12 SVivvcmA SVtwtir\ The Biggest Values of the Week Go Out To-morrow In the Special Friday Sales No Friday Specials Lace Veils Men's Neckwear and The Bieeest | Women's Sweaters and White Goods I j Rug Specials I Sent C. 0. D., or Mail or White pattern lace veils; Handkerchiefs . Vests 10c plain white India linon Hartford Axminster rugs, values up to $2.00. Special 25c silk four-in-hand and Rarrfainc Women's SI.OO vests- <*rev and ch eeked dimity, good 27x54 inches, $1.50 value. Phone Orders Filled. Briday only, 49* shield tech ties, broken lines. an( j Special Friday quality. Special Friday only, Special Friday only, $1.39 ' ————— ————————— Special Friday only, ....8* only 69* yard, s*, Smith's Saxony Axminster for 20<. Of the Winter Men's $1.98 V-neck sweat- . 15c silk stri P e crepe, 28 Rugs, 27x54 inches, $2.25 Lace Specials Notion Novelties Men's 10c and 12V4c coun- ers in maroon, navy, black inch , eß - Special Friday only, value. Special Friday only, . ter-soiled white and colored T pv aru t grey Specal Fridav y arc1 ' $1.79 For Friday 19c ribbon sachet. Special border handkerchiefs. Spe- 111 L/rGSSGS only, $1.69 12Vi>c plain white nainsook Everwear ingrain stair ear- English torchon laces, Ito Friday only, 10* cisfl Friday only, .......7* # _ for underwear, 36 inches pet, 22 1 /t inches wide, 55c V/i inches wide; values to 3c. 35c satin pin cushions. Spe- 4 for 25*. ————wide. Special Friday only, value. Special Friday only, Special Friday only, yd., 1* . rial Friday only, a„ v Men's 25c silk pad garters. UllO , a t yard 39^ Linen torchon laces, IVa to . 250 s » tiu P in cushions. Spe- Special Friday 0n1y,'... 15* Scores of garments from I Women S oCariS I 15c checked crepe, 28 I I -Raglan bath rugs, 18x36 1 2Vo inches wide; values to eial Friday only,* 10* ta Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. regular stock go on sale in a Women's and girl's knit inches, good patterns for inches, blue and gr,een, 65c 5c." Special Friday only, 25c and 35c lavender, Men's store, street Floor. special clearance to-morrow. scarfs in brown, blue, grey, waists and dresses. Special value. 'Special Friday only, ~a r(j .....3* lemon, verbenia and Egyp- Prices advertised are for Fri- green, red and white. Spe Friday only, yard, 8* 49^ White Point de Paris laces, tian spice bags. Special Fri- day only. cial Friday only, 50* 15c plisse crepe for under- 30c china matting. Special 9 . - i_. ~n i „n „ dav onlv. .. . 19£ _ $18.50 black and naw cloth „ . , . wear, 30 inches, needs no Fridav onlv vard 23«* 3 to O inches vide, values t . ( .| ( .„.wtx Women S Night G-OWnS poplin and black satin dresses; Women s 95c knit caps and ironing Special Fridav onlv ' ' 19c. Special Friday on y ~>c nove ty pen yard, 12 1 ,-_>£ Special bllda.v Ollly, ...10* Muslin gowns in hlgll 01 \- and 44. Special Friday onlv, Fridav onlv 9 B » tS " 'nn it* ' i*" 1/1 '° "1 Vi" 1! Third Floor—Three Elevators. Sanitary aprons. Special shaped neck, bunch tucks $9.30 • ,y ' »o* SI.OO English longclotli, 10 ________________ ~Friday only, .15* I trim yoke Special Friday I I $18.50 navy and black red- I ■ I yards to piece, 36 inches. $1.25 24-inch switches. Spe- onlv 29* po P lin (IreB . SPS i ————.——_ Special Friday only, piece, ——————— Women's Neckwear I cial Friday only, 89* I I Nainsook gowns in lov I I belt 'aU wm cuff» aml speci t ai FHdaJ I I Men's Negligee Shirts I Black Dress Goods j Plauen lace collars, in fco*Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart neck and knnono sleeves; onlj, ... s»..>o f • vhite ratine, oO inches black Panama, 50 white and ecru ; values to Street Floor. ' embroidery edge trims neck dt P ,L s « at i'l arl / b,ue , po J ! 'l n -»0c to SI.OO negligee shirts wide. Special Friday onlj% inches. Special Friday onlv, 50c. Special Friday only, and sleeves. Special Friday fe' v'T " S representing discontinued yard, . .. .... .59* yard,.... '..36* 25* only, 35* ' $1t.60 blSk Sbrown'S lmes ' fecial 2oc plain white voile, fine 75,' black TWnn or J Neckwear that has become *l-00 nainsook gowns in dresses; braid and button trim- 35*, 3 tor SI.OO 4 ,° llltil,(,s - cia J Special Friday only vard slightly soiled; values to 25c. Colored and Black Silk round neck and three-quar- -mngs. Special Friday only, »9.50 Men's 50c muslin night Friday only, yard, ... 121/ 2 * 1 49* Snecial Fridav onlv, ...5* c<v ui„ 1, r •>».• ter sleeves; embroidery yoke CREPE DE CHINE AND shirts, braid trimmed. Sizes Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, <ti nn ui 1 m • 1 p • black messahne, .ib lace insertion and lace mheor ni r , s , s 15 to 20. Suecial Fridav onlv. street fw-r™, SI.OO black serge, 50 inches. ■ ""I 1 "-'tri,inning. Special Fri,laj (25.00 roue Crepe do Chine 42? Speeial tnday only, yard Jo' A.. j'' " ' onlv, 85d Iresses, size 34. Special Friday Dives Pomerov & Stewart ——— ~ , , 4V(p Ribbons Reduced Luncheon Napkins S S Sp ::SS ""- 0 BP "n r">» : , iA„ <r»o,.ial wirW ni.lv w- iJ. 1 1 i * 4- " a .V on 'y. 75* $.25.00 black charmeuse _ , „ , napkins, 14x14 inches, dam- . J P I - W K panaina, m 10c Special triday onb, black waterproot Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart presses, sizes 36 and 38. Special Bed Spreads ask patterns. Special-Friday relies. Friday only, yard yarn, roulard, -4 liiclies wide. Sp*»- r „, J Lrnlay only, d.i aa k 1 1. i est Taffeta and printed warp cial Friday only, vard 43* Second Floor—Three levators. $20 .00 navy crepe meteor SI.OO hemmed crochet bed only, dozen, 91.49 . ribbons; 4V 2 inches wide; $1 00 all silk shantuncs :{:! ———— .Arcss, size 40. Special Friday spreads, full size. Special 10c round and square doi- . black broadcloth, o4 values to 25c. Special Fri- inches wide. Special Friday " $22.50 biack satin d«!!S ' ™ay on'y 79* lies, 9 inches, trimmed with Special Friday only^ •day only, yard, 19* only, yard, 49* Sheeting aild Pillow 36 - Special Friday only, SIO.OO ———————— aee ' eei al Friday only, ' ® t*r Tii,n U e at $42.50 black lnessal'ine dress, ————^— 5* W Djves, Pomeroy & Stewart, £7pL>, • Cases '*• "0- s '»"" Table Linen " oiv.,. e.„„oy» TVnmnr'- TTnndlrrr 2;>e bleached sheetinsr. 2Vi . " Street Floor—Rear. ——-—————— women S Handker- yards wide. Special Friday • eXa sZSSSk $5.00 39e mercer > zed bleached Chiefs only, yard, 22* $12.50 to $35.00 Tcrge, pop- table damask 58 inches wide. Colored DreSS Goods Women's Swiss cross-bar Silverware Specials 45x3(i bleached pillow cases, lin and novelty weave suits, sizes bpecia 1 1 on y, Lining Specials 59e Panama, 50 inches: SnecialFriday InW* 3* • ?^ ke ' m ? Bh bagß ' ed" Jscalloped n l" "■ 79c cream table linen, 70 20c black satine, 36 inches. a " d 1 . cial tnday only, lo* cial Friday only each 42<* Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart, inches, open border design. Special Friday only,'yard, ciallnday onl>, yard, 36* Women's initial linen hand- 50c brooches and bar-pins. .. fi ' , V' T Second Floor—-Three Elevators. Special Fridav onlv vard 12* 75c Shepherd checks, 42 kerchiefs, worth 1.2y 2 c. Spe- Special Friday only, ... 10* lin 7c nualitv ° Soecial Tri" 59* 50c striped Venetian, grey inches. Special Friday only cial Fr,day only 10* 10c pearl, black and gold 3.' etj . Dive., Pomeroy & Stewart and tan. Special Friday ——————____ lace pins. Special Fridav n . _ ' 4V „ on i v varr i 25t> 7oenavy crepella, 40inches. » u»d«w«r Embroideries Rogei-S Silver nickel table- oOc Egyptian cotton ribbed grey and black. Special Fri- ()i1 .. Cambric corset cover em- hn If dozen . ' m . U ;.7s* shirts and drawers. Special Towel Specials day only, yard, ...39* in '. h^; nav g y Sp ' pcial broidery, 17 inches wide; Silver plated knives an<l Curtains rnday only, each 35* hm-dpr values to Inc. Special forks. Special Friday only, Remnants of 25c satine for els. Snecial Fridav onlv. 5* Street Floor. $1.25 serge, 50 inches; blue day only, yard, 10* each, .. ..... 12%* comfortables and drapery. i 2 iL hemmed bleached _ZZZZZZIZIZZ slia des. Special Friday only, Hosiery: Men's and Women's Shoes *e Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart SI.OO to $3.00 odd pairs of Women S 25c large bath towels, pure Women's $4.00 black suede "anf *' eua lday Rubber Syringes fj®' v r n " ,, a . " S? ht ;-i a pi^ d, T! WC i ! oi Special Friday only, .. .18* Friday only $2.90 medium twill. Special Fri -69c rubber fountain svr- ii ?■ t'J *if -V) J.ffl Special Friday onl>, .. .19* 2oc checked bath towels in Women's $2.50 black kid day only, yard $1.19 • t # c •11? • 1 r ftlnvPQ fnr "Rmra i- . $1.50 ruffled mus- Men s 25c heavv cotton blue and pink. Special Fri- s kj n button and lace shoes *»-iv T > po. Special I 1 nday only Gloves for Boys in curtains, with yellow and hos „. fashioned feet. Special day only, 15* Special only SI 48 , ... .■, 4 , and Children blue borders; also plain Friday only, 19* tic brown union linen tow-1 1 y j I Street Floor. hTU Children's 25c fancv „„lf white; slightly soiled. Spe- 4 -. Pnmßrnv & s ;„ wnrt eling, Hi inches wide, blue water Special Fridav on, y- 18* Pomeroy & Stewart yard, 5* Girls Shoes Corsets and Brassieres on ] v gg* Boys' 25c heavy golf d Floor — Thrce Kll -'\atorß. <WDives, Pomeroy & Stewart Girls' $2.00 black kid skin Broken sizes Nemo and D. $1.25 and $1.50 three-quart gloves, with snap button fas- Street Floor—Rear. button and lace shoes with P. & S. corsets— rubber hot water bottles. tener. Special Friday only, Drawers and BiaSSlGies stitched soles and low heels. $5.00 value. Special Friday only, ...98* 18* Women S and Boys Cambric drawers with lace Special Friday onlv, $1.39 ' i c' *" • i i. l • Large bottle laundry bin- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Underwear or embroiderv trimming. Door Mats ———————— i i a e * l UiJ ing. Special Friday only, 5* Men's Store, street Floor. Women's -)0c Ileaw eottnn Uegular price, 50c. Special „ * day only, .... f l -?" 10c transparent Arbutus Friday only, 35* Rubber door mats 14x2b Brassieres trimmed with fflveerine soan Sneeial Fri- riDoea vests and draw ers ; ex- , • • , inches, oOc value. Special Infants' Shoes lace or embroidery, closed l' on i v ilee, ' e - ,uiet '- Spe- (ainbnc brassieres, rein- Friday onlv 39* T , , j.. ~n . . front, or back, 50c value. Spe -39( and 50e latlier b:\ Men s Sweaters cial Friday only, each,. .35* forced underarm, trimmed VVool and'fibre'door mats, Infants' SI.OO patent colt eial Friday only, ... .'.25* Soecial onlv ISS sweaters with roll Boys and SI.OO Egyp- with lace and embroidery. 24x27 inches, 35c value. Spe- and black kid skin lace shoes. Bungalow brassiers, SI.OO Pomeroy & Stewart ./ collar in maroon only. Spe- Friday onlv" ITu ° UIy ' 29< FndUy °" ly "' * Spedal FHday °^U Street Floor cial Fridav nt.lv J *A ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, n Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart tTDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 50* ' - V ' | Secoud Floor—Three Elevators. Third Floor—Three Elevators Street Floor, Hear. rr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ■ ' 1 Second Floor —Three Elevators. AMUSEMENTS I AMUSEMENTS j AMUSEMENTS | AMUSEMENTS | AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC Twell ORPHEUM COLONIAL 1^ HES ToH^™"^™r a ' PA ' ' TO-MORROW, MATINEE & NIGHT K? G . SHOW KKITH VAIUF.VII.I.E «; UU INU NR ..„. .. KAMOIS IIUKH TK\OR, A«»l.ted I» DONAI.II M'BKATH, VIOLINIST. ——:—™ ss^rrarsnsris fctMINARY SCANDAL THE i Mu*le Store, HO N. Siwonil wlrt»et. Sale open* Thur*<la.v, .Jiniiiiir.v 2S(h. Mull NEXT WKEK ■ ami Telephone orilern received. Make cheekM payable to C. M. SiKler. French Models UNA CLAYTON > . _ ■ - ■««' «vm *" yifTORUPSK Bargain Day Best Pictures ** To-day \nd llononhhi'M Mldgef lllder ±JVJI X g peed King ,, 3 "Rt M A^» t WAM^PAPEH" — V" 1 .1 . 11 in I. 1 1 Regent Theatre SPECIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT \* nAID A 9 c r\ Ar in WTC n C Th„r»« K bi,- Chestnut Street Auditorium FS\ f/\ O IJ/i UUii 1 U «i»EN 12 NVIOCK NOON II P. M . THURSDAY NIGHT, JANUAEY 2«, 8.J5 An Operetta—3o of the Latest Song Successes '• IRVIN S GORR i • *<*><* comedy ■ 111 mp ViToin ">< '»• «' "» s.».d.y* E v. M „ t «, „„ 130 »>» ■«—»«*■■ JUUUo lAtoAR AN ILLUSTRATED TALK .. Inaidofth# shnkcMpcnrinn Urnnm—«i rr) .,„ 0n some receut experiences in the war zone. Moving pictures of authentic Ladies' Auxiliary of the Polyclinic Hospital Elaborate Production, Requiring the r „ SC . Front and Harris Streets Mervlre of thoiiManrift of people ami Direction oQlWyn & UO. ducc'lJ. , " ,r -" , " ed T«« nr»- Seat salo Monday, January 25, at c. M. SIGLER, INC., SO N. second st. Majestic Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 25 and 26 AdmiKMion, i«c, rhiidrcn. Be PRICES, 280 to $1.30 | pBICES 25c to SI.OO. Box Office open to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock. - V ——~ , ! ——— Actress Presents Her Most Famous** ri i pii Trnnu majestictheatre 1 SCENES FROM SHAKESPEARE M B | R| Nil I' Hi HK «K lS WEDNESDAY EVENING including the roles of Juliet, Portia, Desde | 1 I ■ lU I ■ HI UW V JANUARY TWENTY-SEVENTH Mona, Cleopatra. Ophelia, C'ordelin, Imogen jfS IE H Mj ■ M H M D H H H R PRICES: 60c, 75c, SI,OO, $1.60 and $2.00 k an ' ] Heatri(i e- WH MflM WM @9B ■ W I BB || I I Q Direction Gayle Burlingame —ARTISTIC PRINTING AT TH ~~ ' —' " • ■ 1 x ■ . # HA-T?RTSBTTRft STAR-INDEPENDENT, TTTFBSDA Y FWMfI, .TANtTARY 21. 1915. AMUSEMENTt i / i Free Moving Pictures j every evening 7toll p. m., j Palace Confectionery, 225 ! Market street. .——i— —— d PHOTOPLAY SPECIAL TO-NIGHT I Part of the Picture* We Made of the ' INAUGURAL PARADE I J ! PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY i "Surgeon Warrfn'B War«l H —2-not ' S. & A. "The MnKnatf of I'aradlne," Edlaon. "Tile Smoklnit Out of nrlla Huttn," VltnKrni>li Comedy. Special To-morrow, "June Kyre," 4 act*. Krom fainou* novel by Char lotte Bronte. ——— ——■ 7 RETURN OF DEAN PIKE Bible Teacher Will Conduct January Conference Here Next Week The Rev. William H. Pike, <tean of the Practical Bible Training Bchoo'l, ot Bible School Park, N. Y., will again conduct the Interdenominational Bible Conference, Monday and Tuesday, in the First Baptist church, Second and Pine streets. The conference is held at this central point because of its easy access from every point of the city. It is interde nominational in character. The committee handling the program represents the leadimg denominations of the city. They seek to promote the »ys tematic study of the fundamental doc ~ trines of thf Word of God. The Decomber conference was the largest yet hold, anil the January con ference hi.'i-s a very encouraging outlook for a large attendance. The committee handling the work of the conference are men of the Methodist, Presbyterian, Reformed, Lutheran, Baptist and Unit , ed Brethren denominations. ' Everybody is welcome, especially the converts of the Htough campaign. Dr. Stough and Dean Pike have been per sonal friends ever since their school days at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. TO SEW FOR THE POOH Sunshine Society Plans to Make Cloth ing For Destitute A number of members of the Roberta Disbrow Lloyd Sunshine Society met Monday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. i building and held the first of a series of meetings proposed for the purposo of sewing and making articles of cloth ing for the poor. There is much of this kind of work to be done nnd an ample opportunity will be afforded to all - members to be usefuJ. A sewing ma chine is much needed. Public, notice of the next meeting will be given, and it is hoped that ail members will attend. ■y _ , Politeness ,f "How do you like your new musio j masterf" " He is a very nice, polite young man. n When I made a mistake yesterday he le >«aid: 'Pray, mademoiselle, why do you n take 90 much pains to improve upon j Beethoven f " —Paris Figaro. The Difference ll There is this difference between a m j watch and business —that you wind up »-1 the first to make it go andi that you | wind up the second to make it stop.— n Philadelphia Ledger. ll j It's good to be gratified, but danger s' ' ous to be satisfied.—Sheldon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers