The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Schmidt's Saturday Specials
SCHMIDT 313 M a a n r d ket st -
FLORIST P. R - R- station
Appendant Order of the Bed Cross and
Sepulchre Will Meet in April—Lo
cal Members Will Accompany Har
risburg Maltas to Church Sunday
At a recent meeting of the Red Cross
Association, whith includes the Malta
lodges in the Dauphin district, it was
decided to hold a meeting of the Ap
pendant Order of the Red Cross and
Sepulchre in April, at which time the
degree of the order will be conferred.
Baldwin Commanderv, 108, Knights
of Malta, will confer the White degree
on a class of candidates at its meeting
next week. Spenal cars will convey
the members of this commanderv to
Harrisburg Sunday evening, where they
will unite with the city comxnanderies
and attend services in the Second Re
formed church, Broad and Green streets,
where the Rev. H. A. Bossier will de
liver the sermon. These cars will leave
Sttelton at 6.45 o'clock.
Many Visitors See Candidates Pro greet
in Mystic Work
The hall of Steelton liodge No. 411,
Knights of Pythias, was crowded to its
capacity last evening by visiting and
local Pythians and the crowd included
visitors from eleven different lodges in
this and other parts of the s^tate.
The numlber of the visiting lodges
were accompanied by candidates OB
whom the degree team of the local lodge
conferred the third degree of the order.
Large delegations were present from
Shiremanstown, Lebanon and Harris
burg. The Lebanon lodge sent twenty
live representatives to the borough in
» big automobile buss. The following
lodges were represented last night:
Shiremanstown, Carthage, Bayard, John
Harris and Phoenix, of Harrisburg; Lv
kens. Lorena. of Pittsburgh; Holly Gap
and Middletown.
After the degree was conferred short
talks were given by visiting members
of the order and luncheon was served.
Great Interest Is Maintained in the
Highspire Evangelistic Meetings
AJthough the evangelistic campaign
launched in Highspire by the Rev. C.
E. Hillis and party is nearing the end
of the third week, the interest in the
meetings remains on the increase with
large attendance at all the services. One
hundred and ten conversions were re
ported last eveuiug with an attendance
of about 1,250 reported since the open
ing of the cottage prayer meetings.
The large booster chorus will again
delight the people attending Saturday
evening and considerable interest is be
ing attached to the meeting for men
on'v in the Highspire Fnited Brethren
church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
when the Rev. C. E. Hillis will deliver
a spirited discourse on "Booze, the
•Modern Devil." Mrs. C. E. Hillis will
deliver a sermon in this same church ;
Sundav morning and at 3 o'clock in j
the atternoon will address a meeting
for women only in the Highspire Church
of God.
The choir of the First Reformed !
church, will hold its weekly rehearsal
this evening at S o'clock.
The Shippensburg Normal school !
basketball team will plav the High :
school five in Fulton hall 'to-night. An
alternating game will be plaved be
tween the Methodist chub and the
High school second team.
Superintendent L. E. MciGinnes of'
the borough public schools, wi 1 deliver j
an address in the First Presbyteriau '
church, Sunday night at 7.30 o'clock. 1
Bis subject will be "The Tragedy of
An Unsafe Life."
All of the mills in rhe West End of
the plant of the Pennsylvania Steel
Company are running double turn
following the addition of the night
shift of thp slab mill yesterdav. The
bessemer mill was put" into operation
Wednesday on the duplex system. I
George Kiss sustained a fracture j
of the right leg yesterday morning!
while at work in the bridge and con-I
struction department of the local !
steel plant. Kiss had hooked up a .
heavy girder and the big piece of
material slipped from its fastening
and fell striking his leg. He was
taken to the Harrisburg hospital for
treatment. Kiss is 41 years old and!
lives at 472 Mohn street.
Reed's group of the First M. E.
church, will hold a sauerkraut dinner
and supper in the social room of the
church, February 4.
Not Government Agent
A local Bulgarian announced late
testerday afternoon that U. N. Shiro
toff. who attended the services Tues
lay incident to the recovery of the
•ross from the river, was a Bulgarian
ourist lecturer and scientist, and not
in agent of that government as had
wen reported.
Phe Best Show of the Week at the
PALACE Theatre Saturday, j
The Terror of Anger. Thanhouser.
lis Talented Wife. Keystone,
tenfax Musical Motion Pictures, or
Vaudeville on the Screen.
Oldest Woman of Oborlin Succumbs to
Old Age
Mrs. Margaret Duncan, widow of
i Hiram Duncan, died at the home of her
son, Harvey Duncan. Oberlin, yester
day afternoon at 1.45 o'clock, prin
cipally from the effects of old age. Her
■ husband died thirty-seven years ago.
Mrs. Duncau is survived by twenty
seven grandchildren, twenty-one great
-1 j grandchildren, two great-great-grand
• children and the following children:
1 I Mrs. John Bowman, of Harrisburg: Ed
ward Dunean, of Harrisburg; Harry
■ Duncan, of Ebenozer, and Harvey Dun
-1 can, of Oberlin, with whom she made
her home.
1 The funeral will be held Sunday aft
-1 ernoon at 2 o "clock with services by
' the Rev. Mr. Currv. of near Derrv
Church, assisted by the Rev. Mr.
Boughter, of this place. Interment will
be made a! Oberlin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holdman
1 1 moved yesterday from the Ney apart
ments, 190 North Front street, to
j Highspire.
I'. M. Ney, North Front street, made
| a business trip to Harrisburg to-ilay.
I Richard Foley, Frederick street, has
| recovered from an illness with which
he was confined to his home for a
Professor A. F. Naoe, of Hanover, a
former teacher in the schools hero,
visited the borough yesterday.
Palace Theatre's Offerings
P. M. Ney, manager of the Palace,
announces the presentation Saturdav,
I matinee 2 o'clock and evening 6 o'clock,
j of the Renfax Musical Motion Pictures,
lone of the most. startling inventions
j since the introduction of moving pic
tures. There will be singing, laughing,
j dancing and mo\ ies. You not only see
your favorite actor but hear him :u>
well. Don't miss this great show.—-
Adv. *
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
I nurse employed by the SteeUon Civic
IClui), will be in her offices from 8 a. :n.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1 30
p. m.
harrisburg side
Philadelphia Division—luS crew to
Igo first after 4p. in.: 123, 104 115
| 126, 118, 101, 1 17, 120, 127,' 103',
125. 105. 113.
Engineers for 104, 123, 127, 128
Firemen for 101, 123.
Conductors for 115, 117, 120. 125
127, 128. '
Flagman for 114.
Brakeman for 117.
Engineers up: Grass. Bissiuger,
Smith, Hubler, Kautz. Miouick, Gc?B6v
Tennant, Sober. Hennecke, Seitz. Gib
i bons.
j Firemen up: Manning. Brenner,
j Bellman, Libhart, Kochenouer, Kes
i troves, Gelsinger, Gilberg, Huston,
j Wriehello, Myers, Kegleman. Mulholm,
Wagner, Kreider, Yentzer, Swank,
1 lihoads, Horstick. Wagner. L. Paeker,
Chronister, Dunlevy, Weaver, Houser,'
Conductor up: Ropp.
Brakemen up: Busser, Bogner, Me-
Xaughton. Payne. Kochenouer, Dearolf,
I Brown, Collins, Coleman, Griftie, Kope,
Brownewell. Jackson, Baltozer,
! Hubbard. File, Gouse.
Middle Division —lll crew to go
! first after 12.30 p. m.: 19. 23, 17."
Preference: 3.
Firemen for 19. 3.
Conductor for 17.
Brakeman for 23. *
Engineers up: Mumma. Garman.
I Knislev, Smith, Magill, iHertzler. Ben
i nett.
Firemen up: Kuntz. Stouffer, Drew-j
ett. Arnold. Liebau, Cox, Karstetter,!
1 Reeder, Fletcher. Sheeslev, Davis, Born- j
! man.
Flagmen up: Miller, Jacobs.
Brakemen up: Kerwiji, Kiigor. Fleck, j
Peters. Baker. Mathias, Bolan, Plack. :
Putt. Frank, Wenrick, Kauffman, Reese, 1
Kohli. Schoffstall, Troy, Rissinger,
, Fritz, Kieffer, Bell, Roller. Strouser, |
j Henderson. Spahr, Kane, 'Pipp.
Philadelphia Division—l'oß crew to'
go first after 4.15 p. m.: 224. 239, 225.
Engineers for 208, 239.
Firemen for 225, 226.
t'onductors for 225, 227.
Flagman for 208.
Brakemen for 208, 225, 248.
< oniiuctors up: Walton,
Dewees, l/ogan. Forney, Keller.
Flagman up: Shindle.
Brakemen up: MaJseed. Jacobs,
V'andling, Mumma, McPhearson, Sum- i
my, Taylor, Decker, Rice, Kone, Shaff- j
ner, Hoopes. Crosby, Twigg.
Middle Division—ll6 crew to go!
first after 2.45 p. m.: 105, 106. 104.' j
Engineer for 105.
Conductor for 107.
Brakeman for 105, (2).
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Hoy
ler. Hohenoiielt, Brenneman, Thomas,
Rudy, Houser, Meals. Stahl, Swab, Har-1
vey. Saltsmau. Kuhn. Pelton, Shaver,
Firemen up: Sheets, Bair, Eyde, i
Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Revie, j
t'lsh. Bostdorf, Schieffer, Rauch. Wei
gle. Lackey. Cookerly, Maeyer, Sholter,
Snell. Bartolet, Getty, Barketv.
Engineers for 1454, 707. 601, 1820,
432. 954.
Firemen for 306. 1869, 1454, 707,
601, 1368.
P., H. tc P.—After 11.15 a. m.: 24,
5. 12, 2. 1. 4.
East bound—After 11.15 a. in.: 65,
62, 58, 60, 61.
Conductors up: German.
EagineAs up: Fetrow, M&ssimore.
Wiremau, Dtirbrow. Wvre, Morriyou,
Ricbwine, Morne, Fortnev.
Firemen up: Carl, Sullivan, Miller,
Beecher, Fulton, Bowers. Bingaman, Zu
kcrwiski, Nye, I.iex, Dobbins, Chronister,
Sellers, Uongenecker.
Brakemen up: Taylor, Kohl, Ens
minger, Hoover, Dunkle, Carlin. Ware,
Fleagle, Kinkle. Page. Shader. Greaff.
Warren, Hoibert, Maxton, Lauke.
Occasion Planned for Yesterday After
noon Most Successfully Carried
Out—Sixteen Women Oyer MO
Years Old Were Among Audience
Mechanicsburg, Jan. 22.—Yesterday
afternoon was Mothers' Day at the tab
ernacle and much prominence was given
tfhe occasion. The 'committeo of the
day, with the Rev. George Fulton,
chairman, had plauned extensively aud
successfully for the occasion. There
were very many and very handsome
potted plants and many carnations
used iu decorating the tabernacle.
Easy chairs were provided for the aged
and infirm and they were brought from
and returned to their homes in auto
The service of the afternoon was in- i
fymal. Mr. Miller anounced that,!
contrary to the usual custom, the babies j
would not be taken to the nursery, but
mothers should keep their babies with j
them during this service.
The service opened with a song serv
ice by the congregation, conducted by '
Prof. Hohgatt. Prayer was offered by i
the Rev. Mr. Fulton. This was foi- j
lowed by » short talk by Mr. Miller, •
when he said he wanted the mothers;
to get acquainted with each other and j
they should all talk to those near them j
and, if any had their knitting with i
them, thev should knit. Alter a short i
time spent socially, Mr. Miller said he j
wished to ask some questions. First I
j was the native State of the mothers
j present. In response it was learned !
I that the large majority were Penusvl-
I vaniins The following States were
represented: Ohio, Illinois, lowa, Del
aware, New York, Missouri, West Vir
ginia and Indiana. With the announce
ment of the iast named applause that
nearly shook the tabernacle caine from
the evangelistic party and was taken i
up by the congregation. There was one
representative from Denmark aud two :
| from England.
!TIIP next question from Mr. Miller
was the ages of some of the mothers
present. He said he would ask only the i
! ones who were nearest the front, as he i
feared the younger ones farther back I
would not want to tell. Of the moth- j
ers who were asked and told their ages, j
there were sixteen over SO, three So, !
one S8 aud one 31. The two oldest |
were given seats of honor on the plat- I
form, escorted by the ushers and pas
tors, and were presented with flusters
of carnations. A so.o was si!hig by Miss
Cree and a duet bv Miss tree and Prof.
Mr. Miller then gave a short talk !
on "Christianity in the Home.'' He
emphasized the necessity of the moth
er's Christian nurture aud training of!
her children. Following Mr. Miller's
address he requested the old mothers |
to suggest some of the old-, old hymns ,
| they sang when when they were young.
| Among the hymns sung were "Oh,
j When Shall I See .Tesusf" "When 1
j Can Read My Title Clear,"' "The Old
'Time Religion," "A Charge to Keep
II Have,'' "Good News Gone to Cana
an." The pastors led this singing. Re-i
| cision cards were distributed to the
' congregation aud several requests for
; prayer were received. The ser\ ices
i closed with prayer and benediction by
j the Rev. Mr. Re.h.
When the evening serv ice began the
] buildiug was filled, a large number of
I persons standing. An expected dele
: gation from Harrisbnrg failed to ar
' rive, but the members of the G. A R.
and W. R. 0. of Mechanicsburg were
present. A crowd from New Kingston
was in attendance, as well as a large j
party from Shiremanstown.
As usual, the choir sang a number
of selections In response to the query
what hymn they preferred, Shiremans
tow nasked for "Onward, Christian
Soldiers." and Nev; Kingston for
'•Nearer, My God, to Thee." The
I choir s.:lit; these hymns. Tli*n. whil«*
Prof. Hohgatt use.i a -mall i'nited
•State* flag as a baton and three large
; t!;?gs iloated at the rear ot' the choir,
all iu the house rose aud saug in honor
of the veteran:. "The Red. White and
Blue." For a while the electric lights
were out, but the music continued.
Prof. Hohgatt played a trombone solo. 1
The Rev. C. F. Raach offered an earn
■ est prayer. Prof. Hohgatt saug "The
; Great Judgment Morning."
Mr. Miller's text is found in the
27th verse of the 9th chapter of He
brews: "It is appointed unto men
' ouee to die, but after that the .judg
ment." Mr. Miller said that, if part!
of the text is true, all is true. If any !
! of the Bible is a lie. all is a lie, and, if j
part is true, all is true. No one can |
deny that it is appointed unto man to i
die and it must then be admitted that |
the judgment will follow. It is not !
death that men fear, it is the judgment j
which follows. Skeptics, unitarians, i
universalists, infidels, no matter what
they say when in Health, when they
come down to death realize that a
judgment awaits them. Even tlie devil
helieves in 'hell and judgment. Every
thing written in the book which will i
be read at the judgment will be a true |
record of our deeds: we will remember j
them. When men write biographies of
men they usually forget to mention the
bad, but enumerate all the good. God
writes it all.
"Some one has remarked that some'
of the men in the Bible were pretty |
bad, that Noah got drunk. They were j
like men nowadays, they sinned, and
God did not do like human biographers,
omit the bad, God wrote it down. Noah i
got drunk, and God wrote it down, i
Achan stole some gold, and God wrote ' j
it down." The speaker here enumer-i ,
ateii several more instances. "Our evil;
deeds are recorded in the judgment j i
book. Xo one knows how soon he will | t
be called into judgment. We can offer \ t
no excuse that is valid in the sight of j <
God. for not seeking salvation. Some I i
people say their business occupies all I
their time and they have no time to be-11
come Christians. Tkit is uot true, we I<j
Lr [c{Alwayß^eliabl e "J
Our Half-Yearly Shirt Sales are recognized
as the bargain event of the year in high-grade shirts.
No manner of sale nor number of sales can detract from the public
interest manifested in this half-yearly complete clearance of all our new, high-grade shirts of known
most varied stock of strictly new shirts of every de
scription—Manhattans, Bates-Street, Manchester, Star, etc. —soft
cuffs, starched cuffs, mushroom bosoms, pleats, negligees, dress shirts, flannels, silks, etc.
All SI.OO Shirts now 79c lAII $2.00 Shirts now $1.59
Ail $1.50 Shirts now $1.19 All $2.50 Shirts now $1.89
Sale Ends Saturday,
Remember These
January Suit and Overcoat Reductions
Including every suit and overcoat in the store. The Klavicle and all
other Kuppenheimer Overcoats and Suits are included, too, but we make particular mention of the
Klavicle because it's the season's most popular style and obtainable only here.
Marking Klavicles down like everything else shows that neither the
newness nor the desirability of the merchandise is allowed to stand in the way when we start to clean
our stock.
Every sls Suit or Every S2O Suit or Every $25 Suit or
Overcoat Now Overcoat Now Overcoat Now
$12.50 $16.50 $21.50
f*- n
ll »i«i»a i u r4Tg|
304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
must place God first. It is right to at
tend to one's business. It is no dime
to be rich. Abraham was rich. But he
did not neglect salvation nor the serv
ice of God.''
The speaker was heard with close at
tention, as he described with feeling
death scenes, where the person a.bout
to die was not ready for the judgment
day. Mr. Miller asked whether infidel
ity or skepticism has ever made any
one a 'better man. He asked men who
have been saved, by religion, from an
evil life, to rise. After they had been
seated, he all to rise who have
betu siued from an evil life toy skep
tieism or infidelity. None rose. The ser
mon was replete with proofs of a com
ing judgment, for which ail unsaved
were urged to prepare. Mr. Miller eited
towns against which judgment had lieen
prophesied, and to which judgment
came. The sermon was powerful and
the spirit of Uod was present. At the
conclusion of the sermon, nineteen ac
cepted Christ.
The service this evening will begin
at 7.15. instead of 7.30. It will IM
■H I <h school night. To-morrow evening
will be family night, when the middle
block will be reserved for families.
Each family shall set together.