10 Beech' Nut Tpigato Catsup % ISmißl IUST about ayearago 1 we advertised our new delicacy Beech-Nut To- mato Catsup! People tasted the fresh, delicate flavor; § mk , discovered that this delicious Cat ill ili :: 1M| V M SU P costs no more than the ordi f' flf k i|; ilfl nary commercial catsup—and our j|j i|| I |ii ilj ,j,j IK • entire pack was sold sixty days jlil i llfi fill 1 If after the first announcement. A : ! Jjli iSilllii ||p full-size bottle is 25 cents. There more real Catsup in the bottle —more concentration, less water! | j While our pack of Beech-Nut I 'M J Tomato Catsup is larger this year S, than last year, it will probably go I M just about as quickly. Your gro i cer should have his supply in hand i flip'^ ~ ~ time. Two sizes 2sc. il ftM r ***-* ? *ll.*«*] W\ and 15c. See him soon. i:i |! ! tj g"jj |f u j jffilj j Maker* of America's mo»t fa !l ' | yjl HI f'l 11 IP 1111 HP!! mou » Bacon Beech - Nut Bacon 1 BEECH-NUT PACKING COMPANY Ljl II \ [III i 1! ffii If CANAJOHARIE, N. Y. |j| Ml * j Something interesting to tell you WEWS OF THE SPO AMERICAN ASSOCIATION MAY BE NEW MAJOR LEAGUE President Chivington Says the Draft Rule Is to Be Stricken Out—To Have Teams in Big League Cities, Too Chicago, Jan. 29.—The American Association has taken another big atop —the biggest, so far —in its progress ; toward the high places of baseball, ao- i cording to President Chivington, hav- j ing gained from the national commis sion the promise that the major leagues' power of draft over it will be; given lip. - In addition, the commission has agreed to grant the association the right to enter certain cities now in tlfe American or National leagues and will turn ovor a number of players. Hut rep resentation 011 the national commission and participation in the world's cham pionship series arc "steps not yet taken," according to Chivington. The concession, which was first, an nounced yesterday by President MctGill, 01 the Indianapolis club, makes the as-1 sociation a major league, on equal terms with the American and National,! so far as the draft is concerned, Chiv-! ington said. W hat other differences it will make j in interleague relations will be arrang-1 ed by the commission, though action is not expected until after a decision in the anti-trust suit, h ! DR. KLUGH, Specialist PtiTfticlfvn nnd Offices: 20H Witlnaf •*!., Hnrrlaburs. r» j of nnmrn nnd menj . , prlvnlf, ■perlflc, nervous mil rhronte | rifsraim. (ieueral ofllre rrork. ConaiU I (nfion free nnd confidential. Medlcln* ' fnrnhhrd. Work cunrnnlfril. ( hurur* | moderate. 2u years* experience, j l)K. KLl'Gli, the «T«ll-knunn *peclall«t DOOIN SIGNS WITH REDS Contract Calls for $«,0O0 a Year for Two Years Philadelphia, Jan. 29. —Charfey l>ooin, former manager of the Phitliee, sigued the contract offered him by the Cincinnati team yesterday. There wax 110 official announcement regarding the terms of the contract, but it is believed to call for $6,000 a year for two years. Manager Herzog, of the Beds, came to this city to sign Dooin yester day and left for His home in Mary land in the afternoon. Manager Pat Moran, of the Phillies, returned yesterday from Durham, N. C.,! where he held a conference with George ' VI hitteil, of the Boston club, who is i wanted by Moran in exchange for Ma- j •see. Word was received here Wednes- j da>v that Whitted had turned down the Phillies' offer, but Moran said he was! still hopeful of getting the player. | hither (iroh or Xiehotf will be secured' from Cincinnati for Dooin. Moran ex-1 pects to have all the deals closed before! the Phillies start South. S \\ APS WIN Two Duck Pm Contests in P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Series The (iiants won from the Cubs by 5 pins and the Waps defeated the Bisons, having a margin of 48 pins, in the I'. j R R. V. M. ('. A. Duck Pin League I games last evening." The scores: GIANTS Frank 86 98 106 —293 t Ellis 81 88 S'J—2sß Totals ... 170 186 193—551 CUBS j Chard 112 7 7 86—275 | Hoffman .. . 83 95 93—271 Totals ... 193 172 1 79—046 WAPS Ressing .... X 8 84 1 01 —2 73 1 Felker 109 101 110—320 Totals ... 197 185 211 —593 BISONS ] Cough 86 93 79—258 Co lest oc,; . . 93 100 93—286 Totals ... 179 193 172 —54 4 MIDDLETOWN HERE TO-NIGHT It Is Tech's Last Home Game for Four Weeks Tech will meet the Midddetown Hi; ore of 20 to 10. The line-up: Lin. oln. Camp Curtin. I Miss Sesbold F Miss Love {•Miss Cole F Miss Conner ; Mi' i Hoppis C Miss Fry I Miss Yeager (j. . . ..Miss Jefferios Mill Miller G Miss aeobs Field goals. Miss Sea bod. 3; Aliss I Hoppis. 1; Miss Yeage:, 1: Miss Love, ; I Foal goals, Mi- : Yeager, 10; Miss ! Love, 3; Miss Conner, 3; Miss Jeft'erics, Enhaut Has New Team The recently organized five of the i Enliaut tire company will pluv its first 1 NO PREMIUMS p 6 Maim of the Highest Crude Turlish | » ami Egyptian Cigarettes In the UcrU « TO-MORROW-SATURDAY LAST DAY of THE HUB JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE This is your final opportunity to take advantage of these big Price Reduc tions. Every article in our big stock actually reduced as advertised. MEN'S and YOUNG mr MEN'S and YOUNG M rjr MEN'S SUITS and fll /) MEN'S SUITS and Ibk OVERCOATS # T OVERCOATS /.*§■• 1 That formerly sold for $15.00 T That formerly sold for $30.00 and $20.00. and $40.00.' < MEN'S and YOUNG /ftja a F9P BOYS' SUITS and ■■ SoS S and 111.J9 OVERCOATS || 7S That formerly sold for $22.50 T Formerly sold for $5.00 and to $25.00. $6.50. MEN'S a sUITS™d 11 Q75 M#n '' ilnd Y ° Ung Men ' S Undßr *!?,? r OVERCOATS , J'nderwoar. o9<- That formerly sold for $25.00 f 1 - 00 1 "doi'WOar 79t and $30.00. $1.50 Pajamas, 89^ AI " . $1.50 Shirts, y . Special lot of rf\ Shirts &s « ii:4i Hatsr-,r I. 50 WI,M lW 1)8.50 Shirts, $2.35 ,JUIU »3.-)0 Hots at Our Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase, the Same as if Sold at Regular Prices. 320 Market Street game to-morrow with the Methodist j club, of Harrisburg. The lineup: Enhaut. Methodist. Kllenberger F Plickingerj L. Aungst F Rudy I Xunemackcr .... C Winn j l{. Cooper G Crane i llouck, Hoover . . '