14 A One Day Clearance of The Greatest Coat Values of the A Final Clearance of White Table Damask & Linen Winter Season Go Into a Weave Cottons Brings Napkins Sale To-morrow Unusual Values "V* T" f ° r H . 0 . There are scores of interestingly priced items in white lawns, At Savings That Are-Really Remarkable j j. i - , . " c whltl! 'awn and dimity cheek, 2/ inches wide. Special grades from regular stock. •• r • » i » yarpeuai a cieaiame lor Saturday only, yard, _ J 100 silk stripe crepe; 38 inches wide. Special, yard, ... 10«* $2.00 all linen bleached damask napkins; 20x20 inches square; Weaves and Staple ClOthS are priced in SOme instances as low 15c check crepes: 27 inches wide Special yard 10* dS2£ , ! e •.. 8 ! , *?!• , .!" $1.69 as the cost the material alone. ■ ' voUe; « inc.s . L white pajama checks, 36 inches wide. Special, yard, 10^ inches, 'spec'ial' for tomorrow only 1 armful of Styles reveals: 19c White mercerized lawn, 40 inches wide. Special, yard, •' * 12 $3.50 satin Marseilles bed spreads, 85xD0 inches. QO $12.50 plaid sport coats, ill misses' $20.00 imported cheek coats. Filial 39c white seed cloth, 40 inches wide. Special, yard, .. .25^ S P ecia1 ' I,y ° sizes. Final price $5.00 price .' $12.50 * l ' oo English longcloth, 10 yards to a piece, 36 inches wide. $2.50 hemstitched table cloths; 59x59 inches, in two good $20.00 brown, navy and plum novelty $20.00 black zibeline coats, with gen- Special, -.79* 'designs of heavy German linen. Special, Ci /cq weave coats, with convertible collar. darine velvet Cliffs Final price sl2 50 • 1,39 En S lish longcloth, 10-yard pieces; Mi inches wide. Spe each - VPI.UV Final pricet SIO.OO $18.50 navy, brown and green Kurl- ml ' v : * 98^ «*- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. j $15.00 fllll leilgtll bI'OWU diagonal teX COatS. Filial price, $12.50 ** D ' V ° 8 ' Pomcro > r & Bt ew»rt, Street Floor. — I cloth coats, with cuffs and collar of $15.00 brown mixed weave coats. T _ Hosiery & Underwear That New Styles of Gowns for 1 i-x 1 ITT coats - Final Pi'ice SIO.OO Final price, $12.50 \\T Wf ,1 Can be Depended Uoon - * 2ao ° mixed novelt > r cravenetted $20.00 black Hindu lynx coats. Final women Witn D aintv r coats. Final price, $12.50 price. $12.50 . . ' J For Good Service Last of the Winter Suits* Tn-mnrrnw Trimmings of Insertion About every style and weight desired is to be found in our V Y Alll^A 1 U AAAUAAUW Muslin gowns in high or V-shaped neck; long sleeves; voke EE Unmatchable Values Are the Result of a Clearance That 1 ej. W;il r* T j- , Muslin .gowns in high neck; yoke trimmed with bunch tucks WOMEN'S HOSIERY, 25c, 50c i vests, light weight, hiph neck, long VV 111 IVIOVe E/V6ry OaHTlOnt 1 mmeQiatelV ' ancl em broidery edge trims neck and sleeves, 75* and SI.OO ! °r short sleeves, Dutch neck, elbow • " Women's black and colored silk! s,e ? ves . and sleeveless, regular and $15.00 brown and black novelty suits. Final $30.00 navy and black velvet suits. Final Corset Covers and Combinations b ° W omen "s" 'bla ek * a n'il" col ored thread Women's white' cotton ' 'ribbed blue' serge ' suits." ' Finaf o^ 0 PPICe ' I f 18.50 Nainsook corset covers with lace or embroidery trimming, 35c and SI.OO silk hose with fashioned feet, double; ves ts, medium weight, high neck, " -a $32.50 plum velvet suit. Filial price $18.50 Nainsook or cambric drawers with lace or embroidery trimming, garter tops, SI.OO j lon K sleeves, ankle drawers to match, Women's fast black silk lisle hose 'each, 1 ' ;jOc $25.00 navv and greeil chiffon broadcloth I soo.oo plum chiffon broadcloth suits. Final • ljonK sk,rta ot nainsook or cambric; lace or embroidery trimmed. with fashioned feet, high spliced 1 Women's white cotton ribbed suits - Final P ri( ' e 515.00 ! price, $16.50 m • i v.- t , 50c t0 Slns 3 e ;ai'rf W or le . gar . ter . tOPB ' oo * l - 00 dark blue velvet C ountry Club suits. I .$35.00 green and navy velvet suits. Final eomb.nat.ons w.th lace or embroidery trimming. sJeThose 1 " MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR »m" "P ' ,r,Ce - $22.50 Satine BlOOmeiS ' c , , Dues, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators c .. ~ . .. MEN'S 12i£c AND 25c HOSIERY Me " ! oxf ord grev heavy fleece- batine bloomers in black or white and finished with bands. Special, Men's tot black „m] «fo„, * d f"" "* "' k «* /-« • f • s~\ 1 • * * . . „„• p , „ . „ , ' *'"> jS Grocenes of First Quality Moderately ! " " ir*!k:Prired Tn-mnrrnw Crepe and Voile Waists at WOMEN'S VESTS AND UNION Men's heavy natural wool shirts Ily Vvl X W HIvIIVJ VV SUITS I an( * ( ' rawers J each, 75 c , "I 1 n f Women's white cotton ribbed I With each SI.OO purchase we vvilUell 10 lbs. of granulated sugar for t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. si^'do^en. 01 Biue' iomatocs iumd ' N ° W Peal,l taploca * 3 ,b ®ji p [ Bismarck Jierrlngr. jars, SSc jo, . u 'fy Florida oranvea. barley, lb 7..' Full cream cheese, lb.. 35c 111 3. OllOWing MailV OtVleS , dlum size, ilozen I»c J,| *S Maine corn, t'ie H»- -1 lbs 27.<- Pimento cheese. lb„ . 27c & (To rn C Ol Helen" S i„pe fruit. nnVen 10 ' can * .•'-.'i macaroni, lb Sc linglish dairy cheese, lb.. rrll , . , Women S IpZ.OO &$3 Shoes or?eXV C ° l U,U , ,} l ' ureJ lllie wr Sun» an d V? : \ !i!° »«• u^ a t r to Ü bo hud"°Biiced e a.n- na'li'Muet 'coffee"ib £ Voile waists with embroidery] tion and edge; three-quarter Gun Metal Calf Patent Colt thicknesß; lb pa " e,s fi an . d . lace sle £ ves trimmed with tum-baek California lemons. «loz.. lOc 1 'prunes: medium Kin nan hail lie, best. lb.. IRr j Senate blenrl. lb., .. " Collar finished With hemstitched Cliff, SI.OO Every pair perfect and price-lowered only because sizes are " Lake " 3 i ihfcu/e.a >b«:; -Z ""ZW™ "° Um * . h . e . r . rin fc" "i fiT*'. "ZI- hem ' 1 - 00 V " i,l> waists trimmed with broken and cannot be reordered. This special group is made ~ ; —— All over embroidered voile embroidery vest.ee and lace in up ot various styles in button and lace with Goodyear welted Fvrpllon f fY IO U; AO ~T waists; collars and cuffs finished; se . r t lon ? organdy collar trimmed soles. , our choice ot any pair in the lot at $1.»5 l_/XCeilent WUBlllieS * W OlTien S 1 WO-LISSO with hemstitching, wlt J' embroidery, ..... .?1.95 WOMEN'S 53.50 SHOES, si.«s WOMEN'S $3 ,>o SHOES «•» 4- f~~* \ ' 7 1 01 i Voile waists with medium . [ V trimmotl with Gun metal calf, patent colt and Gun metal calf button and 'lace OIOVCS 111 W anted BhadeS tUcks aUtl , Voile collar: sleeves | a "a,,Huffs #195 tan calf button shoes with stitched shoes, Goodyear welted soles with .. . trimmed With turn back cliffs, .. , -. ' ' "" , hech - , of kid gloves makes the display complete. All the popular *1.00: WOMEN'S $2.50 SHOES ®„ R^ BBE ® S DUCED shades aie shown in fine grades of leather at different prices. Plaid crepe blouses with or- i ace edge?sleeves trimmed with Patent colt laco gaiter shoes medium high heels, "siJs 2 to'V! white" 1 "' 8 MV °"' las| ' kkl in tan ' " rv >' «'' d I Women's washable leatherette ploves, 16-button trimmeY with""urn b^clc 8 cuff tnrn-baek cuff, ....... .#1.95 with fawn, grey and black velvet at «»c »• ', V " V-; '• ' s>c lm«th, white, natural, tan, pongee and sand, trimmed witn turn uacK uitt, hinbroidered voile waists; tops, close extended soles with 60c stor m cut rubbers, three „ mi s ,S! ' 1,1 8 lov o c to $1.50 JpI.UU embroidered military collar; i hi « h heels - I Bt - v ' e *' ; 45c Women's two-ciaVi, ii.i 'love< in iiiiii-ii " i , u ' o,ne "' 8 washable leatherette gloves, 2 clasps, Persian lawn waists, collar sleeves trimmed with embroid -1 -ir«"^:"«xi£s." w ' •** «Hb^id^l»«.i«> *i.»s rV Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Rear. *!•<•» to $2.25 ural, jiongee and white, 25c and 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. ' |Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. , - A Fitting Climax to a Busv January Is /fn 1 Men s Fieece-Lmed Beach This TVTnntVi F A Coats Reduced V-/A AI. X A I /A X vJL dllCC These are warm garments for men who work outdoors and I I 9 1 * «J\//l v\ for those Wh ° motor - These prices are to clean up the lot Mens Clothing JP |\ ""£.«« s «» S2O & $22.50 d> n e n SIS&.SI6.SO dfQ C A Balmacaans at Balmacaans Jv/ \i Men ' sb,u efianndto P shins,«««« to n. sp^i, IT < i . . I \ Men's tan and grey flannel top shirts, flat and military tlere are the worthiest values offered in Balmacaans this Winter We are HW r \ collar, sizes uto id. special, SI.OO determined to clean ti-n cfnrtro f U „11 r .1 r,-, ZflLjyjut \ Men's $1.50 and $2.00 flannel top shirts; tan, grey and khaki, aecerminea to clean-up stocks thoroughly for the new month. This is the final //wW \ br,,ken sizes . .....#i.3§ dismissal of all our remaining" Winter Balmacaans // r ly Boys'flannel top shirts, grey and navy; military collar, Here are the styles:— // / I \ Boys' all wool grey flannel blouse waists with military collar, and orcv Chinchillas / 11 Men ' B Silk Handkerchiefs Pin u/nrcf/ w. „ „ . . Oxford Grey Cheviots I | \ Men's silk handkerchiefs, colored stripe borders, 50^* in worsieas ana Cassimercs Brown and Cirrv Chfvintc / W \ Men's fancy border and colored figured handkerchiefs, 25<* Heavy Blue Cheviots and Vicunas I \i ' 1 **" I>iVeS ' I>omeroy & Btewart ' Men's Store, Street Floor. Overcoats Reduced Clearance Winter Suits ~i mg [ Need a Warm Sweater? 12® Qvercoats seHmg at . $12.50 S2O Suits selling at sl3 50 ■ C ' 1 C C * J . . «:oo B Specials For Saturday ;j>OU Csl, DJZ Overcoats selling at $20.00