The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 03, 1915, Image 1
THE WEATHER CLOUDY TO-NIGHT FAIR TO-MORKOW Detailed Report. I'ace • 5^ A r,'^ p VOL. 77—NO. 52. WAR AUTOS MADE HERE FOR USE OF BRITAINS Morton Company Ships Armored Truck and Tractor, and Heads of Local Concern, Sum moned by English Government, Will Sail To-morrow With AgsuranceThat They Will Land Large Con tract for Local Plant PLANS LAID FOR A BIG OUTPUT Arrangement Complet ed With the Harris burg Manufacturing & Boiler Works for Use of Part of Its Plant to Help Turn Out Motor Cars for the British Army— Proposed to Employ 1,000 More Men In response to a request from the British government, Robert L. Morton and Samuel Morton, of the Morton Truvk a: Tractor Company, of this city, will sail from New York on the steam ship "Arabic" to go to London, Eng land, where they will demonstrate to the British War Department the use of j types of armored motor trucks and tractors, which the Harrisburg firm re- j centlv completed in its local plant, and a sample of each of which has already ; been shipped to Great Britain. Assurance already has been given to the Morton firm that it will get a lartge contract and the representatives were 1 a tvise l to be prepared, upon their ar- j rival in London, to sign the necessary ] papers to close the contract. The company, basing its action on these assurances announced to-dav it ! has made arrangements with the Har- I risburg Manufacturing and Boiler Com- i ]>any for the use of part of its plant j and equipment, in addition to the Mor ton plants, so as to have adequate manufacturing facilities at once for turning out an adequate number of armored automobiles in quick time for the use of the British army in the European war. The plans the local company now is I making in preparation for a greatly in- I crease! output contemplate the expen- » diture of about SIO,OOO in pfent facili ties. Officers of the company said they expect to have well on to 1,000 meu ! in their employ upon obtaining the contracts. •>OO Tractors Needed at Once Great Britain's plan, the local 'firm has been advised, is to place an order I at once for 500 motor tractors ami ad- j ditional contracts under which at least ; one hundred trucks i month are to be furnished so long as England is en gaged in the present European conflict. | The local firm expects to get large slices of these contracts. The trucks and tractors which the ! Morton company is offering are of the j four-wheel drive variety. Samples of both recently were completed in the lo cal plant and, members of the firm to day said, arrived in London early this week. The Morton brothers will ar- | rive in the British capital within a ' week or ten days and will spend three or four weeks demonstrating the ma- ! chines to the English War Department. The type of truck to be demonstrated j is covered with five-eighth-inch armor • plate and has a carrying capacity of six tons. It is equipped to carry two | Continued oa Secoad rase. C£l)c Star- 4HMi Sfofocpcnttent TIARKTSRURG. PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1915—12 PAGES. BURGLARS ENTER 4 STORES. CARRYING OFF $l5O LOOT Policeman McCann Arrests Man With Pack on His Back and Later Gets Confession—Two Pool Rooms Vis ited and Tobacco Stolen Four robberies in two days have been reported to the police. Oooifs and money to the amount of $l5O have been taken and one arrest has been made. About \ a quarter of the stolen goods has been recovered. | Policeman McCann, at Cameron and Market streets, at 3 o'clock this morn ing, saw a colored man slinking along with a suspicious bag and chased him into an alley in that neighborhood , and with the assistance Policemen Kep ' ford and Zimmerman, cornered him in the alley and placed him under ar- I rest. , When arraigned at police headquar ' ters he gave his name as Joseph Wil son, 23 years old. He confessed to the i robbing of the store of Henry t>. Wag euheim, 1123 South Ninth street. In the pack he carried were trousers, shorts, ' j Mufflers and sweaters to the value of I about $35. He first tried to bore a ' I hole in the window frame near the clasp, the police say, and later broke • I the window and inserted his hand, un- I fastening the das; . Policeman Coleman found a window jin the pool room of .John Wagner, ■ i and Delaware streets, broken open jat 1.30 o'clock this morning. The , policeman called the proprietor, who investigated and found $3 in small change ".ml cigars, pipes and tobacco missing. Early yesterday morning thieves gained entrance to the cigar store and i pool room of William Hoffman, Four teenth and Market streets, and book tobacco, cigars and other articles val ued at $35, from the stock. The shoe ; repair shop of Rudy & Weaver, ad- I I joining at 1321 Market street, was en ! tered the same morning and rubber . heels, shoes and a side of sole leather taken. The city detectives are engaged ; on the various cases. SUES STEEL CO. FOR $3,000 ;' Injured Man Declares Hoists Did Not Have Safety Appliances . I Declaring the Pennsylvania Steel Company failed to provide electric crane hoists with safety appliances and | because of that alleged neglect his right i hand was caught aud three fingers so badly crushed that they had to be am putated, Peter Sonac, of Steelton, this morning tiled a damage suit against the company, claiming $3,000. O. G. j Wii kersham tiled the papers. The accident occurred in the sum mer of 1313, when the plaintiff was employed in the bridge and construe : tiou deportment of the steel company. He asserts he had fastened the hooks of the crane hoist to a piece of material and was attempting to get away when he tripped over a "skid." In his attempt to recover his foot ing, the plaintiff declares, Tie grabbed the hoist while it was in operation and the cable drew his hand into the j pulley. Rush Orders at Central Plant A rush of orders has necessitated double turn this week at the 126-inch mill of the Central Iron aud Steel j panv plant. CLUBS A 40-FOOI | POLEMECAT W. K. Crozier, Assist ant City Electrician, Risks Life Rescuing a Shivering Kitten DIGS SPURS INTO SURFACE.OF ICE Little Black and White Bundle of Fur, Chased by Dog, Had Passed the Whole Night Among Live Wires Surrounding Its Lofty Perch William K. Crozier, Assistant City | Electrician, risked his life yesterday afternoon when he climbed an ice-coat i ed telegraph pole at Fourth and Say. : ford streets and rescued a half-starved i black and white kitten from the cross | arm forty feet from the ground. The kitten had been in that perilous rosition since early the evening before when it was chaseil by a heartless dog, | the cat taking refuge on the cross-arm amid a criss-crosn of live wires. The ' ;>ole was encased in a sheet of ice j which made the rescue work doublv ! dangerous and caused wonder as to how | the kitten ever managed to climb to tine top. i v>i,stable Harry Emanuel, attached to Aklerman Bayles' office nearby, was appealed to in behalf of the cat and he in turn asked the Mayor's office to ; send a man to briug tlie animal down. Crozier, being an expert lineman, ; volunteered U undertake the task. He j fastened on his spurs and adjusted his ••safety" and very .-arefully made his way to the top of the icy pole. Con stable Emanuel staved at the bottom I and offered advice, shouting after everv I move: . j "Wa"tch your step! Be sure your spurs are fast before you take another one." Crozier tucked the kitten under his Contlaued on Second Pace. , OPPORTUNITY FOR : CITY'S YOUNG lEH r | Elliott-Fisher Company I Announces Plans to ; Start New Class for Salesmen i .15 GRADUATED ; IN LAST MONTH II ___ Corporation Seeks Youths Here Who Desire to Be Educated in the Work e of Selling Its Machines in Various Parts of the World 11 1 f ! [ The School of Salesmanship conduct oj ed by Elliott-Fisher Company to in e struct and train men to sell its prod uct, has graduated its first class which v met in the general office of the company iji Harrisburg during the month of [i January. There were fifteen young men '' l graduated and they have all been as j signed to territories with the exception 0 ! 111 two, who are continuing a course of study of mechanical construction at s i thu factory. The young men have been 1 assigned to fields as follows: ti. Parvin and L. H. Crapanhoft, Chi k .ago; A. C. Lackey, C. O. Lippy, H. B. . I Oilman, A. ,1. Handler and C. E. King, t » ork City: A. Owen, Cincinnati; . O. K. Evans, Indianapolis; R. K. Lech . thaler, Philadelphia; G. R. Windsor, r Pittsburgh; D. D. Grav, Kock Island; N. r Squire. Toronto; M. D. Ettla and j | li - Group remain at the factory ! to take the course in mechanical con struction. | 1 his first session of the Salesman's . School has been a decided success both ,trom the stand]>oiut of the company t and the graduates. The men who com pleted the course have received a train j ing which could not have been obtained in any other way and which has filled their warehouse of information with material that will be valuable to them t in all their future business experience. 0 , . It. Husch has been in charge of the School. Every member of the ex s ecutive stall of the company has lwj t u ll l )on some branch of the routine of the business that effects the sales. An exhaustive analysis was made bv , • H. Hunter, assistant general man ager, of the positive qualities that make j for success, and the.ethifs of the sales j mauship was deeply gone into. ! Graduates Eager and Enthusiastic j j 'Aith the menta; qualities that are a i I nductive of success and the relation | ot ethi?s to selling as a foundation to j buihl upon, the class was carefully in -1 strueted in the detail that is necessarv ; successfully to sell the office appliances e k |! i°t-Eisber Company, such as | the book-keeping machine, the cro*s ! looter, the billing machine, the re ; cording machine and the railroad bil j i ling machine. x | The young men who were graduated I were rilled with enthusiasm an.l were eager to get into the field of demon strate the know-lodge that had been so thoroughly imparted to them. Encouraged at finding so much good materia! right in its home city, the Mliott-r isher Company has decided to conduct another class which will be ( opened March 1 and will continue for four weeks, the same period as the first class. Phe second class will not be re stricted to the young' men of Harris ," r 2 an 1 advertisements will appear in I Wi liamsport Reading. Lancaster, York and Altoona newspapers as well as the j local papers. It is the purpose of the > company to create an opening for the young men in Central Pennsylvania ( who are looking for a real opportunity to estabirsh themselves in a profitable t business. » To quote G. F. Watt, president of the company: "There is just as good ma- Contianed oa sixth Pace. , iSS SARAH WiLHELM DIES Daughter of the Late Artemas Wilhelm, j of York, Who Was for Years Man ager of Cornwall Furnaces 1 -Miss Sarah H. C. Wilhelm, of the j W ilhelm family prominent for years in J York, died yesterday afternoon at her | home in Paxtang after an illness of j several mouths. She came with her | sister Isabel to live on the farm at I Paxtang following the death of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Scliall Wil- I helm, in York, about twelve years ago. The father, Artemas Wilhelm, who died in York twenty years ago, was manager of the Cornwall furnaces, and i was connected with many other large I interest*. The family was wealthy and | one of the most prominent in York, i Miss Sarah Wilhelm is survived bv ! ! her sister, Isabel. A brother, J. Bchal'l ! (Wilhelm, died in York several years i ago. Miss Sarah Wilhelm anid her sis- ■ i ter have been socially prominent in j Harrisburg aud their Paxtang home has ! been the scene of many social gather- ; :ings. ; J. Sehall Wilhelm was for a number j of years prominent in the councils of • the Republican jartv in Pennsylvania. | He was a member oi' the Electoral Col i lege which east its vote for James G. Blaine for President. The funeral services will be held at the Paxtang home on Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock. The burial will be in York. Fractures Leg in Fall From Engine j George W. Sowers, 1078 South Ninth street, fell from a shifting engine in the Hoffman & Wilson stone quarries on South Twentv-third street, this morning and fractured his right leg near the hip. He was admitted to the Harrisbm-g hospital for treatment. BREAD IS ADVANCED TO SIX CENTS A LOAF IN CHICAGO Federal District Attorney Gets Government Probe Into the Infla tion of Wheat and Flour Prices in the Windy City By Associated Press, Chicago, Feb. 3.—As a result of the phenomenal activity ot the wheat mar ket and the advance in price of bread and other bakery products, the gov ernment's luvestigafion of wheat and flour prices became more pressing to day. Subpoenas were ordered issued by the Federal District Attorney to bring in the books and records of a number of big grain companies, among them j the Armour Grain Company, J. Rosen ! bauni Grain Company and Bartlett, Frazier \Co The District Attorney, it was anuounced, desires to investigate their connection with elevator lines in the West and North .vest. The amount of grain handled by the companies since the outbreak of the European war and how much grain is stored in Chicago elevators at present was said to be the object of the new inquiry. The price of bread was advanced | from five to six cents a loaf to-day as | a result of announcement by the Master i Bakers' Association, wnich represents about four hundred small dealers, j some of the larger manufacturers who still are selling a five-cent loaf are ex pected to announce an advance before ' the end of the week, as their supply of flour, bought mouths ago, is nearly ex hausted. Prices of doughnuts, cakes, buna and other products of the baker i ies also will be raised, it was said. WHEAT RECOVERS SUDDEN SLUMP ANDCOES TO $1.66 Peace Rumors Deal Blow to High Prices and Eight Cents a Bushel Is Knocked Off Value of May Deliv ery at Outset Chicago, Feb. 3.—Peace rumors dealt a sudden blow to-day to high prices of wheat. At the outset as much as eight j cents a bushel was knocked off the j value of the May delivery in which, i however, 'transactions were relatively ; smashed the July option rn which busi | ness chiefly centered, was given a set i back of 2 cents at the opening. May sold as low as $1.57, whereas the close yesterday was $1.65. The break in prices, however, was only temporary aud soon May wheat touched a new high record, $1.65 1-2. Fear of the opening of the Darda | nelles had considerable to do with the witness of the fluctuations in wheat. Reports, though, that several of the | ' chief forts defending the strait had j been demolished were not fully credit- i ed, and did uot have a lasting effect. ' The same was true of the peace talk, which rested on gossip as to action by j financiers likely to be taken by Mav 1. During the break, May reached for a moment as low as $1.56 3-4, a fall of 8 1-4. ; The scene in the pit gave little hint |of any greater strain than usual. On ! the rebound May wheat jumped even | tually to $1.66. making the range cov ered by that option nine cents, a swing I seldom equalled in so short a time. July dropped five cents to SI.3S, but recov ered to $1.40 3-4. INVESTING IN BREAD CHECKS Women Prepare for Possible Rise in Cost ol the Loaves Although local bakers have declared that they will not raise the price of bread until absolutely compelled to do so by the increasing cost of flour, many thrifty housewives throughout the city are buying Quantities of bread checks from the smaller bakers at the six for-a-quarter rate in anticipation of a rise. An increase in the price of loaves may result in the Civic Club taking up the question of home-made bread, al though, according to the president, Miss Shunk, there has as yet been no formal discussion of the matter. CUARD PLAISJN SHIP BILL Senate Administration Democrats Hope to Save Measure Without Aid of Recalcitrants in Party By Associated Prcus. Washington, Feb. 3.—Closely guard ed plans of the Senate administration Democrats for saving the ship bid, de veloped to-day as leaving the bolting Democrats out of the reckoning entirely and making tOie bill agreeable to enough Progressive Republicans to over come the defections. The plan as finally agreed upon was to move as an amendment to the motion to recommit, instructing the commerce committee to return the bill with amendments providing that the govern ment should not leaso ships to private concerns for a |ieriod longer than 12 months and that no ships of belligerent nations be bought whdeh would disturb the neutrality of the United States. When the Senate convened the first hour and a half passed without a de velopment while a parliamentary dis cussion of the events of the previous seoaious of the fight was carried on. IK ID IfflJpDA Dominion Official Cites Authority for the Ex tradition of Van Horn Across the Border THE PRISONER IS STILL IN MAINE Next Development In Case Expected at Washington When the British Am bassador Presents the Facts Before the State Department By Press. Vanceboro, Me., Feb. 3.—Werner Van Horn, who attempted to blow up the railway bridge here yesterday, to day appealed to the German Ambassa dor at Washington, Count Von Bcrn storff. He told the latter that he had not been on Canadian soil and asked for protection from extradition to Canada. Vanceboro, Mo., Feb. 3. —Werner Van Horn who was arrested here yes terday after attempting to blow up the Canadian end of the railway bridge between this town and St. Croix, N. 8., was carefully guarded at the immigra tion office throughout the night. No formal charge had been preferred against Van Horn who said he was an officer in the German ariny and that he had exploded the dynamite as an act of war. He made no objection to his detention in custody of a county Deputy Sheriff but insisted that he had committed no offense for which he could be extradited to Canada. It was thought here that the next development in the case would be at Washington, where it was expected that the application for Van Horn's extradition, forwarded by the Canadian government to the British Ambassador yesterday would be presented to the State Department to-day. Under the auspices oi' Canadian of ficials, a court session was held last night in McAdam Junction, just across the New Brunswick border, at which testimony was given before a police magistrate who later issued a warrant against Vau Horn. No service was made on the prisoner, however, local authorities having de cided that the warrant had no legal standing unless accompanied by an or der for extradition. Gives Reason for Extradition St. John, N 8., Feb. 3. —The infor mation laid against Werner Van Horn, upon which the Canadian authorities Continued on Seventh I'ace. 1 IN EACH J1 HIT TRAIL Nine Per Cent, of the Population of Royalton Converted During Evangelistic Revival (Special to the Star-Independent.) Middletown, Pa., Feb. 3.—Nine per cent., or about one out of every eleven, persons constituting the population of Rovalton, a neighboring borough, which has something like 1,000 inhabitants, have "hit the trail'' and been con verted within tne last fortnight in evangelistic services conducted in the Rovalton United Brethren church by the pastor, the Rev. H. A. Styitli. Never before in the history of the town or the church—both were incor porated in 1890—has such a stirring evangelistic revival been conducted in the church. Meetings are being held nightly and the little building is taxed to its capacity ut all services. The Sunday school membership has in creased by three ?core and ten within a week. The Rev. Mr. Smith is being assisted by the Rev. John K. Henry, of Royal ton, and Harry Fleck, a railroad man and local preacher, who comes from Huntingdon, Pa. GET MONEY FOR MILLER Harrisburg Catcher Sold to Scranton —Whalen in Town A check, the purchase money for Charley Miller, catcher of last year's championship Harrisburg baseball team, was received from the Scranton club of the New Yo'k State League this morning. Miller will join the Scranton team in the spring. The amount of the price [>aid for Miller was uot given out. Fenton Whalen, shortstop of last year's local club, was in Harrisburg to day. He says he has signed up with the Omaha club, thus confirming a re port of that deal. Chabek and Adams are other deserters for faster baseball. Powell Alive and Proves It Through a mix-up in names a rumor spread through the Capitol last evening that Auditor General Powell had met with a fatal accident at his home in Pittsburgh. A man of the same name as General Powell was killed and the Pittsburgh newspapers jumped at con clusions. When General Powell was asked about it to-day he said: "I told my wife, as soon as I heard I was killed, that I didn't believe a word of the story." Frontier Indian Fighter, 08, Dies Dresden, Kan., Feb. 3. —Eliphalet Johnson, 98 years pld, widely known as an Indian fighter in the frontier davs in the Middle West, died at his home here to-day. He was born in New York and followed the frontier through Ohio, lowa and Illinois into Kansas. 69 HERE FORESAKE THE WAR LORDS OF EUROPE Three Score English-Speaking Foreign ers Welcomed Into Uucle Sam's Family in Naturalization Court To day—One Misses It by a Day Allegiance to Kaiser Willielm, King George, Czar NWilmlns, Eniparor Francis Joseph and King Kmmanuel, along with other European rulers, was withdrawn in Federal court here this morning when sixty English-speaking aliens were sworn in as citizens of the Uniited States. Half a dozen applicants failod to appear for. the hearing, and one who did appear will be obliged to relile pa pers for citizenship. His case was cou ! tinued for ninety days because the men i he offered as witnesses in his own be j half could not satisfy the court that the 1 applicant haul been living within the 1 .jurisdiction of the court for the re | quired time prior to the date he mado application for his final papers, i The applicant's papers liear date of July 1, 1914, and it was on July 2, 1909, that the witnesses became ac quainted with him, just four years and 364 days ago or one day short of the required five years. The applicant will , at once renew his application for citi jzenship and his case will be heard three j months hence. Judge Oliver B. Dickinson, of Phila ] liiell»hia, of the Eastern District Federal ■ Court, presided at the. hearings, due to the illness of Judge Charles B. Witiner, of Seranton, who is suffering from a se 1 vere cold. The majority of the apj 1; ■ cants were tested as to' the length of ! time they have resided in this country, ; their willingness to be law-aibiding citi j /.ens and as to whether they have any I anarchistic principles. Few' were ex | amined on questions of government or ( as to their knowledge of who are the | chief state and national officers. | One witness said his wife onc\> ha t hint arrested on a charge of assault and battery. "Did you strike her?" asked the | inspector. "Just a little bit.'' "Knock her down?" "No. Wasn't much. We fixed it up. My wife, she withdrawed the ease," the man replied. "bet him be sworn," directed Judge Dickinson. Another had beeu arrestos) for hav j ing a "deadly weapon" in his posses ; -ion. The applicant smilingly remarke I i that he paid a fine of $36 for having ! the gun in his possession as a protection i against thieves. HOTEL FIRE ROUTS GUESTS Upper Stories of the Kaiserliof, in' Ch icago, Attacked by Blaze Chicago, Feb. 3.—Practically every j piece of fire lighting apparatus in "the j loop" resjomied to-day to an alarm | from the Kaiserliof hotel, whose upper stories were at"aeked by blaze that routed guests. Thousands of sjnvtators crowded the streets, completely block ing traffic. There seemed but little •enhance of the fire harming the new Kaiserliof, a skyscraper adjoining, but ! some fear was felt for other buildings in the block, including the Victoria hotel. Among the guests driven out was Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. The flames were kept within the eighth and the top floor and shortly aft er 110011 were extinguished without hav ing spread to adjoinimg buildings. The damage was placed at $20,000. HIE DIE AS THEY SLEEPjNFORESI Woodmen Perish When Explosion of Gas Sets Fire to Building They Occupy 2 OT 6 INJURED ALSO MAY DIE i Medical Aid Summoned From Nearest Town, Eighteen Miles Away From Scene of Accident, Is Hours in Reaching the Injured By Associated Press. Kane, Pa., Feb. 3.—Nine men were burned to death and six others were se riously injured in a fire which early to-day destroyed the sleeping house of the Tionesta Chemical Company at Mayburg, Forest county. The men, mostly wanderers, of whom little was known to the. company, were employed in the forests as woodmen and at night slept in the cheesecloth-lined frame building eroeted for tliem. The house was heated by gas and, it is believed, increased pressure in the mains caused an explosion, which fired the building. The nearest town, Shef field, is 18 miles away, and medical aid was hours in reaching the injured. Only one occupant of the building es caped uninjured. The identified dead are Heuri Stran islaur and Bertini Marrsin, both Mace donians, and the identified injured Lud ovic Martilli and Henri Marson. Phy sicians expressed the belief that two of the injured would die. —v V POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT ATTACKS BY FRENCH ARE REPULSED Raiser's Troops Defend Their Positions Near Perthes From the As saults of the Allies GERMAN FORCES OCCUPY HUMIN In Poland, North of the Vistula, Cav j airy Onslaughts by the Russians Are Checked as Well as Night Attacks Near the Bzura Berlin. Fob. 3, By Wireless to Say | ville. —German army headquarters to day gave out a report on the progress : of the fighting which reads as follows: "The attacks imule by the Frcinc.h : on German positions near Perthes havo been repulsed. On the remainder of ! the western battle front there was yes terday nothing more than artillery ex i changes. There are 110 new develop ments along the East Prussian frontior. "In Poland, north of the Vistula, i cavalry onslaughts l>v the Russians I lu&ve been repulsed, while south of the Vistula German attacks at a [xiint east of Bolimow ended with the occupation of the village of Humin (to the north [ east). Fighting for possession of | Wolaszye-Lowiczka lias been going on since February 1. In these engage ments we have taken over 4,000 pris | oners and captured six machine guns. I "Russian attacks at night against | the German |n>sitipns near the Bzura | river have been repulsed." Germans Reinforce Angola Troops Berlin, Feb. 3, By Wireless to Lm- I don, S.iiO A. M. —A dispatch from Lis- J bon soys: "Reinforcements have lieen to Angola as the Hermans now occupy the greater part of that colony." Announcement was made early in | January that German forces had invad |ed Portuguese Angola on the western | coast of Africa although there had ! been no declaration of war between the l two countries. The Portuguese easual f ties in Angola were estimated at that j time at about SOO killed, wounded and ! prisoners. The Germans were said to I iiavc lost about 200. It was said that ! 4,000 fresh P. rtuguese troops were i ready to embark for Africa. 'GIRL, ENLISTED AS MAN. TOOK I PART IX 1!) BATTLES IN POLAX I) Moscow, via Petrograd, Feb. 3, and I Ijoudon, Peb. 3. o. P. M.—Among tM I wounded who have arrived in Moscow from the front is Olga Krazilinoff, a girl of 19 years. After taking part in nineteen battles in Poland she was wounded in the foot. The girl enlisted under a man's naina and this deception has just been dis covered. The cross of St. George, fourth I degree, has been awarded to her. LUTE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Field Marshal Von Hindenburg's new drive at Warsaw apparently has ac complished little more thus far than the winning of a comparatively few Rus ! sian advanced positions. Neither the ! Berlin nor the Petrograd official re • ports indicate that marked changes have resulted from the fighting, which daily becomes more intense. The Ger man commander has chosen to make his principal assault along the front be tween Sochazew, :{<i miles due west of : Warsaw, and Sidomiewico, a few miles to the south, which is in the section in j which the Germans vainly attempted to I break through on their previous attempts to reach Warsaw. Both sides occupy strongly entrenched positions in i this region, where the warfare closely I resembles that in France. An official Russian report of to-day states that German attacks in this lo ; cality were repulsed in the course of violent battles, during which the Rus sians recaptured trenches previously tv ; ken by the Germans. Russian successes are claimed also in : the lighting in the Carpathians, which has developed into one of the most im- Continued on Second PaKf. Bishop Dubs Slightly Better The physicians attending Bishop Rudolph Dubs, who is critically ill at his home, 226 Harris street, stated late this afternoon tha' the Bishop is slight ly improved to-day. WALL STREET CLOSING By Associated Press, New York, Feb. —Spasmodic sell ing of Steel, Amalgamated and Reading imparted a heavier tone to the lata dealings. The closing was irregular. Trading in to-day's dull and contracted stock market was dominated almost en tirely by the professional element. Leading issues w*re under moderate pressure.