SUBURBAN HIGHSPIRE Funeral of Mrs. Annie Beinh&ur Wed- nesday Afternoon Snevial Correspondence. la ,„h, Sm Highspire, Jan. 16.—Gary Maihias, of Harrisburg, visited his k " John Mathias, Market street, this week. Mrs. Ross Yaple and daughter, Mar , of Marrisburg. visited tnends in the 'borough this week. T. A. Gruber spent Wednesday J. C. Leyder, in Thompsontown. Lewis Beard is seriously ill at his home on Jury street. , Postmaster K. F. Ma luas has re , turned from .1 visit to lus daughter. Miss Josephine iMathias in Annville. Mrs. John A. Raudibaugh Seiond street spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Lindemuth, in 'Middletown. Charles F. Shaub, Race street, is con valescing from injuries received at the Semet-Solway coke plant last week when he was thrown from a six-ini h pipe, falling fourten feet to the grQiind. The accident was caused by the sui den explosion of a gas bleei e . injuries consisted of a badly bruised 11086 and richt thipfh. . . * The funeral of Mrs. Annie Beinhaur, who died at the home of her son, Ben iamin. Marsh Run, Sunday, was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Dift'enderfer, dumber Street, Wed nesday afternoon at 1.30 o clock. The Rev. H. F. Rhoad and the Rev. B. U C. Baer, pastors of the United Brethren church and the Church of Cod, re spectively, officiated. Interment was made in' the Highspire cemetery. She is survived by the following children: Benjamin, Charles. David, ork county; Mrs. William Dift'enderfer, and one ■brother, David B. Kaufman, of High spire. ~, . Tile Rev. C. K. Hillis will preach in the local I'nited Brethren church to morrow morning at 10.15 o clock and in the evening at 7 o clock. Sunday shool at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon. At 3 p. 111. the Rev. C. E. Hillis will ' Ten Highspire iMen Exposed." preach to men only on the subject, HALIFAX William R. ScheU, Former Postmaster. Dies at Beading Special Correspondence. Halifax, Jau. 16. —William R. ScheU, a former postmaster of this place, died at Reading where he had beeu employed for some time. Friday morning. The body was brought to his home in this place this afternoon. The funeral ar rangements could not be learned at this writing. Mr. Sehell was aged about 55 years. He leaves a wife and three daughters, IMrs. Claude Troutman, of /Reading; Mrs. Harry T. Pike, of Phil adelphia. and Miss Florence, at home. Martin Connor, of Washington, D. C., is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. H. Stewart Potter. Mrs. Roy Glace, of Harrisburg, is the guest of Mrs. Jane Miller and family. About twenty members of the H. A. C. Club took in Ethel Barrymore's new iplay, "The Shadow," at the IMajestip theatre, Harrisburg, Friday evening. They took supper at the Senate before the plav. H. Stewart Potter spent Thursday evening in Millersburg. NEWVILLE Union Meeting Held Under Direction of No-License League Special Correspondence. Newville, Pa., Jan. 16. —The NIIi in meeting under the direction of the No-License League which was held in the Church of God on Wednesday evening proved to be an en thusiastic one. The church was filled and a number returned to their homes owing to the crowded conditions. The papers, which had been prepared re monstrating against the granting of liquor licenses to the proprietors of the two hotels in this place were presented and action was taken to remonstrate. Mrs. P. A. Garber, of Carlisle, spent Thursday with Newville relatives and friends. Mrs. Margaret Manning, aged 77 years, died at her home on Big Spring tivenue Wednesday afternoon after an illness of a few days. 'Mrs. Manning was the widow of the late Henry Man ning, a former member of the State Legislature. She is survived by one son, Edgar S. Manning, at home. She was a member of the Big Spring Pres byterian church and was held in high esteem in this community. The funeral service was held on Friday afternoon. Interment in the Big Spring Presby terian cemetery. Mrs. Neely, wife of Dr E. C. Neelv, a physician of this [dace died at Har risburg on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Neely was formerly Miss Mary Daugherty. The funeral was held on Friday morn ing. WEST FAIRVIEW Men's Mass Meeting in U. B. Church To-morrow Afternoon Special Correspondence. West Fairview, Jan. 16.—The united evangelistic effort between the United Brethren and Methodist .churches is growning nightly in intere?L About twenty persons have professed conver sion to date, the meeting Sunday night will be held in the U. 'B. church., A men's mass meeting will be held in the I . B. church Sunday afternoon at 3 •HOTEPH IIVENDIGI I PHILADELPHIA I I3 T! F - 2 Minutes from PtNNSYL- [ I VANIA. and PHILADELPHIA t ! reading terminals ~ i H NEAP TO EVERYWHERE) 250 fycauti&if OutuJc 1 | jZwrrvt tai/A and | I rT^/civine3ceZxf*dorr I | ; f2.00 ant) up. I ZPapu/cir z/rt/f 1 I and Ufcstaurciri t. \ E|o James C VVXLSH 1 0 'clock, a male ohorus will sing and the Rev. S. o. Bidlack, pastor of the Methodist church, will deliver an ad dress on "Man, the Master (Builder." Mrs. Hiram Dunbar, South Main street, is seriously ill. Mrs. George Phillips, Mrs. Edward Kutz and daughter, Catherine; Miss Esther Shettel, Mrs. F. D. Luse and Miss Susie 1/yneh have all been on the sick list but are improving. The Rev. S. B. Bidlack was to his Marysville appointment yesterday to officiate at a funeral. The junior class of the High school held the regular monthly meeting at the home of Joseph Wachtman, Third street, Thursday evening. Mrs. Nettie Sunday, of Harrisburg, is spending a few days with her broth er, Edward Kutz. HERSHEY~ Revival Services in U. B. Church Con tinue With Unabated Interest Special Correspondence. Hershey. Jan. 16. —Ewing Cain has returned from a business trip of sev eral days to New York City. Miss Grace Beam, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snyder. The Rev. O. U. Romig, of Tower City, s, ent a few days with his fam ily at this place. Miss Dorothy Sellers spent Sunday at her home at Middletown. Mrs, Eli Rhine spent a few days at being the guest of W. P. Austin ami family. Airs. J. E. Hills entertained the Ladies' Matinee Five Hundred Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. William P. Lappin returned from a visit to Philadelphia. Miss Pauline Clark is on the sick list. 'Miss Florence Landgraph spent a few days at her home at Lebanon. Miss Marv Nissley, of Middletown, was the guest of Miss Edna Landis. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Nye, of Pen brook, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Wirt 011 Sunday. The revival services in the United Brethren church are still in progress and the interest and attendance is on the increase. Thus far there have been thirty conversions. Jaoo'b M. Gingrich attended the meet ing of the Eastern Retail Implement and Vehicle Dealers' Association at the Hotel Walton, Philadelphia. DILLSBURG Night School Now in Operation Meet ing With Success Special Correspondence. Dillsburg, Jan. 16. —The night school conducted by Prof. C. 8. Smith, and Prof. H. M. Evans is in operation now and has met with success. The hall on the third floor of the J. H. Deck building has been fitted up and ses sions are held Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening of each week. There | are at present thirty-seven students. The young men of this place have | succeeded in organizing a Y. M. C. A. with the following officers: C. W. Gross, president: C. S. Smith, secretary; C. K. Bushey, vice president anil M. P. Dear-' dorff, treasurer. The place of meeting has not been definitely decided upon. Bruce S. Klugh, who recently buried I his wife, held public auction of lus household effects this afternoon. J. B. Buche, who was stricken with J paralysis last week is slowly improv ing but is still confined to hfs bed. ! J. E. Arnold, proprietor of the lauu , dry is about his work attain. On account of the evangelistic serv -1 ices beginning in the Frankliutown j church, to-morrow evening, the preach | ing service in the Lutheran church at this place will lie to-morrow afternoon ! at 2.30. ] The new printing press in the " Bul letin " Publishing Company's build -1 ing has been successfully operated this 1 week and the "Bulletin" will now be j published at the home office. Mrs, Victor Jones, of York, has been | spending a few days visiting her par | ents, A. D. AI Hand and wife. Charles Stouffer, of Philadelphia. ! s P ent yesterday afternoon visiting his i father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Stouffer, of this place. He had been engaged at St. Marv'g, p a „ where j he had change of an invalid. He return ed to Philadelphia last evening where j he will be engaged in St. Joseph's 1 hospital. NEW CUMBERLAND Evangelistic Services at Baughman Memorial Methodist Church , j Correspondence. New Cumberland, Jan. 16. The evangelistic services at Baughman Me j mortal Methodist church, closing their j first week, have been largely attended. | ro-morrow morning at 10.30 the pas tor. the Rev. J. V. Adams, will preach |on "The Home.' The adult chorus of j 100 voices, under the direction of the I musical director, H. W. Buttorff, will I lead in the singing at this service. A | praise and prayer service will be con (| ducted by the Epworth League, R. L. [ Beckley, leader, at 6.30. At 7.30 I o'clock the subject of the sermon will be "A Prophet With a New Testament | Message." The adult chorus will lead 1 I in an inspiring song service. The chil ' dren's chorus of 60 voices, under the leadership of N. F. Burns, will also sing. Miss Henrietta Adams will sing "The Perfect Day," with piano ac companiment by Ira Buttorff and Ira Rider, respectively. The Emerson Glee Club will also sing at this service. C. A. Baldwin's family moved to Harrisburg yesterday. Communion services will be held in St. Paul's Lutheran church at 10.30 a. m. to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. William Cumbler, of near Newport. Perry county, were en tertained by Dr and Mrs. 3. 1". Good yesterday. M. A. Hoff, funeral director, of this place, had charge of tie funeral of Mrs. Maria Beinower, which was held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Diffen daffcr, Hig'hspire, on Wednesday. Mrs. J. R. iHutchison. Jr.. «, spend ing several days with friends in Har risburg. Mrs. Crull and daughter. Laura, of Middletown. are visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miller, in New Market. LOYSVILLE Maccabees Will Hold Festival and Dance This Evening Special Correspondence. Loysville, Pa., Jan. 16.—The IMacca bees will hold a chicken corn soup fes tival and dance this evening in their hall. v Mrs. Samuel Rhoads has recovered from her fall on an icy pavement. She will suffer no ill effects from her acci dent. Mrs. H. D. Koppenhaven is visiting HARRISBITRO STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16, 3915. lUneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and j nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh— -5 cents in the moisture proof package. 1 l Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender— , with a delightful flavor appropriate for luncheon, tea and dinner. 10 cents. ZuZtr Prince of appetizers! Makes daily trips from Ginger-Snap Land to waiting mouths every where. Say Zu Zu to the grocer man, 5 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name her daughter, Mrs. William Boggs, of I near Eliottsburg. 'Miss Nellie Culbertson is visiting rel- | atives in Lineaster. Miss Hope Briner spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.I Briner. William and Gertie Perk, of Saville | townshi'p, were in town on Monday. J. J. Rice, of New Bloom field, spent j some time in town. >H. V. -Palm spent the week-end in ' New Bloomfiell. H. C. Billnian kii.od two hogs that i weighed 404 and 427% pounds, re spectively. NEW BLOOMFIELD Criminal Business Poor and Grand Jury Is Out of Job Special Correspondence. New Bloomfield, Jan. IC.—The an nual Academy operetta, "Sylvia," will be rendered in the Court House on Tuesday evening, January 26. John Rice, of Loysvill'e, was in town this week. 1 Miles Fliekinger, of Duncannon, spent the beginning of the week with j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. V. j Fliekinger. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Hoffman I were visitors in town on Wednesday. •Mrs. J. Attig Spahr spent the week | end visiting relatives in 'Harrisburg. | The putblic schools of this town will hold their annua] entertainment on Sat urday evening, February 20. The grand jurors of the January term i of court of this county have been noti fied not to attend court as there is 110 I business to bring before them. John Peearv, of Eliottsburg, was in town on Wednesday. MARYSVILLE Paul Stcese and Miss Mary Morris, of Renovo, Married I Special Correspondence. | Marysville, Pa., Jan. 16. —The Mar.vs : ville orchestra was entertained by 1 Verne Dissinger Wednesday evening at j his home. Refreshments were served. Paul Stcese, of this place, and Miss Mary Morris, of Renovo, were united in marriage on Tuesday by the Rev. Winfield Booth, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harrisburg. Ralph Smith spent Thursday at Phil- J adelphia. W. F. Palmer spent Wednesday with I his aunt, Mrs. C. A. Spangler. at York. Mrs. Seott S. Lei by is visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jjewis Tyson, at Harrisburg. Mrs. B. O. Strausbaugh, of New Freedom, spent Friday with her moth er, Mrs. Amanda Kppley. Miss Elizabeth N'ace is spending a Take Care of Your Eyes and They'll Take Care of You For nil vice, conxult 1 Wjth_H. C. I'lawtf r, 302 Mprlo-t Strut. week with her cousin, Miss Clara Nace, j at Baltimore. Charles Lilley ii visiting his broth er-in-law, Isaac Ford, in 'Baltimore. HUMMELSTOWN John Sew alt Died Yesterday After Short Illness With Pneumonia Sp«"-ial Correspondence. Hummelstown, Jan. 16. —John De walt died yesterday at noon at his home on West Main Btreet after less than a week's illness with pneumonia. Mr. Dewalt was a resident of the bor- I ough for the past eight years and was a passenger engineer in the employ of the Reading Railway Company for "thir ty years, running on the milk train between Harrisburg and Reading. He is survived by a widow and three daughters, Mrs Noah Jones, of Harris burg; Mrs. Philip Rozer, of Reading, and Mrs. Albert E. Burridge, of town. Mr. Dewalt formerly resided in Read ing and was r. member of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers and of Muhlenberg Lodge No. 1085, of Read ing. Funeral services will be (held at his late home on Monday evening at 8 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev. Robert A. Bausch, pastor of the Reformed church The body will be taken to Reading Tuesday morning for interment in the Charles Evans ceme tery. Mrs. Mary Givler and granddaughter, of Meehamcsburg, are visiting Miss Annie Hummel, and Charles Hummel at their home in Centre square. (Preparatory services were held in the Reformed church last evening. The Holy Communion will be observed at both the morning and evening serv ices to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Strickler were | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Urias Bloom at J Sun-bury this week, where Mr. Striek ! ler served as juror at the sessions of | the United State:. District Court. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Blough Bros.' Shoe Man- I ufaeturing Company the following board of directors was elected: B. F. Blough. W. R. Blough, H. C. Forney, F. J. Sehaffner, B. N. Herman. The board organized by electing W. R. Blcugh president; F. J. Sehaffner, vice president; B. F. Blough, treasurer; H. C. Forney, secretary, and B. N. Her man. auditor. The company at pres ent is in a flourishing condition and I has a number of ord.'is booked. A div- I ident of 3% per cent, was declared, j based on the earnings for the past six I ' mouths. I Homer H. Strickler spent the week in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The seventh anniversary of the men's Bible class of Zion Lutheran church will be observed to-iiiorrow aft ernoon at 2 o'clock in the parish house. The Rev. L. B. Wolf, D. D„ of Balti more. secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the Lutheran church, will de liver an address. Dr. Wolf will preach at the evening service in Zion church to-morrow. Mrs. H. R. Bell has returned to her home at Stnte College visitinc her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Earlev. The assessment of the., borouah has been completed by Homer H. Strickler. borough assessor. The number of tax ables who are residents is 783. The increase in the value of renl estate bv the eret-tion of houses and improve ments is $18,600. Th> personal prop ertv retu ns asr regate $272,336.34, with a number of returns not yet re ported. The tota' number of names contained in the military roll is 443. LEMOYNE Trinity Lutheran Church Will Observe Twenty-fifth Anniversary Spuria 1 r , or»-eHnonclence. Lemovne, Jan. 16.—Airs. David Smith, 'Mrs. Leslie Kennedy and son, 'William, were Thursday visitors at Steelton. IMiss Father Von Statton, of Knola is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Powell and family. 'Mrs. W. P. Eicheiberger and son, William, of White Hill, visited her sis ter, Mrs. K. K. Kennedy. ' Mrs. Rhoads, of Idaville, Adams •>ounty, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. •Martin Shaffer, of Herman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenawalt and daughter, Edna, visited relatives at Carlisle. Mrs", Kennedy and son, Wil liam: Mrs. David Smith, Mrs. Robert Greenawalt and daughter, Edna, visited relatives in Harrislburg. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of Trinity Lutheran ehurch will be observed with appropria ate services beginning with the Sunday morning services at which time the Rev. H. H. Weber, of York, will preach; at the evening serivee, the Rev. E. D. Weigle, of Camp Hill; Monday evening, the Rev. Hall Shanp, Meehaniesburg; Tuesday evening, the Rev. Mr. Meisen helder, Harrisburg; Wednesday evening, the Rev. IJ. K. Manxes, of Harrisburg. Miss Effie 'Bentz is visiting relatives in York. MIDDLETOWN I. O. Nissley Elected President of Bor ough Auto Club for' L*s|>.inil J ■' Middle town, Jan. 16. —Mr. and Mrs. John Irely and son, Herbert, left this morning for York, where they will vis it relatives for a week. Preparatory services were held in St. Peter's Lutheran church last even ing and communion services will be held to-morrow morning .ind evening. At a meeting of the Middletown Auto Club held at the office of A. H. Luckenibill on Thursday evening, the following officers were elected: Presi dent, I. O. Nissley; vice president, Adam H. Luckenibill; secretary and treasurer, Harry Smith; 'board of gov ernors, J. W. Few, Dr. D. W. C. Lav erty, E. 8. Gerberick, E. F. Harbman and Dr. H. H. Rhoder. The Misses SaJina and Mary Fletch er, who had been visiting relatives in town for the past several weeks will return to their home at Philadelphia to-morrow. Quite a number of menvbers of Wash ington Camp No. 371, P. 0. S. of A., attended the Past Presidents' Associa tion meeting held by Camp No. 500, at Harrisburg last evening. The Youny Indian Runners' drum corps has elected the following officers: President, John Stotz; vi<*e president, John Condran; secretary, Theodore Wolf; financial secretary, Daniel Shroy; treasurer, Richard Schaeffer; fife lead er, John Stotz; first assistant, Daniel Shroy; second assistant, William Heagy; drum leader, John Condran; as sistant, Richard Schaeffer. They will hold a social in the near future to raise money for new uniforms. The Rev. Fuller Bengstre9»er, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church, will spend several days at Gettysburg where CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE."*** JT%FOUNDID 1871 mi Jsvwm&Tti MAIWia»UM'« POPULAR OWMWIMT STOIIS Coming Even Their ws Before Them i floor during the past couple days may - iaVC marVeled le> * m P oß ' rows mm £—6 lr was an unusual sight, and more surpiis iug is the fact that everyone was packed An Unparalleled Sale " of Women's Shoes There are nearly three thousand five hundred pairs—stylish lasts tor women and misses, and values will he extraordinary. Sale starts Tuesday morning and details will be published Monday evening. Fol lowing this wonderful sale, will be the January Clear Which starts Wednesday morning. A semi-annual event for re ducing stocks in preparation for inventory. Not far distant is the great February Furn With its vast stocks of furniture and greatly lowered prices. Exten sive preparations are being made to insure this being the greatest of its kind. he will make ail address to the stu dents at the college. Charles Schiefer will move April i from the Collins Farm near Falmouth, to the Swartz farm below Koyaltou. Ivan Hoffmeister and son Karl, of Oumtoler Heights, spent last evening in town. . . The Rev. Joseph Wcirich is holding! revival meetings at Stoverdale. Alex Sada is ill at his home oil Law rence street, the result of being hurt in an accident last Saturday. Samuel Plott is working in his place. Melvin Leonard transacted business at Harrislburg yesterday. George Campbell, who spent the past week in town, having been called hew on account of the serious illness of his grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Paulis, Ann, street, returned to Fort Toten, N. Y„ where he is in the service of Uncle Sam. Edward Seiders, the grocetyman, is ill at his home on Union street, with the grip. John Haas, is preparing to move from the property on Ann street, where he conducted the bote", formerly owned fbv the late D. Snyder and Harry White will take possession some time next week. The services held in the M. E. church last evening were largely attended it ' toeing Sunday school night. The Rev. W. R. Bidington, preached a special sermon. MILLERSBURG Number of Citizens Attend Auto Show in Philadelphia Special Correspond *nne. Millersburg, Jan. 16.—Foster Fulk road, the ice dealer, recently purchased a vacant lot on the Union street ex tension, where he will erect a double dwelling iu the near future. Miss Edith Fetterhoff, of Berrysburg. spent Thursday with Miss Gertrude Lit filer. C. P. Polk, C. G. Hackenbery, L. M. Shepp, H. M. Fairchields and O. H. Watts attended the _ Philadelphia auto show this week. (Mrs. John Penrose, of Canton, Ohio, is being entertained at the home of E. W. Steever. On Monday evening a fine entertain ment was given in the High school room by the Lebanon Vulley College Glee Club. Mrs. Charles Herrold and children, of Harrisburg, visited friends and rela tives here ttois week. MECHANICSBURG Mar? Visiting Children Participate in S. S. School Rally Day Parade Special Correspondence. IMechaniesfourg, Jan. 16. —''All streets lead to the tabernacle." This is Children'B Day, or Sunday School Rally Day at the taibernacle and there are many visiting children in town par ticipating in the parade. Last evening the ißrotherhood of Trinity Lutheran chun-h held a meeting in the church. An address was given by the Rev. H. K. Lantz, of St. John's Lutheran church, Shiremanstown. Communion services will 'be held to morrow in the First U. B. church. To-morrow will toe education day in St. Paul's Reformed church. Dr. V. W. Diippell, of the faculty of Franklin and Marshall College, will All the pulpit. The endowment fund of the college will be presented. To-morrow morning Sunday school • V and .preaching services will 'be held at the usual hutirs in the churches co operating in the evangelistic campaign. There will be no further services in the day or evening in those churches. hast evening the fourth quarterly conference of the conference year was held in the (Methodist church with Dis trict Superintendent A. S. Fasick, of Carlisle, presiding. After a short but important meeting the conference ad journed to the ta'bernacle, where the members participated in the services. Mrs. Samuel Martin was in Enola on Thursday where she was called to at tend the funeral of a relative. 'Mrs. Ellsworth Bitner, of Shiremans town, was a guest of Mrs. C. B. Zug, West Main street, on Thursday. 'Miss Violet IThrich left yesterday for Key West, Florida, where she will upend the winter with friends. Mrs. J. S. I). Kisenhower and son, James, Jr., have returned from a visit j to relatives in Philadelphia, i The Red Cross evangelistic campaign button is very much in evidence on our streets. Old and young peoiple are | wearing them. Alice Joyce in Drama, "Cast Up by the Soa." Photoplay To-day.—Adv. Don't 4 1 \ Eat /I \ Your ______ Shadow [r^ It is decidedly uncomfortable to eat at, a table cov ered with shadows. A SEMI-INDIRECT GAS LAMP leaves no shadows on your plate. It hangs high, lights every corner of the room the same and gives an excellent light to read by after the dinner hour. Welsbach mantles greatly reduced. 35c GRAPE MANTLE, NOW 25c 25c GRADE MANTLE, NOW 15c Stop at the gas office and see our new lamps, or ask ' i us to send a representative. 5 Jail Only Place For Good Coffe« Jan. 16.—John Wweuvenio who has a good record of employment at the American Iron and Steel Manu facturing Company's plant, for the past nine years, likes Sheriff Strupp's fare at the county jail so well that he asked Alderman D. C. Smith, to send him to jail without setting bail for his release. He told the alderanan that it is the only place where he gets good cof fee with cream in it. The man was ar rested last night for larceny, How to Cure a La Grippe Cough "Coughs that hang on" demand treat ment. Stop and think! Reason and I common sense tell you that it IB folly ito "grin and bear it." Those racking ! la grippe coughs that wrench the body I and cause soreness and pains in tha lungs yield more quickly to Foley's Honey and Tar than to any other treat ment. Forty years' record of success ! proves this. For coughs, colds, croup ! and other distressing ailments of tliroat, chest, lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare with this reliable remedy. Geo. A. Gor gas, 16 North Third street and P. R. R. •Station.—Adv.