The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 22, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    The StarJndependent Gives Away 2 Qrpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you fiud out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be lorleited
PACKING —A. H. SHRENK. 1»0« Nortft
Sixth street, rtrst cliu packer of tur
■ Iturr. chin* and briobrac. bell fhoue
W,J. WEN RICH. J3» Hamilton street—
Furniture, china and pUno packing,
kbtpmeute looked after a: boia euda
AJeu ail kinds oi Uauliug. tieii puuue
KSIIMATiiS given (or all kinds ot elec
tric hght wiring and repairing, elec
tric cmmacting a specialty; no job 100
email or large, all work guaranteed.
l<KEilUc.S£> i:uL.C fiUC AlKi.Sij
U>., Broad 6U
OLD UuLD AND SILVKK watches, dia
monds and jewelry bougbi for nigii
e*i casn prices. JOS. D. BttKN.sKH, .NO.
1 .S. I'Qirq at. Bell piione 1-7 4L>
UuMil TO UOAIT upon real estate se
curities in any amounts and upon any
leru.* to salt ibe borrow®,. aadreu
i . kj. Box U«.
new eight-story brick warehouses,
•ne aoaoiuisly ni e-prooi, di> idea into
nioproof private rooms ot various
sisea lor ma storage of aouseii oia
goods; me otner wareuouae of the moat
approved type of lira reiardaal cou
•tructiou for general meicnauoise. Tney
- - ■ «iin two large electno
freight elevator* and apirat chute ior
tne 4uick anu safe nanuiing oi aouse
hoid goods and ail kinua of merchan
aiut. Dow storage ralua. South second
street, neat faxtou. om the tracks of
fcniia. it. ii.
. J
MV WEATHERSTRIPS keep out cold,
etc., no matter how doors and win
nows are warped, prices reasonable;
carpenter work is I rot. Agents a;u
tamassers wanted. Address s, jl
Hujjtr, -l.', l<emoyiie. Pa.
PIANO moving oy exiierts. WINTKK
PIANO CO., .i N. fourth St. Call
HD, iitu phone.
ANV pel son needing money in amounts
iroin to »JU, nolding .i salaried
position, would oe beneiiteu by calling
on us. DALi J DO! ES' OlSCOLNl" Co.
as N. Third St.
LOANS—to (.90 kit boiicsi working
people without bank creuit at less
than legal rates; payable in install
ments to suit borrowers' convener *.
Loan and investment Co.
204 Chestnut St.
ALL kinds of hauling, large two-toa
truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
• vening. WM. H. DARE. 14H Vernon
fit. Bell phons JSI7J.
M«ry Kent »». O. H. Kent —ln the Court
of Common Pieas of Dauphin County
—No. 16*. Marc l Term. 1914.
To O. H. Kent, Respondent:
You are hereby respectfully notified
that the hearing (n the above-stated
t .'.se will take, place at the Court House
In the City of Harrisburg. on Mondav.
February Tst. A. n. 1915. at ten o'clock
;< in., when and where you may attend
n;id make defence thereto if you «e?
proper so to do.
Attorney for T.i-hellant.
Sheriff's Offl-e. Harrlsburg. Pa..
January is 15.
t nininoiMimltli of t'ennsvlraola ex rel.
.loha Bell. Vttornev (arnrral. vs.
Tkr tnirrlna I nlon Mrf Iniuranrr
Company—ln th s Court of Common
■'l-a? of Dauphin Countv, No. Jo,
'"omnionwealth Docket. 1913.
Account of Charles Johnson. Insur
mce Commissioner of Pennsvlvania.
.iqu: latin? t e affairs T' »• American
-""ion Kire Insurance Company and the
scheme of distribution and tw excep
;ion ther-to, of the funds cf .said com
jany in his hands, was filed in (Ms
•ourt on January «, 19I." for the infer- !
nation and inspection of all parties in- ;
ierested therein.
Prothonotary. j
I— .
1372 H. Third Street
CO ft. front on Third street ex
tending an even width 148 ft. to
Susquehanna St.
Improved with a three-storv brick
dwelling on Third and a twn-storv I
frame house on Susquehanna.
A jjood business location —easily
remodeled into a store room on first
floor and housekeeping apartments
on second and third floors. And a
garage and warehouse on the Sus
quehanna end—or leave the frame
house stand as it is now bringing
a > cry fair rental.
The price is reasonable.
235 fit aclay Street
Three-story brick dwelling —at
the southwest corner of Maclny and
Green Sts.—nine rooms—bath and
steam heat—front porch. Lot
21x98 ft.
A very desirable residence at a
very fair price.
Kir* iDsuraare Mirny Heads
I o. u.t and Court streets Jj
» ii i*~ ii i *
• IWAMTBD Mtn to turn t|i tsa and
» coffee business: must furnish bond
• ami pood reference. ORANP UNION
- TBA 00.. LOS Nortli Second St.
• We have retail stores in principal cit
ies of V. fcs. and want wide-awake, hon
est representatives everywhere to take
| order? for Good low's Good Clothes —
suits and overcoats for men and youths.
- j Previous experience unnecessary. Stores
. opened for men who prove successful.
. J Start on j»art time or full time. One
a | man worked evenings and made more
L money rirst week than his regular posi
i I tlon paid him. Address Ooodlow's Good
Clothes Stores. Dept. IS, New York
? City.
AI'TO transportation school wants men
to become practical chauffeurs and
earn ST"» to SIOO per month. We jjfive i
" thorough course in crude and practical
" | work for %35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron;
'• j "Hell phone 1710.
" ! WANTED—Two boys, 1- and 13 years
• j old, would like to get work on a
1 farm or with a trucker, for board and
• clotlies. born and raised on a farm.
. I Apply 4H Hamilton St.
YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind;
tan Are boiler. Call or address t>l2
- I Granite avenue.
i. YOUNG MAN. not afraid of hard work,
a wishes work of any kind; can Arc
s boiler. Call or address C. L A., 190S
J Moltke Ave., City.
- I WANTED—V'osltion as janitor or night
I' watohmtn or any kind of work by
s day or week; whitewashing cellars,
r I trimming vines, shrubbery, etc. Call
- I or address 1337 N. Second St.. City.
jj WANTED—Position as tlreman or night
1 i watchman or any kind of work by
; reference. Address or call SSo South
j Tenth street.
ANTED—Position as barber; seven
years' experience. Address or call
- S£j South Tenth St.
YOl NG MAN, 2$ years, wishes position
at anything. Apply TAPFIN, 444 Wal
-1 nut street.
W ANTED—Colored man wishes position
- as cook, waiter or houseman, or any
" kind of work. Apply 1161, Liberty
A RELIABLE colored man. married,
, , desires work as porter, janitor. 'u>use
mau. watchman or driver. Can furnish
• g° od references. Address 133 Balm St.
- WANTED—Position as tenant farmer
I bv a white married man with wife
I and une child. Call or address No. 313
r Hr.ggs ju-eet, Harrisburg Pa.
i | ANTED—Young man wishes restau
> w r .i nl or co , ut iter work; experienced in
, both; can give sood references. Apply
ioj address 1024 Market.
I ' ANTED—By a middle-aged man with
» a ramliy, any kind of work; janitor or
• night watchman or collector. or
agency. Can give good references. Ad
! -" IS
I LADlKS—lmmediately. Killing and la
i bellng boxes: home work: evenings
Steady. No experience. 112 weekly,
ij No canvassing. Excellent opportunltv,
, i Enclose stamp. Erina Specialty Co..
, Toronto. Ont.
( DO YOl WANT to be a Stenographer?
I ,1 >U - V Ui'tion from an EX-
, | who knows what the student needs and
I how to give a thorough training In a
■ siiort time. Tuition charged for seven
months only. 1 ree Trial. Bell 704R
[[call Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31
N. Second St.
I cral housework. No washing. Uood
I wages Inference required. Call 4.'4R
Belt . hone.
YOUNG GIRL desires light housework
or child s nurse. Apply at SOS Cow
den street
lOUNG WOMAN (colored) desires po
sition as chambermaid and waitress
lor general houseworker. Reference
all or address care VENNIE, 130» \
i 'U ANTED—General housework bv col
i Oreo woman. Address 1207 Apple Ave.
' w r* N ""' D ~3 Washin S at home, and w ork
by the day. Address 1606 Howard
A\ e.
I M ANTED—Position as nurse or maid
;, . . y .^' o . rcd v onian. Address or call
I 1-1 Short street.
I WANTED—Work of any kind bv color
ci . !na ? - Apply or address 1:1
Shoit St. ian furnish good reference.
V. ANTED—Position as chambermaid or!
assistant cook. Apply rear of "10
; Chestnut streel«
; A RELIABLE colored woman desires
; position as general housework: first'
■ class cook and laundress. Apply or t
| 1 l'-Sfr bouth Ninth street. i
wis '] e, housekeeping for a re- '
fined widower; city preferred; can
s"re"e\ Cit> n ° e ' APP ' y IS °" Berr > niil |
ANTED —A position as chambermaid i
.. or waitress; experienced. Address 101 I
River Ave.
w ANTED—By lady—housework, wash- i
ing or ironing. Address 336 Cherry'
G N - H. wan ts general house-!
work. i>4l S. 1 ron; St., Steelton. Pa. i
W ANTED—Middle white woman!
wants position to do general house-
good references. Address MR« I
„V- AUiXINKR. Hummelstown. Pa " j
Bitinett Opportinitiu |
GENTLEMAN wishing to retire offers
manufacturing plant for sale; only i
one of kind in city; price very reason-|
able. Will bear close Investigation. !
Kills Himself in Vault
Ratesville. Ark., .lan. '."2. —Paxton
j Thomas, cashier of the Citizens' hank
and Trust Company, locked himself in
the bank vault early yesterday and
shot himself. He died before the" vault
j door could be forced open. The aet is
attribute.! to ill health.
Sale and Exchange !
I FOR Uldt —.1. W. Parks bred-to-lay
1 strain Barred Plymouth Rock cock
; erels. March hatched: tine, large, husky
birds: cheap, quality considered. J. K.
I.INGLE, New Cumberland, Pa. Po:.
"i PUBLIC PALE-Will be sold at public!
i sale, at Broad street market, S.itur- :
J I Jay morning next. January 23. at nine
o'clock, a Mn> k>~v»f household l'upii
;!tur.- and rugs: all to be sold without
; rescrx c. A. H. SIIKENK, Atlctione >r.
, FOR SALE—Rco live passenger tour
s ing car. all new tires and tubes; three
extra tires, tiw extra tubes, electric
lorn; also ice cream factory. 1\
. gas engine. 40-ijunrt freeser, crusher,
I oa ,r- • <n{ ' tnbs to pack 100 gallons cream. ;
t All in tirst class condition. Soda water I
1 tank, brand new : hot soda apparatus
omplete. Address Hoover's Cafe, Hum
' inclste'wn, Ta.
FOR SALE—Light delivery wagon,
goexi as aew. suitable for grocery or
laundry delivery. Call or writo OMAU
L HUMMEL Hummelstown, Pa.
' WILL SKLI. piano just purchased, four
I months ago: also a very nice sidc
• board, prices on the above very cheap.
MUS. R. KLINGER. -10 N. Fourteenth
~ : St.. City.
V, :.A\ Elt, Sl4 N. Front St.. Steelton.
. ' FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-U7 south
Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point, Bllx- '
> raid. Rowe Junior. Can't Slip. Oiant
drip ami Always Sharp Calks. j
t FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 S'outh
Second St.. 5.000 sets New Sash, SxlO 1
. xl 2 L.. primed and glazed, at J1.15 per
II set. Also other sizes.
, ' ' 1 1 1 ——
t "■
Real Estate
| $1,550 WI!«l« BUY a brick and frame
house on Jefferson street; 7 room? ami •
bath: furnace, porch; Xo. 2522. Inspect'
the interior. Owner occupies property.
R KALTY OCX._Be rgncr Building.
i PKNBKOOK !a)T, 30 \ 1 "0. for sale at
Kreat sacrifice. This lot is well lo
' cated and must he sold soon. An unusual
• bargain. BBUL REALTY CO.. Bergner
; Building.
• $-.700 WILL BUY a 3-story brick bouse
on Allison Hill; S rooms; hath; gas:
> electric light; norch; furnace. Only
; JoOO needed. BELh liEALTY CO.. Berg
' liei Building.
•' NO. 143: BERRYHILL STREET for sale
' at a reasonable priee: brick: » rooms;
bath; gas; furnace: porch; price reason
able. Also other desirable houses. BELL
REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
2417 Reel St., reiueed S3O.
244S N. Si\th St., reduced SIOO.
I „ - N ' , Thirfl s < •at the light price.
1 A- Herman Ave., Lemoyne, re- ,1
duced S4OO.
i Second and Walnut Sts.
141 Acres— ll miles from Harrisburg:
i frame buildings. 3.000 fruit trees
some in bearing: station on propertv
j can be bought on easy terms
( I Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—Beautiful home on Camp
i „. B,rp , et: , ue ll built; tile bath room;
I ' hamber.aiu nu-tal weather stripping;
, will pleas, the most critical and can
only be appreciated when seen; just
lone house from >i\ih street. Pi:.e right
lif sold quickly. Address No. 3435, cart
I OR SALE— Une new brick house, near
, the center of the elty. a beautiful lo
cation, ii rooms and bath and all con
veniences. u.ily JJ.-iOO; ami soldi
on easy terms. Also building lots jt
[Riverside, Penbrook ami Paxtang. job !
carpentor work promptly at'enaed to
in any Part of tie city. Estimates
furnl? '" Apply to S. HAL
DEM AN .v CU.. Carpenteis and, ;
!- N. >ixth St.. llarrisouru,, pa. Bell
| phone 3632J-J.
FOR RENT—Apartments at southeast '
corner 1-ourth and Peffer str.ets. Ml ,
(conveniences ai reasonable rent. Out
side porch. Apply B K. I MBERGER.
10S N. :-eeoiid St.. or 427 PeiTer SV j
floor housekeeping apartments; larse '•
I rooms with kitchenettes and baths >'
modern improvements; electric lights;
i gas. city, steam: janitor servlte. Apply . \
_ at above address. 1 ■
TO SMALL FAMILY—Six-room brick i '
dwelling, t'l'j May street; all im- 1
■ prove me nts; rent $15,50; possession
February 1. Inquire E. O. SHAFFNER. '
107 Boas St. Bell phone 1295R,
! FOR RENT—(64 Calder St.: 3-storv
i brick house, eight rooms, with im- !
j proveinents: rent sls; will rent to good'
people. Apply to MORRIS IL\-
TLRIN. 639 Bous St. )'
DESIRABLE houses and apartments for '
rent in all parts of city. Reasonable
sood locations. Inquire of •
HARVEY T. SMITH, -04 Soutn Thir- t
teenth street. Bell phone 248 L j 1
OR RENT—AII improve- 1
' ments — : •
: 1614 Catherine $16.00,
539 S. Fifteenth $16.00 ]
1330 S. Eighteenth, ... $18.50 i v
Apply Ivuhn it Hershey, Ij.
j 18 South Third street. j,
FOR RENT—Two reserved tickets were ' t
awarded to-day to Edward AI- -
bright, 1606 Wallace St., good for the j I
; evening performance at the Orpheum, I
lanuary 25, 19K,. Call for tickets at S
Star-Independent office before 8.00 p f
in., January 23, 1915, or they will be t
i forfeited. i -
' tOR RENT—Houses with all Improve
ments. at moderate rentals. J. E. n
j GIPPLE. 1231 iit r k elSt- [ \
; i.'
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2H-story j
dwelling house, for sale. Elder Real
j K»tm» Co.. a4th sni Perry at. ;
THREE ROOMS, batii and large bal
cony, second floor; heated with steam;
gas furnished for light.? and cooking.
IKi.OO per month. Address H. <J. W.
1409 Vernon Su 1
Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath
Reynard, 208 N. Third Street
Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms.
Steam heat and constant hot and cold water suit
Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele
phone service.
Ready About February J, 1915
Commonwealth Trust Company.
aas Market Street Harnsburg. Ta.
Hard Nut
Soft Nut
Or Mixed Nut Coal
which kind do you use?
We have found many women who burn Hard Nut
iu their range and then wonder why the fire is so
slow in coming up in the morning and why it occas
ionally goes out over night.
Hard ( oal is to be used where you have a verv
strong draft, when the flues are large or the house
stands alone in an exposed position, ete.
What you want to try is our Mixed Nut Coal which
we make out of one-half Wilkes-Barre Nut and one
half Lykens Valley Nut.
The price of this size is $7.05.
Don't condemn the coal—try another kind and see
the difference. v
United Ice and Coal Co.
lorster & Cowdon Third ft Boat
Istb t Chestnut <t Mulberry
Emulate the Squirrel
I terest. We allow 3 per cent, interest
/ n I on savings accounts. $1 will open
IlHffi wflKt First National Bank
~ 224 Market St.
■' ——————■——
Real Estate
FARM ] Oil SAlJK—l»ocatcd S'i miles
southwest of Mew Cumberland, York I
county, containing 4.". acres; 8.000 rasp- I
birries, strawberries, red raspberries;:
L.iO fruit irees. peach, apple, plum, api i- i
cot. and an abundance of cherries (cul
tivated kindi. Bank barn. T-roomed I
house and all out buildings, in *ood I
condition; spring water piped to house.'
Ideal place for poultry, none bettor; 7 I
acre* ure in timber; will sell at a bar-
Kain if sold within the next month. [
The fruit is mostly youns; some just i
bore last year. lLand in good oon- !
dition. Address B. UI3S, care Star-In- I
dependent. I
lost and Found
FOUND—A place without trying. Care
ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? i
Al Kggert's Strain Dyeing and French
-leaning Works, 124 i Market St. Call!
ai:d deliver |
A runSE containing some money, san
itary drinking cup and card case
with name and address, in ladies' wait
ing room or P. R. K. Co. Reward if
returned to li4'J Kittatinny St.
COLLIIC DOG, cinnamon color, white
feet, white ring around neck, tipped
tail. L.E3TKR SAWYER, laj Vine St.
1/>ST—Roll of money In bills. Monday
night, probably on Market Square or
Market street from Mayor's office to
Commonwealth Trust Co. Reward. Re
turn to Star-Independent office.
TXXST—A gold watch in leather wrist
band; 15-jewel Waltham movement; I
monogram U A. D.; lost at Second and!
Walnut. Reward if returned to Mrs. !
A. P. URAYEK, 210 Geary St.. New
Cumberland. Pa.
Public Sale of Stocks
Will sell 15 share* of Union Trust
Company Stock at Court House. Sat
urday, January 23, 1915, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
John T. Ensminger
Public Sale
j property, on premises at Loysville,
, Perry county. Pa.. Saturday. January
11 o'clock. Largre brick hotel
oulldine. steam heat, electric light,
large lot, grood stabling:, > minutes
j walk from railroad station, pood auto
i mobile roads. Old established liotcl
splendid opportunity for country hotel
I business. Easy terms.
! or.
For Ront
Desirable offices in the
L'uion Trust JBuildiug.
Union Trust Co.
Keeps Him Afloat in Water When Tor
rent Upsets Buggy
Winchester, Va., v Jan. 22.—A cork
leg yesterday served as a life preservor
for William IA Kubu, a widely-known
Winchester stockman, who was forced '
to make a desperate battle for his life
in the Shenandoah river several miles
east of Perrvville, Clarke county.
Kuhn undertook to ford the river
in a light buggy after being assured by :
rivermen that the water was uot high,
j Hut, when one-third of the way across,
; the horse broke loose in deep water
and the buggy was caught in a treach
erous current and dashed down stream.
Although unable to swim, Kuhn's cork
leg kept him on top of the water, and
he floated several hundred yards-toward
shore, where he was rescued.
Free Demonstration Saturday
Grand t'nion Tea (.'ft., 2-08 North
•Second street, will demonstrate well
known and high grade coffee. The
Silver Blend. Conic in and try it. —Adv.
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Jan. IS. —Wheat higher:
No. 2 red spot, export. I It # 147; No. 1
northern, luiluth export. IJi tr."i.
Corn linn: No. 2 yellow local, 80®S1.
Oatn llrin; No. 2 white, SStii'tiO.
Bran tlrin; winter, per ton. $28.50(i#
spring, per ton. 127.00®27.50.
Itetlncd sugars steady; powdered. 5.05;
iine granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A,
Butter steady; western creamery, ex
tra, 82: nearby prints fancy, 35.
Hogs--Unsettled conditions prevail to
10.65; current receipts, free case, 10.35;
western extra tirsts. free case, 10,t>5;
firsts, free case, 10.35,
Live poultry steady; fowls. 13 gp 15;
old roosters, 10W10l£; chickens. 12$}
14; turkeys. 126*16; ducks, 15 fti 16;
geese, 13® 13.
Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fancy,
21 Si 22; full- to good, 18® 20: fowl's,
heavy. .1841'19; average. 14f«17Vj; small,
i2®l3; old roosters. 13; broiling chick
ens. nearby. lrt®2Sr western. 14rn'20;
roasting, lti&MS; ducks, 12(ii'17: geese.
10ft 14.
Potatoes weak; Pennsylvania, per
) bushels, 63®(5; New York. -15jj52; Jer-
I sey, per basket. 30®35.
I Flour firm; winter straight, 6.25®
6.50; spring straight, 6.40dj 6.60; spring
j patent. 6.60tii7.15.
I Hay steady; No. 1 large bales. 15.50#
19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50®19.00;
j No. 2 do., 17.00^418.00*. No. 3 do., 14.50®
! 15.50; sample. no grade,
j 11.00® 13.00: light mixed, 17.50® 18.00;
No. 1 do.. 16.50# 17.00; No. I do.. 15.00®
I 16.00.
Chicago Live S'ock Market
; Chicago. Jan. 22.—Hogs—Receipts,
30.000; steady. Bulk. 6.60®6.75; light,
i 6.4ofti 6.571/2 ; mixed. 6.45(ji'6.85; heavy,
i 6.25®6.80; rough, 6.25®6.40; pigs, 5.25
, ifi «.<;>.
Cattle—Receipts. 2.000: steady. Na
tive steers, 5.50(a 9.25; western, S.OOfd'
7.50; cows and heifers, 3.20® S. 00; calves.
7.25® 10.50.
I Sheep—Receipts, 10,000: slow. Sheep,
i "p. 75®6.50; yetulings, 6.75@7.80; lambs,
6,75® 8.50.
; Detectives Arrest Her as Leader of
B&ids on Noted Roosts
Stamford, Conn., .lan. 22.—Mrs.
Mary Bearles, 45 and comely, is accused
by Deputy Sheriff Schlechtweg of being
the leader of a group of chicken thieves
who have operated hereabouts for a
long time. More than 1,000 chickens,
including valuable birds from the Zeig
ler, Crimmings, Tilley and Weber hen
neries. have been stolen. Mrs. Searles,
her fourteen-year old son Kenneth and
a boarder at the dearies house, Edward
Fallon, are under arrest.
The Deputy Sheriff and Detective
i Oefinger. who rented a house so as to
be in a position the better to spy on the
suspects, say that Mrs. Searles handled
all the money, made most of the ar
r&ngcments and accompanied Searles
boy and Fallon on chicken stealing ,ex-
I petitions.
Pennsylvania Couples Married in Mary
land City Yesterday
Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 22. —The fol
' lowing I'ennsylvauia couples were mat
| riei here yesterday:
r Daniel J3, Golden and Miss Nettle
{ Andrews, of Warfordsburg, were mar
, ried in the parlors of the Hotel Hamil
ton by the Rev. C. K. Lewis, of Han
j cock. Mr. and Mrs. Golden left imme
i diutelv after the ceremony for Harris
| burg anil other points. On their return
they will reside near Warfordsburg.
Clifton S. Elliott and Bertha Henry,
jboth of Limetom.
Meredith Shaie and Jessie D. Specse,
botti of Harrisburg.
David C. Ferree and Clara E. Sham
! baugh, both of Huntsdale.
Hackensack, N. J„ Jan. 22.—"This
' jail life is the life for mo and goodby
1 to this "Home Sweet Home stuff," said
, Hans Peterson, of Carlstadt, in the
MHackensack jail yesterday when told
j that Judge Seufert had suspended sen
j tence for desertion.
"I'll not leave this jail, and I won't
go home to my wife!" Poterson assert
ed. "I should worry with two good
| ineals a day, a comfortable cot and a
j warm cell and lots of company, with
no work to do."
I Deputy Shoriff Clarenco Winters told
i Petersen his wife had a job waiting for
j him at S2B a month, but ho had to
j force his guest out of his cell to dress
j him. Then Petersen got mad and re
i fused absolutely to leave the jail.
Sheriff Heath will take Petersen to
litis wife's home to-day in an autotno-
I bile, but there is no guarantee that be
! will stav there.
Rutland, Vt„ Jan. 22. —Col. T. Ben
! ton Kelley, 76 years, who is said to
| have tired the first shot at Gettysburg,
i« dead at the homo of his daugnter,
Mrs. 'George A. Brigham. 'He lived for
many years at the Hotel Westminster
in Boston.
His diary contains the record of serv
ice in eighty-two engagements and
skirmishes. He had five horses shot
under him and was struck four times by
lead and three times by sabres.
One of the exploits was the capture
single-handed of five Confederate sol
diers, and later two more, but he didn't
get a medal for bravery because there
was not a shot fired.
Will Enter Convent Hero
Lebanon, Jan. 22.—Announcement
is made, that Miss Jennie R. Arnold,
daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Pius Arnold,
if this city, will enter the convent 011
February 2. Miss Arnold will go to the
order of St. Joseph, entering upon her
studies and work at the Harrisburg
Injured Handling Freight
John Preston, 816 Dauphin street,
a flagman on the Middle division of
the f>nnsylvania railroad, was injured
at Millerstown yesterday. While han
dling local freight a box fell on his
right leg, frarturing both bones above
the ankle. The fracture was reduced
at the Harrisburg hospital.
Wreck Held Up Passonger Train and
Western Maryland Company Pressed
An Engine and Cab Into Service to
Convenience Its Patrons
Waynesboro, Jan. 22.—The West
ern 'Maryland railway passenger train
due in Waynesboro at 12.!i7 p. in. on
it* way to ILagorstown, was delayed
yesterday 'by tho derailment of a box
car on freight, train No. 205, on this
side of Shippensburg.
Tlvo car was thrown across the track "
and could not be removed early enough
to permit the passing of the passenger
train so au extra freight locomotive
and cabooso were sent over the line to
haul the passengers between the place
of the wreck and Hagerstown.
Farmer Commits Deed After Suing for
Alienation of Wife's Affoctiong
Arrested in Barricaded Home
Hagers>town, Md.. .Inn. 22.—Despite
the fact that, proceedings in his suit
tor $2,500 damages for alleged alien
ation of affeetioiis and dobauchory of
his wife were in Court, Stewart Bar
rett, a prominent retired farmer of
near Martinsburg, shot and seriously
woundei his brother-in-law and neigh
bor, J. C. Stephens, yesterday after
noon. The injured man is in the Mar
tinsburg hospital in a critical condition
and the would-be murderer in jail 011
the charge of assault with intent to
The affair occurred near the home 01?
the two men in the mountainous sec
tion of Ardem district, Berkeloy coun
ty, about live miles north of Martins
| Barrett, whose sister married Step-
I hens, and the latter have been at odds
I ever since Stephens is alleged to haive
, ha,it improper relations with Mrs. Bar-
J rott about six months ago. The suit,
which came up in the Circuit Court at
j Martinsburg yesterday, of course, J
brought the quarrel to a crisis and in
! creased the feeling of bitterness be
! tween the men. They met last evening
on the public Toad and after a few
words Stephens started away. As ho
: turned Barrett pulled a revolver from
his pocket and tired, the ball striking
Stephens in the arm. The latter reeled
and Barrett tired again, the shot this
| time striking the victim in the back.
Sheriff Tabler and his ■dteputics shirt
!ed after Barrett. They surrounded hi -t
j barricaded home and succeeded in tak
ing Jiis prisoner without injury to any
! one.
Franklin County School Heads Assemble
ill Mid-Winter Session
Chambersburg, Jan. 22. —The elev
enth annual two-day convention of the
| Franklin county school directors' asso
ciation was opened In the Court House
yesterday. There was a large attend
ance of directors from all parts of the
The devotional exercises were con
ducted by the Kev. Dr. J. Ellis Bell,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church. Music was furnished by the
Chambersburg orchestra under the di
rection of IMSss Nell It. Baer, musical
instructor in the local schools.
H. D. Swanger, president of the as
sociation, delivered his annual address.
Officers for the ensuing year were
elected as follows:
President, 'H. il>. Swanger.
Vice presidents-, ■ J. .1. H. Miller,
Washington; 'George 'B. 'Beatty, Quiney.
Secretary, W. G. Ixing, Fayetteville.
Treasurer, David C. Miller, of An
Adams County Fruit Wins
Gettysburg, .lan. 22.—Adams eoun
-1 ty's fruit swept the big State show
now on at Wilkes-Barre, a dispatch from
there telling that the exhibit of the
Fruit Growers' Association of Adams
county had won the county exhibit
pfizc and that twenty-four first ribbons
and fifteen second ribbons had been
captured by exhibitors from this county.
By this exceptional showing Adams
county establishes itself pre-eminent in
fruit growing in Pennnvlvauia and adds
another to its long list of victories at
similar events.
Found Dead in Bed
Gettysburg, ,lan. 22.—(Mrs. K/.ra
•Houser was found dead in bed at her
home in Irish town about 5 o'clock on
Wednesday morning 'by her husband.
She hud called Mr. (Houser during the
night and asked for water which he
gave her. She was then sitting up iu
bed to get relief from a form of heart
trouble to which she was subject and
she was in this same position when he
discovered her in the morning.
•Mrs. was a daughter of tho
late .Jacob Freet, of near Irishtown,
and was 34 years old.
Prominent Resident Dead
Hagerstown, Jan. 22. — Andrew .T.
Schindel, one of Ihe best known citi
zens of Hagerstown and for many years
actively engaged in business iu this
city, died yesterday morning at about
9.50 o'clock at the home of Mrs. E.
K. Schindel, 32 East Washington
street, from heart complications, aged
87 years, 7 months and 3 days.
Sunday World Specials
The New York Sunday World's spe
cial features next Sunday will include
the war pictorial section; the magazine
section; the fun section; a Gibson pic
ture, and the words and music of a
U4.'w song.—Adv.