The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Get Next to a
Jar of P. A.
what in
t^e opportunity to find out today. ■
B How about giving a humidor of P. A. ■
to the fellow who slipped you the wrong B
H thing for Christmas, just to return good P
1 C; Mif office use, is a sure way to pipe and jt
1 I W cigarette joy. S
ik MLl'Ow M'll ft san even b e * y° u fellows who 3
got a pound of P. A. in the crystal- M
m the glass humidor are finding that it's M
% , harder to keep than New Year's M
% national resolutions. It's the best to- M
. bacco ever for pipe or for 0
% joy cigarette makin's. stays put
smoke in a ci & areUe P a P er and
R. J. *"p •" P ' H
TOBACCO CO. ■ A. can be bought
Winston-Salein ? N. C. and in the famous Sc toppy red
It Is Said New Chairman of National
Commission Will Be Chosen
New ork. Jau. 2J.—Kvon if the
Feds do not succeed in effecting the
dissolution of the National Commission
there is strong possibility that the
makeup of the ruling I>ody of baseball
will be radically altered. Within a
short time Ban Johnson and John K.
Tener will meet to elect the third mem
ber of the commission, and it is under
stood that the president of the Ameri
can Ijeague will oppose the re-election
of August Herrm.n.n. owner of the Cin
cinnati Reds and chairman of the Na
tional Commission.
John B. Poster, secretary of the New
York Nationals, said:
"One has only to look over the rec
ords ol the docisfoot handed down by 1
the National Commission to become
aware of the worth of August Herr
mann. \et it must be remembered that
if an eft octave move is made for a
change in the membership of the com
mission it will not be made on personal
grounds. bat >olelv on the basis of a
more logical scheme of haseball govern
Tennis Club vs. Hershey
Middletown, Jan. 22. —The Teun s
Club basketball team will to He~-
shey to-night when the team will line
up against the team from the chocolate'
town. The trip wlil be made in the auto '
truck_ of William Ko"iis.
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr. ,
Union Five Walloped Wincroft Quintet
HO to 25
Two games were played in the Mid-,
dletowu Industrial l.eague last even
ing. The I'niou rive had little trouble j
downing the Wincroft team by the score
of l>o to 25. The Tennis Club won from j
the Rescue team by the score of 00 to
IS. The lineujis:
L nion. Wincroft.
Beard F Bowman j
s «'ltzer F Welsh
Daugherty c Beckev .
Kupp ..! (i Stipe j
Dupes O McGarvey !
Field goals, Beard, 11; -Seltzer.
Dupes, 10: Bowman, i: Welsh. 2: Kupp,
1: Bee key, o. Foul goals. Beard, 2;
Seltzer. 1: Bowman, •">. Referee, Bum
hacli. Scorer, Rudy. Timer, Garver.
Tennis Club. Rescue.
Detweilesr F Kain ;
F Hanunon I
McNair C McCrearv;
, Peters G Judv j
Keiper Ci Weiric'n j
Field goals, Lingle, 6: McNair, s;|
Peters, 2;-Kain. 1; Hammond, 1: Me-'
| Creary, 4. Foul goals, McNair, 4;j
; Kain, 5.
Railroad Fives to Meet
The Renovo P. R. R. V. M. C. A. live
will piay the Harrisburg railroad live
i in the local association gymnasium this
evening, in one of the games for the
railroad championship. The teams wili
: line up as follows:
Renovo. Harrisburg.
Singiser K Gough
Williams F M. Voder
*t«ut C L. Yod?r
Coleman G Hoover!
Weudelboe G Colestock;
The pool teams will consist of: R> !
novo, Bingiser, Wendelboe and Cole-,
man. Locals, Ford, Kcbler and Crane. |
Indiana Senate for Eugenics
Indianapolis. Jan. 22.—Eugenic mar-j
riages in Indiana were approved by the i
State Senate yesterday, when it passed
a bill, 32 to 12, providing that all per
sons seeking marriage license must lirst
obtain a health certificate. The bill
( now goes to the House.
Men Were Clever In Defensive Tactics
—Neither Injured
| Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 22. —Mike
Gibbous had a shade on Jimmy Clobbv,\
! in their 10 round bout here Inst nigh:. I
The men were in fine condition and the !
bout was fast from start to finish with
little damage on either side, they being
so clever in their defensive tactics that
j they could nc; suffer much injury in
that space of time.
It will rake a longer bout thau a 10-
! round affair to settle Anally the ques
j tion of supremacy between 'them. The .
I bout drew a big attendant->. the CtOWdI
i>eing one of the largest that has ever'
witnessed a contest in this city.
Baseball Champions of East and West
to Meet
Chicago. Jan. 22. —Dr.nils of a
world 's amateur championship series be
| twoen Eastern' champions and fch.» be :
amateurs on the Pacific coast to bs :
j played in the stadium of the Panama
{ Pacific International Exposition late in
October, are to be worked out ar a
meeting of the National Amateur Base
ball Association of America in Cleve
land. January 28. according to an an
nouncement here yesterday.
Tiie winner of the series witl be en
titled to retain possession for one year!
of the Patterson trophy and permaneu.
pos e.-sion ot a cup emblematic of the
world's amateur baseball championship
for 1915. The Notiona' Association is
e\[ octet to have an active membership
of 1.000 clubs this year.
DR. KLUGH, Specialist
20C. Wnlnnt Hnrrlshiire P«
DIRfH«M of Tfomrn aid meat RpfHiil, j
prlTatf, apeelflc. aervoas uml rhrnnle j
diseases. Cenernl wflh-e nork, Conaal. j
(ntins free anil confidential. Medietas
furnished. Work guaranteed. Ckarcei
uioderate. 242 years' experience.
Ult. KLtGB. the well-known Specialist
Elizabethtown Ex-High LOI-J One-sided
i The girls' division five of tin* Has
sett Club won the iaitia! gamo ia -1 j
evening on Cathedral hall floor, defeat- i
ing the Elizabethtown Ex-High school 1
| team by ihe score of 25 to 5. The i
score was never in danger, as the Has
j setts passed well and had no difficulty !
;iu locating the uuskets. Misses E!- j
sheid, McCarthy and Burns led in the |
[scoring, while Miss Groii, ror
j bethtown, secured their only goals. The '
girls' division team comprises i layers :
j formerly connected with the St. Ce- !
| cilia. Agathalatha and Franciscan fives, j
They have a strong schedule of games i
for the season, their next being with
; the Episcopal five, of York. The sum- !
j marv:
i Ilassett. Elizabethtown.
Burns K Groflf
i Sweeney F Witmer
| Klsheid C Falkeustein
Hilton 0 leisey
McCarthy G Plummer
Goal?. McCarthy, 4; Klsheid, 3;
I Sweeney. 2; Burns, 2; Gruff, 2. Fouls,
Burns, 3 of 4: Falkenstein, 1 of 3.
Referee, Ed. 11. Smith. Tinier, McCal- j
ley. Scorer, Beale.
Red and White. Minus Captain Benfer,
Loses 11 to 23
Gettysburg. Pa.. Jan. 22. —Crippled
by the absence of Captain Benfer, Al
bright fell an easy victim to Gettysburg j
here last night. 4t to 22. The work of j
Mahaflie. who scored sit field goals and j
16 fouls, was easily the feature.
Gettysburg. Albright. |
Mahaflie P Zinn
Williams K Brillliart
Campbell C Patschke ■
j Ikeler G Lutz |
Turnbull G Wailmer |
Goals from field. Mahaflie. 6; Camp- 1
j bell, ">: Turnbull. Zinn, 2; Brillliart. 2;!
I'atschke, Lutz. Goals from fouls. Ma
j haffie, 16 out of 25; Campbell, 1 out of
jl; Zinn, 10 out of 17. Substitutions.
I Bostock for Mahaflie, .Scheffer for Wil-
I Mains. Montgomery for Campbell, M.:.;»
; for Ikeler, Hoffman for Walmer, Pfedf-j
! t'er for Hoffman.
i i". R. R. Y. M. C. A. League Match
Won by 9» Pins
| The Eaglej won f-om the Giants I
j last night on the alleys of the Pennsvl- j
\ ania Railroad oung Men's Christian
Association by a margin of 99 pins.
Ditmer captured all the individual hon
ors. The Senators will meet the Ath- j
i letics this evening. The score:
Paul 113 164 143 420 !
Smith .... 145 147 157 449 1
Chard 136 138 137 411 I
Martin ... 167 176 147 490
Myers .... 181 194 154 529
Totals .. 742 819 738—2299
filler .... 181 162 156 499]
Hartzell ... 136 136 164 436!
Paull 147 144 177 468 |
Askin .... 132 154 160 — 446
Ditner 182 209 158— 549
Totals .. 778 805 815—2398
Baseball Club to Meet
A manager will b e appointed and of
ficers will be elected for the earning
season at the meeting of the New Cum
berland baseball c-lub of the Central I 1
Pennsylvania League this evening. '
Lebanon High School Will Be Attrac
tion in Chestnut Street Au
The Central High school basketball
five will play the Lebanon High school
team to-night at Chestnut street audi
torium. The victory over the State
Freshmen has put now courage into the
team and they are working hard to
win all thp remaining games on the
Between tflie halves the scrub team
will plav the Palmyra High school
'•Buss'' Ford, the scrappy little for
ward, who starred in the State game,
caging seven field goals, with Captain
Rote, will be in the game at the for
ward positions. Winn will jump cen
ter and Bingham and Reed will be the
There will be dancing after the
game. The scrub game will be called
at 8 o'clock.
Now Tie With Colonials for Casino
League's Cellar
Although they dropped two games to
the Colonials, the Senators overcame a
.flight margin and by a splendid up
hill fight won the match by 91 pins.
Trace was high man with 616 pins. The
teams are now tied for last place in
the league. The score:
Montgomery IS6 129 182— 497
Kozel .... 15S 168 179 505
Stigelman . 201 175 191— 567
Gourlev ... 106 191 227 584
Ibach .. . . 127 174 189— 490
Totals .. S3B 837 968 —2643
■lacobv ... 172 189 146 507
Kruger ... 147 166 151— 4H4
(iulbrauson. 154 162 169 — 485
Trace 21 1 172 233 616
Black 183 15S 138— 479
Totals .. 867 847 535—2552
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE
Four Teams Engage in Duck Pin Match
at Association Alleys
The Giants defeated the Bisons by
1 4 |lins and the Waps downed the Cubs
by 27 pius in the opening matches in
tiie P. R. R. \. M. C. A. Duck Pin
League last evening. Felker was high
man. The scores
First Match
Charles 89 89 95—273
Hoffman ... 101 104 80—285
Totals ... 190 193 197—558
Blessing ... 86 85 85 —256
Felker 95 151 93—329
Totals ... 181 226 178—585
Second Match
Gough 81 86 112—279
Colestock . . 96 79 51—256
Totals ... 177 165 193—535
Frank 81 119 92—302
Oiis 79 06 102 —247
Totals ... 170 175 194—549
Oberlin Wants More Games
There are still a few open dates on
the schedule of the Oberlin High school
basketball team and managers of sec
ond class high schools who want games
either at home or abroad are requested
to write to H. W. Houch, Enhaut.
Sick headache, biliousness, piles and
bad breath are usually caused by inac
tive bowels. Get a box of Rexall
Orderlies. They act gently and effec
tively. Sold only by ua at 10 cents.
lieorge A. Uorg«.
The Reductions Are Actually As Represented
This is a genuine Clearance Sale of "Unit'' Clothing at the reductions advertised.
No goods have been "run in" for this sale. Patrons get. just what they are led
to expect. Every customer gets values seldom matched elsewhere.
Jtoai afl mm rn For MEN'S and YOUNG M mm mm For MEN'S and YOUNG
Hljl / K MEN'S SUITS and /C MEN'S SUITS and
That formerly sold for $15.00 r That formerly sold for $30.00
and SIB.OO. and $35.00.
JM mm mm For MEN'S and YOUNG
/K MEN'S SUITS and tfh** "if- For BOYS' SUITS and
That formerly sold for $20.00 I
and $22.50. Formerly sold for $5.00 and $6.50
Jftafl mm mm For MEN'S and YOUNG
$18.75 ?VERCO S AS S and $1 00 ForBOYS SWEATER S
That solely for $25.00 liW That sold for $1.50 and $'..00 Shirts, Bf)C 53.30 Velour Hats, <g2 50
CIJfPXQ Shirt 3 31-15 II \TC Special lot of $2.50 s3.<Jo
-.30 Shirts $1.65 J. J. Xm. X Iv- and $3.50 Hats at
,:, - 5 ° Bhirts $2.35 $1.50
Our Guarantee goes with every purchase the same as if sold at regular prices.
320 Market Street
I Phhm^l^ 0 '
I Quality I
w Makers of the Htjhta Cnjelurlush
■// and i frptian Cigarettes in the VMi 1
Elizabethtown Collegians Fall After
a Hard Game by Score
of ;il to 25
The Hassett Club five defeated Eliz
abethtown Collegian- last evening in a
close and interesting game by the score
of 31-25. In the first half Ibe game
was rather listless, ending with few
points scored, all opportunity of scor
ing being lost by close guarding. The
score at half time stood at 10-10. It
was a zigzag with both teams until
the final ten minutes, when the Hassett
boys took a spurt, and in a few min
utes had a safe lead, which they held
throughout the rest of the game. Mc-
Curdy and Weitzel were the honor men
for Hassett. while Bachler, a Franklin
and Marshall athlete, of 1-ancaster, who
played center for the visitors, scored
all but two of their points. His foul
shooting was the best seen on the lo
cals' tloor this year, Caging 19 of 24,
The lineup:
Hassett Club. Elizabethtown.
McCurdy F Miller
Weitzel F Gorges
Sourbier C Bachler
l>ee G Kercher
Hitmenkamp ... G Groff
Goals, McCurdy, 3; Sourbier, 3;
Weitzel, 2; Hinnenkamp, Lee, Bachler,
2; Gorges. Fouls, Bachler, 19 of 24;
Sourbier, 8 of 17; Weitzel, 3 of 3.
Referee. Clinton White. Scorer, Sulli
van. Timer, McCalley, C. H. S. „
Letter for Semi-Professional Five
That the Peddie Institute, of
Heightsville, N. J., is expecting a team
called the Harrisburg Semi-professional
basketball five to appear there for a
game to-morrow is shown in a letter
j addressed to the manager of such a
team in Harrisburg. TIMS lerier has
been delivered to the P. R. R. Y. Si.
C. A., but no such team as the Harris
burg Senii-professipnal five is known
Tech Wants Baseball
At a meeting of the student body at
Technical High school yesterday a reso
lution that the school put a baseball
team on the field in the spring was
passed. There was a hot debate for a
time, but those in favor of baseball
finally won out. The principal argu
ment in favor of the diamond game was
that Central High will likely have a
| team and an inter-school baseball series
j would pay.
Academy at Gettysburg
The Harrisburg Academy five will
play the Gettysburg Academy quintet
at Gettysburg to-morrow. The local
tossers were put through a stitf practice
Jesterdlay afternoon, Coach Tatean per
fecting team work.
Start Indoor Practice
With the close of the basketball sea
son to-morrow the track meu at tihe
Harrisburg Academy will begin strenu
ous work for the coming indoor meet.
! Independents Schedule Strong Team for
To-morrow Night
The Harrisburg Independents will
meet the strong Nantiookc team tomor
row night and an excellent game is
looked for as the Nnnticoke teajn i*
now in second place in the Central
Pennsylvania I-digue. Nanticoke will
I have its regular league lineup,
i Pat O'Brien, who is well known in
j Harrisburg, will with the visit-
I ors for the first time in l Harrisburg since
j he played in the Armory with the Har
] ris'bnrg Collegiate*. Th<. game will be
; called at S o'clock and will be followed
) bv tli t > usual dance.
~"j ss™oo^
$15 u e
13 N. Fourth St.