2 | Additional Mill &> Factory Sale News on Page 12 j I Silks From Our Regular Stock Radically A Mill and Factory Sale Announcement Reduced To Effect An Immediate From the Men's Clothing Stock Clearance Section 75c Black Silks at 56c $1.50 Black Drepe de Chine, $1.09 Many of our most staple weaves go into the Mill and Factory Sale at lower prices than it will $15.00 and $16.50 Suits—A New Lot (t* 1 A be possible for us to quote for identical weaves later in the season, so if you are interested in pro- 1 T~7 j , i C*l 111 curing a serviceable silk way under price we suggest that you see these values to-morrow: J USI I UrCn3.SOQ"""t/ntor 1110 o£tlo 3.t . $2.00 evepe casade, the heaviest. Cheney's 85c shower proof foulard, SI.OO messaline silk stripes. Mill Mm" v tz ;%*'": to ' y . s " e 79c , * tl "','»**«* mon , th in «* f ° r *«* winte action*, « n ,i w i«»» es: 40 inches wide; in Rocky Moun- price, uyL Black Dress Silks maker informed us that he had a lot worthy ol entry in the Mill and Factory Sale at SIO.OO, we tain blue, Palm Beach sand, Russian 89c satin stripe tub silks, 36 inches 75 c black messaline. Mill c/; r investigated and were pleased to take every suit lie had which bought otherwise would retail at green white and black. Mill J9q wide, including designs in black and aml p ac tt r y Sale price $15.00 and $16.50. and factory Sale price white. Mill and Factory JQr $1.23 black messaline. Mill Q7 r $1.25 crepe de chine, 40 inches Sale price, yard, and Pactorv Sale nriee V/ C. wide, i, navy, i 'opmhagen, Tuxedo „ M w .ra b roi l,. 36 »i Sbllckta#rt™36 tehe. wide. Both El " ; 1,s 1 11 and thc more conservative cut sacks in two and three-button models with re*u brown, flame and lilac. Mill c and 40 inches wide; in many shades. Mill and Factory Sale O&r 1 al ' 01 " P a^ pockets, and Factory Sale price, j ill and Factory Sale SQf price . ... VOC i Pussy* wiiiow taffeta, Miii £T "«T"o» Patterns and Styles $lB Tartan Check $15,00 Balmacaans and Factory Sale price, and Factory Sale ff 19Q price, * l,yo For Mpn onrl <-> • ,r> . $2.00 stripe and floral crepe de price J) I .X*y $4.00 imported, crepe eharmeuse. * , SllltS sl2 00 SB 75 chine; 40 inches wide. Mill ' , i an^rn, Sale ., Pr i Ce V * •••-•: , , Klack unfinished worsted suits. . Blue Tartan ohecks ' Plain brown cheviot, brown has s!.oo Shantung pungee, .53 inches ! $.1.00 faille silk in taupe navy, $3.00 satin de luxe 40 inches wide. sha,,ow stripe black cassimere and Brown Tartan Checks wide. Mill and factory Sale £g c brown and rose. Mill and C| 9$ Mill and Factory Sale $2 Aft Hicviot suits. ket weave and grey Scotch mixture P r il'. e ; . -1 ru7« a 'v mce 'ri''' 1' • pr L C /kA"ui" i 1" ~ * .. White chalk stripe blue serge suits. Two and three-button English u . . $3.00 French moire, 40 inches wide, $3.00 finest quality eharmeuse, 111 sl.oo black - erepe de chine, 40 sh-idow strino blue sortm an.! war. , • , » .... 7. Balmacaans with convertible collars, in two shades of blue. Mill | Factory Sale brings thc price down to or 3 for SI.OO. preciahle savings by'th? two items Xoy^^m^tlle S f a onowini , : !»|| M or aS^ 6 ®.®. fT. Pe^! C .f. r * ! .!T! Mill and Factory Mill and Factory Bj?|f Men's "Amoskeag" blue chambray sliirts, military collar; double sewed yoke and SI.OO Moo's $1.50 madras and mercerized Men's SuSpendeFS Men's plain black satine and black and white stripe cheviot shirts; pearl buttons, QQ " Men's Garters and Arm Bands ' W. it. r "" "" 79<- 2oc Brighton silk arm bands Boys' $3.98 mackinaws $2.98 Mm Men's 75c blue and grey flannel top shirts Boys' BIOUSe j vs ' mackinaws, $3.98 ' n ' S c ' lam ' )ra y s ' l * r * B ' two •eparate collars: sizes 14 to 17, JJoc tached and band stvles, .. . . kr . * t . ' Men's $6.50 mackinaws $5.00 MB Men's Negligee Shirts 0r :J for Mcn ' s s7 ' so "aekinawß $5 . 98 Men's SI.OO ncfiligee shirts with laundered or French turn-over culTs, sizes 13% to 17, fiQ^ Men's Linen and Cotton Men's SIO.OO madkinaws 05*7 Krt . M&sr j • o uiiiou ll*l B^linVl! 2 REEL KEYSTONE ta<^SSK,BSSXv ta -* v ' Anniversary Week COMEDY I Evening Kin III""* J > THIHSDAY __ Mat., (ilrl In Taxi mill Toiißn Unnrrn Evening, Team off H I"., Mnr. 4 AT S.ir. ADMISSION 2"> null no C'KNTS i 1 Regent l!V A I'I.ApS HV ITSEI.I' | Lost Paradise j A ."-reel Paramount l«'llm Pl«iy» Fea- i (urliift the Celebrated Actor 11. R. WARNRR llhi«tratliiK the ntriiKKle between | capital ii ml labor. To-morrow—W11»I) FLO \Y 101! | A bewildering? characterisation with Marguerite Clark In leaillni? role— | Another Paramount I'Vatiire. HOIJRS*—I2 \oo\ —II P. M. \«lmlNalon : Children r»e; A4 cents, and gives you a full pint—a familv supply—of a most effective remedv, at a saving of $2. A day's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in 5 minutes —full directions with Pinex. Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant ta»te. Children like it. I It's really remarkable how promptly and easily it loosens the drv, hoarse or tight cough and heals the, inflamed mem branes in a painful cough. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per sistent loose cough. A splendid remedv for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial asthma and whooping cough. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so "healing to the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for '•2% ounces of Pinex,"' and do not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with this preparation or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Irid.