GIRLS! BEAUTIFUL, CHARMING HAIR. NO DANDRUFf-25 CENT DANDERINE Try This! Doubles Beau ty of Your Hair and Stops It Falling Out Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." .lust try this —moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the MEWS OF S LEAGUE COMMITTEES ARE ANNOUNCED FOR 1915 Prof. Charles S. Davis, Principal of the Local High School, Will Head Parks and Playgrounds Committee —Beidel in Charge of Health That the local Municipal League ex perts to be? a big factor in local public improvements this year is evident from the nature of the men who will compose the various committees through which the work of the league is carried on. These committees consist of municipal affairs, industrial, street improvement, parks and playgrounds, sanitation and health, beauty and attraction and mem bership. The names and membership of the e committees, to serve in laii, were made public this morning by H. C. Wright, president of the league, and a careful analysis of the constituent parts of the various committees reveals some odd combinations, as for instance, the beauty and health committee will have tor its chairman a popular barber in Charles K. Beidel. A financier will head the municipal affairs committee in Ed il. Mengle, who holds the responsible position of cashier for the Pennsylva nia Steel Company. John B. Malehorn will likely paint the industrial commit tee red. or some other color, because he, a painter, is chairman of that commit tee. L. B. Xye, assistant principal of the local High school, will see that his committee, street improvement, will up hold its former reputation. Activity of the parks and play grounds committee is assured by the se lection of Charles S. Davis, principal of the High school, as chairman, who will be assisted in that body by J. V. W. iieynders, Robert M. Rutherford and other prominent members. The following is a complete list of the several committees: Municipal Affairs —E. H. Mengle, I chairman; C. W. McCoy, Solomon Hiney, John A. McCurdy, C. .1. Young. I Idustrial—John B. Malehorn. chair-! man; Jacob Yoselowitz, Kirk Shelley, j H. W. Stubbs, J. B. Mart in. Street Improvement—iL. B. Xye,! chairman" Lcßoy H. Sutton, Bertram Shelley, W. L. Messinger, E. C. Mender- ! eon. Parks and Playgrounds—Charles S. I Davis. chairman; J. V, W. Reynders, L. i E. Johnson, R. M. Rutherford, J. M. Heagy. Sanitation and Health—C. M. Pan- , nell, chairman; W. H. Xell, Janice P. j Detweiler, H. E. Gallagher. Ross M. Frev. Beauty and Attraction—Charles H. Beidel, hairman: Albert L. Leeds, L. K. M liinnes, C. H. Mercer, M. D. , Myers. Membership—W. P. Maginnis, chair man: M. Pannell. 11. E. Gallagher. E. H. Mengle. H. W. Stubbs. W. H. Nell. .1. B. Malehorn, Charles S. Davis. Charles H. Beidel. Charles R. lloltou. ! STEELTON NOTES A large audience greeted the Kev. C. E. Hillis and his evangelistic party at Centenary United Brethren church last evening. Prof. Redden led the singing last evening, and with Mrs. Redden, sang a duet. Mile Miljevic was placed under ar- j rest yesterday afternoon by Detective ; Durnbaugh. on Xorth Front street, on j the charge of being implicated in the | robbery of the Half Way house, which occurred early yesterday morning. He. with Mike and Joe Bono vie were com mitted to jail for a hearing before. Squire Gardner. I Steelton Camp, 5689. Modem \* ooa* men of America, is actively ,eugageu in a membership campaign. At the regular ! meeting in Red Men s hall this even- j ing arrangements are expected to be completed for the adoption of a big class at an early date. A large number of men from St. ■ John's Lutheran church, last night j attended the meeting of the Lutheran i Brotherhood Association of Dauphin ! County, meeting in Christ Lutheran j church at Harrisburg. The senior class at the Hiigh school i held its final rehearsal this morning ; for the production to-night of the an- j nual class plav. The seniors under the j direction of Professor William Harele rode will produce "At the Pottersville ; Postoftiee, a farce comedy. The Rev. C. B. Segelken, of the First ' Presbyterian church, will preach the! first of a series of sermons 011 "Thej L.iw of God in Everyday Life." beforet his congregation on Sunday night. Joseph M. Schappert. local manager for the F. W. Woolworth Company, has been transferred to one of the Philadel phia stores of the company and will leave the borough in a few days. Mid-Winter Clearance Sale' MBS P. M. NEY announces a Mid- Winter Clearance Sale of Millinery and Trimmings to make room for Spring goods. Big line Flumes, s:i to $5, will sell for 7.~»c. Fancies and Wings, 10c each. Fine assortment of Flowers, lOc each. Call and inspect stock. MBS. P. M. NEY, IHO North Front Street, Steelton, Pa. The Best Show of the Week at the Standard Theatre Saturday Continuous from 1.30 to 10.30 P. M. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw and her son, Wil liam Bussel Thaw, in "The Threads of Destiny." Five reels. Lubiu. ADMISSION, 5 and JO CENTS hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and iu just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderiue dissolves every particle of . dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig- I orates the scalp, forever stopping itch- j ing and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' ns6 when you j will actually see new hair —fine and ■ downy sit first—yes—but really now hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots 1 of it surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderiue from any drug-; gist or toilet counter, and just trv it. ' —Adv. STAXKO BABIC .ARRESTED He Is Charged by the Steel Company With Larceny and Mischief Stanko Babic, an employe of the Pennsylvania Steel Company, was placed under arrest yesterday morning at 6.30 o'clock by Patrolman Hock, of the Steel Company force, on a charge of larcenv and malicious mischief. According to the testimony given by Patrolman Hock at the hearing before Squire Dickinson, last evening, the po liceman noticed Babic's coat stuffed out more on one side of his breat than on the other, and that when he searched Babic, a piece of air hose, such as is used in coupling cars, was reniovtxl by him from under Babic'a top shirt. At torney W. P. Darby appeared for the Stee! Company and Babic, in default of bail, was committed for court. ODD FELLOWS WILL SMOKE Sociability Will Be in Order To-night After Business Session The social committee of Steelton Ijodge, No. 184. I. O. O. F.. announced this morning that D. Ray Beetnan, ot' Harrisburg, accompanied by a delega tion from Lodge 1120, of that city, will attend a meeting of Steelton Lodge this evening when Mr. Beeman will de liver an interesting address. District Deputy Shreiner, Mid !e town, is also expected to be present to take part in the so.-ial exercises. At the conclusion of the business session a smoker will be held and refreshments will be served. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Kugene F. Sell. Walnut street, are spending the week-end with friends at Philadelphia. Ira Springer, of the accounting de partment, and wife left to-day for Philadelphia to hear "Billy" Sun-lav. Warren Xisslev, who has been visit ing his parents at 204 Pine street a short time, has gone to New York, where he will take up liis duties as manager for the Nassau and Suffolk Lighting Company, February 1. John Smythe Soulliard John Smythe Solliard, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Soulliard. 4 70 North Second street, who died after an illness of three weeks of tubercular menengitis. will be buried Monday morning at 9 o'clock from St. James' Catholic church. Interment will be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. Standard Theatre's Offerings Iu "The Threads of Destiny," a 5-reel offering at this theatre Saturday after noon and night, a great moral will be taught those who attend the production which is considered one of Lubin's mas terpieces.—Adv.* Infant Son Buried Funeral services over the body of a- small child of Mr. and Mrs. li. H. Harlan were held in their home on South Front street, yesterday after noon. Burial took place in the Baldwin cemetery. Died of Septicemia Mrs. Rosa Mohlner, aiged 3" years, died at 2 o'clock this morning at her home. 550 Good street, of septicemia. Funeral arrangements were not com pleted this morning. ENGLAND'S ONLY HOPE TO CAPTURE U. S. TROPHIES v Bli V/q^QON England will b« unable this year, owing to the war. to continue the wholesome *"oung raid started last season on the re positories containing Uncle Sam's sporting trophies. There will be no international polo match, and there may be no cofitests for the Davis Cup There will be no track and field events of an International char acter, and there will be no rowing contests bringing together the crews of the two nations. But there will be a golf tournament for the national open title, and therein lies John Bull's hope Harry Vardon Is ar ranging to be a competitor in that event whi».h means that the only bid England wiH make for an American sporting title may very probably be crowned with suc cess. HABKIS3TTRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 29, 1915. IRWIN COBB SAYS WAR IS OPPOSITE OF GLORIOUS Tails Large Audience of Misery and Suffering on European Battle Fields —Urges Harrisburgers to Aid Home and War Belief Committee Summing up his recent experiences j iu the war zone iu his lectunyst the Chestnut street auditorium last night, Irvin S. Cobb. war correspondent ami rhumorist, asserted that he has been dis possessed of all illusions he formerly had that war was noble and grand all • I glorious. He told instances of awful ' suffering and misery caused by the pres ent war, and especially emphasized the I plight of the Belgians. Drawing a wof.l picture of how can ' noil are fired bv men who cannot see their enemy and who a.:t on orders coming by telephone, he pointed out how mechanically everything is done. He quotedNa commander of a German battery who said that since the out break of the war he had not seen a sin gle Englishman, Frenchman or Belgian, and that he did not expect ever to see the men he was trying to kill. U. S. Diplomats Praised The lecturer had words of the high est , raise t'or American diplomats iu belligerent countries, who, he said, are nobly standing by their posts. He said that although most of the other for ' eiiin diplomats left Brussels during the "ighting there, the American represent- I ative "stayed out" and did much to | relieve suffering. In answer to a question from the j audience, .Mr. Cobb averted that his interview with lxir.l Kitchener was gen - j uine, saying that while the interview was o curring he knew who Kltch ! ener was, and Lord Kitchener knew who he was. He said that prospects for ; universal peace were not promising. Called upon to explain the difference between German preparedness and pos sible prepare ine < in this country, aft er ho had declared that the United I Urates should increase its army and i navv to preserve its peace, he answered that there is a difference between Ger | many "s preparedness for war, and this country's possible preparedness against war. Appeal for Home aud War Relief In closing, Mr. Cobb made un ap ! peal for the people of Harrisburg to aid the local Home and War Relief j committee. He said lie had visited the ! headquarters and seen the guod work I there being done, and he urged his large and representative audience to j encourage the work of the committee. TRIUMPHAL ENTRY VA3E BV OBhECON C or.tinned From Flr*t Pope. of an order by the authorities but the commercial houses and banks have de t dared that they will resume business immediately. Late yesterday afternoon and in the early evening 20,000 additional Car ranza troops consisting of three branch es of arms entered the capital and marched to the quarters selected for them by General Obregon. The Zapa tista troops retreated to the southward. General \ enustiano Carranza, the first . chief of the constitutionalists, will, ac i cording to v era Cruz advices, return to the eapiuil immediately and it is probable that he will re-establish his i government there iu the near future. Second Time for Carranza Kegirue This s the second time that Geu i eral Carranza has been in power in the j Mexican capital. He first entered the i place on August 20 last, following the retirement of General Vietoriano Huerta, having the entire constitution j alist force as his support. For a time pea * reigned and then an old dispute be A een Carranztf and General Fran.'isco v'illa was revived. I Officially it was said the difficulty arose ; from questions of policy but the Car ranza followers laid it to the alleged ambition of Villa to assume the reigns ! of government. General Villa issued an ultimatum j that Carranza must retire anil a con ] vention of all the revolutionary chiefs j was called to meet at Aguas Calientes ' on October 10 to decide upou the best j way in tho establishment of a govern- I inent. The majority sentiment favored | Villa and Carranza was asked to resign : but he refused to give up control of i the government. Early in November the convention I proclaimed General Eulalio Gutierrez provisional president of the republic and \ ilia took steps to install him in j office. Villa begnn a march on the eap- I ital, hut before he reached there, Car- I ranza, seeing he was outnumbered, left | Mexico City, taking iiis forces toward j Vera Cruz, which he occupied when the ! Americans evacuated the place on No vember 23. •Since then Gutierrez himself has tied owing, it is said, to fear of Villa. Ho was succeeded bv Koipif (ionzales Garza, who left the capital January 2" on the approach of General Obregon and the Carranza forces, General Villa having previously marehed to the north with his troops. Villa Planning New Repubic? General Villa's reasons for abandon ing the capital are not definitely known. In some quarters it was said" that he was not desirous of being cooped up :n the capital by General Obregon's troops, who had assumed a formidable strength, while other reports had it that Villa was plauniug a new republic with its seat of government in the north. Carranza Vessel Shells San Bias Port On Board U. 8. San Diego, off Mex uan West Coast, Jan. 28, by Wireless to San Diego, Cal., Jan. 29.—A Car ranza force ahoa d the steamer Kor rigan 11, recently commandeered, yes terday shelled the fort of San Bias." An attempt to land artillery was repulsed. At this juncture the United States cruiser Cleveland ap|Vared and the Kor rigan II sailed northwarc A Bald Head Only Indicates that the scalp has been neglected. Wo recommend that you use SasS Kills the germ that causes the hair to fall out and will keep tlie scalp healthy. Gsorgs A. Gorgss. DR. SCHANTZ II V FOI'KTII ST.—UPSTAIRS llarrtslinrK's Oldest Kstnhlishrtl Spe cialist In Diseases of Men Men's disease and weakness, ca tarrh, nervous, kidney, bladder, blood and skin disease. Keep Your Lungs Strong This advice is doubly important with the knowledge that every three minutes some one in the United States succumbs to consumption and many refuse to realize they are afflicted until it is too late. It is jdter colds or sickness, from over work, confining duties or when general weakness exists that tubercular germs thrive because the resistive powers of the body are weakened. Only with fresh air, sunshine and abundant rich blood can one hope to arrest their progress, and the concen trated fats in Scott's Emulsion furnish fuel for rich blood, and its rare nourish ment helps strengthen the lungs while it builds up the forces. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or run-down Scott's Bmulsion is the most strengthening food-medicine known and is free from alcohol or Stupe fying drugs. Avoid substitutes. 14-63 Scott a Bourne, BioomfieM. R.U RAILROADS CREWJOARO HARBISBUBG SIDE Philadelphia Division —123 crew to go first after 4.30 p. m.: 118, 105. 126. Fireman for 105. Flagman for 126. Engineers up: Sober. Heindman, Ten naut, Geesey, Kautz, Wolife, Hubler, Gicliums, Ileuuecke, Minnich, Bissinger, Buck. Gibbons, Earkart, First, Statler, S| arver. Albright. Firemen up: Bailsbaugh. Martin, Dunlcvy, Weaver, Barton, Robinson, Acliey, Amsherger, Motfatt, Coover, I'enwell, Bleich, Spring, Everhart, Du vall, Miller. Huston, McCurdy, Shive, Bushey, Grove, Herman, Gelsinger, Manning, Copetand. Yeutzer, Haitz. Conductor up: Ropp. Flagman up: Wituiyer. Brakenien up: Gouse, Dengler, Fer guesou. Cox, McGinnis, Wiland, Allen. Sweigart, C. Mummaw, Snultzberger, Descli I'ague. Middle Division —232 crew to go first after 1.30 p. in.: 227, 2 45, 235, 230. * Preference: 2, 3. ' Fireman for ;!. Conductor for 2. Engineers tip: Hertzler, Smith, Free, Bennett, Havens, -Moore. iiremen up: Arnold, Lietoau, Cos, Karvtetter, Fletcher, Seeder, Siieesley, Davis. Bornniau, Sciirefflor, Ross. Conductors up: Keys, Huber, Eberie. Flagmen up: Miller. Frank. Brakemen up: !>ipp. Myers, Header son. Strouser, Spah'r, Kane, Stahl, Peck, Pipp, Lauver, Kerwin, Bickert, Baker. Ki.gor, Fleck, Peters, Bjlnii, MeHenry. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—24 2 crew to luo first after 3.40 p. in.- 219, 205, j L'3s, 23 4. 203, 233. 2 1 4. 237. ! Engineer for 205, 23T. Conductors for 205, 233. Flagman for 219. Brakemen for 203, 205, 214. Conductors up- Walton. Flickiuger, Dewees, Pennell, Bteinouer, Keller. Flagmen up: Harris, Ford. I Brakemen uj»: Wolfe, Heim, Tay- J lor. Kone, Decker, M usser, Albright, J Shnffner. Wright, Hoopes, Malsejd, I yei.stemacher, Wirts, Crosby. Deets, Felker, Arnient, Twigg, Campbell. Middle Division—2so crew to go : lirst after 1.30 p. m.: 251. 218, 247, 249. 216, 219, 220. Flagman for 2 20. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Salts I man. Kulin, Snyder, Pe ton, Shaver, ; Uindis, Hoyler, Hohenshelt, Brenetnan, Thomas, Rudy, Houscr, Meals, Stahl, | .Swab, Crist. Harvey. Firemen up: Snell, Bartolet, Ciettv, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Kyde, Xey, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow, Kevie. I'lsh, ' Ho-tdorf. Schieffer, Rauch, Weigle, | liitckey, t ookerlv, Maeyer, S.holter. Engineers for 1869. 1454. 2260, 707. Firemen for 1869. 1454, 2260, 322, : 707, 1'!. THE READING P., H. & P.—After 4 p. in.: 4, 17, i 10. Eastbound—After 2.45 p. m.: 63, 81, 52, 68, 70. 71. 69. Conductor "up: Gingher. Engineers tip: Tipton, Fetrow, ; Morne, Wireman, Pletz, Martin, John ! son, Woland. «» Firemen up: Dowltower, Bingaman, ! Kelly, Zukoswiski, Seliers, Lougenecker, | Murray, Miller, Lex, Chronister, Ful ton, Rumbaugh, Bobbins. ! Brakemen up: Yoder, Keffer, Mil j ler, Dunkle, Hartz, iH'inkle, Page, Ep ! ley, Taylor. Shearpr. LUCK IN A BLUNDER A Story of Frederick the Great and a Frightened Ensign During the last evening of my stay at FrieuTichsruhe Bismarck was at his | best. He was in excellent spirits, i After dinner we lit pipes, and well fill ed tankards of beer were handy. The prince seated himself in his long artn ! chair, put his feet upon a leg rest, and j evidently he was settled down for a j good talk. He asked me what I should like him jto relate. I said. "Pray, sir, teil me i any story that comes into your head.'' ! Puffing vigorously at his pipe, the fol- S lowing story was slowly developed: "My grandfather served for three i years under Frederick the Great and ' told me this anecdote: An ensign made a blunder dufing the maneuvers of troops at a review. The king, as was his wont when annoyed', fell into a vio -1 lent rage and pursued the terrified en j sign, stick in hand. The young soldier j ran for very life and jumped a ditch, j leaving the king upon the other side ; shaking his stick at him in a fury. "Shortly after the escape of the en sign the colonel of the regiment came up to the king and said, 'Your majesty,' the young man committed a blunder doubtless. I have just received his res ignation from your majesty's service,' placing the document into the king's hands. ' I am sorry for it, for he was a good officer, but he can take no other step under the circumstances.' '•The king answered, 'Send him to me.' The ensign was sent for and came, trembling, lest this time the stripes should in reality fall upon his shoulders or, still worse, he might"" be sent to prison. Without any preface the king replied, 'Here is your captain cy, sir, which I endeavored to give you this morning, but you ran away so swiftly that niv old legs coulJ not catch you up.' " —Sir W-. B. Richmond in North American Review, $125,000 GIVEN TO HERSHEY WORKERS! Caatianed Kroan First Pan. 000 spent on the new power plant for , the town of Hershev. The factory aloue j now covers more than ten acres. iMir. Hershey said that some of the | individual bonuses will amount to more ; than SI,OOO each as there are a num-| ber of employes whose salaries run be- . yond $5,0t)0 a year. The smallest bonuses will be about SIOO, but the ! average will be about $l2O. Announcement of the bonus was | made to the employes to-day ami there , was great rejoieiug especially in view | of the fact that many individual es tablishments are suffering through the j adverse effect of Hie European war on ! geueral business. 300 Women Share in IV Of the 1050 who will receive bon-1 uses more than five hundred are women i or girls. The list includes everyone [ who has qualified by length of service, I from office boys to the executive of ficers. Part of the formal announce- j inent, as giveu out to the newspapers, J says: "The bonus experiment was tried! seven years ago. one of the ideas be-! ing to build up a force of regular and reliable workers. At first only twenty j per cent, of the employes could meet ' the condition of six months' previous! serviee. This has steadily increased i each year until now it is over eighty j percent. The bonus is wholly optional j each year and the amount depends upon | the year's business, but since it was begun it has been paid annually and the percentage has been increased." The letter sent to each employe eligible for the bonus is: "We arc pleased to enclose you a check for $ which, by di rection of the Company, is paid to you at this time iu recognition of inter est taken and faithful service per- j formed. Your closest attention to all) matters under your direction as welll as your keen interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the Com pany, will contribute largely to our success, and is most earnestly solicit ed. We extend to all our employes our very best wishes for their con tinued happiness and prosperity." COUNTY IflX WILL REMAIN 4 MILLS Continued Kroin Kirnt I'iikc. has been called upon, by court order, to pay $11,374.14 to constables as back fees due for services rendered be tween 1901 and 1905, and that to gether with the fact that the county may not be reimbursed by the State un til the fiscal year 1916 for the cost of holding the next fall primaries—some thing like $0,350- —makes it imiK>s«ible, the officials say, to reduce the millage. The State always has reimbursed the counties for the cost at' holding pri mary elections, although payment, as a rule, is not made until several months after the election, and the Dauphin Commissioners consider it inadvisable to count on getting money for the Sep tember. 1915, primaries, before the close of the present, fiscal year. In calculating tho expenditures for 1915 the Controller has made some allowance for the growing business of the county, and, guided by the advice of the Commissioners, has made reduc- j tions in other accounts, bast year more than $24,000 was expended for erect ing and rebuilding bridges, while this year less than $17,000 will be spent for that purpose. A slight cut also has! been made iu the appropriation for road j building. However, increases are allow- I ed for the maintenance of criminals in j penal institutions and also for the care j of insane in the State hospitals. The Commissioners' Budget A summary of the County Commis sioners' estimated expenses for the year of 1915 is as follows: Office expenses, salaries, etc., $12,360.40; treasurer's of fice, $3,156; controller's office, $4,070; coroner's office, $2,555; district attor ney's office, $8,580; county solicitor's office, $1,568; aldermen and justices, $8,700; constables and police, $14,- 050; assessors, $10,350; bridges, $lO,- 710; roads, $1,800; court expenses, $30,385; court house maintenance. $12,470; elections, $17,740; interest and sinking funds, $31,013.76; penal institutions, $16,829.2 6: care of in sane, $26,482; elective cQiinty fee of fices $1 1,944 ; miscellaneous, $51,- 714.65, making a total of $282,- 484.64. The budget with the budget of the Direetfrs of the Poor, amounting to $58,000, and the $26,000 budget of the Prison Inspectors, makes the total of estimated .expenditures $366,484.64. Last year the County Commission ers spent $273,537.87; the Directors of the Poor, $67,536.41, and the Pris on luspectors $25,298.26. making a total of $366,372.54. The receipts during 1915, it is estimated, will be: County tax, $268,538.67; personal property, $45,040; liquor licenses, $8,315; support nf insane, $1,737.50: sale of material. $100; fines, $100; primaries. $6,348 45; State fair asso ciations, $1 ,405.02; sinking fund earn ings, $8,800; fees from Prothonotary, $14,000; Recorder's fees, $3,600; Reg ister's fees, $350; interest on daily balances, $2,000; maintenance of city prisoners, $2,000; maintenance of Fed eral prisoners, $175; detective licenses, SIOO, and counter credits, $875. AUCTION! AUCTION! DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE GREAT JEWELRY of Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Clocks, Opera and Field Glasses, Umbrellas Sale Starts at 2.30 Saturday Sales Daily at 2.30 COHEN & SON Jewelers and Brokers 431 Market St.—At Subway «H§H&#»#OUT OF HIGH RENT DISTRICT«H&#©«» i WINNERS OF THE | i FREE PIANO I © $ AND OTHER PRIZES IN 1 "Lester Piano" Contest I @ Will ho announced Saturday in Harrisburg $ ® Newspapers. ' f ® The great Lester Factory Sale will begin prompt- ® © ly at ou>ht o'clock Saturdav morning, Januarv ® H -»Oth. 1915, % H _ We are now busy unloading the new pianos, (received direct from the Factory at Lester, Pa.) G which arrived at Allison Mill Freight Station Thursday' morning. :« Y It is needless to mention quality and reputation when we say "Lester Piano." It is endorsed by £ the world's most famous artists. | ® Winners of Prize Credits should not delay in $ coming to our Salesrooms while the brand new se- X § lection covers a wide range in styles and sizes. 9 In addition we will have several slightly used 1$ .3 pianos as low as *90.00, $98.00 and $124.00. Ab- $ @ sclutely no Red Tape or misrepresentation made $ •$ during this great sale. Every condition advertised ® ® will be carried out to the letter. ® Railroad fare allowed 011 purchase of piano to $ ® out-of-town customers. • | H. G. DAY 1 ® Factory Representative || ® 1319 Derry Street Harrisburg, Pa. j| TMMM OUT OF HIGH RENT DISTRICT CLASSIC WAR POEMS Selected by J. Howard Wert NO - 4 - POLISH WAR SONG BY JAMES GATES PERCIVAL A century ago the unhappy fate of partitioned Poland was known and lamented by every intelligent person in our land to a much greater extent than to-day. The lapse ot' time has blunted our interest in the great crime of the eighteenth century. For centuries an independent and powerful state, Poland, unfortunately, fell a prey to internal dissensions and the disgraceful plottings of rival factions. The occasion was seized by Russia. Austria and Prussia to divide its territory between themselves. The first partition took place in 1772; a second, in 17"93; and a third and final, by which Poland was entirely blotted out as a nationality, in 17i»r». The Poles made frequent attempts to regain their liberty, the last of whioh was in ISoO, but all went down in blood, with chains more firmly tijxed 011 their unhappy land. It was while the interest of all civilized lauds was attracted to the strug gling nation that the talented American poet, Pcreival, wrote the selection here given. i Freedom calls you! Quick, be ready,— 'By the souls of patriots gone. House ye in the name of God, — i Wake, —arise,—your fetters break, Onward, onward, strong and steady,— Kosciusko bids you on,— Dash to earth the oppressor's rod. I Sobieski cries awake! Freedom calls, ye brave! Rise, and front the despot czar, Rise, and spurn the name of slave. Rise, and dare the unequal wac. Grasp the sword!—its edge is keen, Freedom calls you! Quick, be read.vj,— Seize the gun!—its ball is true: 1 Think of what your sires have been, —- Sweep your land from tyrant clean, — |Onward, onward! strong and steads- Haste, 11 ud scour it through and through! j Drive the tyrant to his den. , Onward, onward! Freedom cries, ! On, and let the watchword be, • Rush to arms, —the tyrant flies. j Country, home, and liberty 1 J A. WISEMAN, M. D. j\ & GOEGAS DEUG STORES, 10 N. Third St. and Penna. Station. j 7