The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 26, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Starindependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To°day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
1 erhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you tind out If you the tickets please for them before 8 o'clock to*morrow evening
or they will be forfeited. (These tickets are drawn from the Directory by a blindfolded girl.)
I Salt and Exchange
pel rid of the material from the old
buildings at Capitol Park Extension.
Ai»ply on premises, ("'has. Mersberg,
c»ld Ft earn heat plant. 126 Short fcjt.
c. \V. H. I. \MaIiETZ, 1 .timber --We are
overstock* d with all Kinds and
fjnade? of lumber and we can offer you
big bargain?*. It will pay you to see
us Office Cameron and Mulberry St».
r<>n >mj: avG
>econd St.; lied Tip. Fling I'oint, Bliv.-
M-irtl, Uowe ,I'iiiot. Can't Slip. Giant
lsrip and Always Sharp Calks.
KOR SALiE A* OABDB'S, 111-117 South
Second St.. '..ooi> s. t*» new Sash, SxlO
: L.. TM'i ued and glazed. at $1.15 per
fit Also other s'r.eK.
SSS SAI /• - Not! MTlhallf Marion,
Ki e.leric\ St.. Steelton. Pa., to whom
two te*erv<»d ti -kets were awarded to
day. fo»* th" evening performance
3 , , uar\ '!U">. Call for them at Star-
Indpprr.rlen, office before S p. m.. Janu
ar\ "J7. 13* 5. or tliev will !>e forfeited.
FO 1 : S. A uK—Complete saw and shingle
mill .mt It. with P. steam en- i
pine. am of four horses and mules,
d ■•<"!£ \v »uon ami other neoeitsary wau
ons. Will sell timber lease with mill. ,
Voii can nun'hase one or all together
£*nall . no ini cash needed, balance i
<" I be worked out. Mill stands about
t'• •• miles from railroad. Address Box
"111, arc Star-Independent.
I'OR SAl^'\—J. \V. Parks breil-to-lay
strain Barred Plymouth Rock cock-.
Ma. hati od: line, large, husky ,
ufrct« • heap, quality considered. J. K.
I INCLK N* w Cuniberlaml, Pa. Box
■ L
J* A A. 11. SHTtKXK. 1006 North
Si\tli .street, hrst * lass packer of lur
•' China and brlcab ac. Bell phone
W ,1. WKX Ji|. H. ouJ» Hamilton street—■
H ' u . anjl ;»ackincr.
S. lo'oktd .'MCI .It both t-nus.
of hauling;. Hell phone '
1 .TIM \Ti:s g.i e» for a!l kinds of clee
triq light wiring and repairing: »»lec
t contra ting a ypn-ial:\. no job too
gftMlll 5a • . ail work ~
i- :i-:uLr:ss tui uepaiking
prepared to give your eggs the best
ibatoi reauita, In Early Spring
batching. Place \our order now. Call
or arldrets G. l«J. WANTZ, 1?15 Brook- ,
wood St., Harrisburg, Pa.
I m,r> ;mI,D .VXD SILVER watches, dia-i
monds and Jewelry oouglit for hig.i-
I pHcel'. i'. BHni:k.
] v - ,1 • <i I ■' phoncl27lU
I STORAGE 3-story brick building, I
rear lOS Market St. Household goods
I I rooms. Reasonable
I r * A to P. G. DIENER, Jswaler,
H A}: 111S BP lie ST Oi IA G CO. Two!
new m .-story brick warehouses,
I absolutel.v 'it cproef, divided into '
I niw| the u "t' household
I goods; i t other waranouse of the most
I approved typo of tire retardant con-
I : truction for general merchandise. They
'* h two I.»r.;'• eISCtHo I
Jreigat clcv.itors and spiral chute for
the iiuick and safe handling of house >
"old goods run! all kinds of merchan-(
rSise. Ivow s*ortigi rates. South Second
street, near Pax ton, on the tracks of'
i e.ina. U. K.
I ivEAiHi-,i;:j'rnir.s keep out cold,^
0.c., no matter how Ooor© an.l wiu-
I Oow ' « r « »*iyed; prices I'i'Hsonable:
..irpenter wuiU i.- fiec. Agent* and
: i i , n .\ H .Sf* rß "antpd. \Jd: t ss 1L
bj sxpsrta. WINTER I
H ill Ben PW:' X ' luurth st Lalli
Matches. Jewelry, Mrearms, Musicai
instruments. lliKliest cash prices fori
old sold .1 nd silver. Repairing a apt- '
ciiity. rIT\ LOAN OFFICB, (]i Mir- 1
LOANS —S.i to 1200 for honest worklnc i
people without bank credit at loss
1 nan legal rates: payable in install- :
ments to .»u!t borrowers' convenience i
l>Mii and Investment Co.
ALL kinds of haullnjr; large two-ton I
truckfurniture, pianos, freight, in
A ;,nd suburbs. I'ticep reason- 1
aide. Picnic and pleasure trips, dav or !
M \ VM ' Hr.ARE, 1153 Vernon
H Good-Paying Rental
I Houses f«r Littls Meney
IXI4 N. Cameron S».—2-story frame
house with five rooms. Lot 36x1.i0
ft. Rental |9. Price, HllOO
Mil \. lourih St.—3-story frame
house with six rooms. Lot laxti/i ft.
Rental, sl2. Price VI2(H>
1413 ft". Fourth xt.—2H-story
frame house with five rooms. Lot
15x6S ft. Rental. $lO. Price, flooo
14ir» Si. Fourth St.—2 V4-story
frsme house with Ave roomy.
13x»5 ft. Rental. )iO. Price, tluiMl
*'!'• In.nrance iiurvtjr Bonds
Locust aad Court Street*
- -
Real Estate
FOR SALE —New - S -story house. 2407
! Main street. Penbrook: S rooms and
'bath; all modern improvements; lot iOx
106. McClellan J. Koomes, 2407 Main
j SU, Penbrook.
FOR SALE—Double frame dwelling in
i Ohurohtown, along trolley line; 8
rooms, two halls, wash house, stable;
excellent condition; suitable for two
families. Address MRS. JULIA LACK-
I KY. Mechanicsburg. Pn.
) I'OR SAl>E —321 Herr St.: 3-story frame
—all improvements—good location—
in good repair. Price $2.r.00. Rent sl9
per month. Inquire M. A. FOUGHT. 272
North street.
FOR SALE—Farm lands with buildings.
fruit and timber, coal, mineral and
water rights go with lands. Apply J.
\Y. KTTINOER, Halifax. Pa.. R. D. No.■ i.
4-AORE FARM, within 5c carfare and
one mile of trolley; house; barn;
chicken house; orchard; running water
on property. BELL REALTY CO.,
Bergner Building.
THAT Penbrook lot is offered now at
i a reduction o! SSO. Sir.e 30x150. If
prttt is too high—make right offer.
KV.I.L REALTY CO., Rci-gner Building.
land street, for sale; !t rooms: bath;
sras; furnace: porch: lot 2Ox S3. Inspect
this vacant house soon. BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE —Property No. 1913 Penn St.,
brick house, front and back porches;
i cemented cellar, fully improved: model
home for small family; price right to
quick buyer. Apply on premises.
! 143.1 Market St.. reduced 5200.
219 Reily St., reduced SIOO.
Third-St.. lMihaut, reduced S3OO.
1235 and K." 7 Bailey St.. reduced $l5O.
Second and Walnut Sts.
-12 acres: \ mile from Oberlin: 4
miles from Harrisburg; level land;
new house and new bain; possession
1 April 1. ml",.
S.-cond and Walnut Sts.
east corner of Third and Boas Stsi
!n the up- to w,i business dist-lc;—3-
' story brkk building with cellar Lot
JOYl'.'O ft. T!i rod. bott'in. cash price
t will. H'U-rept you. MILLER BROS. &
XKEFK, lederal Square, Harrisburs,
I'OR SALE—Beautiful home on Camp
strcet; ell built; tile bath room;
Cliaml.erlain metal weather stripping;
will please tho most critical and can
only be appreciated when seen; just
one house from Sixth street. Pric« right
if sold quickl}. Address No. 3438, care
Stai - Independent.
I'OR SALE—One now brick house, near
the center of the city; a boautirul lo
cation. 6 rooms and batli and all con
veniences. Price only $2,400; and sold
on easy terms. Also building lots at
Riverside, Penbrook and Paxtang. Job
carpenter work promptly attended to
■ "i a! ) y ,. of the Estimates
! h ,??. r f" n -' '"""shed. Apply to S. lIAL-
I DK.M AN cO„ Carpenters and Builders.
:.22 N. Sixth SL. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell
. phone 3622J-3.
| FOR KK.N*—Apartments at southeast
I corner Fourth and Peffer streets. All
, conveniences at reasonable rent. Out
' side porch. Apply B. F. CMBERGER,
I floor housekeeping apartments; large
I rooms with kitchenettes and baths;
modern improvements; electric lights;
i gas: city steam; Janitor service. Apply
! at above address.
sylvania, raising 675 bushels per acre
by new process, with years of experi
menting, wants to rent stocked farm for
uotato raising for shares; lifelong farm
; er, best reference. B«.\ 77, Middletown,
I Pa.
FOR RENT—New furnished front rooms
faring Capitol Park: stationary wash
stands, hot and cold running water;
electric ligv.t in each room; also use of
i phone and large bath. Apply 410 North
' street.
FOR RENT—T wo rooms, furniehed com
plete for light housekeeping. All
j conveniences. Use of Bell phone. Call
I or address N. Third St.
HOUSES FOR RENT—One at si 7; two
I at $18: one at S2O; two at $23. All
.improvements: get particulars. Both
i phones. BELL REALTY CO,, Bergner
! Building.
: FOR RENT—Dwelling. No. 1225 Wal
lace street, seven rooms; rent $12.00.
! CHAS. ADLER, Real Estate and Insur
j ance. No. 1002 North Third street.
: DESIRABLE houses and apartments for
! rent in all parts of city. Reasonable
rent and good locations. Inquire of
| HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thlr
j tcenth St. Bell phone iISL.
I FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
i nients, at moderate rentals. J. E.
GIPPLE, 1251 Market St.
I FOR RENT—IOOS and 1007 Manada St.,
I 2-story bricks; all Improvements. W.
I J',. MOESLEIN, 612 Boas St. Bell phone
bOR RENT—AII improve
ments —
1614 Catherine, $16.00
530 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50
Apply Kuhn & Hershey,
18 South Third street.
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2V»-storv
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
EsM_te_Co.^j4_ili_a:id_Derry St 3.
I The Harrisburjj Polyclinic Dispensary
I will he open daily except buuday at
:! p. m., at its now location, Front and
Harris streets, for the free treatment
I of the worthy poor.
mhh MM
WANTED —Men to learn barber trade;
new method: wajes after first month.
Steady position guaranteed; -write tor
catalogue. Meier's Barber College,
Dept. K, 207 Bowery, New York City.
1 SPECIALTY salesman, accustomed to
earning SSO per week and upward?.
I Call 5.30 a. m.. at 501 Kunkel Building,
| Harrisburg.
! WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried
! men between age of IS and 45: citizens
I of United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
j and write the English language. For
information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts..
I Harr!«burg, N'. Queen St.. Lancaster.
333 Pine St.. Willlamrport, 37 W. Mar
ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St„
shamokln, Pa.
[WANTED —Baker for out of town; very
good second liand on bread and ahle
to do his own cake baking: no board;
state salary, aged and references. Ad
dress 34<2, care of Harrioburg Star-In
WANTED—Ten good solicitors; can
make $3.00 to $4.00 per day. Call be
tween 8 and 9 a. ni„ 4 and 6 p. m., to
room 409, Patriot Bldg.
RAILROAD firemen, brakemen, SIOO
- Experience unnecessary. State
age. Railway, care Star-Independent.
AUTO transportation school wants men
to become practical chauffeurs and
earn $73 to SIOO per month. We give a
thorough course in crude and practical
work for $35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron;
Bell phone 1710.
WANTED—Salesman wishes position in
Harrisburg; has had five yearsj_ ex
perience on the road. Address C., 751 S.
Twenty-first St., Harrisburg.
BOY 15 years old wishes position in
store, or work of any kind; can give
good references. Apply MRS. E. M.
TAYLOR, Enola.
YOUNG MAN. aged IS, wishes position
of any kind; can give good refer
ences. Address, care MRS. E. M. TAY
LOR, Enola.
WANTED—MiddIe-aged colored man
wishes position as butler, janitor or
houseman or third cook or coachman.
Apply 1228 N. Cameron St.
INTELLIGENT young married man.
hustler, speaks 1 languages, wishes
any kind of position; not afraid of
work. Hustler. Box 65, Steelton. Pa.
WANTED—Two boys. 12 and 13 years
old, would like to get work on a
farm or with a trucker, for Hoard and
clothes; born and raised on a farm.
Apply 424 Hamilton St.
YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind:
can tire boiler. Call or address 612
Granite avenue.
YOUNG MAN. not afraid of hard worlt,
wishes work of any kind; can Are
boiler. Call or address C. L. A„ 190S
Moltke Ave., City.
WANTED—Position as janitor or night
watehmtn or any kind of work by
day or week; whitewashing cellars,
trimming vines, shrubbery, etc. Call
or address 1337 N. Second St., City.
WANTED—Position as llreman or night
watchman or any kind of work by
reference. Address or call $35 South
Tenth street.
WANTED—Position as barber; seven
years' experience. Address or call
Sou South Tenth St.
WANTED—Two experienced white din
ing room siris and dishwasher?, also
cook; no others than experienced need
apply. Savoy Hotel, Third and Mulberry
$2.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each
town to distribute free circulars for
concentrated tlavoring in tubes. Pcr
nanent position. !•'. E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED—Widower wants housekeep
er. Apply M. V„ 3443, care of Star-
WANTED—Competent white girl for
general housework and cooking; two
in family; no laundry. Apply 220 I'ors
ter street, between 7 and 8, evenings.
WANTED—MiddIe-aged white woman
for general housework in country
home, 20 miles from city. Family of
three. Address 3439, care Star-lnde
DO YOU WANT to be a Stenographer?
If you do, buy tuition from on EX
who knows Wiiat the student needs, and
liow to give a thorough training in a
short time. Tuition charged tor seven
months only. Free Trial. Bell 704 R.
Call. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31
WANTED—Younf; lady wishes to keep
house for a widower. .Apply 700 N.
Third street or 811 James St.
COLORED GIRL wants a place as gen
era] housework. Inquire at 306 Daisy
GERMAN LADY wants day's work. Ap
ply 365 Christian St., Steelton, Pa.
CO IX) RED WOMAN wants position as
cfiok. Apply 816 N. Front St., Steel
WANTED—Work by the day, or cham
bermaid. Apply *ls Cowden St.
YOUNG GIRL desires light housework
or child's nurse. Apply at 806 Cow
den street.
YOUNG WOMAN {colored) desires po
sition as chambermaid and waitress
or general liouaoworker. Reference
Call or address care VENNIE. 1308 N
Seventh St.
WANTED—General housework by col
ored woman. Address 1207 Apple Ave.
WANTED—Washing at home, and work
by the day. Address 1608 Howard
WANTED—Position as nurse or maid
by colored woman. Address or call
121 Short street.
WANTED—Work of any kind by color
ed woman. Apply or address 121
Short St. Can furnish good reference.
WANTEE)—Position as chambermaid or
assistant cook. Apply rear of UlO
Chestnut street.
Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath
Reynard, 208 N. Third Street
Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms.
Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup
Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele
phone service.
Ready About February 1, 1915
Commonwealth Trust Company,
i!2L Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED at once to sell a
household necessity; good seller; ex
cellent commission pay. Address or
call 1713 Penn street.
WANTED, with successful record as
producer, to solicit subscriptions for
stock on proposition without equal. In
dustry showins dividend record 50 per
cent, to 300 per cent, per annum. BacK
erl by Government and Bank reports
(■hat convinces every prospect. I-.lve,
wide Hwake men can make liberal ar
rangements, and bis commissions, ad
vertising and leads furnished. Stock
will pay 30 per cent, this year, and
appeals to prospective buyers, exclus
ive territory. Give experience, stating
in detail past results, and interview will
be arranged. Address 8-140, care Star
Death and Obituary
RUSBEL.L,—On Tussday. January 26,
Il»IB, Enos M. Russell, 74 years,
11 months.
Funeral oil Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, from his late residence on
Eighth street. New Cumberland. Rela
tives and friends arc invited to attend
without further notice. Interment In
Paxtang cemetery.
UUKUSY—On Monday, January 25th,
1915, at the residence of his son-in
law. Mr. Rudolph K. Kortna, No. 609
N. Front street, Wesley K Hurley.
1' uneral services Wednesday evening:
at 5.30 o'clock, at his late residence.
Interment at Hagerstown. Md.. Thurs
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend with
out further notice.
SWAKTZ-—On Saturday. January 23,
1915, at 6.1,» p. ni.. Mrs. Roberta C.
Swart*, wife or John W. Swart* aged
49 years, 3 months and 12 days.
1' uneral services on Thursday at 2
o clock p. m„ from her late residence,
at Ixiwer Pa.xton township. Further
services and interment will be held at
whoop's Church. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend without further
Lost and Found
FOUND—A place without trying Care
ful cleaning, best of dyeing Wheret
At hgserta ,St«nm Dye hi? and French
.leaning Works 1246 Market St. Call
IX>ST—A bunch of keys: a triangular
shaped and a round key-ring attach
ed. Pock"t acfew-dfiver among ke\ s.
lx>st on North Sixth street or on w'av
to Division street transfer. Phone Will.
Hoster. P. It. R. Exchange, «58.
LOST—An S-month-old fox terrier dog
white with black Spot?, lame ni
front leg. Reward will be paid for' his
return to CHAS. A. IJlfrfltOW, 1815
North I ront street, Hurrlsliurg, Pa.
jßisinau Opporiamitiesl
GENTLEMAN wlshipg to retire ofTers
manufacturing plant for sale; only
one of kind In city: price very- reason
able. Will bear close Investigation.
For Ront
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
Impioytt' Discount Co„
36 North Third Street
Increase Yeur Income
YIELDING 7 l-3r^
45 Broadway New York
A knitting factory, all Improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame; steam heat well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sewing machinery. Possession
given at once. We -will rent if party
would be interested In the manu
facturing of ladies' garments.
Information Wanted—rCail Bell
phone 74. Steel ton, Pa., or
L . ———— >
But Invariably the Price Lfvel Was
Above Yesterday's Close—Steel
Makes Fractional Gain As Did Also
a Number of Railroads
/>,7 Associated Frees.
Xew Y.ork, Jan. 26.—(Wa1l Street)
—Changes at the opening o£ to-day's
stock market suggested no definite
trend, gains and losses being somewhat
conflicting. Tor instance, United States
Steel Common, whose directors act on
the dividend to-day, showed no change
while the preferred stock was fraction
ally lower. Several specialties and ob
scure stocks rose smartly, including
American Sugar and Beet Sugar, which
gained 1 1-2 and 1 1-4 points. By the
end of the half hour the entire list was
higher Respite the heaviness in our
stocks in London.
Stocks continued to fluctuate during
the early session but invariably the
price level was above yesterday's close,
fciteel made a fractional gain on deal
ings and the consensus of opinion was
that the present rate of the dividend
would be maintained. There were gains
of a point or more in Canadian Pacilie,
Krie, pfd. and the Southern group of
railroads, Seaboard Airline adjustment
os rising o points. Bonds were firm.
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Jan. 26.—Whrai firm:
No. 2 red spot, export. 115ifil48: No. 1
northern, Ituluth export, 158®j15«.
Corn Arm; No. 2 spot, export, 79U®
80H; No. 2 yellow, local, SIijJSIH.
Oats firm; No. 2 white, 60®8oig.
Bran steady; winter, per ton. $28.50®
2!U>O; spring, per ton, s27.oo<jj: ;:7.50.
Refined sugars steady; powdered, 5.05;
fine granulated. 4.95; Confectioners - A
Butter steady: western crtamery, ex
tra, 32; nearby prints fancy, 35.
Eggs lower; nearby tiis'ti. free cate
9.75; current receipt?, frte case. 9.15:
western ext'» lirstr, free case, 9.75-
lirsts, free case, 9.15.
Tjive poultry higher; fowls. 14©1 -
old roosters, ll@lHf,; chickens, l4@
15; turkeys, llifil"; geese, 14$ It.
Dressed poultry steady; turkevs, fan
-25c; do., fair to good. 18®20; fowls
heavy, 18(®19; average, small.
12@1»; old roosters, 13; broiling chick
ens, neurby, 16® 22; western, 14®20-
loaating, lOJjDlg; ducks, 1!®>17; geese,
Potatoes steady; Pennsylvania, per
bushels, 63 {ft/65; New Vorls, 45#f>2; Jtr
sey, per basket, ,'lo@3o.
Flour rtrm; winter straight. 6.25W)
6.50; spring straight, 6.606f6.75; Enrlnir
patent, 6.60ity7.15.
Hay steady; No. 1 large bales, IS.iufi
19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 1*.5U®19.00;
No. 2 do., 17.00(» 18.00; No. 3 do.. 14.50®
15.50; sample, 13.60ff14.50; no grade.
11.00@13.00; light mixed, 17.50ft>lS 00:
No. 1 do., 10.50y 17.00; No. 2 do., 15.50®
Chicago liivc S'ock Market
Chicago, .Tan. 26. —' Hogs—Receipts,
45,000: dull. Bulk, 6.<0<®6.80: light, 660
7.00; mixed, 6.50®fi.83; heavy. 6.30©
6.75; rough, 6.30®#.45; pigs, 5.25(97,00.
Cattle—Receipts, fi.000: slow. Native
steers, 5.60tt>9.25; western. 6.1007.50'
cows and heifers. 3.25fi)5.00; calves, 7 15
Sheep—Receipts, 13.D00; strong..Sheep,
h.OOtfti.SO; yearlings, 7.00@5.00; lambs,
7.40® 5.90.
He Probably Did
The young author, reading a fake
animal story to the attentive editor,
said: "Whereupon the woojchuck
laughed softly to hiijvselfi"
"Ah,'' remarked the editor, "I sup
pose he indulged iu a woodchuekle.'' —
St. Louis Republic.
Caalinnrd From Firm rage.
life on a farm in Huntingdon county.
Tt was a lvuniorous story {.hat enlivened
the morning's sesanon, the new Gover
nor deserrbdnß -his farm as one of those
on the side of a mountain so steep that
the a-piples would roll into tlx 1 public
.road after failing from the trees.
Dr. Brumbaugh wa.s in charge of the
i meeting for an hour. Then he was
: compelled to retire to the Executive Dc
j part-men# to at tend to pressing State
j business. The morning session was
largely that for organization and the
; hearing of rejwrts by 'Htate experts on
the various branches of agriculture.
I Close to seventy-five delegates ate in
1 attendance.
l>r. Samuel G. I>ixon. State Health
| Commissioner, and Dr. C. ,1. Marshall,
! State veterinarian, rand papers this aft
. ornoon.
The State Poultry Society and the
Poultry Breeders' Association held a
I joint session in the Chestnut street aii
| ddtoriiun this morning. There ivas an
■ informal discussion on the propose 1
i consolidation of these two societies but
: 110 decision was readied. The Breed
ers ' Association and Dairy Union will
Le;>ir "cvsious to-morrow morning in tliy
Board of Trade hall.
These branches tnpetlier with the
j State Board of Agriculture and the As
sociated Pnultrymen of Pennsylvania
j will meet this evening in the Board of
I Trade auditorium. E. S. Bayard, presi-
I dent of the Breeders' Association, will
preside. Dr. H. D. Gill, of New York,
"will make the principal address on "Su
pression of Bovine Tuberculosis."
Continued l'*roni Flr»t Fuge.
have allied myself with this work be
cause lam in lava with it. Jt .does my
heart good to see the exhibitors of
Pennsylvania assembled for work such
as they have started in Harrisburg, and
| there is no doubt ia my mind but that
something very important will be ac
complished. ''
At the end of hos remarks, iu reply
to a question as to who obtained tho
reduction in the war tax on mot.inn pic
ture houses, Mr. Poarcc said that solely
through the influence of the National"
League and the earnest work of t
| b'xecutive Board, was the tax graded in
t pro-portion to the number of seats in the
theatres. The relief from (he initirl bur
"Vn, which levied a straight tax of
SIOO, has been appreciated by exhibi
tors and before the close of the morn
ing session a rising vote of thanks was
extended to Mr. Pearee and his fellosv
workers on the Executive Board for
their success in reducing the-tax.
The afternoon session was iWivoted
to amalgamating tlio various Reals
throughout the State. The following
credential committee was appointed:
Charles Segall, Philadelphia: Francis
E. Devlin, W'ilkes-Barre; I. Silverman,
Harrisburg; G. \V. Sahner, Pittsburgh.
A smoker will be held this evening
in the Bolton House, at which a number
of State Senators and Representatives
will be present to discuss various laws
.effecting (ho motion picture- inUiyirv,
: foremost among these being the censor
j ship law.
These delegates had registered t!ii<
; morning: Reading, J. G. Hanson. Ben.
iH. Zerr, George W. Bennethnm and
I Prank A. Gould; Pittsburgh, Fred ,1.
; Harrington, Henry Poke, .Tames Delves
iand Gebhnrt W. '.Sahner; Philadelphia,
Charles Segall, Nat. Fischer, ,| a v Kma.n
uel, Harry Green and J. W. C.'Roppe.-;
Wilkes-Barre. Francis TO. Devlin and
I Fred W. Hermann; Plymouth. Gilbert
i C Miller and J. S. Thomas; Mahanoy
: City, K. F. Mcatee;, Chris Pe
| terson; McKeesport, H. A. Victor:
[ White Haven, K. F. Mover: Soaring
I Springs, F ,B. \Vhitemau, and Karris
burg, C. Floyd Hopkins, Clynie D. Klln
ger, I. Marcus and I. SilvoWftan.
The Puzzle That Came With Them and
a Squall Later on
In describing a voyage from Hong
kong to Shanghai some years Ad
miral Fitzgerald relates in his " book,
"Memories of the Sea," a peculiar ex
"One afternoon when we were lying
at anchor out of sitfht of land, the;
weather being very dose and sultry,
we saw a great cloud approaching the
ship from the direction of the shore,
which w«« about fifty miles off. The i
cloud came slowly nearer and nearer.
It did not look like rain, and presently,
as it enveloped the ship, we found it
was composed of dragon flies-, and vcrj
' big ones. The.* evidently made for the
ihip to get a renting place, bu* many
: missed and foil exhausted in the calm
1 "The maris, the yard*, lb. rigging
and all the ropes ill tbo ship were in-,
crusted with thein. It wa.s a verv,
sultry evening, and about <» o'clock wo!
all bathed. I remember the strange;
experience ot diving into a sea of
drasjon flies, which stuck to our arms i
and shoulders, got into our hair ami j
quite spoiled our swim. A light air
I then came off front the land, so we
! weighed anelwr and made tail to the,
southward, and at midnight, just at
the watch was changing, we were!
struck by a terriflie squall, which laid!
the old snip nearly on her beam ends.
"We wondered whether the visit*-j
tion of dTagon flies was connected in j
any way with the squall. But if they ;
were blown fifty miles, off the land,
where they certainly did not want to!
go, why dfid we not get. the wind for j
six hours afterwardt"
C'onflniinl From first I'agr.
Our troops attacked the positions ef
the on both sides of La Bussce
canal. While the attack to the north of
tlio canal between Givenehy and the
I cunul not lead to the capture of
j any KugJisli positions, on account of n
l strong AHnkins; movement, an attack of
| the troops from Baden, to the south of
; the c.anal, met, with complete success,
i In this region lingl.ish positions extend-
I ing for over u width of 1,100 metres
| (1.200 yards) were taken by storm
; and two strong points of support were
! captured. Three officers and 110 men
j were taken prisoners and one cannon
and three machine guns were captured.
English Beaten With Heavy Losses
"The English attomptecl in vain to
recapture the positions which had been
! immediately emptied tor out own pur
j pnses, lint they were beaten back with
heavy losses. Our losses were com
! paratively - mall.
j "Battles successful for our troops
took place on the heights of Graonne,
ito the southeast, of Laon. All the at
tacks of the French in the southern
| part of the Argon",. l were repelled,
j Alore than fifty prisoners fell into our
•| hands.
I "In the eastern theatre: The Bns
! sinns attacked positions of our cavalry
j to the northeast of friimbinncn (in East
i Prussia) without success fierce
j lery duels took place on the remainder
j of the front in Kast Prussia.''
Russians Lost Entire Regiment
London. .lan. 26, 2,32 A. M.—The
j Bucharest correspondent of the "Daily
(Mail" says the .Russians, after de
stroying i lie electric railway station at
] lacobini, Hukowina. wliic'n was built,
j hv the AustrWin*. have occupied tim
| whole of the .Igeobini district but only
i filter a hard battle in which the Rus
sians lost an entire regiment in killed
or wounded rind were obliged tempo
rarily to to ( zokaneschtie under
a constant Austrian bombardment,
which prevent ad any advance until re
in foremen) s were received.
"They now hold the key to •lo'se
falvß. in Hnncjirv.'' the correspon.lon&
adds, "while Horn* Wiitru is threaten
ed and its fall is inevitable. General
j Wabel, commander of the Russian left
! wing, has arrived with hi? staff at
f-ernowits. eiipiial of I'ukowina, find
I large ji«sses of Russian reinforcements
; which arc arriving in Bnkowina ii di
-1 ate that it i.s ihe intention to pen#-
j tnrtp TatnsyJvania in force. - '
British Success at Bagdad
London, Jan. 2fi, A. M.— A
! " r!:iiesr lV'i'i';;::ii| ii : sns*cii says:
| '' > ews ren-'bes here <«f IVitinii sue
j cess in the m.» caient from ine I'ersimi
i Gvlf on Bagdad.
| "It is be!: »vr lin Pctro'jrp.l that the
German troo * which have been moving
i through Hungary are intended to op
| pose the Rnwlnn advance. the South
ern t 'arjia'.hiai • H*I«I that tbe nnnou'-ce
: mem that thev wvrc to movo ngaw»t
i {Serb's war; incorrect. It not believed
j pi>s>-:»;«• "a' ♦:•>» Germans could pre
j pary an a-'mv strong enough to ac.
j against * until spring."
<?onflntitHl I'ritm 2<'LRKT PDATIS
: west- of Tham< v/liich may indicate that,
; the Germans hav.> advanced In this re
; gion.
It is ssid in Berlin that Russian at
tacks in East Prussia were repulsed,
and that no important fighting occurred
in center Poland. Thf latter statement
is in contrast Petro,?rad reports of
severe battle- wost of Warsaw.
The Russian Foreign Minister, Bargiiu
SBianoff, announced that Russia -would
continue the war so long ss n single sol
dier cf hci enemies remained on
Dian soil.
Three British warships were wink in
the naval cn?ur.piucui in the North Sea
Sunday. Berlin now r.sserts. A state
ment issued there to-day say:; that "ac
cording to well informed German
sources" a Britirft ba't'o cruiser was
sent to the bottom by a German torpedo
boat and that a German aviator wit
nessed the detivxticn of the vessel. In
addiitoi to tha loss o; the cruiper, as
previously reported in Berlin, it is stat
ed that two B.itish torpedo boats were
sunk and that other warship: were dam
aged seriously. The British Admiralty
has added nothing to its original an
nouncement that no Britith vessels were
lost cr seriously injured.
The Gorman government's order for
the confiscation of all supplies of wheat,
torn and flour is regarded in England as
a significant indication of tile economic
effects of the war upon Ooimany. It is
said. officially in Berlin, however, that
the rction of the government, assuring
conservation of foodstuffs will make
certain a plentiful supply until the next
Russia is rushing reinforcements into
Bitlcowina, where she apparently has
met with a reverse at the hands of the
Austrian forces. Vienna assumes that
Rumania will now hanltate to join Rus
sia in the war and that the danger of
the invasion of Transylvania is over, at
leant for the immediate future. In Po
land heavy lighting is under way once
mpre, and a degree of success for the
Germans is admitted in Fetrograd. .Ber
lin hears that the Teutonic allies have
Occupied Kielce.
In the war with Turkey also, Russia
is encountering severe opposition. Al
though Petrograd announced that the
resistance of the Turks in the Trans-
Caucatus has been virtually broken, an
official statement to-day says that the
Turks are offering stubborn resistance,
although the Russian offensive is mak
lag progress.
j Harrisburg Hospital
The Huriisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 nuil 2
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescriptions to those un
able to pay for them.