The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited Death aid Obituary DIED. KOST—On January 14, 1915, Curtis E. Host, aged 49 years. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 1818 Green St. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no- I tlce. Interment in Harrisburg ceme- | tery. SWART®—On Friday. January 15. 1915. j Mrs. Kmma Dietrich Swartz, at 5332 Haverford Ave.. Philadelphia. Services at late residence, Sunday at 1.10 p. m. Interment in Harrisburg cemetery on arrival of train. 11.30 a. m„ January 18. 1915. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. MONN—losiah Monn died at his home, 1604 N. Third St„ January 15. 1915, aged 71 years and 20 days. The funoral services will be held from his late home on Monday after noon. January 18. 1915, at 2 o'clock, which will be private. Interment in the Harrisburg cemetery. Please omit flowers. Miscellaneous : rURNITPBE PAOENQ PACKING—A H. SHRENK. ISO« Nortu Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phone i »HW. W. J. W ENRICH. M» Hamilton atrest— Furniture, china ma pUoo packing, bhiyuieuti looked after at both ends. Alsu all kinds of hauling. Bell phone I mrWj i NOTICE \OTICE B. OF L. E„ DIV. 70S Members of the B. of L. E„ Div. 705, will assemble at Fackler's Hall, Mon day evening, at 7 o'clock, to proceed to Hummelstown to attend funeral serv ices of Bro. J. A i>ewalt, who died January 15, 1915. Also will meet at Fackler's Hall, Tuesday morning, Jan- j uary 19, at » o'clock, to so to Reading on train No. 6. Philadelphia and Read ing railroad, to attend tne funeral. 1). P. TRUST UK, Chief Engineer. OLD COINS OLD COINS WANTED—(SO paid for 1853 half dollar, no arrows; $5 for 1878 half. S mint; slou for 1594 Dime, S mint. Many valuable coins circulating, j Send now 4c. Get our Coin Circular. May mean large profits to you. Numls ni.air Bank. Dept. V Ft. Worth. Tex. i WINTER RESORTS FLORIDA—Bay Crest Hotel, on the In dian River. Fine fishing, hunting. \ boating and motoring. Free use of gar age and dock. Modern conveniences. ! IV rite for rates. Bay Crest Hotel, i Mic-o. I 'la. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ESTIMATES given lor all kinds of elec tric hght wiriug and repairing; elec tric contracting; a specialty; no job too 1 «u.all or large, all work guaranteed. PEERLESS ELECTRIC REPAIRING CO., 4.7 Broad St. i OLD GOLD AND SILVER ULL> GOLD AND i?ILVBR watches, dia- j monds and jewelry bought for hign- i vat cash prices. D. BitEXMSR, .\o. 1 N. Third St. Bell phone 1274 L*. J PERSONAL. —When delayed or Irregular, uav Triumph Pills; always depend- 1 able. "Kelier* and particulars free. rile .NdUuiul Medical lnatituie. Mil* waukev. Wia j ____ STORAGE. STORAGE lr. 3-storj brtck building. rear 408 Market St. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable latea. Apply to p, U. DIENER. Jeweler. i.» Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick one aoaoiutely lireproof. divided into ; fireproof private rooms of various sixes for tne storage cf household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of lire retardant con- [ siruction for general merchandise. They .... witn two large electrio ! freight elevators and spiral chute tor > the quick and safe handling of house- ' hold goods and all kinds of merchan dise. Low storage rates. South Second street, near Paxton. oa the tracks of fenna. R. H. MONEY TO LOAN LOA.NS—(i to |2M Hit aenest working people without bank credit at lesa than legal ratas; payable in install meuts to suit borrowers' couvcui.Lie CO-OPERATIVB Loan and Investment Co. _ 40i Chastnut St ALL KINDS OF HAULING aLL kinds of hauling; large two-toa truck; furniture, pianos. freight, la the city and suburbs. Prices reason* sole. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 145J Vsfnoi St. Bell phone 3517 J. * V FOR SALE Houses You Can Afford to Buy 1«09 X. Fourth St.—Lot 20x210 ft.— two-story, eight-room, frame house | on Fourth St.—Fulton St. end of I lot is vacant. For cash we'll name you the low- ! est price ever quoted on this I property. 1R25 Berry hill St.— A three-story j brick house with eight rooms— bath—furnace—.front and back I porches. On account of the owner remov ing from the city this desirable ! dwelling is on the market for a quick sale. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Loeaat and C'enrt Streets i——i________^ HARRISBtTRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16, 1915 Real Estate V— REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TR RE K-STORT FRAMIC house on Sus quehanna street for sale at reduced price—former price 11,800—9 rooms— bath—gas - furnace. Particulars at BELL REALTY CO.. Bergnec Building. ! *1.900 WILL BUT either one of two I dwellings located on Woodbine street —all improvements—one with steam heat—drive alley on rear. BELL REAL TY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 1520 Swatara St.; 3- storv brick house; S rooms, bath. gas, electrio light, furnace, porch, cemented cellar: to be vacated January 20. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. —BITS Y WORKE— (3O) acres iff (112001 six rooms, large window panes, cellar under all, one time painted home. Good Bank Barn, sold (140) worth cherries (1914), land mostly level. (3) acres woodland, can have running spring water at build ings. Handy to large market, school, church and main road Bloomsburg (to) i Milton. Pennsylvania. Will add (horse. J two (cows) six (hogs) fifty (chickens | ($1500). Farm alone, terms (1600) | cash, balance easy payments. Owner's ! (loss) Buyer's (gain) Bargain. —HAPPYHOME— (9O) acres (I350O) terms half cash. 1 Front and side porches (fine) Brick Residence (9> rooms, cemented cellar, painted ouaide. papered and painted in j side (1914) valued alone (*3500). Two 1 story painted outkitchen. bank barn. I straw house, wagon, hog and poultry I buildings. Garage (for) automobile. I Faces main road through middle of | nearly level farm (half mile) to school and church handy to (3) markets, horses (cattle) hogs (poultry) and ma chinery at extra price. —ORCHARDIEE— ) (116) acres ($3750) terms half cash. Possession at once. Buildings all (new) land painted except one. Bank barn full | hay and straw. (4) tine springs, stone j and cemented milk house, (480) choice fruit trees (16) acres good (woodland) 'at ($1300) mile to Philadelphia and i Reading railroad. Ten minute walk to trolley and twenty to large market main road Harrisburg to Scranton. Up to-date (new) machinery (4> horses (5) cows (3) brood sows (140) poultry, at extra price. GEORGE B. OSTRANDKR Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to S) Evenings ! OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: 219 Reily St., reduced S4OO. 1940 Gfeen St.. reduced S2OO. 1235 and 1137 Bailey St.. $250. 540 Schuylkill St.. reduced SIOO. BRINTOX-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: IS acres; frame buildings; located »i mile from Braivdtsville; 225 fruit i trees: some in bearing; possession April Ist. Price $1,200. BRINTOX-PACKER CO.. , Second and Walnut Sts. ! FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—Or will exchange for improved city property, an imposing 14-room 40x40 ft. Colonial ; suburban residence. All improvements; porch 10 ft. wide. 70 ft. long. Lot. U«x 200 ft. Shrubbery; six kirds of fruit |in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes and one fare from Market Square. Call ' Bell phone No. 304SL FOR SALE—One frame house on Lewis street, Riverside; all conveniences; lot 25x100 ft. Price, $2,250. Only $250 , cash needed; balance to be paid in easy monthly payments. Also building lots for sale at Riverside, Penbrook and Paxtang. Job carpenter work i promptly attended to in any part of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnished. S. HALDEMA.X & CO.. 3222 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3622J-3. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED—Boarders for nicelv furnish ed rooms with steam heat, use of 1 bath and phone; large sitting room for | guests. Rates: Gentlemen, $22; man I and wife. S4O per month. Address 1302 | N. Third St. FARM FOR RENT | WANTED—Reliable trucker on shares; three acres smooth, rich soil in Camp Hiil borough: chance to make money. [ELMER ZIMMERMAN, Fifteenth and Walnut, Harrisburg, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT— Apartment, $27.00 I No. IS2I Market St $25.00 , No. 536 S. 17th St $20.00 No. 119 Royal Terrace, SIS.OO No. 536 S. Sixteenth St., sl7 00 | No. 1019 S. 2H4 St $12.00 ! No. LOOS N. 7th St SIO.OO | No. 124 Nagle St SIO.OO No. 1124 N. Cameron St $7.00 I No. 912 N. 3rd St., store room, ..$20.00 J. E. GIPPLE. FOR RENT—Two-story brick dwelling. No. HIS N. Fourteenth St.; all im provements; large front porch and back and front stairs. C. H. ORCUTT. No, 267 Cumberland St. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent in all parts of city. Reasonable rent and good locations. Inquire of HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 South Thlr teenth street. Ball phone 24SL FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00 530 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, i 18 South Third street. FOR RENT— Houses with all Improve ments. at moderate rentals. J. & j GIPPLE. 1251 Market St I is ROOMS FOR RENT I TOR RENT—Two communicating rooms j —second floor—use of bath and tele-. ; phone. Will be rented singly or en ! suite. Call 203 Kelker St., City. ROOMS WANTED , WANTED—Rooms and board or house ! keeping apartments, furnished pre j ferred, in Harrisburg or suburbs; fam -1 ily of four, two adults and two chil dren. Send full particulars to Box No. j 3434, care Star-Independent. | FURNISHED ROOMB FOR RENT. = /■ _ FURNJPHED front rooms with private j bath, for gentlemen only; all conven iences;. central location, near Capitol: private family. Bell phone 2038. Real Estata REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and SH-storf dwelling houses for aale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Derry Sts ; . ■ APASTMENTS TOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping apartments; large t rooms with kitchenettes and baths; modern improvements; electric lights; | gas; city steam; Janitor service. Apply at above address. ! APARTMENTS FOR RENT—3 room* ! and bath, coal Rnd gas ranges, gas or electric light, sls per month. Apply I st Mehring's Liquor Store, Sixth and Muench streets. Bell phone 2571. United 703 Y. —————mm UNFURNISHER ROOMS FOR RENT BUILT especially for light housekeep- I ing, with or without kitchenettes; ; rooms strictly private: stoves furnished i free; laundry, phone and bath room j privileges; private lockers for surplus < furniture. Inquire office (or see jani- I tor. same building). 429 Broad street. [Sunday inspection invited.) % Sale and Exchange . FOR SALE. FOR SALE—RoII top office desk; good condition. Cheap. Apply 1313 Mar ket street, 1 C. W. H. I.ANGLETZ. I.umber—We ars | overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can olter you big bargains. It will pay you to see i us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE—Commercial graphophones, | complete; In tine working order, in j eluding li new dictaphone cylinders: cost when new SIOO apiece. Will sell ; very cheap. Call at Bogar Hardware I Co - 131* N. Third St. ; DOG FANCIEKS—I have several pedi greed English Bulldog puppies ior sale. Investigate. Bell phone 3227 R. I LHAS. BLAIR. 319 Hamilton street. [ FOR SALE—Grocery store, well lo cated and doing good business. In | ventory price. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Mar -1 ket street. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE— All buildings in the Capitol Park aone purchased by Alleman Bros, will be de molished by the Connecticut Wrecking I e< ?;\ Haven, Conn. All materials win be sold on the premises. Inquire j of C. H. MERBERG. Plaza Hotel. j i'*OT\ SALE—At MELTZER'S, men's | overcoats, from SI.OO up; men's suits, from $2.50 up; ladies' suits. $1.50 up; , ladies dresses, from 75c up; soldier overcoats and soldier shoes. Every thing in good condition, slightly used. | Also felt boots, $1.95. Come arid look ! them over. Open evenings. S. MELTZ ER. 513 Walnut street^ FOR SALE—At SABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point, Bllz jiard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant I Urip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE S, 111-117 South second St., 5,000 sets New Sash. Bxlo *l2 L*, primed and glaaed, at $1.15 per ket. Also other sizes. I? VI ! I legal tv l J ' CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Monday, the 25th day | of January, 1915, under an Act of As | sembly entitled "An act to provide for ; the incorporation and regulation of j certain corporations," approved April I 29, 1874, and tne supplements thereto, i for the charter of an Intended corpora- I tlon to be called Russ Bros. Ice Cream Company, the character and object of j which is the manufacture of ice cream ; and other frosen confections and for I these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER, | Solicitors. HAVING acquired the interest in the ' Arm of Henry Gilbert A Son, 219 Market street, Harrisburg. Pa., owned by the late Lyman D. Gilbert, deceased, the business will be conducted at the same place and under the same name as formerly by the surviving partners. SPENCER C. GILBERT. HENDERSON GILBERT. ANNUAL, MEETING The annual meeting of the lot-hold ers of the Shoop's Church Cemetery As sociation shall be held in Shoop's Church on the last Saturday of January 1910, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock p. m. LAURENCE A. HETRICK. Secretary. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons that Bertha V. Beck, my wife, has separated from me and that I will no longer be responsible for bill or debts contracted for by her. DAVID W. BECK. 1510% N4rth Fifth St., Harrisburg, Pa. Last and Found ——————— FOUND. FOUND—A place without trying. Care ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St Call ti.nei pnone. Call and deliver. LOST. LOST—Gentleman's gold watch, hunt ing case, on Market street, between 7.30 and 9.00, with initials S. L Re ward If returned to 153 Paxton St., Cjty. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and on short notice. IT PATS TO USE STAR INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street white, airv, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup plied. Hardwood floor's; electric light; wired for tele phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February i, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 232 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. Waits HELP WANTED—MALE. AN experienced tobacco stripper; lady preferred. H. G. WISE, 34 S. Thtr teenth St., City. 12,500 ANNUALLY—Co-operate with me evenings at home; everything fur nfshed. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr. ISO MONTHL.T and expense* to travel, distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer ican Co., Chicago. WANTED —At once; young men for au tomobile business. Big pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we secure you position. Cen tury Automobile Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. _____________ WANTED—An Industrious young mar ried man to take charge of a farm. Must be experienced and well recom mended. Address 3433, care Star-Inde pendent. BA LL PLAYERS desiring to play pro fessional baseball, address, with stamp, National Base Ball Registration Bureau, Desk K 47. Indianapolis, Ind. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS; thor ough instruction. 15.00. Returned If not appointed. Particulars free. Amer ican Civil Service School. Washington, P. C. ' WANTED—Frank Gehrelt, 513 Emerald St., to whom two reserved tickets were awarded to-day, good for evening performance January 19, 1915. Call for them at the Star-Independent oJllce be fore 8 p. in., January 18, 1915, or they will be forfeited. WANTED—Traveler for 1915; age 27 to 50; experience unnecessary. Sal ary. commission and expense allowance to right man. J. E. Mcßrady, Chicago. WANTED—Men to sell seeds to farm ers and ornamental stock in towns. Apply at once. Herrick Seed Company, Rochester, N. Y. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: A&lebodied unmarried men between age of IS and 35; citizsns of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergncr Building, 3d & Market sts„ Hftrrisburu. 4ft .v. Queen St.. Lancaster, 333 Pine St.. Wllliamsport. 37 W. Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St.. r-hamoktn. Pa. WANTED—Men to learn bar'oer trade; only few weeks required. Wages after flrst month. For full particulars address Molar's Barber College, Dept. It, 207 Bowery, New York City. AUTO transportation school wants men to beoome practical chauffeurs and earn s7u to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. SN. Cameron; Bell any afternoon. ' SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Young man wishes restau rant or counter work; experienced in both; can give good references. Apply or address 1024 Market. WANTED— By a middle-aged man with a family, any kind of work; Janitor or night watchman or collector, or agency. Can give good references. Ad dress 2543 Agate St. WANTED—Position as hotel man, but ler In private family, or cook. Ad dress 329 Cherry St. A COLORED MAN wants a position around a house or store; can furnish reference*. Call or write 520 Brown Ave. WANTED—Co''ir':d who has his own bicyc e wants work of any kind. Address 1207 Apple Ave. YOUNG married man wishes a position as chauffeur; can give reference, do own repairing. Call or write. R. D., Court St..^Clty.,!, IM|| I, SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED—Experience»un necessary, easy work, big pay. Writ# for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn SloO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 245, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York. Kan sas City, San Francisco. WANTED—Salesman to sell our well known line of Red Cross Cider and Temperance Drinks in small country towns only. Commission 25 per cent and weekly drawing account of 135.00. Red Cross Company, Dept. A, St. Mo HELP WANTED. WORK spare time stamping and ad dressing envelopes. Trial lot and par ticulars 10c. Eureka Publishing Co.. Sta. A, Columbus, Ohio. Y> W. O. A. SERVICE Btcmgh Song Boole Will Be UMd at To morrow's Meeting The regular Sunday service of the Young Women's Christian Association will be held to-morrow afternoon at 3.30. The Rev. J. T. Spangler, pastor of the FVst United Brethren ohurch, will be the speaker and Miss Ruth Rodgers will sing a solo. All women and girls are invited to come to this meeting and spend the re mainder of the afternoon at the build Wants I 1 AGENTS WANTED KOKO-WHEAT crisp; SIO.OO daily profit —new confection; 5c package costs lHc; can of samples 10c; particulars free; machine $7.50 prepaid. Corneau Co., 511 N. Parkside, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED—To sell the origi nal Native Herbs. $1 box for 60c. Hor sample and terms address G. W. Bas sett. Dept. 33, Columbus, O. LARGE eastern factory wants reliable party to manage distribution, excep tional patented utility selling every where; big Income assured. Protection given. References required. Write Troxell, Hotel Commonwealth. LOCAL representative wanted—large Eastern Manufacturer of Loose Leaf Systems and Accounting Supplies re quires man in Harrisburg and vicinity. Knowledge of, stationery or printing lines preferred. A liberal commission proposition. Leads furnished. Excep tional opportunity to establish a legiti mate, dignified, permanent business. Sheppard Co., 305 Hudson St.. New York AGENTS—Side line men. Free sample. SIO.OO electric sign. Flashes change able wording in radiant beams of col ored electric light. Flashtric Sign Co., Chicago. AGENTS—SOO per cent, profit; free sam ples; gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Any one can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chi cago. AGENTS—Something new: fastost-sell ors and quickest repeaters on Permanent, profitable business. Good for SSO to $75 a week. Address Amer ican Products Co., 1604 Third St., Cin clnnati, O. HELP WANTED— FEMALB. HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL stands for individual instruction; best known methods in teaching; real touch typewriting; a personal interest in each student. My guarantee: To prepare students for good positions; to aid them in securing employment Tuition will be charged for 7 mos. only. Free after that time. Free trial. 31 N. Second St. I TEACH shorthand successfully by mail. Easiest system. Tuition pay able after securing position. Dahlke, Shorthand Ex'pert, Buffalo, N, Y. DO you 'want another $2 daily? No experience; constant spare time work knitting hosiery; machines furnished on contract; we take product. Gleason Wheeler & Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chi cago. LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Ssnd stamped-addressed envelope for full particulars. Eureka Co.. Dept. 112 D, Kalamazoo, Mich. LADIES sew at home; good pay. Send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, New York City. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv ing, home sewing, plain .cloth seams, any sewing machine, steady; no can vassing, no trlllers wanted: samples 10c. Returned If not satisfactory. Home Sewers Co., Jobbers' sewing, Rcboboth, Del. WANTED—An assistant matron at the home for friendless children, Reading, Pa. Apply HANNAH M. COTTEREL, 313 N. Fifth St., Reading. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—MiddIe-aged white woman wants position to do general house work; good references. Address MRS. K. WAGGONER, Hummelstown, Pa. YOUN'O QIRJ, wants position as house keeper, in small family, or chamber maid. Call 2017 Kensington St. YOUNG GIRL, (colored) desires posi tion as child's nurse, iisrht house work. Address Advertiser, 1308 N. Sev enth St., care Vennie. WANTED—A middle-aged German lady wishes days' work of any kind; has experience in restaurant. Call or ad dress A. R., 416 Christian St., Steelton, Pa. TOUNG WOMAN (colored) desires laun dry work; thoroughly competent, write or call Lewis, 60S Filbert St. Alio, younger sister desires light housework or position as nurse. WANTED—Washing and ironing to do at home. Apply U3B N. Seventh St WANTED—Position as housekeeper or work by the week. Address 1310 Herr street. DAY'S WORK wanted, of any kind, by a colored woman. Call or address 621 Brown Ave., City. WANTED—A young lady wishes gen eral housework or to keep house for a widower. Call or address 814 N. Third street. WANTED—MiddIe-aged woman wants position as housekeeper. Call at 1337 N. Second St. Bell phone £Ol gW. WANTED—White middle-aged lady wishes housekeeping for widower. Call 1716 N. Seventh St. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wishes work by the day. Call or address 1920 Wallace St. in£ if they desire. "Make Christ King," the song book used in the tabernacle meetings, wiil be used. Mrs. De Witt Dry will have charge of the meeting. FINANCE SPECIALTIES AGAIN TO THE FORE IN TO DAY'S MARKET Profit-Taking and Short Selling Im parted Some Heaviness to Repre sentative Shares To-day, While Spe cial Stocks Added to Recont Gains By Associated Press. New York, Jan. 16 (Wall Street). — Specialties wore again very much to the fore in to-day's early market, many speculative and low priced issues taking the place of the usual leaders. Mexican Petroleum, Continental Can, American Cotton Oil, Standard 'Milling pfd and Allis Chalmers pfl., were prominent for their gains of 1 to 3 points, while the favorites were almost neglected. U. S. Steel, Reading and Baltimore and Ohio shares were slightly lower and Mis souri Paoaific, yesterday's late feature, fell back, but soon recovered. Trading was moderately active, but bore more than the usual marks of professional manipulation. Profit taking and short selling im parted some heaviness to representa tive shares to-day, while special stocks added to recent gains. The movement was almost entirely in semi-active ami obscure issues, wherein gains of sub stantial proportions were recorded. U. S. Steel was the weakest o ftlie favor ites and Missouri Pacific moved uneven ly. Delaware and Hudson, Erie second pfd. and Western Maryland common 1 and pfd. were almost tho only railers to score gains. The closing was steady. Bonds were strong. WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week In Harrisburg and Other Cities Bank clearings in the United States | for the week ending January 14, as re | ported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, aggregate $3,079,704,000, against $3,100,191,000 last week and $3,451,203,000 in this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate $132,- 771,000, as against $138,189,000 last , week and $153,673,000 in this week last year. Following are the returns for this week, with percentages of change from this week last year: New York $1,851,832,000 D 14.3 Chicago 310,688,000 D 5.0 Philadelphia, 115,1)22,000 D 12.2 Boston 146,861''00 D 13.2 St. tjouis 79.684.000 Dli.s Pittsburgh 4 1,859,000 D 10.3 Kansas City 78,725,000 1 32.5 San Francisco, ... 51,664,000 1) 1.1 Baltimore 35,412,000 D 8.2 Scrantou, 3,298,000 D 4.7 I Reading 1,828,000 D 8.3 Ijanvaster 1.269,000 D 9.9 Wilkes-Barre 1.660,000 D .1 Erie 1,060,000 D 3.2 York 824,000 D IR.I Chester 512,000 D 21.2 Harrisburg 1,603,000 I) 49.4 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker. Arcade Building, Walnut and Court Streets New York, Jan. IS, 1915. Open Close Alaska Gold Mines 28'.* 28'4 Amalgamated Copper 55% 55% American Beet Sugar 35 35 % American Can 30% 30% American Can, pfd 94% 94% Amer. Cam! ami Fdy. Co., 47% !"% American Cotton Oil 45 46 American Ice Secur 23% 24 American Smeltins 6(1 % 60% Amer. Tel. and Tel 118% 118% Anaconda, 26% 26% Atchison 94V* 94% Baltimore and Ohio, 71% 71% Bethlehem Steel 52% 53% California Petroleum 15% 15% Canadian Pacific 160 16(1% Central Leather 35 35% Chesapeake and Ohio 42% 42% Chi., Mil. and St. Paul, ... 88% 88% Chino Con. Oovpcr 34% 34% Col. F. and 1 25 25 Oonsol. Gas 120% 120% Corn Products, 10 10% Erie 22% 22% do., Ist preferred, 35 35% Goodrich B. F 32 32% pfd 11 Hi 114% Breat N'ortiiern Ore, subs., 28% 2»% Intcrboro-MeL 50 50 trfhigh Valley 134%' 13 1% Mexican Petroleum 57 57 % Missouri Pacific 9% 9% *lev. Consol. Copper 12% 13 s'ew York Central 88% 88% Norfolk and Western 102 102 % forthern Pacific 102 102% 'ennnylvania Bailroad, ...105% 105% 'eople's Gas and Coke, ..120% 120% 'ittsburprh Coal 19 19 'resa tfteul Car 35% 36 lay Con. Copper, 16% 16% leading 147% 147% Republic Iron and JSleel... HO% L'O* Southern Pacific S5 % 85 V Southern Railway Tennessee Copper 31 31V Union Pacific 119 V* 119 U. S. Steel 51 "4 r.Mj do. preferred, 108'4 108'« Utah Copper 51 51% Virtfinia»Carollna Chem.,.. 18Ms l»Vi Western Maryland 16U 17 Weßtern Union Telegraph, 61 VI 61 Weutlnghouse Mfg 72 71 Philadelphia Closing Prices By Asaoriatcd Pre fx. Philadelphia, Jan. 16.—Stocks closed steady: Cambria Steel 44% General Asphalt . . 32 do pfd 67% Lake Superior Cor 10 Lehigh Navigation 75 Ijehigb Valley 67 Vi Penna. Railroad 52 15-16 Pha. Electric 23% Pha. Company 38% tlto pfd 34 Pha. Rapid Transit t, 11 Reading 73% Storage Battery 49 Union Traction 38% United States Imp 82% U. 8. Stwl 51>/ g Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Jan. 16.—Wheat lower; No. 2 red spot, export, 142#145; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 150@>153. Corn higher; No. 2 spot, export, 77 % tj) 11 " A Good Investment is a mortgage bond secur ed by property which ia increasing in value and issued by a company able to show a most satisfac tory earning capacity even under adverse conditions. We offer such a bond at a price to yield 5.30%. Write for circular No. M-106. A. B. Leach & Co. Inmtmant Securities 149 Broadway, New York Chicago Philadelphia Buffalo Boston Baltimore London JAPANESE eon jl'ss BONDS 070 A*k for Letter 109. CLARENCE CONE & CO. 46 Broadway New York For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Union Trust Co. FOR SALE A knitting factory; all Improve ments; electric power; two-story frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent if party would be interested in the manu facturing of ladies' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74. Stcelton, Fa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 N. FRONT STHISKT STKELTON. PA. 78',N-o. 2 yellow, local, 7!>®Bo. Oats higher; No. 2 white, 59@59J4- Bran firm; winter, per ton, S2B.SO# 29.50;- spring, per ton. |27.00@27.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 5.0S @5.15; fine granulated, 4.95@5.05; Con fectioners' A, 4.85@-1.95. Butter Arm; western creamery, ex* tra, 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37. Kggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, 12.00; current receipts, free case, 11.40; western extra. flrst3. free case, 12.00; firsts, free case, 11.40. Ijive poultry steady; fowls. 13@15; old roosters, 10@10»,4; chickens, 12® 14; turkeys, 12@16; ducks, 15@16J geese, 13 @ls. Dressed poultry firmer; turkevs, fan cy, 21 @6.30; yearlings, 6.60@7.45; lambs, 6.65® 8.35. 498 CHARITY CASES Monthly Report of Associated Charities Shows Activity At a meeting of the Board of Gov ernors of the Associated Charities the following statistical report was Riven: Tota! number of cases handled dur ing the month, 498; new eases re ceived, 179; old eases handled, 112; continued cases, 207; number of office interviews, 538; number of visits, 256; telephone calls, 355. The following is the list of organiza tions that reported cases to the Asso ciated Charities and the number: Directors of the Poor, 108; State tuberculosis dispensary, 12; churches, 12; out of town inquiry, 9; private in dividuals, 48; business firms, 5; Chil dren's Aid Society, 7; school board, 5; Sunshino Society, 7; American Rescue Workers, 1; eity schools, 10; chief of police, 9; Y. W. C. A., 2; P. & It. Y. M. C. A., 2; llarrisburg Hospital, 2; Visiting Nurseß' Association, 3; physicians, 5; Pennsylvania railroad, 2. A New Enterprise for Harrisburg The Regent tiheatrn, 410 Market street, will open Monday night at 7 o'clock with tho first moving picture production, "Officer 66 V from tha play_ by Augustus Mac Hugh, and by special arrangement, with George M. Cohan and Sam. H. Harris, with the celebrated comedian, Howard Kster brook, a five-reel production, as a head liner. This theatre will be devoted to high class film |ilays only and will be pro duced on the screen of this theatre as rapidly PS they are released by the manufacturers and are known as first run films. The management on the night of the opening will present each patron with a souvenir commemorating the occa sion. Adv.*