ie a; j-eal. was that lien.jamin !
; I>. S-hcdaker. Jury Commissioner a. the :
time ihe Mur iiy jury u;;-: drawn, was!
:' ta l blind, and could not, therefore,
' check up the iisit. iiu't was entirely de
i .'ii-ient pan the >'aeriflf. wi-ieii 4s not
i'i « on!'; rraity with the s: -:rit of tho i
Murphy is sentenced to be electro
cuted next week, bat the application '
for ap : <-al will avt as a stay pending
filial adju< i-ation by the (,'oart. The,
' .• ut ieimied man is represented by Fran
c ■ T. Tol»in, of Pltilcdeljuhia, ami Fran.
- )'. >'.!. of Camden.
Gclf. Tom: is, float in s:. Hathin;;.
Tours Inc. Hotels, Shore Excunlons.
Lowest iiateo.
SJern, I
Fiißtent. ueweM anil only atenmer lanil
lok juMt-njur* at the dork in Hernimla
without transfer by tender.
S. S. Guiana and other Steamers
. every fortnight for St. Tltonias, St.
' Croix, St. Kitts, Autiqua, Guadeloupe,
Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar
, dados, and Dcmorara.
For full {nfnriutif ion m»|*tv to A. K,
OLTKHBRIDUK »V; ( <>., Vjn-n«s Quebec
S. S. Co., Ltd., ■'.» Ursaiina)', New York,
ur nny 'lli'kft Aaent.
Interesting a:;d restful because of the'fas
cinating charms cf tropical life and
climate. Excellent hotels.
Sailings Thursdays and Saturdays.
In the Bahamas, offers many attractions
a? a Winter Resort; balmy climate,
charming social life; bathing, boating,
tennis, polo, golf, motoring.
Weekly srtrice (torn New York and
cared connections with Havana.
Steamers Built ia America and sailing
under the American Flag
All fare* include meata ar.d
•tateroom accoaunocutkxu.
Separate »r combined tours cf 10 art J 23 days,
$75.00 and op. asing itemoier as hotel
Write fa* booklet
(Ward Line)
Gaaaral Office*, Pier 14, E, R., Haw Yark
i Or any Railroad Ticket OfHc6 or
j Authorized Tourist Agency |
No More Piles
Simple Home Remedy Easily Applied
Oives Quick Relief—aud Costs
Nothing to Try
The Pyramid Smile from a Single Trial.
Pyramid File Remedy gives quick re
lief, stops itching, bleeding or protrud-1
ing piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal i
troubles, in the privacy of your own i
home. Pyramid Pile Remedy is for sale
at all druggists. 50c a box. A single j
box often cures.
A trial treatment will be mailed free
for the asking. Pyramid Drug Co.. 517 I
Pvramid Bldg., Marshnll. Mich. —Adv. I
Hold Up. Bind and Gag Ticket Seller 1
at "L" Station and Escape
New York, Feb. 4.—Held up at the |
point of a revolver and bound and gag
god. Miss dennie Kent, ticket agent ar
t-he Fulton street station of the Brook- j
lvn Rapid Transit line sit Fulton and !
{Summer avenue, was robbed early ves :
terday morning by two negroes, who
made away with all the cash in sight.
I including $2 the woman had in her
The .. 'jliwaymen had barely finished
the tark of binding and gagging tlie
woman when a train rolled into the
station. Three passengers alighted audi
the negroes tied. They were pursued for i
several blocks, but escaped.
Luckily for Miss Kent, who will have!
,to make'good the loss of $25 taken by ,
the desperadoes, the '•money car,"
i which collects the night V proceeds, luid
| just left the station si few minutes bc
| fore she was held up, carrying away
; more than ?100. Kvident-ly the negroes
had made a miscsilctilation and were ]
I oent on getting the entire day's re
Tells Police He Took Poison and Is
Sent to Hospital
Philadelphia, Feb. 4. -With the re
mark that he was wanted in Baltimore!
I for the larceny of SSO and that he had
j swallowed poison tablets* Henry Hem
I snclbacker, 25 years old. l-light-h and i
| Race streets, surrendered last evening
I to Detectives l,vnch and D'i'oiiiior ill;
- the Pete live Bureau. lleminellMcker '
! said lie had sent a letter to the Haiti
more police authorities telling them lie
j had taken poison.
He was removed to the Hahnemann!
I hospital for treatment and the detect- >
! ives, upon coifculting the complaint
\ Hook, found that 'llomnielbacker was
wanted by riie Baltimore ]olice. Should l
; he re- ver he will bo sent to that city
: on a requisitions'
But Burglar Finds Voice When Judge
Gives Him Three Years
Phil::,lei; hia, Feb. (.--While on trial I
I yesterday. Patrick Doiuls, Franklin and j
Calk)whill streets, was a deaf mute to
all appearances. He eouldn "t talk, and
he couldn't hear. But s'.fter a jury found j
him guilty of burglary and .fudge John
| son,sentenced him to not less than three
|or more than five years in the Kasf
: c.-n penitential v, he recovered his facul
' ties. *
On the way to the prisoners' elevator i
! lie began to sing, ami kept it up until j
| the doors of the ; rison van closed be- j
hind Jiini. Convicted with him was John !
I.arkin, 1!)()!! tilenwood aveime, who re- i
'•ei\ ed a like sentence. The psjir were j
I caught rol i-ing the home of Morris Mil- j
ler, 21oi! Ridge avenue.
| Father and Youn-; Daughter Ask i
(tot) of Transit Compscy
Reading, Pa.. Feb. 4.—Suit for sii3,-
! 000 danviges was tile.l against the;
Reading Transit Coa.pany in court here;
yesterday hv 7-year-old Julia Hages
aii.l her father, Stefan llagi"<. #he!
child's left leg was cut oil' above the!
knee and her riijht foot crushed in si j
trolley accident last November.
The. father SIO,OOO of the
amount involved for loss of the child's
services. -
' Wheat 51.50 at Lancaster
Lancaster, I'a., i'W 4.- Local grain
dealers and miilors vesftwdav bww
paying L;ineas+er comity farmers $ 1.0
a bushel for wheat, 70 cents more t'un
when tin' European war began. Tho
bulk of the farmers sold their grain
after tl:o throshin<r, so there is not
a great quantity ill their hands.
bomb tha^
ft " " 1 ' ——* FELL. ON A HOUSE IN
The extent of the damage wrought by bombs thrown from Zeppelin airships In their latest raid on English
I coast cities may be gathered by a glance at the accompanying photographs. Yarmouth and King's Lynn perhaps
, suffered the most. At Yarmouth at least ten persons were killed. The ruins In Albert street. King's I.ynu, are showu
i above; also a part of one of the various types of "aerial torpedoes" dropped by tlie Germans.
Pretoria, A'ia London, Feb. 4,
I A. M.—The rebel leader Bezuidenhout
aiu.t the so-called "prophet" Vnnkens
burg surrendered to the British tones
with Lieutenant Colonel Kemp, it was
I officially annoxineod to day. The com
mand which gave up its'arm* in
j eluded IS dflicers and 500 burghers,
j The rebels cuipitulutod at Updngtort.
Yaukens'burg 's influence is credited
with being largely responsible for the
( rebellion. The unnouiicemeirt states that
! additional surrenders lire expected to
night and tluit Lieutenant Colonel S. G.
Marita and his nun probably will give
| themselves up before the end of the
' week.
Announeentent of the surrender o>f
Ivamp and his'commando was made at
I Cape Town last night, lie and Muritz
have boen o<|>eniting together against
| fpington, Bechuanalanul, with 1,200
James Reinert Heads Harrisburg Rail
way Branch
Ofiieers were elected as follows at the
| annual meeting of the Harrisburg
braneh of the Railway Postal Clerks,
34 North Fourth street, Tuesdn.v night:
President, .lames Ueinert; vice presi
| dents, C. K. Kline, B. 1,. Saul. J. I>.
; Fast; secretary-treasurer, \V. ,1. Me-|
| Fadden; executive committee, ,1. \V.
Farley, C. A. Gingrich, ('. s. Goodman,
j G. S. Watts;-delegates to the division!
convention to be held in Williamsport
in April: J. D. Baker, Millerstown; K.
1., Grand, 11. L. llersh, l.anciister; .1.
B. Fast and 1,. F. Motels. Harrisburg.
I The society will meet again March 2.
| Dry Town Resident Wouldn't Let Go
of Precious Burden
Stenbenville, 0., Feb. 4.—Rather
than relinquish his bold on a grip full
ot hocr which he had gone a Inig wav
to get, Mike Bnbit/., of iipr, Ile v, was
drowned in tlie swolleu hack waters of
the Ohio, near Mingo Junction vestei
1 day.
Bradley is dry and its drinking popu ;
lation buys supplies at -Mingo Junction,
j \\ hen Babifz <li|t-ped down the rail
road embankment into the river, he
could easily have pulled himself to
safety by dropping bis heavy grip.
i Boy and Big Chock Missing
Now \ ork, I'cb. office bov in ;
the employ of Rcmiek, Hodge.-. \ C 0.,,!
. a Stock Kxcliango firm, who disappeared
a wce;< ago with a certified click for
$:i00,000, is being sought I>\ the po
! lice. Payment on the check ' has been
stopped and there ba.%been no report of'
any effort to realize on it.
Teacher Rescued From Dam
i A ork. Pa., Feb. 4.—Plunging inter!
deep water below the "Id 1 >etwiler .lain,'
Charles Oh wiler resruisl Mi*; Runlc'e.
i teacher ot Gipe's School. Chaiieeford
township. Both were nicnuhers of ;i j
I party returning from a gospel meeting. I
The young woman, walking at the edge!
of the dam, slipped from an icy stone. '
It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard
Planter Without the'
Burn or Sting
I MI'STKROLK is a clean, white oint
I ment, made with the oil of mustard. It
: does all the work of the old fashioned
j mustard plaster—does it better and,
: does not blister. Von do not have to
! bother with a cloth. Vnu simply rub if
| on—and usually the pain is gone!
Doctors and nurses use MIJSTBR
| OLK and recommend it to their
| patients.
They will gladly tell you what relief
j it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
! Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia,
' Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lum
bago, I'aius and Aches of' the Back or
Joints. Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises,
'Chilblains, Fr,osted Feet, Colds of the
| Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia').]
At your druggist's, in 25c aior 50c
, .iars, and a special large hospital size
j for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TRROLK. Refuse imitations—get what
you ask for. l The Musterole Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
An Easy Way to Remove Super
fluous Hair
Ladies who suffer from the humili
ating disfigurement of hair on face,
lips or ehin, will be interested vn the
following formula which has the ad
vantage of being simple and inex
pensive, as well as marvelouslv effec
tive. It is not claimed that one appli
cation will permanently destroy the hair
roots,, but it is claimed, and the claims
are borne out by. actual tests, that one
application completely removes the hair.
It you have hair which you wish re
moved ask Geo. A. Gorgaa, Harrisburg,
I'a., or any other leading druggist to
mix 4'a drams Pulverized Sulthine Con
centrate with 2% drams Zinc Oxide,
and 1 dram of Powdered Orris Root,
anil put in a wide mouth bottle. For
Use, mix a little of the powder into a
paste on update by adding a few drops
of water. Apply with a narrow knifo
blade and remove at the end of two
minutes with the back of the knife,
when the dissolved hail will eomo
with it.
Caution:—This must not be used as
a substitute for shaving, as if the roots
are once destroyed, hair will not grow
| Four of Crew Who Perished On Dredge
Found Cremated
New York, Feb. 4.—Following the
capsizing of the dredge F.astern, out
side Port Jefferson, L. 1., during the
northeast gale early Tuesday morning
and the drowning 'in their" bunks of
I Conrad Fosberg, v lohn Hansen, William
j Hynn and Henry McP'racken, members
of the crew of eleven men, it was dis
covered that their bodies had
been cremated in a fire that consumed
Iho vossol.
All the valuables and clothing be
longing to the crew were also consumed.
It is thought that the lire was caused
by the explosion <jf the boiler on the
dredge after the craft had been toppled
over by the gale.
I he seven members of the crew who
were res ued by a tug after they had
dung to pieces of timber for some hours
are recovering from the effects of their
i exposure.
Boy Killed When lie Runs Into a Tree
In Central Park
New York, Feb. 4. More than 100
boys and girls were coasting yesterday
afternoon on Cedar Hill, in Central
I'ark, near the -Metropolitan Museum ol
A rt.
One boy going down the incline like
a Hash when lie lost control of' his sled
I and it smashed against a tree. The boy
»j lay unconscious. The Other children lied.
One cried to a patrolman that, a boy
was hurt. Or. McFreely came from
Flower hospital and found the boy
dead. His neck had been broken,
i lie was identified as 14-year-old
j Ralph Weber, son of Louis Weber, a
builder, Fast Ninety-third street. Mr.
J Weber went to the Arsenal police sta
rj tion and claimed the body.
House Committee Votes to Refund tho
Nobel Prize
Washington, Feb. 4.—The House
' Committee on Labor yesterdav voted to
return fa Theodore Roosevelt his $4 0,
: 000, given for tlie promotion of iudus
| trial peace.-The foundation did not re
j quire any more funds, and that is why
I the House committee will give the
I Roosevelt money back.
| Mr. Roosevelt gave the sum he re
j ecived as the Nobel prize for this pur
pose. lie will devote $10,1)00 of tha
j $40,000 for the relief of the unemploy
ed in New York City.
It is understood that the House will
! ratify the action of the committee.
Starts For Indianapolis Where He Will
Make Four Addresses
Washington, Fob, 4.—Secretary Br.v
--i an started from Washington last night
| for Indianapolis, where he will make
' speeches before the Indiana Legislature,
1 a meeting of Democratic editors of that
Slate, a transportation association and
a Democratic rally.
| Judging from this program Secretary
Bryan is going to yield slightly to the
desire, which he recently said he had
suppressed, to do more talking.
Increases More Than $500,000 In
Vaiue Over Last Year
Pottsville, Feb. 4.—The valuation of
I Schuylkill county property for taxation
I purposes for the current year will be
$61,4 61,000, according to the county
commissioners. This is an increase of
$500,000 over last year, notwithstand
! itig the million-dollar fire in Pottsville
in December.
There is a total of $0,056,000 money
at interest, which also shows an in
crease of a half million over last year.