I Will Prove to You by Signed Statements and kT Letters From Scores of Former Sufferers That ii RUPTURE CAN BE CURED /V. NO Truss, Bteel Springs, Elastic Bands. Leg I S3T fCT# Straps. No Knife or Op I y eration. Enjoy Grand. Glorious Comfort While EjSBHnH Your Rupture Heals. IQiB Writs for This Rupture Book To-day—FREE! Are you going about harnessed like an overburdened truck horse with an 111-fitting truss or oilier makeshift contraption always gouging into your flesh or slipping out of place, allow- | ing your rupture to come down and bp pinched beneath an improperly constructed or ill-fltted pad? Be Free From Truss Slavery and Rupture Misery Hundreds of people who had tried wonderful rupture device ever known, all kinds of trusses and drug store ap- My Rupture Book contains many 11- plianees without success are now enjoy- lustrations and much interesting and i'lf? perfect case nnd comfort—their' valuable information about the various ruptures held, supported. protected kinds of rupture, and fully describes PERFECTLY and scientifically by the the 3CHUILING RUPTURE LOCK. SCHUILING RUPTURE LOCK. TEST THIS LOCK FOR SO DAYS Others declare that after wearing ENTIRELY AT MY RISK this remarkable Lock with glorious jjo matter what you have tried or comfort for a few months, they found what has failed, 1 will PROVE to you the • uptureci parts entirely healed, the that the SCHUILING RUPTURE LOCK openings completely closed so that they WILL give you proper support, and per could take o!T the Lock and go about feet comfort. without support of any kind. You can wear it 30 days and give it np |, , n the severest test that you can think of. Wearers Tell of Cures if you are not delighted with the sup- Mr. S. J. Bryant, who lives at Gar- port and oomfort it gives you, it won't la:.d, Kaiia., says: "In about two months' cost you a penny. By all means inves lime the rupture was well." Mr. C. M. j tigate this. I want you to read my Klade, Box .14, Marshalltown. Ia„ says:! book, my 30-day trial offer and letters "Vot crily has your rupture Lock cured from scores of cured, happy people, me of that terrible rupture, but it has Send coupon or write a letter or post wonderfully improved my health." Mr. card to-day. It. P-teison, Etilalla. Fla.. in a let- I—l ter so>s: "In S little less than three THE SOHUILING CO. month* time I was entirely cured." 705 E. Georgia St., Indianapolis, Michigan telephone man says he Ind.: car. climb telephone poles without fear Please send me FREE, in plain of tin Lock slipping or rupture com- wrapper, vour book on Rupture and lug down. A Montana ranchman writes trial offer plan, us that he rides and "breaks" WILD| horses, and that the Lock holds ills rup- Name ture perfectly. I want to send you let- i tcrs from these and many others who| City are doing hard, rough work with aidi "I this support. Mail coupon to-day I State, nnd let ma explain iu detail the most i A Bws OF W CVANCBLISTIC SERVICES IN TWO BOROUGH CHURCHES Thirty-seven Conversions Reported at Centenary United Brethren Church Yesterday—Bishop Stanford and Other Ministers to Speak The l?ev. A. K. Wier, pastor of Gen tonary United Brethren church, an nounced this morning that the resuilits of the various services he hi in that rehureh yesterday were the greatest of any one day since he was ordained. At the morning service a great crowd filled the auditorium, the gaJlerv and part of the Sunday school room. Six hundred and thirty-three persons at tended the session of the Sunday school at which time twenty-one con versions took place. At the evening service all available space in the churoii building was filled to hear the Kev. Mr. Wier's discourse on ''The Unpardonable Sin." At this meeting 16 aniults were converted. An after service was held at the close of lasij evening 'a meeting which lastexl from 9.40 to 11.30 o'clock. The evangelistic services in this church will be continued each evening till is week except Saturday. Saturday evening there will be a cottage prayer meeting held at the parsouage, which will be open to all who desire to at tend. Men's Day will be observed in the Centenary church next Sunday with spe cial services in the evening at 7.30 o 'clock. The Rev. J. M. S'hoop, paator of Grace United Evangelical ehursh, has secured the services of eminent pastors of other churches in this vicinity to as sist him in prosecuting the revival serv ices in his church, whic-h are contin uing in interest and increasing in at tendance. The following names of cler gymen who will be present has been an nounced: Monday, the Rev. George F. Sclraum, Harrisfourg; Tuesday, the Rev. B. H. Nebel, Penbrook; Wednesday, the Rev. \. A. Barr, Mt. Joy, a former pas tor: Thursday, Bishop W. M. Stanford, Harrisburg. The appointment for Fri day evening will be announced later. STEELTON NOTES The Perseverance Men's Bible class of Mt. Zion .\l. E. church, East End, will celebrate the fifth anniversary of its formation with a special meeting at. the home of ('. K. l«awrence, 2629 South Second street, Wednesday even ing. A returned worker in the mission field of the Philippine Islands will de liver an entertaining address at a spe <■ ill meeting of the 'Missionary Society i' l iiie 1-1 rat Reformed church to-mor row afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. '•Eykens' Mass in C" will be ren dered by a large male choir in St. James Catholic church, Easter morn ing. The first rehearsal of the singers was held yesterday afternoon in the T. A. B. hall, North Front street. Preliminary baseball activities will start to-night when the directors of trie Steoiton Athletic 'Club will meet in the rooms of the Steelton Club. Mat tors pertaining to the eutering of the local team in the coming season of the Central Pennsylvania League will bp taken up and the directors will ar range for a meeting of the athletic club. The Municipal league will hold its regular monthly meeting at 49 North Front street, to-night at 8 o'clock. fne Idea Club will hold a dance in the German Quartet Club hall, Front and Washington streets, to-morrow evening. Wieger's orchestra will fur nish the music. PERSONAL Mrs. Luke Schuman has returned from an <*xtended visit to her sister, Mrs. John L. Foster. East Berlin. Miss May Sultzaberger, Mechanics burg, was entertained yesterday at the homes of Mr. and iMrs. D. O. Sultza berger. North Front street, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Erney, 171 Lincoln street. Garnet Gillepsic, Carlisle, visited friends in the borough yesterday. Death of Infant Son Albert A., infant son of Albert Stroud, died yesterdny afternoon of pneumonia at the home of his father, on Lincoln street. Funeral services wiill ibe held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o clock at his late home and inter ment will be made in the Baldwin cemetery. CIVIC CLUB ANNOUNCES ITS FOURTH ENTERTAINMENT The Panama Canal and the Panama- Pacific Exposition Will Be Superbly Illustrated in the High School Audi torium To-morrow Evening The fourth aud what will likely prove to be the best of the present Star Course of entertainments by the local Civic Club will be held in the 'High school auditorium to-morrow evening. This entertainment will consist of over 200 views of the Panama canal and the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San J'VatiiMSco which will soon open. A versatile lecturer has been eugaged to illustrate the views and an expert oper ator will ibe in charge of the machine. The idea in presenting this lecture to the local public is to convince them that this exposition will celebrate the greatest engineering feat of man, the copipletion of the Panama canal, an event of great importance to all the world. The exposition will be au epoeh marking celebration and will be held by America at the golden portal of the nation where it looks out on that ocean of to-inorrow— the vast 'Pacific. It will be held at that capital where the tides of life, the Orient and the Occi dent, meet. Tiie greatness of this exposition can not ce overestimated from whatever an gle we may view it. Its setting is the scenic p-layground of America, under the nation's fairest skies; in a eity fully equipped to entertain its guests, and its occasion is not a dim historic event, but a living achievement, civili zation 's greatest triumph of peace. It is a national event in which the honor of the Ration is at stake, and every State and citizen is equally and vitally interested. It is more, it is a world event, and America is host of all nations and peoples. It will 'be housed in palaces, each architecturally an honor to the nation, and amid flowers and sparks whose foreground is the sea and background, hill and forest, the delight of the artist. It will gather from the ends of the earth the achievements of men, and not only the achievements, but the process which produced them will be seen. Wc : I | 10c "to IJJe White AuNtrlan China j j fide Itoninn Stripe Ribbon ....... I 'or Hand Painting i Tuesda> only, 23c , 30c Ladies* I nhlenrhed Fleece • Tuesday only a for 23c I Lined Inlon Suits I I I I Tuesday only, %c I r —— ! ■ —. j 30c to JM.3O Oriental Flounce j — „ 10c < l h,n » A » h t '»7« ... i 1 Tuesday ouir. , '"' c " 250 i Tuesday only 4 lor 25c I 2Be Children's Percale Dremnea ! I ' Tuesday only, 3 for 25c | 'i ! 75c 27-inch Shadow riounciiii; 25c Imitation Leather Hand Rags i Tuesday only, 25c 1 Tuesday only, a for 25c > I ooe itompers, aur - | i_ i Tuesday only, 2 for 25c . -— ' 15c Colored Kdge Organdie* ... „ I I Tuesday only 3 for 25c [ —— | 15c I* ancy Clilnn l'lates I Tuesday only, 3 for 25c j BOc Lndlcs' Gonna ! I I Tuesday only 25c 3 "r ; I I SI.OO All Over Shndow I.accn ■ " ' j Tuesday only, 25c - ' 15c Fancy China Salads | I I'ueHdny only, 3 for 25c 50c Ladles' Combination Suits I ! i j Tuesday only, 25p j j 10c Bleached Turkish Towels —— I V-— | Tucuday only, 2 for 25c | I „ ... . 4 Tuesday only, 2 for 25c ; , I " '4O *42 ond'tT' " lw " 1 1 ! 25c Prlntrd French Kimono Crepe ! | Tuesday oDlj', . . a for 25c J Tu " "»'» » j 25c Colonial Glass Celery Trays i - , Tuesday only 2 for 25c I I . ... I 10c Y\ rapper Flannels 15c Gingham Aprons Tuesday only, ....4 yards for 25c j Tuesday only 3 for 25c ' I 91.25 Library Books, slightly 1 i | j —— soiled j \ 50c Wool Dress Crepes \ I | Tuesday only, 25c i ; Tuesday only, yard, 25c 1 50c Percale Waists j i Tuesday only 25c : 25c Novels j I 25c Colored Rqjlnc j Tuesday only, 2 for 25c I I Tuesday only, ....3 yards for 25c I 25c Stamped Cushions j i j Tuesday only 3 for 25c | _____ 50c Ladles' Neckwear *?••"» " nd Ro,n " n | f ( j T " es,,n > »»!>'. 25e Tuesday only 2 yards for 25c I j 25c 30-lnch Drawn Work Squares i i j Tuesday only, . ;.5 f or 25c I ___ __ 25c Ladies' Ncckwenr ! 10c Stripe Voiles and I.awns | Tuesday only, 2 for 25c Tuesday only « yards for 25c j 35c Library Runners I ' Tuesday only, 2 for 25c | ——. - I 50c Ladles' Black Tights j 15c Fancy White Goods Tuesday only 25e j Tuesday only, ... .3 yards for 25e 50c Keadymade Stamped Waists I . - Tuesday only 25c ! ' BOc Misses' Sleeping Garments j 25c Robe Flannels ' -—— —• Tuesday only 25c I j Tuesday only, ....2 yards for 25c - ______ 25c Stamped Ilolllcs, white nnd r,.,,,!,,, , , " n BOc Ladles' Hand Rags 50c Men's Percale Shirts luesdayonly for 25c Tuesday only 25win, Kilgor, Flock, Baker, Bolan, Peters, Plack, 'Mathias, Frank, Putt, fleesc, Wenrick, Kautfman. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division —2os crew to tfo first after 3.45 p. m.: 236, 234 215, 237, 244, 217, 218, 202, 207 231, 210. Engineer for 215. Firemen for 236, 215. Conductors for 202, 205, 233. Flagman for 207. Extra brakemen for 231, 233, 24 4. Conductors up: Dewces, Steinouer, Keller, Login, Eorney, Lingle, iPennell. Gundle, Ktauffsr. ' Flagmen up: Ford, Donohoe. Brakemen up: Malseed, Jacobs, Fair, Twigg, Vandling, Mumnia, Mc l'hearson, Sunimy, Kines, Taylor, Deck er, Kone. Middle Division— 242 crew to go 7 first after 1.30 p. m.: 106, 114, 117. Conductors for 114, 117. Yard Crews— Engineers up: Hoyler, Hohenshelt, Breneman, Thomas, Hudy, Hcmser, Meals, I Hindis, Stahl, Swab, Crist, Harvev, Saltsman, Kuhn, Pelton. Firemen up: Schicftpr, Ranch, Wm gle, Lackey, Cookerly, .Maeyer, Sholtef, SneJl, Hartolot, (Jetty, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Nov, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow, lievle, U'ltfh, Htstdor'f. Engineers for 1454, 601, 1820. Firemen for 306, 1869, 1545, 601. THE READING P., H. and P. —After 4 p. m.: 11. 4, 17, 7, 10, 23. Eastbound —sl, 68, 57, 56, 71 64, 59, 53, 62, 65, 69. Conductor up: Philabaum. Engineers up: Morne, Martin, Craw ford, Wyre, ltichwine, Wireman, Wood, Lupe. Firemen up: Aunsjiach, Dowhower, Beeeher, Sullivan, Bingaman, Nye, King, Zukoswiski, Kelly, Lex, Rum baugli, Chronister, Miller, Fulton, Longenecker, Sellers, Dobbins, Boyer, Bowers. Brakemen up: Heilman, Greaff, ICapp, Carlin, Z-iwski, Fleagle, Ware, Pnge, Painter, Wynn, Holbert, Yoder, Maxton, Dunkle, Miller, Lauks, McHeu ry, 'Epley. Safety Matches "Did you know that there has been a eugenic marriage act id force io Swe den for years and years?" '' I don't believe it.'' ' 'Sure. They are the pioneers in the safety match business in that coun try."—Loudon Telegraph. ,