Women's and Misses' $15.00 Winter i Coats: $9.50 I Mill Factory Sale Reductions On Close to 200 Garments The biggest savings of thy Winter are announced in tlie Mill and j Factorv Sale, beginning to-morrow scores of coats in sizes for women J and misses and in styles that will make an instant appeal will be let out at unusual sacrifices. , $13.00 novelty mixed coats, collar and I cuffs velvet trimmed. Mill and Factory Sale price §9.00 sl3.(><> navy and oxford full length chinchilla coats, jdain tailored with patch pockets. Mill and Factory Sale • . price §IO.OO | $18.30 full lenjrth black ziheline coats, lined throughout with satin, plush collar and cuffs, large ornaments. Mill and Factory Sale price, 812.50 $13.00 navy and black fox trot coats, plush collar and cuffs. Mill and Fac tory Sale price, SIO.OO $18.30 full length lvurltex coats in i- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, NINE BLIND PERSONS IN THE COUNiniMSHOUSE Annual Report of Supervising Nurse Shows Pitiable Conditions Among j Patients—The Stork Made Three Vists There Duriug the Year I I The really pitiable conditions of i many ot' the inmates of the Dauph'in County Almshouse, the number of per sons suffering from disease anil de-1 s. riptions of helpless patients are rc- i H ferred to in the annual report of Mis* Eva Davidson, the supervising nurse at t)ie Home, which was filed with the Dauphin County Directors of the Poor! this morning. H Three births occurred at the home 1 during the year. The total number of hospital inmates was 246, of which ISt were adult males and 5U adult females. JCine were children. Among the inmates are four who are entirely blind, while five others are nl most blind. Twelve are epileptic. Of these six suffer such severe attacks and of such frequency that it is necessary to give them constant treatment. One inmate is entirely helpless from pa ralysis, while tflre<> others are practical Jv unable to aid themselves. Owing to the diptheria quarantine there has been a cessation of syphiletics that usually are sent into the hospital department for treatment, but there are still twelve who are now receiving treatment for syphiletic conditions, -which cases are not now a menace to public. In i'igents treated for social diseases through the work of the Diree t»is of the poor since ix of the dead were over years old, while eght were over Of the insti- '' twelve thirty two are over seventy. I HOUSE SLII'S: T H K.N RUNS AWAY Was Thrown Out and Injured; Vehicle Was Demolished I The mere slipping of the horse at ■ t at< 'oaipa.ny ■ ' jn which the river, Ciiarlcs "ia.i. I SOS Vernon injured, th- -1; suffered and bruises and fir' wag-'U The animal lost its t°> vuile N.,:th street and tlie vehicle sverved tu >ide and struck a troilev pole :.t Cvt ctiou of I'inc. The Ivu-gy to • "f he wagon was knocked from it fasten Karismau was thrown to the pave- tailing on his face and the waRM CLAW OFFSET Holds Bill Against Former's Of ficials For Building Towuship Road That the claim of the Adams count; against the State for re for $2,032.62 —represent primary election expenses—is nfl' bv the stateS charges against township, Adams county, fo; done by (he State on a township is the answer of State Treasure: K. Youut«, against . whom *Ad county obtained a mandamus order him to pay their claim. The treasurer's answer was filed last and sets out that through a entered into 'between the Adams county and Ktraban town the township and county each wa pay one-fourth and the .State one of the cost of rebuilding a 12,104 section of Strabau township road road builtling cost $33,705.33. county has paid its share and the now is waiting on the installment trie townahip, the meantime up reimbursement to the coun for the # election expenses. I navy and green; plain tailored model. I Mill and Factory Sale price,.. §12.50 $20.00 navy, brown and plum novelty I striped eponge coats, belted model. Mill j and Factory Sale price, §IO.OO $18.30 imvy and brown eponge coats, semi-belted back, plush inlaid collar. Mill and Factory Sale price, . .§12.50 $30.00 black silk caracul coats, pleat ed back, plush belt and collar. Mill and Factory- Sale price §15.00 $25.00 green and navy bvadere cloth coats, back trimmed with fancy silk or naments, velvet collar finished with fur. Mill and Factory Sale price, . . .§520.00 , Second Floor —Three FATE OF THE SHIP BiLL MAY I DEPEND ON VICE PRESIDENT Marshall Will Probably Cast Vote That Will Decide Whether Administra tion Bill Lives or Dies at This Session of Congress By . t ssoi - irO Press. Washington, Feh. 4.—Vict' President Marshall probably will east the vote j which derides whether the administra tion ship bill lives or dies at this ses sion of Congress. It the expCt'tations j of the leaders are fulfilled, it will be niie of the few instances in which the i Vice President of the United States j has swung tin" balance. Tin' last was when the late Vice President Sherman I cast the deciding vote for the Bristow resolution, which put a constituii ■ 11:11 amendment for direct election of Sen ators before the people. Administration i Democrats reformed their line.- to-day and found they ha I only 4tl votes against the 4S waiting to send the bill ba.-k to the l'ommcr' ( e Committee without instructions. Their only course was to stave oil' a vote while Senatoi IS'ewlaiiMS hurries back from California and Senator Smith, of South Carolina, can come from the bed side of his wife. With their votes, the Democrats figure that, barring surprises, the eonte will be even on the iloor mid the \ ice President will be calle I ion for the deciding vote. The a Iminis ! tration leaders count him with them. With thi< program before them, to da\'s proceedings were carried on as part of tin plan to hold oft a vote until the arrival of the two absent Senators. In the course of the debate Senator lloko Smith saiil: "It is understood that if the bill now before the Senate "oes to a vote it will be beaten, ft j* understood that if amended a major ity of the Senate will vote fo"l* il." Piii Scratch Serious Mrs. Robert Hart, 1042 South Cam eron street, who early this week caught h-cr right hand in a safety pin, was ad mitted to the Hairrisburg hospital this morning for treatment, the wound hav i:ig become infecte, ! 8, 10, 12 jukl 14 years —the worthiest bargains you have had presented to you this Winter. $3.30 ziheline coats; sizes X I and 3; in blue and brown. Re duced to ."V §2.25 st!.3o coats in broadcloth; Copenhagen and brown; size 3 t years. Reduced to . .§2.98 $3.93 chinchilla and broad- j I cloth coats; sizes 2, 15 and 4 ■ years. Reduced to ..,§3.95 $3.1)3 corduroy coats, in navy and brown; sizes li and 4 years. Reduced to . .. §3.95 is* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, I STATE SCHOOL DIRECTORS I HOLD ANNUAL CONVami President Harry A. Boyor, In Address Tells of Struggle to Produce Twen tieth Century Instruction on a Med iaeval Tax Assessment I'sing Harrisburg as an example of tlit> usual method o!' netting revenue for the school district, Harry A. Boyer, i res: lent of the Harrisburg School Board and president of the Directors' Department of the Pennsylvania State Kdueational Association told 200 s.liool dire tors tlii:; afternoon of the struggle to produce twentieth century instruc tion from what iie termed a "mediaeval ta . assessment. His ;:nnuol address before the de partment opened this afternoon's ses sion in the Technical High school audi torium. A discussion on "What Is the 1 Matter With the Public S.hools?' opened by C. s. Foos, superintendent <>: the Heading schools, occupied a goo 1 part of the opening meeting this morn ing. Devotional exercises were conduct ed by the Kev. K.hvin K. Curtis, pastor ot the \\ estminster church, \s-ociated I.aw Jud;:e S. I. M. Mci'arrell. welcomed the delegates to j this city. Mr. Bover suggested a relief from the present situation iii_ his conclusion, i which follows: '•The on 1 \ solution to this rather j complex and annoying dtui.iou is the of a fa.' and equitable assess ment, on an honest busine-< principle —State-wide, if passible, for the more far reaching; its c::teut, the more satis factory the i- ii f s. The«e i also need of a careful revision of the exemptions that are universal!;.' granted, and cer tainly :• more practical and effective way of reaching the non-j ropertv own er, who enjoys all the privileges of a public school >yston', in many eases not payihg a penny towards its mainte nance, and, at most, only PI per year, in avoiding the p:;vment of which he becomes the artful dodger." There will lw an evening meeting in the Technical High si hool auditor ium this evening, at which Congressman 8. 1). Fes:-, of Ohio, will make the principal address. T'ue closing session will be held in the Central High school auditorium to-morrow morning. ijitoo.oon for Belgian Snffnrers Buenos Aires, Kotj 4.-—'l he Senate to-day voted an appropriation of SIOO,OOO to aid the Belgian sufferers. due to neutrals. Our adversary perhaps can obtain a few supplies from Turkey aud Asia Minor. .1 cherish no illusions, for as long as there are neutrals a complete blockade must be a chimera. Germany will continue to receive a small quantity of that whereof she has j considerable need, but while you and j we breathe freely, thanks to the sea \ we have kept and ran keep open. Ger ; many is like a man throttled with a j heavy gag.'' Cloth and Velvet Dresses Navy, black and plaid serge dresses, sizes 8, 10 and 14 years. Regular $3.00 to- $7.30 dresses. Reduced to . §3.50 ►53.95 navy blue corduroy dresses; size 8 years. Reduced to §3.50 $6.50 navy blue serge dresses with silk girdles, sizes (i, 8 and i 10. Reduced to §3.95 $7.30 navy blue serge dress ! es; size 12 and 14. Reduced i to §5.95 Second Floor —Tlirec Elevators. FLAMES SWEEP FORD MO BUILDING Continued Front Firm I'agt. parts of the building. Those are sup posed to have been due to gasoline. A water tower was improvised or the Mount Vernon truck and this was brought into plav promptly by the Fire Chief. It threw streams of watei into the third story. At ten minutes of 011 c o'clock tlu building collapsed, and nothing re mained but the walls of the first floor The falling walls crushed in a sm:*ll Mie slory frame blacksmith shop beside the Ford building, run by L'rick Fred crickson. This building;, together with the New York Oyster llouse and a sta ble that were in danger nearby, are owned by Frauk K. Taylor. After the collapse of the ford building the (iremen directed theii streams on the building of the Nuss Manufacturing Company, inanufactur 1 ers of electroplates and bttnij instru j ments. O. \V. 'N USS is maaager. The build ing ia 10-ated at Cameron and Mul | berry stieets and was separated from | the For I structure liv n small uuoccu | pied space. The burning Ford building, so close to the Mulberry street bridge, afforded a spectacle for thousands of persons lined along the railings on the north side of the viaduct, as the fire starteii durinu the dinner hour, large numbers of men and women were making theii way across the bridge. They stopped ti witch the flames while other crowds came from all directions. Before the collapse of the walls ol the big building, the heat of the fire be anie so intense that the crowds were forced to shift their positions -an the bridge. The explosions frightened quite i many, too, and the dread of some sud | den outbreak in the burning structure kept women spectators, especially, from remaining too near. When the flames had subsided to j sjme extent the crowds on the bridge i pre--:*. I back against the railing on the m,.: '.i side of the structure so eagerly ' :' ;ii the police reserves and nil the ' ava'la .le members of the day force \. iio could be sin„ t'j the fire were di | reeled to keep them back for fear the ! railing would give way. It was recalled in this connection | that many of the concrete posts holding ■ the railing have crai'ied at different ! times and given other signs of weak ness. During the height of the blaze the flames were so hot that there was some alarm lest they would do injury to the j bridge. Firemen took advantage of the proximity of the bridge to the burning building and several streams of water i were directed from the structure. Save Cars From First Floor The blaze started during the noon hour, when but few persons were in the garage, but those who were on the first floor were attracted by the smell of smoke. By that time the two upper floors of the building were so filled with smoke that it was impossible to enter without a mask. Jacob Aurabaugh, shop foreman of the parage, was among those in the building and he directed the efforts of two chauffeurs in saving a few cars on the first floor. Six were rolled to safety, together with some cases con taining automobile accessories. The building was soon surrounded on all sides by firemen. The aerial ladder on the All. Vernon truck, which is equipped with a hose line and a nozzle wfiich can be operated from the ground, was run up to the front of the building, a trolley support wire being cut for this purpose. The ladder was placed front window and just as the stream was turned on flames burst from the window and the top of the ladder started to burn. Other streams were sent intft the window from all sides—froni the roof 10c White Dress Goods In the Mill and Cp. Factory Sale at OO We bought these fresh new white dress goods, consistinp: oL" beautiful lace effects, plain crepes and India linons, specially for the .Mill and Factory Sale and the styles and values cannot be duplicated. _ 15c to 19c fancy white goods, including crepes, voiles and novelties, Ctlljis* ! in the sale at O' v/ | Mill and Factory i Mill and Factory Sale Price I Sale Prico , ... | ENGLISH LON'GCLOTH 15c white English nainsook, Jit inches wide vard, IWc 80c English lougcloth. 10 yards to a " . . i piece, 3a inches wide, piece 40c 25c fine English nainsook, 89 inches ] wide varil, . . t'"> c SI.OO English lougcloth, 10 yards to a „ ... .. . , A piece, 36 inches wide, piece . . . . 7."> c Remnant of 25c white Batiste, 40 inches wide, yard 12\4c $1.25 English lougcloth, 10 yards to , . , .. . a piece, 36 inches wide, piece Bi)c •joc chiffon voile, 4 0 inches wide, in remnant lengths, suitable for dresses and I $1.39 i English lougcloth, 10 yards to waists, yard, •• • '® c a piece, fine grade, piece, IlKc 17c pa.iaina checks, 36 inches wide, $1:50 extra fine English lougcloth, 10 yard, , ...... . 12^2c j yards to jiiece, 36 inches wide, piece, .$1.15 19c stripes and check c.repes, 29 I $1.65 fine English lougcloth, 10 yards inches wide, good range of patterns, yd., 10c j to a piece, 36 inches wide, piece $1.19 19c white ratine, 36 inches wide, nub \ $1.95 extrn quality lougcloth, 12 | effect, used for skirts, yard l-lac ! yards to a piece, 36 inches wide, piece, $1.11) Dives, Ponieroy & Stewart, Street floor, Rear. ; Special Attractions For Friday Only Motor Caps Women's and Misses hand knit motor and sk.itinj; caps, values to $2.00. Special Fri day only, 59£ Women's and children's SI.OB knit caps and scarfs to match. Special Friday only, set $1.39 59c and 95c knit skating caps. Special Friday only, 3t)< IS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store, Street Floor. I (if the Nuss Manufacturing Company's | ; plant, from the Mulberry street bridge, j from the roof of the blacksmith shop, i where five Shamrock firemen barely es caped with their lives, and from the hill immediately behind the garage at the rear of Sylvan Terrace. Many Small Explosions By the time the firefighters were ; placed and streams >ll, small explosions were occurring on the second floor, which was used for cleaning and re pairing cars most of the cars having : some gasoline in the tanks. One after another small explosions occurred, I sending the burning liquid into the air jon all sides There seemed to be about, ten small explosions, each one inereas- | in;; the volume of the tire, which was sending toujjups oJ flame from every window ou the second and third tloors of the building. The roof seemed to weaken and the 1 upper floors to wobble and with scarce-i Iv a warning crack crumble and sank ( into the first Moot of the building. Bricks were hurled in every direction and a number of firemen had narrow I escapes from these missiles. Fire Chief Kindler was standing at a corner of l i tho building when the walls started to i tumble and he had to flee tor safety. ! Flames shot fully 400 I'.vr in the air and thousands who had crowded the Mulberry street bridge and the yards .it the rear of Sylvan Terra.-e homes 'had to get back to keep from being i scoTehed. The wall to the south crumb led into a heap and did 110 damage ! the Nuss plant, but the north wall fell outward a trifle and crushed the root of the blacksmith shop like an egg shell. Several wagons were crushed un : der the roof of the shop. At the rear of this building was a ! sprinkler w:igon belonging to the City i Highway Department. The roof imme- I diately over the sprinkler did not go down and it is believed that this vehicle was saved. Under oont,rol at '1 O'clock The falling of the building made the work of the firemen 'comparatively easy thereafter and from the surround ing roofs and the bridge they could (day streams into the ruins, although danger of explosions remained. At 2 o'clock the flames were under control of the district apparatus and one com pany after another, which had been called by telephone or the general alarm, were sent home. Firemen then dragged away enough wreckage from the southwest corner of the building to permit the entrance of streams into the first floor in an effort to stop any flames that might reach a big gasoline tank buried under the debris. Mummers Elect Officers Officers were ele-ted bv the Harris burg Mummers' Association last night as follows: W. G. Jones, president; 11. A. (kinderrtian, vice president; Hcjbert Buck, Sr., recording secretary; Clarence O Backenstoss, corresponding secre tary; William E. Orr, treasurer; Fran cis 11. Ho.v, dr., was elected chief mar shal of the New Year's parade to be neld here in 1916. Find More Stolen Goods Policeman Paul S-helhii--. this merit ; ing recovered s'!o worth fay rose to $1.63 as against $1.59% last night ami July to $1.4 1'/, compared with $1.38%. Killed in Experimenting With Bomb Rome, Feb. 4, 9.20 A. M.—Captain Michol, the Rumanian military attacho at Rome, was instantly killed yesterday by an explosion while he was conduct ing experiments with a bomb. Golf Caps Men's and Boys' 23c and 50c golf caps; assorted colors. Special Friday only,. 19£, 3 for 503 54 Amer Beet Sugar 3S •>' % American Can 27% 2n'i |Am Car and Foundry Co 40 : t 44 lAm Cotton Oil 4i% 47'. , ! Amer Smelting — 1 i 62 j American Sugar 106% 10.1 s 1 Amer Tel and Tel .... 1-1 121 Atchison 9 4 94 \ ; Baltimore and Ohio .. 1 1 General Motors 9 1 9 4 > (roodrich 'B P 3D 33 'lllinois < entral 108 108 i Interboro Met ,11.... r>4% <>s ! Goodrich l! r', pl.l 96':. 96',/. ! tircai Not i t'i 103% ; Peiuia R R 106% 100' Pillbtirjfli Coal I :, % 1 ,!<, pfd 89% 89% Press Steel Car 3ft'/, 30'/, | Ray Con. Copper 17" :. 17% /Reading 146% 146% ; I Reqntrt). Iron and Steel . 1 I9 :l , do pfd 72% 72% ' [ Southern Pacific 85% 83% [•Southern Itv \ 16% 16% ' | do p&l ... . \ 59 i",9 | Tennessee Co. tier 29% 29% iTh'ird Ave 45% 46% Union Pacific 12ip, 119% IU. S. Rubber 57% .'if'/. ' U. S. Steel 40% *40% ' j do pfd 103% 103% ': Utah Copper 54'/, 53% Vir.-< arolina Cheni. ... 21% 20% Western Maryland .... 20 2ft i VV. U. Telegraph ....... 64% 64% | Westing'house Ml'g .... 71 71 Chicago Board of Trade Closing ' Chicago, I'Vb. 4.—Close: Wheat—May, 164'„; July, 141%. C'crn —May, 82%: -lulv, SI";. Oats—Mav, 61 V M ; Juiv, 5S' / ,. I*c~k—'M.iv, 19.6 ft;' .1 ii.ly, IS. e l.ard —M.tv, 11.37: .lulv, 1157. Ribs—(May, 1ft.45; July, 1ft.70. / \ THE PIT REGENT TO-MORROW adv «■ ■■* 11 Voile Flouncing 1 Embroidered voile floun cing, 45 inches wide, in plain and scalloped edges; values to Toe. Special, Friday only, yard, I Additional Mill Factory News On Page 14 : : UOKJH SEEKS NO BACK PAY Willing to Submit Formal Resignation From City Post He No Longer Files "If i! is deemed necessary ami I am riillp,| upon officially to do so. I will formally resign the office of City <'o»- j troller and my resignation will ilatn from tile day I actually retired from i that otlice, so that there will he ground i for a claim for buck salary." County Controller llenly W. Cough, I erstwhile City < 'out roller, m:i,le that I statement this morning when asked con cerning the report that he lias been asked formally to re-sign his former of fice which he actually relinquished- more than a year ago. Mr. though added tlmt since taking his present county oltice lie always has | been under the impression that his ac ceptance of the county job automatical ly acted as a resignation from the city i controdlersliip. •Mr. Cough remarket! further-that In* has not yet been officially asked to re | sign ami that he has no intention of ! doing so until he is advised that it. is j necessary to remove "any legal impedi- I nient that may be held to be in the way of fillang the position by appoint meat." Mr. Cough was elected City ' ('ontroller for a four-year term in | 191 1 and his term of office onlinarily would not have expired before the close ,of this year. City Solicitor Soit/; i raised the contention that to prevent le.ual entanglements Mr. Cough ought. I formally to resign his former city post. WANT FLOU R PRICE KEPT DOWN 1 New York Bakers Appeal to Commis sioner if Foods and Markets lljl Associated PI CKS, New Yov\, I'Vb. 4.—. John,J. Dillon, J 'Coiumij-Moner of the Slate Department i of Foci s and Markets, has been appeal | e,l to by New York bakers to join with ! t'ueni iu an effort to keep down the price | of ilour which the bakers declare will i n.ake it necessary for them to raise the I price of bread within a lew days. Many of the bakers have expressed the opinion M'.at the only way this could he accomplished would he 'through an act of Congress placing an embargo on the exportation of all but the year s surplus of grain supply. VIOLATED BLUE LAWS Railroads Are Fined at Port Royal for Working on Sunday Port Royal, Feb. 4. —David Speerc, I of llarrisbui-g;, and