The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited — -y Death and Obituary DIED. SCHIIEGEL —On January 13, 1915, at 6.30, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William T. Marker, at Bowmaira dule, Mary C. Schlegel. aged 76 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the residence of Mrs. Bellman. No. 20 Evergreen St. Rela tives and friends are invtted to attend without further notico. EVERTS—On January 14, 1915. Garrett H. Everts, 1429 N. Front St. Funeral on Friday morning at 10.30 o'clock, from his late residence? 1429 • N. Front St. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further no tice. Interment Lancaster. Please omit flowers. NEEIJY —On Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock, at her home, No. 1011 N. Sec ond street, Mary Emma Daugherty Neely, wife of Dr. Edgar C. Neely. Funeral Friday forenoon at 11 o'clock from her late residence; interment in Harrisburg cemetery. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Please omit flowers. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Clara A. Reed and family wish to thank the|r neighbors and friends most sincerely for their kindness to them during the re«*nt illness and death of their beloved husband and father. Appreciation is expressed for generous contributions of floral effects which were numerous. Thanks also is extended T. M. Mauk & Son for the able manner in which they handled the funeral. Mrs. Clara A. Reed and Family. Mlscellaneofls FUBNITUBE PAO KINO PACKING—A. H. SHRUNK, 1>0« North Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture. china and bricahrac. Bell phone II»W. W. J. WENRICH. Z»» Hamilton street— Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both end*. kinds of hauling. Bell phone MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ESTIMATES given for all kinds of elec tric Wght wiring and repairing; elec tric contracting a specialty; no Job too •mall or large; all work guaranteed. PEERLESS ELECTRIC! REPAIRING CO.. 7 Broad St. STORAGE. STORAGE) In S-story brick building. roar 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonaule rates. Affply to V. ii. LLttNKK, Jeweler, 406 Market St. HARRIBBURG BTORAGIS CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof, divided into Qreproof private rooms ot various si»es for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of tire retardant con struction for general merchandise. They a.e equipped with two large electrio freight olevators and spiral chute for the quick and safe hanuiing of house hold goods and all kinds of merchan dise. Low storage rates. South fecund street, near Paxton. oi the tracks of Penna. R. R. MONEY 10 LOAN LOANS-—ss to s2tro tor Honest working people without bank credit at less than legal rates; payable In Install ments to suit borrowers' conveniefaja CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co_ 104 Chestnut St. imk ALL KINDS OF HAULING ALL kinds of hauling; large two-toa truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in the cltjy and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, dav or evening. WM. H. DAR& 1463 Vernon St. Bell phone 3517 J. ernon > Sale and Exchange FOB BALE. C. W. H. I,»ANGIiETZ, I.umber—We ar® overstocked with all kinds and ; Ktaues of lumber and we can offer you ! * jHfains, will pay you to see us. Office Cameron and Mulberry 3ts. AN old-established drug: business for sale; location in central part of busi- i ness Hection; terms reasonable. Ad ilrcss 3433, care b UIIjD i NO MATERIALS FOR SALE— ! AM buildings in the Capitol Park zone ' purchased by Alleman Bros, will be de- J inolishpd by the Connecticut Wrecking CO., of New Haven, Conn. All materials : will be sold on. the premises. Inquire of C. H. MERBERG, Plaza Hotel. FOR SALE—At MELTZER'S, men's 1 overcoats, from SI.OO up; men's suits, " from $2.50 up; ladies' fruits, $1.50 up; ladles' dresses, from 75 c up; soldier overcoats and soldier shoes. Every- ' thing in good condition, slightly used. ' Also felt boots, $1.95. Come and look ' them over. Open evenings. S. MELI'Z ER,SI3 Walnut street. FOR SALE—At GABLE S, 111-117 South Second St; Red Tip, Ring Point, Blia tard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Lrii) and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St, 5,000 sets New Sash, Bxlo *l2 L*. primed and glazed, at $1.15 nor seL__Also^other sizes. INVESTMENT ' Real Estate Bargain • FIVE BRICK HOUSES Two-story bricks—six rooms— { bath—furnace—cemented cellar— front and back porches. 7 Only one block from trolley lines t v and beautiful Heservoir Park. We're naming the low dollar on 1 these houses and It won't be long until aoiqe shrewd person picks them up. ■ s Miller Bros. & Neefe i iEAL ESTATE Firs Insurance Surety Bonds 1 LOCUM- and Court Street* «I 1 I ' '' . " ' S t. # ' ✓ HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 14, 1915. Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. ARMY OF UNITED STATE MEN WANTED:. Ablebodied unmarried men between age of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bejgner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg, 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster, 353 Pine St., Willlamsport. 37 W. Mar ket St, York, or 113 Independence St, Shamokin, Pa. YOUNO MAN for our local Interests. sl3 weekly to start. No canvassing. Frontier Mfg. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; only few weeks required. Wages after first month. For full particulars address Moler's Barber College, Dept. R, 207 Bowery. New York City. WANTED—A shoe repair man to work on commission; can make on an aver age, $12.00 per week; must be reliable and good workman. Call at shop. BROOKS WEIGLE, New Cumberland, Pa. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for s3s.ST—Gentleman's gold watch, hunt- ' ing case, on Market street, between 7.30 and 9.00, with initials S. L. Re- 1 ward if returned to 153 Paxton St., 1 City. . I -— ( LOST—A small gold cuff pin with three " pearls and safety clasp, somewhere i between Calder, Third or In Broad Htreet market house. Reward if return- " ed to 1100 N. Front St. « War in Belgium Bankrupts Italian Firm Turin. Italy, Jan. 13, 8.30 P. M.— ( The Francq firm, desilors in precious ( metak, went into bankruptcy to-day. ( There is a deficit of 10,000,000 francs j /Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—Or will exchange for Improved city property, an Imposing: 14-room 40x40 ft Colonial 1 suburban residence. All Improvements; porch 10 ft. wide, 70 ft. long. 200 ft. Shrubbery; six kinds of fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes and one fare from Market Square. Call Bell phone No. 3048 L. FOR SALE—One frame house on Lewis street, Riverside; all conveniences; lot 25x100 ft. Price. $2,250. Only $250. cash needed; balance to be paid In easy monthly payments. Also building lots for sale at Riverside, Penbrook and Paxtang. Job carpenter work promptly attended to in any part of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnlsliou. S. HALDEMAN & CO., 3222 North Sixth street Bell phone 3522J-S. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE— Jury St., Highspire, reduced S4OO. 161S N. Fifth St., reduced S2OO. 1808 N. Fifth St., r&duced S2OO. Clayton Ave.. Edgemont, reduced SSO. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE— -64 acres, one mile from trolley line; 4V6 miles from Harrisburg; good buildings; possession April Ist. ' BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—Corner property, at 620 Cumberland street, for safe. Large house; suitable business location; spe cial price to quick buyer. Particulars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Build ing. PENBROOK LOT, 30x150, for sale at great sacrifice. This lot is well locat ed and must be sold soon. An unusual bargain. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. THREE-STORY brick house, No. "28 N. Fourteenth it.; all improvements; porch; side entrance; large lot; drive alley on rear. Price and particulars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR. SALE Beautiful new brick houses, on Seeond and Third streets. Riverside. Steam heat and all other modern improvements. Prices SS,BOO to $4,700. 'Easy terms. E. Moeslein, 424 State street; Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Mar ket street OFFICES FOB BENT FOR RENT —Suite of offices rooms) on first floor; electric lights and city steam. In good condition. Apply to MRS. A. I. MILLER, 15A S. Third St — WANTED TO LEASE WANTED—To lease, May Ist, modern suburban property containing not less i than two acres, with fruit trees and plenty of garden room; must have stable or ga«>age and hennery; house must be in fine condition und contain not less than eight rooms and bath, situated very close to trolley line and not more than thirty or forty minutes ride to Harrisburg. If property Is desirable, would consider buying later if owner will take large vacant lot, located in Camp Hill, in trade. State rent wanted also full information concerning prop erty and sale price and terms. Address B499i_ca_re of Star-Independent. BOABDEBS WANTED WANTED—Boarders for nicelv furnish- I ed rooms with steam heat, use ot bath and phone; large sitting room for guests. Rates; Gentlemen, $22; man and wife, S4O per month. Adcjfcss 1302 N. Tftird St. FARM FOB BENT ! WANTED—Reliable trucker on shares- ! three acres smooth, rich soil in Camp Hill borough; chance to make money ELMER ZIMMERMAN. Fifteenth and > Walnut, Harrisburg, Pa. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT. FOR RENT—Two-story brick dwelling, ! No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St.; all im- I provements; large front porch and back i and front stairs. C. H. ORCUTT. No. 267 Cumberland St. DESIRABLE houses and apartments fori rent in all parts of city. Reasonable i rent and good locations. Inquire of I HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir teenth street. Bell phone 248 L. FOR RENT—AII Improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00 530 S. Eighteenth, ... $18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third street. I FOR RENT—Houses with all improve- | ments, at moderate rentals, J. E. i GIPPLE. 1251 Market St i FURNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT. FURNISHED front rooms with 'private bath, for gentlemen only; all conven iences; central location, near Capitol; private family. Bell phone 2038. FUBNISHED OB FURNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT FOR RENT—Two large unfurnished communicating rooms on first lloor; well heated, with Improvements; also furnished room on second floor; corner BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT an* 2 H-story dwelling house* for sale. Elder R«al E«tate Co. 24th and Perry Sts APARTMENTS FOB BENT APARTMENT for rent; flrst ftotr, 1939 N. Sixth St. Also houses 635 and 641 Schuylkill St. Apply to J. C. MEHR ING, 24 39 N. Sixth St., or CHAS. A. MEHRING, Fourth and Peffer Sts. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping apartments', large rooms with kitchenettes and baths; modern improvements; electric lights; 1 gas; city steam; Janitor service. Apply at abov Enola, Pa., Jan. 14.—A1l arrange ments have been completed for the en tertainment of the largo number of guests to be present at the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the open ing of the Enola yards of the Penn sylvania railroad, to be held in the Enola Y. M. C. A. auditorium Jo-mor row evening. The committee in charge of the celebration consists of Harry Knier, chairman; George W. Fisher, chairman on history; C. B. Gray, chair man of the finance committee; J. A. Ringland, chairman of the invitation WILLIAM B. M'CALEB i Superintendent of the Philadelphia Di- vision Will Be An Enola Guest committee; J. H. Kinter, chairman of the entertainment committee; Arthur E. Jeffries, chairman of the music and program committee, who has been one of the leading figures in promoting the success of the. plans. It will be the most important entertainment in Euola's history. Judge S. J. M. McCarrell, of Harris burg, has been invited to make the principal talk of t,000,000 and on January 17, Jlbei JUDGE S. J. M. M'CARRELL He Will Make Principal Addreis at Enola Anniversary Celebration 1905, were opened by the railroad company. Then shifting was started and business was opened. The yards are the largest classification varils in the world and the facilities provided for handling freight far exceeded the expectations of the officials of the com pany. The .yards are well manned by the following officials: VardiKaster, George W. Fisher; general foreman, C. B. Gray; engine house foreman, J. A. Ringland; foreman of the car repair fftiopg, H. G. iliasslor; foreman of the car inspectors, ,T. H. Kinter; freight agent, O. G. Darlington. The committee in charge of the an niversary celrfbration has arranged for about 550 guests and requests that persons attending will please not bring along children, as the building jwill not accommodate them.