The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 23, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Muittroie Works Easier. Quicker and
Without the Blister
There's oq sense in mixing up a mess
of mustard, flour and water when you
can so easily relieve pain, soreness or
•ttffnfess with a little clean, white MUS
MUSTEROLE is made of pure oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredieuts,
BOmbined in the form of a pleasant
white ointment. It takes the place of
the out-of-date mustard plaster, and will
not blister!
MUSTEROLE gives prompt relief
from Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Tonsilitis,
Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia,
Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aclies of
the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore
Muscles. Baruises, Chilblains. Frosted
Feet, Coldn of the Chest (it often pre
vents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50«
.iars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations—get what
you asU for. The Musterole Company,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Melvin E. Trotter Will Speak on City
Rescue Work Here Feb
ruary 2
The following letter, calling atten
tion to addresses in this city February
2 by Melvin E. Trotter under the di
rection of the new City Rescue Mis
sion, was sent yesterday to all pastors,
Sunday school superintendents and
adult Bible class teachers of local
"What we believe will be one of the
most inspiring religious demonstrations
ever held in Harrisburg will take place
on Tuesday, February 2. At that time,
Melvin E. Trotter, described by "Bil
ly" Sunday and Dfr. Stoughi as the
greatest Mission Worker in America
to-dav, will address t.wo great mass
meetings in Chestnut Street Auditorium,
"The first, meeting, in the afternoon,
will be for women only. The other, in
the evening, wiill be for men only. At
both meetings Mr. Trotter will give his
famous address on "City Rescue Mis
sions" and their work. Free admission
to each meeting.
"The committee in charge of ar
rangements is d«ipen<Jling almost entire
ly upon the Christian churcheis in Har
risburg for co-operation in making these
meetings well known, and therefore
Ihupe that you will announce and give
this matter all the endorsement you pos
sibly can on the coming Ijord 's Day.
"We shall have advertising cards or
leaflets with full information about
these meetings ready and in your hands
for distribution next Sunday'. Thanking
you heartily in anticipation <>f your
support, we are, sincerely yours,
"E. F. Weaver,
'' R. F. W("bster.
I '"Publioity Committee.''
The officers of the City Rescue Mis-1
sion are: James W. Barker, president; I
Luther Minter, voce president; W. G.
Mean, secretary; Fred Kelker, treas-!
nrer ao I 1 Griffith Jones, superintendent.
Temporary headquarters are at 5 North |
Fifth street.
Plans Are Made for Union Service at i
Redeemer Lutheran February 7
Growing attendance is reported at!
the meetings of the Christiau Endeavor
Society of the Redeemer Lutheran
church, Nineteenth and Kensington
streets. At the meeting to-morrow
night at 6.30 o clock the leader will be
William Follett.
At a meeting of the executive com
mittee of the society last Tuesday
night at the home of uUise Beulah Hetf- i
ner it nas decided to raise funds for
tlhe support of a student in the foreign
mission fields, a native boy of Africa
or India. Wans were also made for
the observance of Christian Enedavor
Day on Sunday, February 7, when a I
special sermon will be preached in the 1
morning by the pastor, the Rev. E. Vic- ,
tor Roland, and a union service will be ;
held in the evening'.
The newly-elected officers of the so
ciety for the present year are: Grover |
Wolf, president; Edward Bowers, vice I
president; Alice Baer, secretary; Wil
liam Follett, treasurer; Frank Staufer,
chorister; Beulah lileffner, pianist, and
Esther Staufer, assistant pianist,
Pine Street Presbytorian's Pastors Ask
Them to Attend Church Services
Every member of Hie Pennsylvania '
has received a printed i
communication from the pastors of the!
Pine Street 'Presbyterian church, the 1
Rev. Levis 8. Mudge, the Rev. James I
8. Armentrout and the Rev. John M.
Warden, inviting him to attend all serv
ices at the church on Sundays when in
the city.
AT THE Y. W. C. A.
Speaker To-morrow Will Be the Rev.
H. N. Bassler, of Second Reformed
To-morrow afternoon at 3.30 there
will be a gospel meeting in the John
Y. Boyd Hail of tlhe Young Women's
Christian Association. This meeting
will bo addressed by the Rev. Harrv
Nelson Bassler. pastor of the Second
Reformed church. The soloist js Mrs.
Emily Miller, and Mrs. Thomas Blair
will preside.
These meetings are interesting aud
helpful and it is a pleasure for many
riot only to attend but enjoy a social
hour in oue of the comfortable rooms
after the service is over.
WOO Reward for Murderer
Norristown, Pa., Jan. 23. —The Com
missioners of Montgomery county yes
terday offered a reward of S3OO for in
formation leading to the arrest and eon
viction of the murderer of Mrs. Carrie
Piper, colored, of Ambler, whose mu
tilated body was found in the woods
near her home a few days ago, a week
after she had been murdored.
WILL SI IT (nil Mil
Membership of Bible
Class of That Church
Increasing Each Sun
riret Meeting of Missionary Discussion
Group of a Hundred Men to Be
Held on Monday at the Pins Street
Presbyterian Church
Revival services continue in city
churehes and in several there will 'be
reception of new members to-morrow.
Special efforts are being made in many
instances to iuterest the men of dif
ferent communities in church activities,
and men's Bifble classes report encour
aging increases in membership.
The men's chorus that will sing at
the services to-morrow in Christ Lu
theran church is a new and permanent
organization in the church and is com
posed of the best talented members
of the congregation and Sunday school.
The chorus is under the directorship of
E. A. Heffel'finger.
The midweek prayer service on Wed
nesday evening at Christ was again at
tended bv several hundred members nnd
visitors. To morrow evening at 6.30
the Christian Endeavor Society will
hold special services. Every teacher of
the Sunday school is expected to be
present. Special music will be fur
The Men's 'Bible class of Christ
church is on the increase. New mem
bers are being added to the class roll
every Sunday. The average attendance
of seventy-two is the record for the
year ending January 1, 191'5. An or
chestra of seven pieces furnishes music
for the class.
Music at Pine Street
At the Pine Street Presbyterian
church the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge,
will preach at 'both the evening and
morning services. In the morning his
topic will be "The Fate of Jesus
Christ" (II Corinthians, 4:6, and in
the evening "The Power of Person
ality" (Judges 2:16). The special mu
sic by the choir will be as fallows:
Mlorning, "Sing Allelulia Forth,"
Dudley 'Buck; "Art Thou Weary,''
Chad wick. Evening, quartet, "Crossing
the Bar," 'Houseley; anthem, "Hear
My Prayer, O'Lord," Berwald; solo by
Mr. ISutton, "0, Saviour Hear Me,"
The first meeting of the missionary
discussion group will 'be held on Mon
day evenjng in the social room of the
church with supper at 6.30 p. m. Ona
hundred men of the church have en
lolled for this class. The midweek serv
ice on Wednesday evening will 'be fol
lowed by a meeting of the congregation.
The anniversary service of the Bethany
Sunday school will be held on Sunday,.
January 3„ at 5.30 p. m.
"The Torch of Conscience"
To-morrow at 10.30 a. ra. in the
Stevens lMemoria.l church, Thirteenth
and Vernon streets. Dr. Clayton Albert
iSmucker will preach on "The Solici
tude of God." In the evening at the j
evangelistic service he will talk on
"The Torch of Conscience." All mem
hers of the 'Stough chorus are requested
to be in the church by 7.25 o'clock.
The big chorus of over 100 voices will
siug ait ?.3io.
The Men's Cltiib of Stevens Memorial
church will give a hot meat banquet
on Monday evening in the church, par
lors. The reception will be from 7 to
7.30 p. in. The speaker of the evening
will 'be Frank 18. Wickersham. Music
by the male chorus. It is expected that
two hundred men will attend. Karl D.
Fogg is the chairman of the eominie
sarv committee. James W. Barker is
president of the club.
On the evening of Fe'bruary 4 the
Epworth League of the Stevens 'Me
morial church will give a reception to
all old and new members of the church.
The entire membership of the church
is over 1,250.
Evangelist Hillls Coming
The 'Rev. C. E. 'Hillis and his party,
uow closing a very successful campaign
at iHighspire, will toegin a series of
evangelistic meetings in the Firs* Bap-
Pimples Are Impurities Seeking An
Outlet Through Skin
Pimples, soros and boils usually re
sult. from toxins, poisons and impurities
which are generated in the bowels and
then absorbed into the blood through
the very ducts which should absorb only
nourishment to sustain the body.
It is the function of the kidneys to
filter impurities front the blood and
cast them out in the form of nrine, bnt
in many instanced the bowels create
mere toxins and impurities than the
kidneys can eliminate, then the blood
uses the skin pores as the nwxt best
means of getting rid of these impuri
ties which often break otrt all over the
skin in the form of pimples.
The surest way to clear the skin of
these eruptions, says a "noted authority,
is to get from any pharmacy abont
four ounces of Jad Balts and take a
tablespoonful in a glass of hot water
each morning before breakfast far one
week. This will prevent the formation
of toxins in the bowels. It also stimn
late# the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing thenr to filter the blood of
impurities and clearing the skin of
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon jui'ce, combined with litliia.
Here you have a pleasant, effervescent
drink which usually makes pimples dis
appear; cleanses the bleed and is excel
lent for the kidneys as weH.—Adv.
tist church, Second and Pine streets,
January 31.
The regular order of service* iu local
churches to-morrow follows:
Stevens Memorial, Thirteenth and
Vernon Streets—'The Be v. Dr. Clayton
Albert, Smucker, pastor. Class meeting
at 9.30 a. m. Morning prayer and ser
mon at 10.30 e'eloek. Subject af ser
mon, '' The Solicitude at Ood.' * Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Epworth League at
6.30 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7.30
p. m. Subject of sermon, "The Torch
of Conscience.'* Special music, chorus
of tOO. You are invited to all serv
Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D.,
pastor. Class meeting at 9.30 a. ».
'• Mysteries—Their Philosophy ami
Value" at 10.30 p. *i. Sunday school
and Men's Bible tTa«s at 1.45 p. m.
| Epworth League at 6.45 p. rr, "The
Great Transformation" at 7.30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30
p. m.
Fifth Street—The Rev. R. H. Hart,
pastor. Praise meeting a«t 9.30 a. m.
Morning sermon at 10.30 o'clock. Sub
ject, "The Magic of a Door.'' Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Junior League at 3
p. m. Epworth League Devotion at 6.30
p. si. Evangelistic sen-ices wi6h large
chorus choir with orchestral accompani
ment ait 7.30 p. m. Subject, "The Man
Who Intended Well."
Ep worth, Twenty-first and Derry
Streets-—The Rev. J. D. W. Dearer,
pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Sermon. Evening service at 7.30
o clock. Sermon and Revival services.
Sunday school at 10 a. no. Class meet
ing at 9 a. m. Junior church at 5.45
t>. fn. Epworth League at (£.36 p. in.
Curtin Heights, Sixth, Near Camp
Street—The Rev. A. S. Williams, pas
tor. General class at 9.20 a- m. Bap
tism of adults, reception of members
and sermon at 10.30 a. m. Evening
service at 7.30 o'clock. Revival. Sub
ject, "Arnos and His Message.'' Men
special guests at this service. Sunday
school at 2 p. m.
Ridge Avenue, Sixth and Herr
Streets—The Rev. John H. Daugkerty,
pastor. "Safeguards to Living the
Christian Life." "The Sinners Only
Refuge" at 7.30 p. ui. Sunday school
at 2 p. m. Devotional meeting of the
Epworth League at 6.30 p. in. Revival
services will be held in the eveniag. A
large chorus eboir will take the lead in
song. An opportunity will be given for
those who desire to join the church at
both services.
Sit. Paul's. Vine, Near Front Street
■ —The Rev. Robert W. Runyau, pastor.
Worship at 10.30 a. m. The pastor
will preach in the morning <jn the sub
ject, "What a Man Must Pay for His
Life." The Sunday school at 1.45 p.
m. is increasing, average 20 new pupili
for the past three Sundays. Epworth
League at 6.45 followed by revival
services, the pastor taking for his sub
ject, "Three Things Necessary for a
Religious ljife." Professor Cliptpingcr,
leader of the Harrisburg evangelistic
chorus, calls for a hundred singers to
assist the pastor next Monday evening
in hia revival services. The church
has Ave to six hundred sittings.
Immanuel, Sixteenth an>.| Juniper
Streets—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman,
■pastor. Morning service at 10 o'clock.
Evening service at 7.3.0 o'clock. HUM day
school at 11.15 a. m.
Bethany, Cameron and Cumberland
Streets—The Rev. John M. Warden,
pastor. Evening service at 7.30 o'cleck.
Subject of sermon, "Remember." Sun
day school at 0 a. m. Christian En
deuvor at ft.45 p. in.
Olivet, Dorrv and Kittatinny Streets
—The Rev. WillLaim O. Yates, pastor.
Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sub
ject of sermon. "A Private GliitiifSJ
of Glory." Evening services at 7.30 1
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Get
Busy." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Chris
tian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Mid-week
prayer service Wednesday evening at
7.45 o'clock.
Pine Street, Third and Pine Street t
—The Rev. Lewis Seymour Mudge, D.
D., pastor; the Rev. J. S. Armentrout,
assistant pastor. Morning service at
10.30 o'clock. Sermon on 2 Corinth
ians 4:6. "The Face of Jesus Christ."
Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sermon
on Judiges 2:16. "The Power of Per
sonality/' Church Sunday school. Ele
mrtitarv Departments. International
Graded Lessons at 1.30 p. m. Church
Sunday school, Advanced Departments.
Adult BibJe Classes at 1.40 p. ai. Mon
day, January 25, Men's Missionary
Discussion Group at 6.30 p. m. Wed
nesday. January 27, Mid-week service
at 7.30 p. m. Meeting of the congrega
tion at 8 p. m.
Calvary, Cameron and 'Sycamore
Streets —The Hev. Frank P. Macken
zie, pasta*'. Morning service at 10.15
o clock. Subject of sermon, "The God
of Jacob." Evening service at 7.30
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Christian
'lnfluence." Sunday school at 9 a. m.
G. P. S. C. E. at 6.30 p. m. Mid-week
senrviee, Weilnesdav evening, at 7.30
p. m.
Covenant, Fifth and Pefler Streets—
The llerv. Harvey Klaer, paator. Merg
ing swrvice at 1 0.30' o'efoirk. Snbjeet of
sermon, "What We Befieve A boat God
and Why?" Evening service at. 7.30
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Cre
ation." Illustrated with electric lantern.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Y. P. S. C.
E. at 6. 30 p. m. Sunshine Missiou
Band at 6.15 p. m.
Redeemer, Nineteenth and Kensing
ton Streets —The Rev. E. Victor Rol
and, pastor. Morning service at 10.30.
Subject, "Salvation Through Faith."
Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "Sal
vation Through Works." Sunday school
at 9.30. Junior Endeavor at 2. Senior
Endeavor at 8.30.
Messiah, Sixth and Forster Streets —
Morning service at I'O'.JO. Sunday
school at <2. Evening services at 7.30.
The Rev. E. E. Oney, of Gettysburg
Seminary, will preach at both the morn
ing and evening services.
Trinity, South ' Ninth Street—The
Retv. R. L. Meisenlielder, pastor. Pre
paratory service at H1.30. Sunday
I school at 2. C. E. at 6.30. Communion
! at 7.3)0.
Bethlehem-—Tfle Rev. J. Bradley
Markiward, D. D., pastor. Holy com
munion and reception of new members
at 10.30. Holy communion, reception
of new ruenubcis and address at 7.30.
Sunday school at 1.45. Baptism of chil
dren at 3. C. E. prayer meatiag at
k Christ, Thirteenth and Thompson
Streets—Thomas Beitch, Ph. D., pastor.
Morning worship at V 0.30. Subject,
"What Is True Worship?" Evening
UitMda Biscuit
Tempt the appetite,
please the taste and
nourish the body.
Crisp, clean and fresh—
-5 cents in the moisture
proof package.
Baronet Biscuit
Round, this, tender—
with s delightful flavor
—appropriate for
hmcheon, tea and
dinner, to cents.
Prince of appetizers!
Makes daily tripe from
Ginger-Snap Land to
waiting mouths every
where. Say Zu Zu to
the grocer man, 5 cents.
Buy bitcuit baked by
Always look for that name
worship at 7.30. Subject, "A Contrast
In Love." Sunday school and Men's
Bible 2. ¥. P. S. C. ft. at 6.30.
Meeting win be led by Mr. Reinimjer,
superintendent of Sunday school. Spe
cial musk.
Zion, Fourth Street—The Rev. S.
Winfield Herman, pastor. Morning serv
ice at 10.30. Subject, "The Crv For
Cleansing." livening service at 7.30.
Subject, "The Lost Sheep." Sunday
school at 1.45. Men's class at 1.50.
Senior catechetical class at 6,30.
St. Matthew's, Green and Seneca
Streets—The Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor.
l J reaching services at 11 a. in. Subject,
"A Pure Offering.'' 7.30 p. m„ snl'ojeet,
"Our Witnesses." Sunday school at
10. C. E. Society at 6.30.
Augsburg, Fifth and Muench
Streets—The Rev. Amos Maxwell
Staniets, pastor, will preach at 10.3-0
a. m. and 1.30. Men's prayer at 9.30.
Sunday school at 2. C. E. at 6.30.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
7.45. Catechetical class Thursday at
7 o'clock.
Ho"ly Communion, State and Seven
teenth Streets —The Rev. John Hen
ry Miller, pastor. Morning service at
10.45. Subject, "Christ Like." Even
ing service at 7.30. Subject, "The Holy
Ghost." Sunday school at 9.30. Luther
League at 6.30. Topic, "Woman's Min
istry of Mercy." Miss Helen Leary,
Calvary, South Thirteenth and Reese
Street?— The Rev. Edward H. Paar,
pastor. Morning service at 11. Subject,
"Jesus the Physician." Evening serv
ice at 7.30. Subject, "Jesus Our
Pilot." Sunday school at 10.
Memorial, Fifteenth and Shoop
Streets —The Rev. L. C. Manges, D.
D., pastor. Morning service at 10.30.
Subject, "Jesus at the Well Syebar.''
Evening service at 7.30. Men's prayer
meeting at 16 a. m. Sunday school at
2. Junior Luther League at 5.30. Senior
Luther League at 6.30. Topic: "Wom
an's Ministry of Mercy." Acts 9:36-
42. Leader, Miss Bessie Lenox. Special
music. Senior catechetical clasß Friday
evening at 7. Adult catechetical class
Friday evening at 8. Primary cateche
tical class Saturday morning at 10.
.Tumor catechetical class Saturday
morning at 11.
Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. E.
•D. We»»le, pastor. Morning service at
10.30'. Subject, "The First Disciples."
Evening service at 7.30. Subject, "The
Lamb af God, the Remedy for the
World's Sin." Sunday school at 9.15.
Junior catechetical at 2. Sewing Circle
at 2.3*0, Saturday. Mid-week services
Wednesday at 7.30. Ohoir rehearsal
same evening at 8.30. Musicale by
Miss Ruth Steimhouer 'a class and
others, Thursday evening at 8. Silver
offering at church door. Senior cateche
tical class Friday at 7.30 p. m.
St. Mark's, West Fairview—The
R«v. A. G. Wolf, pastor. Preaching at
10..10. Sunday school at 1.30. C.'E. at
St. Paul's New Cumberland—The
Rev. A. G. Wolf, pastor. Sunday school
at 9.30. C. E. at 6. Preaching at 7.
■Pleasant View—The R«v. George W. |
Ha»per, pastor. Sun Jay school at 9.45
a. m. Preaching at 10.45 a. m., "Temp
tation." Jr. C. E. at 3.30 p. m. Sr.
C. E. at 6.45 p. m. Preaching at 7.30
p. m. Evangelistic services.
Fourth Street—The Rev. William N.
Yates, pastor. 'Morning service at
10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon,
"<Jaa a "Saved Man 'Be Lostf" Evening
service at 7.30 o'cloek. Subject of ser
mon, "When a Man Is Eternally
Saved." Sunday school at 1.40 o'clock.
Junior C. E. at 3 p. m. Senior and
Intermediate C. E. at 6.30. Now mem
berg will be received morning and even
ing. Revival services euch evening
except Saturday. Next Tuesday even
ing will be Sunday school sight. Wed
nesday evening will be Christian En
deavor night. Thursday evening will
'be church night. Friday evening will foe
converts' night. Or. Yates will speak
to men only Sunday at 1.40 on "A
Clean Man."
Green Street—Preaching by the pas
tor, the Bev. C. H. Grove, at 10.30 a.
m., sabjject, "The Vacation of the
Christian.'' Sunday school at 2p. m.
Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Senior En
deavor at 6.30 p. m. Evangelistic serv
ices at 7.38 p. m. at which time the
"Booster chorus" will sing. Quite a
number of conversions were made this
week at the revival.
St. 'Matthew's, Enola—The Bev. W.
'B. Hartzell, pastor. Morning service at
'10.45 o'clock. Sunday school at 9.45
o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6.45.
Woly Communion at St. Andrew's lie
formed church will be postponed to
January 31. W. B. Hartzell, pastor.
Second, Broad and Green Streets—
The Bev. Harry Nelson Bassler, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock.
Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Sun
day school at 1.45 o'clock. In the even
ing the pastor will preach a special
sermon to the Knights of Malta of
this city and Steelton.
Fourth—The Rev. .Homer Styles
iMlay, pastor. Morning worship at
10.4*5. The Bev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer,
of Salem Reformed, and the pastor wilt
exchange pulpits, livening worship at
7.30, subject, "Lord, Bevive Thy
Work." Sunday school at 9:30. (Heidel
berg €. E. at 6.30.
Chestnut and Third Streets—
The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor. Di
vine services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30
p. ni. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m.
The Bev. iHomer S. May will preach in
the morning in exchange of pulpits with
the pastor.
St. John *B, Fourth and Mac lay
Streets—-The li-ev, 1». W. H&rtman,
pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Subject of sermou, "Gideon's Three
Hundred." Evening service at 7.3 ft
o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Moral
Cleanliness.' l ' Sunday school at 9.4-5
o'clock. Y. P. 6. C. E. at 6.30 p. m.
Second, Cameron Street—The Rev.
Albert J. Greene, A. 8., pastor. Morn
ing service at 10.30 o'clock. The Bev.
H. I H. Summers, of Akron, Ohio. Even
ing service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of
sermon, "Saving Faith.'' Sunday school
at 12 o'clock. B. V. P. P. at 6.30 p.
St. Paul, State and Cameron Streets
—The Bev. E. Luther Cunningham, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock.
Sermon by the Bev. Dr. O. S. Simms.
Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Ser
mon by the Bev. Dr. O. S. Simms. Sun
day school at 12.30 o'clock. B. Y. P.
U. at 6.30. Special evangelistic serv
ices at 3 p. m, Sermon by evangelist,
the Rev. Dr. O. S. 'Simms. Services
during the week. Dr. Simms winning
souls for Christ at every service.
First, Second and Pine Streets—The
Bev. W. S. Booth, pastor. 10.30,
"Christianity's Secret." 11.30. Sun
day school. 6.30, Christian Endeavor.
7.30, "The Shortness of Xiife." Bap
tism at close of service.
Tabernacle, Foruter near Sixth
Streets. At 10.30 a. m. worship and
sermon by the pastor, the Bev. Calvin
A. Hare, subject, "The 'Latest Orders
'From Headquarters." At. 7.30 the
the people's service of song, Christian
baptism and evangelistic, with shark
sermon by Pastor Hare. "The Swelling
of the Jordan." Bible s.-bool a.t 11.30.
Y. P. meeting at 6.30.
Market Street, Market and Fifteenth
Streets—The Rev. W. H, Dallinan, pas
tor. Morning service at 10.50 o'clock.
Subject of sermon, "The Christian
Life—'What It is." Evening service at
7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The
Rich Man in (Hell," Sunday school at
11.30 o'clock. Young people's meeting
at 6.30, beginning with a "Sunshine
and Happy Thought Service." Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 7.45.
Mount Calvary, Cainp, Hill—The
Bev. O. H. Bridgman, pastor. Morning
service at 10.30. Sunday school at
St. Paul s, Emerald and Second
Streets—B, Holy Communion. 11,
service and sermon. 2.30, Sunday
school. 7.30, service and sermon.
Monday, January 25, is St. 'Paul's Dav,
the patronal feast of the parish. Serv
ices at 7.4*5 and 10 a. m. Choral even
song at 7.4'G p. m. At this service
the regular choir will be augmented by
a specially invited quartet, led by Mrs.
Bumbaugh. The preacher will be the
Bev. IH. D. Pulsifer, of Marietta.
St. Stephen's—The Bev. Bollin A.
Sawyer, reetor. 8, Holy Communion.
10, Sunday school. 11, morning pray
er and sermon. 4.30, eveniug prayer.
The Bev. A. H. Bridgingn will officiate
at the 8 o'clock service anil the Bev.
Leroy Baker will preach at the 11
o 'clock service.
St. Andrew's, Nineteenth and Mar
ket Streets—The Bev. James F. Bul
litt, rector. Morning prayer, ante-com
munion and sermon at 10.30. Sunday
school and BfTle classes at 12. Even
ing prayer and sermon at 7.30.
Derry Street, Fifteenth anij Derry
Streets —The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D. 1).,
pastor. Morning service at 10.30.
Evening service at 7.30. Sanday
school at 2. C. E. Society at 6.30.
First, Boas and Myrtle Streets—The
Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor, will preach
at 10.30 on "The issue of Love to
God'' and at 7.30 on "Is There Uni
versal Restoration?" Sunday school at
1.45. C. E. at 6.45.
Otterbein, Fourth and Reilv Streets
—The Bev. S. E. Rupp, pastor, will
preach at 10.30 on "Divine Worship"
and at 7.30 on "The Prodigal." Sun
day school at 2. C. E. at 6.30.
Harris Street —9.30, men's prayer
meeting., 10.30, "Overcoming Pow
je.r." 2. Sunday school. 6.40, Chris-
I tian Endeator. 7.30, evangelistic serv
ice. Come for the song service and
bring your Stough book. Special music
toy the choir.
Reformed Mennonites —Preaching in
Kinnard's hall, 303 Verbeke street,
at 10.30 a. m. Elias Hershey, of Lan
caster, will serve.
Associated Bible StudenU—The reg-
To all knowing iiifmra of rhauamtiem,
whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatic*,
lumbago*, backache, pains in the kidneys or
neuralgia pains, to write to her tor a home
treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
these tortures. She teals It her duty to send
it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself
at hosna a* thousands will testify—no change
of climate being necessary. This simple
discovery banishes arte acid from tke blood,
loosens the stiffened joints, purities the blood
and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and
tone to the whole system. If the above
interests you, tor proof address Mrs. M.
Baminers, Boa B, Notre Dame, lad. *
Swellings &
. u ' > gsntly over the place
that hurts. Then soak a piece of flan- (
nel with the Oil, lay it on the patniul
S » n l« ve r wit & » Piece of dry
anna. This simple treatment usually
gives quick relief. Trial bottle IOC.
ular Sunday services will be iheld at
3 p. in. at Cameron's hall, 105 North
Second street. Subject, "Who Is
Worthy?" Rev. 5:4. Berean study at
Church of Christ, Fourteenth and
barker Streets—Speaker, C. J. Beidcl.
10.30, Bible study, first chapter of
John, and worship. 7.30, "Depart
From Iniquity," 2 Tim., 2-1.9,
Hummel Street—The Rev. A. H. Hoi
linger, pastor. Morning service at 11.
Evening service at 7.30. Sunday school
at 10. Christian Workers' meeting at
6.45. Revival begins January 30, con
ducted bv the Rev. William K. Conner,
of Harrisonburg, Va., eontin>uing every
Bethel, Briggs and Ash Streets—
The Rev. U. G. Leeper, pastor, will
preach at 10.30 on, "The Green pas
tures and Still Waters" and at 7.30 on
"The Opened Kves," Sunday school
at 1. C. E. at 6.30. Augmented chor
us all day.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Board of Trade Hall Sunday 11 a: m.
and 7.30 p. m. Testimonial meeting,
Wednesday, 8 p. m. Free reading rooms,
Kunkel building, 1.30 to 5 p. m., daily,
also Monday and Saturday evenings. "
Chester Youth Says He Did Not Mean
to Kill
Chester, Pa.. Jan. 23.—Frank Lynch
was shot in the back as he was enter
ing the yard of his home at 1306 West
Third street late Thursday night. Sev
eral young men carried him to the of
fice of Dr. 15. W. Bing. Tlic wounded
man was subsequently removed to tho
Chester hospital. The bullet, entered
Lynch's right shoulder and took a
downward course.
The wounded mail's son, William Jo
seph Lynch, 18 years old, was arrested
yesterday moruing on suspicion, and
confessed to the shooting when taken
to the City Hall police station, stating,
t"T did not want to kill him, only just
hurt him a little bit." He is being
held for a hearing.
This Is a Bad Month
The indoor life of winter, with lack
'of outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load
on the kidneys. Nearly everybody suf
fers from rheumatism, backache, pain
in sides and back, kidney and bladder
ailments. A backacho may not mean
ajiything serious, but it certainly does
not moan anythuig jjood. It's better to
1 "be on the safe side and take Foley Kid
ney Pills to strengthen and invigorate'
the kidneys and heLp them do their
work. They help rid the blood of acids
and poisons. Sold by Geo. A. Gorgas,
16 North Third street, and P. R. R.
AU Sophomores Suspended and Some of
the Freshmen
Huntingdon, Pa., Jan. 23.—The en
tire Sophomore class of the local 'High
school was indefinitely suspended yes
teiday for wearing caps bearing class
colors. Several members of the Fresh
man class were also expelled on the
same charge.
City Superintendent William F. Rife
declares that the expelled scholars will
not be reinstated until they discontinue
wearing the caps.
Husband Standi by and Watches Biting
and Beating
iPottsville, Pa., Jan. 23. —Miners-
ville was startled by a fight between
two young women in a street yester
day over tlhe youug husband of one of
them. Mrs. Timothy Orleader, the wife,
was bitten in the cheek and severely
bruised by Helena Wurzlock, who ar
rived in this country three weeks ago
from Sweden.
Mrs. Orleader, however, showed su
perior strength, rolled her oppouervt in
the snow anil thoroughly beat, 'her; but
tihe girl dually succeeded in getting up
and Hed.
Orleader stood by and witnessed the
fight with evident enjoyment, refusing
to help either.
Awarded #t,2r>a Damages
[jebanon, Jan. 23.—County Commis
sioner John H. Gingrich, South Ann
vi'lle township, was awarded $1,253,
by the jury in the appeal taken hy the
HeTshey Transit Company nt the Jan
nary term of court, heW here this week
from the awarii «i J9OO made by the
board of viewers some time ago.
THE 12 Doses 10c 1
36 Doses 25c *■ ■*-
h <lw I* tmifwia 1 U
II •-*';** *££ 1 *j
A AU Druggist.
For Headache, Neuralgia
Quick, Sue, Safe
Text, "Why is his chariot so lone ta
NHning?'—Jud(t. v. 28.
The buman mLud is audacious, some
times even blasphemous. Remember
that sentence of Charles Kingsley to
one of the leaders of the Chartist
movement? "Try to be patient with
God.' 1 The woman In the uext is a
type of humanity, waiting. The moth
er, of Slsern is'looking out the window
and crying through the lattice. Her
w«.ls the commanding general of the
vast of the Canaanites. He is
tilled with ntauy tributary kings and
has 1)00 Iron chariots of war. Weap
on® gleam, banners fly, trumpets blare,
horses pranee—surely no army would
dare face such a formidable host. But
downtrodden Israel, groaning under
the intolerable. Insufferable Jabin, king
of Canaan, has listened to the prophet
ess Deborah, a veritable goddess of
liberty, nnd ho* got together an in
slgnlflcent army of 10.000. On the
slopes of Mount Tabor they take their
stand. Heaven pity them, they're
marked for extermination! But, no: at.
the command of Deborah they charge
In a very torrent of courage and fury
and sweep down those slopes like an
avalanche. The beok says, "The very
stars In their courses fought against
Sisera." His army was demoralized,
and he fled to suffer death later on In
his teat at the band of Jaei. Sisern's
mother sat with wild beating heart at
the window. Why does not his chariot
come? She's a type of grief wrung,
anxious. Impatient hearts, watching at
the windows of a world toward a God
whose chariot is so long In coming.
A Thousand Year* —a Day.
Sometimes men are perplexed at the
seeming inactivity of God. As a
strategist his policy id Fabian— he de
lays so often. The last message of
Revelation was, "I come quickly."
Weeks, months, a whole year, went
by, and he djdn't come. Was that
quickly? Two years, five, a decade, a
century, a thousand years, nearly 2,000
years, and he hasn't come yet: Some
times his works seem slow, sometimes
fast. The planets whirl their orbits
In Incalculable speed. On one of the
glistening black diamonds in your
kitchen coal scuttle is the imprint of
a delicate maiden hair fern. It lived
before Adam and Eve gazed with rav
ished eyes on the purple hills of para
dise. I realize that, while God seems
to require a thousand years for one
step, at times he takes a step of a thou
sand years in a day. Man's years are
three score and ten; God's years are
boundless eternities. He could speak
out of the thunder to men, but he
doesn't There's a syllable to day ami
another tomorrow. He pitches his tent
close to the tents of men, he leads by
pillars of fire, he appears in altar
flame. There are visions and Ideals,
yearnings and sacrifices, prophets and
priests. Men say, "How long, O r«ord;
how long?" Then the heavens open.
The angel choirs sing, "Glory to God
In the highest." That day was as a
thousand years, and a thousand years
of Christ's coming was as but a day.
"If I Were God."
"What things I would do If I were
God!" said an impatient critic. So
would we. Why doesn't God abolish
intemperance? It is the evil of all
evils, the curse of all curses: the pre
disposing cause, as a physician would
say, of nearly all crime, pauperism,
sickness, uuhappiness. Few would de
fend this towering mountain of evil
that has cast its dark shadow across
the world. It la the enemy of home,
helpiess childhood, education, com
merce and (he sworn enemy of the
church. Why does an omnipotent God
permit it? Is not his message, "Peace
on earth; good will to men?" Yet he
beheld nations staggering under the
burden of preparation. He saw the
launching of mighty super-Dread
noughts and malicious submarines. He
witnessed the blood lusting armies go
forth; cavalry, infantry, artillery and
aeroplane corps go forth to their hor
rid work of butchery. Earth, sky and
see are red with carnage. Where is
the Prince of Peace? We know the
answer. He's waiting for our readi
ness! God's chariot wheels have been
retarded by our own lack of readiness.
He planted flowers, and man's hand
plucked them up. God sent the solu
tion of all human problems with his
blew lugs and men nailed that Blessing
to the cross!
Ged'a M«r«iful Slowneta.
Yes. God is slow—"slow to anger."
The human judgments are often slow.
Murder drags out Its reddened form
through uionths or years through tho
law's delays. It is some time before
drunkenness reddens the eyes and
slavers the lips, or gluttony makes bes
tial the face expression. Dissipation
goes ou In darkness a long while be
fore the body shows it In the light
Some sins take years to mature. Fleet
ly what a mau sows lie reaps. "Chick
ens come home to roost" Is only an
other way of saying "Re sure your
sins will find you out." (Jod Is In no
hurry. Down In our hearts we kuow
why. It Is to give us time to repent.
That is why Jehovah did not strike
Achan dead when the lust of loot over
came him at A). The wedge of gold,
the Iveap of sliver, the Babylanlsh gar
ment buried under the sheepskin In his
tent were voices calling him to con
fess. Do God's revelations of himself
seem slow? Well, you wouldn't tell a
child at on re every thing you know or
that you intended he should know.
He Isn't ready, but for that which lie
?an now comprehend. We only have
time; God has eternity.
Had Never Sean Salt Water.
"At Coxyde." writes Aruo Dosch, the
war correspondent of the World's
Work Magazine, "a whole company of
French soldiers was standing along
the edge of the water, jumping back in
surprise when the little waves advanc
ed on them. They told us they were
frem the center of France and had
never sees salt water before."