CAII IQQI-VNY'PHONE 4 . , tftAt . CALL 19Q1-ANY'PHONE.''#' founded ,871 , f Whenever Ycu Need Anything in a hurry, just ask Central for 1991 (any yQ pqundid 1871 9 j 'phone), tell the clerk your wants and our delivery will bring it to your door. HARRIS ft URC'S POPULAR OCMUm«NT STOM "* HA.BRI* »UR«'S POPULAR DIPAPTTiINT STORK To-morrow the January Clearing Sale Ends==With Sturdy Reductions fThc Last Day of the Clearing Sale Brings CLASSIFIED Severe Price Reductions on I / fj Men's Suits and Overcoats i ; ' Vf'jC | Offering the season's approved styles and high standards of cjual- Floor.) »/* $6.75, $8.75, $10.75, $1%.75 i Jkda&!t ' i j - A 4n . 0i o IMPORTANT —Store hours to- ! InStead Ot lUto O* & morrow will be 9A.M.t09 P. M. , , .. T . , , * vacant ROOMS— Can be fur- You Save One to Two Dollars on A\ e want to greatlv reduce our stocks tor Inventory and lu\e nished in good style at a nonuual p Oo»v />f , . , . Icost, wheu our February Furniture EVCry tLi 1 / (Jl marked every suit anil overcoat at a \ei\ low pi ice in oitui to » Sale starts, Tuesday, February 9 d— . them out. The assortment includes: - Mul W OUIOII S UuO6S Jit i|!>l«4y BORN—Another member of the Suits: English and conservative models, m guns, blues, nux RecordSi at main floor. these shoes, because that would bo the best proof of this tares, tartans, tassiam-es. worsteds, serges, ete. TO un bein * the comfortable rest room for women. Greatest Shoe Sale Ever Held in This City Overcoats: Fancv Balmacaans; torm-titting overcoats; couserva- (.all an> hour m the da\. t there can be no question as to your being satisfied, tive models: full box back styles. Mixtures a'd plain shades. Plaur t'or in connection with the extremely low price you may Third FIoor— BOWMAVS. .LaST-i/ay v>iear- secure a stylish last, made of either patent colt, gun metal, Aways in viei kid, or tan Russia calf, in any size or width. Tn Man C«7 7 Kitchenwares There Arc Hundreds of Them J. U If J. CI I \g| / Aluminum Tea Kettles. SI.9S Aud had they not ptuvliased at s.u-U a reinark- Can You Imagine a Genuine $5 iffM IKS Austrian Velour Hat for $1.95 cedar ou M op , w-fomeriy to-day. rp, . i i . j ♦ i * L $1.00; for polishing and cleaning Third Floor BOWMAN'S. -They re here m green, grey, brown, tan and steel. ; J , , J floors: includes pint Tiara FWr-BOWMA.N'S. ,! J cedar oil. M Striking Clearance Reductions' gSWSXti Again-Plush CoatS for Men Announcing $//) Men's Dress Shirts at 60c*—regularly *l.oo—percales ami madras: Kn mini re S-ili> will *t-irt lirst quality tinned V' * plain and pleated; coat style with attached cuffs. ... , A , , inside throughout, ami straight We just opened to-day thirty-five pllisll coats, the same Men's Neckwear at 10c—regularly 25e : four-in-hands: silk and knitted tu si «i\ t >tuai> -in . 'J" - „ , ,»- ».• i as we showed last week, and the price is the same—sls.oo. 0 „„ , . , . and we nave set aside Friut Bcwls, 2oc -formerly r|M ~ , ... ' , , ~ . • . President Suspenders at 39c -regularly otV. S-.turd tv ind Mond iv assorted decorations: luster I hey are lined throughout with yarn-dyed satlll —have till* M- Mmu FIoor— BOWMAN'S. 1 '• * - .. finish hii's —and are made with full belts and half belts. Fox trot as davs of inspection. , ... , n • , M » • . D «r . 0 Wateli for further an- Special reduced prices on eroek- sty les are among them. All sizes to 44. Clothe the Boy Now ana Save uouiwment*. r«r«v; Npw at tS QR A J TT if 3f>C from 75e; 50c from 98c; 11C W LO ill JAItTIOS t -Q- . - -j, , 69iz.-N 8 t' l IT years. Formerly TllSt OIDSUCCt Boys' Norfolk Suits. Reduced to 53.65 in grey, tan and brown ** s , <' r r\ __ . stripes and mixtures: cassinieres and worsteds: sizes ti to IS vears. Another lot of wool nap plaid >-s IrIAVAQ AT (IffltT H 01T Formerly blankets in pink, blue, grey and \ VJIUVCO Vl UICJf Hdll Boys' Norfolk Suits at 81.95—in dark cheviots: sizes 6to 14 vears. ,au ' Large bod slze " ; \ . * rs • j i «.9S. The price i, ?2.50 pa,r. FaShlOniOr bWltClieS $1.25 Third FIoor—BOWMAN 8. . Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. ,■ •J/Nk **" Jmi ■ _ . J If your hair has just Linens—Special TL C>| r\rr 4 remilllllC started to turn grey we have Linen Sheeting, 90 inches wide: lhe Carpet r loor Uffers wjm „ , the proper biend tor you. S 4 yard will make a waist, or ildlluS c-t nr\ 11 /_ T yards will make a dress : an extra tT ynontinnn / SnUinrfo TV» mnrrmi 1 $3.00 Wavy TranS good value, at 51.50 yard. lUI \*JUUITIg& 1 U~Tfl(jrr(JlU lli-button length white lambskin formations at $1 95 All linen Table Pattern Cloths; Pqit ....... . . . , , gloves at $2.50 pair. size 62x70 inches: regularly si. 59, g s o»c—sizt- ->x.>o inches; just right tor the bath room. # J" T j 16-button length real kid gloves. From a beautiful blonde, brown at 51.25. Curtain Pole Fixtures, oc set—complete wit h ends and brackets; m 1 M B (TO in white and black, at 53.50 and or black, even to grey, this assort- Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. 150 St>tS iu the lot: formerl - V U P to kS( '- llKy pair. ment is complete. Ax minster Rugs, 89c—size ISxW inches: great varietv of pat- T J • -x _ The Derby glove, in black and ' p. . . 0 . - terns to choose from : formerlv $1.13, $1.25 and SL3S. For Immediate white with contrasting stitching; . nr prnate llair lai or Domestic Specials Fourth r ^l6-button length, at 54.50 pair. located in the rear o the second _ . \ Fourth Moor BOW MAN». Wear lli-button length gloves in floor, where an expert in attfnd for Saturday , . chamoisette and leatherette, plain ance will arrange your hair becora- Odd Lois in the Draocrv Deoartmcnt for large Milliner\ Department white and white with black em- mgl.V. Outing Flannel, 6 J 4 c yd.—regu- WC urupcry UCparimcni lOr presents a most complete showing broidery. 75<* and 51.25 pair. : ' * larlv Ic-: light or dark patterns; the Last DaV 01 he latest models for immediate 2-clasp overseam gloves in blaek, p._ _ good lengths. wear, including smart sailor ef- white, tan and grey, at 75< pair. UOOQ. V/OrSet MOdeiS White Wool Flannel. 29c yd.— l»e to 89c burlap and tapestry Cushion Slips, at 12'wC to 45C. fects and the popular military Fownes real kid gloves in white, . _ - . regularly >" :j6 inches wide; cut $2.00 to $3.55 Panel Curtains, 2 1 yards long: white with In-aitl styles. black, tan and grey, at pr. at xOpillar x riCCS trom lull pieees. trimmings, at 51.50 and 52.75. Crept* de chine and satins are Bacmo English walking gloves. Cnntil mpdium hiirli Sheets at < sc—regularly $1.10; _... .. . verv prominent, and among the j n white black, tan and grey, at , . . ' , ■ , ' • size *lxl.- inches: made'of Mo- 121 = c SUkolme ' h *»red. «' new sh ' a(lt . s is the popular French 91.50 and $2.00 pair. ' bus ; long hips; embroidery trim. . hawk muslin, marked E. S.; soiled. 50c Cord and Tassels for curtains and cushions, in rose, red, green. blue, first to be shown in Harris- The Autocrat glove in white and "" ! t p!.i» /;° 4oii S ' ' S "' , Pillow Cases at Bc—bleached; and red and green, at 20c. burg. black, with contrasting embroid- por eis. tc s fr. jaundered: 4.' or 45 inches: 3-inch H. 59 Nottingham Lace Curtains, white and ecru ; onlv one pair of Tlu ';" hat * have ,ak ". n th . e I' la, ' p er £ at S2 < ?°, and f 2 25 'J*' 1 ' , exS'long atToi'- Ufms. a kind at 75c nair of velvet hats entirely, because Kayser s 2-clasp chamoisette and extra long nips, rw o noons at 001 Pillow Cases at 15c—regularly ' thev can be worn much longer into leatherette gloves in white and torn ; embroidery trimmed at top, 22.- and 25c; 5t»x36 or 54x3H inches Dennns and Burlap, at 9c yard. the' Spring. ~ contrasting stitching; also the new with draw string; heavy hose »up —Salem brand. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Prices start at S3*~lo. putty and sand shades, at porters. Price is o9C. Mr in FIoor—BOWMAN'S. , Second' Floor BOWMAN'S. and SI.OO pair. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I TO STUDY MOTOR LIFEBOATS teamship Inspectors Will Visit New York Boat Show New York, Jan. 29.—The board of upervising «teamboat inspectors are 10 >eet iu Washington next week and 'ime time during the week are to come New York to visit the annual motor •at show , nh.rh will open in the Ma ii 'D Square Garden to-morrow afternoon, iaw went into effect on January 1 ■h requires that a cer'ain nunier ni'/tor lifeboats should be carried on ueamships. The*e boat* are to be ted for ifeboats will be on exhibition aai iiere will »i*o be some lifeboat- fully quipped which will be examined very horotighly by the inspectors. Steamship men and the inspectors re planning new provisions to amend l>c law. it being their opinion that here is no definite requirement in the hitut? it now stands. [T PAYS TO USE STAB | INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. i LUCIEN CABB DEAD I Was Assistant Curator of Peabody 1 Museum, Harvard, 17 Years Cambridge. Mass.. Jan. 29.—Lucien i fair. 85 years old, for seventeen years ! i as-i«tant curator of the Peabody Mu *eum. Harvard University, died here ; Wedne-tiay. He was born in Troy. Mo., and received in 1 546 his A. P. degree from st. Louis University and later hi±j A. M. degree. In 1877 he became assistant curator | of the Peabody Museum and continued j as such until 1894. Mr. Uarr was the author of numerous books on archae ology. BANKEB THOMAS'S WILL Bulk of *4,000,000 Estate Is Be queathed to the Widow Mineola. N. Y., Jan. 29.—The will" of Ralph Hill Thomas, the New York banker, who died Dectmber 31, wa» filed for probate here. The value of the estate, it is said, will aggregate $4, 000.000 The bulk of the property goes to the j w»low, Heleu Kelly Thomas, who was I TTARRTSBiTffn ST VF-IXT>EPENT)EXT. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 29. 1915. the first wife of Frank J. Gould, from whom she was divorced. The big es- 1 tate at Sands Point. L. 1., goes to her. I The farm at Simsbury, Conn., was be queathed to Joseph T. Thomas, a broth er of the testator, living at 186 Kast. i Nineteenth street, Manhattan. Some ] personal effects go to the mother of the I te tator, Mrs. Annie Thomas of the Ho I tel Vanderbilt. The executors are the widow, Daniel i R. Noyes and Edward E. S[ .aiding. The 1 will was dated February 21, 1913. - : BABID HORSE BITES TWO Doctor and Farm Hand Attacked by Animal Near Pottstown Potts town, Pa.. Jan. 29. —Dr. .Sam uel E. Daub, a Royersford veterinarian, 1 and George Brinkman, a farmhand, were bitten by a horse afflicted with rabies cn the farm of David Grubb in East Coventry township, Chester coun ty. The head of the horse was sent to the University of Pennsylvania, where an examination verified the belief that ' , it had rabies. Both men are undergoing the Pasteur ! I treatment. j BANK SUES SYNDICATE j < Default Charged on Interest on 8423,- o Trust Notes t Chicago. Jan. -9. —The Continental} I and Commercial Truet and Saving*'] Bank file>l a suit in the .Superior