THE WEATHER FAIR TO-NIQHT AND TO-MOBRO vV detailed Report, Cage • SScfWir"® 0 VOL. 77—NO. 48, $125,000 GIVEN TO HERSHEY WORKERS Chocolate Company In forms 1,050 Employ es To-day That They Will Get Bonuses of 20 Per Cent, of Their Wages or Salaries in the Year 1914—To tal Exceeds by More Than $25,000 That of Any Other Year 500 WOMEN OR GIRLS TO SHARE Company Was Never So Prosperous—H a s 150 More on the Pay Roll Than Ever Be fore —Spent $700,- 000 on New Build ings in 1914—Aver age Output 15 Cars a Day—Bo Per Cent, of 1,200 Workers Qualify for Bonuses Through Six Months' Service Cash bonuses totaling $125,000 will be distributed among 1,030 employes of the big plant of the Hershey Choco late Company, in Hershey, this county, it was announced to-day. The bonuses will be equivalent to 20 per cent, of the yearly wages or salaries of .ill employes who have served the company for six months or more. The distribution of the checks, which will be drown on the Hershey Trust Company, will begin to morrow, and the last of them will be is sued early next week. Although the company in the last six years has given out bonuses to its permanent employes, the total amount to be issued this year will exceed that of any other year by more than $25,- 000. This is due to the fact of the company's increasing property and to the fact that the total number of men and women on the pay roll at present is the largest in the history of the plant, i totaling 1,200, of whom eighty per cent., or a larger percentage than ever before, qualify for the bonus by reason of having been employed the required six months. ' Ezra Hershey, treasurer of the com pany, of which M. S. Hershey, pro moter of the great Hershey co-opera tive community, is head, said this morn j ing that the business was never so pros-1 peroiis as in the last year. There are now on the pay roll 150 more employes! than ever before. While in the last! lour years the bonus was 20 per cent.' as this year, there never before has j been a time when so high as 80 per | cent, of the employes has qualified for i the cash gifts through length of service. I Hi the first two yvars the bonds was 10 per cent. Employes Rejoice at News "The idea of the bonus is to permit the employes to share in the prosper ity of the. company," said Ezra' Her shey, "and to offer an inducement for competent employes to remain perma nently with us. The only reason that the six months' service provision is : made is so that no can take advantage of us by seeking employ ment just for the sake of getting the bonus and leaving us after the bonus \ is paid." Some idea of t>he prosperity the Her shey plant is enjoying may be gleaned j from the statement of Mr. that j in 1914 an average of fifteen cars a day of manufactured products was shipped out of the plant. This is far in excess of the daily average of anv other year. The greatest output for any one day in 1914 was twenty-eight cars, which is the record for the plant, I During the year just closed SSOO,- | 000 was spent on new building f. the ! plant, and this does not include $200,-1 Continued on Seventh Pace 1 ■ • rt ' ■ 7 . • ■ v ©je Star-Jukpciiktii CONSTABLES CET $11,374 County Pays Back Fees After Deduct ing $2,618 From Claims Made Under Court Ruling i After deducting $1',613.27 from the total claims, tb,> County Commissioners this morning mad? settlement with the seventeen constable* whose demands for fees covering the period of 1901 to 1905 recently were sustained, by a Dau phin county court decision. The total amount paid to the constables was sll,- 374.14. The amount deducted from the orig inal claim represents fees for business transacted by the constables between the time the act increasing their fee allowances became a law and the date of their beginning their new terms of office as con-tables subsequent to the passage of the aft. In other words, "the reduction was made in accordance with that constitutional provision which prohibits county employes from sharing until their next succeeding term of of fice. increases in pav that are provided by legislation passed while they are holding office. The revised bills paid to the con stables to-dav are as follows: Geoffge \\ . Charters, $1,0(i5.31; John 6. Hill, $204.43; .lamps H. Johnson, $567.86: Henry Miller, $431.17; Richard Keese. *614.72; Harry Roat, $545.69; R. H. Sinkfield, S6(>S.O2; Jeremiah Still, $629.72; \V. L. Windsor. $409.78; Da vid C. Challenger, $732.47; Peter R. Day, $677.94; Harrv Emanuel, $974.29; W. O. Carman, $1,815.26; Alexander Gilnbens, $321.76; Robert Opt.tsha.ll, s7l 5. 5 8; J. \V. Haines, $357.72; J.-H. Stie, $639.42. LOOT A CARLISLE STATION Burglars Get Away With Nine Mileage Books and a Ticket Dater—Use a Skeleton Key i Siwlal t the Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 29. —A gang of thieves that is believed to have been working systematically in the Cumber land Valley during the last two weeks, committed another robbery last evening when they stole a batch of mileage books after breaking into the passenger station of the Gettysburg and Harris burg Railroad Company, in the eastern section of the city. • The robberv was committed early in the evening. The ticket office was closed at 6 o'clock and the night watchman made the discovery of the robberv at 10 o 'dock last night. Entrance to the station evidently was gained by the use of a skeleton key. The robbers then removed the door to the ticket office by disconnecting the hinges. Besides nine mileage books the thieves stole the ticket dater. Within the last fortnight thieves have obtained similar loot from the railway stations in Gettysburg, Wavn esboro and Biglerville and it now is be lieved the same gang has committed all the robberies. Ball Struck Player in Eye Harold Jacks, 7 years old, 406 South hiver street, bearing a well-colored black eye," applied at the Harris burg hospital last night for treatment. He was playing ball and the sphere missed his hands and struck him in the left eye. The injury is not serious. WANTS OSIEOPfITH COLLEGE CLOSED Attorney General Asks That Receiver Be Ap pointed for a Phila delphia Institution WOULD TAKE CHARTER AW A Brown Attacks the School on Contention That It Does Not Employ Six Pro fessors Regularly and That It Does Not Comply With Conditions Attorney General Francis Shunk Brown to-day made his first step into the limelight as the State's attorney when he • began proced liings before Judge Kunkel in the Dauphin County Court in an effort to close the doors otf the Philadelphia College & Infirmarv of Osteopathy, Philadelphia, and have a receiver, appointed for the school. The application is made 011 the con tention the college does not have a faculty consisting «f six regular pro fessors who devote all their time to tho instruction of classes; that it dioes not have assets of $500,000 and that it "has made 110 effort to comply with any of the provisions of the act of June 26, 1895" under which it was in corporated. The court fixed February 20, at 10 a. in., as the time for hearing the case. The Attorney General charges "that for some years last past the college has been ami still is conferring upon its graduates, degrees in applied sci ence, the degree of Doctor of Osteo pathy,' theretby exercising powers, priv ileges aad franchises not granted .to Dr. S. B. Pennock is mentioned as president of the college and Eugene M. Coffee as its secretary. Th e Attorney General demands that the officers of the school show cause why the college should not be deprived of its charter and excluded from doing business, and why a receiver should not be ap^inted. HARRISBURG, PA., Mi I DAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1915—14 PAGES TRIIPIAL ERTIY lADEBYOBIGGOI IDTOTHEUL Carranza Leader, at the Head of His Troops, Enters Mexico City With Colors Flying SHOTS GREET HIM NEAR THE PALACE But a Fusillade Begun by Obregon's Soldiers SoTm Silences the Opposi tion—Three Dead Are Stretched Out on Plaza By Assbcicltrtl Press. Mexico City, Jail. 29.—General Ob regon, the Carranza leader, at the head of his troops entered Mexico City short ly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At first he met with little or no resist ance hut wlifn the National Palace was reached shots from the cathedral roof and other buildings nearby caused his soldiers to open up a fusillade which, however, lasted but. a short time. After the fighting was over a correspondent counted three persons lying dead in the plaza. A rear guard of the Zapatistas left the city as General Obregou entered, holding up street cars at the point of rifles in order to commandeer the same for transport far as the suburbs. All commercial houses and banks were closed, but aside from the shoot ing on the main plaza the entry of the Carranza forces caused no disturbances. Takes Possession of Palace After taking possession of the Na tional Palace, General Obregou, leading his troops, rode down San Francisco street to his newly established head quarters. The new authorities have re-estab lished order and a general feeling of confidence prevails. Jt has been established that the shooting in the main plaza was done by snipers, who were hidden on the roof of the cathedral. Speaking of the incident to->iay General Obregon said that the shots were undoubtedly directed to wards him and that it was an attempted assassination. The perpetrators have not yet been captured. All saloons are closed as the result Continued on Seventh COLD WAVE WILL CONTINUE Mercury to Fall Again to Ten Degrees Last Night's Record—May Be Skating To-morrow There has been very little change in the weather situation over night, so far as Hanisburg is Concerned, and temperatures to-night will likely equal the minimum of 10 degrees registered last night, according to the forecast is-' sued at the local Weather Bureau office this morning. The mercury did not fall quite so far as was expected and the river, which is full of floating ice, had closed in but few places. It is'not expected to close generally now, as to-morrow, in the opinion of the weather observers, warmer weather will begin. Consid erable ice, however, has formed on Wildwood lake, and the possibilities are that ice will be fit for ska 11113 to-mor row if to-uight's temperature equals that of last night. An early inspection of the ice on Wildwood lake will be made to-morrow morning and, if it is safe, the red flag will be hoisted above the ('alder build ing in Market square, so that all may see. Temperatures are rising rapidly on the heels of the cold wave, due to a storm central off the coats of Oregon. To-morrow afternoon and Sunday the mercury will begin t.-> rise here. WIFE OH PRISON FOR HIM Youth Must Return to Girl He Eloped With or Go to Jail, Says Court I'nless Wilson Potteiger, of ljiugles town, a farmer boy, now under s-us pended sentence, changes his attitude before the March Criminal Court and takes up his a'botle with his young : wife, with whom he eloped to Hagers | town, Md., and then deserted, he will be ! sent to jail or penitentiary. Judge Kunkel made that statement to young Potteiger in court this morning and >he judge further warned the lad that the ( court now is tired of trifling with him. Potteiger didn't show any signs of being moved by the court's threat and reprimand. At least he made no prom ise to go hack to his wife and live with her. 'I he defendant was paroled aibout two years ago, after he had pleaded guilty to a serious charge. While sup posed to he in tho custody of the pro bation officer he violated t'he suspended sentence rules by eloping to the Gret na Green of Marylaml with a pretty Linglestowu girl whom ho married. He has since refused to live with his wife, preferring, tho probation officer told the court this morning, to take "other girls'' out in his auto. » .fudge Kunkel gave him the alterna tive of going back to his wife or serv ing, oat a prison sentence for the of fense to which he long ago pleaded guilty. HOLD IIP CARPENTERS' PAY Two Directors of the Poor Say Third Had No Authority to Put Men to Work at Almshouse Car[>enters or any other artisans who may be put to work at the Dauphin county almshouse, either without the consent of the steward or of a majority of the members of the Hoard of Poor Directors, 'may find themselves in dan ger of not getting paid for their serv ices. That fact became known to-day when it was learned that Thomas 8. Manning and Charles L. Boyer, Poor Directors, have held up the bills of two carpenters who, Harry A. Walters, the other director, says iie personally put to work laying a floor in the county home. At any rate, it is held, the carpen ters are charging at the rate of ton hours a day, while Steward Banber, v lib disclaims any responsibility for their employment, they were at the almshouse from 7 o'clock in the morn ing until 5 o'clock in the evening, and were served with two meals—breakfast and dinner—at the home. The carpenters, apparently, deducted no time for meals, nor did they make, any cash allowance for the meais 'given to them. One claims twenty cents an hour for S5 hours work anil the- other wants to be paid for 110 hours at the rate of twenty-one cents an hour. It was said to-day that the bills will be cut down before the directors again are asked to pay them. Objection also was raised to the fact that these car penters were given work that, it is held, ordinarily would have been done by the almshouse carpenter. WARR ANTrORCONGRESSIYIfIN Brodbeck Charged With Payment of Money for Political Purposes to Hanover Postofflce Employe By Associated Press. York, Pa., Jan. 29.—Congressman A. R. Brodbeck, Democrat, of the Twen tieth Congressional district, faces charges under the criminal code for alleged payment of money for political purposes on two occasions to William Mouse, an employe in the Hanover post office. The information was brought last night by Constable C. 11. Wilson, befor.e United States Commissioner Raymond F. Topper, at Gettysburg. The warrants will not be served immediate ly as Mr. Brodbeck is in Washington at present attending the session of the House. The Congressman's own sworn account of his election expenses, it is i claimed, show the pavments of money to House. ' The prosecution is an outgrowth of the contest. ajistUoied by Congressman Brodbeck charging fraud in the elec tion of (J. William Beales, Kepubliean, of Gettysburg, his opponent Inst No vember. Testimony was taken here to day by two notaries public in support ot the Brodbeck allegations concerning election irregularities in York. Hold's Pal Is Sent to the Pen Joseph Kaufman, of Chicago, who was convicted of aiding Frank H. Hohl, the Harrisburg' ban.lit who recently .was shot to death by the police of Cin cinnati, tii rob the Homestead National banl; of $1 2,000 last August, was sen tenced in Pittsburgh yesterday to servo not less than three nor more than flvo years in the Western penitentiary. CM IfILL Same Rate as for the Last Three Years Is Adopted by the Com missioners To-day IMPOSSIBLE TO CUT, THEY SAY Budget As Submitted to the Commis sioners This Afternoon Places Esti mated Receipts and Expenditures For the Year 1915 at The tax rate for Dauphin county during 1915 will be four mills, the same as for the last three years, the recommendations of County Controller Henry VV. (rough having been adopted by the County Commissioners this aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. The county budget, along with the tax rate recommendation, was given to the Commissioners at their afternoon meeting, placing the estimated receipts and expenditures for 1915 at approxi mately $366,484.64. The appropria tions for 1914 totaled something like $348,000, while the actual money spent by the County Commissioners, the Di rectors of the Poor and the Board of Prison Inspectors totaled $366,372.54. The estimated receipts for 1915 equal the estimated expenditures, this being due partly to the fact that the revenue from direct taxation calculat ed on a basis of a four-mill rate. When the Directors of th e Poor and the Prison Inspectors 'put in their an nual budget estimates the Commission ers and the Controller were, of the opin ion that the tax rate for 1915 could be reduced by at least a quarter otf a miM. Since that time, however, the county Coatlaaed ua Heventh Put HE PIO THAT MADE ALL THE FUS ■J! mm* 11 - . .life Here Is Representative "Bill" Adams' Pig That the Luzerne Lawmaker Has ( Installed in the $18,000,000 Capitol and Thus Subjected Himself to a Possible Fine of SIOO for Violatiug a City Ordinance. The Man in the Picture is Charles A. Hillegas, the House Postmaster ADAMS' U OK FW1311.1 'SIT' 111 CAPITOL Disappearance Causes Solon to Suspect Somebody's Going to Have Roast Pork THE OWNER MAY RUSH TO CANADA The "Honorable Bill," Informed Ho Has Violated a City Ordinance Providing SIOO Penalty, Says He Is Contemplating Fleeing Country Representative "Bill" Adams' pig, which was presented to him on Wednes day night ait a local theatre, he being the holder ,of the lucky pig number, mysteriously disap|eared yesterday aft er occupying a downy couch in the $13,- 000,000 Capitol pig-stye, and to-day Mr. Adams confessed that ho does not know where it is. He missed the animal late yesterday afternoon just after Charles A. Hillegas, postmaster of the House of Representatives, had a picture taken of the porker perched on the post master's desk. The "Honorable Bill" frankly confessed this morning that ho does not know where his pet it. '"When did you'see the pig last/" was asked of' Mr. Adams. "I saw it early last evening and then it disappeared,'' said the "Hon orable Bill." "What do you intend to do with it if you get it again?" "I think we'll have a pig roast, with accompaniments,'' and Adams reflected a bit as to just what should accom pany roast \ ig. Plans Flight to Canada "Yes," he said, "we will have all of the accompaniments. I, did intend to decorate that pig with nice red rib bons and preseftt it to Speaker Ambler on Monday night, but I may not get Continued on Eleventh I'njcc. "CABLE" COSTS $1.03 A WORI) Must Be Sent By "Wireless" From Tuckerton Station If you have a cable to send to Ger many in these days of the European war, when cable lines are cut off, ex amine your bank carefully be fore hand, because if it is a long cable it will probably take the year's profit to get it across. According to Clark E. Diehl, local manager of the Postal Tele graph Company, it cost one local firm the igreat mini of $1.03 a word. It was finally arranged that the cable would be transmitted to Germany by wireless from the Tuckerton station al Saville, N. J. Moreover, the cable would not be wirelessed in code and a voluminous address containing every de tail prefixed together with the' full name and address of the sender. Every word had to be paid for at the rate of $1.03 a word. Injured at Pipe Bending Works William Coleman, 4 8 North Summit street, suffered a fracture of three toes of the left foot at noon to-day when he was struck by a heavy bar in the Har risburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Works. After treatment at the Harrisburg hos pital he was taken to his home. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Russia has answered the new Austro- German offensive movement in Hun gary and Bukowina with a sudden re sumption of the attack on the Germans in their own territory The Russian army in East Prussia is again attempting to penetrate the German lines and an of ficial report from Petrograd to-day in dicates that heavy fighting is in pro gress. In two sections of the front it is stated, the Germans were defeated and driven back. For several months there has been little change in East Pnissia, the Russians having been halt ed after penetrating nearly ao miles beyond the German border. To the south the new Austro-German plan of campaign is developing rapidly. The Austrian army staff announces that the Russians who invaded Northern Hungary have been defeated and forced to retreat. Petrograd military experts expect that the main attack will be de livered on the extreme Russian right Continued on Hlevcntli Pilfer. AU3TRIANS DRIVE RUSSIANS FROM THE NAGYf.C VALLEY Berlin, Jan. 29, by Wireless to Sav ville.- The most encouraging war news, from the German viewpoint, comes from the Carpathian region where Austrian successes are reported to have been achieved consistently for some time now. The latest feat of tho Austrian* is said to have been Wie driving of the Russians from the Nagyag valley. Dispatches from Vienna' state that the Russians probably will be com pelled soon to evacuate the Oalieian city of Lemberg, which they have oc cupied for several months. I'roin all the theatres of war comes news of freezing weather, which bids fair to continue for some time. Tiie temperature in Bast Prussia has fallen to 13 degrees above zero. Thus far, however, the cold weather d«es not ap pear to have affected military activity. I PAYS TRIEUIETO M'KINLEY ; Ohio Honors Favorite Son on Anniver sary of Birth and Carnation Is Much in Evidence Columbus, 0., Jan. 29.—0hi0 paid tribute to-day to the memory of Wil liam McKinley upon the occasion of the anniversary of his birth. In the cities especially Hie carnation, McKin ley's favorite flower, was in evidence almost everywhere. At Canton the home of McKinley, the day was observed with memorial ceremonies, which included the decora tion of the tomb of th* l martyred Pres ident. As a further mark of respect, both houses of the Ohio 'Legislature, after adopting appropriate resolutions, adjourned yesterday until Monday. The annual McKinley Day banquet, attend ed by many prominent Ohioans, was held at Canton last night. FREIGHT CONDUCTOR HURT Air Brake Throws J. F. Keller From Cabin Skylight John F. Keillor, 1502 North Fifth street, a freight conductor on the Penn sylvania Kailroad, was injured esrlv this morning when he was thrown from a seat in the skylight af a cab to tho floor (*f the by a sudden ai*plica tion of air. The accident happened at Quarry ville"shortly after midnight and lie was brought to the Ilarrisburg Hos pital at 4.35 o'clock for treatment. Ho suffered severe contusions of the back and arms. May Di < From Appendicitis Physicians at the llarrisburg hos pital entertain little hope for the re covery of Purceil Lewis, colored, 630 Hriggs street, a be.lman at the Colum bus hotel, who was operated on at that institution for appendicitis almost im mediately after his admission. His condition at that time was found to be very serious. POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT 50 VILLAGES LAID IN RUINS BY THE TURK ! Many Greek Towns Re ported Destroyed by the Sultan's Forces Around Kars INHABITANTS PUT TO FLIGHT — ■ I Reported That Many Men Among the Greeks Were Made Prisoners and That Some Were Killed—Cold Weather Adds to Suffering London, Jan. J!), 9..">3 A. M. A 'lis patch to the Routers Telegram Company from Till it-, the Russian t army head quarters in Transcaucasia, says: "Fifty Greek villages around . ars, in Southern Transcaucasia, have b:eu laid in ruins by the Turks. The flight of the Greek inhabitants was precipi tate and the women and children are said to have suffered intensely from tlio cold weather. It is reported that many ( of the men among the Greeks were | made 'prisoners and that some wore ! killed." Petrograd, Via London, .Tan. 20, 3.11 A. M.—Colonel Shumsky, the mili- I t-ary critic of the ''Honrse Gazette" in a study of the Carpathian situation | presented to-day, declares that the An ; strians will deliver their main nUnc.k on their extreme right wing in West I Bukowina, where they hope to halt Rumania. . This view of the situation is support fed bv the concentration in Southeastern jHungary of Archduke Joseph's fourth j'army and the German force of four i corps. i INFANTRY ATTACKS BADE : BY GERMANS ARE REPULSED BY THE FRENCH ARTILLERY Paris, Jan. 29, 2.25 P. M.—January 28 was a