The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 28, 1915, Page 12, Image 12
12 SKt'te) j Savings Throughout the Store Is the Message of These Friday Specials No Friday Specials 98c China, Wash Goods Specials Colored Dress Goods Outing Cloth Boys' Trousers Muslin Underwear Cant « ft n n _ Tir.,-1 08e decorated china, eon- lOe flannelette, neat styles o ; >c Manama, 50 inches 8e light outing cloth. Spe- Fancy grey and tan mix- Specials bent O. U. i#., or Man 01 T.niece berrv sets and dark grounds. Special wide, navy and brown. Spe- dal Friday only, yard,.. .7? t " res .> (?rey worsteds and Counter soiled and broken ■Phone Orders IM chorale r* tS^Z^JS^ ——— l —^~ sets, nut sets, and bureau I,>c "eici aown ior Kimo styles. Special Friday only, rioir, near. steds— sets. Special Friday only, noa and dressing sacques. yord 2 2? I $1.25 trousers. Special Fri- I I'" U "°" ( ' xt . l<l "K u • Embroidery Specials 83? Special lmday only, yard :>9c and 30c wool chains. day only, ... . 95? Corset Covers . , ffl . tyDives Pomeroy & Stewart six styles. Special > nday Pillow Cases SI.OO trousers. Special hri- Corset covers, tight fitting, Swiss embroidery ruffled H' jc chambray m solid only, yard 19? ~ , , day only, 79? emhroiderv edsre trimmed flouncing, 27 inches wide; • shades. Special Fridav only, 85c navy serge, 50 inches ~? oc 4.»x.h)-incli bleached 7" K . trousers. Special Fri- *1 m vilu'p Sn,wi>il Fri<lnv dainty patterns, values to ————————— vard wide, all wool. Special Fri- pillow cases, embroidered and dav only 59? 1 We. Special Friday only. * day onlv, vard 69? hemstitched. Special Friday 50c trousers. Special Fri- * ' yard, .................255< 39c Floor Mops mm-emed'" finish ' Special $1.25 serge, 50 inches wide, only 25? day only, 39? Crepe Underbodies Cambric embroidery floun- mops, mercerized hnuh. '"| all woo l. Special Friday Pomeroy & Stewart _ . _ . , M , ina . •1, cing. 17 inches wide, values 39c floor mops with de- Friday only, yard, 11? «„ly, yard, 89? Street Floor. Oliver Twist Suits ri! 1 2?' * ,wl to 15c. Special Friday only, tachable handle. Special Fri- s!)c crepe de chine, 36 $1.25 crepe granite, 55 Boys' Oliver Twist suits in '7 1 jiVvi °v o ln !I *" *4n.»p'iui yard 10? day only, 25? inches wide, half silk. Spe- inches wide; shades navy and grey, brown and blue velvet, Fri lav onlv ' ' 50? Swiss embroidery inser- tvDives, Pomeroy & Stewart cial Friday only, yard, 25? green. Special Friday only, I II sizes 2Vi! to 8 years. Special I | ( ° ' I tions, 1 to 3 inches wide: Basemeot. rs Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ard 790 Toweling Specials Friday only, $1.95 Marcslla Drawers slightly mussed values to Street Floor. SI.OO Canton crepe. 12 r>c bleached cotton twill Men's sls Suits 00 Marcella drawers, enibroid &c Special Friday inches wide. Special Friday toweling. 16 inches wide, for Men S $lO BUItS,»S.UO t!rv tl . ilU nied. SI.OO and $1.50 * vard JC Women'<sHandkprfhipf ° &R n }' - V:' **-Y v 7 ?* kitchen use. Special Friday Men s brown hcot.-h nux- Special Friday „nly, Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, WOHIcH SxlclliclKGl CfIIGIS t JjHi.OO duvetvne, >)4 inches only, vard, tlire suits in sizes ob, •>/ nnd 50c^ Street Floor. Women \s hemstitched linen Luncheon Napkins wide, shade brown. Special Pomeroy' ft Stewart f'. A sls "°} ) Va,Ue ' . , « — handkerchiefs, worth sc. Spe- $2.00 hemstitched all linen I 1 nday only, yard, 98c street Floor. Friday only, So.OO Nainsook Gowns ———— cial Friday only, 6 for 25? luncheon napkins, good dam- , V serge, fine twill, t,sr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Nainsook gowns, low neck, ci ;„i„ ask pattern. Special Fridav shade navy. Special I; nday Men's Clothing, 2nd Floor, Hear. s l,ot-t. sleeves *I.OO. *1.50 Ribbon Specials omen s colored border (>nly 1 sli49 only, yard $1.19 - am , Speeia, Printed warp ribbons in ,.lu« to 10c. & stpwart $ .oOcrepe poplin, 40 Bed Spreads Friday only 75? Dresden patterns and tafteta • Street Floor. 'a Frilav'onlv vd 5125 SI.OO hemmed crochet bed $5.95 and $6.50 Silk Toner qirirt* hairbow ribbons \\nth fancy MDives. Pomerov & Stewart Clal U(la . v only, ya., , tnU aittn _ , , 7. Long bkirtS e. .^of. ; 010r S , 8t „„ Floo , ski " s ' "'" 1 Pm " values to 2oc. Special Fri- ________________ _ . _ . 75c Friday only, 51.98 broidery trimmed, $2.05 val- Uav only. IS* Curtain Scrim Georgette C repe waist,. i„ tie. Speei,,! Fri.l.y „nly^ Natin taffeta ribbons, Ito ]9 e eeru white scrim ———————street FIOOT. rose, flesh and tan; all sizes; 95? li o inches wide, values to Women S Shoes and voile, 36 inches wide, fine Black Dress Goods _______________ regular $5.95 and $6.50 PnYYihina+irmc JOc. Special Friday only, 5? Women's $4.00 black cord- * l ' ualit >'- Special Friday only, 50c black serge. 36 inches waists Friday only $1.98 Nainso ok „»d crepe combi tsrDives, Pomerov & Stewart 12 l -># wHHo KVhlhv nnlv , $0..>0 stripe crepe de chine iMainsooK aim tiepe comDi Street Floor. ei ' s1 button shoes, plain wDives Pomerov & Stewart vard 35? Cotton Damask waists, in lavender and tan. nations, corset cover and toe last with band-welted ThirJ Fl ' oor _ Th ; ee Eleva tow. sll>s black granite' cloth. 29c bleached cotton table Friday only, $1.98 short skirts lace or embroid- __________ soles and high Cuban heels. ____________ 54 inches wide. Special Fri- damask, 58 inches wide. Spe- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. er, L ,^ nme< y 41 - n ... Women's Neckwear Special Friday only, $2.45 day only, yard 79? cial Friday only, yard, 19? Second Floor-Three Elevators. Sn ' ( . pi;i| £!" ( \» v oiilv.^'soi Women's neckwear, slight- " 'ZiT" Silk Specials X* sIZIJ == .ff 1 d,rMd.^nk tO2M ' % —— W.OO French moire in bine y«jJ. .................BS* Cloth and Velvet 'V Lnce collars in white' and navy, 42 inehe, wide. J'WTav Dresses Reduced cial Friday only, ...?1.95 ecru in a large assortment of Women's Rubbers Special Friday only, yard, only, yar.: 98? Turkish Towels $18.;>0 taupe and brown vel- Combination corset cover Sv onlT. to .^'.. SP 2S? Women's 50c rubbers will . . sll ° w n 25e bleaehed T,,rkish bath Friday only, S . 1 ! 68 . .88.50 and drawers, lace or embroid ., n '- p' , fit all low heel shoes. Special 09c messaline, black only, h'v'nnlv'var'l '' <s'l towels, large size and heavy slß*so navy serge dresses; ,lmnu ' ( - ' pecia uay t-sr Dives, Ponterov & Stewart, ~. , , 0 - , inches wide Sneeial Fri- day only, yard 91.1t) ' B • .' ' anjc ui™™, onlv: Street Floor. ' only, 35? dav oulv vanl 49 o Gabardine. 54 inches quality. Special Friday only, size 18 only. Friday.»nlj% $1.50 and $2.95 values. Spe- ravw, Pomeroy ft Stewart • -' • witU> Special Friday only, 15? jpS.BU c ial Friday onlv, 50? Street Floor, Rear. $2.00 floral crepe in ma- 51 . 49 Dives, Pomerov ft Stewart, $18.50 navy and black pop- $2.50 and $3.50 values. Spe- Ta Q _ . qlo hogany only with rosebud m Pomprov & Stowart gtreet Floor . lin presses; sizes .lb, 38 and cial Frid 011 l Lace Specials design, 40 inches wide. Spe- street Floor. , 40 only ... $8.50 $3 50 and $3.95 values. Spe- I.aee camisoles in shadow Infants' Shces cal Fr,day only, yard, 79C »IMO -'ve^Jre^, ial fYidßv „„ lv , ?1 . 95 patterns, values to 2oc. Spe- crDives, Pomeroy & Stewart ______________ n , riaay omy,.. .spo.ov cial Friday only, yard,.. 10? Infants' 75c and SI.OO Street Floor Rear ™ » TT • o -4. HUCk lowels t«- Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. Nainsook Drawers Linen torchon laces, Ito 2 shoes, hand-turned soles, not " Men S Union Suits 12 y 2C re(l h or a er huek Second Floor—Three Klovators. Nainsook drawers, bunch inches wide, values to -H*. all sizes. Special Friday _ Men s SI.OO Kgyptian cot- towels, extra good quality, —— tucks and embroidery ruffle Special Friday only, ....3<r uil.v, 2o? _ ton ribbed union suits, fleece size 18x36. Special Friday —— trimmed, 50c value. Special fcr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, J *£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Basement Specials lined. Special Friday only, only, 6 1 .'),? Wllite Goods Friday only, 35? street Floor. Street Floor—Rear. $3.50 cut glass footed sher- . „ 0 19c part linen buck towels. 20c white pique, 28 inches « n , • ——————— berts. Special Friday only, Dives, I omcroy & Stewart size 18x36 and all white. Spe- wide, used for skirts and OamDriC IrOWns _ t dozen, .'B3-00 fctreet Hoor. cial Friday only, .. .12U? boys' suits. Special Friday Cambric gowns, high or T oca Voils 7ur„„ i_ B„v,Uawi d-1 ~i\ »• . i j .1 ti' Divos, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, 10? V-shaped neck, yoke trimmed Lace Veils Men S Rubbers *4.00 optic etched custard Street Floor. 15c white pajama checks, with bunch tucks, neat ruffle ff^lf^res V to%T4 at Sn? Men's SI.OO rubbers, all on " P eeia Pru " } «o" 0() Women's Ribbed 3t» inches wide; used for ath- trims mjk and sleeves. Spe enects, \ allies to Spi- a me j lum narrow toe last, v TT t letic underwear and rompers. cial Friday only, 29£ cial Friday only 25? sizes 9to 11. Special Friday 50c caudle shades, three Underwear Wash Cloths Special Friday only, yd., 9? vr Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, *3* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, 39? patterns. Special Friday Women's 25c white cotton _ wlOtns ]9 t . to 25c white goods, in- ' Second Floor —Three Elevators. Street Floor. pj veg p o merov & Stewart only, 33? ribbed drawers, knee length, 5c Rubdry wash cloths, all eluding crepes, silk stripes, street Floor' Rear. ' 10c block planes, spirit la, ', e t r '"> med - S P wial Fr ' S P et ' ial Frklay 0n novelties and plain voiles. - 0,1, - v 19c " for Special Friday only, yard —— Jewelry Specials cial Fridav onlv, 7c Dive., Pomerov ft Stewart ur Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, 7? OOlSet bpeCialS . Street Floor. Street Floof. 2oc white ratine, 3b inches A nt 98c sterling silver deposit French Applique - 39e oyster fryer with wire wide, fine quality. Special „V m l L i,, v m 1/h 1'Roger,' S il«r.pia,ed $2.50 and *3.00 French ap- bhle „. hit( )tanl Men's Hosiery Dresser Covers W.Hf.V- **«> ?•!«& oyster forks. Special Friday plique curtains in white only, kettle. Special Friday only, Mens bla<k with white $1.39 fine quality laee trim- feet goods from our regular ' ' ' . ' • ' ' only, Jo dozen 75c ~'7' ' 011 '• 48c feet lisle hose, 25c quality. nied scarfs and dresser eov- stock. Special Friday only, Brassieres, open front, em 50e black belt buckles and Friday only, pair, ...SI.UJ -p c w hite 1 mil coffee I I special BYiday onlj,. ,12'j? I I erS) sizes 18x54 inches. Spe- I I yard, 17? I I trimtn<d. pins. Special Friday only, frDives, Pomeroy & Stewart poti Special Friday only, ur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, cial Friday only 49? ' SI.OO English longcloth, 10 36 38, 40. Special Frklay 25c Third Floor—Three Elevators. . Street Floor. m Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart yards to a piece, 36 inches unl - v 25c German silver coin ____________ 19 c granite preserving Uet- Street Floor. wide. Special Friday only, erDives, Pomeroy & Stewart purses. Special Friday only. _____________ ties. Special Friday only, 8? ________________ yard, 69? I Second Floor—Three Elevators. 59c nickel mesh bac. Snf Madras Curtains ** Dives - '' o,,,crov & atewu,t ' Men's Gloves and j ** Dives Pomerov & stewart, . O.fC IlKKei mtsn Ddgs. >pe- Basement. hit-xj. Street Floor. •ial Friday only, 15? $2.00 and $3.00 cross stripes Mittens Lining Specials , 39c oxidized silver shoe alu ] madras curtains, cream Men's 50c heavy gloves 35c black satine, 36 inches ______________ Pattern Cloths buckles. Special Friday only, . j v ,!ii mv .-a , , and one-finger mittens. Spe- wide. Special Friday only, rh^„ iv . SI.OO mercerized pattein pair...... 19? grounds with blue, yellow Misses' Rubbers cial Friday only, 35? yard ...25? Down Comfortables _ tab ,„ dothS) size 1 60x 84 25c brilliant brooches and r an '' 8' een mixed stripes. Misses'soc rubbers full toe lien's 25c lined leather and 50c striped Venetian, 34 $12.00 silk covered down- inches, good patterns and bar pins. Special Friday only. Special Briday only, pair, lasts. Special Friday only. heavy double wool mittens. inches wide. Special Friday filled comfortables. Special quality. Special Friday only, 15c 98? 39c Special Friday only, ...18? only, yard, 19? Friday only, $8.98 69? M'Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tsrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart tr Dives, Pomerov A; Stewart, isr f)iveß, Pomeroy & Stewart, V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tir Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. , Third Floor—Three Elevators. Street Floor —Hear. Street Floor, Rear. Street Floor. Street Floor. Street F!oor. AMUSEMENTS "The Old Homestead" Like the breath of real country air laden with the odor of new-mown hay and suggesting blue skies and open stretches of country "The Old Home stead" comes to the Majestic this aft ernoon and evening. That the patronage •will be large goes without saying, for, although this will be the twenty-ninth season of "The Old Homestead," it is still a potent inapnet and bids fair to continue so far many years to come. The play is as familiaf to the ma jority of theatregoers as a household word. For that reason no description of it is necessary and all that needs to ■be said is that there is no purer, sweet er or more wholesome play in existence, none of which holds the mirror up to nature more truly, and none which has more real inspiration in its every line nnd feature than "The Old Home stead." It is simple of plot, deals with homely interest and is replete with"gen« uine humor. The original production under the personal direction of Frank Thompson, will be seen here. The fa mous musical features arc of the same high order Mr. Thompson has always provided including the celebrated male double quartet and grand ehoir of twen ty voices in the Grace church scene. Adv.* Howe's Travel Festival Imagine, if you can, what happens when our super-dreadnaught the Wy oming, turns loose a "salvo" of all its 12-inch guns and hurles 10,000 pounds of steel through the air two or tnree times a minute. If you can not imagine it, you may see it at Lyman H. Howe's travel festival at the Majestic to-mor row and Saturday, with daily matinees. The romance of industry as express ed in the making of a national cash register constitute another feature of the program. Howe selected this par ticular plant not alone because it is typical of American skill, enterprise and organization but because it is rec ognized the world over as the model manufacturing plant—a monumental realization of an idea and an ideal. The variety of the scenes may be imag ined when it is remembered that 90 trades and professions are engage*! here in manufacturing machines from 8,800 different kin<ls of raw material coming from all quarters of the globe. The registers are shipped to 75 dif ferent countries and protect 33 differ ent coinages of money. The Philippines of to-day and yes terday—the past and present customs, costumes, dances, habits, etc., of a strange people—forms another note worthy subject of vital and absorbing interest, besides many other features of rare charm and beauty, not to men tion entirely new animated cartoons HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. .TANFART 2S, 1915. which always form such a welcome and pleasant diversion. —Adv.* Stock and Repertoire During the past three years Arthur i Chatterdon, known as one of the most i successful of the younger actors now before the public has achieved enviable fame by his original policy of present ing nothing but the best plays' and giving every care to detail. As it is generally understood, Mr. Chatterdon heads a stock company, but it is a stock company of the kind that has been delighting audiences in New York, Boston and Philadelphia for so long. Stock productions are no longer associated with those given by Teper toire companies. A goo,l stock perform ance has dignity and merit. A fact that enables amusement seekers to see the plava pre*ented in artistic manner at prices within their reach. Mr. Chatter don presents "Kindling," Monday aft ernoon and James K. Hickett's well known success, "A firain of Pust," Monday night. "The Girl in the Taxi" with the tango dances is the attractive offering for Tuesday night. Of unusual interest to the ladies are the ladies' 15 cent tickets for Monday, night. These are limited to the first 200 and obtainable at the advance sale only which opens Friday morning when sale will be on for entire engagement. Adv.* Irvin Cobb At the Chestnut street auditorium tonight Irvin Cobb, .journalist and war' eorresppndent, will give an illustrated | talk on his experiences in the war zone which lie gained while acting a.s staff correspondent ot' the "Saturday] Kvening I'ost." On this occasion Mr. i Cobb will also begin a tour of the large cities of the country under the management of Selwyn Company, the theatrical manager, who have signed a contract with him for an extended period. In connection with the so-1 called talk there will be an exhibition of moving pictures of war scenes which have never K»en shown. The said mov ing picture- have been taken at many places personally visited by Mr. Cobn a few weeks ttgo. The. program is divid ed into three parts, the first being the correspondent's recital of his own ex periences, the second the showing of the pictures, and during the third Mr. Coibb will answer questions propound ed by those in the audience, [providing of course, that there will be nothing asked that might provoke ill feeling or be controversial. Mr. Cobb is one of the best known newspaper men of the day and although a Southerner by birth, his newspaper experiences have been principally gain ed while working on the big New York dailies. Recently he has devoted most of his time writing for the "Saturday Kvening Post," bv which publication he was sent abroaA at the outbreak of the war to act as their staff correspond ent. His articles, now runninig in the "Post," have been widely read and therj can be no question but that ho is one of the most popular writers of the day. Those who have heard him speak say that he is an orator of no mean at tainments and a most capital story-1 teller. Seats are now selling.—Adv.* At the Orpheum For a rattling comedy act of the first water, there is no one act that Keith vaudeville sent to Harrisburg this season to surpass Bogonghi's Mid-j get Rider, appearing at the Orpheum this week. The little comedian attempts all sorts of daring stunts on the horses back and he of course receives some awful falls. The real comedy stunts of the act are due to the fact that the comedian is suspended by means of a very strong wire, so when the little rider misses his footing, lie is left danging in the air. When the horse comes around again the midijet "catch es on'' again and the act proceeds. The act is a veritable scream ami must be seen to be appreciated. Bogonghi's Midget Rider is one of the sterling at tractions supjiorting Una Clayton and company in their excellent comedy drama entitled "Milk." Also there are our old friends Mack and Orth, who are scoring an enviable hit. Music lovers find much to please them in the act of the Trans-Atlantic Trio, two young men and a young wom an in a neat and high class instrumen tal act with singing. O 'Brien Havel and company come in for a biig share of the comedy honors with the great comedy vehicle called "Monday" and there are ono or two other Keith hits that combine into one of the most diverting and most talented shows the Orpheum has seen.—Adv.* At the Colonial Another big production is slated to appear at the Colonial theatre. This lime it is a pretentious Oriental nov elty, unlike anything of the kind we have seen, and is known as Sumika and the Geisha Girls. The members of the company are all natives of the flowery kingdom and they do a very clever -and very quaint act. Some ten Geisha girls are required for the pro duction. The costuming and stage set tings are handsome samples of Japan ese handicraft. Other names of the new vaudeville offering will include the Howell Sisters in songs and dances; Gertrude Arden and Company in a novel company plavlct; and Craig ami Williams, the popular singiiu.; and talk ing comedians. New features in mov ing pictures also go on view to-dav. Adv.* Regent Theatre Have you been to see the famous players at the Regent this week! If not, you will have missed seeing ex hibited one of the finest set of motion pictures it has been possible to put on the screen in succeeding days. Ks pecially strong is the "Typhoon," to day 's Famous Player feature, a para mount program production in six reels, one of the strongest and most interest ing dramas known to fllmdom. Never beifore exhibited in this -city. Adv.* MAJESTIC This afternoon and evening, "The Old Homestead.'' To morrow and Saturday with daily matinees, t''e Lyman 11. Howe Travel Pictures. All next week, The Arthur Chatter don Stock Co., in repertoire of plays. Monday afternoon, "Kindling." Monday evening, "A Grain of Dust." ORPHEUM Every afternoon and evening, high das* vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening, vaude ville and pictures. VICTORIA Motion Pictures. PHOTOPLAY Motion Pictures. REGENT Motion Pictures