The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 28, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
v 1 The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited. (These names are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.) Real Estate BEAL ESTATE FOE SALE. BI'SYWOKK E— (30) acres ($1200) six rooms, larffe j window panes. # rellttr under all, one i time painted home. Good Hank Barn, : sold « s4n> worth cherries (1914). land mostly level. (3> acres woodland, can have funning: sprtns: water at buildings. Handy to large market, school, church , and main road Bloomshurg (to) Milton. Pennsylvania. Will add (horse) two i (cows) nix (hogs) tifty (chickens) ($1500). Farm alone, terms ($600) cash, balance easy payments. Owner's (loss) Buyer's main) Bargain. —HA PPVHOMK — (90) acres ($3500) terms half cash, j Front and side porches (fine) Brick; Uesldecrte (9> rooms, cemented cellar,! painted outside, papered and painted I inside (1911) valued alone ($3500). Two story painted out kitchen, hank barn, stiaw house, wagon, hog and poultry buildings. Garuge tfor> automobile., '•'aces main road through middle of nearly level farm (half mile) to school and church Handy to (3) markets, horses (cattle 1 hogs (poultry) and machinery . a: extra pri« e. —ORCHARD*: K— ( lit;) acres ($1,750) terms half cash. J Poasession at once. Buildings all (new) i ;» i• 1 painted except one. Bank barn full nay and straw, it> tine springs, stone and reniented milk house, (4SO) j hoi-e fruit trees <l*> a-'res good (wood land i at ($1300) mile to Philadelphia and Beading railroad. Ten minute walk to trolley and twenty to large market main road Harrisburg and Scranton. Fp-to-date (new) machinery (4) horses (.'») cows (3i brood sows (140) poultry, at extra price. urconarc B. USTRANDBH l»anville Telephones Sunbury | Mornings (7 to 8) ICvenings COUNKU PROPKKTY. No. 10 S. Eight- j tenth St.. for sale at most reasonable • price. Kittle cas|» needed, (las, elec tric lights, porch, furnace. Inspect it. BfilX ItKAI/PY CO.. Bergner Building. SKVKRAI* .! KFFUORSON STRKKT prop erties for sale; all improvements, at $1550, S2OOO. $2400, $2400. Particu- j lars on these and others at reasonable prices; little cash needed. BF.ld. REAL TY CO.. Bergner Building. FOR SAMC—No. 2019 Swatara St.; S I rooms; bath, gas, electric lights, porch, furnace: lot 20x110. Also two steeiton properties for S3SOO. BKI.J* j UKALTY CO.. Bergner Building. j FOR SALIC—IB 27 Market, nearing com- I pletion. 12 rooms; modern throughout; ' large concrctt porch; side entrance; also 1523 Market. 10 rooms, all conveniences, excellent repair, side entrance. Apply M.JJ. BBARD, 1523 Market St. i FOR SAMC—32I Heir St.; .'{-story frame j -all improvements—good location— in good repair. Price $2..".0(5. lic-jit sl9 per month. Inquire M. A. FOUGHT. 272 ! North street. OF R JA NtJ A R Y RARO A f N SAbE i 514 st. Reduced $l5O. 19 10 Green St. Reduced S2OO 427 Hamilton, our price. 219 Reify St. Reduced S4OO. BRINTON-PACKER CjO. Second and Walnut Sts. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: Stinker property. West Fairview; adjoining creek; dwelling and two cottages. Prfcp $1,600. BRIMTON-PACKER CO., Second arid Walnut Sts. j KOII SALi;—New 2 ■,-story- house, L'4o7 ! Main street, Penbrook: « rooms and all modern improvements; lot 40\ 106. MeClellan J. Koonics. -407 Main; »t„ Penbrook. IOR SAl,E—Double frame dwelling In Churehtown, along trolley line; S rooms, two halls, wash house, stable; excellent condition; suitable for two : families. Address MRS. JULIA LACK -1-Y, Meohani' sburs. Pa. tOR SALE—One new brick house, near! the center of the city; a beautiful lo cation. 6 rooms and bath and all con veniences. Price only $..400; and sold on easy terms. Also building lots at I Riverside, Penbrook and Paxtang. Job 1 carpenter work promptly an«nded to in any part of the city. Estimates i cheerfully furnished. Apply to S. HAL*- ' L) KM AN .'c CO., Carpontejs and Builders. 3222 N. Sixti St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell pbone 3622J-3. WANTED TO RENT GREATEST POTATU RAISER in Penn sylvania, raising *S7o bushels per aero by new process, with years of experi- ; menting, wants to rent sto.-ked farm for potato raising for siiares; lifelong farm- 1 er, best reference. Box 77, Middletown I FURNISHED APARTMENTS Mi' I>AXI K LS FAMILY M'AKTMKNTS- Floor of two or four rooms, furnish ed complete for housekeeping; coal or gas rang*-; large back porch; bath, closet, bells and letter boxes. Refer ences. Call 1117 Market St. Bell phone , —. Houses For Rent 922 Ash Ave., 2U s. f., 6 r (10 199S Greenwood St., 3 s. f., 8 r. sll 110 Linden St., 3 s. f„ 8 r .*l2 214S N. 7th St.. 3 s. b.. S r. b sl3 l.rlj S. Cameron St., 2',i s. b„ 5 r„ $I:I 1130 S. Cameron St., 2U s. f SIS 1 (t 4 N'. 6th St., 24 s. f.. 7 r. b....sit 627 Briggs St., 3 s. b„ 8 r ISO I Allison St., 2U s. f„ 7r. b„. ai.l 2206 Logan St., 3 a. b.. 8 r sl.l 1»38 S. 13th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r slts al6 S. 13th St., 5 r. b SIH 660 Emerald St.. 3 s. b., 8 r„ ....sl7 SS N. I«th St.. 3 s. f„ S r sl7 1218 Mulberry St., 3s. £., 7 r. b., sis 1820 Den y St.. 2& s. f., 7 r. b. & f„ SIN 21(5 Yale St., 2 s. b„ 7 r. b. S2O j - - 11 J N. ir>th St., 3s. b., 7 r h... s:cj 1929 Market St., 3 s. b., 10 r„ . . . fto 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. 2 b„ $75 23 Front St., furnished, 4 s. b. ' 343 Muench St.—apartments. 716 N. fith St., apartments S2O SUBURBAN HOISBS West Fairview, Main St., $7 Steeiton, 941 S. Front St $lO Penbrook. 2630 Curtin St., 214 »• f.. 7 r $lO Penbrook, 28th and Dauphin Sts.. sio Enola, Adams St 7 sl2 Penn Twp„ near Duneunnon, #2O North Lemoyne, 294 Market 5t.,..522 Lueknow, Forge Lane, $25 j Newport. Marshall property,... .soo FROM A PHIL, IST 133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b $25 j Derry St. (Paxtang). 2% s. f S3O ' Miller Bros. & Neefe "ZEAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Xioctiflt and Court Street* I. . . . ■ ■ Ul i \ | Real Estate APARTMENTS FOR RENT _ ! FOR UENTf^—Apartments at southeast ! I corner Fourth and Peflfer streets. All , | conveniences at reasonable rent. Out- I aide porch. Apply H. F. UMBERGEH, j 108 N. Second St.. or 427 Peffer *St. ! 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping: apartments; largo rooms with kitchenettes and baths; modern improvements; electric lights; I gas; city steam; Janitor service. Apply j at above address. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two third floor rooms, i : one furnished and one unfurnished; use of bathroom: Bell phone. Apply j 436 Cumberland St. \ FOR RENT —New furnished front rooms lacing Capitol Park; stationary wash stands, hot and cold running water; I electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North , " i 1 " REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RKNT—One at sl7; two at $18; one at S2O; two at $23. All ■improvements; get particulars. Both phones. BULL REALTY CO., Bergner j Building. ! DKSIRABLE houses and apartments for ! rent 111 all parts of city. Reasonable rent and good locations. Inquire of HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir teenth St. Bell phone 248 L FOR RENT—Houses with all improve- ! ments, at moderate rentals. J. E. j OIPPLE, 1251 Market St. j FOR RENT—IOO3 and 1007 Manada St., I 2-story bricks; all improvements. W. i E. MO ESI. KIN, 612 Boas St. Bell phone | FOR RENT —All improve ments— (l6l4 Catherine, $16.00' S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50 Apply Kuhu & Hershey, 118 South Third street. ' i - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2%-story; dwelling houses for sale. Klder Real. i Estate Co., 24th and Derry Sts. - ' H . Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING —A. H. SHRENK, 1906 North Sixth street, tirst class packer of fur , niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phone ! JSIIW. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street— ' j Furniture, china and piano packing. 1 Shipments looked after at both ends. : kinds of hauling. Bell phone OLD GOLD AND SILVER OLD GOLD AND SILVER watches, dla- j monds and Jewelry bought fur high est cash prices. JOS. D. BRENNER, No. STORAGE • STORAGE in 3-story brick Iftiildlng, ! rear 408 Market St. Household goods iu clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. O. DIF.NER, Jeweler, j lOS Market St. 1 1A R RIS BU RO STU RA O E CO. —Two j new eight-storj- brick warehouses, : nne absolutely fireproof, divided Into •ireproof private rooms of various | (<izes for the storage of household I goods; the other warehouse of the most j approved type of fire retardant con ; structlon for general merchandise. They are equipped with two large electric freight elevators and spiral chute for ; .he quick and safe handling of house 1 I liold goods and all kinds of merchan- I I disc. Low storage rates. South Second i 1 strbet, near Paxton. on the tracks of i j Henna. R. R. BUSINESS PERSONAM MY WEATHERSTRIPS keep out cold. ' etc., no matter how doors and win-1 uows arc warped; prices reaaon&ble; carpenter work is free. Agents and! , canvassers wanted. Address S. R. i —— _, J>IANO MOVING ' "pi«*P« rU - WINTER i . c lP M " 3 N - Fourth St. Call ; 146. Bell phone. MONEY TO LOAN ' MOST MONEY LOANED—On Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Firearms, Musical 1 Instruments. Highest cash prices fori old gold and silver. Repairing a spe- 1 l iaity. CITY LOAN OFFICE, 411 Mar ket street, IJOANS—S3 to S2OO for honest working ' people without bank credit at less 1 than legal rates; payable in install ments to suit borrowers - convenience CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut St. ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-ton ; truck; furniture, pianos, freight In the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon Bitinass Opportunities i MM | | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A REAL business man with small ac count for investment who can handle a high grad" business proposition with | IJie best business houses, can make an j attractive connection with equitable ; salary and future opportunities. Room ■ r.03. Imperial Building. Philadelphia. Pa. ' GENTLEMAN wishing to retire oflera I manufacturing plant for sale; only I one of kind in city; price very reason able. Will bear close Investigation, Address 3437, care Star-Independent. TTARRISBITFTO STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1915. i - Waats | HELP WANTED—MALE , LINOTYPE operators earn $1,200 year- I ly; mastered day, evening. Twelve 1 weeks, $80; Unlimited $l3O. Easy pay- I ments. Call, write. Empire Mergen | thaler School. 419 First Ave., N'ew York. WANTED—Young man. Industrious. I rapid plain penman, and accurate in | adding up columns of figures; salary J $12.00- a week. Answer, giving experi- I ence and ref "rences to Box No. 3447, I care Star-Independent. WANTED—Young man for clerk in hardware store; must be well recom | mended. Address 3445, care Star-Inde- I pendent. i ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablcbodied unmarried j men between age of IS nnd 3a; cttisens of United States, of good character and 1 temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For j information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts.. Harrisburg. 4N N. Queen St., Lancaster, j 333 Pine St.. Williamsport, 37 W. Mar ket St., York, or 113 Independence St.. Shamokln, t'a. j SALESMAN WANTED—Salesman call- ! ing on dry goods and general stores to sell as side line children's and misses' fleece lined underwear. Reply to 3448, ! Star-Independent, giving territory cov- I ered, etc. ! WANTED —Men to learn barber trade; new method; wages after first month. Steady position guaranteed; write for j catalogue. Moler's Barber College, Dept. 11, 207 Bowery, New # York City. j SPECIALTY salesman, accustomed to earning SSO per week and upwards. I Call 5.30 a. m„ at 501 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. Wo give a thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron; I Bell phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. I A YOUNG MAN would like to have a position of any kind; honest and I docs not use tobacco in any way. Call |or address to 270 Herman Ave.. Le | moyne. Box 86. . \ MAN, 28 years of age, wishes position j in grocery store; can give best of ! reference. Call or address O. N., 324 S. I River avenue. I YOUNG MAN, 18 years old, would like i to have position with traveling sales ■ man. or helper. Address 614 Delaware avenue. YOUNG married man wants to hire on stock farm or farming position of any kind; experienced; can give refer ence. Address No; 3444, care Star-Inde j pendent. WANTED—Two experienced boys wish work on farm. Apply 515 Dauphin street. WANTED—Salesman wishes position in Harrisburg: has had five years' ex perience on the road. Address C., 751 S. Twenty-first St., Harrisburg. | BOY 15 years old wishes position in | store, or work of any kino; can give ; good references. Apply MRS. E. M. TAYLOR. Knoia. YOUNG MAN, aged 18. wiahes position of any kind; can give good refer ences. Address, care MRS. E. M. TAY- I LOR, Enola. I WANTED Middle-aged colored man | wishes position as butler, janitor or houseman or third cook or coachman. | Apply 1228 N. Cameron St. , INTELLIGENT young married man, ! hustler, speaks 4 languages, wishes j any kind of position; not afraid of : work. Hustler. Box 65, Steeiton, Pa. 1 WANTED—Two boys, 12 and 13 years ' old, would like to get work on a farm or with a trucker, for board and . clothes; born and raised on a farm. j Apply 424 Hamilton St. | YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind; can tiro boiler. Call or address 612 Granite avenue. j AGENTS WANTED I AGENTS WANTED at once to sell a ' household necessity; good seller; ex | cellcnt commission pay. Address or i HELP WANTED—FEMALE. j DO YOU WANT to be a Stenographer? I | -If you do, buy tuition from an EX- I PERT IN GREGG SHORTHAND—one I | who knows what the student needs, and how to give a thorough training in a ! short time. Tuition charged for seven ; months only. Free Trial. Bell 704 R. Call. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 3i ! 1 I SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. : WANTED—A colored woman desires a 1 place for cooking in boarding house. 347 Reily street. i WANTED—Young lady wishes place by ' the week and go home at nights; can j furnish good reference. Apply 13 N. ■ Summit street. — , WANTED —Young lady wishes to keep | house for a widower. Apply 700 N. i Third street or 811 James St. I COLORED GIRL wants a place as gen j eral housework. Inquire at 306 Daisy j avenue. GERMAN LADY wants day's work. Ap- ] ply 365 Christian St, Steeiton, Pa. ! COLORED WOMAN wants position as cook. Apply 846 N. Front St., Steei ton. WANTED—Work by the day, or cham bermaid. Apply 715 Cowden St. YOUNG GIRL desires light housework or child's nurse. Apply at 80$ Cow den street. YOUNG WOMAN (colored) desires po sition as chambermaid and waitress or general houseworker. Reference Call or address care VENNIE, 1308 N Seventh St. WANTED—General housework by col _°r"d woman. Address 1207 Apple Ave. i ' Lost and Found FOUND. —« FOUND—A place without trying. Care ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French '..'leaning Works, 1245 Market St Call ,-uuer p.ione. Call aud deliver. The State Capital Savings and Loan Association ■ 108 North Second Street Harrisburg, Penn'a. The Largest Building and Loan Association in Penna. Eighteenth Year Resources $3,008,702.47 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Geo. W. Croighton, President E. R. Pierce, Ist Vice Pres. and Mgr. Joseph Savidge, Second Vice President Jolm P. Melick, Secretary Edward Z. Gross, Treasurer J. W. Swartz, Counsel STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1914 ASSETS LIABILITIES Loans on Bonds and Mort- Instalment Stock Dues,. $694,652 48 gages, $2,835,426 16 Profits for Instalment Loans on the Association's Stock Dues, 149,531 97 Stock 12,190 50 Real Estate 48,492 04 $844,184 45 Real Estate sold under Contract 98,530 00 Cash on Hand and iu Pull Paid Stock $1,542,500 00 Banks* 7,381 04 Instalment Payments on Interest, Premium and Interest Reduction Rents Accrued and Div- Loans, 599,800 37 idends Advanced 5,682 73 Balance held to Complete Safes, Furniture and Sup- Loans 10,275 00 * plies 1,000 00 Contingent Fund, 11,942 65 $3,008, 47 $3,008,702 47 We Certify that the abo\e Statement of Condition is a true Exhibit of the ac counts and that, in our opinion, it correctly sets forth the financial condition of the State Capital Savings and Loan Association as of December 31, 1914. • THE AUDIT COMPANY OF NEW YORK, New York, A. W. Dunning, H. I. Lundquist, January liM, 1915. President. Secretary. ii—inn nam ■a—aw— ia iMiiwiiiiiiiiaiaai u—n—t* - . | APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street j Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup plied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele phone service. I TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 222 Market Strest Harrisburg, Pa. ' ' Death and Obituary j DIED. . I I . MARTIN—On January 17. 1915, Edmund i H. Martin, aged years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from hip late residence. I*3l I Green street. Relatives and friends as j j woll as all organizations of which he : was a member arc invited to attend | 1 without further notice. Interment East j Harrisburg cemetery. RUMPF—Tuesday. January 26th, 1913,' at 11.43 p. m., Mrs. Louiia S. Humpf, wife of Ch»rl*f C. Untnpt Funeral on Friday morning at 8.30 o'clock, from . her late residence, 1528 [X. Sixth street. Services at 9 o'clock at s>t. Catholic church, to which ! j relatives and friends are invited to at- | ; tend. Interment in Mt. Calvary ceme j tery. Friends may call Thursday even- i ing to view remains. FOR SALE A knitting factory; all Improve ments; electric power; two-story frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting; and sewing machinery. Possession Slven at o"nce. We will rent If party ould be Interested In the manu- i facturlng or ladles' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell . phone 74, Steelton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN MS >. FKovr yriiKKr STEELTON. PA. —MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMWHI I J ! The llarrisburg Polyclinic Dispensary will be open daily except Sunday nt 1 ;t p. in., at its new location, Front" nnd | Harris streets, for the free treatment of th« worthy poor. ' \t ' Sale and Exchange FOB SALE C. W. H. LAKGLETZ, Luinbrr —We are I overstocked with all kinds and i grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to Bee | us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. ! FOR SALE—Not. Charles D. Snyder, | 1145 Zarker street, to whom two re ! served tickets were awarded to-day, i;ood for the evening performance Feb ruary 1, 1915. Call for them at Star- Independent offlre before 8 p. m.. Janu<- j a,ry 29, 1915, or they will be forfeited. SECOND HANI) BRICK. LUMBER, I SASHES, DOORS—CHEAP. We must | 1 get rid of the material from the old i buildings at Capitol Park Extension. | I Apply on premises. f'has. Mi>rsberg, | old steam heat plant, 126 Short St. j FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South' Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point, Bliz zard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. j FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St., 5,000 sets new Sash, Bxlo \l2 L», primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE j The four-story brick dwelling I | house No. 109 S. Second Street, I I Harrisbwrg, l J a., fronting twenty-six ! | feet on Sooond Street, and extending j | in depth ninety-five feet to an alley; i first floor now occupied as a whole- j j sale liquor store. Title perfect. FREDERICK M. OTT, ( Executor of Mary E. Winters, De ceased, 222 Market Street, Har risburg, Fa. >v r "\ Legal ————* m r ' NOTICE —betters of administration tes- N- tamentary on the' estate of Leah ! Giede. late of Harrisburg, Dauphin lioiintv. Pa.. deceflSed. having been i granted to the undersigned, residing in | Harrlsburg, PH., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having ' claims will present them for settlement. GEORGE \V. GIEI>K, ■Administrator, 1612 Green St. CHARTER NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that an appll cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Friday, the sth day of I February, 1915, under an act of Assem bly, entltl'd "An aet ? i provide for the incorporation and regulation ■>f certain 1 corporations," approved April 29, 1874, i and thu supplements thereto, for the charter of an intenden corporation, to be called The Gratz Water Company, the character and object of which is • for the purpose of supplying water' to the public in the borough of Gratz, in the county of Duuphin and state of Pennsylvania, and to havo, possess and enjoy all rights, benefits and privileges of said act if Assembly and supple ments thereto. F S. SIMPSON', Solicitor for Applicants. I EXECUTOR S NOTlCE—Letters testa i mentary upon the estate of Elmina Darby, late of the City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, testate, having been granted unto the under signed by the Register of Wills of said County, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to W. F. DARBY, Steelton, Pa. NOTICE —Letters of administration testamentary on the estate of Alex ander McAllcher, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re siding In Harrisburg, sll persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. C. E. M'ALICHER, 2121 Penn St. SHERMAN G. M'AUCHBIt, 633 Dauphin St., (For Rent! Desirable offices in the Union, Trust Building. ; | Apply I Union Trust Co. [nave MONEY £J Employes' Discount Co. 36 North Third Street 11 FINANCE 0. S. STEEL FALLS FIVE POINTS fISJARKET OPENS The Common Stock Declined at the Opening to 43, Its New Minimum, on Offerings of Nineteen Hundred Shares By Associated Press, Npw York, Jan. 28.—Wall Street.— j United States Steed shares wore again the center of interest in to-day's stork market. Steel Common declined at the opening to 43, its new minimum, a fall of five points from yesterday's quota tion, on offerings of 1,900 shares. This was followed by another lot of 500 and several 100 share lots at 43. Thie pre ferred stock again sold off to within a fraction of its minimum. Other active stocks including Pacifies, St. Paul ami Reading were lower, but the list made general recovery after the absorption of initial offerings. The 1-iondon market showed numerous advances for Amer icans, but refusal of the T-iondon Ex change to reduce the minimum price oil Steel cause,] the automatic withdrawal of that stock abroad. The tendency to break away from the industrial list was the feature ot' the morning session. Gains of a point from yesterday's final figures were made by many active railway shares. Steel common rose 3-8 above its mini mum, but was freely offered on the ad vance and fell liack. Bonds were firm. LIVE STOCK PRICES Conditions in the Philadelphia Market for Three Days Tills Week Philadelphia, Jan. 28. —Conditions for three days ending Wednesday eventng, January 27; Beef Cattle—The market was ordi narily normal at the current prices. Cows and calves sold slowly for prompt slaughtering. Quotations; Steers Average best, $5.60(5>8.75; :hoice, $8.4005.50; good, $8.20 0 8.30; me dium. $7.7508.00; common, $7.00® 7.50; bulls, $5.00(97.00; tat cows, $4.5005.75; mon to choice, $45(970; extra. $80; veal calves, exceptional lots. $10.50® 11.00; good to choice, slo.oo® 10.50; medium, $8.0009.00; common, $6.00®7.00; south erns and barnyards, $5.00#7.00. Sheep and Lambs-^-Demand was mod erate at tincbanged values. Quotations: Sheep— Wethers—extra, $6.0006.50 Choice $5.50® 6.00 Medium $ (.50® 5.00 Common, $3.00193.50 Ewes, heavy, fat $5.2505.73 Lambs — Extra $8,75 <9 9.00 Oood to choice $8.50198.75 Medium SS,OO (9 B.2ri Summon $6.00(96.50 Hogs—Unsettled situation under rigid inspections, and very little doing. Quo tations nominal. City Dressed Stock—All strictly de sirable meats commanded steady rates, ihough inquiry was conservative. Quo tation's: Steers, 1OH015C; heifers. cows, 8012 c; veal calves. 15<91Sc; ex tra calves, 17c; southerns and barn cards, 10® 12c; country dressed, 13® 14c; extra, 16c; sheep, 10»Jllo; extra wethers, 12c; lambs, in® 16c; extra lambs, 17c; hogs, lOOIOMsc. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Jan. 28. — Wheat higher; No. 2 red spot, export. 149® 152; No. 1 northern, Duluth export. 157(f/ 160. Corn firmer; No. 2 yellow, local. ,N2'i <983. Oats higher; No. 2 white, 60%® 61. Hran firmer; winter, per ton, $-19.00(9 29.50; spring, $27.60(928. Refined sugars firm; powdered. 5.15; line granulated, 5.05; Confectioners' A, 4.95. Butter Arm; westorn creamery extra, tra. 33; nearby prints, fancy, 36c. Kggs higher; nearby firsts, free case, $9.90; current receipts, free case, $9.60; western extra firsts, free case, $9.90; firsts, free case, $9.60, Live poultry was firm; fowls, 14® 16; old roosters. 11 mll % ; chickens, 14® 15; turkeys, 14(917; gee.*', 1(0/16. Dressed poultry steady; turkeys, fan ?y, 25c; do., fair to good. 18(920; fowls, heavy, 18(919; average, 14®17%; small, 12(913; old roosters, 13; broiling chick ens, nearby, 16022; western, 14(920; roasting, 16018; ducks. 12(917; geese. Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per bushels, 63(965; New York, 45052; Jer sey, per basket, 30(ft)35. Flour firm; winter straight, 6.251® 6.50; spring straight, 6.60446.75; spring patent, 6.00(97,15. Hay steady; No. 1 large bales, 18.50® 19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50(919.00; No. 2 do., 17.00(918.00; No. 3 do., 11.50® 15.50; sample, 13,50 ® 14,50; no grade, 11.00®13.00; light mixed, 17.50(918.00; No. 1 do., 16.50017.00; No. 2 do., 15.50® 16.00. Chicago Live fc'ock Market Chicago, Jan. 28.—Hogs—Receipts, iS,000; strong. Bulk, 6.4006.60; light, 6.20®6,60; mixed, 6.20®6.65; Heavy, 6.00 06.60; rough, 6.0006.15; pigs. 5,0006.50. Cattle—Receipts 4.000; steady. Native steers. 5.4009.00; western, 4.9007.35; cows and heifers) 3.00® 7.75; calves, 7.00 ©IO.OO. Sheep—Receipts. 5,000; strong. Sheep, 5.7506.65; yearlings, 6.8507.75; lambs, 7.2508.65. TURKS' VIGOROUS ATTACKS REPULSED BYTHE RUSSIANS Petrograd, Jan. 28.—The general staff of the Russian army of the Cau casus gives out the followiug official announcement concerning the progress of the fighting in that country; "On the morning of January 26, Turkish forces in the vicinity of Sul tan Selim, in the Tchoruk country, de livered a series of vigorous attacks on our positions, all of which we repulsed. In the vicinity of Olti, 55 miles west of Kara, the Turks, following their custom of recent days of taking the offensive, sent forward an enveloping column. This column was, however, thrown back by 11s and the Turks sus tained heavy losses. "In Azerbaijan province, Persia, the activity of the enemy is increasing. It has been noticed particularly that numerous bands of Kurds, supported by regular Turkish troops, have under taken offensive operations in the vicin ity of Kohi, but everywhere they have been repulsed. Along the other Cau casian fronts on January 26, the mili tary activity was confined to lillo lire."