The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
J Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only jure way to got rid of dan- | dissolve it, then yen destroy Entirely. To do this, pet about tour unces of ordinary liquid arvon: apply at night when retiring- use enough » moisten the scalp and rub it in gently j ith the finger tips. Do this to-night, and by morning lost if not all of your dandruff will be one, and three or four more appliea ons will completely dissolve and en- I rely destroy, every single sign and no* of it, no matter how nuich dan- 1 rutT you may have. You will find. too. that all itching ad digging of the scalp will stop at nee, and your hair will be fluffy, istrous. glossy, silky and soft, and >ok and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug lore. It is inexpensive and never fails > do the work. —Adv. ONE BOY DEAD. TWO DYING v. ha mo kin Youngsters Eat Deadly Sub stance for Sassafras Shamokin. Pa.. .lan. 22.—Martin rhinait. a schoolboy, is dead, and his ampanious. Francis Pepper and Kd •ard Dombaugh. are dying, as a roult f eating a poisonous root which tb?y listook tor sassafras, while returning rom school yesterday. Soon after eating the root Popper' nd Dontbaugh complained of pains in 10 abionien. Lehman said ho also felt ick. When they reached their respec ive homes ail the boys grew so ill -hat. octors were summoned. All the boys ecarne unconscious anil 1J hsnan ex irod shortly after. Perkins Guilty of Manslaughter Columbia. S. ,lan. 22.—George B. 'erkins. the Boston architect, [>und guilty of manslaughter by a jury 1 Federal Court here yesterday, for• i ling F. W. R. Hinman. of Jackson ille. on the steamship Mohawk last Mrember. Judge BaiU iinlwiml him j three years in the Atlanta prison, the laximum penalty. -<HI More Cattle Affected 1 master. Pa.. -lan. 22. —There has oeii a new outbreak of hoof an>i mouth isease in the northern section of the amity and 200 head of cattle are re ortod a« afleeted. York licenses Granted York. .lan. 22.—A1l liquor licenses gains: which ther were no remon trances tiled were renewed in the coun i court yesterday. Judge Wanne- rebuked those persons ■to :'a led to appear and protest, yet riticisod the court's action. He said hat anonymous letters had been re- Pived threatening the court. J. F. Shorb's CLEARANCE ITT Shorbs I Shoe Sail SALE Shot Sale In Full Swing Now Going On khkl . . . OF . . . SaSOMMLI SHOES I have started my annual clearance sale of the most desirable and season able footwear. This is done to make room for Spring Goods. While we are getting daily letters from our manufacturers of the advancing prices of foot wear, yet we are in a position to offer greater values. Our enormous stock of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Shoes gives you an oppor tunity to buy better shoes for less money than ever. LADIES' $5.00 Patent Colt, Gun MEN'S STETSON $6.00 Gun Metal and Vici Kid, Button. Metal. Bluchei*, Vici and Wax Calf. Reduced to 54.10 a Pair Reduced to $4.90 a Pair Boys' $3.00 Shoes, 1 to 5, Reduced to $2.25 a Pair LADIES' $4.00 Patent Colt, Gun Men's $5.00 Gun Metal Straight Metal, Vici Kid Button, any style. Lace or Blucher, all styles. Reduced to $3.15 a Pair Reduced to $4.10 a Pair Boys' $2.50 Shoes, 9 to liV 2 , Reduced to $1.90 a Pair LADIES' $3.50 Patent Colt, Gun MEN'S $4.00 Gun Metal, Button, Metal Button or Vici Kid. Blucher or Straight Lace. Reduced to $2.85 a Pair Reduced to $3.35 a Pair Boys' $1.75 Shoes, 8% to Reduced to $1.40 a Pair LADIES'S3.OO Patent Colt, Gun MEN'S $3.00 G. M., Button Metal or Vici Kid Button. and Blucher; all sixes. Reduced to $2.45 a Pair Reduced to $2.45 a Pair Boys' Scout=Shoes, Black and Tan, Reduced 20% a Pair LADIES' $2.50 Patent Colt, Gun MEN'S $3.50 Heavy Work Shoes, Metal or Vici Kid. * black or tan. Reduced to $1.85 a Pair Reduced to $2.50 a Pair All Misses' and Children's Shoes Reduced From 10 to 20% JOS. F. SHORB THIRD AND MARKET STS. DUTY TO GRANT LICENSES Mercer County Jurist, Candidate for He-election, Defines His Position Sharon. Pa.. Jan. 22. —Judge A. W. Williams vestorday renewed the liquor . licenses of the present holder® in Mer cer county and hold over for further investigation two applications from Farrell. Inclmhrd in the lis* are _t*v> breweries, eight wholesalers and 27 re tailers. The licenses will date from February 11. Judge Williams, who has announced | his candidacy for re-election. defined las stand on the liquor question which is 1 i enstrued by many as a declaration of principles for the forriicomiug cam-j paigtt. "This may be the last session of the License Oourt at which I shall preside," he said, "but I want to make it plain that as long as I am oa» tlx* bench li- i censes will be granted or refuse,! on the same basis as thev have been in the past. ••Political expediency uoes not and has not influenced me in consideration of such applications. Tt is the law of! the land that some licenses shall be granted, and it is not the province of the * ourt to legislate on this questiou. REPORTS SIGHTING KARLSRUHT Ship Captain Picked Up German War ship Off Perto Rico San Juan, P. R., Jan. 22.—The steamship Coamo, Captain Barber, i which sailed from New York, January | ' 16. for San Juan, reports having sight-' ed the German cruiser Karlsruhe off Moro yesterday morning before day light. The cruiser turned a searchlight on to the bridge of the Coamo. the ship's officials say. making the entrance of the vessel into the harbor difficult. The warship refused to answer wireless sig nals aud disappeared in the darkness. Will Readjust Wages Beading. Jan. 22.—Notices of a re adjustment of wages were posted at the various plants of the Reading Iron Company here yesterday, and at the of ti.'es it was stated that it will mean an almost general reduction. The per centage is now being worked out and the readjustment will become effective on Monday. February S. It is likely tha; a similar readjustment will be made at the company's plant at Dan ville. Pa., when the semimonthly pay roll amounts to $ 1 a/ 1 00. There Is No Question but that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always goes with it can be promptly relieved by taking a before and after each meal. 25c a box. George A. Gorgas. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1915. Positive Relief I from the suffering caused by dis ordered conditions of the organs of digestion and elimination - from indigestion and biliousness ■ alwavs secured by the safe, certain and gentle action of Beecham*s !i Pills S«M arwyvlniv.' b kwM, PREVENTS TRAIN WRECKING Engineer Finds Steel Nut Wedged In' Joint of Rails Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 22. —An attempt was made to wreck the Pennsylvania j passenger train, leaving this city at ! 2.35 o'clock yesterday afternoon, at the Thirty-uine mile post, near Porte, j a large steel nut being wedged in the j joiut of two rails. The obstruction was discovered bv H. Miiler. of Pottsville, j an engineer of a freight train that! j passed the scene on the opposite track > a short time before the passenger tiuin | was due. Special Officer Henry S. WaWenburg. t of this city, took A. B. Case, of Blooms i iburg, from a passing train at Porte, 1 after a hard tight, suspecting him ot 1 attempting to wreck the ' train. He proved an alibi, and now search is be-i ing made for a man seen in the vicinity j of where the obstruction was pieced a 1 short time before it was discovered. HE WANTED DAILY CAKE So Sou of McAdoo's Secretary Revised the Lord's Prayer Washington. Jan. 22.—George R. Oooksey, private secretary to Secre tary McAdoo. has a four-year-old son; whose mother for the past two months j has been teaching him t.he Lord's Prav-1 or. Young Ccwksey got as far as "Give us this day our daily bread" the other night when he hesitated. "Give us this day cur daily cake."| he went on to say. "You must not l say "give us this dav our daily cake j but bread,' " cautioned the mother. "I kuovv. mother," replied the son, "but I don't want bread, 1 want cake. '' Gates' Widow to Wed Minneapolis. Jan. 22.— Mrs. Florence! Hopwood Gates, widow of the late Charles O. Gates, will be married next Weduesdav evening to Harold Leoj Judd, of New Britaiu, Conn. The cere mony will take place at the residence ] of Mrs. Gutes. Mr. Judd and his bride will spend their honeymoon in the South. I INCREASE INJOLD MINING] Value of 1014 Output Placed by U. S. Geological Surrey and Mint at 595.000.000 Washington. D. C.7 .lan. 22.—The gold mining ludustrv of the United States had a prosperous year ia 1914 and regained its normal condition, in asmuch hh early returns indicate an out put greater by nearly 14,000,000 tthau that of 1913. H. D. Mct'askey, of the V". S. theological Survey, who is author ity for these tigu res, adds that the pro- 1 duetion in 1913 was lower than for sev eral years past and even in 1914 the • output was considerably below that of any year in the period .1908-1912, ; when the high water mark was reached. For 1914 the preliminary figures of the j I'nited states Geological Survey and :the Bureau of the Min* indicate a total gold yield of $92,823,500. I a Alaska the output of gold in 'creased about $300,000, tthe industry was generally prosperous, and a large ' amount of dead work continued to be done preparatory <0 increased output ! from lode mines. The placer yield was about $10,T00.000, or the same as iu I 1913. and increases made in the Ruby, | j Seward Peninsula, Iditarod aud Hot ! Springs districts offset declines in out put from Fairbanks and other camps. Abundant rainfall favored placer rain ! ing. About 26 gold lode mines pro- ' duced about s;>, 100,000 in 1914, against $4,814,813 from 30 mines in . 1 1913. Juneau, including the Tread- 1 well aud the great new Alaska-Juneau, , Alaska-Uastineau and other mines, con | tinued to be the most important lode district. In Arizona the mine production of gold increased about $500,000 in 1914. | The chief producers, the Tom Reed. t»old Road. Vulture and Commonwealth mines, were active and produced more than half the total yield, the remainder coming largely from copper ores. In California the mines produced over $700,000 m%re than in 1913. The Grass Valley, Mother Lode and other quart?, mines continued active produc ers at depth, and the placer output, es pecially from the large dredging opera- ' 1 tions. was again large. The dredges 1 | alone produced 40 per cent, of the total gold yield and over 90 per cent, of the j total placer output. Colorado mines increased their yield , 1 by over $1,300,000 above that of 1913, I tile greate- part of this increase, or j $1,143,000. being made in the Cripple ' Creek district, where the mines and < j mills had auother active year. | In Idaho the mine output decreased j, I over $250,000. owing largely to the:' small output ot the De l<aniar mine. I, but the dredges in Lemhi and Boise | counties had a prosperous year. In Montana the mine yield increased 1 over 14 per cent, and the total produc- < tion was about $4,000,000. or more | ( than for any year sine? 1906. The | placers and the Southern Cross and j 1 ■North Moecasin mines enjoyed an ac- ' I tive year. _ i Nevada mines showed a decrease ot' j . about 4 per cent., or over $400,000. in j I gold output in 1914. The yield at the j j sreat Goldfie'd camp alone declined by ■ over $1,000,000, but this decrease was j ! offset by increased yield from Touopah, ! i Fair view, Wonder," Round Mountain. | National. Seven Troughs and other j camps. At Manhattan the output de- ! clined about 40 per cent. In New Mexico the mine production j ! increased nearly ssoo,ooo, but iu Ore- j ! gon the output declined about $20,000. j I In I'tali the mine output of gold de , j creased about 7 per cent., or over ; ! $250,000, in 1914. The yield was prin i cipallv from copper ores. The output j ; from true gold ores has declined since • I the suspension of operations at Mercur. j j The Philippine production has stead- • ' ily increaseu ai"' in 1914 passed the; I 51.000.000 mark. USE DOMESTIC PEANUTS I United States Suddenly Drops Oat of Japanese Market Philadelphia. -lan. 22.—lat>an is alarmed, according to a trade dispatch from I'nited States Consul General George H. >. '.draore, at Yokohama, over . j the complete withdrawal of American j buvers of peanuts from the Japanese 1 j markets. The dispatch, which was re-1 ceived here this week, pointed out that the I'nited States, which for years had | I betju taking more than eighty per cent. 1 lof the entire peanut output annually,! { with signs of a steady progress, sud- ; |) denlv dropped out of the market last ! month, when tue buying season was in j full swing. •' The causes for the business dead- j j lock." the dispatch read, "are, accord-j ing to the generally accepted interpre tations here, the bumper crop of pea nuts in the I'nited States itself, a sud- j den decrease of demand owing to com- < mercial depression in the States, and j the exacting rates collected for war j I risks. Bob Fitzsimmons Divorced Chicago. Jan. 22. —Mrs. Julia >Fitz-' simmons has obtained a divorce from | ! R-obert Fitzsimmons, formerly world '9 ] 1 champion heavyweight pugilist. She charged cruelty. I CURE YOUR COLD" IN A FEW HOURS ANDJEB. FINE " Pape's Cold Com pound" Opens Clog ged Nose and Head and Ends Grippe II Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until! three doses are taken will end grippe | misery and break up a severe cold j i either in the head, chest, body or j I limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils j and air passages in the head, stops nasty : i discharge or nose running, relieves sick , 1 headache, dullness, feverisbness, sore j throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. I | Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing; ■and snuffling! Ease your throbbing I I head! Nothing else in the world gives j | such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold' | Compound,' which costs ouly 25 cents Jat any drug store. It acts without j assistance, tastes nice, causes no in-1 convenience. Be sure you get thei genuine. Adv. I \ Picked Ripe from the Orange Iym j|» w p Groves of Sunny California— I J |\| I I These Big, Delicious, Firm, Tender- Am A, KJ A * Meated Seedless Navels Trainloads are arriving daily in all markets, handy fruit dishes between meals, and and California never sent better fruit. in salads and desserts. If you want luscious oranges, heavy with o . * healthful juice, telephone your grocer or fruit OlinKlSt JLemOnS dealer now. .. L r iJie tbe . Su ?kist Orange, the Sun- JfSpjMK. _ kist I.craon is tbe finest of its kind. It Jjp Don t say merely oranges" or "lemons" is tart, full-flavored,practically 3S&, IST .ay "Sunkist," for that name marks a standard of quality that is unsur- " nd tPa - Use the i uice ' n P |ac * of >»g . 1 , „ vinegar. Learn the 85 other ways to c'f" emp >V Sunkist Lemons. i.mi) on Sunkiit—Stn* th « wrmpoer* lor W monger j a Address CiliftMu Fruit Grafm Exck.B«e. I3»N. CUrli St.. Ckicm. THAW IN SEW YORK SUNDAY Jerome Starts To-night for New Hampshire to Bring Him New York. .lan. 22. —William Trav ers .Jerome, with representatives of the Attorney General's office, and with guards, will leave New York to-night for Concord, X. H.. to bring Harry K. Thaw back to this state. The party will arrive at Concord ou Saturday morning and if there is no hitch will be on the way back with Thaw in custody on Saturday night. So the Tombs prob ably will open its doors again on Sun day. A mandate from the Federal Supreme Court ordering the New Hampshire au thorities to turn Thaw over to New York' Statv was mailed to Mr. Jerome ! yesterday from Washington. The man date is in conformity with the court's j decision handed down thirty days ago. Thaw's trial for conspiracy in es | . aping from the Matteawan asylum will ;be called before Justice Davis in the j Supreme Court next week. Mr. Jerome 1 will have change of the prosecution j and Moses Grossman will be counsel for ; the defense. There was a conference ; yesterday between Mr. Jerome afld Dis | trict Attorney Perkins regarding the Thaw matter. Judge Davis was pres-, i ent. The report that ex Assemblyman j Richard Butler, who was indicted a* a result of the alleged conspiracy to free ; Thaw, will be a witness for tiie State 1 in the forthcoming trial is still current but unconfirmed. Both Mr. Jerome anil] Mr. Butler said yesterday they knew' nothing about the report. THE AUTO AS A MISSIONARY Rescues Country Districts From Heath enism, Says Minister Chicago, Jan. 22.—The auto is briug- , ing aboitt a religious rejuvenation in i the I'uitAl States. In place of enticing persons away from church, as has often been alleged, it is bringing them to church. In sparsely settled regions it is rescuing the American people from a ; j State bordering on heathenism. These ] ' statements were made by the Kev. S. 1.1 Hanford, superintendent of the i i braska mission field, to the delegates at | | the meeting of the Congregational j i Home 'Missionary Society of the United ; | States. The fart played by the motor : boosting church work was admitted by speakers from various parts of the I country. OPPOSE BARE-LIMBED CHORUS i ! Cincinnati Preachers Appeal to Mayor 1 and Receive Assurances Cincinnati, Jan. 22. —The Law and i | Order committee of the Methodist Epis- j i copal Preachers ' Association of Cincin- I j nati called on 'Mayor Spiegle, headed ; iby the Rev. Dr. C. W. Blodgett, and | protested against the announced ap j pearance in this city next Sunday night at a leading theatre of a company in which the' chorus girls werp bare limbed. The 'Mayor assured the preach ers that no tightless performers would be allowed to appear in Cincinnati, and stated that he believed the announce ment was the work of an imaginative i press agent. In answer to the protest made 'by j the committee against the forthcoming j fight here between "Gurtboat'' Smith I and Jim Flynn, the 'Mayor declared i that the bout was to be a boxing match and that no slugging would be allowed. JUDGE HOLLENBAOK DIES Nebraska Justice and ex-Member of Pennsylvania Legislature Lincoln. Xeb., Jan. 22.—Conrad Hoi ! lenbeek, Chief Justice of the Nebraska I Supreme Court, died here venterday of heart disease after a brief illness. Jus | tice Hollenbeck had been in office only j j two weeks. Judge Hollenbeck was a member of the Pennsylvania Ijegislature from Pot j ter county during the term of 1875-76. j His home was at Coudersport during his ! activity in Pennsylvania politics. He was born in that county audi for years worked as a farmhand. To Jail as a Bogus Priest Lock Haven, Pa.. Jan. 22.—Cdnviet ed of impersonating a Catholic priest, anil fraudulently obtaining money for alleged charitable persons, Fred. A. j Liming, of Altoona. was yesterday sen-1 I tenced to not less than two years or j j more than three vears in the Western I Penitentiary by .iudge Hall. i FILE TABERNACLE PROTEST 1 Would Bar Frame Building From Site Near Baer Home Beading, l'a., Jan. 22.—Formal pro- f test against the location of the frame I tabernacle for the St ough evangelistic campaign of six weeks to begin here in j May, at Hill road and Clymer streets, was filed with Mayor St rat ton yester I day by a committee of citizens of this residential section. beaded bv Jonathan Mould and John K. Stauffer, of the j 1 City Planning Commission. T! - protest camp hot upon the heels of the announcement of the site select J cd. which adjoins "Hawthorne.'' the] summer resi Jeuce of the late George F. | Baer. president of the Reading Railway Company. Use of the plot was granted by William H. Lrnden, Heading's mil lionaire confectioner, who. by the way, lives in another part of the to«vn. The j campaign committee announced its in tention to transfer to the site the tab ernaele used in a similar campaign in Harrisburg, and which was purchased for $4,000. Mayor .Strat ton informed his indig 1 nant callers yesterday that nothinsr i could be done until the Stough people_ apply for a permit to erect the buil I- ; ing. and that the matter will hinge on ; i whether it violates the city ordinance j as to the erection of frame buildings. It ; is contended that such buildings may 1 be put up temporarily. If not permit- j ted at Hill road and Clvmer streets, it 1 is not likely that the tabernacle can be j erected anywhere else within the city limits. MAY HAVE MURDERER Lebanon Police Believe One of Gang Killed Night Boss Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 22.—Hope of an : ! early solution of the mysterious fatal ' : hooting lasit month here of John E. ] Mills, a night boss at the Semet So I way ! j coke plant, has been revived by the cap-1 j ture by the police of live men with po lice records. On the strength of disclosures made t ! by some of the men the police believe 1 j that among th>?m is the real murderer ;of Mills, notwithstanding that en his | deathbed Mills positively Ray' j Seiders, a young chauffeur, as the man ; I who "hot him. Seiders has stoutly main-i i tained hisvinnocenee, an i: the police I j have been unable to connect him with Mhe crime other than by Mills' dying, statement. THREE SCALDED BY STEAM : Pipe. Under Heavy Pressure, Bursts at Shenandoah Plant Shenandoah. Pa., Jan. 22. —While five men were repairing a throttle on a | high-pressure steam line at the Cant i bridge Coal Company breaker engine house last night, a heavy steam pipe, with 150 pounds' pressure, suddenly burst. catching the men in the volume of roaring steam and scalding water and burling tnem in all directions. The engine house and part of the breaker were wrecked. Three men were prob ably fatally injured. ' Foreman James Williams was blown out of the eugine house and miraculous ly aped. I CUPID BALKS NAVY HEBO Bluejacket Jilted on Evening Set for the Wedding Washington, Jan. 22. —.lilted on the evening set for the wedding, Charles P. Davis, a former bluejacket on the bat tleship Louisiana, who was one of the "heroes of Vera Cruz." called at City Hall Thursday to leturn a marriage license he procured last week to wed Miss May M. Merryman. He declared j he was going "back to sea." "Anothor fellow 'beat my time' at the last minute," Daivs told Clerk I Kroll. "Here's the license and give j me my dollar.'' Younger Brother Kills Boy Boston, Jan. 22.—-John Murphy,) 17, was killed by his younger brother Richard while they were playing with a knife. John was Stabbed through the (heart. "I didn't mean to do it; we ! Were only fooling," the yotlnger boy 1 cried when he told his mother about it. e ESA^/|IV9I Quick Belief for Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for Speakers and Singers. Usc. GORGAS' DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St. Peuna. Station MUMMIES POINT A MORAL Wood Preserver Says Americans Should Build Permanent Houses i Chicago. Jan. 22. —If the people of i the United States were as careful of their houses as the Egyptians were of their mummies they could save SIOO,- I 000,000 a year, said K. A. Sterling, sec retary of the Forest Prodiu-ts Federation lat the eleventh annual of the American Wood Preservers' Asso i cist ion at the Congress hotel. "When the Egyptians fixed up a j mummy," he said, "they wanted it to last. They tilled it full of creosote and other preservatives, and to-da\ we dig | up 500-year-old mummies in first-class condition. An American, on the other hand, builds a cottage, house, fence or dock of soft, rottable material that turns to punk in five or ten years." DATES OF FAIRS ANNOUNCED Lebanon. August 17-20, and Allentown, September 21-24 Lebanon, Jan. 22.—Secretary and i Superintendent John A. Botlman. of the Lebanon Valley Hair Association, lias returned front a visit to Philadelphia, .•where he spent a day attending an im- I portant meeting of the managers of the i big fair circuit, held in that city. The I dates for the fairs in the various cities ; comprising the big fair circuit, are «s j follows: | Wilmington. Del., July 20; Salem, N. i .T„ July 27; Pitman, August 3-5; Plem | ington, August 10-13; Lebanon county j fair, August 17-20; Kutztown, Berks I county, August 24^27; Pottstown, | August 31 to September 3; Nazareth, J September 14-17; Allentown, Septem ber 21-24; Trenton, X. J., September j 26 to October 1; Mount Holly, N. J., ] October 5-8. NO PAY FOR BROKEN TEETH Molars Disabled as Man Bit on Nail Imbedded in Bread New York, Jan. 22.—Supreme Court j Justice Aspinall, of Brooklyn, dis [ missed a suit brought by O. A. J. (jueck berner, of No. 345 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, once world champion hammer thrower, to recover $10,500 damages | from the Ward Baking Company for the j loss of five teeth which, Queckberner I said, were broken by biting an iron nail anil a comb in bread of the defendant s t manufacture. I After Queekberner had presented his evidence, Justice Aspinall dismissed i the case, saying no negligence had been shown on the paw of the company in ■ i the manufacture of its bread. An ap ! peal will be takeu. , , „ STEAMSHIPS BERMUDA Tlifie Cburmtiicr Inland* Are Now ft Tfcrtr Bent S. S. "BERMUDIAN" holds the record—4o hours—ls the newest and only twin-screw steam ship sailing to Bermuda, and the only one landing passengers at the dock at Hamilton without transfer by tender, itound Trip with meals CIE and and stateroom berth U p For full particulars apply to -A. E. OlTBHllHllXifc; A CO, Aktbli tias> Imtc 9. S. Co.,, 2:1 HroaUway, Mew Yorki P. I.UR.MO HPMMUI., lot) Mis. lirt St.. tlarrlabmru. Hi, ur mmy l'lrfe. j et Agent. 'V' I * Winter Cruises i from New York to the American Mediterranean HAVANA Sailings Thursdays and Saturdays j NASSAU Weekly service from New York and j i j direct connections with Havana. Separate or combined tour' of 10 and 23 day*. $75.00 and ap win* steamer as hotel All (ares include meals and stateroom accomodations. Steamers built in America and sailing under American ' Flag. Booklets,'rates and schedules i j on application. NEW YORK and CUBA MAIL 3.5. CO. ) (Ward Line) Goaanl OHKM, Pitr U, E. 1., Ntw lark Or any ltailroud Ticket office Or Authorised Tourist Agency. , l ! - ■li . , .J' 9