' ( c=# M ' " ' | ~ c , 7~ ~1 CALL 1991-ANY"PHONE."#" ■#-* I JO J5 Im # f Saturday Hours: Important Sale of Boys MT% fqunpkp isn 9f '< \ ► IWULAR DCPARTWZNT »TOM , , V i ► < i Important News About Silks, Furs, Suits and Coats j :In the Sale of Men's Suits wTs'eii fc? Another Week Has : ► There are suits of every kind, for stylish and conservative dress- v,ilv3 VAL AA TT All WVll Ivi __ Every man will profit by giving this sale his consideration. minster Rugs Less Prices Brought a New Revision I ► Reduced to $6.75 —trom $8.90 aud $9.! M*. All perfect goods: floraTand ori- I C x\ \ < y Reduced to $8.75 —from $10.90 to $15.00. ental patterns; included in this X Q-ffl OTTOW OT 111 A rft fill lilt* < K Reduced to $10.75 —from $13..">0 to $16.50. sale are the well-known makes of Ulv A vjpUiU'i Oullvf JL Reduced to sl2.7s—from $15.00 to SIB.OO. Sanford. Smith and Empire. Note Women's Shoes at $1.98 „v,„« -+i i • ~ ► the price reductions: rcuularlv $3 «M) Zi $3 50 r Sn,all IT ll |. 1 with narrow brims and rather long ! At si4.fts r»DiiLriv • ,p • • , . lines. Unlike the other sailors, its ribbon tails at back < ► I 9x12 tt g ' * ' ol - ,a " * u Tf T; 01 Hr do not dangle, for they are wired to appear as though < k 1? A m Mnti A «*a At sl6.9B—regularly $22.50; shoos' Tin sizes ° naiu " u ' raised by the wind. Exceedingly chic and tirst shown in < ' tor conservative Men, Are " U Harrislmrg. other popular models that hold sway, are: - ► . . , _ 7 *«J 518.98-regnl.rly Woman's Black Jersey Leggings, : New Models in Overcoats ; h ±; »> r «. d s^r„s e "p'," 4B< ' ,r ' : " wl - They are not of the ordinary style, for they feature the Qlk BOlHiet BffGCtS \ \ y raglan sleeve, yet are not as striking as the Balraacaan. lull standard quality. sl.oo—regularly $1.50. C L draped backs give a quiet, dressy appearance. (Similar to New Process Linoleum, 39<* sq. Women's Rubbers 49<* the lltoo Olla/JCo i y iliustiation.) r .^"' a [' ,v '": av - v i guaranteed sort; children's at 39** Most all are patterned after the medium or low crowns, < AllmSs 1 ™»i««re perle«ly%. h ,tit" j Men',, Women", and Children's and long narrow brims The "She,.herder" is distin- , blues and Uxtoidb. Also models | out tacking; all perfect goods; cut ; Buckle Arctics, formerly up to guished by a slight mushroom brim, and the Polk Bonnet, < tor the man who desires the | from full rolls. ' $2.50 pair, at while not as decided as former Polk effects, has a brim < set-in sleeves. All have velvet Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Third FIoor— BOWMAN S. dipped in front and raised in back. Satin is a dominant < collars. Specially priced at material, and in color, white undoubtedly is the leader. < IN THE SALE OF SILKS : Every Overcoat re Many Economies in Fifty Dozen New Shapes of ; and Balmacaan Black and N Silks Satin, Now on Sale at ; __ __ . _ Striped Wash Silk, 39** from $l.O0 —3G inches wide. n««/1 HC 4 Ha C l?pppi vp/1 a Satin Foulards, 39c from —2O inches wide; neat figures and oJlfl T" •V'O < lAa ° ivttti VUU CL floral designs; newest shades of Rocky Mountain blue, navy, Rus- Tlioi . Qi . , , , . . , ~ ( ... .. , , 4 TIT Tl « Slfln ' bla,-k " Pi P in » Hwk > Copenhagen, taupe, Belgian blue, Battle- ,<? > <Ue the las ' « o 0 j,i* ' il T ' po,n,lar ah,,dcß: NAW PriPA ship grav. Sand, putty, peach, cherry, < Satin PoularH«! TO/* fm™ ti v i • 4 t I i Regimental blue, black, white, A . ... , . o»im rouiaras, trom $l.O0 —,5b inches wide; Tuxedo brown, nXin. ui, „ I his includes our entire stock of Russian, royal, navy and black. Battleship grey, Belgian blue. 4 ('hiiichillas. kerseys, cheviots, ve- i Striped Chiffon Taffeta .IOC t'rmi, >SI i>i t» *1 . ' 4 lours, thibets, cassimeres and Scotch brown, grey, changeable blue hii.l wistaria As our Millinery Chief is in constant touch with the New York »< ix t» r * s - Cfhiffca Taffeta, 81.35 from *1.50-:16 inches wide • fine nualitv • modistes, our milliners are able to interpret all the new ideas as they Included arc the popular form-fit- ! fifteen different shades for street and evening wear ' appCar ' a " d mvanabl y show them flrst " < ting coats that are extremely smart Crepe de Chines, $1.25 from #l.so—extra good qualitv; all silk- Second Kloop - BOWMAN ' S ' " in fashion circles. These are shown beautiful street and evening shades; 40 inches wide. ' ' in dark greens, heather Imported Natural Pongee, from $1.25 ; 36 inches wide. , * from SIO.OO to $20.00. now priced at Bl3Ck Silks $6.75, $8.75, $10.75 inch Satin Messaline, from $1.00; from $1.19; ' 4 / Isiii » I ; i6-inch Black Drtvs Taffeta. 59C from 89c; 79<* from sl.lO 4 * i ■ , (Eamjiroof) Coats; un- ! 36-ineh Black Dress Peau de Soie, 89c from $1.19; 99C from f, ' lined; convertible collar of self-ma- ! $1.25. Qk < , terlal; ,0 inches lon S- at $10.75. 36-inch Black Satin Duehesse, S9c from $1.10; 99c from $1.19. ' < y T,liril FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 40-inch Black Crepe de Chine. $1.25 from $1.50. 1|1»W $ A — 23-inch Black Satin Messaline. 49c from 75c. if I^l [ , Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S 0 \ Madame Announcing I n . t.ißKrl'Sr Two Splendid Little Neces- \ : t Perkins Z;Zr:^Z%°: h " s White Sale sities That ||flLCtJ : A nationally known beauty Miss Perdue understands the T.l-_ A _ . JBiawßiWjH / \ y expert and diagnostician of fa- I Hair Goods business thoroughly XteillS Are oDSCIAI JffiflHßMW / y cial inipcrtVetious. comes to our and lias held responsible positions «. , ■Woinc/Nnb- n * \ \ I\\ * , store for one week, beginning 'in New York and Boston, Mass. Cambric and Nainsook Gowns; \ W \\ 10-morrow morning. • square and \ -necks; X O-tllflrrnW I t I t , ► I cordial invitation is extended ' 011 » a °d short sleeves: trimmed j \ \\ • ► Madame Perkius will demon- I to all l former customers to visit with embroidery and insertion— ( KitchenwarC Dept.) r^3 7 A iZ) /J 1 ► -trate Elmo Beauty Prepara- ?V r l^ a ' r Goods Parlor, where , ribbon run; at LA ' }"wF • * y tior.s, featuring Elmo's Tissue kindly advice will be given as to White Petticoats; nainsook, wide Basket Fryer, consisting *\ < Builder, Cleansing Cream and i J' our ,a ' r needs, and information ruffle of embroidery; ribbon run °* one 8 1 ,4-inch pan and one 8- Cucumber Bleach. , soured as to the new style ten- beading, at 50<S ' iri( ' l ' wir « basket. Complete for 1 dencies; this, of course, without Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 2oC. A TTall©<* IPI ti ell * * We take great pleasure in an- i c ' lar g e - $169 Fire-proof 8-inch Casse- XIIC lIUUOv UX 1 lUoll V/Udlo " : i /s Your H air White Dainty Wew Neck- Where only the best plushes, aud the most stylish are ] , who ranks as a head-liner »_ dies and ball loot. Price is SI.OO permitted to lie displayed. j among the beauty experts of ' JUSt w cai OtjrlCo IUIT 69c American Girl, Cedar Oil w , , , , ~ h America. Every woman who de- Beginning tO GreV 5 SatUrddV Mop for cleaning, dusting and pol- La el v week bllllgs new l eeei\einent.s, nnd as the season Mres to conserve her youthful 7 * _ J ishing hardwood floors, doors, win- advances, the vahies seem to grow. At tills moment they are 4 ► complexion or to remove skin ! Whatever shade your hair is. Oriental lace flare col- dow casings, wainscoting, and all all selliuir at one lil'ice• ► discolorations. wrinkles and we ve not one but dozeris of lars, 25«>. (Value 50c ) finished surfaces. Complete with a ► other facial imperfections I switches and transformations that v , ~ handle, CI S 1111 < should not fail to consult this Wl . n perfectly match it. And in £ exv shapes 111 Ol'gandie f Ij.UU noted authority. Demonstration tllis sale of Sophia Gray Hair, collars, and collar and cliff „ ® SjfPf Tollet Paper, in , < Will be conducted on our main you'll find just what you want at sets. 25<* and 50£. rolls tor 25< - Sa,ts seal pl»s»es, lined with heavy yarn-dyed satin ot , ► floor in conjunction with the the price you want to pay. i j n _„„ tl J io Old Dutch Cleanser—chases dirt. sott colors and black. Fur collars and some are detachable. ► Drug Sundry Section. Grey ew itch e s to morrow SSctu makes everything spic and span; Half belts, full belts, flared effects and l'ox trot models. ' " 91.25, value $2.00. M ai n FIoor— BOWMAN'S. "'" BOWMAN'S. We've sold scores of the same grades at $25.00 and higher. < ► Cofurrl ot7 a n Tey switches, to-morrow ___ When the store opens to-morrow there will be almost a ' . waLU.xU.ciy 92.25, value $3.00. j jn CAt S~\ T~* w~* hundred for you to choose from. ' Specials vaf u r e e $3(Mr formatioU8at91,95 ' I fib SALE OF FUQS se t -»,,d noor-BowMAN-s. T? nr TJ "Second'noor bowmax's. Reductions Are Extraordinary Little Prices on ~, t ; " J? Ol Ilie UOVS TTr % A We again call your attention to the fact that our entire T . A . rT Tnr^ on lt n i • mVl i' e ** 1 : Bovb'4l.ooflannel blouse waists I WomeH S SI.OO fur stock (a large one) has been lowered in priee, and DOMESTICS ments inTur Comfortable 1 in plain blue, grev and neat anyone desiring a fine set, coat or separate scarf or muff, - c t E oo m-ThM Ptaor < . s,Pipes, a. »*. ' Union Suits "my secure on. at a « unusual For Saturday «in« . : TnmnwAm . n • olUr ; poeketa; .naroon and grey, : 10*11101X0W 69C «i«'- ,?!S° li"! ,2 1 » 0 ; Quilt Patches, pack-flan- ~ V at $20.00. Isabella Fox Scarfs, 93.»8;—f0r- nelette; put up ill packs, wO£LD 0"D6C13.1S ► Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Bleached cotton, fleece lined- Black Coney Sets, $5.08 to m " lv 10 <">and $12.00. Pillow Cases, B<* each—made of in „.,bpv J. silk finish; pearl buttons. f. 1 ,?'?!?' formcr, y SIO.OO to «,,?«!/ S, ' arfs - $1.48; —formerly bleached muslin; 3-inch hern; laun- ' * S<>a ' 1 ' ' " i ' f JO.OO. ▼IU.UU. l i lO AT ' iK t • ' j r _ _ . „ . women's 25c tan hOBe, plain and Tiger Coney Sets. 85.«<); former Belgian Lynx Scarfs, $4.50; A 10 cakes Ivory Soap, 38^. r MpTl'q silk lisle; double soles; wide garter ly $9.50. formerly $7.50 and SIO.OO. Cotton Flannel, 7 yd.—reg- 10 cakes P. &G. Naptha soap, A iUvil O jl.jll tons: pair Baceoon Sets, $15.00 and $18.00; Black C'onev Scarfs, sl.oß;—for- ularlv 10c ; heavy nap; cut Ironi K l ' J r V . formerly $20.00 and $25.00. inerlv $3.50 to $7.50. full pieces. in i n i v .. 4 r Pa-iamac a- €1 Women's black: stockings, cash- S«t ß . $550.00; «ormerly Black Fox Muffs, s4.oß;_for- Sheets, 69<-size 90x90 inches; 1 cakes l^els Naptha soap, L rajamas at $1 heelsand toes; Russian Mink Sets, $24.00;-for- Biack Wol'f Muffs, $4.08;-for- made of Mohawk muslin; marked 10 cakes Lautz's Naptlia soap, < L dim^ o li«h?Da« fla,iriel; iW me " Children's 25c underwear; vesfs n 2 ' and French will comVout aftTr wasHng. 01 bo v' W ash hi g Powder' 38^ "° W ' it and pearl u tons B, ' k r?gi Me^ lied; ' ~ WoTo. y .""teh Mohawk < [ 1 ' " H . lt lined, 18< each. Second Floor-BOWMAN'S. sheete; 42x36 inches at each; C . O. D. [ Main Moor BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 45x36 inches at each. Basement—BOWMAN'S. 1 p Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. - — rt ■ ■ ./ : - P..,..i W ui.!<ll«L y - ' v * ' 1 118: * * 5
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