12 |Ad d| riona^Mil' o ,nd || S,!.| LM IdMml Opens To-morrow JUVI You can't afford to miss the rare opportu- With thousands of dollars worth of regular stock nities to save that are made possible in this no merchandise at remarkable reductions. t wholc S,,|C bv W; eoneession. Every pieee is of first quality, and there is a remarkable saving in each the Rojal factor, at SIB.OO to sbo.oo a dozen. Mj. grade. An entire earload goes out. at one-third saving: Berlin Kettles Dish Pans Cotton Styles at 50c, 95c, $1.95 » Preserving Kettles. Boilers and Buckets. Silk Styles at SI.OO, $1.50, $1.95 K? "S." I R H!r Hi ■t km *-» i __ T . , „. W;> 1-quart coffee pots, with enamel covers, 'lc 25c ! '" fluart ? er H n kettles 42c 25c 1,500 Royal Waists: 500 1,500 Royal Waists: 95c 1,500 Silk Waists: $1.50 s-quart coffee pots, witu enamel covers, r.»c » S B 2 £ V,l c iff *1.50 and $1.85 Values Regular 82.95 to 85.00 Values Regular 82.05 and 83.50 Values 1-quart coffee pots, with enamel covers, OOc 50c I M-quart pans', .... .. . . «-»c |" c _ . . Hgv v Eice boilers »Hc OOc 17-quart dish pans . 7,- >c ,-, ( 7 c \\ e Bought Muslins. Dress Skirts, $4.50 to $8.50 1 I H-quart tea kettles OSc oj>c ■ :io-qwart dish pans,' .............. yi."r> mi!c . , . '?*§>£*•*''' 0-quart tea kettles, sl.lO 80c : i quart lipped preserving kettles :>oc yoc Ana as the market has subsequently advanced' Several hundred fine quality skirts in navy blue 3§fip- to-quart seamless water pails, 05c ;t»»c i 5-quart lipped preserving kettles, :t;jc ~i c and the tendency is for a higher level, the values and black serge and black taffeta have been taken PSOIS 12-quart seamless water pails 75c IOC j B-quart lipped preserving kettles ! ; W( - c £■£. l '.f* • ft 1 ??*" "T" - H» » nsrjsrarr.r^.:::::::: £SS will stand out pronunentlv. Buy bedding supplies tor the benefit of Mill and Factory, Sale buyers. Sag: \ sj& 7-quart coffee boilers OOc hoc ; 12-quart lipped preserving kettles, r,»c 12c now and save. Prominent in the clearance: 8-quart coffee boilers, $1.15 70c si-quart lipped preserving kettles! ..... ooc 40c Mill and Factory Colanders 25c l»c 4-quart oval covered buckets 80c 55c Bleached Muslill Sale Price jSfg * Oval dish pans OOc «0c I 5-quart oval covered buckets NOc OOc Mill and Factory $6.30 navy and black serge skirts, long Russian MB' Rives, Pomerov & Stewart, Basement. itlSS ml! .""!* bla ' k "''''"""'ssno Misses' and Children's Dress Goods Values Show- Ik raj School Shoes ing Remarkable Savings Sheets i $5.90 !ogi®[r | I Mill and Factory The Mill and Factorv Sale promises re 59t' half bleached sheets, 63x90 inches . 49«- W_oo dark hlue scree skirts, ~-ith boj f II 8 " lPn » dilutions ill colored and black Dress floods 69c bleached she,,,. 76riO inches. S»C «..50 dark'hh!e il K ft I """ 05 ' "»»5 " ,e vatac. Boc bleached sheets, inches 7oe long circular tunics 55.95 P- WB filj atiti ned soles, with low tiat heels, ........ .v7s ot the entire \\ lllter season. The qnan 4oc bleached sheets, <2x9o inches boc unbleached sheets, 81x90 inches 59c $9.93 black taffeta skirt,, with pleated tunic, JJ\ Bohd leather Soles w,th low heeU ' SIZOS 11 j to last long at the prices «,noted. Unbleached Muslins 1 sig.so black taffeta and plaid crepe - ! '?^ c Panam . a 36 » ntl 42 inches wide,. ,25< • c sl-25crepe granite, 50 inches wide, in blue, 89< Tlir> Mill f * o i i •! i i L rpi • actory hale makes possible the most important savings of the '' turned soies with spring heeis, sizes 4to 8 75c of shades, 95^ Intel. lilt' Items of trreat import to you include: C ** Diveg, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. I ur Dives, Pomeroy i Stewart, Street Floor omen's #I.OO and $1 15 black thread silk ho-e. ; Women's peeler cotton ribbed vests, fleece lined, wf I Women's $4.00 Black Suede Shoes In the Women's 12t s e Wack cotton hose, seamless— j Women's si.,Hi white cotton ribbed union suits, (y'* Mill 3.11(1 F flCtOiy Sslc Sit $2.85 Womeu s 39c tan silk hose 25e Women's white cotton vests'Dutch K&i, C '**' The last of the \\ inter stock of Women's and Boys' Shoes goes into the Mill Women's 25c Burson tan cotton hose 18c and sleeveless, fleece lined, 50c quality 39f an " ractory Sale at substantial savings. W omen s 25c navy and black lisle hose, omen s white cotton ribbed knee length draw- Women's $4.00 black suede calf and black crav- j Women's $1.50 gun metal calf and black kid Men's Wnmpn'c ers. lace trimmed. 25c quality, each 190 Jfl enette button shoes, made on new style lasts, with skin button shoes, made on full toe lasts with men s, W omen S ana Children S \\ omen s white cotton Swiss ribbed Union suits, I | \ Goodyear welted soles, ?2.85 stitched soles, 51.20 Underwear ! l°ug sleeves and elbow sleeves, $1.25 quality, suit, Women's $3.50 patent colt skin and gun metal j Moil's W»rv Fomtian .;u,j » i SI.OO V*®? Hi calf skin button shoes, with cloth tops or dull mat j Bovs' Siloes drawers 30e uuaHtv ea.'h ' MU: Boys'7sc cotton ribbed union suits, fleece lined, JBBP kid skin tops, Goodyear welted soles, with high i ~ , (M 1 , , . drawers.-XH qualitj. each 39c Buit 5Q - Cuban heels, 52.45 «<>3s $2.(K> gun metal calf button and lacc shoes Mens Wack and tan cotton ribbed shirts and Children's white wool unio'n'suits,' seconds of W II WW Jk Women's $2.50 and $3.00 shoe's 'in patent colt "? a ? e ° n t"! 1 toe last » Wlth hettv - v stitched s.»K drawers, ole quality, each 390 SI.OO quality, suit 69c W Dives, Pomeroy A: Stewart, Street Floor. \ a [ijft".- BPWBH lace styles, stitched and welted soles, ?1*95 , "°. vs $2.00 gun metal calf and tan Elk skin 4 r\r\r\ t-\ , _ . ~ ■•"flPpfffi Women's $2.00 and $2.50 shoes in black kid shoes, made on full toe lasts, with heavy solid \ ()()() I RonrfVlf" sr\r f V-» Xr 1h T '' 'ii s^'n ' I )a t (> nt colt and gun metal calf, button and leather soles, sizes 2\U to sVs> 81-95 UUU 1 UYVC;Ib DOUgnr lOr ine Mill ? yfgsW heels 81.65 shoe, button and lace styles, sizes 8 good heavy quality for general use, yard, u .' L 20c silk and e,otton novelty in solid shades, fig iJc guest I urkish towels, blue and pink borders, j ' 29C &r?y /YS r robe cretonne, 36 inches wide, in styles for ures and dots, yard 12'^ - ' t \ \ • , ' , 19c hemmed Turkish bath towels, 19x42 inches, inches wide, large range of patterns to select from WAT ffl 121/2slg,ls 011 c 0 each,.... - 12yard 35C VS UfY if grounds with fancy and plain stripes, yard, grounus, j ara, ..lof 2-jc white Turkish bath towels, extra heavy 75c heavy mercerized table damask 2 yards '/ *"-• v 12y 2 c dress ginghams, yard, ma as shirting, fancy and plain stripes on quality with hemmed ends, each, wide, 5 good patterns, yard, 59c ZjX / ' : * 15c junior cloth, 32 inches, neat stripe patterns u ground, yard, 15^ 29c fancy Jacquard border Turkish towels in 79c linen bleached table d'am'ask,^7o inches wide, Wl £\ A, for boys' suits, yard, 10< I 25cSilkvFinish Ponlin *%+} pink, blue and yellow borders, extra heavy qual- handsome patterns, yard, 69<* ' y ■ ' '' -• 20c poplin in solid shades, yard, I • * * [ ity subject to mill imperfections, each, ....19* 500 yards of regular $1.25 heavy Scotch bleach- V?£ A ,/T l' A 18c serpentine Crepe in floral effects for kimonos 25c ratine suitinir strines on white naw «nrl Turkish bath towels, size 22x43 inches, pink ed table damask, 2 yards wide, seventeen different A S/fr and dressing sacques, yard, 12black urounds vard' ' 'AJ and blue stnpe border, each 25«!- patterns vard #1 ftft tin IS— sl i ' — ~j !V. ' ,",V .77 tve I - ** i> s w J ' * * 10c Dress Oinsrhams at 1 diamond dot pongee, tib inches, half silk, *r Dives, Pomeroy k. Stewart, Street Moor. f (if\ "'"I!"""" at q /4V | y ar( j 25^ * - w *-'■ « .pjy?* ■ '*■ /4s*" ? " ■"*' * v*' *H r * ■ -*' 'ff " • '■. ' HABRIS3ITRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EYENTNO. FEBRUARY 2, 1915.