The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 01, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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We have made this an event which deserves your careful consideration. Every
room in your house can be furnished at a great saving during this sale.
Come in and make your comparisons before purchasing. Any purchase will be
held for later delivery.
A Convenient Payment Plan for Those Who Desire It
Brass and Iron Beds, Bed Room Suits and
Springs and Mattresses ®dd Pieces
in oak, mahogany, bird's-eye maple and
Especially priced for this sale. Circassian walnut.
jillflJll Hoosier'sl
p Kitchen
Colonial Brass Bed, including Spring P* £*\
and Mattress, complete, $24.50 I 1
A 2-inch post bed with 2-inch top rail, hoavv tillers, ®
full size, best of lacquer, fully guaranteed. Link spring
with heliclo at ends. 4-inch riser. Cotton mattress in This Golden Oak Dresser will give itn idea of some
two pieces with pood art ticking, 45 pounds, pure cot- of the value* to be had. ,V solid oak dresser, 38x19,
ton filled. You should see this outfit to appreciate the substantially built; 26x8 beveled edge mirror, golden
money-saving value. oak finish.
r\/ l ' " \
21x42 Bird's-eye Maple Dressers, 1 $25.(X) Mahogany Toilet Tables
with 22x28 oval mirror, two long at $19.50
drawers and two short drawers; Colonial pattern Bird's-eye Maple
$30.00 value at $19.75 Toilet Tables, $28.00 value at $21.50
We have 4T% We deliver all pur-
McCormack's V£ rV chases, freight prepaid,
Victor Records to all points.
312 Market Street
Funeral of Henry B. Markley, 07, Held
Saturday Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
Milleraburg, Feb. 1. —The funeral of
Henry B. Markley was held from his ;
late home on North street, Saturday j
afternoon. He was a prominent citizeu j
of this place and was held in high j
esteem by all who knew him. He was '
67 years old and is survived by his
wife, and two daughters, Miss Aurie
and Mts. Jennie M. and
one grandchild, Markley Roniberger.
A meeting of the High school Alum
ni Association was held in the High
school room on Thursday evening.
The Rev. C. G. White, pastor of St.'
Paul's Lutheran ehivrch, spent the past!
week in Philadelphia and while there j
attended the Billy Sunday meetings. j
F. S. Kirk has sold his home on Pine [
street, to John Early, and has purchas
ed a lot 011 East Union street, where
he will erect a bungalow.
Kimber Grimm, of Lancaster, for- I
rnerly of this place, will give an il- i
lustrated lecture on Tuesday evening,
at the Grange hall, Killinger. Some
time ago Mr. Grimm made a trip j
through the western part of the United j
States and in his lecture will show pic-!
tures of many interesting places, in-j
eluding the Grand Canyon and Pike's'
A. E. Leach and family are moving !
into the flat abovtf T. J. Long's store. ;'
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jury will occupy |
the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs, i
Leach. N
The degree team of Modern Wood-!
men of this place, held a banquet iti j
Pick's hall on Friday evening. The:
team won a prize in the Mummers'!
parade held here on New Year's Bay,!
and celebrated the event with a turkey
dinner to which they had invited their
Mrs. Nathan Hoy fell on an icy .
pavement on Friday evening and was'
severely injured.
Miss Nora Mattis. a trained nurse
of Philadelphia, is staying at the home j
of her sister, Mrs. Sliepp, .Turing Mr. I
and -Mrs. Shepp's stay in Florida.
.Miss Fan Ijonig spent Sunday with I
friends in Sun bury.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shepp and Mr. j,
and Mrs. Levi Walborn will leave on j
Tuesday for a trip through the South, 11
of Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Clocks,
Opera and Field Glasses, Umbrellas
Sales Daily at 2.30 and 7.30 P. M.
Jewelers and brokers ( 431 Market St.—At Subway
! spending most of their time in Florida.
! Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Culp, of Eliza
bothville, spent the week-end with the
latter's sister, Mrs. F. K. Chance, and
George Michaels, a student at Frank
j lin aud Marshall College, spent Satur
day and Sunday at his parental home
j here.
( Andrew Hippie Seriously Injured While
Playing With Companion
j Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Feb. I.—Mr. and Mrs.
H. S. Roth and son, Harry, spent the
past several .lays at stoippenaburg.
Harry Shaffner, of Hunnnelstown,
spent Sunday in town.
Miss Martha Mathews, of Eli7.albet.h
-town, spent Sunday in town as the
| guest of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Olier, J
| Kmaus street.
The Men 's meeting held in the U. B. 1
' church yesterday morning was a sue- j
J cess. The Boys' Booster chorus sang
1 several selections which were greatly 1
1 enjoyed.
The services in the M. E. Sunday
j school yes.ter.lay afternoon were large-,
| lv attended.
1 The Rev. J. M. Warden, of Harris-:
i burg, preached in the Presbyterian '•
, church yesterday morning and the Rev.
R. H. Carter, of Indiana, in the even
| ing. The pastor, the Rev. T. C. Mv-;
' C'arrell, preached at Waynesboro yester-,
I day.
The toadies' Aid Society of the M.!
lE. church will meet at the home of
! Mrs. 1). W. lluntzberger 011 North Union '
street on Thursday afternoon at 2 j
i o'clock.
Miss Carrie Schiefer. who spent the'
[ past several days in town as the guest
| of her sister. Mrs. X. C. Fuhrman, left
this morning for Lititz where she will
visit Mrs. Ilarrv Rudy for the day and
return to her home at Philadelphia
! this evening.
Miss Annie Keim and Miss Elsia
Keim returned to their home at Phila
delphia on Saturday, after spending!
several days in town as the guests of!
Mr. an i Mrs. John Lutz, Ann street. j
Scott Sides and force of men have
moved the double house on Main street,
near Uiwreme street, recently pur
chased by Harry Baumbach, from the
. ar company to a lot on Eagle Heights.
Andrew Hippie, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Pern- Hippie, State street, met with a
painful accident at his home on Satur
day. While playing with a companion
Hippie war. tilted from a box, striking
a nail which penetrated his back about
two inches. Dr. W. P. Evans was sum
moned and rendered medical aid.
Mr. and Mrs. John Yost, of llarris
burg, S|tent Sunday in town a-,
guests of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles ost, South Union street.
Jacob Weirich, of Heading, spent the
past several days in town with his fam
ily on Pike street.
The Local Institute held in the High
school on Friday evening aud Saturday
«n.s largely attended. John Wibensn
rendered « violin >olo at the session 011
The Men's meeting held 'lll tlie
Church of God yesterday afternoon was
largely attended. The' Rev. ti. W.
Harper, of Harrisburg, delivered a line
address and C. N. Jackson of the U. B.
church sang a beautiful solo which was
highly appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Deibier Entertain
Number of Guest?
Special Correspondence.
Dauphin, Feb. 1. —Mr. and Mrs.
0. W. Deibier entertained at their
home 011 South Erie street on Thurs
day evening. A very enjoyable time
was spent in games and music. Re
freshments were served to Miss MOll
- Houileshel. of Baltimore; Mr. and
iMrs. \V. F. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. 11.
1. Oerberich, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. M.
Reed. Mr. and Mrs. >O. W. Deibier, Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Rood, Miss Snra Wener,
Miss Ruth Deibier, Charles Gerberich,
Charles Eby, Wellington Deibier and
Russell Reed.
Mr. aud Mrs. Stanley Gxrman an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Fri
day, January 29.
( The Keystone nrnstrels, 'under the
management of George A. Garnuin, of
New York will , lay at Millers burg
to-night and to-morrow night.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). W. Deibier spent
We Uiesdav ia \Yilliam.<-i>ort.
Ni i?« Mamie Houdeshell, of Balti
more. who sj>ent the past, week with
lit r cousin. Mrs. W. F. Ree.l, left on
Friday for Marysville.
Mrs. W. Prank Hailets and .laugh
ter. Dorothy, sre visiting in Philadel
MSss Frances Swit/.er, of Atantw
'City, wa< the gjwt of Mrs. T. G. Switz
er, 011 Wednesday.
'Mrs. George Wolf spent Wednesday
at Halifax.
Harry Garman, of Hershev, spent
Sunday with .his sister, (Mrs. David
Mr. and Mrs. George liamlis enter
|taineil at their bungatow, between
If you want to keep your hair in
cood condition, the less soap you
use the better.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. "This dries
the sealp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Just plain inutaified
eocoanut oil (which is pure and en
tirely greaseless), is much better
than soap or anything else you can
use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly injure the hair.
Simply moi .ten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfuls will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the
hair and scalp thoroughly. The
lnther rinses out easily, Hnd removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves it
line and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage.
You can get mulsiiied eocoanut oil
at most any drug .store. Tt ts very
cheap, artd a few ounces is enough
to last everyone in the family for
2.30 and 5.30 o 'clock, in, honor of the
7th birthday anniverswy of their
daughter, Emily. The house and table
decorations were in valentine style. The
traditional candle cake graced the cen
ter of the table. Refreshments were
served to Mrs. David 'I/ewis. of
I>ecat)ur, 111.; Mrs. Shaffner. Mr. Potts.
Virginia Wallis, .Titlvauue Wierman,
Miriam Wiennan, of Harrisburg; iMrs.
George l.*ndis, Miss (Margaret Brooks,
'Emily I«n>lis, Mary "Grimm, May awl
Dorothy Kline, Liottie and Dorothy
Wynn, Catherine Bcwighner, Gertrude
Smith and Robert I«andis. Flavors wvre
given to the children.
Williams Valley Mining Institute WiU
Render Program To-morrow
i*P< c;#l Correspondence.
NVillianistowm, (Feb. 1. —The Wil
liams Valley Mining Institute will hold
n meeting tn Parocliial Hall at Tjykens
to-morrow evening, when the following
program will be rendered: Overture,
Institute Orchestra; vocal solo. Hay
Higgins: selection. Mandolin Club:
'* Safety in and About the Mines,"
John Noel, District Safety' Inspector;
piano duet, O. M. Coles and son, Mark;
vocal quartet. Dauntless Quartet; selec
tion, Institute Orchestra.
Misses Almn Bverelv anil Alice Mof
t'ett attended the plav "College
Chums ' at Tower City Friday evening,
given by a cs'st of prominent young
folks of that place.
Mrs. James Graham is ill at her
home on West Market street.
Mr. and Mrs. James Higgins. who
were recently married, have returned
from n visit to the latter's sister at
Dr. Allen, of Ashland, a former resi
dent of town, was a visitor here Thurs
The colliery worked four davs last,
•lames War low. an old resident of
town, is seriously ill at his homo in
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Why left for
| Philadelphia Saturday to 'attend the
j commencement exercises of the gradual
ling class of one of the city's Girls'
High schools, of whicji their grand
<lMUJ2liter, M'iss Margaret Griscorn, is a
! member.
The High Srhool Alumni five barely
| nosed out the fast High school team
I iu the -High school gymnasium Sotnr
i day afternoon bv the score of 35 to 33.
Straub's pretty jjoal in the last second
of play gave the alumni the victory.
'Mellon and Fasold played a fast game,
but Watkins, Straub and G. Bond ex
celled. The lineup:
Alumni. H. S.
Straul K Mellon
Watfeins F Fasold
(>. Bond C .. Shuttlesworth
,l|. Bond ....... (> Barnes
Edwards G . , f Klinger
Field goals, Straub, 4; Watkins, 5;
O. Bond, Mellon, 4; Fasold. 4; Barnes,
shuttlesworth. Foul goals, Straub, 9;
Watkins. 8; Mellon, 8; Fasold, 4. Ref
eree, Buggy. Time of halves, 20 min
Irving College Glee Club Concert to Be
Given To-night
Sp octal < Torre ft po nd v n ce.
Mechanicsburg, Feb. 1. —There was
another very large crowd of visitors
here yesterday and last night attend
ing the tabernacle services. I*ist
evening was Odd Fellows' night at the
tabernacle and, besides the Mechanics
burg i. O. O. F., there were a number
of out-of-town members of the order
present. To-day is rest day for the
There were five de.-.ths in this place
during the month of January.
This evening the Irving College Glee
< lub will concert in Columbian
Hall, in the college.
A number ol persons from this place
attended the funeral of Mrs. Rebecca
Ceiling yesterday afternoon from her
late home near Shiremanstown. Serv
ices were held ill the Trindle Spring
church and interment was made in the
cemetery adjoining the church.
S. y. Wenger, cashier of the Granth
am bank, was a business visitor here
on Saturday.
Mrs. Emma Vogelbach has returned
from a visit of several weeks to New-
York City.
Mrs. Hartze, of Brooklyn, X. Y., is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Adam,
at St. Paul's Reformed parsonage,
South High street.
Miss Mary Clendcnin returned to
Philadelphia last evening after spend
ing several days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Clendenin, West
IMain street.
On Friday afternoon sewing classes
were started in the fourth and fifth
grades of the pnblic schools. The
classes were organized and are being
taught by members of the civic depart
ment of the Mechanicaburg Woman's
The tabernacle nursery is much ap
preciated by mothers with babies who
wish to attend the services of the tab
ernacle. The largest number of babies
cared for *t one time was eleven. The
nursery is in charge of Mrs. M. Fry
singer at her home noar the tabernacle.
Work on Mammoth Tabernacle for
Church of the Brethren Proceeds
Special Correspondence.
Ilershey, Feb. 1. —A large force of
men is engaged in the erection of the
mammoth tabernacle which is to bo
completed by next May, whou the
Church of the Brethren will hold ite
annual gathering in the structure. It
was expected thut at least 30,000 mem
bers of the denomination will be in tho
famous chocolate town for ono week.
The building which M. S. 'Hershey is
erecting for them will bo a modefn
convention structure, the main auditor
ium to be 262 by lt>6 feet in dimen
sions. It will bo a two-story structure,
71 feet high, and the main auditorium
will have a seating capacity of over
5,000. There will be four committee
rooms, 15 by 25 feet, and the main en
trance will be 62 feet wide. On tho
second floor will be dwelling apart
ments, consisting of three bed rooms,
dining rooms, kitchen and bath. The
entire building will be constructed of
steel and hollow .tile, plastered on the
outside. All of the~"latest improve
ments will be installed, thus making
it one of the most complete convention
auditoriums in the State.
A double birthday party was held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. IM.
Keeney in honor of Mrs. Kceney and
her son, (,'linton. iA fine dinner was
served to a number of invited guests.
The Dauphin County Sunday School
Directors' Association will hold its
mid winter session at this place on Fri
day, February 12 and 13. One of
the principal speakers nt the annual
gathering will be Superintendent K.
M. Rapp, of Reading. Heed K. Teit
rick, department. State superintendent,
will aso be present.
During the past week the latest
and most interesting attraction at the
Hershey zoo has been a black cap spi
der monkey, which arrived from
High Bchool Orchestra Give Entertain
rnent Friday Night
Special Correspondence.
Hummelstown, Fdb. 1. — An interest
ing program will be rendered by the
High school orchestra in the High
school room on Friday evening. The
orchestra will be assisted by Miss Hel
en Fox, soloist, and Miss Esttier Brin
ser, reader. Following is the program:
Introductory march, "Banner of Vic
tory," Von Blon; Wpaarish march, "
Sorella," Ch. Borel-Olerc; recitation, se
lected, Miss Briliser; two Folk dances,
(a) "Hungarian Dance," Brahms; (1>)
Cinquantaine,l/air Antique," (la
loriel-Moke; solo, selected. M'isn Pox;
"Polonaise Militaire," Stately; Cere
monial March of Poland 1 , Chopin; "It's
a Long Way to Tipperary," .luoget
Williams: solo, selected, Misw Fox:
[iopillar song, "Mother MeCree," Ol
eotot Ball; Swedish Fest M'arcli, Albert
Perfect; recitation, selected, Miss Briu
ser; Hawaiian Farewell March.
Adam Bell, who was being treated
for blood poisoning at the Harrisburg
Hospital for several weeJts, lias been
brought to his home on West High
street and his condition at present is
Arrangements are being completed
for the annual banquet of the members
of the Chetnieal Fire Company which
will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb
ruary 9.
Mrs. Ernest Groom and children,
Lionise and Martin, of Steelton, spent
yesterday with her sister, Mrs. W. IV
George T. Hummel, of Mechanics
'burg, visited relatives in town yestur
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddons Kautz spent
yesterday at Philadelphia, where they
attended the funeral of a relative.
The Rev. Theodore F. Herman. D. D.,
of the faculty of Ijaucastor Theological
.Seminary, will preach at both the morn
ing and evening services in the Reform
ed church uext Sunday. At the even
ing service Dr. Herman will deliver a
sermon of s.pecial .interest to
The sauerkraut supper given by the
Indies' Aid Society of /sion liuthcran
church in the parish house on Katur llay
evening was well attended and patron
Joseph Early left yesterday morning
for Florida and will spend about six
weeks visiting at resorts along the
Mrs. Charles l<aub was a visitor at
Penbrook to-day.
Mrs. J. P. Bordner lias returned from
Philadelphia, where she spent a weok
with friends.
The members of Camp No. 306, I'.
O. S. of A., will hold a smoker following
the regular session of the camp on Fri
day evening, February 19. During the
evening an address will be delivered by
Mr. fcwope, of Clearfield, a former State
president of the order.
Mi's. Oscar Bobbs, of Harrivburg.
spent yesterday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ElSas Earnest.
David Brubaker, of Harristiurg, vis
ited his mother, Mrs. Victoria Bru
baker, to-day.
frvin Gring is spending several days
at Heading and Harrisburg.
Martin B. Erford's Funeral Held Sat
urday Afternoon
Sp. ™ial Correspondence.
West Fairview, Feb. I.—Martin B.
Erford died at the hospital last Wed
nesday, aged 57 years. He. was well
known in the community; was-a mem
ber of the Patriotic Order Sons of
America, Camp No. 713. of ttiis place.
Funeral services were conducted Satur
day at 2 o'clock by the Rev. M. S.
"Pape's Cold Com
pound" Ends Severe
Colds or Grippe in
Few Hours
You can end grippe and break up
a severe cold either in head, chest,
body or limbs, by taking a dose of
'Tape's Cold Compound" every two
hours until three doses are- taken.
It promptly opens elogged-up- nos
trils aud air passages in the head,
stops nasty discharge or nose running,
relieves sick headache, dullness, fever
ishness, sore throat, sneering, soreness
and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed-upt Quit blowing
and snuffling! Kase your throbbing
head—nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound," which costs only 25 eents
at any drug store. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, and causes no
inconvenience. Be sure you got the
Sharp, pastor of the Lutheran church,
of Knola. The services were held at the
home of J. Erford, on North Third
street. The pallbearers were F. C.
Hoke, C. U. Burns, John Seirer and
'William Kieholberger. Interment was
made at Knola.
Mrs. Kdwurd Stair visited her sister,
Mrs. Amanda Krb, in Harri*burg, Sat
D. S. Brandt and George Gochenauer,
of Shirleysburg, were guests of H. S.
H. M. Glessner, Mrs. Harry Tiillev,
Mrs. Solomon Kekert and George B.
l>avis attended the funeral of Emanuel
Sanders, at Knola.
Miss Margaret Kiib, of Harrisbdrg,
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. B.
McAfee. Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Kshenauer vis
ited friends at hli/,abcthtown over Sun
John Turner, Conodoguinct street,
entertained his father from Philadel
phia over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kutz enter
tained Mr. Ottstot from Steelton, Sun
l>. W. Shcttel was in Philadelphia
Saturday to the tabernacle meetings.
A largely attended and interesting
prayer meeting was held at the home
of Warren MeKinsey, Third street, Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bolton Surprise
Daughter on Birthday
Special Correspondence.
Liinglestown, Feb. I.—The funeral
of Mrs. Matilda Crum, wife of Amos
(.'rum, was largely attended on Sundlav.
Mrs. Edwin Smith, of Harpisbur'g,
was the guest of Mrs. Marv Farting on
The Rev. Mr. Clyde aud Mrs. Lynch,
of Harrisburg spent Sunday as' the
guests of K. O. Jlassler and family.
The -Misses Dorothy and Mabel
Feeser, of Hershey, -were week-end
guests of their mother, Mrs. Carrie
Andrew Hetzel, of StoeitOD, spent a
few days a.s the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Keith.
Miss bailie Sehaffner, of Harrisburg.
spent Sunday as the guest 0 f her moth
er, Mrs. Fannie Sehaffner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichel .and
daughter, of Hainton, sipent Sunday as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ke'ichc.l, near
Dr. E. K. Rhein and family, of Har
risburg, N|>ent Sunday as the' guests of
Mrs. Mary Rhein.
The man^friends of Miss Susie
Look will be pleased to learn that shis
is again able to walk and assist with
home duties.
A birthday surprise party was held
on Friday evening at the home of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Miles Bolton in honor of
their daughter, Ellen. The usual social
diversions were followed 1 bv refresh
ments to the following guests: Misses
Anna Feeser, Sara Zimmerman, Vesta
Koons, Mary Shriner, Evelyn I/onge
necker, Viola Sample, Messrs. Cauly
Stine, 1j?O Flegal, Claude Brown, John
Heinlev, Charles Manley, George Hof
fer, Mark Bolton, Marry Bennet, Eu
gene Shrowder and Andrew Hartzel.
U. B. Revival Services Continue With
Unabated Interest
Special Correspondence.
Tower City, Feb. I.—l Mrs. James
Banvbrick, of Lincoln, was a recent
guest of Mrs. Julia Murphy here.
George Goodman aud daughter, Eva,
of Riven-ton, are visiifcing reluitives in
Ruth <'. Henry and Josephine Ganlev
spent a few days at Pottaville.
'Mins. William Murray and daugh
ter, Katie, spent several days with
friends at Potlsville and Sohuvlkill
IHav en.
.Mrs. William Ganley returned to
Philadelphia after spending several
weeks at t'his place.
Mrs. B. W. Fees spent several days
in Lebanon county visiting relatives.
The Rev. P. M. Holdomnn, of Tre
mont, was ttie guest of the Rev. O. 'G.
Roinig, last week. He preache<l a
very helpful sermon at the revival
services which are still in progress in
the United ißrethren church. Thus far
j there have been twenty-eight peni
tents at the altar.
Edward Sterling, of W'ilkcs-Baxre,
spent a day nt this place last week.
Thirty Conversions Thus Far at Meth
odist Revival Services
Special Correspondence.
IMillerstown, Fob. I.—Mrs. John
Ward spent the past week witli rela
tives in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Laura Carter has returned ihonie
from a visit in Cardiff, Md.
Thomas Gardner and daughter, Char
lotte, of Huntingdon, spent Wednesday
with the former's aunt, Miss Jane Shaf
Mrs. George Kherrick. of Shippens
burg, has been called -borne by the seri
ous illness of her mother, Mrs. Edward
The revival services in the (.Meth
odist church continue in initerest and
attendance. There have 'been thirty
conversions thus far.
G. D. Taylor is visiting his son, I>r.
Banks Taylor, in Reading.
Civic Club to Hold Regular Monthly
Meeting Friday Evening
Special Correspondence.
Marvsvi'lle, Feb. I.—The Civic Ohib
will hold their regular monthly meeting
next Friday in the Board of Trade
Christian Hartzell and Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Adams.
Mrs. J. L, Brownhill returned to
Pittsburgh after spending several
weeks in town visiting relative^.
The following Spent a day of last
week in Philadelphia and attended the
for Pains
in the Back
Put a steaming hot towel over the
painful spot for a few moments to
open the pores; then rub with Omega
Oil. Quick relief usually follows this
simple treatment Trial bottle IOC.
File ft Honey and Tar Contpood
Quickly Masters It
CROUP SCARES YOU. Tbit loud, hoim
croupj conch, that choking and gaaping for
breath, that labored breathing, hare only too
often foretold fatal resnlta. Lucky the parents
who have Foley's Uonf.t and Tab Compocnd
in the honaa, for yon can be tar* that the very
first doaea will master the cronp.
Tl pt a battle of Foley'a Hooey sad Tar aal
stop beiag scared of creap"
Folit'S BbmtT akd Ta* CowrooNn cats
the thick mnens and clears away the phlegm.
It opens up and eates the air passages, stops
tbe strangling congh, and gives qniet easy
breathing, and peaceful sleep.
Mo wonder a man in Texas walked ISmilea
to a drag store to get Folkt's Homkt akd
Tab Compound.
P. H. GINN, Middleton,Ga.,says: "I always
gir» my children Kolbt's Honf.t and Tab for
cronp snd in every Instance thry get, qnick
relief and are soon sleeping soundly."
Every good druggist is ftlad to sell's
Hone* akd Tab Cokpocnd for all coughs,
colds, croup, whooping congh, bronchial and
la gTippe coughs, and other throat and long
trouble. It satislles every user, it helps infants,
children and grown persons, and it, never eon*
tains opiates. In 25c, 50c, SI.OO sires.
Geo. A. Gorgas. 16 North Third
street and P. R. R. Station.
"Billy" Sunday meeting: Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Forten'baugh, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Harrold spent the week-end in
New York.
Vernon Palmer is visiting his uncle,
Albert Wilt, at Gold&boro.
Mrs. Ijew'is Tyson, of Harrisiburg,
spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs.
Scott I<eilby.
Mrs. A. J. Kllenberger spent Wednes
day and Thursday visiting her daugh
ter. Mrs. Charles Kennedy, at Harris
Mi's. G. S. Flickinger and daughter,
Jennie, sipent several days of last week
with Mrs. Flickinger's brother, Thom
as Hayes, at Philadelphia.
L>. 10. Geib is visiting in Buffalo,
N. Y.
Scott 1./eiiby spent part, of last week
visiting his 'brother, J. B. lxnby, at
Council to Act To-night On Purchase of
Auto Fire Truck
Special Correspondence.
Now Cumberland, Feb. 1. —The New
Cumberland band went to Goldstooro
on Saturday evening, where they played
for the fair of the Goldsiboro band.
The Rev. J. J. Adams conducted it
short luneral service for the late Wil
liam James at his home on Market
square, Saturday morning. A qua rot of
the M. E. c.hoir composed of H. W. But
torff, F. N. Burns, H. F. Kolir and Park
er McAfee, sang several beautiful se
lections. Many beautiful flowers sur
rounded the casket, the gifts of friends.
The pallbearers were William Davis,
Goorge Mathias, J. J. Baughman, Julius
B. Kaufman, E. M. Helm, B. F. Eiscn
berger, G. B. Osier, John Osier. The
body was taken to Lewisburg for inter
The Borough Council will liold its
regular meeting this evening at which
time action will be taken on the ordi
nance for an appropriation for the pur
chase of an automobile truck for the
Citizen's Hose Company.
Mrs. Edward Berry, of Shippensburg,
is visiting her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Smith. Third street.
Miss Roberta Reiff, a student of
Dickinson College, spent several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 11.
Mrs. Ohnrles Robison. of York, who
has been spending the past wwk with
Mrs. R. Balsley, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marfkley, of
t»teelton, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Baisloy.
-Miss Tressa Kern and Miss Edith
Taylor visited the former's sister, Mrs.
Frank Ktiaub, at York, relatives at
Pel ton, and the Rev. B. D. Rajohn a
family, at York, the past few days.
Mrs. Annie Kirk and daughter, Elca
nore, of Harrisburg, were guests of
•Miss Phenie Mover, on Saturday.
Miss Elmira Rubv entertained the
Sunday school class of Mrs. W. Z. Pnr
theniore, of which she is a member on
Thursday evening, at which time the
class organized and elected the follow
ing officers: President, Miss Elmira
ißnby; vice president. Miss Abneda
Bair; secretary, Miss Mabel Kitzmiller;
assistant. Miss Ruth Willis; treasurer,
Miss Christine Blessing.
Mrs. William Pro well, of Steelton,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Mathias, Saturday.
J. A. Cluck Appointed to Feed the Wild
Special Correspondence.
i.Miarysville, Pa... I.—J. A. Cluck
has been appointed by Br. Joseph Kalb
tiis, secretary of State Game Commis
sion, to feed tiio wikl birds in tihis lo
Samuel K. Ijeiby, of Marysville, vis
ited relatives in this place on Wednes
Ralph IBaker, of Ho Wigtown, spent
Friday visiting Newport relatives.
'Mrs. Charles T. Rico and Mrs. Mar
garet lfcico are viwiting their illarris
burg friends and relatives.
.T. K. <.'rist, of Altoona, spent Wed •
ncsflay visiting his parents, Mr. ami
'Mrs. William Crist.
Miss Mao Geary spent last wpek in
Mrs. "George Parks and daughter,
Arleue, of Jtiwood, L. T., are visiting
the family of W. (i. Wilson.
C. E. Noll, H. R. Wertz, E. K. Camp
bell, E. W. Bntz, < arl .iMnrtit' and
Charles Wagner spent Thursday in Har
'Mrs. 8. Brtwin Whitmcr is visiting
iior mother, M rs. KlizaJbcth W. Bal
lard, at Troy, N. Y.
Mount Zlon Church Dedicated
Marietta, 'Feb. I.—The dedication of
the 'Mount £ion church at
•Vkrofi took j'Wiee yesterday. The Rev-.
W. A. <'. Ka\>y, pastor, was iu full
charge of the Vierviees. At 10 o 'clock
an organ voluntary with social singing
was given, followed by the
sermon by the Rev. I>r. S. Itrayfogel,
of Reading, bishop of t<he district. vServ
ices will bo continued throughout the