The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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soft and Clear
Cuticura soap
For the toilet and bath assisted by occa
sional use of Cuticura Ointment.
Samples Free by Mail
CutJrvrm Roap tad Otßtneat sold *rery where.
T fbtrel f Axr.y ke of fecb maleri free with 32-p, book.
•AMtcm pcet-c*rd "Cuttou*." Dept. 4F. Boston.
Dr. S. F. and Mrs. Hassler Entertain
Friends at Harrisburg
Special Correspondence.
LinjrJestawn, Jan. 25.—Proffssor H.
P. King attended a local institute for
teachers at Xewberry on Saturday aft
ernoon and evening.
Mrs. J. Strickler, of Clifton, spent
several days of last week as the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Shell Fishbura.
Miss Ella Levau is spendinp some
ti;ne with friends at Philadelphia audi
attending the Billy Sunday meetings, j
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Seller entertained,
s number of their friends to an oyster
supper on Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Buck, of Harris- ;
burg, visited friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Hassler. Mr.
and Mrs. Blain Hassler, of Fenbrook;
Miss Hilda Hassler and Ross Hepford
fpent Sunday ac the guests of I>r. Sam
uel <F. and Mrs. Hassler ax Harrisburg,
who gave a turkey dinner in their'
Mis* Clara Xissley, of Harrisburg:
Miss Helen Allcman, of Highspire, an
Miss Eliz-a Buck were week-end guests
of E. O. Hassler and family.
Mrs. Amos Crum continues to be
critically ill. Mrs. William Potteiger.
son. Jay. and her daughter, residing in
Enid, Okla.. arrived last week to visit
her afflicted mother.
Mrs. Rebecca Baker is spending a
t'erw weeks as the gu«d of Mr. and Mrs.
J oiwi Geyer at Mlddletown.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Duey Unger, of
Pittsburgh. announce the birth of a son
Tuesday, January 19. Duey Ellsworth
Vnger. Mr. and Mrs. I'nger were for
iner residents of this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stine. of Leb
anon, are spending some time with the
latter's aunt, Mrs. Savilla Sherk. who
suffered a relapse and is seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hershev announce
the birth of a daughter.
Amos Koons and family, of t'nion
Deposit, visited Mr. and Mrs. .-amuol
Grubb and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brehm
of Sunday.
Miss Mary Shriner spent Sunday as
the guest of Gertrude Xissley at Kirk
wood farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grubb and son.'
of Penbrook. visited friends here on
The Colliery Worked Only Two Days
Last Week
Special Correspondence.
Williamstown. Jan. 23.—The colliery
at this place worked but two days last
week, Monday and Thursday. The waut
of orders for coal caused by the mild |
weather is thought to have been the
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kinsev an
nounce the birth of a daughter.
Miss Eva Fegley, of Lykens, visit
ed town friends last week.
Joseph Holtiunan, of KUUnger. visit-j
• 1 his cousin, Mrs. Benjamin 'Martz,
.ast week.
Toe Alpha clu*> held a dance in the
>iiadle hall. la.-r week. The Peerless
orchestra furnished the music.
Miss Alma Thompson is visiting rela
tives in Philadelphia.
Heurv and Wellington Umholtz, of
HarriiSburg, spent the week-end with
their sister, Mrs. Wilson "Wahley.
■Misses Esther and Catherine Shaf
fer and Margaret Watkins visited Mrs.
.lames Smith at Tower City on Satur
vVord was received here Friday that
Klmer Belion. formerly of this place,
was fatally injured by being squeezed
between two cars at a colliery at Pit
cairn. He is the son of Kathryn Belion,
of Harrisburg, and a brother of Mrs.
John Griffiths and Mrs. Frank Shadle,
of town.
Mrs. Fred Kniley, of Lykens. was
a caller at the home of Harry Curtis
on Friday.
The Phi Deita Phi Theta Club was
entertained at the home of one of its
members, Bryant Ralph. Friday even
ing, A Yictrola furnished the music.
Those present were: Thomas Bond. Jr.,
McKiiilev Wagner, George Bond, Paul
' arl, Charles Straub and Weldon Wat
Miss Grace Carl visited at the home
of Edward Ely at Lykens on Satur
The Literary Society of the High
* hool held an interesting meeting in the
High school room Friday evening. The
subject for debate was: "Resolved,
That More Crimes Are Committed by
ignorance Than Poverty," and was ablv
uebated by: Affirmative, Miss Helen
Blvier, Howard Shuttleworth; negative,
'Muss Florence Hoffman and Clarence
Fickinger. The judges, who were Mrs.
Benjamin Haller, Miss Mary Budd and
the Rev. J. W. Boyer gave their de
cision in favor of the negative.
Williamstown, Lykens, Wieoniseo,
Klizabethville and Miilersburg bor
oughs, Bush. Williams and Upper Pax
ton townships, will hold a local insti-
tue at Millersburg Saturday, February
Funeral of John Kinley Took Place
This Afternoon
Special Correspondence.
Hummelstwwn, Jan. 26.—John Kin
ley died Saturday morning after a
short illness at the Central Hotel, where
he has resided for the past several
years. He was aged 43 veans and is
survived by his father, Augustus Kin
lev. The funeral was held from the*
residence of his father on East Main
street this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Serv
ices were• held at the house and were
conducted by the Rev. Herbert S.
Games, pastor of Zion Lutheran church.
Interment was made in the Hummels
towu cemetery.
The Ladies' Mite Society of the Re
formed church will meet in the church
j on Wednesday afternoon.
I Mrs. W. R. Shope and children, Mar
garet and Howard, were guests of her
mother, Mrs. Ijouisa Longnakcr. at
St eel ton, yesterday.
Mrs. George A. Gardner, of \Vn sluing
ton, D. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
' Effa Manbeek, -.-ho is ill with pneu
| monia.
There will he no preaching services
in the Reformed church next Sunday
morning. The pastor, the Rev. Robert
A. Bausch, will conduct the communion
! service at Union Deposit.
The Ladies' Aid Society of Zion Lu
theran church will hold a sauer kraut
supper in the parish house next Satur
i day evening.
Mrs. Thomas Harrison is visiting rel
| atrives at Altoonn for several weeks.
Mrs. Grover C. Buser and daughter.
S;ira Jane, spent yesterday afternoon
, with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary
j Keichert. at Frograss.
| Miss Ada Holsberg, of Hershev, was
I the guest of Miss Hettie Farling ves
Surprise Party Held at Home of N. A.
i Special Correspondence.
Currin, Jan. 25.—Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Schreffler recently entertained a partv
of young folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Ijong, of Har
risburg. spent a few days with the lat
ter's parents, P. D. Matter.
Mrs. W. I. Holtzman spent a few
I days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T.
; 11. Schreffler. and returned home on Fri
I A surprise party was held at the
j home of X. A. Schreffler on Thursday
night for his wife, she received manv
presents. The evening was spent in
playing games. Refreshments were
served and the guests returned to their
homes at an early hour. Those present
were Misses Ruth Yeartz. Mary Miller,
Mary Hoover, Ruth Romberger, Flor
ence Yeartz, Hattie Svhreffler, Mel'e
Schaffer, Laura Eardman, Flora Deib
ler and Anna Miller. Messrs. Ralph
lleibler. Henry Hoover. Warren Matter.
Warren Miller. William Savaeh. Car
on -e Eardman. Claren.-o S< hafter. WiWis
* ooper. St)r.ire Miller. Homer Eardman.
Mis. W. T. Holtzman. Monroe Chubb,
Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Schreffler. Mr. and
Mrs. X. Schreffler and son. Earle
J. D. Hartman spent Thursiov an I
Friday in Berrvsburg at the home of
Mrs. .Tn.-ob Hartman.
Surprise Party at Home of Mr. and Mas.
Elmer Feaser
?per<ai ''or - spond».
Dauphin, Jan. 20. Mr. and vMrs.
Elmer Feaser entertained at a birthday
surprise party at their home on Satur
day evening in honor of their son,
George s 14th birthday anniversary.
The dining room and table were deco
rated artistically with red, yellow and
green tinted crepe paper. The tra
ditional candle cake with fourteen light
ed candies graced the center of the
table. The evening was spent in games.
Refreshments were served to Mrs.
Charles Lieban. of Harrisburg; Miss
Julia Miller, of Enola: the Rev. and
Mrs. H. i . Lutr. (Mr. and 'Mrs. Emanuel
leaser. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feaser,
Mr. and Mrs. Leßoy McKissick, Mr.
and Mrs. George Tavlor. Mrs. Charles
Welker. i.MYs. Charles Rricker. Miss
< lara Bergstresser, Miss Cora Cofrode.
Miss Margaret Talley, Miss Rebecca
Lvter, Miss Susan Jackson. IMiss Ellen
Feaser. Miss Mildred Kline. Miss lot
tie Wynn. iMass Alice Feaser, Miss
A iola McKissick, Miss Margaret Lvter,
Miss Helen Kennedy. Miss Ruth Dei
bler. Miss May Williams, Leßov Gailer,
Roy Howard. William Shaffer! George
Feaser, Wilmer Boughner, William
Feaser. Paul Welker and Ralph Feaser.
A large number of presents were ex
hibited, brought by the guests.
Much Good Accomplished in Two Weeks
of Evangelistic Campaign
Special Correspondence.
Mechanie-sburg, Jan. 25.—Two weeks
of rhe evangelistic campaign has passed
an i great good has been done in our
town. Activity and enthusiasm is in
| creasing and greater things are yet
j looked for. The churches of town co
i operating in the campaign bad no
I preaching services yesrterday, and their
■ Sunday schools met in the' tabernacle
and held a Sunday school raily.
Yesterday morning a baptismal serv
ice was held in the First U. B. church
and the rite of baptism was admin
istered to several persons.
A number of citizens <yf the borough
were at Carlisle to-lay attending li
cense court. The three hoteis and the
wholesale house have applied for re
newal of license. J. L. Shelly is attor
nev for the applicant for the'license of
rhe Merchants' hotel and also for the
applicant for the license for the whole
sale house. A remonstrance against all
the hot-els and the wholesale house was
presented by Miss Ida G. Kast, attorney
for the remonstrants.
Very many persons from out of town
were here yesterday to attend the tab
, ernacle services. Harrisburg and Dills-
It has been said that every third person
is troubled with catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
indicates a weakened condition of the
body; that the secretion of the mucous
membranes are quickly affected, and local
treatments in the form of snuffs and
vapors do little, if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its
j cause by enriching' your blood with the
oil'food in Scott's Emulsion which is a
I medicinal food and a building-tonic, free
from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it.
U-7J Scott & Bowse, Bloomfield. N. J,
— ■ < j, I J IN mill!
No Headache, Consti
pation, Bad Cold or
Sour Stomach by-
Get a 10-eent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, head and nose clogged up with
a cold always trace this to torpid
liver: delayed, fermenting food in the
bowels or sonr, gassy stoma, h.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in
testines, instead of being cast out of
the system is re absorbed into the blood.
When this poison reaches the delicate
brain tissue it causes congestion and
that dull, throbbing, sickening head
Casearets immediately cleanse the
I stomach, remove the sour, undigested
I food and foul gases, take the excess
i bile from the liver and carry out all
i the constipated waste matter and poi
j sons in the bowels.
A t'ascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep —a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your liver
i and bowels regular for months.—Adv.
; burg singers were present and rendered
i special music.
I Mrs. Willis and little son, Charles, of
: Vow Cumberland, spent yesterday with
i Mrs. Willis' parents. Mr. and Mrs.
i liarlos Kunkle, South Washington
: street.
Mi«s Ailsie Ewalt. of Hogestown. is
the guest of Mrs. J. Z. Prowell, West
j Main street.
S. D. and H. E. Clark on Business Trip
to New York City
i Sperin: Correspondence
Hershev. Jan. 25.—Mrs. W. F. R.
Murrie visited friends in Philadelphia.
Miss Carrie Smith visited friends .it
! Steeltou.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Leithiser, of
Reading, arc spending a week with their
i two sons. .1. B. and W. R. Leithiser.
S. 0. Clark and H. E. Clark, of the
| Hershev department store, are spending
several days on business in Xew York
' ity and Philadelphia. While in Xew
of k they attende 1 the annual furni
ture show.
Mr. and Mrs. D.ivid Gordon are re
ceiving congratulations on the birth
I of a son.
Miss Elmo Worthington. of Phila
delphia. is "the g.iest of Mr. and Mrs.
j J. E. Snyder.
Ezra F. Hershev and P. X. Ivasson
attended the Poor Richard banquet at
the Bellevue-Stratford. Philadelphia.
George Copenhaver transacted busi-
I ness at Carlisle.
William Fasna. ht visited relatives
and friends at Mid^
Miss Bose Page, of Washington. Enter
tains Her Cousins
Special Con ospori'lence
Xew Cumberland, Jan. 25. The
j Ever Faithful Bible class of the Church
| of God Sunday school visited the Sun
day school o'* the Green Street Church
of God. Harrisburg, on Sunday after-
I noon.
Evangelistic servces will continue
hn the United Brethren and Methodist
churches this week.
Sunday attention a young people's
j meeting was held in the* M. E. church.
Mrs. Harry Hale and daughter are
visiting friends at llagerstown.
< atherine is visiting her grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Rulil, in
: Miss Maggie Prowell is visiting
friends iu York.
Mr. and Mrs Antonia Pace, Fifth
! street, announce the birth of a daugh
j ter. Saturday.
t . id. Wright s family moved into
■ ol Mrs. Philip Bover's houses on
■ Third street Friday.
j James Keister. of Winchester, Ind.,
, visited his aunt. Mrs. Missouri Keister,
j Fourth street, the [.ast week.
Miss Maggie Speakman, of Williams
i port, who has been with her brother,
if. G. Speakman, in Washington. D. C..
i is visiting her brother, H. W. Speak
i man, and wife.
George Coover, a former teacher of
the Elkwood grammar school, visited
; this school on Friday afternoon.
Miss Pearl Haldemn u. of Thompson
town, was .1 guest of Miss .Nellie Keis
ter the past week.
W. D. Mover and daughter, of Har
risburg, called on G. L. Mover and
daughter on Sundav.
Miss Rose Page, of Washington. D.
C.. entertained her little cousins in a
delightful manner at the h..:nT of Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Beckle'v at Hillside Fri
day afternoon. A number of inteerst
ing games suitable for the little folk
wore indulged in. Luncheon was
served, the favors being; little baskets
of candy. Those who attended the par
ty were Ricard and Jessie Beeklev. of
Harrisburg; Beulah, Freda and ' Mae
Hartman. of York county; Vira Len
hart, New Cumberland; Walter Wal
mer. Gilbert. Maxine and Willard
Beeklev. of Hillside. Mrs. R L. Beck
lev and Mrs. Charles Hartman assisted
Miss Page in entertaining the little
H. W. Speakman. Geary avenue, had
a severe fall on Friday evening while
on his way home from church, injuring
his back pretty badly. Mr. Speakman
is a clerk in the furniture department
of Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart's store.
George Watkins. of Harrisburg. vis
ited his son, George, on Sunday.
Boarder Alleged to Have Stolen Land
lord's Money
Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Jan. 25, —John Smith,
who had been a boarder at the home of
John Brady, South Union, it is alleged,
skipped with between $lO and sl2 in
money belonging to Mr. Brady. The
latter had been lying on a couch on Fri
day evening and had put his cash bag
under his pillow. One of the family
had asked him for some change anil
Smith was sitting in the room at the
time and saw where Mr. Brady had
Investigate the sale of JT% FOUNDID 1871 pg I Kverv style and size in I
Women's Shoes at $1.49 Women's Shoos at $1.49
——————————— harrwbum'i popular ocnuminrr trout I——-—-——-—— ___________
Brings Remarkable Savings on Axminster Rugs and
Throughout the Carpet Floor
By looking toward Spring, homekeepers may J gC ri —; HI 111 If '
anticipate their needs and by purchasing now, wiil ffi 11
realize a tremendous saving. |fi
Room Size Axminster
Most everyone is acquainted with the splendid j I vllj
h'xturc aiul pile of Axininstrr ritga. '
Regutai-iy $a5.00; now $18.19 New Prices on Other Floor
KVsuiiiri"" #22.50: now $16.19
Size 9x12 feet AM A 1 Q
Resjularlv • now New Process Linoleum -the smoothest and best wearing
Hearth Size Axminster Rugs. Reduced to $2.89 from : P ri,lted linoleum made; special for this sale at. square yard,
$3.50 and $3.75, 36x72 inches. 29<*
Other sizes, larger and smaller, at proportionate reduc- j Stair Carpet wool and fibre mixture, red and ecru and
M -*T yx 22-inch width, regularly 39e; at. yard, 290.
I Oil CjO \JXIt 27-inch width, regularly 45c; at. yard, 33^.
the Main Entrance- >
Do not fail to see the new display of beautiful Granite Carpet— suitable for bedrooms: pood assortment of
Oriental Rugs—.just above the doorwav. patterns to choose from : one yard wide; regularly 25c and 29c.
' Sale price, yard. 19c.
r ay:" —Rug Bolder—lmitation oak, ■>(> inches wide. I>ni oil a bnr-
Unbleached ,ap ?£££?*•
9 iM Table Damask
m jMi --Special Clearing Out Leather Novel
ble Damask, m'!n,l!I; Certain Lots ties at These
1 St ! ,rS.rK Women's Prices Will
i 49<* yd. Rcgularlv ;>!>c. ■% __ ,
ri fl ovin« unbleached linen Ta- Underwear Move Quickly
Clearme Ullt $3 ble Damask. 70 inches »• , «« « . Y J
0 • j , j ,> Women s Underwear at u„„j t>„„„ n K <
and S3 75 Chil- il'vi) 33*-regularly 50e—me- I , and B&gS at 2 °*~
' Main' FIoor— BOWMAN'S. «' l( i heavy weight cot- ; l,lack velvet and black and
dren s Coats, at ton: white and peeler color. bine moire. Kegularlv 50c.
$1.98 Unusual Women's Hand Bags at
The lot consists of new • PriCe On larly 50c ; medium and *I.OO, 5*1.25 and $1.50
and stylish garments for MerCCHZed ed!'seconds. ' ° | ~ re al leather with fittings.
children, 2 to ti years oi Batiste Women's Underwear at Women's Hand Bags at
age—made of cheviots, mix- I rmmlurlv -'"i,. ...
p . .... Snecial at 15*» vard c — u guiari\ _.n . wnire . 50^ —with fittings.
tures and broadcloth; low I P , ' n i and peeler color.
, , , . . ••• our regular 39c quality; f ™.u - t.
belted models, and military 45 inches wide; cut from Boys' Underwear at 15£ Children s Belts at 200
styles with detachable capes ; full pieces. Limit: ten j —regularly 25c; heavy cot- : —patent leather, in black,
1 see illustration). J yards to a customer. j ton. fleece lined. red and white.
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
put the bag. l*ater the family had re
tiied for tiie night, leaving Mr. Brady !
on the couch. Smith, it is said, then
slipped the bag containing the money
from under the pillow and departed for i
parts unknown during Friday night.]
Smith is a married man, his wife also |
boarding at the Brady house until two |
weeks ago when she left to visit rela- i
tives in Virginia.
Tho funeral of Edward Lerov, 1-vear-!
old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eisen- >
liart. was held from the home of the';
parents on Susquehanna street vester- |
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. j
H. F. Hoover, pastor of.the Church of:
CJoil, officiated. Interment was in the I
Middlctown cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Cornelius I
Bowers, who died at her home on West j
Main street on Friday evening, will be
held from her late home on Tuesday aft- ]
ernoon with services at 2 o'clock at j
the home ou Main street. The Kcv. T.
C. Mevarrell. pastor of the j
terian church, of which Mrs. Bowers 1
was a member, will officiate. Interment j
will be in the Middletown cemetery. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Miley Schaeffer left I
this morning for Williamsport, where I
they will spend* a week.
The men's meeting held in the Church
of God yesterday afternoon was large
ly attended. The Rev. .ill. Grove, pas
tor of the Green Street Church of (kid,
delivered the address.
The temperance meeting held in the
M. K. church vesterdav afternoon from
3 to 4 o'clock, was largely attended.
The several ministers of town and the
Rev. Albert Kelly, of Harrisburg, spoke
on the temperance question.
Mrs. James Hippie spent Sunday at
Florin as the gnrst of relatives.
Mrs. John Core and daughter. Dor-
G ORG AS DRUG STORES, 10 N. Third St. and Penna. Station.
othv, of (Harrisburg, spent Sunday in
Miss Martha Swartz has returned
home from a several weeks trip to Phil
Miss Charlotte Romberger, the social
worker for the Benevolent committee of
town, gave a talk in the 'M. E. church
yesterday morning on the "Scientific
Treatment of Poverty." Miss Rom
berger took a course iu one of the in
stitutions at Baltimore on this line of
■Mr. and 'Mrs. W. P. Collins, of Bain
bridge, spent Sunday in town as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wei
comer, Ann street.
.lohn ljUtz, Sr., Ann street, left this
morning for Philadelphia where he was
called on account of the illness of his
sister, Mrs. Mary Keim, who formerly
lived in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ei'kert, of
Harrisfourg, spent Sunday in town as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. IMoore,
of Ann street. They were accompanied
home by Miss Catherine Eckert, who
spent the past week in town as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Moore.
Charles Irntz spent Sunday at Phila
Aaron Palmer, who spent the past
week in town, left Sunday evening for
Kopple, Pa., where he is employed in
a car works at that place.
Nelson Sites, son of I.Mr, and IMrs.
Morris Sites, is quite ill at the home
of the parents on Witherspoon avenue,
with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro'bert Hemperlv spent
Sunday at JSlizabethtown.
Mrs. A. A. Markley and daughter,
Miss Sarah, left yesterday for Pauls
borough, N. J., where they attended
the funeral of the late Hunter,
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Markley. They j
will spend a few days in Philadelphia j
before returning home.
Hoy 'Beck anil sister, 'Miss Clara!
Berk, spent Sunday at Uarrisrburg.
Harry Donovan, of Steelton, spent
Sunday in town as the guest of rela- I
The three children of Mr. and Mrs. I
Raymond < 'ondran, of Swatara street, j
are ill.
Eddie Fallinger and Miss Sara
Sehiefer spent Sunday at Klizabethtown !
as-the guests of !Mr. and Mrs. David I
The revival services being held in the j
Rovaltou I'. B. church are largely at- j
tended and at the session of the Sun
day schol yesterday afternoon the invi-'
tat ion was given and .".4 went forward.!
Held for Looting Junk Yard
Lebanon, .lan. 25.—"Spike"' Smith,
"Dick" Witters, "Solly" Rudolph, of j
Lebanon, and John Wasle, of Lancaster, i
were held on Saturday on charges of i
felonious entry' and larceny. The men |
are accused of stealing 600 pounds of j
rubber from the yards of the National I
Junk Company. Rudolph was also
held on a charge of carrying concealed |
deadly weapons and Daniel iHouck was j
Why do you smoke 10c
M cigars when the market is X
full of 5c brands?
The saving of a nickel V, J .
O doesn't appeal to the critical ~w '
tastes that know the superior JL
quality of all Havana MO J A
J quality. KJT :
There's no substitute for /\
such a fragrant, fully satis
fying smoke.
Made by
John C. Herman & Co. S
held for receiving stolen goods. All
but .Smith were taken back to Phila
delphia by Warden McKentv lo servo
out the remainder of their parole and
upon their release will have detainers
served on them.
To Address Telephone Society
The Telephone Society of Harrisburg
will hold its forty-fourth stated meet
ing this evening at 8 o'clock in the
Board of Trade hall. H. Mauradian, en
gineer of transmission, will talk on
"Protection of the Telephone Plant
against Lightning."
During the short seven years of her
life little Florence Louise had become
duly impressed with the prevalence of
specialists in the medical profession.
One day, returned from a visit to a
small playmate, she calmly announced:
" Kena swallowed a button."
"Are you not worried about herf"
she was asked.
"Oh, she will get along all right,"
Florence Louise complacently replied.
"They sent for a regular button doc
tor. '' —Judge.