The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 29, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Ql|e &tar-3nbrp^ttfteitt.
(J£*saNirhnt in 1576)
Published b •
f Star-lndtot'idont Build in*.
W 10-12 South Third Street. Hirrittwf. Pa.
Every Evening Except Sunday
Ofrietrs: Dint!*rs.
Vtee President. w * K '
Secretary and Treasnrer. *V«. W VTALLOWCR.
Business Manager. Editor
Alt coiuniunlca'iouj should be %«idressed to STAR INDEPENDENT,
6.l<iue«C. Editorial, lob Priutlnft or Circulation Department
recording to the subject matter
Entered at the Post Office in Harrisburg as second class matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company.
New Vork and Chicago REPRESENTATIVES,
New York Offlee. Brunswick Buildiug. 225 Pifth Avenue
CHICAGO Office. People'R ttas Building. .Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers a: 6 ccnla a week. Mailed IO subscriber;
tor Three Dollars A .-ear in advance
The paper with THE largest HAM; Circulation in Harrisburg anc
•earby towns
Circulation Examineo fc;
Private Branch Exchange. No. 3280
Private Branch Eacnanf. - No. X4S-24G
- - 1 - 11
Friday, January 21), 1015.
—OECJi .1 I 1 '.-J
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thtir. Fri. Sat.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Full Moon, Ist, :10th; Last Quarter, Bth;
New Moon, loth; First Quarter, :Wd.
li' st tcc i c:atii!e to i ht about 10 |*—
Highest. :!4; lowest, -8: 8 a. iu., ,!2: 8 |>. in., 28.
In at least two cities.—Cleveland and Detroit, —
it new experiment is being tried in the collection
of street car fares. Like all tests which may or
may not resul. favorably, this one is of some inter
est and worth watching.—especially so since the
unsettled question of gathering in coins on street
ears closely concerns the general public upon which
the experiments are being tried.
The latest plan, unless several others have been
evolved over night, provides for the stationing of
collector* .it important corners to whom prospect
ive passengers pay their fares before entering cars.
It is this plan that Cleveland and Detroit are try
ing out. It' the new method saves time and carries
with it 110 fresh difficulties, it seems likely to b«
adopted in other cities.
Although the pay-as-you-enter plan has been in
successful operation in this city for several years
and seems to be fully satisfactory both to the trac-
Kun company and to the passengers it is evidently
not so well thought of in larger cities. One ean
readily understand how. during the rush hours in
a large community where crowds are much more
dense than in this city, there would be much incon
venience experienced and much time lost by indi
viduals paying they enter the cars.
Street railway companies in the larger cities
have been doing their best to solve the problems
of fare collection, and it is perhaps not so much
their i'ault as the fault of the passengers that their
various plans do not give entire satisfaction. They
have tried the pay-as-you-enter as well as the pay
as-yoB-leave arrangements and have (jone their part
to get the fares quickly and surely, but passengers
have insisted on being without nickels at rush hours
and have thus caused confusion.
Then. too. companies have provided patrons with
tickets to slip to the conductors that there might
be no delay, but thoughtless persons have persisted
in boarding cars without having any of the tickets
with them, or without being able to find the pockets
in which the pasteboards are reposing, thus making
that method impracticable.
A faction company and its patrons are not able
to get together happily in the matter of fare col
lection in any city unless the patrons are reasonable
about complying with the necessary rules of any
system which the company thinks best to establish
for public convenience.*
We do not believe that the "Honorable Bill"
Adams. Representative from Luzerne county, will
\>diave to pay a tine of SIOO for having violated a city
ordinance by installing a live pig in the $13,000,000
capitol. Moreover we do not believe that the
learned Luzerne lawmaker will have to flee to
< anada. as he suggests, to avoid paying the tine, —
tor as shown by the picture on another page the
pig has not reached those proportions which could
make its presence objectionable even within the
sacred portals of the State House.
Fact is the members of the House, when they
reassemble next Monday evening, should give a
vote of thanks to the "Honorable Bill" for having
a sense of humor. Moreover the capitol hill cor
respondents' association should get together and
give Adams a medal for producing material for a
space-making story that is somewhat less deadly
dull than the constant succession of self-laudatory
departmental reports.
It is a relief to read something from Capitol Hill
that has a little real human interest in it. Most of
our law-makers in the present session appear to be
very serious-minded individuals who are in need
of just such fun-producing antidote as the wag
from Luzerne has injected into their official lives.
And as for the "Honorable Bill" himself, —the
man who once offered to swim the Susquehanna
river in mid-winter, has been tined by Mayor Royal
for a disturbance he caused in Market street dur
ing an argument as to the proper way to execute
a military salute and who plans to introduce a law
to name a county after Senator Penrose, —he is a
born joker and doesn't care how much newspaper
publicity comes to him through the pig incident
or any other incident. Moreover, he is entitled
to it. -
A protest has been made by a committee of the
New York Merchants* Association to the l'ostoffice
Department concerning imperfections in the parcel j
post. The assertion is made that during the trans-!
port at ion of parcels government employes pile
heavy and light packages together indiscriminately'
and that much damage is thus done to mail matter.
Attention also is called to the fact that places where
parcels can be mailed are comparatively few and |
that inconvenience is often experienced by patronsj
in reaching parcel post stations.
The conditions mentioned in the first complaint
may or may not be largely prevalent. There are
unquestionably times when fragile packages do not
travel loug distances by parcel post without injury.
In these instances the blame may perhaps, rest with
government employes, but there is also a likelihood
that the senders are at fault for not properly pro
tecting the parcels,
An uninsured package is mailed al the sender's
risk and it is the sender's business properly to
enclose an article rather than the mail men's busi
ness tenderly to care for an improperly wrapped
parcel. Even an insured package, it is sad but
true, is likewise often damaged in transit and for
this I nele Sam can hardlv be excused.
The complaint about inconvenience in mailing:
parcels, it must be admitted, is a well founded one. {
I The parcel post has grown into so tremendous a
business that better facilities need to be given to
; its patrons. The post lias become a great public |
i convenience of which more and more is constantly
I being expected.
The Postoffice Department should feel eoinpli- j
mented, at least, that demands arc urgently being
made upon it to extend the usefulness of its parcel!
post service from year to year, but it also should |
meet the new demands as they arise.
Evidently the war has not hit the Hershey chocolate
President Wilson may have a new Congress on his hands
i all summer.
The State Poultrvmen want a Chicken Bureau at State
! College. Does that mean State is to be co-ed f
The State Legislator who proposes to loose a live porker
in the House on Monday night should be better informed.
There is no river and harbor bill before that body.
The Colonel is willing to hand over SIO.UOO of his Nobel
peace prize for the benefit of the sufferers through the war
in Europe. Thus does pea«e benefit in divers ways.
There was a young lady from Gopher,
| Who went out to ride with her chauffeur.
They found her remains scattered wide o'er the plains,
But nothing to show for the chauffeur! —Life.
Crawford—"So you don't think this is the right time to
speak about increasing our armaments?"
Crabshaw—"No; we seem to have all we can do to
supply war materials to the belligerents."—Life.
A customer, after waiting several minutes for an oxtail
soup, called the waiter to him and asked the reason why
I it was behind.
The waiter, who was Irish, gently answered:
"Oxtails are always behind, sir."—Exchange.
A Judge in remanding a criminal called him a scoundrel.
The prisoner replied, as he was leaving the courtroom:
"Sir. I am not as lug a scoundrel as your honor"—here
the culprit stopped, but finally added —"takes me to be."
"Put your words closer together," said the judge.—
Weep and you're called a baby.
Laugh and you're called a fool.
Yield and you're called a coward.
Stand and you're called a mule.
Smile and they call you silly, /
Frown and they'll call you gruff;
Put on a front like a millionaire
And some guy calls your bluff.
—Stockton Review.
An ostentatious member of a certain County Council
! whose father is well known as a retired omnibus driver was
one day displaying a large seal he usually wears, represent
ing St. George and the Dragon, and while several by
standers were expressing their admiration of it, its owner
remarked, in solemn toues:
"Aw—one of my ancestors is—aw—supposed to have
killed the dragon—a—don't you know?"
"Dear me," inquired one of his hearers, who knew some
thing about him, "did he run over it?"— London Tit-Bits.
The Laws sat about the long green table. All the funda
mentals were there save one. Even the decrepit Salic Law
was present, dozing between the Mosaic and the Law
of Primogeniture. The Chairman, the Law of the Land,
; called - the meeting to order,
i "Are we all present?" he asked.
It was the Blue Law who responded.
"I don't see nothin' of the law of Nations," he squeaked.
"The Law of Nations has been abolished," the Chairman
, sharply replied. "The business of the convention will now
' proceed."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ready Help
in tim« of physical twubl* caused by
indigestion, biliousness resulting from
torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al
ways {riven, quickly, certainlv, safelv
by the most famous of family remedies
Lar*M« Sale of Any Medkine in the WarM.
Seld everywhere, la boxes. 10c., 25c.
(Tongue-End Topics]
\ j
The Auditors Not Talking
N\ ith Kraneis \V. Hiegel ami ffVed W. j
Huston on the job auditing the 1914
accounts of County Treasurer A. IH. j
liailev—work that already has been
■lone by the County Controller —a
ijuestion which is puzzling Court House
j attaches is what John W. Cassel, presi
i dent of the Board of Auditors, intends
to do, He has j aid only brief visits
! to his colleagues since they went on the
| job. Cassel ignores the reporters and.
j for that matter, so ,)o his colleagues.
He appears to be amused when asked
about that lie has against the
j county for his "services" incident to
: the audit of the 1913 account, but he
I iiasn t yet expressed himself on the sub
| je.'t. There has been some talk about
:;ie auditors retaining a lawyer for the
; purpose of fighting the County Com
missioners on the question of "eight
| hours constituting a working day,"
j but none of the auditors nor their at
I tornev is doing the talking. The au
| ditors evidently have decided to let
j their friends sneeze and guess.
* * *
Seaman's Hidden Purpose
W hen the former City Couuuilineu
formed a social organization recently
the question was raised whether it
I would be proper to permit Couti ilmanic
newspaper reporters to become members
jof the society. No formal action was
taken, but a hint wi s dropped that the
| line should be drawn and only Council
! men admitted to membership. The
■ommittee on rules will decide the fate
jot the newspapermen in so far as this
j society is concerned. Ross K. Seaman
I always has been regarded l>v the re
' porters as one of their best friends and
j since lie has suggested that the "press
; should be barred'' the question natur-
I ally arises whether he favor
j ing his friends of the pre«s. Seaman
argues that if the reporters do not be
come members they may get into the
banquets "free." whereas if they be
come members tfiev will be obliged to
pay up along with the rest of the
Si *
Senator Has «» Oil Wells
Senator Marshall Phipps, of Frank
! '' u - Venango county, is an oil producer
and consequently is very much inter
; ested when the price of oil goes up or
lown a few cents, Quite re entlv the
price jumped up five cents a barrel and j
, the Senator was correspondingly happy.
One Senator who did not know the I
Venango Senator's business, said to j
; him:
"Why are you so interested in the J
I price of oil?"
"Because I am an oil producer,"
said Phipps.
I "How much do yon produce in your |
t little old \tellf" asked tie other man 1
I intending to be facetious.
"In my little old well!'' repeated
i Phipps. "In my little old well.' Why,
j my Dear Senator, I iiav - sixty-one wells
and they are all producing, not a dry
; hole or a gasser in the lot. Some of
j them don't produce very much—often
] times only about half a barrel i>er day,
; but when I put the product of the
sixty-one wells together for one day
.there is a nice total. That's why I
i look cheerful when the price of oil
I goes up.''
* o *
Senator Need Not Starve
Just at present the pri e of oil at
! the well is $1.50 per barrel, so that if
Senator Phip s' wells produce a eom
! biued average of sixty-one barrels per
day he has an income of s6l per day,
which is not doing so [>oorly for a State
Senator, and will help to keep the wolf
from the Senatorial door. After the
well is drilled the cost of production is
very small, as one engine can do the
'■ work of pumping a large number of
wells which are connected by the pump
ing apparatus.
• * *
Imported Quail as Fighters
The office of the State Game Com
mission was the scene of a lively fight
one day this week, but not so as to
create a scandal. In a corner of the
office is a oox cage containing a dozen
; Mexi an quail, recently brought from
• the land of the Montezumas, to be dis
| tributed in this State for breeding pur-
I poses. Among the lot are two cock
quail, Two very fiery little fellows who
are great fighters. When they get with
! in striking distance of each other there
j is sure to be a fight, and honors were
| even until Thursday morning when one
1 of the birds made a rush for the other,
! grabbed him by the throat with his
j beak ami jammed him up into a cor-
I ner where he held his rival until chased
; oft' bv a eierk. The throttled bird was
j almost down ami out. but like a game
prize fighter, he soon recovered and
perked up. The two fighters have been
named Huerta and Villa, and if not
soon released there is going- to be a
•; bird tragedy in toe Capitol.
To Buy an Auto Truck
i Bils foi the new motor truck to be
; used in the City Highway Department
will be received by Commissioner Wil
; liam H. Lynch up until noon of Feb
ruary 10. An appropriation of $2,500
| has been provided for the truck. The
[ machine is to be used principally iu the
' street repair department.
Banquet Marks Close of Three-Day Con
vention Here—Resolutions Adopted
Calling for Public Support in Pro- j
posed Fight on Legalized Censorship
.lotan Price Jackson, Commissioner of
'Labor ami Industry, and J. W. Binder,
of New York, a member of the National
Board of Ousorship, were the guests of
honor at a banquet given in the Plaza
hotel last night by the Harrisburg mo
tion picture exhibitors as the closing
event of the three-day S*tate convention
of the newlv-formed Motion Picture Kx .
bibitors' League of Pennsylvania. Pred
J. 'llerrington, of Pittsburgh, acted as i
toastmaster, and among the speakers j
was Peter IMagaro, of this city.
The final business session was held
in the Bolton house in the afternoon.
It was decided to hold the next con- I
vent-ion in Reading on .lune T, S and 9. J
Frank A. Gould, of Reading, publicity '
manager of the league, said that Read
ing is fast becoming a convention city
and that seventy conventions of vari
ous sorts are booked to be held there
in the next few months.
Before adjournment the league unani
mously adopted the following resolu
Wliei i a.. it is currently reported that
the legislature of this state will soon
be asked to puss a new building; code;
Whereas. The provisions of the pro
posed measure are arbitrary and do In
fart amount t» confiscation as far as
the theatres of this state are concern
ed. therefore be it
Resolved. That we most emphatically
protest against the enactment of any
such drastic law ami take proper meas
ures to defeat the said proposed build
ing: code.
Resolved further, Thai we respect
fully submit to the legislative and ex
ecutive branches of our state govern
ment that such legislation would de
prive many thousands of the citizens
of this commonwealth of their business
interests and their means of livelihood.
The following resolutions also were
The motion picture exhibitors of the
state of Pennsylvania, in convention
assembled, do hereby appeal to public
opinion to relieve the motion picture
industry of the injustice of legalised
censorship as it is now embodied in
the law of Pennsylvania. We believe
that legalised censorship is a grave
menace to that freedom of expression
which is guaranteed to the citizens of
this state by the constitution.
The screen on which motion pictures
are projected is as much a medium of
expression as the spoken or printed
word and is therefore entitled to the
same immunity from pernicious legal
restraint as the book and the news
paper. An encroachment on the con
stitutional guarantee of freedom of ex
pression is not only an injury and an
injustice to the motion picture business
nit an entering wedge of political inter
ference with the press and freedom of
We therefore appeal 1 the American
press to unite with us in resisting to
the utmost every attempt to abridge
the liberty of the screen. We believe
that no censorship is necessary because
the motion picture as much as the press
is under the constant influence of pub
lic opinion and the laws now on the
statute books are amply sufficient to
deal with objectionable pictures as they
are amply sufficient to deal with news
papers offending against I le law.
We urg all citi/.ciis of Pennsylvania,
of whatever political creed, to protest
against the legalised censorship and to
write to their representatives in the
Legislature askiug them to vote for a
speedy repeal of the censorship law.
We extend our congratulations to the
organized exhibitors of our sister state
of Ohio upon their efforts to repeal the
censorship law in Hint state. We re
cord with satisfaction that legalized
censorship has only been accepted in
two stati s out of 4S in spite of the
fanatical crusades against the free
dom of the screen.
We record our abiding faith in the
good si'nse and in the love of fair
plav and justice of the American peo
ple 'anil express our hope that legalized
censorship will soon be a thing of the
past. We desire to go on record as
emnhatically opposed to any abuse of
the freedom of the screen by irrespon
sible persons and we pledge ourselves
to prosecute or to aid in prosecuting
any person or persons who are guilty
of'showing pictures the exhibition of
which constitutes an offense against
the law.
We invite the co-operation of the
people of this commonwealth to ai l us
in maintaining: ih# present high stanct
.trii of HI »tit»n pi. tures by helping us
io discover and renounce all persons
who show pictures which violate the
Berlin, via London, Jan. 29, 4.08 A. j
M.—A letter written by an officer of
one of the German cruisers describes the
liaVal battle in the North .Sea, com
menting on the long ranges, from eight
to twelve miles, at which modern naval
battles are fought. He repeats the re
port that a British cruiser was sunk i
and felling of the loss of the German
cruiser Bluecher, says:
"She was shot to pieces after sus
taining engine trouble which crippled
her. We could not assist the Bluecher, i
as all our ships, in view of the triple
or fonj-fold superiority of the British
would have suffered the same fate.
There was no possibility of helping
her. A torpedo boat attack would only
have resulted in greater losses.
"The Bluecher continued to ftaht
hereoieally long after the ship was com
pletely veiled in smoke and steam, from '
fire and a boiler explosion. Plashes
from the guns could be seen until 1.07
o'clock when she capsized and sank."
Amsterdam, via London, Jan. 29,
3.40 A. M.—The "Handelsblad" says
that news has reached Kiel to the effect
that the admiral and nine officers of
the German squadron were killed in the
naval battle off the Falkland Islands
ibetweei the British and German squad
rons. The commanders of four cruisers
also met death in the battle. The news
papers says the commander of the Ger
man cruiser Nurnberg, when leaving
Honolulu, September 1, declared to the
German Consul there: "The Nurnberg
will be our coffin, but we will not sur
London, Jan. 29, A. M.—Tlie
Thousands of wives, mothers and sis
ters are enthusiastic in their praise of
ORRINE, because it Iras cured their
loved ores of the "Drink Habit" and
thereby brought happiness to their
homes. Can be given secretly. ORRINE
costs only SI.OO per box. Ask for Free
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third St.,
and Pennsylvania It. R. Station. Harris
burg. Pa.; John A. McCurdy. Stxelton,
Pa.; H. 1*". Brunhouse, Mechanlcsburg,
Greatest Sale of Sales
Presents JUn paralleled Values In
Ladies' and Misses' Coats
A A For Ladies' and Girls' Coats
®|__ that were originally values to
|J SIB.IX> —all tailored effects.
sifli 05 For Ladies'and Misses' Coats
of distinctive models and high
grade fabrics—values to sl!o.iX). pW#f H
$| TC For values to $2.") —a chann-
IJ' i nir selection of late season styles H^ r i !s= =®H2
—no two alike—some silk lined. H J K
tIA 7E For Coats of highest grade im- I ll\^B
1 1% * norted fabrics—exclusive mod- a jIB
[ 'ls; were formerly values to H 'jla
The Arthur Ohatterdon Company, I
which appears at the Majestic all of
next neck, have selected a moat uu-1
usual play for Monday night. It is rarei
indeed that a traveling; stjck organiza-j
tion presents a drama that is being
given throughout the country by sueli
a famous actor as James K. llackett.
Vet, that is the case with "A Grain of
Dust." In other words, Mr. Chatter
don will giv'e his admirers an oppor
tunity of seeing a new and famous suc
cess at popular prices, which otherwise
would cost just three times as much to
"A Grain of Dust" is a dramatization
of David Graham Phillips' widely (lis-1
"Times'" military correspondent,
analyzing the present disposition of the j
German forces, arrives at, the conclu
sion that the preponderance of the tier-1
man troops still are on the western I
frontier, where he estimates there are
94 divisions as against 4;l divisions in ]
the east.
"In other words," the correspond
ent says, "their pride would not allow
them to shorten and rectify their west
ern line, which would alone have en
See |
1 Una Clayton's Act j
1 "MILK" 1
sb m
H At the Orpheum This Week and S
U You Will Understand Why it Pays |j
§! to Buy Milk From the
Pennsylvania Milk
| Products Company §
Jj As All Their Milk Is Properly Pas- j§
H teurized and all Pathogenic Germs gp
j§ Are Destroyed.
Pennsylvania Milk
Products Company |
cussed novel by the same name. The
book nnd the drama have created no
eml ot' comment, as both deal with the
adventures of a pretty New York
stenographer in the office ot' a well
known firm of corporation lawyers. It
is a story of the present moment and
consequently tilled with timely interest.
The play is most excellently cast as
Mr. Clmtterdon will be seen at his best
as the young lawyer who sacrifices his
career for the girl he loves. "A liirl in
the Taxi," in which Arthur Clmtterdon
and Adelyn Bushnell give an exhibition
of tnnpo dancing, is the attractive an
nouncement for Tuesday evening.—
abled them to detach sufficient forces
to ibring about a decision in Poland and
capture Warsaw. As a result the bulk
of the active corps are in the west still,
while in Russia the bulk of the troops
are second and third line men. Jt may
therefore be expected that Germany
will make a last violent effort in the
west to break the allied line before the
allied armies are all assembled and the
other neutral Powers come into the