The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Jr\ fqundbd 1871 9 j SATURDAY HOURS: Have you seen the pretty Neckfix- ioUNDID 1871
► MSjQtlrUZCltfi9 A. M. to 9P. M. ings at and 50^?
I Has a Message of Vital Importance for Thrifty Shoppers-To-morrow
: Every Suit and Overcoat Is an Example __ j p| ment this week, became very enthusiastic about the fl
► >, 0 • _ , JL hree jVLOUCIS pretty styles and large assortment, and remarked: |
i or Genuine Clearing Reductions i n corsets £ ™ UHI d^ A m J" ,nery business 1
Twice a year, before inventory, a general mark down takes place on Men's Suits and Over- j w C ft ' 1 4- *1 IftTjrTuiM:^..^^ n 1 _ j, ,jni L iiinii_n,''^
y coats in order to cany as few as possible during stock taking. In view of tlie fact that at all Y Op6Ciai at /VC
y tunes the styles are kept right up to the minute, von are sure of {jetting the very latest. The j Coutil, medium bust, long hips, j /ep* •
► quality of our garments speak for themselves. Note the strong price reductions: rubber inset at back; three hooks j / o=lllori*oW I 0111* x^llOlCC
► Pi _ a ' bottom; embroidered top.
: Reduced to $6.75 Reduced to $8.75 1 of Aluminum Ware,
$7.50 and SIO.OO Bahnucaans, *12.50 and sl3 50 chinchilla overcoat* i " i ■ 7+ i
$10.(MI and $12.50 slunv] i-ollar overcoals. *12.30 rougl' ihelTol ™at ' er,: draw atnng ,t top; hook, at ,
r SIO.OO and $12.50 convertible collar overcoats. $12.50 form-fitting overcoats, 1 bottoni - CIZ I U C EL fICCC
► SO.OO and $12.50 grey cassiinere suits, $12.00 black overcoats, Coutil corset with reducing
► $3.90 mixed worsted suits, $12.50 Balmacaans, straps in front for medium and Included in tlie lot arc one-quart, lipped sauce pans, 10-inch pie
y $9 90 Tartan check suits, $12.50 and $13.50 fancv cassimere suits 1 full ficures- graduated clasn- plates, one-quart pudding pans, combination funnels, %-quart sauce
Stouts as well as regulars. $12.50 and $15.00 worsted suits I . C ' " t I >HIIS w,th l!over ailtl cake t,irm'rs
* iiou, >, «'»ku duim, i heavy hose supporters.
__ _ _ _ _ _ $12..)0 blue Serge suits, j , Basement —BOW MAN S.
► Reduced to $10.75 Stouts, shorts, slims and regulars. j 'oor-BOWM.XN'S. _
► coats, black overcoats, fancy Balmacaans, chinchilla Reduced to $12.75 In the Clearing Clearing Sale From the
► overcoats, form-fitting overcoats, full box back over- j $16.50, SIB.OO and $20.00 suits ami overcoats- i ® T+omC in 1110 riA<,w«/v P«IA
: I ; of Boys' " ems . m the Clearing Sale
: Clothing, Are: Muslinwear of Furs
► __ Boys Corduroy Suits at $2.95 UUUUt coats that have been'singled out
y Plpflriticr of frnnrl WA«ia«'o <£l TT«OA aii i —Norfolk model coats; sizes 10 to i Nainsook and Cambric Gowns— of the large slock as "very spe
► rearing oi <JOOG Women Ssl Union 89c All-Linen 15 years. Regularly $3.95. j square, round, high and V-necks; .
a." Otßcrs, too, probably just
► Quality Gloves For Suits Are Now 69c Sheeting, 79c i I!TS ! as S^dt^syri.„F« s .t s
Come in heavy weight cotton; A very fine mialitv- 90 inches Noiiolk mod<l, in lt d, git i ;,ii . cial at 50*. ——larg<» muff, animal scarf. Re
women fleece i ined ; silk finish and pearl I wide and aLo v«lnVl.! h! 1 ® d pl ? ,d ? ; *l°!* 10 t0 16 ! Nainsook Drawers-open and duced to SIO.OO from $20.00.
Women's Kid Gloves at 75*- buttons. I recent orice advance years. Regularly $4.45. closed; trimmed with embroidery Natural Wolf Sets large muff
" regularly $1.00; 2-clasp, in black. 1 auvanu. Boys' Norfolk Suits at $1.98 and ribbon-run beading; value .)oc. ! and scarf. Reduced to $12.00
► white, grey and tan. in grey, browns and tans; lined i Special at j ailc j $15.00, from SIB.OO and
k _ , knickers; sizes sto 16 years. Regu- j Fitted Corset Covers—made of j $25.00.
Fownes French Overseam Kid TWJ I 9 larlv $2.98. longeloth and fine cambric; round Pony Skin Coat—tiger collar-
Gloves at $1.50 and $2.00—2- j /X/f J # g IH/\ f . , and square necks; plain and tuck- $25.00 from $45.00.
► clasp, with self and contrasting 1 i M JLv EMM " "ood, warm Chinchilla Over- pt ] j n f ro nt; value 19c. Price is Marmot Coat $30.00 from
► embroidery, in black, white, tan I coats—in grey, blue and-brown; 12560.00.
i. and grey. Thovo ;<_■ „ i *i• tv , , , . I shawl collars_ and belted back; Flannelette Skirts—neat stripes Larffe Lot of Odd Scarfs and
I lieie is a WOlld of difference between tills sizes Bto 1< years. Prices arc of nink and blue-ruffle with seal- Mnfr- tr i c i i n
The Valmy Glove at 82.00 $3.95 from $4.95; $4.95 from Lt l n J Muffs-French Coney, Isabella
► 9iu) S2 21 1 ~«/» o ~in « rT M-ifi, „ . : I-qc f „, r „ iopea eage ai ootrom, vaiu* jul. r ox, Black Fox and Caracul. Re-
PKfiußerTin'white ten bTack Q/jt /)f WnmPnV o* So.9 J; $5.95 from $6.95 and $7.50 Special at 33*. ; duced to to $4.98, from
WOinctl S SHOCS at Third Floor BOWMAIffS. s
I embroidery. C* 1 Af\ I ljj s 1 Hedu<*ed to
► K: at
ahd leatherette gloves. i , , jTajjm .
Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. aud an . v other that >' ou remember, in Harrisburg. Am/Mf I"||A a l • t'.. DOllieStiC
: T-iict "Rprpi Because—n-ery wonted style, every wanted size, and 3? JV iMI ff*; Specials for
L juoi iVCtCiVCU every wanted leather can be secured, out of the three /®YI HHk HK O J. J
: thous and and over pairs. T \ SatttTflay
y all 3-stem. Regular $3.00 value, _ | ' ' White Wool Flannel at 25<? yd.
Because—thev represent the entire stock of a retailer who U — Ba —— —regularly 50c ; 36 inches wide;
1 j , cut from full pieces.
► , . , . , closed out the Jot at an almost unbelievable figure, which HI Pillow Tubing, 20c 1 and 22<-
r Switches tLtVin'molVthcnl'out accounts for our extremely low sale price. -j wiae - Pride
► in days'selling. Every eco- ) j 1 ° Sheets It 73^-regularly $1.10;
► | All Season We've Held the Reputation sTSF" £
: w "' : " d f """ right up t0 da,c in ordl '" ,u " , " ,lau<l t,mt Of: The Store For Plush Coats !
y ~ • This is probably why we've sold almost two hundred plush mai n Floor—b<)wmax'h.
TWO Important Because—they are stock shoes; not clearance or special coats since the first of January. We gained this worthy repu
► lot8 ' alul mi « ht have been l )laceti hl our stock and sold tatio " bv £ ivin S the P' I]ST V UI , ,ps ' an ? b r ( ' ause every few days, WdV Of
unaerwearopeciais , (S ~( I(IU| .U . S we showed new models and always had complete size assort
' m • tTiSn eil -r ■ i... i • UUnt Our last shipment arrived a day or two ago—better, we SpeCi&lS fOt
Men s $2.50 Union Suits, $1.98 Because the several cases which were never open before, believe, than any lot yet received. Good seal plushes; heavy TOrtTre
' weight Mo °' nnef ' ieavy having been bought for spring selling, have been marked yarn-dyed linings; with fur collars or without; full and half j O\)yo
[ Men's SI.OO Underwear, 50* - $1.49 just the same as all the rest. aiul lull f,ared mode,s - Boys' Flannel Waists at 59r -
. samples and broken lines; natural All A + DflP Q 1 flfl formerly $1.00; plain blue, gray
wool, camel's hair and heavy cot- Tnvpqtioflfpl u\ii jY L VjllC 0 I O »{JU and neat stripes.
ton ribbed. Investigate. Boys Gauntlets at 25^-for
hizes range tiom lb to 44. mcrly 39c and 50c-lined and un-
■ Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. lined. #