The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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• ( Etlabluhed in 1876)
Published b •
/ /* Star-I ndepeiden t Building,
South Third Stro«t, Harritburg. )>■,
tv»r» t»«nln( Except Sunday
Officer».• Vireeltrt. !
'• "■%«.. *>■» 1- ■- "...
Vie. President. w » * AIETEM.
Secretary and Treasurer. WM. W. WALLOWEB.
Business Manager. Editor. |
All communications should be addressed to STAR INDEPENDENT,
Business. Editorial, loli Printing or Circulation Department :
according to (lie subject matter
Entered at the Post Office tn Harrisburg as second class matter.
Benjamin & Kentnor Company,
New Vork and Chicago Representatives.
New York Offlee, Brunswick Building. Fifth Avenue.
Cmcago Office, People's Gas Building. Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at 5 cents a week. Mailed tc subscriber;
tor Three Dollar? a /eat iu id' ance
The paper wlta tlie largest. Horn-- Circulation in Harrisburg ana
•earby towns
Circulation Eismlneu b»
Private Brand Exchange No. .1280
Private Branch Eicnange. . . No. 245-246
»- j - - , _____
Friday, Jauuary '££, 1915.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
1 2
3 4 5 6 * 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Full Moon, Ist, iioth; Last Quarter, Bth;
New Moon, loth; First Quarter, 'J;5d.
Harrisburg and vicinity: Snow to- |
ami Saturday. Not much change %-■/''
in temperature. Lowest temperature *
to-night about degrees.
Kiistern Pennsylvania: Snow to-night
and Saturday. Moderate to fresh north e 'SsS ,
to northeast winds.
Highest, oS: lowest, 26; 8 a. ni., 27; S p. m., 26.
When the attention of a City Commissioner was
called to-day to the faet that Front street lawns, in
tho neighborhood of Peffer and Muench streets, are
being littered with thousands of old newspapers
carried there by the wind from the river's edge
where the Pennsylvania Reduction Company, with
the sanction of the City Commission, is dumping
ashes and refuse gathered from the homes of Har
risburg residents, he pleaded for patience on the
part of the resident inconvenienced and offered
excuses for the annoyance, as shown by his state
ment printed in full on another page. He declared,
among other things, that the City has employed a
corps of men to remove the papers and prevent just
what is being complained of. When told that de
cayed vegetables are being dumped there he said
lK' did not believe it, because men stationed on the
river bank are paid to prevent anything of the
kind. '
All tlit' Commissioner need do. since he is incredu
lous, is to take a walk up Front street and see for
himself. It' lie had done so yesterday afternoon lie
could not only have seen the lawns for a stretch of
several blocks almost covered iu many instances
with waste paper, but. over the river bank where
the dump has been established, he could have seen
rotten and rotting pumpkins, lemon ami grape fruit
1 aids, decaying potatoes and every once in a while
lie could have obtained a whiff of noxious odors
that would have made him hold his nose. A repre
sentative ol the Star-Independent was there aud
experienced these unpleasant sensations and any
one else can do so who takes tile trouble to iuvesti-
\\ bile we believe the residents along the river
trout, as well as those living in any other part of
Harrisbui'g. are willing to put up with personal
inconveniences to permit the City to escape a great
I urden of expense in making tlu- river bank till,
they cannot be expected to submit to conditions as
tlicy are now in the plaee described. It may be
all right enough to utilize ashes to save money for
the City in making the needed till, but it is not all
right to use decaying vegetable matter, to permit
paper to obliterate lawns or to allow great clouds
ol dust tositt into the homes-of river front residents
every time a cart is dumped.
Since, as the Commissioner said in his statement,
the City has hired men to prevent .just these annoy
ances, it is up to the ( itv to see that these men do
their work properly. They haven't done it prop
erly as vet. x
The fact that a hundred and twenty-five persons
of this city are to appear on the Majestic staste next
Monday and Tuesday in an elaborate operetta,
again brings home talent into prominence, and
points toward an affair which will be an enjoyable
one. v
A production of this sort by a local cast, although
it may be lacking in some of the qualities which
can only be expected of professional players, always
has certain charms about it which can only be
expected of the amateurs of a community. When
players behind the footlights are persons widely
known in a community, their efforts are always a
source of much enjoyment to their friends and rela
tives on the other side of the lights, and there is
a closer understanding between persons on the
stage and persons in the audience than under other
It is well for the talent of a city like Harrisburg
to be brought together at times to take part in a !
production such as next week's operetta. An op- j
portunity is offered to l capable amateurs to give j
expression to their accomplishments before large j
audiences, and the audiences are likewise given a
chance to 'set; what the city is producing in the
way of talent, particularly musical talent. It is
a question, iu connection with a good home talent
production, whether the cast gets more entertain
ment out of it or the audience. Both get a great j
The proceeds of next week's operetta go to the
Harrisburg Polyclinic Hospital, an institution which
has been doing a great amount of charitable work
and is now dependent largely upon these proceeds
to acquire much needed additional equipment. The
affair therefore appeals for patronage not only be
cause of its local cavst but also by reason of its
philanthropic object.
Despite contentions that barriers should be raised
to prevent a flood of foreigners from overwhelm
ing this country at the close of the war, the likeli
hood is rather that during the year following the
close of the conflict the immigration gains iu this
country will be the smallest in several decades.
Not only has the war called aliens living in the
United States back to their native countries, and
cut off the inflow to this country, but it will also be
the means of keeping foreigners at home after the
war is over, that they may repair the property,
revive the industry and restore the prosperity
which the war will partly or wholly have destroyed.
In the countries which are now at war there will J
be plenty of opportunities far employment offered
to the surviving natives at the close of the conflict,
and inducements for them to stay at home ought to
be greater than any that America could hold forth.
Neglected soil will have to be tilled iu the devas
tated countries and abandoned shops and factories
reoceupied. and all this with great numbers of the
former workers in soldiers' graves.
Even in the European countries which are so for
tunate as to keep out of the war, the opportunities
for natives at home will be greater than they have
been for some time, since these countries will get
a large share of the benetit of rehabilitated Euro
pean trade.
There may be disheartening conditions after the
war in sections of Europe which are hard hit. with
perhaps little more than ashes upon which to re
establish industry, but repairs and readjustments
will have to be made and the natives will hardly
rush to this country or to any other at such a time,
fleeing from the (asks which will confront them.
Although we in the United States should under all
circumstances exclude vicious and highly undesir
able aliens, we might do better at present iu prep
aration for the handling of the big share of the
world's trade that we will get. at the close of the
war, to encourage rather than to discourage immi
gration from Europe.
When the members of the old eouncilmanie bodies, that
have passed oirt of existence, meet to form a permanent
social organization, one thing that is certain is that there
will be no 3-to-2 vote.
Is there a hidden purpose behind the plan of the mem
bers of the old councilmanic bodies to reorganize? Per
haps they believe they can give e>en the new Citv
Commission some pointers on how to run the Citv.
Despite the fact that wheat reached a new high record
price yesterday, little of it was offered for sale." Perhaps
the fanners,—or the speculators,—are holding out for a I
still better figure.
Don't dodge around the corner next week when vou see
the collector for the Home and War Relief Committee j
coming your way!
Philadelphia's $5,000,000 municipal bond issue, offered
"oxer the counter," was oversubscribed in less than seven
hours. The bonds are four percents and the fact of the '
ready sale of them seems to prove there are even now \
investors aplenty who are willing to put their- money into I
sate securities, eveu at a comparatively low rate of interest. !
"So many men marry now for money," she said. "Vou
woirid not marry me for money, would you, Harry!"
No, said Harry, absently. "I would marry vou
for all the money in the world."
And he was amazed when she exclaimed:
"Oh, you horrid, horrid wretch!"— Exchange.
— *
Recruiting Officer (to brawny pitman who has just passed
his medical examination)—" What regiment do you wish
to joint"
Pitman—"l don't care."
Officer—"Sure you have uo preference I"
Pitman—"Well, put me in one o' them that spikes the
beggars."—London Opinion.
"Get away from here, or I'll call my "husband!" threat
ened the hard-faced woman who had just refused the tramp
some food.
"Oh, no, you won't," replied the tramp, "because he
ain't home." •
"How do you know?" asked the woman.
"Because," answered the man. as he sidled toward the
gate, "a man who marries a woman like you is only home
at meal times."—New York World.
"Now, dear," hesitated John, "what about cooking!"
"Well, Jack," confessed the two-day-old bride, "when we
get back from our honeymoon your mother is going to tell
me just how to cook the things you like."
"I say, dearie, you're a sport to let my mother give you
a hint or two."
Three weeks later, Jack, hardly so jovial of countenance,
superintended the disposal of their evening meal.
"Say," he grumbled, as he glared, knife in hand, at a
minute specimen of cookery for two. "What's the matter
with the crust of this pie! It doesn'.t half cover it!"
"Why, dearest," answered the anxious young wife, as
she came and gazed at it, "I thought you'd be pleased!
Your mother said you always liked the crust rather short!"
[Tongue-End Top ics|
Birth Bate Here and Elsewhere
A comparison of the number of
births iu 1914 with those of the pre
vious twelve months, said Dr. John M.
J. Hauniek, Chief of the Bureau of
Health and (Sanitation, prompted his
statement in his annual report that the
percentage of birth inereases for the
last year in Harrisburg gives cause for
alarm. The 'Health officer further says
he did not lost sight of the figuros
which confronted him when he made
comparisons of Harrisburg's record
that that of ofher cities. The Health
Officer says the number of births here
hus beeu at the rate of 19.2 per thou
sand of population, which he declares
to be a ratio lower than in any other
city of the size in the State. Th<j
cities of Erie, York. Lancaster, Bead
ing. Easton and Altoona and the first
class cities all have swamped Harris
burg in so far as the birth rate is con
cerned, according to Dr. Baunick's in
formation. Harrisburg can boast about
its reduced death rate, 'but even that
is bettered by some other cities.
* « *
Stork Most Active in Ninth Ward
Dr. Baunick insists that the subject
of births and deaths cannot be taken
too seriously. '' Why, just look at
that!" lie said as he pointed to the
Third ward figures, which show that
the total number of births in the ward
was but 28, an average of only a trifle
more than two a month. But he
couldn't refrain from smiling as he ran
his finger down over the sheet and
stopped at the Ninth ward, which
showed 227 births. The Ninth ward
has the record. The Seventh is second
with 196 and the Second is next with
* * *
London's Death Rate Lower
Comparing the last year with that of
fourteen years ago, the infant death
iate in London lias declined 29 per
coat.; deaths from measles. 32 per
cent.; scarlet fever, ti 4 per cent.;
whooping cough, 62 per cent.; diph
theria, 55 per cent.; tuberculosis, 28;
pneumonia, 17. and bronchitis, 61 per
cent. From all causes the percentage
of deaths, countin gadults, children and
intants, has declined 24 per cent, dur
ing the period. To increased facilities
for the diagnosis of disease by labora
tories. the destruction of rodents and
care taken against infection is the low
death rate mainly attributable.
* ♦ *
Soldiers Hunt Hares in Belgium
The officers ot' the Fourth Dragoon
Guards, at the front with the British
army, have been diverting themselves
by chasing the hares of Belgium. Lieu
tenant Charles Romer Wiliams, of this
regiment, made a special trip to his
home in Northamptonshire for some
hunting dogs, ami received the loan of
a pack froir a sympathetic country
gentleman. Lieutenant Williams, who
was the master of fhe Eton beagles i
when a student at Eton, now has the i
i dogs with him at the front.
Put Ban on German Literature
The Portuguese government, accord
' ing to London advices, has prohibited
| the admission to the country of Ger
' mar. war propaganda in tlie form of
| pamphlets, circulars or books. Litera
! ture of this description had been scat
j tered broadcast throughout the coun
trv recently by German agencies located
iu Barcelona and other Spanish centers.
toutlaued From Fleet rage.
i surrounded, virtually, by the hosti'.e
! | French troops. When the two big ship's
i loads of supplies ot' clothing came to
,| comfort them and make certain at
j least a warmth oL body during the
I strees of vigorous -vrorfUre.
1 I Edward Moesleiu, now chairman of
| the Dauphin County Democratic com
! mittee, was that man. For an hour, fol
lowing » brief descriptive talk of how
; much the supplies which this city is
sending to stricken Europe through the
; relief committee are appreciated, he
, answered question at'ter question, until
| he had given a word-picture of condi
i tions across the ocean in that former
| war that wrung the tribute of tears
I from the eyes of many who heard.
'i "While we lay before Orleans we
felt the most bitter sting of the un
fought part of war," said the veteran,
answerintg the question, "What does it
mean to the soldier, this American re
j lief f''
"We had captured the place Octo
'! ber 11," said Mr. Moeslein, "then
i were forced to give it up. December 2,
3 'and 4, by fierce fighting, we retook
it. It was on December 2, after a ter
rible fight in falling sleet and rain,
that the bugles blew 'Stand where you
s are.' It was 11 o'clock at night. We
stopped. We were about out of am
munition, had no food and were wear
ing clothing we had hurridlv put on
i when we left home in July. For nine
- i weeks we had had no change of ap
> | parel.
| Moeslein's Hearing Impaired
I "We stuck our bayonets in the ground
' I with the fun attached, leaning in to
j ward a point. Across these guns we
; laid the bodies of three dead French
s j men. They froze stiff, and behind them
we knelt all that night. We had been
5 on the march and fighting twenty miles
a day for two months or more and 1
feel asleep, kneeling. When I awoke
my left cheek was against the body of
one of the Frenchmen."
"Did you suffer permanent injury
8 from that night of exposure?'' asked
j one of the committeemen.
"Well, I haven't heard out of my
left ear Since," Mr. Moeslein answered,
1 and then, bit by bit, answering ques
-1 If You Are Losing Weight
\ and your nerves are in bad condition,
r we recommend
Olive Oil
s Emulsion
! conUHntng Hypophotrmif
a food and nerve tonic prescription.
Gsorge A. Gorges.
Foley's Honey and
Tar Stops those
Night Coughs
Tbey Are Weakening, and Disturb tke
Whole Family.
Cougus and colds usually (row worse at
nightfall. Keep ■ bo!tie of FOI.ET K HONFT
AND TA» COMPOUND at hand. Use it freely—
there ia nothing in it that can possibly harm
you. Bat it clears the throat of phlegm and
muens, stops the coughing and tickling, and
heals the raw inflamed surfaces.
GEO. D. COBBS, Many, La., saysi "My wife
was troubled with a terrible congh, and we
could get nothing to reliere her nntil I asked
Dr. Self of Hornbeck, who recommended
FOLEY'S HONF.T AND TAE SO strongly that I
pnrchased a 50* bottle. Before the contents
of this bottle were used, the couich had en
tirely disappeared and her health was com
pletely restored."
PHIL DTSSORM*AtJ,Bch«#.r, Mich., writes:
"Last winter I conld not sleep at night on ac
count of a bad congh. It did not bother me
during the day, but started np at bedtime and
kept me from sleeping. I was very weak and
in bad shape. I started using FOLEY'S HONET
AMDTAS and was greatly pleased to find that
the coogh left me entirely, my appetite ia
proTod, and I slept sonndly at night."
Good draggista are (Tfd to sell FOLBT'S
BONIT AND TAB COMPOUND became it alwnys
satisfies the customer and contains no opiates.
Refuse substitutes.
Geo. A. Gorgaa, 16 North Third
street and P. B. R. Station.
tions, the whole story came out. He
had not noticed his condition much at
first, as Prince Karl had come to tho
rescue, and, by means of artillery,
driven sway the threatening French
who lia<l surrounded the Germans. Ten
days later the terrific ordeal of light
ing, as they marched 20 miles st day,
wore too heavily even on the splendid
physique of the big German, and he
Then followed the story of his splen
did treatment while ill" by , an old
French gentleman, who had six wound
ed Frenchmen, a German lieutenant and
Mr. Moeslein to care for, but who had
ministered to their wants until all were
well. For four days t'he frozen-faced
*ian lay with his face packed in ice,
while nature slowly restored the in
jured tissues, though failing to restore
his hearing.
His clothing was so filthy that the
old French gentleman baked it to de
stroy the vermin. The old gentleman's
clothes were too small for 'Mr. Moeslein,
so he wore a blanket while his clothing
was baked. It was after Jie had re
joined his regiment, under command of
Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm, that
the American relief ships, bearing
clothing and Red Cross supplies, landed
at Havre, and later issued the much
needed clothing to the encamped army.
How American Gifts Helped
"Naturally I am friendly to the
Germans,'' continued Mr. Moeslein,
"but in this matter T am for relief to
them all, particularly Red Cro?s sup
plies for the women and children. When
a man is sick or wounded in the ene
mies' hands he is no enemy. This
great charity you a'e aiding helps tirst
the needy here; then it saves the lives
of wounded men, and, more noble still,
cares for those whom war strikes with
out bullet or bayonet, but whom it
strikes and hills, just the same.
"All over Europe, T am sure, hearts
are blessing the American people for
their noble work. Germans of this city
have sent $3,100 'o Germany, and they
are sending to the other needv ones,
''l got one shirt, a pair of socks and
sonic underclothing out of those Amer
ican Snips, but, greater than all that,
I got the brotherhood of man message
from warmhearted America and it
kindled a feeling cf love and regard
for you people within me that I never
forgot. And what I suffered and felt
was the experience of thousands oth
'To-day it is the same. All nations
will appreciate the kindly spirit and
motives which prompt those needed and
humane gifts of supplies, especially
for the Red Cross.
"We had money, as have those coun
tries now at war have, but tticru was
nothing to buy, as there is nothing
there to buy now. It was what Amer
ica sent then that we appreciated more
than all else. It will be the smile
now, for the misery is so much greater
now than then. We fought with the
tens of thousands; they fight to-day
witih millions. Let America give."
To Begin Collecting Monday-
Next Monday the special force of
What V/t Say
Possibly You
Think Diamonds
Are a Luxury
But a luxury that is convertible iuto
cash any day has one of the most es
sential features of a good investment.
Many a person has sold his or her Dia
monds and received in cold cash more
money than was paid for the jewels.
In successful men such buying is called
business acumen.
You can buy a genuine, perfectly
cut, fine quality Diamond at Diener's
for as little as $25. Any time within
a year we will allow you the full pur
chase price in exchange for a larger
Stone. We call the plan "Growing a
Diamond." We will be glad to show you
Diamonds, both set and unmounted.
408 Market St.
Greatest Sale of Sales
Oilers Ladies and Misses Coats
At Unprecedented Prices
Coats and plain cloths,
Cheviots and Mine Serges, in tailored ef
■ r.IS, J son's favored fabrics—many satin lined
WBtjit'' t and all are superbly tailored—loose belted
r wraß ar "' t ' art> e^eCtS 6Se were va^ues t0
Y< Plaid Tweeds and Worn in bo Chinchilla—
BK many lined throughout with guaranteed
satin —some trimmed wilh fur and plush.
Coats For Little Girls, $4.95
The season's greatest offering—values to $8.73 —girlish
models—<>l' chinchilla and faiu-v cloths.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm irßMiwnirwwwMrH im ump n m I—III—
GOB,GAS DRUG STORES* Itt N. Thud St. and I'euna.. Station.
solicitors for the Ways anil Means com
uiitte of the Home and War Relief com
mittee begins its work of collecting
funds to carry ou the work, begun here
Christmas week. To date the women
at the head of the general committee
have spent more than $3,000. Half this
amount has goue to local merchants
to purchase materials with which to
make the garments for the war suf
ferers. The other half $1,500, lias
gone into the homes of more than 30'0
needy families at home, where the wom
en folks have been able to sew the
simply-made garments so much needed
by the women and children of Belgium
and the other stricken countries.
The $3,000, now used, was given
voluntarily by citizens of this district.
To earry on the work until April, thou
sands more must be given. It must
come from all who are able to give, no
matter how small the sum. Not one
ceut of it goes to pay for the work
done at headquarters, T South Front
street. With free rent, free gas and
tight, free coul and free freight, there
is uo overhead expense. Not one of the
workers at headquarters, some of whom
give their entire time each day to the
task, receive any compensation, save
the comforting thought of a noble work
for humanity.
This work —charity, if you will—
serves a doulb'le purpose. Its aim is to
relieve sufferers, both at home and
abroad. Xot one cent of the money
contributed re-aches the other country
until it has filtered through the out
stretch hands of the deserving work
ers of this city whom it will aid in
making themselves self-supporting dur
ing this tryimg time of want.
Pre-Inventory Sale
Of Superior Quality Curtains
50 per cent, less than the;
regular prices. \
IRISH POINT CURTAINS— in white—our entire
stock—none reserved—values from $4 to S2O per pair,
at 33 1-3 per cent. LESS.
ODD PAIRS— aII kinds in this lot —all wonderful
values —at Vv, PRICE.
EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS— two and three pair
lots of all kinds and grades of curtains—must go pre
vious to taking inventory. The greatest values we
have ever offered — AT LESS THAN COST.
i l. w. COOK"
Analysis Ends Rumor After Sudden
Death of Siegel's Partner
New York. Jan. 22.—A report cf
the chemical's analysis of the contents
of th» stomach of Prank K. Vogel, who
at the time of his death at the 'Bal
timore hotel was under fourteen indict
ments with Henry Siegel, shows there
was no trace of ovanide. The report
was made by the Ferguson laboratories,
121 West Kortv-sec.ond street, to Dis
trict Attorney Perkins.
The analysis of the contents of the
stomach was made on the rumor that
Vogcl's death bad not been from na
tural causes.
Southern Pacific Said to Have Bought
30,000 Tons
New York, Jan. 22. The Southern
Pacific railroad is reported to have or
dered 30,000 tons of steel rails from
the Teuuessee Coal. Iron and Railroad
This means an expenditure of about
$840,000. The Norfolk and Western
railway has placed additional orders for
5,000 tons of rails with Pittsuurgh
Constable Is Jailed
York, Jan. 22. —Williami Hermon,
who disappeared ablaut two weeks ngo
while under SI,OOO bail awaiting sen
tence on two charges af extortion while
a constable at York, and surrendered
to the Washington police Wednesday,
was sentenced yesterday to one year
in jail and to [uy a fine of SIOO.